#avr | Logs for 2014-04-22

[07:01:50] <anton02> do you think two rear motors for steering with just a front trolley wheel would be as good as 1 servo front wheel for steering?
[07:02:06] <anton02> in terms of cornering quickly
[07:09:35] <anton02> cornering sharply
[07:12:05] <Tom_itx> generally the non powered wheel is behind
[07:12:06] <anton02> is the front wheel on this kit called a trolley wheel? http://littlebirdelectronics.com.au/products/makeblock-configurable-2wd-robot-kit-blue
[07:13:34] <Tom_itx> this worked good: http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/lightseeker/lightseeker_index.php
[07:13:40] <Tom_itx> and so did this: http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/maxbot/maxbot_index.php
[07:14:32] <Tom_itx> i certainly wouldn't pay 90 bucks for it
[07:19:19] <anton02> Tom_itx: what is that? http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/maxbot/balance02.jpg
[07:20:01] <Tom_itx> just a pot
[07:20:09] <Tom_itx> used instead of a gyro to balance
[07:20:16] <Tom_itx> for testing
[07:20:22] <Tom_itx> the software
[07:21:20] <anton02> cool
[07:25:21] <Tom_itx> yeah that one was kinda cool.. fun to do
[07:25:41] <Tom_itx> learned alot about PID with that one
[15:51:41] <naquad> what are the languages available for programming AVRs? i don't mean C or Assembly (those are by definition), i mean some other more expressive languages
[15:52:19] <mdszy> FORTH?
[15:52:26] <antto> i think avrgcc supports some C++ things
[15:52:37] <mdszy> There'a always forth via amforth or whatever.
[15:52:40] <vsync_> more expressive means more software engineery -cantdothingsforshit -sorta stuff?
[15:52:44] <mdszy> ^
[15:53:05] <mdszy> If you need something more than C, a MCU might not be what you want, IMO.
[15:53:16] <antto> true that
[15:53:18] <vsync_> just do what all the other retards do and throw a python interpreter in it! GO!
[15:53:22] <mdszy> ^
[15:53:28] <Roklobsta> anything gcc can compile should work
[15:53:32] <mdszy> Python is the answer to all the world's problems.
[15:53:33] <vsync_> it will be super awesome
[15:53:33] <Roklobsta> ada, fortran
[15:53:45] <Roklobsta> it'd be super slow on an avr
[15:53:50] <antto> mirc script ;P~
[15:53:54] <Roklobsta> lua
[15:53:59] <mdszy> brainf***
[15:54:02] <vsync_> hell nodejs is more suited for you sir?
[15:54:20] <mdszy> hahaha JS
[15:54:28] <vsync_> I think that's the one!
[15:54:46] <Roklobsta> does avrgcc support garbage collection?
[15:55:10] <kastein> if it did half the arduino users on the planet would be in here asking why their code wasn't doing anything
[15:55:19] <vsync_> :D
[15:55:27] <vsync_> LOL
[15:55:37] <mdszy> They already do, kastein, or they wonder why hooking a lightbulb up to their Arduino isn't doing anything.
[15:55:47] <kastein> do u even MOSFET bro
[15:56:34] <kastein> you forgot "do I actually have to connect the grounds"
[15:56:41] <mdszy> Oh god.
[15:56:43] <kastein> "things go crazy when i don't, why is that?"
[15:57:03] <mdszy> WHy can't I power my arduino with AC?!?!
[15:57:07] <kastein> I saw that question/argument in here a few days ago. it was depressing
[15:57:11] <mdszy> And why does it blow when I hook it up to a car battery?!?!?!!!
[15:57:29] <Roklobsta> i don't know how 'easy' can the stupid arduino IDE can go together in the same sentence.
[15:58:32] <mdszy> Why can't I just use a transformer to get my wall voltage down for use with the Arduino!?!?
[15:58:42] <vsync_> it doesn't really blow when you hoot it up to a car battery, btw
[15:58:44] <mdszy> I feel like someone has probably asked that before.
[15:58:58] <mdszy> vsync_: slight exaggeration there, I know :P
[15:59:10] <vsync_> and you can power it off mains, since there is no universal truth as to how it should work
[15:59:28] <vsync_> i recommend it wholeheartedly
[15:59:57] <mdszy> and then you have people who consider this a schematic https://i.imgur.com/uIayBSq.jpg
[16:00:25] <vsync_> i've seen a lot of those
[16:00:29] <vsync_> i believe it's the python people
[16:00:34] <mdszy> 1. Download Kicad
[16:00:40] <mdszy> 2. Draw a non-retarded schematic
[16:00:43] <mdszy> 3. Screenshot
[16:00:45] <mdszy> 4. ????
