#avr | Logs for 2014-02-11

[09:40:08] <PigFlu> does anyone know where i can find example code for the LCD-screen on the STK504?
[11:33:47] <PigFlu> ..anyone?
[11:34:05] <asgardBSD> Hi guy
[11:34:07] <asgardBSD> I have some problem using my AVR
[11:34:39] <asgardBSD> I set the low fuse to 0x25 on an atmega328
[11:34:43] <asgardBSD> 328p
[11:34:47] <asgardBSD> now i cant program it
[11:36:04] <asgardBSD> Its low freq crystal...
[11:36:15] <asgardBSD> I just dont know which crystal to put for the clock
[11:38:15] <learath> that seems to mean "external low frequency crystal"
[11:38:43] <jacekowski> 32khz crystal should do
[11:38:51] <jacekowski> if not you can always clock it externally
[11:39:05] <jacekowski> and rtfm
[11:39:35] <synic> but if he set it as external crystal, and doesn't have an external crystal, can he program it again using ISP?
[11:40:54] <jacekowski> no
[11:40:57] <synic> or does he now need to get a crystal
[11:41:05] <synic> or a parallel programmer
[11:41:15] <jacekowski> he needs crystal or external clock source
[11:42:35] <jacekowski> 32khz crystals are easy to find
[11:42:40] <jacekowski> almost every watch uses them
[11:46:37] <synic> asgardBSD: so, do you have an external crystal?
[11:46:44] <asgardBSD> yes
[11:47:01] <asgardBSD> tried with a 1 mhz osccillator, 16 mhz crystal, and now a 32 khz crystal
[11:48:27] <jacekowski> asgardBSD: did you touch high fuse?
[11:48:51] <asgardBSD> here my high fuse:D9
[11:48:59] <jacekowski> hmmm
[11:49:14] <jacekowski> 0x25 probably can't be programmed via isp
[11:50:05] <jacekowski> you have CKDIV8 enabled
[11:50:36] <jacekowski> asgardBSD: check if you get around 4kHz on PB0
[11:50:42] <jadew> anyone from ukraine, I need to translate something and google transalte can't seem to do it? (20 words)
[11:50:55] <asgardBSD> i think i my problem is resolved
[11:51:06] <asgardBSD> i increased the programming speed to 10000
[11:51:11] <asgardBSD> -B 1000
[11:51:19] <asgardBSD> before was trying -B 5
[11:51:29] <asgardBSD> because i didnt know what to do
[11:54:12] <asgardBSD> well, still not resolve after all
[12:11:50] <qartis> has anybody serial problems with the sim900 gsm modem?
[12:12:17] <qartis> the tx line's voltage seems to drop to 2.5v when a call comes in, so my circuit never sees the "RING" indicator
[12:13:52] <myself> Never used one, but how's your power rail filtering?
[12:14:42] <qartis> I'm using a third party dev board, and it looks like it's got everything the datasheet asks for
[12:15:37] <qartis> myself: and my 3.3v logic sniffer is able to see the data no problem
[12:15:50] <myself> That's...awkward.
[12:16:18] <myself> as a check, can you add a buffer to the line and see if your circuit works then?
[12:16:19] <jacekowski> qartis: not enough power
[12:16:25] <qartis> I'm trying to work around it by passing it through a buffer running at 4v, but I don't really trust my dead-bug soldering skills
[12:16:28] <asgardBSD> I am finally able to re upload to the chip
[12:16:29] <qartis> so it's been flaky
[12:16:35] <asgardBSD> But when i fuse the chip, few sec ok
[12:16:42] <asgardBSD> if i try to burn arduino bootloader...
[12:17:25] <qartis> jacekowski: it's just strange because it literally drops from 5v to a solid 2.5v as soon as the call comes in, almost like some kind of config setting
[12:17:31] <qartis> but I'll try adding some caps
[12:17:47] <jacekowski> qartis: call means that modem has to start transmitting at full power
[12:18:23] <myself> Yeah, everyone's thinking power. I wonder if the dev board might have some errata or another pin you've missed. Are you perchance using a breadboard with split power rails? Those get me every damn time.
