#avr | Logs for 2014-04-08

[08:25:06] <w|zzy> This Rigol DG1032Z is awesome.
[10:10:39] <megal0maniac_afk> w|zzy: Looks like fun
[11:44:36] <Phinxy> How much is too much to have in clock interrupt (ISR)? Can i toggle some pins in there or do a pin toggle take many cycles?
[11:45:26] <Phinxy> i dont want it to mess with my LCD display
[11:45:26] <megal0maniac> Phinxy: That should be fine
[14:08:40] <guanche> is it possible to have an atmega driving a forward dc-dc converter?
[14:09:37] <guanche> I wonder if it can make the job of a ready-made smps ic's, perhaps with the help of current sensing, etc
[14:12:57] <Tom_itx> sure
[15:19:30] <guanche> if I have this:
[15:19:33] <guanche> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hb7-Qi6Zdj8
[15:20:03] <guanche> I can control voltage/current/short-cicuits off a pc power supply, couldn't I?
[15:20:55] <guanche> or off a bigger power supply behind that
[17:13:35] <yellow1> hi guys
[17:15:16] <yellow1> what is a good microcontroller "programmer"
[17:15:23] <yellow1> programming device?
[17:16:05] <megal0maniac_afk> yellow1: Tom_itx sells a nice one
[17:16:16] <megal0maniac_afk> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/USBTiny_Mkii_index.php
[17:17:19] <yellow1> looks cool
[17:17:44] <yellow1> but where i live the banks dont support paypall or anything like online payment
[17:17:53] <yellow1> i have some local stores here
[17:18:01] <yellow1> but the stuff here is expensive
[17:18:12] <yellow1> so i need to know wich one to buy for my project
[17:20:42] <megal0maniac_afk> yellow01: If you tell us what your options are, then we can help you
[17:20:51] <megal0maniac_afk> I'm off though. Goodnight
[17:23:10] <yellow01> this is what i need to do: build a digital clock with microcontrollers
[17:24:23] <Tom_itx> so do it
[17:25:26] <yellow01> but i need a microcontroller "programmer"
[17:25:44] <yellow01> programming device
[17:26:02] <yellow01> to conect it with a usb to my pc and then load that software
[17:26:07] <yellow01> to the microcontroller
[17:26:20] <yellow01> but i dont know wich one to buy ?
[17:29:45] <Tom_itx> mine
[17:30:14] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/USBTiny_Mkii_index.php
[17:34:14] <yellow01> Tom_itx i would love to buy that do you ship those world wide?
[17:34:36] <Tom_itx> most places
[17:34:40] <Tom_itx> where are you
[17:34:49] <yellow01> Kosovo
[17:34:56] <yellow01> we dont have paypall here
[17:34:57] <Tom_itx> should be ok
[17:35:05] <Tom_itx> all i do is PP
[17:35:14] <yellow01> what is the price for it and shipment
[17:35:29] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/commerce/commerce_index.php
[17:39:37] <yellow01> mhhmm..
[17:44:44] <yellow01> thanks man
[17:44:46] <yellow01> am out
[17:44:47] <yellow01> bye
[19:05:29] <zsdfzsdf> Hello everyone, I'm trying use a TWI example from ASF: http://asf.atmel.com/docs/latest/xmegab/html/xmega_twi_quickstart.html what are they refering to by "System Clock Mangement module" is this a .h file that I have to download?
[19:10:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> zsdfzsdf, where do they refer to that?
[19:11:12] <zsdfzsdf> under Prerequisites
[19:11:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> so, nothing in anything you posted then.
[19:12:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://asf.atmel.com/docs/latest/xmegab/html/group__sysclk__group.html
[19:12:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> helps if you click and read...might want to read the reference manual and asf architecture documents too.
[20:01:52] <tzanger> Lambda_Aurigae: I'm not sure I'd order PCBs from a company professing to ship me crappy PCBs
[20:02:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> tzanger, I will just to see how bad they are.
[20:03:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> they are guaranteed to be electrically sound, according to your gerber files..
[20:03:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> just the silkscreens might be off...not sure about the soldermask.
[20:03:28] <tzanger> Lambda_Aurigae: hackvana ships top quality PCBs with great silkscreen and perfect HASL. And he does multilayer too
[20:03:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> and holes might be a bit futzy I think but not sure on that.
[20:03:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> but for that price?
[20:03:46] <tzanger> if I want quick and dirty 2 layer I'll go to apcircuits which will ship to me overnight
[20:04:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> usually I do my own quick and dirty 2 layer boards.
[20:04:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> press-n-peel blue toner transfer method.
[20:04:35] <Lambda_Aurigae> and a homemade presser made from a massive copier fuser.