[16:00:51] <mdszy> 5. Look like someone who isn't retarded
[16:00:52] <vsync_> 5. steal underpants
[16:01:11] <vsync_> i believe there are little green men inside avr's who do the calculations
[16:01:57] <mdszy> I think they're yellow, vsync_, please take your racism elsewhere.
[16:04:09] <antto> it's aliens! i know it!
[16:04:23] <antto> they pull the logic gates
[16:04:52] <antto> sometimes, they decide to troll on you, and they do everything wrong, intentionally
[16:05:06] <antto> dem alien basterds
[16:12:11] <vsync_> mdszy: and also the 100 ohm resistor resembles male genitalia
[16:12:41] <antto> hm?
[16:13:02] <mdszy> vsync_: apparently it's supposed to be an LED
[16:20:56] <xorm> what the jesus fuck
[17:15:53] <specing> xorm: lol
[19:56:04] <anton02> what is this called?
[19:56:05] <anton02> http://www.ultracane.com/image/data/rolling%20ball%20tip.jpg
[19:56:44] <anton02> tom itx uses this in his maxbot http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/maxbot/balance02.jpg
[19:56:48] <anton02> its the same thing
[19:56:58] <anton02> i just want to know what it is so i can buy one
[19:57:46] <Tom_itx> get an omniroller
[19:58:33] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/largebot/omniwheel.jpg
[19:59:50] <Tom_itx> mine was just a pieced of teflon
[20:37:54] <anton02> i like these wheels http://thekneeslider.com/images/2012/09/spherical-drive-system-motorcycle.jpg
[20:38:48] <anton02> i wish i knew where to get something like this http://skpang.co.uk/catalog/images/robotics/wheels_and_casters/0J455.600.jpg
[20:39:29] <Casper> 3d printed
[20:40:13] <Valen> why would you 3d print that?
[20:43:26] <Casper> the one in the second picture is 3d printed
[20:44:54] <anton02> i found lego ones not really ideal though http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/2-Lego-BALL-CASTERS-mindstorm-s-robot-omnidirectional-wheel-pivot-ev3-nxt-rcx-/271436087669?pt=Building_Toys_US&hash=item3f32da0175
[20:47:10] * Casper would still use standard wheels
[20:48:01] <anton02> it's just for the front wheel of the car. Rear dual motors steer and move car
[20:49:42] <Casper> seems to be complicated...
[20:51:56] <anton02> Casper: does this seem complicated? http://littlebirdelectronics.com.au/products/makeblock-configurable-2wd-robot-kit-blue
[20:52:42] <Casper> the steering will be
[20:52:50] <anton02> i see
[20:52:56] <Casper> what you save in hardware you get it in software
[20:53:15] <anton02> i asked about this last night and tom-itx said that his one was perfectly capable of turning
[20:53:21] <Casper> I'ld just make a real steering on the front
[20:53:26] <Casper> oh it can turn
[20:53:45] <Casper> even better than with front steering
[20:54:00] <anton02> just a huge pain in the ass?
[20:54:18] <Casper> good luck making it go straight on an incline, or with a wheel in gravel and one on concrete
[20:54:50] <anton02> i dont see why the incline would be hard
[20:55:12] <anton02> are those two situations the only problematic ones with that set up?
[20:55:27] <Casper> no
[20:55:28] <Valen> heh sounds like our combat bots
[20:55:37] <Valen> its not "stable"
[20:55:47] <Casper> but if you can make it work with those 2, the others will be ok
[20:55:51] <Valen> it will need externally referenced feedback to go in a straight line
[20:56:20] <Casper> the thing is: how will you detect that one wheel is spinning?
[20:56:25] <anton02> Valen: do you mean due to the 2 motors running at different speeds? I have PID feedback to take care of that
[20:56:31] <Casper> or barelly slipping?
[20:56:45] <Casper> PID feedback is totally useless
[20:56:50] <Valen> the thing is you will be skid steering
[20:56:58] <Valen> Casper: oh it'll help
[20:57:08] <Valen> but it will drift
[20:57:26] <Casper> if you need to make the right wheel spin at twice the speed to make it go straight, and you use a constant speed... you will turn
[20:57:32] <Casper> that's why I say useless
[20:57:50] <Casper> sure, PID help, but it actually need another feedback to make it go straight
[20:58:31] <anton02> i have wheel encoders for left and right. Is that what you mean by 'another feedback'?
[20:58:41] <Valen> your wheels will slip
[20:58:50] <Valen> or be different diamiters
[20:58:55] <Valen> or both
[20:59:10] <anton02> yes, thats definitately not going to work then.