[12:18:31] <qartis> jacekowski: only happens when receiving a call. making a call, or transferring data over gprs are all solid 5v
[12:18:37] <jacekowski> ahm
[12:18:40] <jacekowski> that's not power then
[12:18:42] <myself> oh, wow.
[12:19:12] <myself> I'm suddenly low on ideas, but very curious to hear the resolution when it's found. That's strange indeed.
[12:19:14] <qartis> myself: no split power rails, just a simple arduino shield
[12:23:23] <asgardBSD> when i upload the optiboot bootloader, it get to 98%... then it just do nothing
[12:24:08] <myself> optimoot
[14:30:44] <megal0maniac_afk> jacekowski: The mega sets up the RAM for continuous writes, then the clock source changes from the SPI clock to the master clock (20mhz) and the buffer chip is connected directly to the RAM. So the state of the buffer's output is clocked directly into RAM
[14:31:46] <megal0maniac_afk> So all the mega does is set up the RAM accordingly, change clock sources, then dump the RAM contents over USB back to the PC
[14:32:22] <megal0maniac_afk> Of course, if you sample for 1s at 20mhz, it will probably take a few seconds to transfer. It isn't realtime
[14:32:53] <megal0maniac_afk> Like myself said, it's effectively DMA
[14:34:02] <PigFlu> is anyone here familiar with Eagle?
[14:41:42] <megal0maniac_afk> PigFlu: Try #hackvana
[15:17:09] <The_Coolest> this is why I use mini-usb on my boards: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/1546307_10203030976045348_1763102321_n.jpg
[15:18:50] <OndraSter_> don't use SMD only
[15:18:53] <learath> ehh, least the damage looks minimal
[15:18:54] <OndraSter_> there are "through hole" ones
[15:19:06] <OndraSter_> where you solder the side (and back) pads through
[15:19:14] <OndraSter_> they are about 100000% times better
[15:19:17] <OndraSter_> *-times
[15:20:01] <The_Coolest> OndraSter_ that's not my board, but i have a TI tiva c with the same connectors. and of course i snapped one off
[15:20:13] <The_Coolest> I use mini-B with anchors
[15:20:23] <OndraSter_> >< yeah, these SMD only are pure evil
[15:20:36] <OndraSter_> snapped one miniUSB (actually it was ext USB - invention of HTC) in one of my old phones I used to use
[15:20:45] <OndraSter_> where you don't have 5 pins but 10 or so
[15:21:19] <The_Coolest> :|
[16:26:10] <chupas> im converting an old bench DMM to a clock and wonding if you had to associate AM and PM with + and - which way would you do it?
[16:28:48] <The_Coolest> lol
[16:29:14] <The_Coolest> no sign for am, + for pm. or go for 24H
[16:30:01] <chupas> hummmmmmm
[16:30:04] <chupas> not a bad idea
[16:30:42] <antto> 24H god damn it
[16:30:57] <chupas> us crazy americans!
[16:31:07] <chupas> we cant add that fast
[16:32:23] <The_Coolest> all of my clocks are in 24H
[16:32:34] <The_Coolest> lol
[16:33:11] <chupas> do any RTCs out there come with built in sunrise and sunset calcualtions? i could use it for that
[16:34:01] <The_Coolest> can't help you with that
[16:34:19] <The_Coolest> I only know some DS RTCs and they don't
[16:35:29] <myself> They'd need to know your geographic location to do that math.
[16:35:40] <chupas> right.
[16:35:44] <myself> so, no.
[16:36:12] <myself> My old Garmin GPS does that in the UI, but I don't think it exposes the results over the serial port.
