#avr | Logs for 2014-02-03

[09:18:30] <TLoFP> please help: when I write 0x00 to USART I receive garbage on the host computer listenting to the serial port. If, however, I write 0xFF to the serial port then everything is fine and the host receives 0xFF... whats going on here?
[11:38:52] <Roter> ok guys, i just got an pololu usb avr programmer, but the problem is that when i connect it to the computer the error led(red) starts blinking
[11:39:19] <Roter> in the user's guide it doesnt say anything about blinking
[11:39:36] <Roter> i also have not connected it to anything
[11:40:15] <amee2k> i don't know that specific programmer, but my avrisp2 indicates an error too if it can't find a target device
[11:41:03] <amee2k> try connecting a test target and see if it changes
[11:41:18] <Roter> allright, thats what i was thinking too
[11:41:39] <Roter> will report if i am able, because i am reading the users guide and it might be that i will need a seperate power supply
[11:42:24] <amee2k> yeah, ISP programmers typically don't provide power to run the target (some boards do have a 5V out pin for convenience though)
[12:17:44] <Roter> If anybody here uses linux, what ide do you use, if any?
[12:24:12] <Roter> quick question, in this site: http://www.pololu.com/docs/0J36/1.a , there is a line, that says: The VBUS line provides direct access to the 5V VBUS line on the USB cable and can be used to power additional devices. The line can provide up to 100 mA, so the current draw of your programmer plus any additional devices should not exceed this amount. If you attempt to draw more than this limit, your computer might disconnect the USB port temporarily or take other acti
[12:24:12] <Roter> ons to limit the use of USB power. So i can just connect a wire, and use it?
[12:26:40] <myself> you can't use it for jump-starting cars, but if you have a device that'll draw less than 100mA, sure.
[12:27:40] <Roter> does the mcu draw amps? or just like a led or something?
[12:28:14] <Roter> or is it like: i connect the vbus to the mcu and then the mcu distributes it to the things that are connected?
[12:28:16] <myself> the chip's datasheet will tell you about its current draw under various conditions
[12:28:20] <Roter> oh ok
[12:28:56] <myself> I admire your gumption for just diving in, but you might want to do some reading about microcontroller basics :)
[12:30:40] <Roter> if i dont burn my house down, i will learn it all.
[12:34:17] <Tom_itx> no linux ide
[12:34:35] <jerkey> vim makes a wondrful ide
[12:34:44] <Tom_itx> there's that
[12:35:36] <jerkey> you can make an F key for upload and another for serial monitor, and another for compile, upload etc
[12:38:03] <jerkey> i have vim set up to execute python with F9
[12:44:09] <Roter> vim is probably too hard for me, i will be trying to use eclipse with avr plugin
[12:44:43] <twnqx> :S
[12:44:51] <jerkey> you can use arduino, theres no shame
[12:45:15] <tzanger> Roter: sublime text is a fantastic editor, and if you want CLI you can always go nano
[12:45:36] <twnqx> but nano is painful for programming
[12:46:59] <Roter> i have a question, i have this board: http://www.kandh.com.tw/products_2.php?prod=91 , how do i know wich collum on the sides is minus and wich is plus?
[12:47:07] <Roter> it doesnt say on the board
[12:47:36] <twnqx> hm. if they are like mine, they aren't preconnected
[12:47:53] <twnqx> other then that, use a multimeter and check
[12:53:26] <Phantom> Roter: you dece
[12:53:29] <Phantom> decide
[12:54:00] <Phantom> you run a wire from the post to the strip
[12:54:05] <Phantom> so it's up to you
[12:54:11] <Roter> alright
[12:54:28] <Phantom> usually however there is a red and a blue line beside them
[13:04:33] <Roter> is it possible that, for the breadboard i linked earlier, one side is all positive(2collums), while the other side is ground (2 collums)?
[13:17:23] <Roter> disregard my old post
[13:23:12] <guanche> has somebody ever driven a motor like this?
[13:23:16] <guanche> http://www.mabuchi-motor.co.jp/cgi-bin/catalog/e_catalog.cgi?CAT_ID=rs_545ph
[13:23:51] <guanche> I made a gui application to be able to modulate pwm frequency and duty cycle, between 20Khz and 50Khz
[13:24:29] <guanche> but I can't get the noise out, overall at low revs, and I can't either seem to achieve proper torque at low revs either
[13:26:05] <Guest11422> try a slower pwm
[13:28:56] <guanche> http://postimg.org/image/ssahjambv/
[13:29:03] <guanche> that's a screenshot of the gui
[13:29:12] <guanche> slower rpm's made even more noise
[13:29:22] <guanche> I tried from 300hz all the way up
[13:29:42] <guanche> and at 50 Khz, I can still hear the noise, which doesn't make sense to me
[13:46:54] <ThiefMaster> does anyone have windows binaries 6.0.1? ;)
[13:46:57] <ThiefMaster> *of
[13:47:02] <ThiefMaster> *of avrdude
[13:47:10] <ThiefMaster> bleh, can't write properly today...
[13:57:29] * megal0maniac_afk wants to make a busted remote-controlled car park itself
[13:57:53] <Kev> http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/avrdude/avrdude-6.1-svn-20131205-mingw32.zip ?
