#avr | Logs for 2014-03-22

[01:40:00] <DarkSector> Uh, I am trying to change the channel between conversions http://pastie.org/8958224#14,82
[01:40:20] <DarkSector> Is this the correct way to do it? In free running mode?
[01:41:12] <DarkSector> This is my loop that's calling the functions http://pastie.org/8958226#43,54-57
[01:56:24] <DarkSector> Anyone around?
[01:57:02] <Fiesta_> hello
[02:01:06] <DarkSector> Hey Fiesta_ how's it going?
[02:01:14] <Fiesta_> a'ight
[02:01:25] <Fiesta_> developing 3d printer ideas
[02:01:33] <Fiesta_> how about you
[02:05:30] <DarkSector> Stuck on a small project
[02:05:34] <DarkSector> moved from Arduino to C
[02:05:38] <DarkSector> so I am having a bit of a trouble
[02:05:58] <DarkSector> http://pastie.org/8958224#14,82 and http://pastie.org/8958226#43,54-57
[02:06:40] <Fiesta_> i won't be any help here sorry
[02:07:57] <DarkSector> Yeah, I am hoping Tom_itx might be able to help out, I based this off of his code
[02:10:01] <Fiesta_> well he sure likes C
[02:12:23] <Fiesta_> if he's not here, i've seen him in #robotics
[02:14:10] <Fiesta_> he has likeminded friends there that may be able to help as much as he could.
[02:15:44] <DarkSector> Well, it's really late right now, I am going to read the datasheet again and then try again tomorrow. Night.
[02:15:54] <Fiesta_> okie, nite
[04:42:05] <rue_more> I wonder what happens if a tda1311 recieves its channel switch before its recieved all its bits
[04:44:54] <Thrashbarg> rue_more: my guess (which could easily be wrong) is it'll shift the MSB's into the wrong channel and make a pop sound
[04:45:38] <rue_more> so if I'm using it for the votlae ref on a bench power supply
[04:45:54] <Thrashbarg> yea that could be bad...
[04:46:02] <rue_more> how do I set the sample without setting the first bit of the next one
[04:46:23] <rue_more> ah
[04:46:34] <rue_more> maybe if I rewrite the last value, then the new value
[04:49:10] <Thrashbarg> if I can make a suggestion, the TDA1311 looks like it'd be a really bad choice for a voltage reference. It appears to use a capacitive S&H for storing between the two channels. Unless you constantly update the DAC with the same value it'll drift
[04:49:44] <rue_more> I have yet to test
[04:49:46] <Thrashbarg> but yea, you know.... if you have a room of ten electronics engineers you'll have eleven opinions
[04:49:59] <rue_more> it was the only cheap dac I could find
[04:50:12] <Thrashbarg> in DIP?
[04:50:22] <rue_more> if it dosn't work out, I bought a roll of 2k 1206 to make an R-2R with
[04:50:57] <Thrashbarg> that'd be even worse. R-2R's are only useful to about 5 or 6 bits precision before you get linearity issues. YMMV
[04:51:32] <rue_more> so people say, but I'v had no problems with my 8 bit one
[04:51:37] <Thrashbarg> ok sure
[04:51:37] <Xark> Yeah, 6 bits with 1% resistors (IIRC).
[04:52:21] <Thrashbarg> I had huge issues with my MIDI to control voltage interpreter for my analog synth. An 8-bit DAC would be non-linear enough to cause wrong notes
[04:52:30] <Thrashbarg> had to use a 12-bit one and ignore the lower four bits
[04:54:15] <Thrashbarg> rue_more: I think I've used an MCP4901 before, available in DIP, 8-bits, SPI interface
[04:54:26] <Thrashbarg> single channel but they're about a $1.50
[04:54:51] <rue_more> noted, I'll try plans A and B first
[04:54:57] <Thrashbarg> ok sure
[05:29:11] <rue_more> I verry much expect an audio dac to have a problem holding a static value, but I couldn't see anything in the datasheet that indicated such was the case with this one
[05:30:59] <rue_more> well I think I'v written what should be a working test app.
