#avr | Logs for 2014-02-21

[08:35:14] <Roter> im back! there is a problem tho
[08:35:57] <Roter> why does my mcu, have pins that output 3.3V, while other output 0.7V and another one at 1.2V
[08:36:18] <Roter> my mcu is atmega32
[08:36:43] <Roter> i supply it with 4.5V from batteries
[08:36:51] <Roter> i check the voltage at the pins
[08:42:13] <Roter> damm, the problem is the code, when i comment out the code like this: http://pastebin.com/FNi4zuum
[08:42:47] <Roter> it works normaly, why when i uncomment it, it has the problem
[08:44:11] <Roter> but, now one side is 4.2V and the other side 3.3V
[08:44:15] <Roter> what is happening?
[08:45:24] <z0idb3rg> hi guys :P
[08:47:30] <Roter> hi
[09:23:58] <rue_more> Roter, hey
[09:24:17] <rue_more> do you know that there are 3 modes for each pin?
[09:24:45] <rue_more> pins can be output, input with pullup resistor, and input without pullup resistor
[09:25:31] <Roter> i set the pins as output?
[09:25:54] <Roter> i only knowed output and input
[09:26:22] <rue_more> do you know what a 1 or a 0 mean in the DDR- register?
[09:30:09] <Roter> 0 sets to input and 1 to output right
[09:30:12] <Roter> ?
[09:35:46] <Casper> hey rue_more !
[09:36:03] <Casper> do you know of a good ip camera recording software? ideally linux based
[09:36:16] <rue_more> Roter, yes
[09:36:41] <rue_more> Casper, no idea
[09:37:18] <Roter> so what is the mistake? Also if i use a battery, how fast could it deplete?
[09:37:55] <rue_more> Roter, one question at a time?
[09:38:06] <rue_more> what do you want the code to do
[09:39:18] <Roter> ok ok, i have the code to make pins: b0,b1,b2,b3,a0,a1,a2 to output and send some power to it
[09:39:26] <Casper> Roter: the avr output should be quite strong, ensure that the DDR for that pin is set to output, then set PORT to the value wanted
[09:39:51] <Casper> beware to not overload the output with a too big load or damage can occur
[09:40:06] <Casper> that also include short and back feeding
[09:42:11] <Casper> rue_more: I guess you also don't have much experience with mplayer and rtsp streams?
[09:42:30] <Roter> DDRB |= 1 << PINB0; PORTB |= 1 << PINB0; then the while loop. There are a few more pins that are set the same.
[09:42:40] <Roter> the while loop is empty
[09:45:28] <Roamin> Shouldn't you write DDRB |= ( 1 << PINB0 ); using the () to make sure it compiled properly?
[09:46:06] <Roamin> Hey, i use atmel's atmega32u2 along with atmel's at42qt1110 touch sensor IC ( http://www.atmel.ca/Images/Atmel-9520-AT42-QTouch-BSW-AT42QT1110_Datasheet.pdf ) I program the atmega via ISP. But it seems that i am somehow erasing the at42qt1110 at the same time? (They are both sharing the SPI bus) The at42qt1110 no longer responds its device ID. How would I prevent that? I checked the SS line , which is active low , is HIGH-Z from the at
[09:48:04] <Roter> used the braces, the same things happens also i tried using the vbus 5v my programmer has built in, and when i use it, one side of the mcu the volts are 4
[09:48:29] <Roter> ~4.5 and on the other they are 1.5v
[09:49:01] <Roter> i mean one side has ~4.5v and the other is 1.5v
[09:52:39] <Casper> 1.5V sound like an overload
[09:55:48] <Roter> i unconnected everything and now one side is 3V and the other one is 5v
[09:56:35] <Roter> tho, i have tryed to connect a 6v battery to it...
[09:56:55] <Roter> and maybe that could be the problem?
