#avr | Logs for 2014-02-09

[02:17:27] <Roter> well, i hope somebody is here. What does this mean: Button OFF-(ON) ?
[02:17:33] <Roter> if i click it, it will be on?
[02:20:48] <Thrashbarg> what's the button on or in or whatever
[02:25:49] <Roter> i dont realy understand what you just said.
[02:38:02] <Thrashbarg> Roter: well, what are *you* talking about :P
[02:53:44] <jerkey> :)
[07:32:01] <Lambda_Aurigae> Roter, easy...button is normally off...if you press it in it turns on...if you let go it turns off.
[07:32:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> AsgardBSD, not always easy knowing what to use...all depends on the application, capabilities needed, and how fast I want to develop the application.
[08:56:39] <AsgardBSD> Lambda_Aurigae: But i was wondering if there may be a way to generalize this, for example, low power = msp430
[08:56:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> whatever rules work for you
[08:57:08] <Lambda_Aurigae> there are low power models of avr and pic too.
[08:57:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> when I need to execute from external ram/rom/eeprom I use 8052 chips
[08:57:42] <Lambda_Aurigae> when I want a usb chip in a dip format I go for pic32
[08:58:19] <Lambda_Aurigae> when I want ease of use and decent speed I go for AVR.
[08:59:21] <Lambda_Aurigae> I mostly avoid surface mount stuff which means no xmega for me and no arm except in the couple of old tablets I have here.
[08:59:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> and, yes, there are some arm dip package chips now but I haven't messed with them yet.
[09:00:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> the pic32 chips I have are very powerful but very difficult to work with at times due to the plethora of options
[09:01:03] <Lambda_Aurigae> the manual for them is 20+ PDFs
[09:02:34] <Lambda_Aurigae> I also deal with pic18 chips on occasion for the same reason,,,dip package with hardware usb.
[09:04:39] <AsgardBSD> but what about pic18? When will i want to use PIC18 over AVR, or AVR over PIC18? (surface mount dont bother me, as long as i can get a breakout board for it without spending too much)
[09:07:49] <Lambda_Aurigae> generally, I wouldn't use pic18 over avr8
[09:08:07] <Lambda_Aurigae> unless there is a peripheral on the pic you wanted that the avr didn't have.
[09:08:18] <AsgardBSD> What about 8051... how may i get started with them?
[09:08:24] <Lambda_Aurigae> get one and start.
[09:08:29] <AsgardBSD> I have a bunch of at89 and i cant program them
[09:08:45] <Lambda_Aurigae> I like the ds89c450 from maxim-ic.com but they are pricy...I got a pile of them a while back real cheap.
[09:08:59] <Lambda_Aurigae> why can't you program them? they have a built in serial bootloader don't they?
[09:09:23] <AsgardBSD> yes... but i cant find a software to program them
[09:09:35] <AsgardBSD> (you know, the avrdude equivalent for them)
[09:11:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> what chip do you have?
[09:12:19] <AsgardBSD> 5 different at89
[09:13:46] <AsgardBSD> AT89S8253-24PU
[09:13:51] <AsgardBSD> AT89C51RB2-3CSUM
[09:13:56] <AsgardBSD> AT89C51RC2-3CSUM
[09:14:01] <AsgardBSD> AT89LS52-16PU
[09:14:05] <AsgardBSD> AT89S4051-24PU
[09:14:09] <AsgardBSD> AT89S52-24PU
[09:18:32] <Lambda_Aurigae> looks like you can do it with a simple serial terminal....the bootloader accepts intel hex file format.
[09:19:38] <AsgardBSD> How?
[09:20:10] <Lambda_Aurigae> first....read the datasheet...it tells everything about the bootloader.
[09:22:30] <AsgardBSD> cat myfirmware.hex > /dev/com1?
[09:31:55] <scoy> hello all
[09:37:53] <scoy> ATtiny2313 at 14.75 MHz, using USART connected to my PC @ 115200. I'm coding in C and need to _delay_ms(100) between each "UDR = nextLetter;" or else is doesn't work properly. anyone know why?