[05:48:38] <rue_more> they dont specify a min clock rate
[05:49:39] <rue_more> oh fooie, I didn't read that the output swing is from 0.5 to 2V
[06:28:34] <Fleck> rue_more: got pcb and got atmega2560, soldered myself
[07:41:32] <sdes> Guys, I know this is a silly question, but how do I turn off an AVR chip? Do I remove the power? Do I just lift it from the breadboard? I've been running the same LED blink program for a week because I don't know what to do,
[07:41:58] <Xark> sdes: Removing power works nicely. :)
[07:42:35] * Xark notes AVR will not hold a grudge. :)
[07:48:09] <sdes> Oh, really? Good then.
[07:48:14] <sdes> Thanks.
[07:51:25] <Kev-> :D
[07:54:18] <Fleck> can atmega2560 be programmed in HVSP? Or just HVPP?
[07:55:18] <Xark> Fleck: I think even plain old ISP...
[07:55:36] <Fleck> ISP is not working here
[07:56:21] <Xark> What kind of programmer? Some have issues with devices with >64K ROM like 2560.
[07:56:29] <Fleck> maybe there are wrong clock settings, so I woulde like to check out fuses with HVSP, but have no clue, mega2560 suppors that or not
[07:56:46] <Fleck> Xark: programmer is not the problem, other atmega2560 is working just fine
[07:56:55] <Xark> Ok.
[07:57:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> Fleck, HVPP for that chip is the most likely.
[07:57:27] <Fleck> it's something with that one chip... maybe it's dead
[07:57:41] <Fleck> Lambda_Aurigae: yeah, looks like that! :D Will build one!
[07:57:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> HVSP is only for smaller attiny chips.
[07:58:05] <Fleck> yeah
[07:58:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> where they are limited on the number of available pins for parallel programming
[07:59:00] <Fleck> sure
[07:59:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> HVPP can actually be done with a bunch of switches and a power supply too.
[08:00:01] <Fleck> Ill use another atmega for that :D
[08:00:24] <Fleck> programmer is ok, tried arduino mega 2560 ISP port, works ok!
[08:00:28] <Fleck> ups sorr
[08:00:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://mdiy.pl/atmega-fusebit-doctor-hvpp/?lang=en fusebit doctor.
[08:09:02] <Fleck> yeah, have seen that, but I am too lazy to make that one :D
[08:09:29] <Fleck> I'll go with arduino based (please, don't ban me by mention that name here) :D
[08:09:45] <Fleck> *mentioning
[08:14:12] <GuShH_> Lambda_Aurigae: doctor who?
[08:14:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> GuShH_, it's a board that will fix your broken fuses automagically.
[08:15:06] <GuShH_> Fleck: It's OK as long as you know what's going on and that it's just an AVR on a poorly designed board, running on poorly coded libraries, on poorly coded IDEs and butchered implementation of perfectly good languages.
[08:16:20] <GuShH_> Saw a video of a self called engineer using arduino and shields... I felt bad for the guy.
[08:16:39] <GuShH_> The code was worse than Sunday pasta on a Tuesday, the week after.
[08:17:33] <GuShH_> He was also the living definition of a hipster.
[08:19:35] <GuShH_> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSUULyOchKY 2x4, check, glasses, check, tight jeans, check, patchy beard, check, working on his livingroom (or his mom's) check, scamming older couples into buying his crap, check. pasta coding, check. The tupperware must've been tucked away at the moment, I'm sure some was involved.
[08:21:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> hey!
[08:21:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> I like tupperware!
[08:21:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> specially the megabowl
[08:22:39] <GuShH_> Lambda_Aurigae: I'm just being silly...
[08:22:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> duh.....
[08:23:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> but don't cut on tupperware....that's just not nice....
[08:23:06] <GuShH_> But do I think I would be able to have a beer with that guy and share a meaningful conversation? NO.
[08:23:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> :}
[08:23:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> I went into rat shack the other day and asked if they had any microcontrollers.
[08:23:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> the guy pointed me at an ardweeny.
[08:23:57] <GuShH_> how many rat shacks were closed recently?
[08:24:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> dunno.
[08:24:05] <GuShH_> I felt bad when I heard that
[08:24:07] <GuShH_> over 1000 stores
[08:24:10] <Xark> 440
[08:24:12] <Lambda_Aurigae> still have one in the nearest town though.
[08:24:17] <GuShH_> oh they said over 1000
[08:24:33] <Lambda_Aurigae> most of them have turned into cellphone stores anyhow...no big loss.