[09:57:04] <Casper> you shouln't use battery
[09:57:11] <Casper> try a regulated 5V supply
[10:02:09] <Roter> how would i get a regulated 5v supply? i was using 5v from my programmer, but now i noticed it doing this
[10:02:23] <Roter> it doesnt say if the programmers vbus is regulated
[10:03:37] <Casper> it should
[10:03:50] <Casper> a 7805 is what most people use
[10:08:04] <Roter> Roamin told me that i have to power and ground both sides
[10:08:10] <Roter> and now everything works
[10:08:28] <Roter> but, why shouldnt i use a battery?
[10:08:48] <Roamin> its more than 5v? and unregulated?
[10:09:14] <Roter> i just tryed using a 6v battery, because i dont have a 5v.
[10:09:35] <Roter> and it shows 5.88v and one side of pins
[10:09:44] <Roter> that i have both grounded and and powered
[10:09:45] <Roamin> it will probably work , for some time , or instantly permanently damage part of the circuit
[10:10:40] <Roter> how would i see the dame damage?
[10:10:40] <Roamin> according to the part # you gave me , it uses 4.5v to 5.5v , it will mostlikely tolerate a bit higher , but its not recommended, could lead to unexpected results
[10:10:58] <Roter> disregard the dame part :D
[10:11:02] <Roamin> you wouldn'T see it , and then one day some feature just might not work properly and you never know why ..
[10:11:43] <Roamin> you can, use a battery , but also use a regulator to regulate the voltage properly
[10:11:44] <Roter> dam.. so i will have to use my 5v from the programmer then. i just needed more amps
[10:12:13] <Roamin> but then, if you simply leave the regulator connected all the time to the battery , even when not in use it will discharge itself through the regulator
[10:12:27] <Roter> then what do people do?
[10:12:40] <Roter> if they want to power the mcu through batterys?
[10:12:45] <Roamin> use a proper power supply is what we do
[10:13:22] <Roamin> oh , use switches to toggle power on or off , or use transistors between the battery and the regulator , and switch that instead
[10:15:59] <Roter> hmm so if i wanted to make a battery powered clock, i would need some batterys, a regulator?
[10:16:15] <Roter> not mentioning the basic clock parts
[10:16:57] <Roter> cant realy find a regulator on google tho
[10:17:30] <Roamin> battery powered clock ... what kind of battery?
[10:17:42] <Roamin> and how long do you expect it to last?
[10:19:11] <Roter> i thought a few aaa baterys
[10:19:22] <Roter> maybe a year?
[10:19:49] <Roter> i was thinking something like a normal battery clock, just make a copy how i want it
[10:20:07] <Roamin> and whats the display ?
[10:21:07] <Roter> a simple seven segment display
[10:21:14] <Roter> it shows hours and minutes
[10:23:02] <Roamin> there are multiple types of 7 segment displays , if you are referring to LED types ones , it will never last a year .. If it lcd type ones then yeah, with proper design it will last a long time
[10:24:12] <Roamin> a type like this will last : http://focuslcd.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/7-segment-displays.jpg
[10:25:04] <Roamin> somethine like this will never last a year : http://www.circuitstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/LED-seven-sement-display-pinout-image.png
[10:25:12] <Roter> and if i used 4 of these: http://www.kingbrightusa.com/images/catalog/spec/SC08-11EWA.pdf
[10:25:23] <Roter> it is led right? so it would not last a year?
[10:26:07] <Roamin> 4 of those running on batterys wont last long at all
[10:28:52] <Roter> if i am a begginer, like you can see
[10:29:19] <Roter> what kind of power would i mostly need?
[10:29:28] <Roter> 0-18v would probably be enough ?
[10:30:23] <Roamin> I will write to you in pm , there's a lot i need to say :)
[12:11:02] <hotch> Hi everyone. I have been doing Arduino for a decent amount of time now, and work professionally as a software developer. I've recently encountered some conflicting Arduino libraries, and decided to just go straight to the source and develop without Arduino programming it natively. This book comes out in print sometime in the future, any recommendations other than data sheets on books?
[12:11:02] <hotch> (http://www.amazon.com/Make-Programming-Learning-Software-Technology/dp/1449355781)
[12:22:58] <specing> datasheets
[12:23:05] <specing> and data sheets
[12:23:09] <specing> and sheets of data
[12:40:17] <phinxy> Does anyone experience OLED displays "flickering" when moving your head?
