#avr | Logs for 2014-03-18

[08:05:23] <naquad> is there any good guide on setting up gdb with avr uc (particularly interested in 2313, 164, 328)?
[09:30:09] <Casper> naquad: afaik, gdb also require jtag or debugwire, which is why most don't use that to debug
[09:31:55] <naquad> Casper, i have avr isp mk2
[09:32:02] <naquad> in theory it knows about both
[09:32:11] <naquad> at least thats what its guide says
[11:41:19] <Casper> usually people use a led, serial port or lcd to debug
[11:49:34] <braincracker> now planes are getting lost with 240 passengers? https://31.media.tumblr.com/3a1d6b014c9e310c983f39d86deaab4c/tumblr_n2moxnlm4P1tr3seho1_1280.jpg http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-26609687
[11:49:42] <synic> Casper: only if they don't know how to set up on chip debugging
[12:02:30] <megal0maniac_afk> naquad: the avrispmkii knows nothing about debugging
[12:05:28] <naquad> megal0maniac_afk, mmm you're right, i don't know why i thought it could do it :(
[12:06:26] <megal0maniac_afk> you want the avr dragon or jtagice3
[12:06:50] <megal0maniac_afk> or a serial port and leds
[12:16:18] <naquad> megal0maniac_afk, that av dragon looks very promising. thanks! went looking for some place to buy it
[12:47:40] <Casper> braincracker: indonesia refuse toi let airplane fly over their territory to search for that plane
[12:47:51] <Casper> that sound suspicious me think
[13:38:51] <uhsf> I'm starting a keyboard project using one ATMega32U4 breakout board, from SparkFun.
[13:39:04] <uhsf> I have configured LUFA so when I press a key switch, the letter 'a' is sent to the PC.
[13:39:25] <uhsf> After giving the avrdude command, I disconnected and reconnected the USB cable and the board is recognized as a USB HID keyboard.
[13:39:52] <uhsf> The problem is that when I press the key switch, no character appears on screen. How to solve this?
[16:00:49] <Crogdor> hello - can anyone here point me to some info/tutorials for keeping power usage at a minimum in an attiny85-based project? I have an interrupt driven app, and i feel like looping around forever waiting for an interrupt is gonna kill my batteries.
[16:01:52] <Duality> can i controle ontime with ctc ?
[16:02:54] <twnqx> Crogdor: the same as always... loop around in low power mode
[16:02:54] <Duality> I set the freq with OCR2A but I though by somehow modifing tcnt value in the isr (compare interupt) i could controle the ontime but not the freq
[16:03:34] <Crogdor> thanks twnqx, i'm very new to these devices, i'll look in the datasheet for how to set up lower power mode!
[16:03:35] <Crogdor> low*
[16:03:56] <twnqx> #include <avr/sleep.h>
[16:04:04] <twnqx> set_sleep_mode (SLEEP_MODE_IDLE);
[16:04:43] <Crogdor> thanks!!
[16:04:46] <twnqx> do { sleep_mode (); } while (1=:
[16:04:49] <twnqx> do { sleep_mode (); } while (1);
[16:05:39] <twnqx> well, check the details around that, whether you can use deeper sleep modes, etc
[16:05:58] <Crogdor> ok will do, definitely points me in the right direction, thanks :)
[16:52:55] <Duality> ok ok got it working with ctc :))
[16:53:18] <Duality> with both OCR2A and OCR2B
[17:48:52] <The_CooIest> what's the diff between AU and AUR chips?
[17:50:24] <Tom_itx> reel
[17:51:31] <The_CooIest> ah yes
[17:52:10] <The_CooIest> a buddy is asking for a couple of 1284p samples
[17:52:22] <Lambda-Aurigae> I got some about 2 years ago.
[17:53:11] <The_CooIest> i got 2 from them a few months ago
[17:53:20] <The_CooIest> i got 1 smd and 1 dip
[17:53:33] <Lambda-Aurigae> atmel has gotten better about samples the last few years I think.
[18:37:37] <clixx_IO> Good morning
[18:37:54] <Lambda-Aurigae> eeww
[18:38:02] <Lambda-Aurigae> using a dirty 4 letter G word with morning.
[18:38:14] <Lambda-Aurigae> you should have your mouth washed out with texas pete hot sauce.
