#avr | Logs for 2014-02-25

[02:43:45] <abcminiuser__> 'lo all
[02:43:48] <abcminiuser__> What did I miss?
[03:41:53] <Valen> abcminiuser__: how friggin awesome I am ;->
[03:42:31] <braincracker> hey cool dudes
[03:42:39] <braincracker> what is the situation ?
[03:43:22] <abcminiuser__> ...
[03:43:34] <Valen> lol
[03:43:34] <abcminiuser__> Valen, reason, or just in general?
[03:43:40] <Valen> just in general
[03:43:54] <Valen> you still in the frozen wastes or back in a more hospitable climate?
[03:44:10] <braincracker> i like cold
[03:45:03] <bitd> Freezing my nuts of here as well T.T
[03:45:26] <braincracker> where ?
[03:45:32] <bitd> Netherlands.
[03:45:34] <braincracker> it is hot here
[03:45:46] <bitd> What temp?
[03:45:55] * braincracker sends hot to netherlands
[03:46:08] <bitd> ;D
[03:46:21] <braincracker> ~25C outside
[03:46:27] <bitd> Wow!
[03:46:30] <bitd> Now where is that?
[03:46:31] <braincracker> +7-10 inside
[03:46:39] <Valen> be nice in some respects there
[03:46:43] <abcminiuser__> I'm back in the lands of real food
[03:46:47] <abcminiuser__> (Melbourne)
[03:46:53] <Valen> would never need to worry about energy efficency
[03:46:54] <braincracker> hah
[03:47:05] <braincracker> hungary is a warm place
[03:47:06] <Valen> leave the computer on 24/7 because it just means the heater will run less
[03:48:46] <bitd> God this research is so stupid.
[03:48:55] <bitd> Have to look for JavaScript alternatives in a browser.
[03:49:00] <braincracker> earth layer is thin, you dig down 1500-2500m, and water boils there
[03:49:04] <bitd> THERE ARE NONE <.<
[03:49:06] <Valen> oooh that pyjava thing
[03:49:08] <Valen> made of win
[03:49:10] <Valen> activeX
[03:49:26] <bitd> JS alternatives, so no plugins :P
[03:49:33] <braincracker> this place could be a geothermal power heaven
[03:49:47] <Valen> pyjava lets you run python in javascript or something
[03:49:56] <bitd> Yup, compiles to JavaScript.
[03:50:00] <braincracker> instead, it is made a dump
[03:50:05] <bitd> So does CoffeeScript and google Dart.
[03:50:40] <bitd> Both gay, I hate web development.
[03:50:43] <bitd> Its so...
[03:50:45] <bitd> Icky.
[03:50:50] <Valen> +10
[03:51:57] <bitd> I'd rather get a job as a garbageman than work in web dev.
[03:52:16] <Valen> garbo hours are worse than webdev i reckons
[03:52:17] <bitd> Having to tell the next idiot that his idea really does not differ that much from facebook.
[03:52:22] <Valen> money is probably better
[03:52:30] <Valen> and you would deal with less rubbish
[03:52:37] <Valen> (being a garbo)
[03:52:47] <bitd> Think so to.
[03:52:49] <bitd> And!
[03:52:55] <bitd> No customers.
[03:53:03] <Valen> mmmm still have customers
[03:53:14] <braincracker> what cha sellin ?
[03:53:16] <Valen> but your interaction with them is pretty binary
[03:53:17] <bitd> They wont wanna talk to me because of my smell >.>
[03:53:53] <braincracker> bitd sometimes it does not hurt to wash with soapy water
[03:54:13] <bitd> Its not spring yet, so no soap for me.
[03:55:08] <braincracker> hahaha garbage man is better than a web developer, or java, flash developer
[03:55:11] <braincracker> or .net
[08:34:50] <sdes> Hi people I have a question. I'm a beginner in AVR (and in electronics in general) and I'm buying a 328-PU, I wondered if I need a cristal oscillator? Is it always needed or only when doing really specific stuff?
[08:36:11] <sdes> Then no?
[08:46:32] <kline> sdes: its always nice to have an external clocksource
[08:46:53] <kline> but it depends on what you want to do if you *need* it or not
[08:47:25] <sdes> What kind of stuff do I need it for?
[08:47:28] <kline> the 328P has an internal oscillator that runs at 8MHz and also can be clocked down to 1MHz witha fuse setting
[08:47:55] <kline> so if you need to go fast, or you need precision for something like serial, youll want a proper xtal
[08:48:22] <Casper> sdes: you need a crystal for stable and precise clock and to get the full speed
[08:48:32] <Casper> if you use a crystal, don't forget it's 2 capacitors
[08:54:03] <sdes> And any kind of crystal is fine?