[12:41:15] <Roter> maybe you blinked?
[12:41:19] <jacekowski> hotch: datasheets have everything you need, + on top of that google will help a lot
[12:42:09] <phinxy> I just checked again, it is harder to focus on than a LCD. oh well, who cares
[12:47:23] <bss36504> anybody ever played with the TI CC3000? It looks awesome
[12:47:37] <bss36504> http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cc3000.pdf
[12:49:03] <rajn> that one seems pretty good . I just ordered one
[12:49:33] <rajn> Though iam more keenon ipv6 support and that one does not look like supports ipv6
[12:49:59] <rajn> I am looking for a similar booster pack that supports ipv6 over 802.15
[12:52:24] <bss36504> rajn: Well, I'm not very experienced with networks, nor am I very well versed in the ins and outs of the PHY, but I figured this little chip would make a pretty nifty remote sensor board or something like that.
[12:52:43] <rajn> Right
[12:53:45] <rajn> I did assembly and some digital design 20 years ago during my grad program , and now getting back into it reviving my skills while ( may be ) . Mainly on the boards researching for my startup in the IoT space
[13:08:14] <bss36504> rajn: neat. Well let us know how it goes with the part
[13:10:30] <rajn> yep
[13:11:47] <rajn> I ordered the Stellaris lm4f120 eval kit as well so , i think it all fits well , some of the examples , and what is demonstrated on youtube are impressive .. though for a large number of nodes I am more inclined to ipv6 as opposed to ipv4
[13:14:27] <LoRez> phinxy: they're probably multiplexed displays. I see caddy tail lights doing that too
[13:30:09] <lionrouge> hi
[13:30:49] <bss36504> hi
[13:30:56] <lionrouge> is it right that atmega644pa can drive both 3 and 5 V to it's output pins?
[13:31:15] <lionrouge> (sorry for noob question)
[13:31:33] <bss36504> not at the same time, but yes, it can operate at both levels
[13:31:47] <lionrouge> bss36504, thanks
[13:32:38] <bss36504> no problem
[13:34:39] <synic> isn't that a feature of all of them?
[13:35:19] <bss36504> it's not a "feature" per se, its just that the operating range is between certain voltages
[13:35:57] <bss36504> Also, not all AVRs run in that supply window.
[13:43:23] <lionrouge> have anyone used FYQ segment displays?
[13:44:56] <braincracker> not yet, scheduled
[13:46:03] <bss36504> Is an FYQ segment display a normal seven-segment display?
[13:46:03] <braincracker> you usually need ~50Hz 50% duty cycle driving at a few volts for an lcd
[13:46:44] <braincracker> so you play flip-flop on the segment leads
[13:46:52] <braincracker> where you want it darken
[13:48:04] <lionrouge> what's their working voltage?
[13:48:29] <braincracker> any that works
[13:48:40] <braincracker> remember the 1.5V batt calculator? ;)
[13:48:49] <lionrouge> ))
[13:49:06] <lionrouge> i just want to connect one to my atmega644pa
[13:49:19] <braincracker> 0-5V should be fine i think
[13:49:26] <lionrouge> ok
[13:49:27] <braincracker> higher voltage means darker
[13:49:57] <braincracker> it requires AC driving at 50% duty to prevent damage
[13:50:22] <braincracker> dc voltage will shorten its life
[13:51:04] <lionrouge> oh
[14:02:22] <chansdad> ANy recomendations on cheap ipv6 supported SoC's
[14:03:23] <chansdad> that can be used along with MSP430
[14:06:37] <braincracker> arm?
[14:07:25] <braincracker> install linux on it
[14:14:56] <braincracker> chansdad, olimex a20
[14:15:30] <braincracker> beaglebone black, rpi
[14:16:13] <bss36504> I believe chansdad is looking for an ASIC not a full development platform.
[14:16:34] <chansdad> brian , if i were to use it as a node in a large network , cost /node will increase drastically
[14:17:04] <chansdad> I am thinking more of ipv6 over rf mesh
[14:17:11] <braincracker> a20 even has sata.