[18:38:40] <Casper> hmmm
[18:38:51] <Casper> Lambda-Aurigae: maybe you need a better alarm clock?
[18:38:59] <clixx_IO> umm wouldn't work
[18:39:09] <Lambda-Aurigae> I don't use alarm clocks.
[18:39:29] <clixx_IO> I don't use texas pete hot sauce
[18:39:53] <Lambda-Aurigae> well, there's always 100% Pain...just a bit more than texas pete.
[18:40:25] <Lambda-Aurigae> http://www.originaljuan.com/pain-100/pain-100-hot-sauce
[18:40:29] <clixx_IO> I'm done with chilli for the most part - lived in thailand
[18:41:11] <Lambda-Aurigae> aahh..peanut sauce.
[18:41:14] <clixx_IO> a few chilli plants, a lime-tree, and fish sauce
[18:41:35] <clixx_IO> yes peanut sauce
[18:41:56] <Lambda-Aurigae> at least that has some flavor to it as opposed to american hot sauces.
[18:42:17] <clixx_IO> they have no shortage of flavours
[18:44:05] <clixx_IO> I'm fighting my Makefiles
[18:44:25] <clixx_IO> ok, so it works, but now I don't know exactly what I want or where I want it
[18:46:38] <clixx_IO> The processor option in the avr-examples example makefile is very nice
[19:47:48] <TechIsCool> Anyone own an frsky Taranis?
[20:07:58] <FreezingCold> Is there any cheap (under $1 or 2) AVR chips that support USB? I can't find any
[20:08:35] <tzanger> even the little attinys support USB with LUFA
[20:08:58] <FreezingCold> tzanger: LUFA?
[20:09:20] <FreezingCold> http://www.fourwalledcubicle.com/LUFA.php ?
[20:09:35] <Lambda-Aurigae> LUFA requires hardware USB.
[20:09:44] <Lambda-Aurigae> attiny45 can do usb with vUSB...
[20:10:00] <tzanger> er I got lufa and vusb confused, apologis
[20:10:03] <tzanger> apologies
[20:10:09] <Lambda-Aurigae> but it's only low speed USB and, not what I consider reliable...just a fun toy.
[20:10:27] <FreezingCold> Can ATTiny13 do vUSB?
[20:10:39] <tzanger> what on earth are you trying to do with a $2 AVR that can achieve anything close to 12Mbps?
[20:10:55] <Lambda-Aurigae> FreezingCold, I don't think so....
[20:11:15] <Lambda-Aurigae> I think the minimum is just around 2K of flash.
[20:11:21] <FreezingCold> tzanger: It's not about speed, it's about connectivity
[20:11:28] <tzanger> I don't follow
[20:11:49] <Lambda-Aurigae> tzanger, he wants to connect but speed isn't an issue.
[20:11:54] <clixx_IO> the attiny85's are available for around $1 depending on where you buy them
[20:11:56] <FreezingCold> Most people don't have SPI ports on their laptop
[20:12:09] <FreezingCold> And using RS232 is silly
[20:12:14] <tzanger> are there hosts that will work with USB FS but not USB LS?
[20:12:19] <clixx_IO> they do have I2C on their laptops
[20:12:36] <tzanger> no, his complaint was that low speed USB wasn't enough
[20:12:52] <FreezingCold> tzanger: me? uh, don't think I ever mentioned speed?
[20:13:02] <FreezingCold> clixx_IO: not really accessible
[20:13:19] <clixx_IO> why not?
[20:13:37] <clixx_IO> only if you are using Windows, in Linux it's easy
[20:13:56] <clixx_IO> it's on the VGA and HDMI port
[20:14:11] <Lambda-Aurigae> clixx_IO, but difficult to access
[20:14:26] <clixx_IO> I just made an adaptor
[20:14:35] <FreezingCold> clixx_IO: neat idea, thanks.
[20:14:45] <FreezingCold> That's works for me, but not "most" people
[20:15:38] <clixx_IO> https://plus.google.com/109366813998920635083/posts/ZURzqKjynFX
[20:17:34] <Lambda-Aurigae> interesting toy.
[20:17:40] <FreezingCold> oh. Nvidia systems are out of luck apparently
[20:17:52] <FreezingCold> "Unfortunately this adapter scheme is not compatible with all systems. Support for DDC is not mandated, so not all video cards support this capability."