[08:24:36] <GuShH_> Does it carry single components in neat packaging for over 1000 times the real price of the part?
[08:24:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> I bet they are closing the ones that still sell something other than cellphones too.
[08:24:47] <GuShH_> radioshack used to be neat
[08:25:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> radioshack was awesome when I was a kid,,,30ish years ago.
[08:25:04] <GuShH_> they had all sorts of cool stuff back in the day
[08:25:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> is where I got my start with electronics.
[08:25:17] <GuShH_> :)
[08:25:21] <GuShH_> Fond memories
[08:25:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> 50in1 then the 300in1 electronics kits.
[08:25:24] <Xark> GuShH_: Hmm, you are correct. 1100 stores. Ouch. :(
[08:25:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> and the Mimms mini notebooks.
[08:25:40] * GuShH_ doesn't like being correct in this case
[08:25:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> at one point I had every one of those mini notebooks.
[08:26:01] <GuShH_> Oh yeah, now you can probably pick up a copy of MAKE magazine and an arduino
[08:26:02] * Xark remember spending $20 x 2 for each 1K to expand his first computers RAM from Radio Shack...
[08:26:05] * GuShH_ throws up a little
[08:26:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> yanno, I've never seen a copy of Make magazine...just their idiotic website.
[08:26:50] <GuShH_> good
[08:26:56] <GuShH_> I've read 1, ONE and that was one too many.
[08:27:18] * Xark wanted to like Make, but was unable...
[08:27:35] <GuShH_> It should be called Copy or Pretend... or Pose
[08:27:37] <GuShH_> not Make
[08:27:54] <GuShH_> Wannabe or just Hipster would also work
[08:28:27] <GuShH_> I guess the "maker" is someone who doesn't really care about anything under the hood, they just want their LED to blink no matter the cost.
[08:28:52] <GuShH_> Problem is when they are sold "this is the way, my way and only this way, you will buy what I say"
[08:29:19] <GuShH_> In that regard they take advantage of them :(
[08:29:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> our local "hackerspace" has become an ardweeny infested "makerspace"
[08:30:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> I got them started with bare AVRs
[08:30:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> then someone went to ratshack and bought an ardweeny...then they all went that route because making things from scratch was too hard.
[08:32:11] <GuShH_> they get satisfaction anyway I guess
[08:32:24] <GuShH_> but they'll never understand a single thing.
[08:35:01] <sdes> Is using barebones Arduino a good thing? As in using pure C instead of that weird subset of C++ and avoiding that stupid IDE.
[08:35:24] <sdes> Up to now I've been an Arduino pleb, but now I'm trying AVR because I want to learn
[08:35:52] <sdes> But since the Arduino is also a dev board, I wondered if I could just use it instead of buying other dev board.
[08:37:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> the arduino hardware platform isn't bad at all.
[08:38:17] <Lambda_Aurigae> but the crap software dumbs things down for the average highschool dropout.
[08:38:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> and, yes, you can program the arduino board with the regular programming tools.
[08:39:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> you don't need to use the ardweeny IDE and stuff.
[09:38:15] <Flecks> GuShH_: why do you hate hipsters? :D
[09:39:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> he just hates hips and hipsters have them.
[10:01:15] <megal0maniac_afk> GuShH_ hates all of the things
[11:31:43] <Flecks> help, how do I lower programming speed using avrdude?
[11:34:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> Flecks, what programmer do you have?
[11:35:28] <Flecks> usbasp... but I found in google, -B 4 did the trick!
[11:36:23] <Lambda_Aurigae> usually asking your question in google will give quicker answers.
[11:36:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> and giving all the information in here would help too.
[11:37:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> there is also a slow clock jumper or switch on some usbasp programmers.
[11:37:47] <Flecks> the big fail is that... even my atmega2560 board is working... -B 4 did the trick also for my board! :(((
[11:37:50] <Flecks> so many hrs wasted
[11:37:52] <Flecks> meh
[11:38:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> if you had a commercial programmer it would have likely worked the first time.
[11:38:40] <Flecks> I had it updated, after that - problems started...
[11:39:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> so many different versions of usbasp out there, both hardware and software..
[11:48:36] <Flecks> Lambda_Aurigae: http://www.goodluckbuy.com/images/detailed_images/sku_77966_1.jpg
[11:48:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> ok
[11:49:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> so it's just another usbasp clone
[11:49:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> nothing special here.