[09:38:17] <scoy> i'm wondering if it's too fast without that delay and USART can't keep up
[09:38:46] <OndraSter_> you should read status register and wait for it
[09:39:24] <scoy> OndraSter_, thanks. let me check my code
[09:41:27] <scoy> OndraSter_, yep you're right. i wrote a usartPut() function and it just loops through the characters without checking the status register. i'll pull up the docs and see if I can introduce the status register. thanks again!
[09:42:07] <OndraSter_> np
[09:55:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.linux.com/news/friday-funnies/failed-raspberry-pi-case-concepts
[09:55:54] <scoy> OndraSter_, loop_until_bit_is_set(UCSRA, UDRE); seems to do the trick. thanks again!
[10:04:35] <OndraSter_> np
[10:05:57] <scoy> i'm playing around with long strings/character arrays in C on my ATtiny2313. how can i find out how much memory is available to allocate for such strings?
[10:07:42] <scoy> so let's say i've got something like message0 = alloca(100) and message1 = alloca(50), how do I even know the 150 bytes are available on the stack?
[10:08:58] <scoy> or even more specifically, how big is the stack? i'm looking at the data sheet and i don't know what qualifies as the "stack"
[10:10:23] <scoy> nevermind ... "The Stack is effectively allocated in the general data SRAM"
[10:11:15] <Tom_itx> yup, the data sheet is a genie of answers
[10:13:27] <scoy> so the data sheet says it's got "128 Bytes Internal SRAM" ... in my example above i would have over allocated by 22 bytes and that's assuming NOTHING else is in the stack, right?
[10:15:05] <blathijs> scoy: Yup, that sounds right
[10:15:55] <blathijs> scoy: Also note that global variables also end up in the SRAM, so those limit the available stack space further
[10:19:18] <scoy> blathijs, yea i'm starting to think the 2313's aren't going to work for me. i need to deal with some pretty long strings and they chew up that SRAM pretty quick.
[10:20:00] <Tom_itx> progmem
[10:20:04] <blathijs> scoy: If they are static strings, you can put them into program flash using the PROGMEM feature and read them in parts, perhaps
[10:21:01] <scoy> yeah, they're dynamic strings so I don't think that will help.
[11:11:55] <stanreg> Does anyone know where I can find info about what voltage levels constitute a logical 1 on an atmega 2560? I'm looking at the datasheet and it's like searching for a needle in a haystack.
[11:12:51] <Tom_itx> back of the data sheet
[11:13:03] <Tom_itx> possibly in the charts
[11:20:13] <hoppel> hi, does anybody how to give gcc the path to the crtm*.o files?
[11:20:13] <hoppel> I have patched gcc to support the mega256rfr2 controller and build avr-libc from source, to get support for this controller.
[11:20:13] <hoppel> Now I have the problem, that gcc search the wrong path to find the crtm256rfr2.o file.
[11:20:13] <hoppel> When I copy the file into the local development folder, everything works fine, but I would prefer to put the path into my Makefile.
[11:38:30] <Roter> I have this code: http://pastebin.com/0ZHLAt7g . The pins are connected to a seven segment display and one extra to a led, for button testing. The problem is that sometimes, everything blinks a bit, then stops.
[11:39:03] <Roter> Do i need a capacitor?
[11:40:39] <Tom_itx> maybe you're pulling too much current
[11:41:30] <Roter> hmm, ill see
[11:48:34] <Roter> If my whole thing uses 91 miliamps, and the programmer can output max 100miliamps, its probably reaching the limit?
[14:55:20] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://www.interfacebus.com/Chart-IC-Voltage-Switching-Levels-Grpah.png for hoppel
[15:23:46] <jerkey> roter do you have resistors on the LEDs?
[15:27:39] <Lambda_Aurigae> roter not here at the moment...please leave a message and it will be ignored in turn.
[15:34:38] <Tom_itx> pm you too?
[15:49:28] <Lambda_Aurigae> earlier, but it was in response to something I said to him even earlier..
[15:49:43] <Lambda_Aurigae> I was just responding to jerkey as roter is not in channel at the moment.