[14:18:04] <bss36504> chansdad: why not just use a different type of PHY and implement the networking in software? Or do you need your mesh to be wifi connected at every node?
[14:18:55] <chansdad> came across this one http://www.lantronix.com/device-networking/embedded-device-servers/xport-pro-lx6.html but again it is costly
[14:19:49] <chansdad> Ideally what I want is a wireless node that can be controlled remotely , dont want to settle on lower bandwidth
[14:20:20] <chansdad> 802.11s mesh would be nice , but i beleive it is power hungry and sometimes nodes have to be deployed with no power source except battery
[14:20:53] <chansdad> etc.. looking at a lot of scenarios/use cases , while at the same time want the price point to be very low for the buyer
[14:22:31] <chansdad> Any recommendations or suggestions?
[14:24:11] <lionrouge> chansdad, anyway IP level is done in software
[14:24:47] <chansdad> bare with me - i am a novice if I am mixing up things here ;)
[14:25:21] <chansdad> so MSP430 , with ipv6 - what options do i have ?
[14:28:21] <braincracker> that will not have the processing power to bitbang ethernet
[14:28:23] <bss36504> lionrouge: chansdad is referencing a part I pointed out earlier that is specifically designed to handle all of the wireless networking tasks so you dont need a super powerful micro to become internet connected. The thing is, it only supports ipv4. the part is a CC3000
[14:28:45] <bss36504> chansdad: if you
[14:28:57] <chansdad> thanks bss for clarifying
[14:29:07] <bss36504> if you are up to the task, just buy a micro with an ethernet PHY built in, then build the network stack yourself
[14:29:20] <lionrouge> http://hackaday.com/2014/01/07/porting-contiki-to-the-ti-msp430-launchpad/
[14:29:50] <lionrouge> http://43oh.com/2012/08/implementing-ipv6-with-the-msp430-launchpad/
[14:29:56] <braincracker> or buy an ethernet controller ic from ti and interface it
[14:30:17] <bss36504> braincracker: that is literally the exact thing I was just talking about.
[14:30:18] <bss36504> :P
[14:30:38] <braincracker> oh ok
[14:30:57] * lionrouge whispering: FPGA
[14:31:16] <braincracker> rpi is cheap and has rj45 onboard
[14:31:19] <braincracker> ;/
[14:31:29] <braincracker> runs linux
[14:31:34] <braincracker> but that is too simple
[14:31:44] <bss36504> It depends on what chansdad is up for on this project. The CC3000 is super handy and easy to use, but has the ipv4 limitation. an FPGA would be a total bitch to make network capable. A micro with a built in ethernet PHY still means you need to write the networking stack. An RPI or a Beaglebone is too expensive per unit.
[14:32:14] <bss36504> Perhaps chansdad could clarify what this mesh needs to do...
[14:32:16] <chansdad> ok , this is what I need to accomplish at the end of they so , share your thoughts
[14:32:28] <braincracker> hahaha
[14:32:34] <braincracker> good luck
[14:32:54] <chansdad> nodes to do various things - tun lights off /on, open garage doors etc, check temperatures etc
[14:32:59] <braincracker> hook up a beaglebone black, or olimex a20, install linux, configure it, and done
[14:33:11] <chansdad> a base station that would communicate with the nodes
[14:33:26] <bss36504> they didnt build rome in a day and they sure as hell didnt make an internet capable mesh network in a day
[14:33:37] <bss36504> braincracker: good lord man! too much $$
[14:33:48] <chansdad> RPIor olimex or what ever could be a base station
[14:33:57] <braincracker> ipv6 in one day on an arm? that should pay well!
[14:34:03] <chansdad> is reasonable to expect a base station price to be < 60$
[14:34:18] <bss36504> chansdad, I would go for cheaper nodes with a more expensive base like an rpi or beaglebone. I think we're on the same page now :)
[14:34:41] <chansdad> now the nodes - dont think having an rpi act as node is price worthy
[14:34:55] <braincracker> why it needs be ethernet anyway...
