#avr | Logs for 2014-03-11

[03:02:53] <anfjksd> hello
[03:03:21] <anfjksd> why is nobody talking?
[03:04:02] <hackvana> Everyone is holding their breath waiting for you to say something incredible.
[03:06:56] <anfjksd> the meaning of life equals to 42!
[03:07:06] <anfjksd> That's pretty incredible
[03:12:02] <hackvana> I watched that again last night.
[10:43:44] <mesger> I'm using an spi library to read write to an external flashchip. But as soon as I initialize the spi i can't get communication on a chip wired to serial1. I'm using the atmega2560. Any ideas why ?
[10:44:01] <mesger> as it is now I have 4 outputs on the arduino, the spi cs is among them
[10:50:59] <twnqx> just write the spi "library" aourself, it's barely 30-40 lines of C
[13:23:05] <cptG> hello! I'm having problems flashing a chip with avrdude (.conf provided by board manufacturer) - it states "programmer type must be written as "id_type"" - I have no idea what that means and neither does google. The avrdude.conf manual does not seem to state anything about "id_type" - can someone help me?
[17:08:34] <docmur> I have a dragon programmer and I need to connect the HV Prog header to the SPI / MKII header on my development board, does any one have a pin out for this?
[17:31:13] <Tom_itx> docmur, it varies from chip to chip on the HVP
[17:31:16] <Tom_itx> HVPP
[17:31:34] <Tom_itx> it will be in the studio device help file
[17:55:35] <phinxy> does this mean starter is connected to the transformer with a lower amount of turns? http://i.imgur.com/kLU3m6c.png
[17:56:31] <Tom_itx> doesn't say
[17:56:38] <Tom_itx> centertapped for sure though
[17:59:30] <Lambda-Aurigae> docmur, what chip are you trying to HV program?