[16:30:59] <jerkey> oh sorry i ignore leaves and joins
[18:27:48] <Lambda_Aurigae> jerkey, so do I...but I tried to say something to him and autocomplete didn't work so I knew he wasn't in channel.
[19:45:28] <AsgardBSD> woa
[19:45:36] <AsgardBSD> The atmega2560 look so overpriced
[19:45:44] <AsgardBSD> on digikey, its like 20$ each
[19:47:53] <antto> lots of legs on that one
[19:48:44] <AsgardBSD> but i just saw some xmega 100 pin on digikey that cost less
[19:49:00] <AsgardBSD> run at highter speed, same amount of peripheral, same amount of ram
[19:49:08] <AsgardBSD> just 4x less flash
[19:49:13] <AsgardBSD> but cost 1.7$
[19:51:13] <AsgardBSD> and there is lot of atiny that cost way more than xmega
[19:51:17] <antto> well, guys here chose atmega2561 here exactly for the bigger flash
[19:52:05] <AsgardBSD> was sure that the arduino market would lower the price enough...
[19:52:05] <antto> now, i think 128kB would have been enough, but never mind
[19:52:12] <AsgardBSD> i mean, mroe sell, the less it cost
[19:52:43] <AsgardBSD> 128kb is just the right number
[19:53:41] <antto> my firmware is currently at 40kB
[19:53:55] <AsgardBSD> what type of firmware?
[19:54:11] <antto> it's a sequencer for a synthesizer
[19:54:36] <AsgardBSD> How did you got 40kB?
[19:54:52] <AsgardBSD> lot of string constant?
[19:54:53] <antto> well.. code..
[19:55:09] <antto> nope
[19:55:13] <AsgardBSD> Well, 20k instruction is a lot
[19:55:49] <antto> it does various things and has many LEDs, midi, sync, synth control..
[19:56:04] <AsgardBSD> midi?
[19:56:08] <AsgardBSD> interesting
[19:56:19] <AsgardBSD> with which mcu?
[19:56:25] <antto> buttens
[19:56:33] <antto> atmega2561
[19:57:00] <AsgardBSD> you mean atmega2560
[19:57:28] <antto> no, 2561
[19:58:49] <AsgardBSD> i see
[19:58:55] <AsgardBSD> same chip, less pin
[19:59:34] <AsgardBSD> is there better place than digikey to get those chip?
[20:01:26] <antto> AsgardBSD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cIkYYw5JEs
[20:01:36] <antto> no idea..
[20:01:59] <AsgardBSD> is that your video?
[20:02:18] <antto> that's the synth yeah, and the said firmware
[20:03:37] <AsgardBSD> its been a while i want to create a synth
[20:03:43] <AsgardBSD> but i dont know where to start
[20:04:47] <antto> this synth is a diy kit, i didn't design it, but i've built one and i'm modding the firmware that it runs
[20:05:42] <antto> i've made synths myself, but software (putting code together is cheaper than putting electronic components together) ;P~
[20:06:55] <AsgardBSD> when i said i wanted to build a synth, im talking also about software side...
[20:07:06] <AsgardBSD> im not the type who like to create case, button and other
[20:07:22] <antto> then, you start with DSP..
[20:07:30] <antto> audio processing and synthesis
[20:07:36] <antto> ..realtime
[20:08:03] <AsgardBSD> i just dont know where to start
[20:08:11] <AsgardBSD> i find no info on those
[20:08:19] <antto> dspguide.com
[20:10:11] <AsgardBSD> already had it in my bookmark
[20:10:20] <AsgardBSD> but it look so big and so complex
[20:10:37] <antto> i don't understand even half of the sh*t there
[20:10:38] <AsgardBSD> and i was not sure if it was pure theory on signal, or if it could lead me somewhere
[20:10:57] <antto> but it's one of the best introductions to DSP, and available online
[20:11:09] <AsgardBSD> its with that book you made that>
[20:11:31] <antto> nah
[20:11:55] <antto> that synth is analog, the firmware only controls it
[20:12:14] <antto> the code in it doesn't synthesize any sound
[20:12:23] <AsgardBSD> ?