[08:55:04] <kline> most common is a full swing 16MHz xtal
[09:23:38] <braincracker> hello my friend
[09:45:51] <rue_house> it seems that driving crystals wrong is pretty common, I'v seen lots of devices with broken crystals
[09:56:29] <kline> rue_house: in what ways do you see it done wrong?
[09:58:32] <braincracker> rue_house did you break the crystal?
[10:04:54] <megal0maniac_afk> Turns out that as a student, I get every version of visual studio pro and windows server for free :D
[10:05:40] <megal0maniac_afk> rue_house: How does one drive a crystal wrong?
[10:07:49] <PoppaVic> you drive it crazy, (are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet?.....)
[10:07:59] <rue_house> overdriven crystals shatter, so it seems
[10:08:12] <braincracker> hmm
[10:08:24] <rue_house> or fracture
[10:08:35] <rue_house> kinda hard to open them after and get an objective oppinion
[10:08:40] <braincracker> well if you give the crystal DC offset voltage it may depolarize
[10:08:48] <braincracker> or, if you seriously overheat them
[10:08:54] <rue_house> I'm talking broken
[10:09:02] <braincracker> and if you give them way too much power input, they may break
[10:09:11] <rue_house> I know one that rattled when sha...ken?
[10:09:20] <rue_house> shook
[10:09:24] * rue_house ponders
[10:09:39] <braincracker> another failure mode could be the very thin sputtered silver breaks off
[10:09:49] <rue_house> but I'v dealt with lots of failed crystals
[10:10:25] <rue_house> in everything from a C64 to a Cb radio
[10:10:35] <braincracker> i did kill some piezo speakers too
[10:10:46] <braincracker> that requires high voltage spikes
[10:11:49] <braincracker> it makes things better to overheat it
[10:13:05] <braincracker> i don't think you can overdrive a crystal with an mcu ;/
[10:13:31] <braincracker> not all crystals are able to handle the full swing mode?
[10:14:16] <braincracker> or they did use 22nf instead of 22pf caps?
[10:14:35] <megal0maniac_afk> 22uF! Release the farads!
[11:42:53] <zmo> hi!
[11:43:12] <zmo> I'm trying to import an existing project in Atmel Studio, so I can debug it using the jtag ice 3
[11:43:30] <zmo> thing is, I really don't get how to actually import existing code into it
[11:45:43] <zmo> (the code is the Marlin firmware, so it's basically a GCC+Makefile project)
[11:49:08] <megal0maniac> zmo: There's an extension which makes projects from makefiles which I've used with varying degrees of success
[11:49:38] <zmo> megal0maniac - you know what is that extension/how do I use it?
[11:49:46] <zmo> I installed a bunch of extensions from the extension manager
[11:49:54] <zmo> but I'm not really sure what's what
[11:49:58] <zmo> and how to use them
[11:50:24] <megal0maniac> It's called "Create Project from Makefile"
[11:50:25] <zmo> I'm used to develop using a command line, I always find that IDEs gets in the way and make me waste time
[11:50:41] <megal0maniac> And to use it, you click Tools>Create Project from Makefile :)
[11:50:47] <zmo> ah thanks found it
[11:51:09] <megal0maniac> Easy peasy
[11:51:14] <megal0maniac> Works sometimes
[11:53:46] <zmo> I've seen in many makefiles from adafruit some --------- begin --------- / ---------- end ---------- stuff
[11:54:05] <zmo> is it still needed? or atmel studio handles makefiles correctly now?
[11:55:47] <megal0maniac> Your guess is as good as (and probably better than) mine
[12:15:52] <zmo> oh and btw, how do I add the jtagice3 to atmelstudio?
[12:16:05] <zmo> when I try to select a tool, it only offers me to select the simulator :-s
[13:49:08] <megal0maniac_afk> zmo: It should just be there. Go to Tools > Device Programming
[14:54:07] <zmo> megal0maniac_afk - I only got AVR simulator, whether the jtag is plugged in or not
[16:15:28] <ColdKeyboard> Anyone here using Altium?
[16:16:31] <ColdKeyboard> I would like to create a polygone pour over my whole board and have clearance of 30mil from all elements except from those who are in the same net as polygon pour?
[17:52:41] <Sur3> hi, i need help with PWM, my ATmega644P ignores the command >>OCR0A = 255;<< when its in a while loop.. o.O
[17:53:12] <Tom_itx> 8 or 16bit timer?
[17:54:05] <Sur3> 8 i think, mom...
[17:55:53] <Sur3> hm how to i change bitlenght does this have to do with the prescaler?