[11:49:30] <Flecks> and avrdude was complaining about sck periods... so I updated firmware
[11:50:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> my 10 year old parallel port programmer still works just fine...has never had a problem with any avr I've tried.
[11:51:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> it won't work with the attiny10 but I have no need for those.
[11:55:49] <Flecks> I don't have LPT anymore :D
[11:56:13] <Flecks> also I did not have any problems with this clone USPASP
[11:56:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> my new computer here has parallel and serial ports both.
[11:56:50] <Flecks> so - my soldering is fine, no heat damage :D it was usbasp :D
[11:58:45] <ClarusCogitatio> Do you guys make your own USBASP's or buy them?
[11:58:50] <ClarusCogitatio> i got one from DX but it was DoA
[11:59:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> ClarusCogitatio, it seems most people who have them here buy them.
[11:59:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> I built one years ago and it worked on about half the computers I had here.
[12:07:53] <Casper> I made a ponyprog serial
[12:10:12] <Flecks> in what group my user should be in to use usbasp? I can use it only as root
[12:18:01] <Flecks> or better - all usb devices...
[13:05:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> Fleck, depends on what group your usb devices are in.
[13:14:02] <naquad> stk500v2_command(): warning: Sampling of the RDY/nBSY pin timed out - erm what's that?
[13:18:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> dunno naquad
[13:18:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> looks like a timeout error to me.
[13:18:27] <naquad> looks like i did a big mistake
[13:18:38] <naquad> i've bought a bunch of 328p from chineese
[13:18:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> fakes?
[13:19:00] <naquad> nor sure
[13:19:02] <naquad> *not sure
[13:19:06] <naquad> can't program any of them :(
[13:19:17] <Tom_itx> maybe you need to know chinese
[13:19:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> give them an external clock source.
[13:20:15] <Tom_itx> have you ever found _anything_ of utmost quality from china?
[13:20:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> Tom_itx, eggrolls
[13:23:06] <naquad> Lambda_Aurigae, that didn't help :( i've added 16MHz crystal on PB 6-7, same thing
[13:23:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> I didn't say crystal.
[13:23:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> I said a clock source.
[13:23:29] <naquad> then i don't get it :(
[13:23:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> something sending pulses into the clock input.
[13:23:50] <naquad> such as? 0o
[13:24:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> a crystal is just used to make the clock oscillator in the chip run...
[13:24:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> such as, a 555 running at 1MHz maybe?
[13:24:14] <Fleck> Lambda_Aurigae: hmm, no clue, how do I check?
[13:24:30] <Lambda_Aurigae> Fleck, if you don't know that, go back to linux 101 or windows.
[13:24:41] <Fleck> ;p
[13:25:20] <naquad> i don't have it :( i'll get it on monday, then will try it. thanks
[13:25:32] <Fleck> so you use windows Lambda_Aurigae? :D
[13:25:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> naquad, or another avr sending pulses out an i/o port.
[13:25:53] <Lambda_Aurigae> Fleck, only if absolutely necessary, and never at home.
[13:26:42] <naquad> Lambda_Aurigae, wait, it looks like i've found the reason. my f* programmer
[13:26:59] <Tom_itx> get a good programmer
[13:27:18] <naquad> Tom_itx, i've ordered AVR Dragon, waiting for it to arrive
[13:27:23] <naquad> though not sure that i'll get it
[13:27:47] <Tom_itx> you'll need cables for it
[13:27:52] <Tom_itx> comes with none
[13:30:21] <naquad> Tom_itx, yeah, i'm aware it requires some stuff, i've purchased ZIFs and got jumper cables along with breadboard
[13:45:26] <vsync_> i'm thinking
[13:45:30] <vsync_> of buying booze on monday
[13:46:03] <vsync_> completely irrelevant. sorry.
[13:46:21] <Tom_itx> why wait?