[20:13:26] <AsgardBSD> you mean there is a chip where we just say pitch = 25, D#, (some other thing) over some bus and tada?
[20:13:46] <antto> the sound is synthesized with analog oscillator, filter, vca, while the cpu only triggers when notes should play and at what pitch (using a few control voltages)
[20:14:29] <AsgardBSD> so you only control pitch and note? no other thing?
[20:14:33] <antto> then it also makes leds blink, tempo tick, sends/receives sync to other devices, processes midi and usb, and that kind of sh*t
[20:14:41] <antto> yeah
[20:15:11] <AsgardBSD> http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/ATSAMD20G18A-AUT/ATSAMD20G18A-AUTTR-ND/4431266
[20:15:13] <antto> the firmware is a sequencer basically, the synth is built-in but fully analog
[20:15:24] <AsgardBSD> a arm way cheaper than the atmega2560
[20:15:26] <AsgardBSD> 2$
[20:15:37] <AsgardBSD> more powerful, more everything
[20:15:47] <antto> yeah.. weird isn't it
[20:15:52] <AsgardBSD> oops, minimum qty, 2500
[20:16:00] <antto> we're stuck with atmega
[20:16:10] <PoppaVic> zzzzzz
[20:16:35] <antto> plus, arm is a bit overkill isn't it?
[20:16:48] <AsgardBSD> but if i want to synth with analog... where would i learn how to create the analog for it?
[20:16:54] <AsgardBSD> not overkill if it cost less
[20:17:14] <AsgardBSD> what is overkill is a $$$$ chip that we only use some % of its capacity
[20:17:21] <antto> then learn good old electronics and analog audio processing
[20:18:19] <AsgardBSD> where can i learn analog audio processing?
[20:18:44] <antto> nah, we use the 2561 quite.. as you can see - loads of stuff blinking around there
[20:19:02] <antto> while the arm would have yet even more features that we just can't utilize
[20:19:24] <antto> well.. no idea.. it's part of electronics
[20:19:29] <antto> everything is signals
[20:20:24] <AsgardBSD> i would like to create a 8 bit synth...
[20:20:29] <AsgardBSD> but all analog
[20:20:39] <AsgardBSD> and another one all digital
[20:20:43] <antto> if you attach a sound probe to a circuit - you may hear how it sounds (if the speakers don't explode)
[20:21:31] <antto> it's easier to experiment with these things in software
[20:22:12] <antto> it got a bit offtopic for this channel
[20:24:20] <AsgardBSD> Im trying to get started with avr... but the price look like a little bit high compared to other mcu
[20:27:06] <antto> with ARM you can do DSP, but you need quite a bit of analog stuff around it to get audio out of it
[20:27:19] <antto> DAC at least
[20:28:40] <antto> otherwise it's the usual choice for digital synthesis.. 32bit, usually has fast float processing (i'm not sure about that)
[20:29:20] <AsgardBSD> a dspic could also do the job surely
[20:29:27] <AsgardBSD> but i dont really like pic
[20:30:03] <antto> i'm very unfamiliar with these ICs..
[20:31:21] <AsgardBSD> well, for my 8 bit synth... i dont think i will need lot of power
[20:31:27] <AsgardBSD> my goal is to make retro sound
[20:31:54] <antto> i still recommend having floating point processing capability
[20:32:00] <antto> for anything audio related
[20:34:38] <Xark> AsgardBSD: For 8-bit, you can get pretty good results with PWM for DAC output. Here is a 4-voice 8-bit 22Khz test I did on 16Mhz AVR (while bit-banging NTSC video) -> http://imgur.com/a/qPis6#0 Pretty much Amiga level sound. :)
[20:36:14] <Lambda_Aurigae> if you want awesome sound, get a SID-II chip from an old commodore-64...
[20:38:26] <Thrashbarg> it's simple enough to code a state variable filter for the ATmega too
[20:39:02] <Thrashbarg> probably better in assembly though... I tried it in C once. It'd keep up but only just
[20:40:00] <antto> can't do this with 8bit tho: https://app.box.com/s/l14ls65p14zjnzksw9am
[20:40:05] <Lambda_Aurigae> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moog_synthesizer want to learn audio synth? Here is where to start. Moog was just awesome...and pre-digital.