[16:40:45] <chupas> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunrise_equation
[16:40:47] <chupas> oh fun
[21:50:02] <hjohnson> man programming interrupt driven serial drivers that use DMA is a mindfuck
[22:02:54] <Casper> could be worse
[22:18:05] <hjohnson> heh
[22:19:36] <Casper> hjohnson: I strongly prefer a mindfuck than this: http://www.elitesurg.org/publications/FARK.com_files/689054302_5cad9e2746_o.jpg
[22:32:32] <AsgardBSD> Finally was able to program my first AVR, after all the brick i had since yesterday
[22:33:21] <AsgardBSD> From now on, i will trust more datasheet than fuse calculator for the clock...
[22:35:49] <AsgardBSD> Since the start my problem was fuse and avrdude... but from now, should be able to finally be an AVR user...
[22:36:16] <AsgardBSD> I found out that AVR has less fuse than PIC, but the clock section on AVR is way more complex
[22:40:35] <Casper> AsgardBSD: btw, if you use a >8MHz crystal, check if the avr have a CKOPT fuse, it's to set the fullswing oscillator... fast crystal need full swing
[22:40:52] <Casper> it take a bit more power, hence why they disable it by default
[22:41:13] <AsgardBSD> I still dont understand the difference between low power crystal and full swing oscillator
[22:41:28] <AsgardBSD> how may i know if the crystal i buy is full swing or low power...
[22:41:30] <Tom_itx> drives the crystal harder
[22:41:42] <Tom_itx> >8Mhz
[22:41:42] <Casper> it's not the crystal that is
[22:41:50] <AsgardBSD> Oh...
[22:41:54] <AsgardBSD> Its just a way to run it
[22:41:55] <Casper> it's the avr crystal driver circuit
[22:42:15] <Casper> low power will send less power to the crystal, which mean the output voltage will be lower
[22:42:43] <Casper> a crystal is like a bell, you "hit" it and it resonate
[22:42:59] <Casper> the avr "hit" it, and "listen" for the ringing
[22:43:27] <Casper> when it's too fast, it need a stronger signal to "hear" it
[22:44:18] <AsgardBSD> But low power and full swing is just a way to use the crystal, its not a crystal type right? (just to be sure its 100% clear)
[22:44:42] <Casper> a way to drive it
[22:45:40] <hjohnson> man this code is ugly, and this project is huge...
[22:45:42] * Casper wonders if low power cause the crystal to last longer in theory...
[22:45:58] <hjohnson> all I've done is written the dma driver and most o fthe uart driver
[22:46:20] <AsgardBSD> But if i set the wrong clock type to my avr... does it will cause problem to reprogram it?
[22:46:23] <Casper> considering that the signal make it vibrate... it mean mechanical disformation, which may induce stress fracture... maybe...
[22:46:37] <Casper> AsgardBSD: yes
[22:47:12] <AsgardBSD> Setting the wrong clock on a surface mount...
[22:47:20] <Casper> one way to recover is to use another avr and make an "insane led flasher" code, which basicaly mean turning it into an oscillator, then you can feed that to the clock in pin
[22:47:33] <hjohnson> hehe... female speedskater unzipped her speed suit to cool off... (zip is in the front)... got half way around the track before she realized she wasn't wearing anything under said suit
[22:48:00] <AsgardBSD> Casper: but if i accidently setted it for a low power crystal...
[22:48:11] <AsgardBSD> it need to receive a signal from a crystal right?
[22:48:14] <hjohnson> though it just looked like some of those dresses those supermodels wear.
[22:48:20] <AsgardBSD> and i crystal dont output 5V
[22:48:35] <AsgardBSD> so i cant just put a freq gen on it...
[22:48:48] <Casper> AsgardBSD: you could remove the crystal and feed a clock
[22:49:07] <AsgardBSD> But the clock can be of any type???
[22:49:27] <Casper> basically, the difference between external clock and crystal is that when you set it to crystal it turn on the clock "out" on the avr
[22:49:28] <hjohnson> this is fun
[22:49:46] <hjohnson> ok, next function to write is readLine
[22:50:06] <Casper> but the avr itself do not really care what it get on it's input, as long as it's a clock
[22:50:14] <hjohnson> got sendLine done, it's a bit of a mess
[22:50:16] <AsgardBSD> nice to know...