[17:56:19] <Tom_itx> yep
[17:56:23] <Tom_itx> the period
[17:58:09] <Sur3> i set TCCR0B |= (1 << CS01); so the prescaler is 8
[17:58:29] <Sur3> ahh wait
[17:59:42] <Sur3> ah yes
[17:59:49] <Sur3> but still doesnt work
[18:02:23] <Sur3> this is my code, i took it from a small example.. http://paste.org/flat/70790
[18:03:14] <Sur3> the OCR0A command works when i put it before the while loop but not inside
[18:03:59] <Sur3> putting a delay also inside the loop seems not to change anything
[18:06:21] <Tom_itx> someone will come along to help... i gotta take a break
[18:06:31] <Sur3> k, thx
[19:33:06] <rue_more> Sur3,
[19:34:01] <rue_more> OCR0A = 0;
[19:34:01] <rue_more> // set PWM for 50% duty cycle
[19:34:03] <rue_more> no
[19:34:28] <rue_more> thats 0%, 50% would be 128
[19:34:46] <PoppaVic> kids
[19:36:02] <rue_more> hmm, why wouldn't it work in the loop
[19:36:17] <Tom_itx> because the timer isn't done timing
[19:36:21] <rue_more> it probably cant finish the write properly
[19:36:29] <Tom_itx> maybe it should be done in an interrupt
[19:36:40] <rue_more> I'd expect it to still set within the loop
[19:36:57] <rue_more> a write to ocrx dosn't reset any part of the pwm system
[19:38:24] <rue_more> if there were 2 nops after the write I wonder if it would work
[19:38:50] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/mega128/pwm_test/8bit_timers/
[19:38:53] <Tom_itx> those work fine
[19:39:10] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/mega128/pwm_test/
[19:39:15] <Tom_itx> 16 bit timer
[19:39:34] <rue_more> did it not work without the 1ms delay?
[19:40:32] <Tom_itx> each one loops separately
[19:40:35] <Tom_itx> one up one down
[19:40:44] <Tom_itx> with a delay between
[19:40:50] <Tom_itx> so yes
[19:41:08] <Tom_itx> err maybe not...
[19:41:16] <Tom_itx> i just saw they were in the for loop
[19:41:30] <Tom_itx> it would happen way too quick otherwise
[19:41:39] * PoppaVic chuckles
[19:42:07] <Tom_itx> i've slept since i wrote that
[19:42:12] * Tom_itx smacks PoppaVic
[19:47:08] <PoppaVic> "yes!" Well, Maybe! No?"
[19:47:52] <Tom_itx> just options... pick one :D
[19:48:33] <PoppaVic> Good ol' trinary
[20:07:10] <genex> Hello everyone, is there a thread or book anyone can recommend for learning about the AVR chips and 38khz ir? I don't have much time to talk, and I don't want to waste your time with a silly thing like this. I've looked all around for infrared related articles, but can't seem to find any...
[20:07:45] <Tom_itx> what do you want to know?
[20:09:55] <genex> Well, I am working on a project that turns on and off the smartboards at our school (hehe), and my timings are off when I try to replay the signals. I am using an 2d array, with two for loops and a toggle of the output, followed by the delay. I am using a stock attiny*5, but even with F_CPU at 1000000, the delays are a little off.
[20:09:56] <timemage> genex, atmel has an appnote for receiving (and probably one for sending) IR.
[20:10:28] <Tom_itx> doesn't it default to 12Mhz internal clock?
[20:10:33] <genex> timemage: an appnote? Dont know what that is, but it sounds official, so I will go check that out. Thanks!
[20:10:45] <timemage> genex, a recipe, if you like.
[20:11:01] <Tom_itx> if so, F_CPU would be off
[20:11:47] <Tom_itx> that would explain the delays being off
[20:11:53] <genex> Tom_itx: I thought with the default fuse bits, it used an internal 8mhz, but divides the clock by 8, so 1mhz
[20:12:18] <Tom_itx> double check on the attiny 4 5 9 and 10 i think they are 12Mhz
[20:12:28] <Tom_itx> those are the 6pin tiny critters
[20:12:28] <genex> Tom_itx: I checked the datasheet earlier, but I will check it again, especially if it seems wrong.
[20:12:41] <genex> hmm, mine is an 8pin
[20:12:52] <Tom_itx> genex tiny what?
[20:12:52] <timemage> Tom_itx, iirc, the 25/45/85 is a genex says.
[20:13:02] <Tom_itx> not attiny 5
[20:13:09] <genex> I have two, the attiny85V, and the attiny85
[20:13:19] <Tom_itx> way different
[20:13:21] <genex> note the attiny*5,
[20:13:32] <Tom_itx> mmm
[20:13:39] <Tom_itx> i thought that was a typo
[20:14:05] <genex> Are the datasheets for the two different? I know the V supports 1.8v, but a max of a 10Mhz clock (external)
[22:36:22] <AndinhoPrimao> what's up?