[14:34:58] <bss36504> chansdad: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9582
[14:34:59] <lionrouge> bss36504, in case of FPGA you just use IP-cores. There whould be smth. for ipv6 on opencores.org. But it's pricy and needs special software
[14:35:26] <bss36504> yeah it's hard to justify $20+ for the FPGA alone per node
[14:35:57] <braincracker> fpga in a day with ipv6 sounds neat, did you do that before?
[14:36:23] <chansdad> msp430 + some booster pack that supports ipv6 to communicate wion th the base station .. that also supports tunneling for communication on the INTRANET and over a tunnel through public internet with the Cloud
[14:36:48] <braincracker> oh okey
[14:36:55] <chansdad> i mean plain intranet and tunned over public internet to the Cloud
[14:37:00] <braincracker> may i recommend zfs on it?
[14:37:06] <chansdad> zfs ?
[14:37:13] <braincracker> so all the p0rn will be safe
[14:37:42] <chansdad> brian , that would be good but this is specifically for automation , IoT
[14:38:03] <braincracker> well it could run a torrent too
[14:38:09] <braincracker> in background
[14:38:11] <chansdad> nodes have to be very low priced , like each one sub 15 dollars end customer price if possible
[14:38:21] <braincracker> while switching the garage lights
[14:38:27] <braincracker> and waiting commands on ipv6
[14:39:05] <braincracker> :( ssds will not fit in $15 price range
[14:39:21] <chansdad> ok lets bump that up , 25$
[14:39:30] <chansdad> I am talking large quantities
[14:40:14] <braincracker> straight from china? ipv6 garage door opener, light switcher system?
[14:40:40] <braincracker> totally in dude
[14:41:02] <chansdad> Brian , iam looking to build a whole Platform , whether these will be manufacutred in china , taiwan etc , is the next step
[14:41:12] <chansdad> just in proto / eval stage
[14:41:24] <chansdad> right now
[14:43:05] <chansdad> what do you think of http://pinocc.io
[14:43:21] <braincracker> has a long nose
[14:44:39] <braincracker> is this a test doctor ?
[14:53:18] <bss36504> chansdad: How about using the part that the pinnocio uses: http://www.atmel.com/devices/atmega256rfr2.aspx
[14:55:41] <braincracker> so design team will create it till the end of the day, this includes teleporting the parts too
[14:56:19] <bss36504> Seriously, check out this app note: http://www.atmel.com/Images/Atmel-42150-Low-cost-Ethernet-to-Wireless-Gateway-with-ATmega256RFR2_Application-Note_AT01030.pdf
[14:56:33] <braincracker> lol there is an example ?
[14:56:44] <braincracker> well it probably is just a sketch
[14:56:53] <braincracker> will not work till end of day
[14:57:42] <braincracker> never seen any complete working sw from atmel yet ;/ not even a led blinker
[14:57:43] <bss36504> Its a full reference design. Did you read the title of the app note?
[14:58:28] <bss36504> dont be a hater, braincracker. "The Low-Cost Gateway (LCGW) reference design is a turn-key production-ready solution that connects IEEE 802.15.4 wireless networks to wired Ethernet networks. "
[14:59:04] <braincracker> bss36504 i just share my experiences, i have browsed over every single atmel appnote last year
[14:59:37] <braincracker> finally they decided to give something that will compile ?
[15:00:25] <bss36504> I've only use the USBKEY and associated software, and it worked swimmingly.
[15:00:31] <bss36504> used*
[15:00:54] <braincracker> what that compiled with ? avr-gcc ?
[15:01:18] <bss36504> yup. loaded the sources into AS6, worked on the first go
[15:01:38] <braincracker> cool, then my experience with atmel appnotes is outdated it looks like
[15:01:45] <bss36504> I eventually used LUFA, but there wasnt anything wrong necessarily with the atmel software
[15:02:18] <braincracker> will check if they shared a led blinker code ;)
[15:02:20] <bss36504> well certainly 1 good experience isnt indicative of good software overall, but I've had decent luck
[15:02:35] <bss36504> haha come on! you dont need example code for a blinker
[15:02:45] <bss36504> I mean, if you want some, I can give it to you
[15:02:46] <bss36504> lol
[15:02:56] <braincracker> imagine a newb reading all atmel appnotes and can't even make an atmel blink ;<
[15:03:36] <braincracker> i did my atmel blinker in asm 12 years ago, but...