[22:50:28] <AsgardBSD> does the avr also dont care about the speed we use to recover it?
[22:50:43] <AsgardBSD> as long as less than the specification of the chip of course
[22:50:47] <Casper> from >0Hz to <=rated clock
[22:51:04] <hjohnson> AsgardBSD: during the programming, isn't it clocked from the programmer?
[22:51:29] <AsgardBSD> what is rated clock?
[22:51:42] <Casper> AsgardBSD: whatever is the max clock of the chip
[22:51:58] <Casper> usually written as -16AU or -20AU or alike
[22:52:06] <Casper> for 16 and 20MHz
[22:52:12] <AsgardBSD> But if i set wrong clock, why the crystal onboard just cant feed the wrong clock to the chip, and still be able to program it?
[22:52:27] <AsgardBSD> (onboard, i mean the one on the breadboard/pcb)
[22:52:35] <Casper> wrong fuse cause the crystal to not resonate correctly or at all
[22:52:53] <AsgardBSD> so i need a pure ttl clock to be sure he can get it...
[22:53:00] <AsgardBSD> to recover
[22:53:19] <Casper> no need of a pure ttl, can be a sine too (that's actually what the crystal output)
[22:53:52] <AsgardBSD> (well, i mean a pure external clock... one not dependant of the AVR, and clean and big enough to get it...)
[22:53:57] <Casper> and I would bet that if you provide a strong enought clock you can override the crystal signal... but didn't tried
[22:54:29] <AsgardBSD> Override to bypass the onboard crystal of a board to recover?
[22:55:06] <Casper> yeah
[22:55:30] <AsgardBSD> any other avr tip?
[22:55:55] <Casper> double check which pin is used for isp programming
[22:56:01] <AsgardBSD> well, i could just use a multivibrator built of 2 and gate to feed clock...
[22:56:29] <Casper> the atmega128 do not use mosi/miso but rx0 and tx0 (serial port)
[22:56:35] <Casper> yeah
[22:56:59] <Casper> you may, however, have to tell your programmer to slow down, depending on the clock speed... but that's a detail
[22:59:11] <AsgardBSD> what fuse may mess up my mcu up to the point i need HVP?
[23:06:25] <Casper> it shouln't happend on most avr
[23:06:36] <Casper> beware of those with a reset disable fuse
[23:06:52] <Casper> normally you can't disable SPI programming via SPI...
[23:07:14] <Casper> so shouln't be an issue, but just be carefull, who knows if you would hit an hardware bug
[23:07:53] <AsgardBSD> If i understand well, i can change clock source at runtime... so the best way to be sure i dont get trouble with fuse is simply use the internal 8 mhz, and at runtime switch to the right clock source... everything handled by code
[23:08:10] <AsgardBSD> and on next reset, fuse will make it restart at 8 mhz internal
[23:08:49] <Casper> that is a way, but remember that it take time for the oscillator to start, so if you have start timing critical stuff it could be an issue
[23:09:11] <AsgardBSD> But on a surface mount project....
[23:09:18] <AsgardBSD> it could save me lot of trouble
[23:09:32] <AsgardBSD> SO it mean yes, i can change clock source at runtime?
[23:10:15] <Casper> I am not sure
[23:10:25] <Casper> check the datasheet to see if your chip support that feature
[23:10:41] <Casper> I hear of it, but never checked it/used it myself, so can't say
[23:11:06] <Casper> man those chocolate éclairs was so tasty :D
[23:12:15] <AsgardBSD> francais?
[23:12:29] <Casper> oh un voisin!
[23:12:40] <AsgardBSD> Je suis quebecois
[23:12:44] <Casper> je sais
[23:12:54] <Casper> si j'me trompe pas t de la rive sud
[23:13:12] <AsgardBSD> je sais pas cese ou la rive sud
[23:13:19] <AsgardBSD> je suis a louest de montreal
[23:13:25] <Casper> ah mtl...
