#avr | Logs for 2014-04-11

[00:06:08] <rue_more> AHA!
[00:13:40] <rue_more> I forgot to change a mask from 0x0F to 0x07
[00:13:59] <rue_more> (I couldn't do 16 servos like that, so just did 8)
[00:14:11] <rue_more> it has awesome timing stablility
[00:15:16] <rue_more> now I need an app to talk to it
[00:20:29] <rue_bed> I wonder if I should write that in bed
[00:21:46] <rue_bed> #include <stdio.h>
[00:21:53] <rue_bed> int main(void) {
[00:21:57] <rue_bed> return 0;
[00:21:59] <rue_bed> }
[00:22:20] <rue_bed> ok, thats the hard bit
[00:25:24] <rue_bed> oooo I have a bvh streamer I could hook the robot arm into
[05:28:14] <vsync_> holy shit
[05:28:24] <vsync_> betty white's born '22. just a btw.
[10:51:28] <cinvoke> Hi. Anyone out there ever recover from a bad rom flash?
[10:51:30] <cinvoke> i just tried to flash a wifly rn-xv and it was downloading the image. it stated "ftp break" then the com connection was broken. now i can no longer connect to it. Is there anything i can do to force a reflash, or reset?
[11:51:16] <Casper> cinvoke: what is a wifly?
[11:52:25] <cinvoke> Casper WiFly is an 802.11 module for wifi comm lie the xbee modules.
[11:52:41] <cinvoke> Casper: i flashed mine and now no connection possible at 9600 baud
[11:52:54] <cinvoke> cant get into cmd mode to reflash :/
[11:54:58] <Casper> most probably bricked, may be able to unbrick with jtag, good luck
[12:03:18] <cinvoke> Casper: thank. ill check out jtag
[12:04:48] <cinvoke> Casper: the software, or the hw module from wind river?? :) sorry i havent a clue
[12:07:49] <PigFlu> do i need to set the datadirection on pins im using for ADC?
[12:08:09] <Casper> PigFlu: yes and no
[12:08:16] <Casper> the default is input
[12:08:53] <Casper> so you don't need to since the default is already fine, but it can be a good practice to set it to be on the safe side and to clarify the code
[12:09:29] <PigFlu> i cant seem to read proper values with the ADC.. im only reading 564, but the voltage varies a lot, i have a multimeter measuring the same voltage
[12:10:41] <PigFlu> wait what.. thats 1.81 V, just what my multimeter is showing :x
[12:12:19] <PigFlu> it seems like my code is stuck with the first value it reads
[12:14:34] <PigFlu> http://pastebin.com/xPP6e9xd this is the code.. is there anything wrong with it? it gives me the same voltage over and over, even though it changes
[12:15:21] <Casper> PigFlu: read the datasheet about admux and adc and first reading that may need to be discarted
[12:15:39] <Casper> and camera gear is expensive! :
[12:15:44] <Casper> :(
[12:17:48] <PigFlu> what am i supposed to look for? ive read it already
[12:18:47] <PigFlu> oooh.. ADCL must be read first :x
[12:20:05] <PigFlu> wow, what a weird bug
[12:20:40] <cinvoke> Casper: would this be similar? http://www.grandideastudio.com/portfolio/jtagulator/
[12:21:46] <Yotson> PigFlu, iirc if you store ADC into a 16 bit int the magic takes care of the order. But anyway, order is important.
[13:26:07] <PigFlu> does sei() set the SREG bit?
[13:26:21] <PigFlu> i mean, the I bit in SREG
[16:16:08] <kastein> well that's weird, anyone ever see this? at90can64-15az, I have all of port F configured as an input, all with pullups enabled, all pins measure 5V externally with a scope AND a multimeter, and yet the PINF register reads as 0x0F
[16:16:16] <kastein> pins F4 through F7 stuck low
[16:16:18] <kastein> no matter what I do
[16:16:20] <kastein> ideas?