[20:41:31] <tzanger> Xark: nice PWM output
[20:42:02] <tzanger> wouldn't mind hearing the sound :-)
[20:42:45] <Thrashbarg> http://kaput.homeunix.org/~thrashbarg/DSP_Invention13.mp3 <-- pretty sure that's an ATmega with a PWM output
[20:44:13] <Xark> tzanger: Thanks. I never ported over a "higher level" mod or midi player (just waveform lookup and voice mixing). However, I suspect it would sound quite similar to this http://www.instructables.com/id/Turn-your-Arduino-into-a-4-voice-wavetable-synth-w/
[20:44:48] <antto> Thrashbarg that's quite lofi
[20:45:06] <Thrashbarg> awha?
[20:45:06] <tzanger> yeah it's been ages since I"ve dealt with mod/s3m
[20:45:22] <tzanger> I wrote a player in x86 asm for the gus max but that was a lifetime ago
[20:45:53] <Xark> tzanger: Cool. I remember writing code to support gus. :)
[20:47:10] <hjohnson> man I didn't realize that indexing into an array was so inefficient
[20:54:20] <AsgardBSD> Thrashbarg: what is better in assembly?
[20:54:32] <Thrashbarg> programming a DSP filter
[20:54:45] <AsgardBSD> Xark: how to transform pwm in analog?
[20:55:16] <Xark> AsgardBSD: Take a look at that Instructables link above...
[20:56:25] <Xark> AsgardBSD: or more specifically, like this http://www.instructables.com/file/FFG1P35H1PISZD9
[20:57:45] <AsgardBSD> thats a low pass filter...
[20:58:00] <AsgardBSD> but how to get the right capacitor and resistor value to make a pwm -> analog...
[20:58:15] <AsgardBSD> Thrashbarg: DSP in C is not a good thing?
[20:58:16] <Xark> AsgardBSD: Pretty much. I found I could even omit the larger cap, as my amp would ignore higher frequency harmonics anyways.
[20:58:42] <Xark> AsgardBSD: The cap is nice to visualize on a scope though. :)
[20:58:54] <Thrashbarg> AsgardBSD: no, it just depends on the micro and the compiler. For the ATmega it tends to slow things down
[20:59:10] <AsgardBSD> on a dspic or pic32 or arm?
[20:59:56] <AsgardBSD> i cant imagine working with floating point in assembly... on an architecture that dont have native floating point...
[21:00:14] <Thrashbarg> the DSP I was referring to uses integer
[21:00:25] <Thrashbarg> because the ATmega is terrible at floating point
[21:00:42] <AsgardBSD> dsp without floating point??
[21:00:48] <AsgardBSD> never tought that possible
[21:00:51] <Thrashbarg> it is
[21:02:23] <antto> a pain if you want to do anything complex
[21:02:57] <antto> at least you better have fixed point
[21:03:03] <antto> floating point ftw
[21:03:35] <AsgardBSD> which avr would you guy recommend me? (not for a synth, just some general avr to get started)
[21:05:44] <Thrashbarg> AsgardBSD: http://pastebin.com/6EMxfAPY <-- Integer state variable filter
[21:06:21] <Thrashbarg> it's not perfect but it work
[21:06:21] <Thrashbarg> s
[21:07:17] <Xark> AsgardBSD: For the ATmega series, they are all very similar, mostly differing in number of pins and some pin functionality. ATmega328p is popular as it is used in most Arduinos (and is small but not too small). For smaller consider ATTiny85 for larger, perhaps ATmega1284p etc.
[21:07:55] <AsgardBSD> Thrashbarg: how did you learned to do that?
[21:10:36] <AsgardBSD> atmega1284 is a verry nice one... dip, like the atmega2560, cost way less... just 1/2 of memory (128kb is more than enough) and less i/o...
[21:10:49] <Thrashbarg> AsgardBSD: lots and lots of googling
[21:11:59] <antto> that looks like the naive chamberlin svf model
[21:12:21] <AsgardBSD> what is notch in that filter?