[20:17:56] <FreezingCold> http://www.instructables.com/id/Worlds-Cheapest-I2C-I-Squared-C-Adapter/step5/Software-and-Projects/
[20:18:25] <Lambda-Aurigae> oops
[20:18:42] <Lambda-Aurigae> I have nvidia and ati both on this box.
[20:19:25] <clixx_IO> anyway, whilst I2C is possible, USB is more flexible
[20:19:42] <FreezingCold> Yep
[20:19:49] <FreezingCold> ATTINY45 is what I want
[20:19:50] <FreezingCold> thanks
[20:20:05] <Lambda-Aurigae> camera and video display can be used to communicate with a microcontroller.
[20:20:25] <Lambda-Aurigae> you just need an LED and a phototransistor on the microcontroller.
[20:21:23] <FreezingCold> [20140318:210403~]$ sudo i2cdetect -l
[20:21:23] <FreezingCold> [20140318:210406~]$
[20:21:25] <FreezingCold> looks empty?
[20:22:55] <clixx_IO> you need to specify the bus
[20:23:06] <clixx_IO> sudo i2cdetect -l 1
[20:23:17] <clixx_IO> or sudo i2cdetect -l 2
[20:23:39] <FreezingCold> Using driver `i2c-i801' for device 0000:00:1f.3: Intel Cougar Point (PCH)
[20:24:22] <Lambda-Aurigae> not seeing any on this box...but the ati video card is not in use..
[20:24:33] <clixx_IO> before you start - 'sudo modprobe i2c-dev'
[20:24:51] <Lambda-Aurigae> now I see em!
[20:24:57] <FreezingCold> yep
[20:24:57] <FreezingCold> same
[20:25:00] <FreezingCold> found a bunch
[20:25:00] <Lambda-Aurigae> and the NVIDIA board has some.
[20:25:12] <FreezingCold> What's ssc?
[20:25:24] <Lambda-Aurigae> no clue.
[20:25:32] <FreezingCold> [20140318:210743~]$ sudo i2cdetect -l | sprunge
[20:25:33] <FreezingCold> http://sprunge.us/TKeJ
[20:30:36] <Lambda-Aurigae> now I gotta play with the i2c on my vga...hhee
[20:31:07] <FreezingCold> same
[20:31:11] <FreezingCold> but I have a paper to write :(
[20:31:28] <FreezingCold> HDMI would almost be nicer cause of the connector...
[20:31:28] <Lambda-Aurigae> I just have a house to mod.
[20:31:38] <clixx_IO> just one warning, don't draw too much current
[20:32:13] <clixx_IO> I tested the current limit thing, and the specification was perhaps correct
[20:32:23] <clixx_IO> of 50mA
[20:32:41] <Lambda-Aurigae> so careful with i2c bus resistors? or are they there already?
[20:33:07] <clixx_IO> It's made for communications, not driving motors
[20:33:21] <clixx_IO> plugging in an attiny would be just fine
[20:33:38] <Lambda-Aurigae> aahh....shouldn't be a problem....plan on using an avr on it anyhow..or maybe a pic.
[20:33:53] <clixx_IO> shouldn't be a problem
[20:34:05] <FreezingCold> lol driving a motor with i2c?
[20:34:09] <FreezingCold> I'm not insane
[20:34:26] <Lambda-Aurigae> I've driven motors with an audio amp before.
[20:34:35] <clixx_IO> oh, well that means that I am - oh dear
[20:34:42] <FreezingCold> yep, you are
[20:34:53] <FreezingCold> Lambda-Aurigae: heh, at least that's meant to drive a bit of current...
[20:35:01] <clixx_IO> slap on the face accepted - but no feeling
[20:35:53] <Lambda-Aurigae> tone generator and 200 watt audio amp...vary frequency and you can vary the speed of the motor...some motors.
[20:36:07] <FreezingCold> ugh, I wish Atmel sent out as many samples as Microchip does
[20:36:15] <FreezingCold> I have a massive bin of PIC's
[20:36:24] <FreezingCold> I dunno if I'll ever have enough projects to use them all
[20:36:38] <rue_mohr2> there useless
[20:36:41] <rue_mohr2> junk em
[20:36:43] <Lambda-Aurigae> they're
[20:36:47] <Lambda-Aurigae> and, not all of them.