[20:05:10] <tzanger> 5/5 and 12mil min drill... again for quick and dirty I'll go apcircuits. let me see what they'd cost
[20:06:22] <tzanger> hm, apcircuits isn't as good as I remember. 7/7?
[20:07:19] <tzanger> oh man, they want $600
[20:07:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> 166 dollars from apcircuits for what I just came up wiht.
[20:07:37] <tzanger> with soldermask?
[20:07:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> yup.
[20:08:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> soldermask, top legend, 5x5 quantity 10 fr4.
[20:08:23] <tzanger> what are you giving for specs? qty 10, 4" square, 75 holes per board gives me $513 + shipping
[20:08:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> 60 holes per board.
[20:08:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> 5x5 cm
[20:08:46] <tzanger> I get 630
[20:08:53] <tzanger> 5x5cm, that's 2x2"
[20:09:02] <tzanger> yeah $170
[20:09:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> that's the 12 dollar one from crappy boards.
[20:09:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> 10x10cm is 24 dollars I think.
[20:09:47] <tzanger> yeah. I'm curious what your boards look like, can you post a few high res pics when they come in?
[20:09:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> heck, if I were getting them for me I wouldn't even need the legend.
[20:10:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> haven't ordered any yet but ifnwhen I do I will.
[20:10:09] <tzanger> I'm sticking with hackvana for my stuff but I'm curious just how crappy they are
[20:10:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> same here.
[20:10:26] <tzanger> TIL I learned my memory of what apcircuits can do is not so good
[20:10:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> worth wasting 24 dollars for the fun of it I think.
[20:11:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> I would like to make some USB boards one of these days.
[22:35:34] <rue_shop2> usb too ttl serial?
[22:36:19] * Casper throws a dart at rue_shop2
[22:36:40] <Casper> because I'm frustrated by the idiot that live here...
[22:37:14] <Casper> elections...
[22:37:50] <Casper> liberal... 70, partie quebecois: 30, CAQ: 21.... liberal came in...
[22:38:27] <Casper> that asshole there is a theif, did fiscal evasion, lied many times, is accused of corruption and all...
[22:38:34] <Casper> yet the idiots decided to elect him...
[22:39:06] <tzanger> Casper: who were you rooting for, PQ?
[22:39:25] <tzanger> PQ got their asses handed to them, and rightfully so
[22:39:36] <Tom_itx> that has a familiar ring to it
[22:39:54] <Casper> yes... was the only party that was ok and had a chance of getting in
[22:40:06] <tzanger> PQ is ok? HAHAHAHAHAH
[22:41:02] <Casper> but they did 2 massive mistakes: bring the separation again when nobody wanted it, and took Pierre Karl Peladeau (quebecor) in...
[22:41:18] <tzanger> bunch of asshats who think that Quebec is composed of soverigntists (sp?) and that if they run referendums enough times they can squeak by a victory
[22:41:21] <Casper> the CAQ have good plans, but no chance of winning...
[22:41:22] <Tom_itx> but since we don't discuss politics here we'll let it lie before a fire breaks out
[22:41:43] <tzanger> yeah I am intrigued by the CAQ; know almost nothing about 'em
[22:42:11] <tzanger> Tom_itx: it's otherwise quiet, I'll happily discuss avr/electronics/etc.
[22:42:35] <Casper> basically, it's the same as PQ, but the separation is NOT a priority. they aim for it, but only if the population want it AND we can actually do it
[22:43:19] <Casper> I think at the next election the CAQ will come out victorious
[22:43:25] <tzanger> they seem like PQ but without the "french only" dogma that PQ demands
[22:43:40] <Casper> they are less extremist, and more realist
[22:44:15] <tzanger> interesting times in la belle province for sure
[22:44:18] <Casper> but do not have the proper machine behind...
[22:44:49] <Casper> hmmm La Belle Province... a goood smoked meat... with an hot dog and french fries....
[22:44:56] <Casper> damn you, now I,m hungry
[22:45:58] <tzanger> I didn't talk about food
[22:46:26] <Casper> la belle province.... that's a restaurant
[22:47:31] <tzanger> oh I see
[22:47:34] <tzanger> my apologies
[22:48:59] <Casper> they make really good smoked meat, the kind that you need to remove 2/3 of the meat if you want to eat it without everything falling appart :D
[22:49:07] <Casper> or dislocking your jaw :D
[22:49:07] <tzanger> heh
[22:49:21] <tzanger> I've never been a big fan of smoked meat which I know is almost sacreligious
[22:49:41] <Casper> what about poutines?
[22:50:02] <Valen> but jerkey!
[22:50:36] <tzanger> poutine is good
[22:51:34] <Casper> now... one of the next project is to make a 150W RGB controller...
[22:52:06] * Casper wonders the current splitting between the RGB...