[15:04:07] <braincracker> others might like to see something working to give inspiration
[15:04:47] <bss36504> As far as Im concerned, the info you need to toggle basic I/Os is in the datasheet for the part. If you read every word of the I/O chapter and then the register description, I feel like you can get a good enough feel for what needs to be done.
[15:05:20] <braincracker> you don't seem to be able to imagine how a newb knows nothing
[15:05:21] <bss36504> however, WormFood and rue_house and I were discussing a website with user contributed content and tutorials for doing the basic stuff like blinking an LED
[15:05:48] <bss36504> braincracker: I've been there. This wireless stuff makes me feel like a newb. Hell, I've made a USB device and I still dont feel like I get it.
[15:05:54] <WormFood> what did we decide to do with that?
[15:06:23] <braincracker> it is nice to give some kickstart to see something actually work, and you can hack things on it, see what happens
[15:06:35] <bss36504> WormFood: Not sure, did you chat with rue_house some more? I'm interested in helping contribute content, but thats about as far as I can go given my skills.
[15:06:56] <WormFood> I have not seen him on at the same time I had time to chat with him
[15:07:11] <bss36504> hmm alright. Do you know what timezone he is in?
[15:07:32] <braincracker> bss36504 nice, but atmel should have done this already 10 years ago...
[15:08:24] <bss36504> braincracker: Are there any other vendors doing this? Its my opinion that Atmel does way more than other big semiconductor companies in supporting their hobbyist and open-source users.
[15:08:36] <bss36504> Essentially every development tool they make is free.
[15:08:37] <braincracker> oh sure
[15:08:43] <braincracker> pic has examples everywhere
[15:08:50] <braincracker> that is a must to sell that.
[15:08:56] <bss36504> PICs are also fucking awful
[15:08:57] <bss36504> lol
[15:09:15] <braincracker> even crap sells if you give examples
[15:09:18] <braincracker> ;/
[15:09:43] <bss36504> touché
[15:10:55] <braincracker> though atmel was used by more serious customers too, i don't know any stats, but if more noobs would come to atmel more would mean less to pic, more to atmel anyway
[15:11:14] <braincracker> not my job, i was just reasoning
[15:15:45] <bss36504> of course, but atmel makes more money selling automotive grade parts, developing touch sensors, and selling tons of MCUs to big clients than they could ever make off of you and me.
[15:16:18] <braincracker> i have no idea
[15:17:06] <braincracker> how do you know not every bicycle light contain a pic from china?
[15:17:13] <braincracker> and every ...
[15:18:08] <braincracker> atmels are used in serious applications like controlling things in a car
[15:18:22] <bss36504> For example, in a recent teardown, the new Mac Pro has a small Atmel flash inside it. If that flash costs even a few cents and apple sells millions of units, atmel has made more money off of that than, say, a few tens of thousands of hobbyists buying more expensive chips like micros.
[15:18:41] <braincracker> using pics in a vehicle would decrease its reliability.
[15:19:26] <bss36504> the reason atmel and microchip are doing well is because they have excellent product portfolios. Atmel is primarily a processor company (plus memory and touch) and Microchip is mostly analog ICs and high end DSPs and 32-bit processors.
[15:20:18] <braincracker> microchip has all kinds of lame ics for noobs, and every one has an example circuit, so they will buy it, because "simple"
[15:20:36] <braincracker> and by lame i don't mean the codec ;)
[15:21:37] <braincracker> you can sell many things if you give a reason for the customer to buy
[15:22:20] <Thrashbarg> reminds me of a local ISP, where management bought a database system they were sold, which was completely incompatible with the existing system
[15:22:32] <Thrashbarg> their solution was to manually synchronise the two databases
[15:22:52] <braincracker> :)
[15:22:58] <braincracker> pays well in hours
[15:23:07] <WormFood> bss36504, I don't remember for sure which time zone he's in. I want to say it is close to my time zone (it's 5am here)
[15:23:51] <bss36504> WormFood: Ah ok, probably easier for you than me then. It's 4pm here
[15:24:22] <bss36504> braincracker: Well either way, AVR is, in my opinion, a superior product to any (8-bit) pic.