[23:13:39] <Casper> videotron ont fucker leur dns... avant .mc. cétait la rive sud...
[23:13:52] <hjohnson> hrmm.. I wonder if I should stuff my code for this project on google code or host it on my own svn
[23:13:56] <AsgardBSD> je veux dire, a coter de lile de montreal
[23:13:56] <Casper> asteur j'pence que c la région de mtl...
[23:14:06] <AsgardBSD> a louest
[23:14:15] <Casper> genre... brossard?
[23:14:21] <AsgardBSD> genre vaudreuil
[23:14:23] <hjohnson> heh, I've written like 2kloc today
[23:14:29] <Casper> k
[23:14:38] <AsgardBSD> What is that crystal... http://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse466/09wi/labs/avrisp/wiredheader.jpg
[23:14:40] <AsgardBSD> it look big
[23:14:52] <AsgardBSD> Casper: Et toi?
[23:14:52] <Casper> standard size crystal
[23:14:59] <Casper> AsgardBSD: longueuil
[23:15:05] <AsgardBSD> Je vais au cegep
[23:15:20] <AsgardBSD> A mon cegep, il montre les ... jai mal au coeur a le pronnoncer
[23:16:02] <Casper> ouin je sais....
[23:16:13] <AsgardBSD> PIC
[23:16:26] <Casper> mais soyons amical pour le reste du monde... retournons en anglais :/ hehe
[23:17:01] <AsgardBSD> Casper: So... are you also a student?
[23:17:05] <Casper> nope
[23:17:42] <Casper> electronics is my hobby, but almost went as my job... decided to go in repair, but due to bad timing, I came out of school when plasma came out
[23:17:56] <Casper> when that happened all repair places started to close down
[23:18:07] <Casper> so went back to plan A: computer repair
[23:18:27] <Casper> now I clean the shit that people catch on their computers...
[23:18:40] <Casper> including that FBI virus :D
[23:18:50] <AsgardBSD> Well, im currently studying in microelectronics.. but i will then continue in computer engineering
[23:19:17] <Casper> but yeah, teacher often tend to claim that only PIC exists
[23:19:41] <Casper> that everything else is junk, and that nobody use them, including hobbyist...
[23:20:45] <AsgardBSD> Also, programming and mcu is so bad teached at cegep
[23:20:54] <AsgardBSD> I still learned nothing since i was there
[23:21:01] <AsgardBSD> still 1 year to go
[23:21:05] <Casper> yeah
[23:21:16] <AsgardBSD> Its why i study now on my own msp430 and avr and arm
[23:21:23] <Casper> I lost all trust in public school
[23:21:47] <AsgardBSD> Its like if they are trying to teach to 8 year old
[23:21:48] <Casper> went to édouard montpetit in computer... worst. decision. ever.
[23:22:24] <Casper> there was some funny parts, like my linux course... 3 hours/course...
[23:22:43] <AsgardBSD> i currently have a linux course also
[23:22:47] <Casper> got sick, skipped one... so next one I get in, grab the missed one...