[13:46:42] <vsync_> store's closed
[13:47:09] <vsync_> i could synthesize some acid
[13:47:14] <Tom_itx> no that's just a glass barrier between you and what you want
[13:47:18] <Tom_itx> it can be moved
[13:49:09] <vsync_> yes. however the closest store is located inside a mall, in proximity of sentries, the possibility of an unwanted outcome is high
[13:49:34] <vsync_> i'm not too big on undercover ops
[13:50:14] <vsync_> alcohol in this country is probably DEFCON I because they like to tax it so much
[13:50:38] <Tom_itx> maybe quitting is a better option
[13:52:04] <vsync_> quitting implies making a choice and not returning, whereas merely postponing one's plans is a more liberal approach and leaves space for changes of the heart
[13:53:33] <vsync_> standing down is default, no harm no foul
[14:44:24] <braincracker> hello my firends
[14:44:27] <braincracker> :)
[14:44:29] <braincracker> what1s up?
[15:14:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> friends?
[15:46:00] <hetii> HI:) Q: is it possible to control by custom driver gpio that is used in usb->SD/MMC card reader ?
[15:46:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> doubtful.
[15:46:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> might be, depending on the chip used
[15:46:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> but still doubtful.
[15:46:45] <hetii> hmm
[15:46:57] <Lambda_Aurigae> and different card readers will use different chips.
[15:47:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> some might use a real microcontroller, some might use a custom chip.
[15:47:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> some might even use an one time programmable microcontroller, which is done a lot in custom hardware.
[15:47:37] <hetii> yep but still the API need to be compatible with usb storage class
[15:48:11] <hetii> and i wonder if its possible to use that fact and build ISP programmer :)
[15:49:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> just changing your program at the PC side probably won't do.
[15:51:36] <Fleck> better to buy cheap SD card reader :D
[15:52:51] <Lambda_Aurigae> Fleck, I think he wants to turn a cheap sd card reader into an avr programmer
[15:53:17] <Fleck> ohh
[15:53:27] <hetii> yep :)
[15:53:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> now, one could program an AVR bootloader to pretend it is an sd card then connect to a regular reader.
[15:54:02] <Lambda_Aurigae> upload program by copying file to the chip.
[15:54:34] <hetii> such a nice idea :)
[15:54:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've seen it done with simulating a usb flash drive.
[15:55:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> simulating an SD card would be simpler actually.
[15:55:49] <Casper> actually, would be more complicated
[15:56:00] <hetii> but of course even by access directly gpio is enough to write uploader :)
[15:56:02] <Casper> the protocol isn't public
[15:56:17] <Casper> people do not use the true protocol with SD, but SPI
[15:56:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> oh yeah....most readers would use the confidential protocol, not the SPI protocol.
[15:56:42] <hetii> yep the same like for avrr
[15:56:56] <hetii> hmm
[15:57:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> so might be easier to just use rue_more's method of IDE port for ISP programmer.
[15:58:26] <hetii> ?
[15:58:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> guy here, rue_more, used an IDE port as an AVR programmer.
[15:59:17] <Casper> yes he did
[15:59:26] <Casper> just use a real programmer
[15:59:27] <hetii> huh also interesting idea :)
[16:00:13] <hetii> I have the same idea like this: https://wiki.steve-m.de/hidkey_gpio and also this http://www.pjrc.com/hub_isp/
[16:00:37] <hetii> Other one is to use sound card
[16:00:48] <hetii> or vga port
[16:01:06] <Lambda_Aurigae> why not display and camera?
[16:01:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> good visual light wireless communications.
[16:01:52] <hetii> if you know how :)
[16:02:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> it all requires knowledge.
[16:03:27] <hetii> sure, that why I ask about capabilities. Build ISP programmer with any interface you may have in your PC :)
[16:03:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> heck, 20ish years ago there was a watch that had a calendar on it..you programmed it by holding it up to your computer screen and the program made the screen flash to send data to the optical pickup on the watch.
[16:04:34] <hetii> nice ;)
[16:04:47] <hjohnson> trying to remember if I have anything else on my I2C bus
[16:09:28] <hetii> hmm btw when I write new program into avr do I need use MISO line ?
[16:10:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> well, usually you need miso, mosi, sck, and reset.
[16:12:14] <hetii> usually yes, but as a read reset is toggled after erasing process and if we assume that program will be written without verification then maybe miso is also not needed :)
[16:13:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> guessing you don't need the MISO to just upload program
[16:13:16] <Lambda_Aurigae> from looking at the datasheet
[16:15:05] <hetii> so at the end of the day we need just two wire :)
[16:15:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> well, if you manually hold reset on then, you need sck and mosi and gnd.