[15:24:28] <WormFood> but I don't hang out here that often lately. I mean, obviously I respond when someone mentions my name
[15:25:12] <bss36504> yeah I sign off usually when I'm not at work
[16:00:31] <PigFlu> i'm struggling with setting up I2C on an atmega3290. how much of the timing diagrams do i need to worry about? can i just put stuff in the USIDR register and expect it to be sent off?
[16:00:59] <PigFlu> i see that i need to send ack bits for every byte i receive as well..
[16:02:03] <PigFlu> i've set the USI register so its in 2-wire mode
[16:17:51] <naquad> i'm getting this error: avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x006e - after one of programmings i've started to get that. i've double checked all connections and it looks like they're fine. what can be wrong and can i somehow diagnose controller state?
[16:18:45] <LoRez> naquad: does it only not work on one chip?
[16:18:53] <naquad> LoRez, mmm not sure, let me check
[16:20:33] <naquad> hell
[16:20:36] <naquad> it looks like just one of it
[16:20:49] <naquad> i've burned one atmega168p :(
[16:21:08] <LoRez> happens.
[16:22:00] <naquad> what i did was change PB0 to PB1 and led stopped blinking, so with powered led (connected through resistor) i've started to try to connect another contact to each port
[16:22:14] <naquad> *to each pin of portb
[16:22:15] <specing> naquad: put an "atburn168p" sticker onto it
[16:23:27] <naquad> any ideas what exactly did i broke? i mean which pin was "deadly"
[16:28:47] <specing> How many times did you program it thus far?
[16:29:16] <specing> if that number > 1000, then maybe the flash ist kaput
[18:08:19] <naquad> specing, < 30
[18:15:04] <specing> then you overvolted something?
[18:46:16] <phinxy> Is it normal for a lcd controller to have custom features like "invert mode" and "scrolling text"?
[18:50:45] <phinxy> • Programmable Multiplexing Ratio • Row Re-mapping and Column Re-mapping
[18:51:01] <phinxy> does this mean you can select a smaller update part of the screen which would make it update faster?
[18:51:57] <PoppaVic> sounds like spin on ecma/ansi escapes
[18:54:40] <phinxy> amazing little screen. each pixel is PWM controlled for greyscale. cant imagine how it works
[18:57:43] <PoppaVic> which screen is this? link?
[18:59:56] <phinxy> PoppaVic, ssd1327 http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/Grove_-_OLED_Display_1.12%22
[19:02:25] <PoppaVic> not sure greyscale makes much sense in a small display. Printers, yeah.
[19:10:01] <PoppaVic> well, maybe to grey out menu-options that are inaccessible - but half-lit would do that.
[19:11:31] <phinxy> PoppaVic, yea i guess. it has other features like you can make it flash on/off while keeping memory the same. could be good for feedback or something
[19:11:41] <phinxy> and that hardware scrolling text - thingy
[19:12:15] <PoppaVic> I dunno, maybe - the 5110 displays seem useful AND cheap.. Useful, more costly and fragile worry me
[19:25:02] <phinxy> PoppaVic, i used one of thoose nokia 3110 displays in a pcb. mine needed pressure on the metal casing for a image to show up, ive read about others with the same problem. have you experienced this?
[19:26:25] <PoppaVic> I ordered a singleton from adafruit, figuring to trust them the first time. They solder two of the tabs from screen to back of PCB
[19:26:49] <tomatto> hi
[19:26:55] <PoppaVic> I've yet to try it - been a couple weeks since I hit the bench, and I'd really like to mount that stupid level-shifter on some protoboard.
[19:27:07] <tomatto> please, is good idea to connect reset pit to 5V directly?
[19:37:10] <tomatto> pin