[20:36:55] <Lambda-Aurigae> having a dip package USB chip is nice.
[20:36:57] <rue_mohr2> yea they are, trust me, not worth the trouble
[20:37:02] <Lambda-Aurigae> and the pic32 chips I'm playing with are sweet.
[20:37:05] <FreezingCold> I've mostly started sampling PIC18F4685's
[20:37:08] <rue_mohr2> no trust me, junk
[20:37:13] <FreezingCold> They're like $10 bucks a pop
[20:37:22] <rue_mohr2> dosn't matter, junk
[20:37:25] <FreezingCold> true
[20:37:42] <Lambda-Aurigae> pic32mx250f128b....50MHz, 128K flash, 32K sram...32bit processors.
[20:37:44] <FreezingCold> I wish it had proper gcc
[20:37:58] <Lambda-Aurigae> mips core.
[20:38:03] <rue_mohr2> junk
[20:38:03] <FreezingCold> www.microchip.com/PIC18F4685‎
[20:38:09] <clixx_IO> I'm enjoying AVR-GCC
[20:38:11] <rue_mohr2> junk
[20:38:23] <rue_mohr2> would you beleive me that pics aren't worth the free samples?
[20:38:52] <Lambda-Aurigae> usbpic18 chips I just use as usb to serial adapters.
[20:38:56] <FreezingCold> rue_mohr2: I put the free sample date on my calender so I just order whatever even if I don't know if I'll use it
[20:39:22] <Lambda-Aurigae> FreezingCold, get things other than pics...they have sweet serial sram chip and mosfet drivers and stuff too.
[20:39:30] <FreezingCold> I forgot the model number, but I ordered a chip with like 36 GPIO pins
[20:39:45] <FreezingCold> Lambda-Aurigae: yeah I'm thinking of moving to mosfet's.
[20:39:51] <FreezingCold> what's the point of SRAM chips?
[20:40:02] <rue_mohr2> the controllers are wothless, microchip makes a lot of good perphial chips
[20:40:05] <FreezingCold> for a student/hobbyist I mean
[20:40:19] <Lambda-Aurigae> FreezingCold, 20MHz data rate...can clock data in one bit at a time on each clock cycle..
[20:40:29] <Lambda-Aurigae> or, on some of them, up to 4 bits at a time on each clock cycle.
[20:40:53] <Lambda-Aurigae> great for sample and hold data.
[20:41:09] <FreezingCold> I know this is a risky place to say it... but I'm moving to ARM soon
[20:41:19] <Lambda-Aurigae> I'm using them for making a VGA generator.
[20:41:36] <Lambda-Aurigae> and I also use them for holding basic programs for basic interpreter.
[20:42:57] <FreezingCold> the only PIC chip I might start using is the PIC18F46K22...
[20:43:06] <FreezingCold> 28 channel 10-bit ADC
[20:43:09] <FreezingCold> seems kinda nice
[20:44:13] <rue_mohr2> FreezingCold, they are lots of trouble, if your insistant on trying to use them, your about to learn all the troubel that comes with them
[20:44:40] <Lambda-Aurigae> pic chips are a lot of trouble....even the pic32 chips are nasty convoluted.
[20:45:01] <Lambda-Aurigae> but for a simple usb to serial adapter, they work.
[20:45:43] <Lambda-Aurigae> heck, one of microchip's usb to serial adapter chips is just a pic chip rebranded.
[20:45:57] <Lambda-Aurigae> relabeled rather.
[20:46:12] <FreezingCold> I've used PIC for the past year because of coursework
[20:46:14] <FreezingCold> kinda annoying
[20:46:23] <rue_mohr2> I didn't want to change from pics, but I was glad when I did
[20:46:36] <FreezingCold> first semester I had to program in asm, now I'm using a crappy propriety compiler called CCS
[20:46:53] <FreezingCold> CCS doesn't even know how to package their own compiler
[20:46:54] <Lambda-Aurigae> I started with pic waaay back when then went over to avr all the way...only recently have I gone back to using some pic chips for specific purposes.
[20:47:07] <FreezingCold> they wanted me to run an install script as root...
[20:47:10] <Lambda-Aurigae> and 8052 chips here and there.