[20:59:17] <anton02> because i need very precise control
[20:59:29] <anton02> over exactly where the car goes
[20:59:50] <Valen> if you need it to be precise to some external datum you are best off referencing said datum
[20:59:51] <anton02> it has to be driven by a computer
[21:00:20] <Valen> inertial navigation and dead reckoning are subject to the accumulation of errors
[21:00:44] <anton02> theres no real time feedback on that datum so error correction in real time isnt possible. the datums position is given once every 5 seconds
[21:01:39] <anton02> therefore im thinking i have no choice but to use a front servo with standard steering
[21:01:50] <Valen> you don't know what a datum is if its moving
[21:02:00] <Valen> a datum is a fixed external point
[21:03:27] <anton02> but as you said, wheels are going to slip so you cant tell exactly how far the cars travelled to the datum
[21:03:54] <Valen> ok, think GPS
[21:04:06] <Valen> its all referenced to the naval obsovtory in the USA
[21:04:10] <Valen> that is the datum
[21:04:53] <anton02> but gps gives real time feedback on the objects current location with respection to the datum
[21:05:09] <anton02> i wont have real time feedback on the cars current location
[21:05:29] <anton02> respect to*
[21:05:52] <Valen> I would suggest if you want to be "very accurate" that you acquire it
[21:06:14] <Valen> otherwise you will need to spend lots of money on inertial navigation systems and much time messing with kalman filters
[21:06:36] <anton02> i will pretty much know it if the wheels dont slip. so im just saying skid steering is a no
[21:06:58] <Valen> you dont get it
[21:07:11] <Valen> your wheels will be different sizes
[21:07:16] <Valen> 100% guaranteed
[21:07:39] <anton02> that small error will be accounted for during the 5s update intervals
[21:07:41] <Valen> one will pick up a hair off the ground and it'll now be bigge
[21:07:44] <Valen> bigger
[21:08:08] <Valen> so you *do* have an external reference
[21:08:19] <anton02> just not real time
[21:08:28] <Valen> nothing is real time
[21:08:31] <anton02> i have external racetrack cameras
[21:08:45] <Valen> what are you actually doing?
[21:09:15] <anton02> a car needs to drive around a racetrack and it needs to be completely autonomous
[21:09:42] <Valen> if you are "racing" then you will be slipping
[21:09:51] <anton02> it wont be racing other cars
[21:09:54] <anton02> just time trial
[21:10:51] <Valen> look skid steering will work, but as with everything it will be messy
[21:12:00] <anton02> but i dont understand. how could it work if im basically blind for 5 seconds due to the wheel slip?
[21:13:10] <anton02> unless you can calculate exactly when it will slip and by how much which seems extremely complicated
[21:13:13] <Casper> anton02: you may be able to get away with an accelerometer and gyro
[21:13:16] <Valen> you need to start doing numbers
[21:13:22] <Casper> if you have some form of other position feedback
[21:13:38] <Valen> that would probably be worse than dead reckoning over that time frame ;->
[21:13:49] <Casper> the accel/gyro is used for short term correction
[21:13:56] <Casper> and another feedback for long term correction
[21:14:12] <Casper> also, a bad thing about your wheels...
[21:14:21] <Casper> let's say you have pneumatic tires
[21:14:23] <Valen> the drift and sensitivity for anything much cheaper than a crossbow is going to be fairly pointless
[21:14:34] <Valen> work out what "accuracy" you need, then see how much error you can tolerate
[21:14:42] <Valen> then work out how to achieve that
[21:14:43] <Casper> you have a perfect wheel and pressure and all
[21:14:52] <Casper> BUT your weight is slightly unbalanced
[21:15:11] <Casper> even hard tire will give the same issue, but to less of an extent...
[21:15:12] <Casper> but bbl
[21:41:59] <johnwalkr> anton02: can you follow a line on the traack?
[21:42:23] <johnwalkr> using dead reckoning based on how your motor(s) are turning won’t work, to put it bluntly
[21:42:53] <anton02> johnwalkr: cant follow a line due to barriers on the edge of the road
[21:43:14] <anton02> johnwalkr: im not sure what dead reckoning even is, hang on ill google it
[21:43:27] <johnwalkr> it’s what you described, basically
[21:43:45] <johnwalkr> “wheel turnd 4x so i ought to be at X location"
[21:44:18] <anton02> johnwalkr: it's over a very small duration though. 5 seconds approximately
[21:44:52] <johnwalkr> ok, external cameras put in information every 5s?
[21:45:05] <anton02> johnwalkr: so although there will be error, it wont have the opportunity to grow much
[21:45:07] <anton02> yeah
[21:45:24] <johnwalkr> depends on your speed i guess
[21:45:39] <anton02> pretty slow
[21:45:52] <johnwalkr> if you add gyro and accelerometer it will work much better
[21:46:03] <anton02> a slow walk speed
[21:46:41] <johnwalkr> could work then,
[21:47:08] <anton02> im wondering if there would be too much wheel slippage if i use 2 motors on the back for steering like this http://littlebirdelectronics.com.au/products/makeblock-configurable-2wd-robot-kit-blue
[21:47:27] <anton02> or if there'd even be slippage at all
[21:48:43] <anton02> can gyro/accelerometers detect very slow speeds?