[16:17:12] <kastein> hmm... that is also ADC4-7 and the JTAG port
[16:17:17] <kastein> time to check if I screwed up and enabled one of those
[16:22:25] <kastein> dammit. nope, neither is enabled, I'm all out of ideas
[16:23:57] <Jordan_U> kastein: Please pastebin your minimal test case demonstrating the problem.
[17:03:19] <Kobboi> With an avrisp2 compatible programmer and avrdude, I have misconfigured some fuses, so that clock is now supposed to be external. I have an aditional arduino that I am trying to use as an external clock source, but avrdude is still unable to let the programmer talk to the avr. what are possible things i'm doing wrong? what is good value for external clock rate? do i need to pass -b and/or -B options to avrdude?
[17:10:54] <Roklobsta> can you use AVRstudio6?
[17:11:52] <Kobboi> i'm a linux user
[17:14:18] <Kobboi> but i can reboot ;)
[17:14:37] <Kobboi> Roklobsta: will it help me?
[17:15:29] <Roklobsta> it's a lot of crap to install but it has a nice gui tool for messing with various bits like fuses.
[17:15:50] <Roklobsta> without the mental gymnatics of working out a fuse bitmask
[17:17:01] <Kobboi> Roklobsta: the problem is, i can't even access the device right now
[17:17:26] <Kobboi> Roklobsta: since i'm probably not providing a correct clock signal?
[17:17:39] <Kobboi> or is attaching a programmer sufficient to program?
[17:17:52] <Kobboi> without the avr actually needing power?
[17:18:00] <Roklobsta> eh, it should still work. anyway, ISP supplies its own clock I think for doing that sort of thing.
[17:18:07] <LoRez> the programmer typically powers the device.
[17:18:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> some ISPs have clock.
[17:18:27] <LoRez> ISP has a ISP clock, but the chip has to be clocked as well
[17:18:29] <Roklobsta> dragon should work just fine
[17:18:34] <Kobboi> http://www.pololu.com/product/1300
[17:18:39] <Kobboi> this is what i have
[17:18:56] <Roklobsta> use the dragon in jtag mode
[17:19:08] <Roklobsta> that definitely should work
[17:19:14] <Roklobsta> maybe....
[17:19:37] <LoRez> if you've f'd up the fuses and the avr doesn't have its own clock, you'll have to supply one
[17:20:24] <Roklobsta> with avrstudio6/jtag i can turn the extclk on and off without any consequences
[17:20:29] <Kobboi> LoRez: i'm suppling something generated by a program running on an arduino
[17:21:01] <Kobboi> is that any good? it's 625 kHz :D
[17:21:06] <Roklobsta> what you don't want to do is disable ISP and JTAG coz then your are skuh-rewed. been there, done that.
[17:21:10] <LoRez> it has to be relatively quick too IIRC. Tom_itx knows more about chip salvage...
[17:21:13] <Kobboi> (that's what my logic analyzer tell me)
[17:21:24] <LoRez> that's probably fast enough though
[17:23:29] <Kobboi> Roklobsta: i've only touched the low fuse on the 328P, seems to be just about clock
[17:23:33] <Kobboi> http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc
[17:47:13] <ColdKeyboard> I'm trying to use HC-06 bluetooth module but it's powered from 3v3 and tiny+ftdi is being powered from 5v rail. Will this level shifter work -> http://i.snag.gy/BiJG5.jpg ? :)
[17:54:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> should.
[18:11:54] <tzanger> I'm not quite sure what the TXD level shifter is doing; it's a darlington arrangement but when the 3.3V TXD line goes low you get 1.6V on the B-E of both transistors
[18:12:26] <tzanger> the RXD is fine
[18:15:19] <ColdKeyboard> what about txd? shouldn't it be held high and when TXD goes low the TXD will go to ~0V, right?
[18:15:47] <ColdKeyboard> When TXD goes low, TXD_TTL should go low too.
[18:16:22] <ColdKeyboard> Darn, I guess I should remove the line from base of top to bottom transistor :\
[18:16:46] <ColdKeyboard> C from bottom transistor should be connected to B of the top transistor, right? :\
[21:52:56] <rue_more> that programmer dosn't even work with avrdude?