[16:16:19] <hetii> yep
[16:16:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> so 3 wires
[16:18:32] <hetii> right I don`t count gnd and reset, just active gpio from pc :)
[16:18:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> always count gnd at least.
[16:19:20] <hetii> sure, I will use it at the end :)
[16:20:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> too many newbies make the mistake of thinking ground is just a power point and don't consider it for cross connecting devices.
[16:22:00] <hetii> ahh i see your point now.
[16:33:47] <Duality> i am having some troubles with my timers, it's like one is modulating the other very weird, any ideas ?
[16:34:40] <braincracker> Lambda_Aurigae yes?
[16:35:40] <Lambda_Aurigae> huh?
[16:35:52] <braincracker> do you do you ?
[16:36:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> no, I don't do me.
[16:36:03] <braincracker> what is the situation around here?
[16:36:04] <Lambda_Aurigae> I only do my wife.
[16:37:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> too many electrons, not enough electrocution going on.
[18:31:07] <vsync_> Lambda_Aurigae: grounding... were you grounded a lot?
[18:31:26] <vsync_> it's kinda of power poi... a power trip, to ground someone
[18:31:43] <vsync_> are you grounded atm?
[18:32:58] <Lambda_Aurigae> yes, actually, I was.
[18:33:11] <Lambda_Aurigae> I'm too old to be grounded now.
[18:34:12] <vsync_> have some mains, will ground
[18:34:16] <vsync_> -som
[18:34:18] <vsync_> e
[18:55:24] <phinxy> My code which sends a byte to the display with i2c makes the microcontroller restart(crash).
[18:55:41] <phinxy> This is with it plugged in with USB, on battery it runs fine
[19:23:47] <Lambda_Aurigae> phinxy, not enough current from USB power source?
[19:27:38] <Lambda_Aurigae> usb will only give you 100mA unless you request more.
[19:27:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> and an LCD can draw 100mA easily.
[19:28:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> just looked at one and it's 120mA to 160mA including the backlight.
[19:30:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> so most likely you are drawing too much current and the PC is shutting off your power causing the chip to reset.
[19:48:20] <rue_more> http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/elex/ata2isp/main.html
[19:48:33] <rue_more> isp that runs off an ata port
[19:48:42] <rue_more> 5 PIN RULES!
[19:48:48] <rue_more> er 10 pin...
[19:50:13] <Lambda_Aurigae> does that run as fast as parallel port programmer?
[19:53:55] <phinxy> Lambda_Aurigae, thats gotta be it. the USB on the back worked fine so i guess the added wire length adds to it
[19:54:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> different USB ports will source different amounts of current without a request...
[19:54:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> they only have to source 100mA by spec.
[19:54:44] <Lambda_Aurigae> I've seen some that will do more right off.
[19:55:09] <Lambda_Aurigae> notebooks tend to be very stingy on their usb power though.
[20:10:31] <rue_more> yea its just lieka parallel port programmer
[20:11:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> cool...might have to play with that someday soon.
[20:12:04] <rue_more> its mainly that ata ports can be easier to come across or set up than parallel ports
[20:12:26] <Lambda_Aurigae> wonder if it will work on these ata raid cards I have.
[20:13:11] <rue_more> as long as there is an io port for mode 0
[20:13:21] <rue_more> I listed the normal ports
[20:14:00] <hetii> i just try http://www.pjrc.com/hub_isp/ but i got other status code from hub then expected for eg when its check pullup resistors.
[20:14:17] <rue_more> heh
[20:15:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> hetii, you should contact whoever made that hub isp thing and ask them about it.
[20:15:56] <hetii> maybe tommorow, for me its end for today :)
[20:16:04] <hetii> Have a nice day/night :)
[20:16:18] <Lambda_Aurigae> but I don't want to have a nice day!
[20:16:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> I wanna have a horrid day...
[20:17:17] <hetii> ok if you wish it :)
[22:46:52] <megal0maniac_afk> rue_more: That's kind of like the VGA I2C hack, where you probably shouldn't do it, but you can so you do. Although given that it's already at a reasonable logic level, one could argue that it's the easiest way (physically) to interface and you can even supply 5v
[22:49:10] <megal0maniac_afk> Oh my goodness. You could create a programmer which issues STK500 commands which it receives over I2C and have a VGA port programmer