#avr | Logs for 2014-02-12

[00:02:02] <rue_bed> didn't blackberry have the longest running black and white, non touchscreen, or any nonportable computing device?
[00:02:14] <rue_bed> - of any -
[00:02:20] <rue_bed> ...
[00:02:28] <rue_bed> didn't blackberry have the longest running black and white, non touchscreen, of any portable computing device?
[00:02:48] <AsgardBSD> blackberry did a boblsed them with a black and a white?
[00:03:26] <AsgardBSD> (was the first thing i tought when i read your sentance... still had boblsed in my head...)
[00:03:41] <AsgardBSD> and you where talking about running
[00:04:13] <rue_bed> no, I'm falling asleep tho
[00:04:42] <rue_bed> AsgardBSD, write PID control softare
[00:04:51] <rue_bed> build a hexapod to test it
[00:05:01] <AsgardBSD> im not the type who build thing
[00:05:08] <AsgardBSD> i am the thype who program it
[00:05:17] <AsgardBSD> im really not manual guy
[00:05:29] <AsgardBSD> i use my head more than my hand
[00:07:05] <tzanger> UW is still a powerhouse, RIM won't stop it
[00:07:18] <tzanger> it was around a lot longer than RIM and spawned many more companies than just RIM
[00:09:54] <AsgardBSD> good nite
[05:38:23] <overrider> I am looking for the smallest, which i am hoping will also be the cheapest, avr mcu. In theory i need 2 IO Line for a button and a buzzer (press button = buzz). My project is powered via 9V battery so i would like the ability to sleep and also to ocassionaly measure the battery voltage to light up an LED if voltage goes low. Any recommendations for AVR model i can look into? Thanks...
[06:08:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> overrider, attiny10?
[06:08:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> but you will need some kind of voltage regulator as it will not run at 9V.
[06:14:46] <overrider> Lambda_Aurigae: Thanks, this one looks good. Does this attiny10 have sleep mode? I go and check. I know need regulator, thats fine.
[06:15:00] <Lambda_Aurigae> read the datasheet.
[06:15:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> also, I think you need a PDI programmer for that, not just a normal ISP, but not sure.
[06:17:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> it does have an idle mode.
[06:17:31] <overrider> Ok. Oh yes that was my next question: How at home i can upload program to SMD chip? Are there special sockets or jigs i can connect them to?
[06:18:50] <Lambda_Aurigae> usually you put programming pins on the circuit board.
[06:18:56] <Lambda_Aurigae> or contact points and use pogo pins.
[06:24:01] <overrider> So generally for production, say i order 5000pcs of them, does the supplier put the code on? Sounds like a hassle to do for larger quantities
[06:24:25] <Lambda_Aurigae> the supplier does not program them for you.
[06:24:41] <Lambda_Aurigae> now, you can get companies that do board builds to program them.
[06:25:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> and, it is possible, I suppose, to find a supplier that would program them for you.
[06:27:37] <Lambda_Aurigae> there are sockets for small surface mount things for programming..not sure if there are any for that size or not....if there are, the sockets are likely expensive.
[07:33:44] <overrider> Can the code to check battery level, sleep, and handle 2 IO (press button = beep buzzer) fit inside 1K of flash? Attiny10 or 13 or 13A look great for what i had in mind. But jeez, 1K is indeed tiny
[07:35:58] <overrider> Maybe try it on regular atmega before buying
[07:48:59] <overrider> Also stupid question: The Attiny10, it does not have a 32kHz RT; no realtime clock? Don't i need that to control how long my buzzer is buzzing and to debounce my button etc?
[07:52:42] <overrider> Ok forget it, confusion
[07:52:52] <overrider> So many parameters
[08:06:26] <blathijs> overrider: Sounds like that should easily fit within 1K, if that's really all there is to it
[08:08:03] <blathijs> overrider: For reference, here's a serial protocol (one-wire like) I implemented for tiny13, which takes up "only" 950 bytes: https://github.com/Pinoccio/pinoccio-backpack-reference/blob/master/firmware/backpack.c
[08:08:23] <blathijs> overrider: Note the global register variables I used to shrink the code
[08:11:11] <blathijs> But it sounds to me like 1k would be enough even without fancy tricks like that
[08:12:05] <blathijs> overrider: You can of course just write the code and compile it. Even if you can't test it yet, as long as all the code is there, the final bugfixed version won't be dramatically bigger I'd expect
[08:30:45] <angs> I have an atmega168a MCU, I supply it by a 5V source but when logic high at an I/O pin is 4V when I measure it by an oscillator. any idea why I don't get 5V as logic high?
[08:30:54] <angs> instead it is 4V?
[08:37:07] <overrider> blathijs: thanks - that is what i will do, first test one atmega328 which i have around and see how small i can get it
[09:44:07] <Essobi> Morning all.
[09:44:13] <overrider> Morning
[09:46:05] <overrider> Are the Attinys always cheaper than the Atmegas?
[09:47:12] <Essobi> *shrug* I don't buy a lot of chips.
[09:47:18] <Essobi> And there's a lot out there.
[09:47:41] <Essobi> I got a dozens 328ps around here somewhere..
[10:10:37] <The_Coolest> depends on the quantity I think
[10:10:49] <The_Coolest> And where you look
[10:10:55] <The_Coolest> overrider ^
[10:11:06] <The_Coolest> I bought 10 ATmega88s for $9
[10:20:26] <overrider> I really want to buy the MCU for 0.3USD if possible, 5K pieces
[10:30:33] <The_Coolest> I know a guy who got 5k 168Ps for $0.68/pop
[10:31:09] <The_Coolest> I think there are ATtiny that are this cheap. It really depends on the features you need
[10:31:16] <The_Coolest> overrider ^
[10:32:51] <overrider> Ok thanks. I am looking like mad
[11:52:45] <megal0maniac_afk> overrider: I'd suggest the attiny25 rather. It comes in DIP package, uses ISP for programming (just like the bigger mega) and aren't much more expensive than the tiny10 iirc
[11:53:26] <megal0maniac_afk> attiny10 requires TPI, which annoyingly isn't provided by the JTAGICE3 (but that's just me whining, it probably doesn't matter for you)
[11:55:22] <megal0maniac_afk> Also, for lolz, this is how i programmed my attiny10 http://i.imgur.com/XADPM1X.jpg
[12:20:45] <blathijs> megal0maniac_afk: overrider: The tiny13 also comes in a DIP and does ISP (and might be cheaper than the tiny25, dunno)