[21:12:30] <AsgardBSD> Im not familiar with sound and music
[21:12:38] <antto> wel..
[21:12:40] <Thrashbarg> AsgardBSD: the opposite of a bandpass filter. It removes a band rather than passing it
[21:12:58] <AsgardBSD> and where do i get the sound output from that one?
[21:13:05] <AsgardBSD> from that function
[21:13:11] <Thrashbarg> any one of those global variables
[21:13:12] <antto> that's why it's not a bad idea to browse thru the dspguide pages, especially on filters
[21:14:06] <antto> but seriously, starting dsp and avoiding decimal numbers is a huge flaw
[21:15:16] <antto> integers typically make things harder or impossible
[21:15:26] <antto> or overkill
[21:15:39] <Thrashbarg> depends on what sort of DSP you're trying to do I guess
[21:15:54] <AsgardBSD> to do chiptune, i guess roundoff are better
[21:16:03] <antto> the common things you'd need to do in synthesis.. you better use float ;]
[21:16:31] <Thrashbarg> and find a real DSP with floating point built in, not an ATmega
[21:16:46] <antto> yeah
[21:17:01] <antto> or just play with it on a computer to see if you like it
[21:17:15] <Thrashbarg> yea
[21:17:49] <antto> it's easier to export a .wav file (or open audio output buffers) than to put together a board with an ARM and DACs and everything..
[21:17:57] <antto> i mean with C/C++ or so
[21:18:10] <Thrashbarg> well, that sort of ruins the fun of it too
[21:19:02] <antto> burning your finger with the iron ruins the fun too ;P~
[21:19:13] <Thrashbarg> http://kaput.homeunix.org/~thrashbarg/DSPSynth.c <-- AsgardBSD that's the whole source file, I think it's for an ATmega168
[21:19:43] <Thrashbarg> with a MIDI interface attached to the UART
[21:20:14] <AsgardBSD> i already tried to do sound synth on computer... but failed
[21:20:19] <AsgardBSD> didnt know how to do
[21:20:25] <AsgardBSD> how to send thing to soundcard
[21:20:44] <Thrashbarg> don't laugh but I started that DSP by graphing in QBasic until it plotted correctly
[21:20:57] <antto> ehm..
[21:21:01] <Thrashbarg> then converted to C :P
[21:21:08] <antto> i don't even have to open any buffers
[21:21:25] <antto> there are these programs called DAWs for making music on a computer..
[21:21:34] <antto> they load plugins.. virtual instruments and such
[21:21:46] <AsgardBSD> :(
[21:21:55] <antto> so you just code a plugin and don't have to know anything about the actual sound card ;P~
[21:22:10] <AsgardBSD> I want to do full C, i dont want to use some random program that do 140% of the job for me
[21:22:19] <antto> ehm
[21:22:28] <AsgardBSD> like Csound
[21:22:30] <Thrashbarg> antto: stop spoiling the fun! Doing that would like be going to a concert and having someone press play on a CD player sitting on the stage :P
[21:22:31] <antto> then you write a DAW
[21:22:33] <antto> ;]
[21:22:38] <antto> and good luck with that
[21:23:23] <AsgardBSD> its the only reason why i want to try on a mcu... at least, i know how to interface to a speaker, and i have time control (ty interrupt)
[21:23:58] <antto> seems you've already chosen some direction..
[21:24:43] <AsgardBSD> not really
[21:25:04] <AsgardBSD> its just because i have not yet discovered yet how to stream audio to computer soundcard
[21:25:45] <antto> the thing about exploring synthesis is that static algorithms are not much fun
[21:26:03] <antto> you need to be able to change some parameters at run time
[21:26:25] <antto> for that, you would need some interface with the algorithms (usually a GUI with knobs or sliders or so)
[21:26:29] <Thrashbarg> bah it's only a hobbyist thing, he can kludge it if he wants
[21:26:47] <Thrashbarg> not a product to sell
[21:26:49] <AsgardBSD> i can make a QT window
[21:27:05] <antto> and by the time you get all that rolling - you've effectively done all the work required to make a virtual instrument, only that you've made it standalone app and it can't be used in a DAW
[21:27:53] <antto> Thrashbarg it's a hobby to me, i don't sell anything
[21:28:33] <AsgardBSD> i already made some fractal... wanted to hear my fractal, but just couldnt stream it to soundcard
[21:28:42] <antto> i've walked the path from "i wanna know how sound works" thru "i hate C++ .." till here, and that's my advice
[21:29:45] <antto> there are C/C++ frameworks for making virtual instruments that run in DAWs, so you can build the GUI part more easily and concentrate on the actual DSP algos
[21:30:05] <AsgardBSD> its not just synth...