[23:23:00] <AsgardBSD> but i am better at linux than the teacher
[23:23:04] <AsgardBSD> same for programming
[23:23:15] <AsgardBSD> the teacher was doing some dangerous thing
[23:23:21] <AsgardBSD> declaring empty array
[23:23:27] <AsgardBSD> then storing thing insdie
[23:23:36] <Casper> do it, print, give to the teacher, she gave me the "today" lab, do it, print, give it to the teacher... check time: 45 mins in the course, 2:15 to go... teacher say: go home
[23:23:42] <AsgardBSD> after, everyone was doing it
[23:24:02] <Casper> next course, the teacher said: the rest ain't finished, you can go home
[23:24:22] <Casper> next one, the teacher hesited, but moved on... most wasn't finished yet
[23:24:45] <Casper> so in 45 mins I officially did 9 hours, but really it's more like 10-11 :D
[23:25:34] <AsgardBSD> What is even more funny: In my tech, we have a finnal project
[23:26:15] <AsgardBSD> Some guy just listened some random youtube video on java, copied a telnet client for PIC18, and then just flashed a led controlled by his phone
[23:26:29] <AsgardBSD> Teacher where all: O MY GOD, he learned java by himself
[23:27:18] <AsgardBSD> The phone code and the telnet client all taken from the internet, he just adjusted the interface on the phone
[23:27:48] <Casper> o.O yeah the teacher should have asked some explanations
[23:28:09] <AsgardBSD> So teacher are more impressionned by the fact he "learned java"
[23:28:17] <AsgardBSD> without being teached it
[23:28:26] <AsgardBSD> but in fact, he didnt really learned it
[23:28:46] <AsgardBSD> Teacher liked more this than other project where people really did something big
[23:29:05] <Casper> dumb teacher
[23:29:25] <AsgardBSD> like i said, they really threat us like 8 year old...
[23:29:44] <AsgardBSD> if we learn something basic by ourself, for them its like: ITs impossible, how you did this...
[23:30:28] <Casper> but programmation is something that public school is ok for
[23:30:30] <Casper> but
[23:30:36] <Casper> hardware?
[23:30:52] <Casper> like windows, linux, cisco and A+? go in private
[23:30:57] <AsgardBSD> nah, programming is horrible in cegep
[23:31:16] <AsgardBSD> they learn really bad habbit
[23:31:34] <AsgardBSD> and they have 0 algorithm and data structure knowledge
[23:31:36] <Casper> 6 months in private school with 20k in depts will give you 2-3 times the salary, and save 2-3 years in school = 2-3 years more of salary and experience
[23:31:44] <AsgardBSD> or big 0 notation
[23:32:32] <AsgardBSD> in the computing tech, they learn C# without knowing what is OOP
[23:32:50] <AsgardBSD> learning programming on a object oriented language without knowing OOP...
[23:33:04] <AsgardBSD> people are all lost with all the strange keyword after
[23:33:09] <Casper> yeah
[23:33:15] <Casper> same happened in my java intro course
[23:33:20] <AsgardBSD> after they learn java
[23:33:28] <Casper> ... I hate java
[23:33:39] <AsgardBSD> after they learn opengl and C++ in the same course
[23:33:52] <AsgardBSD> but at the end, they didnt really learn C++
[23:34:19] <AsgardBSD> they just learn how to use C++ to do what they had to do, but without using the language facility
[23:34:40] <AsgardBSD> and they learn the opengl of the last decade... with beginGL and endGL
[23:35:21] <AsgardBSD> its only after the week#8 they learned what is a loop in the C# course
[23:35:25] <Casper> but you will realise that with microcontroller, you will think differently
[23:35:40] <Casper> and will skip some stuff if not absolutelly needed
[23:35:52] <Casper> like zeroing a variable at initialisation
[23:36:01] <rue_bed> hehe
[23:36:07] <AsgardBSD> its been since i am 6 year old i do some programmming, i alway putted emphasis on code quality and good habit
[23:36:11] <Casper> rue_bed: GO TO BED!
[23:36:12] <rue_bed> "but the compiler does that"
[23:36:40] <AsgardBSD> i alway wanted to become a low level programmer
[23:36:53] <rue_bed> what are the best online programming tutorials you have seen?
[23:36:56] <AsgardBSD> learned C at age of 7
[23:37:10] <Casper> AsgardBSD: I suggest that you do a small project in assembly, even if it's just a led flasher
[23:37:20] <AsgardBSD> i am not the tutorial guy, i prefear to rtfm and the official doc
[23:37:24] <Casper> just to understand how stuff work
[23:37:26] <rue_bed> always start with an led flasher
[23:37:27] <AsgardBSD> i learned C with K&R
[23:37:32] <AsgardBSD> and english at the same time
[23:37:56] <AsgardBSD> At 9 year old, did some RE to crack some game (playing without CD) legally...