[20:47:25] <FreezingCold> I nope'd the hell out and hacked on my own packaging
[20:47:35] <FreezingCold> emailed them saying wtf learn some basics, and of course I got no reply
[20:49:34] <clixx_IO> I got my makefile done, the result is clixxIO_AVR_atmega328p.a
[20:50:17] <clixx_IO> also I can pass the MCU in via the command line : make -f Makefile.avr MCU=attiny85
[20:51:00] <clixx_IO> I can pass in all different MCU's that I've never heard of and get a library for it
[20:51:06] <FreezingCold> tbh I'm bad for makefiles...
[20:51:08] <clixx_IO> here's my source: https://github.com/clixx-io/clixx.io/blob/master/eventframework/Makefile.avr
[20:51:11] <FreezingCold> I usually just script it up in bash
[20:53:28] <clixx_IO> avr on gnu is really uphill. No wonder Arduino did so much work
[20:55:01] <hotch> Hi all, is there a way to change my text size in eagle? For example, I'm looking to label a set of headers (PB0 etc etc)
[20:57:38] <clixx_IO> hotch: try the #hackvana channel - lot's of Eagle users there
[20:57:51] <hotch> Ahh got it nm
[20:58:49] <hotch> Awesome channel clixx_IO thanks!
[22:04:08] <braincracker> hello my friends
[22:04:30] <braincracker> hey clixx_IO you managed to summon a makefile ?:)
[22:04:46] <braincracker> next will be configure :(
[22:53:56] <clixx_IO> braincracker: I saw configure, looks interesting
[22:56:05] <clixx_IO> but I am not self-mutilating, so maybe I can avoid it for now
[22:58:34] <clixx_IO> I did do the linux Makefile also, so I can have code compatability between AVR and Linux : https://github.com/clixx-io/clixx.io/blob/master/eventframework/Makefile
[22:59:32] <clixx_IO> no, that's not it
[22:59:34] <clixx_IO> https://github.com/clixx-io/clixx.io/blob/master/eventframework/Makefile
[23:00:51] <clixx_IO> slow process of working through and making the different events work the same for AVR and Linux
[23:29:40] <tzanger> hm, has anyone used the Tiny1634?
[23:29:58] <tzanger> looking at it as kind an intelligent I/O device (I2C slave)
[23:38:22] <clixx_IO> no, but I can compile for one :-)
[23:38:59] <clixx_IO> why use such a strange [less common] beast?
[23:41:58] <clixx_IO> over something more common?
[23:47:12] <tzanger> oh that's easy
[23:47:32] <tzanger> digikey, avr, about 16-20 I/O, reasonable package, sort by price
[23:47:36] <tzanger> they popped up at the top
[23:48:38] <tzanger> thinking of using it to drive a graphic OLED, encoder and some moderate I/O (LEDs and a switch or two). built in EEPROM means I don't have to have an external EEPROM now and like I said, cheap
[23:49:56] <tzanger> built in OSC and I2C slave, which I admit aren't that rare on other AVRs
[23:49:56] <clixx_IO> yeah that would be fun
[23:50:18] <clixx_IO> sounds very cool
[23:50:56] <tzanger> it's also got a universal serial port which looks interesting, although I'd probably only drive the SPI LCD with it
[23:51:05] <braincracker> clixx_IO i do make && make install now to compile and burn with avrdude a project now
[23:51:08] <braincracker> :)
[23:51:27] <braincracker> hey tzanger \o/
[23:51:48] <clixx_IO> braincracker: I've had the 'make flash' thing work
[23:52:12] <braincracker> make install is std linux :) feels nice on avr to be the same
[23:52:14] <clixx_IO> It's good and all, but what I really want is flash via bluetooth
[23:52:37] <clixx_IO> braincracker: yes
[23:52:49] <braincracker> first i had make burn, but it was not that cool
[23:52:58] <braincracker> i don't wanna burn my atmel
[23:54:01] <clixx_IO> it always hurts
[23:54:33] <clixx_IO> and 'flash' has rude connotations in some parts of the world
[23:54:54] <clixx_IO> so 'install' is ok
[23:55:07] <tzanger> hey braincracker
[23:57:57] <clixx_IO> tzanger: had much luck with the oleds?
[23:59:56] <braincracker> http://mkkp.hu/csillamfaszlama/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/225479_111152345639619_105920109496176_118181_5969303_n.jpg
[23:59:59] <braincracker> hahaha