[21:30:18] <AsgardBSD> i would also like to implement wav decoding, stream it to soundcard...
[21:30:31] <AsgardBSD> some programming project...
[21:30:40] <antto> i've done that
[21:30:53] <antto> don't wanna do it again tho ;]
[21:31:02] <antto> wav is a pain..
[21:33:03] <antto> synths are not just synths, they do load wavs too, that's sample-based synths, and samplers
[21:33:21] <antto> anyway.. enough with this ;]
[21:45:49] <rue_shop3> wait, let me get this right, the t13 has spi programming but they didn't make the uart for it available as a subsystem?
[21:54:31] <tzanger> rue_shop3: I am not following your train of thought
[21:54:37] <tzanger> SPI and UART are two different things
[21:54:48] <rue_shop3> yea, I want any serial comm
[21:55:05] <rue_shop3> it HAS hardware in there for serial, but its not accessable
[21:55:18] <tzanger> how do you figure?
[21:55:38] <rue_shop3> a) the pinout b) thats how miso/mosi work
[21:56:55] <tzanger> I guess I'm not sure how you consider the SPI-ish slave that the device programmer uses to be equivalent to the SPI master port that is available on other devices
[21:57:29] <tzanger> It seems illogical that they would intentionally cripple such a feature without good reason
[21:57:31] <rue_shop3> I dont care if its master or slave, I'd like some registers to operate it
[21:57:53] <tzanger> it's not like SPI is rocket science, just bit bang it
[21:57:57] <rue_shop3> the only thing I can figure is that the SPI in implemented in software
[21:58:10] <tzanger> you'd probably be done by now :-)
[21:58:22] <rue_shop3> I want to use the t13 for tracking an encoder, I dont want to have to bitbang serial
[21:59:24] <tzanger> I guess you're screwed then, select a part more suited for the task
[21:59:35] <tzanger> if you're following an encoder you don't want SPI anyway
[21:59:41] <rue_shop3> a 500Mhz arm!
[21:59:48] <tzanger> if that's your thing, sure
[21:59:51] <rue_shop3> it can track one encoder and be an spi slave!
[22:00:31] <tzanger> so use the timer to track the encoder and bit bang the spi slave... if that's not acceptable then it seems you should select a different part
[22:01:47] <tzanger> I'm using a T13 to sync to 60Hz mains, phase-angle fire two TRIACs, keep calendar time and blink an LED, read a pushbutton and sample a pot... while sleeping 95% of the time to keep the power consumption within acceptable limits
[22:02:37] <rue_shop3> you didn't write it in java then did you!
[22:03:16] <rue_shop3> (otherwise you would have listed the required 512M dram module)
[22:03:27] <rue_shop3> *sigh*
[22:03:42] <rue_shop3> I really have to get in the habbit of buying t85's
[22:03:55] <tzanger> no, couple hundred lines of C, but you aren't writing your encoder follower spi slave in java either
[22:07:52] <rue_shop3> well, technically this would evolve to a tiny26 down the road anyhow
[22:09:17] <tzanger> with java, apparently
[22:10:36] <rue_shop3> I got a better idea, I'll use my BF interperter for it
[22:11:06] <rue_shop3> more stable than java anyhow
[22:15:58] <rue_shop3> bah, I chose the t26 for its array of analog channels, its no good for encoders
[22:16:16] * rue_shop3 re-rethinks
[22:19:44] <rue_shop3> off the top of your head, know an external, serial ADC?
[22:19:47] <rue_shop3> max___?