[22:21:14] <anton02> brb
[22:25:28] <alex20032> is a avr powerful enough to run a quadcopter (with non optimized way)
[22:26:45] <alex20032> i want to make a quadcopter, but with my math background, i doubt it will be optimizes
[23:03:18] <Xark> alex20032: Hard to answer because there is no "lower limit" to de-optimized code. :) However, several open AVR quadcopter projects to look at/borrow from, I believe.
[23:25:22] <Casper> alex20032: how many correction/second do you need?
[23:25:59] <Casper> alex20032: chance is that it can run an optimised one
[23:26:23] <Casper> by optimised one, I really mean one that compensate extremelly well
[23:27:05] <Casper> the avr can do like 8000 float operation a second, if you do fixed point you will do way more, maybe in the 10-1000 times more
[23:27:32] <Casper> I doubt that you will make so many correction a second...
[23:41:44] <alex20032> floating point is what compiler produce, and fixed point is provided by library??
[23:42:07] <Casper> no and no
[23:42:19] <Casper> it all depend on your variable types
[23:42:28] <Casper> if you use float variables... ew...
[23:43:13] <Casper> instead of using 0.001 you could multiply by 1000, and use integers
[23:43:18] <Casper> that's one way
[23:43:55] <alex20032> if
[23:44:01] <Casper> let's say you mesure stuff... and your smallest unit is the millimeter... why use meters as the main unit? use millimeters straight
[23:44:29] <Casper> sometime it complicate the math too much, but often it's quite doable
[23:45:13] <alex20032> i mean by that if i declare a float, the compiler make a floating point... but if i use a type defined by library, there is fixed point
[23:45:47] <inflex> Aaah fun
[23:46:28] * inflex is a big proponent of shifted multiplier integer math
[23:47:14] <inflex> Just design things in such a way that you don't get cumulative errors
[23:47:16] <Casper> make stuff so faster, but may make the stuff more complex...
[23:47:53] <alex20032> but can someone say if i understand well?
[23:49:38] <Casper> I think there is some libs that may offer it, but never checked, stuff like that is too easy to do without a lib so I never saw the point of complicating the code
[23:50:35] <Casper> oh yeah...
[23:50:43] <Casper> need to add something on my to buy list...
[23:50:54] <Casper> #29 drill bits
[23:51:03] <alex20032> but am i right about compiler make floating point when declaring float?
[23:51:26] <Casper> yes
[23:51:37] <warsh_> I wanted to know if anyone could recommend a book that would better explain the logic of controlling multiple (20 or more) servos with an AVR
[23:51:48] <Casper> but may skip the floatingh point in some case
[23:52:09] <warsh_> I'm having difficulty visualizing how to control more that many servos
[23:52:10] <Casper> warsh_: for 20 servo, you probably want a specialised IC
[23:52:27] <Casper> you would need software PWM, and that suck alot
[23:52:30] <warsh_> Casper: something that communicates over i2c?
[23:52:40] <Casper> over whatever protocol
[23:53:22] <warsh_> playing around with timers to the degree of 20 servos doesn't seem like the most enjoyable time to debug
[23:54:11] <warsh_> google keeps referring me to arduino crap, written in processing
[23:54:15] <Casper> the main issue is the possible timing issues and jitters
[23:54:50] <warsh_> Casper: Should I be looking for a different platform than avr?
[23:54:50] <Casper> one issue is the stupidly weird way that a servo work...
[23:54:52] <alex20032> servo state machine in timer
[23:55:01] <Casper> 1-2ms pulse every 20ms...
[23:55:21] <Casper> it's doable
[23:55:42] <Casper> I did 16 channels with main sync for light dimmers
[23:56:05] <alex20032> is amsp430 better at computing power than an avr?
[23:56:11] <warsh_> the 20 servos are to control a humanoid robot I have,
[23:56:21] <warsh_> from a kit
[23:56:35] <warsh_> given that locomotion would be hard enough with the timing
[23:57:17] <alex20032> it would better to have multiple mcu
[23:57:33] <alex20032> one for each part of the humanoid
[23:57:49] <warsh_> alex20032: I'm not too sure how to implement that
[23:58:27] <warsh> any book in particular you could recommend?
[23:58:38] <alex20032> is there a way to use a debugger outside atmel studio
[23:59:23] <alex20032> like under linux
[23:59:50] <Casper> just output debug info via serial, lcd or leds on your target :D