[23:38:04] <AsgardBSD> didnt wanted to scratch my CD
[23:38:13] <AsgardBSD> x86 assembly
[23:38:35] <AsgardBSD> Then i discovered mcu recently
[23:38:46] <AsgardBSD> finally, will have total control
[23:38:52] <Casper> "legally" it was never legal actually
[23:38:53] <AsgardBSD> timer, interrupt......
[23:39:27] <AsgardBSD> unfortunately, no software interrupt on mcu...
[23:39:32] <AsgardBSD> only hardware
[23:39:54] <Casper> yeah and no real way to issue a reset
[23:40:12] <rue_bed> uhh
[23:40:31] <rue_bed> you can make the INT0 pin an output, enble the int signal and change hte pin state
[23:40:46] <rue_bed> two software interrupts, INT0 and INT1
[23:40:48] <AsgardBSD> its not sofware interrupt... its still hardware
[23:41:04] <AsgardBSD> sofware allow more easier RTOS and OS
[23:41:11] <AsgardBSD> easier kernel implementation
[23:41:58] <tzanger> software interrupts are an arcane concept
[23:42:09] <tzanger> there is absolutely no use for them in modern architecture
[23:42:21] <AsgardBSD> i decided to go electronics tech because in computing tech, i would have rrolled my thumb all the time... pure science = biology (i hate biology), and i was sure in electronics i could have learned something
[23:42:24] <rue_bed> what was the need in arcane tech?
[23:42:25] <AsgardBSD> still not the case
[23:42:38] <AsgardBSD> but like i said, i will pursue at university
[23:42:56] <rue_bed> russia?
[23:43:01] <AsgardBSD> no
[23:43:02] <tzanger> rue_bed: it provided a way to implement a jump table to operating system services for the most part
[23:43:03] <AsgardBSD> Canada
[23:43:08] <tzanger> they aren't actually interrupts
[23:43:18] <rue_bed> I dont get the feeling your canadian
[23:43:25] <tzanger> I'm Canadian
[23:43:28] <AsgardBSD> Quebecois
[23:43:41] <rue_bed> you dont type with a french accent
[23:43:48] <AsgardBSD> I know
[23:43:55] <AsgardBSD> well, it depend
[23:43:57] <tzanger> haha
[23:44:01] <tzanger> you don't type with a french accent
[23:44:02] <AsgardBSD> sometime, people will see im french
[23:44:29] <rue_bed> huh, then again, we dont get french native people here often
[23:44:34] <AsgardBSD> i learned all my english trough programming and computing
[23:44:39] <rue_bed> heck, I almost never see other canadians
[23:44:53] <AsgardBSD> But my oral english is horrible
[23:45:09] <Casper> rue_bed: almost a neighbour of me... really, not "far"
[23:45:10] <rue_bed> most of irc is australlians and usa...ians...
[23:45:32] <rue_bed> AsgardBSD, montreal?
[23:45:52] <AsgardBSD> yes
[23:46:05] <rue_bed> didn't think anyone from quebec would be in here
[23:46:12] <AsgardBSD> well, 10 km from montreal
[23:46:40] <rue_bed> AsgardBSD, what kinda programs have you written?
[23:46:50] <Casper> rue_bed: look like there is lots of people from mtl on freenode
[23:47:01] <AsgardBSD> fractal program, cd crack, a shell
[23:47:22] <rue_bed> not in #robotics, .... gee, I'm not part of as many channels as I used to be
[23:47:30] <Casper> hey rue_bed... do you know where I can get an inexpensive solid interceptor for the sink? 1 1/2" abs pipe...
[23:47:40] <Casper> all what I find is $$$$
[23:47:48] <rue_bed> make one?
[23:48:00] <rue_bed> cmon, use that reprap gathering dust in the corner
[23:48:04] <rue_bed> :)
[23:48:41] <AsgardBSD> where can i buy good oscilloscope...