[21:53:12] <rue_more> WHY would someone make a programmer that didn't work with avrdude?
[21:53:27] <Lambda_Aurigae> lack of,,,,futzpah.
[22:00:17] <Casper> rue_more: because they think they can do better than avrdude?
[22:03:39] <Tom_itx> i dunno, i didn't!
[22:22:53] <mog> rue_more, which programmer doesnt work with avrdude
[22:34:37] <rue_more> <Kobboi> http://www.pololu.com/product/1300
[22:38:20] <mog> communicates with your programming software, such as Atmel Studio or AVRDUDE
[22:38:24] <mog> from docs
[22:38:33] <mog> on page you linked me to
[22:42:00] <mog> Tom_itx, is the only programmer that has ever tempted me. i just always use my bus pirate or an arduino as a programmer
[22:42:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> I use my Tom_itx programmer or parallel port programmer from the wayback machine.
[22:46:23] <Roklobsta> christ for the same money just buy and FT232H FTDI cable and use it with avrdude
[22:51:03] <Roklobsta> get SPI, I2C and TTL rs232 thrown in too
[23:34:34] <jadew> rue_more, it says it emulates stk500
[23:34:41] <jadew> avrdude can deal with stk500
[23:34:58] <jadew> that being said, it's overpriced
[23:35:37] <jadew> the whole thing costs like $3 (max $4) to produce
[23:35:51] <jadew> I know that site, they have a lot of overpriced stuff
[23:36:38] <tzanger> I'm working on https://mixdown.ca/redmine/projects/picjug/wiki -- should be cheap
[23:36:54] <rue_more> tom hand assembles his (more or less)
[23:36:56] <tzanger> I know enough about USB development that I feel I can make it a much more solid jtag1 than jtag1 ever was
[23:44:21] <jadew> http://dumb.ro/files/bustalk.jpg my take on the matter
[23:46:41] <xorm> wow that image could use some scaling
[23:46:49] <jadew> sorry about that...
[23:47:08] <tzanger> what, no CAN/ethternet? :-)
[23:47:13] <jadew> :P
[23:47:15] <tzanger> jadew: that's a nice little board
[23:47:20] <jadew> thanks
[23:47:31] <jadew> didn't get to do the jtag part tho, everything else is finished however
[23:47:38] <xorm> 0805s?
[23:47:39] <jadew> i2c sniffing
[23:48:08] <jadew> xorm, it's an atmel chip
[23:48:10] <jadew> the 324p
[23:48:22] <xorm> no, the size of your caps/resistors
[23:49:04] <jadew> ah, nope, 1206
[23:49:08] <xorm> nice
[23:49:15] <xorm> i once did a hobby board in 0402
[23:49:19] <jadew> I find them easier to handle
[23:49:39] <xorm> it's nice to have the small packages when you're getting a shop with a pick-place to do the assembly
[23:49:54] <xorm> sucks when you have big fat tweezers and no scope
[23:50:23] <jadew> I bet
[23:50:39] <jadew> I did some 0805 too, but can't say I enjoyed it
[23:50:49] <jadew> I like to be able to hold those bastards down
[23:51:05] <xorm> 0805 is cake comparatively
[23:51:50] <jadew> I actually used some 0805 resistors a few days ago, but I had the footprint for 1206
[23:52:11] <jadew> I just didn't have the needed value in that package
[23:52:24] <xorm> still haven't seen any 0201s or 01005s anywhere...
[23:53:56] <xorm> pretty sure the tremble in my hands has more amplitude than a 01005's footprint
[23:54:06] <jadew> haha
[23:54:29] <jadew> the smallest components I ever saw were on a RF dev board from TI
[23:54:58] <jadew> not sure what footprint they were
[23:55:40] <jadew> but you could have fooled someone if you told them it's sand or something
[23:57:17] <xorm> yep
[23:57:37] <xorm> it's 9:40P over here and i've been staring at this layout for like 15 minutes and nothing has happened
[23:57:47] <xorm> spent :v