[23:48:42] <rue_bed> AsgardBSD, I'm in BC
[23:48:50] <Casper> rue_bed: that's one of the few tools that I don't own
[23:48:59] <rue_bed> AsgardBSD, my $700 scope isn't good
[23:49:04] <Casper> AsgardBSD: look up for some rigol
[23:49:08] <rue_bed> Casper, rool?
[23:49:15] <rue_bed> tool?
[23:49:19] <rue_bed> reprap... tool
[23:49:20] <AsgardBSD> i cant find the ds110se something in canada
[23:49:27] <rue_bed> is a printer a tool... no, device
[23:49:31] <Casper> ok... reprap is more a toy than a tool
[23:49:39] <rue_bed> toy!, yes.
[23:50:11] <AsgardBSD> but i want to make firmware, bios, driver, kernel, OS
[23:50:23] <rue_bed> AsgardBSD, ebay?
[23:50:24] <AsgardBSD> or be a *nix system administrator
[23:50:35] <rue_bed> kat is a good 'scope finder, her nick right now is...
[23:50:54] <AsgardBSD> or work in computer science... research, algorithm
[23:51:02] <AsgardBSD> telecommunication also interest me
[23:51:08] <rue_bed> dumbass-afk, she is in #robotics
[23:51:27] * Casper haves an analog 100MHz dual channel oscope with dirty contact that I want to sell
[23:51:33] <rue_bed> AsgardBSD, I doubt there are jobs in canada for that kinda thing, you may have to move to china
[23:51:41] <AsgardBSD> mda
[23:51:46] <AsgardBSD> for telecommunication
[23:51:50] <AsgardBSD> matrox for driver
[23:51:57] <AsgardBSD> video card driver
[23:52:07] <AsgardBSD> and im sure i can find *nix server everywhere
[23:52:24] <AsgardBSD> do comptuer science, then do research for university
[23:52:34] <AsgardBSD> or i would also like to become teacher
[23:53:12] <rue_bed> the two ways to benifit from university are to a) get a job at the university b) steal technology from them and start your own company with it
[23:53:26] <AsgardBSD> i prefer a
[23:53:41] <rue_bed> people make more money with b
[23:53:50] <AsgardBSD> but a is more fun
[23:53:57] <rue_bed> :)
[23:54:15] <AsgardBSD> i want to go to waterloo
[23:54:20] <AsgardBSD> the canadian MIT
[23:54:41] <AsgardBSD> or directly to MIT
[23:55:14] <AsgardBSD> I wouldnt go to ETS
[23:55:39] <hjohnson> AsgardBSD: eh, Waterloo is nothing special now that RIM is circling the drain
[23:55:48] <AsgardBSD> ETS is the continuation of the tech, and from what i see... tech is really not good, so the continuation would also not be good
[23:55:54] <AsgardBSD> RIM?
[23:56:09] <hjohnson> Reaserch In Motion the folks who make the Blackberry
[23:57:03] <AsgardBSD> got a beagleboneblack :)
[23:57:09] <AsgardBSD> but no FTDI cable :(
[23:57:14] <AsgardBSD> so cant play with it
[23:57:21] <AsgardBSD> its been 2 week i have it
[23:57:23] <Casper> bed time, nite
[23:57:30] <AsgardBSD> nite
[23:57:32] <AsgardBSD> next day
[23:57:36] <hjohnson> this is wierd, watching olympics coverage without any commentary or commercials
[23:58:09] <AsgardBSD> jamaican return to boblseigh :)
[23:58:21] <AsgardBSD> last time they did it (and first time) it was in canada
[23:58:38] <AsgardBSD> canada and russia, the two icy country...
[23:58:58] <AsgardBSD> jamaican alway wait for an icy country to do boblseigh
[23:59:00] <hjohnson> naw, they've competed in other olympics
[23:59:16] <AsgardBSD> they could do it in more climated country...
[23:59:16] <hjohnson> I think they competed in 92 and 96 as well