[13:59:04] <Kev> erm, my bad, http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/avrdude/avrdude-6.0.1-mingw32.zip
[14:03:40] <megal0maniac_afk> ThiefMaster: ^
[14:03:49] <ThiefMaster> ty
[14:44:25] <Duality_> what is the official programmer from atmel called, I believe can program any chip and has jtag ?
[14:44:34] <Duality_> any avr atleast
[14:46:27] <Tom_itx> avrone
[14:46:43] <Tom_itx> i don't think any can program all of em
[14:46:55] <Tom_itx> maybe the stk500 stk600
[15:16:17] <jerkey> tim_itx can the stk500 program an atmega2560!??!
[15:42:01] <The_Coolest> why the heck isn't Timer3 documented in the datasheet of the ATmega1284p?
[15:42:18] <The_Coolest> ah it is
[16:29:00] <PigFlu> ok. when i try to program my avr, it aborts saying "hex file not found"
[16:29:18] <PigFlu> but the hex file is there. the path is correct
[16:29:32] <PigFlu> im using atmel studio 6.1
[16:34:37] <Tom_itx> then you didn't tell it where it was
[16:36:08] <Tom_itx> did you pick that file with the programming tool?
[16:47:14] <PigFlu> Tom_itx: it knows where it is, the path is correct
[16:47:42] <synic> PigFlu: where is it?
[16:47:51] <PigFlu> i think i might have identified the problem.. there is an "ø" in the filepath
[16:48:03] <synic> (that's what I was going to get at)
[16:48:14] <PigFlu> is there any way around this? :(
[16:48:33] <synic> don't use the ø?
[16:48:46] <synic> apparently amtel studio wasn't coded to handle it
[16:49:22] <PigFlu> so i should change my name? :(
[16:49:48] <PigFlu> i guess i can work out of a different folder than My Documents..
[16:49:53] <synic> your discomfort does not change the situation
[16:50:12] <synic> either that character isn't part of your default encoding or amtel studio doesn't care about foreigners
[16:50:24] <PigFlu> its weird that it manages to compile the project, though, if its not coded to handle ø
[16:50:31] <synic> ;-)
[16:51:07] <synic> yeah, but it's possible that those two parts of code were written at different times by different people
[16:53:25] * PoppaVic psstt.. Stick to ascii ;-)
[16:55:47] <antto> use exotic chars and you shall be punished by the ascii gods.
[16:56:19] <PigFlu> but it's my name, i didnt choose it :'(
[17:03:32] <Tom_itx> you could rewrite studio
[17:23:50] <kdehl> .
[17:55:55] <Lambda_Aurigae> ascii and ye shall receive....
[17:56:54] <Lambda_Aurigae> unicode...eunuch....hmmmm...
[18:02:14] <tzanger> eunuchcode, haha
[19:29:14] <JFK911> hi
[19:30:00] <JFK911> i noticed studio 6 is out. what's good and bad about it compared to the last major release?
[19:33:46] <jacekowski> i'm still using the old pre-VS studio
[19:35:15] <JFK911> what visual studio and gcc??
[19:35:25] <JFK911> i'm starting a new project and am wondering if i should use the old one
[19:35:44] <jacekowski> i just like how fast it is
[19:35:59] <JFK911> i'm not sure if i used 4 or 5 last time
[19:36:03] <Casper> most do not use it, but use their favorite text editor and gcc
[19:36:32] <Casper> so I'ld say most would say that the good is that it's a new version, the bad is it's Studio :D
[19:37:32] <JFK911> Here's my quirk. I can run a toolchain on bare metal xp or a vm with win7
[19:37:57] <JFK911> im not yet sure the hypervisor will grab the stk600 and give it to the vm
[19:38:49] <Tom_itx> 6 is bloated
[19:39:03] <JFK911> will it open projects from 4/5?
[19:39:06] <Tom_itx> yes
[19:39:08] <Tom_itx> convert
[19:39:37] <JFK911> thanks for informing me :)
[19:45:36] <Lambda_Aurigae> JFK911, vi and gcc for the win.
[19:46:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> atmel studio being windows only tends to not work for me.
[19:46:19] <JFK911> i like emacs
[19:46:20] <JFK911> :)
[19:51:46] <Lambda_Aurigae> I like edlin but generally stick with vi for functionality.
[19:52:15] <Lambda_Aurigae> and tend to use kate in a gui environment just for the heck of it.
[22:35:29] <yac> omg, I'm the biggest moron ever
[22:35:41] <yac> the usb cable was not connected all the way
[22:54:55] <myself> yac: I spent 2 hours reflashing a module at work last week, calling developers on the phone and asking whether they were *sure* they'd fixed the no-video issue in the latest drop...
[22:55:11] <myself> ...only to discover after like 4 reflashes and 2 screen swaps...
[22:55:19] <myself> ...that I hadn't plugged the display cable into the module
[22:55:53] <myself> In my defense, though, I definitely made sure that I'd turned it off and turned it back on.
[22:56:51] <Casper> LOL
[23:05:26] <myself> whenever I think of friendly ghosts now I picture Mort.
[23:05:37] <yac> only after i turned it on a side and pressed on it, I noticed the "click"
[23:05:58] <Casper> gunnerkrigg?
[23:06:35] <myself> Yep! :)
[23:07:01] <Casper> I want more pages
[23:07:04] <myself> speakingofwhich I'm a few months back, time to catch up.. comic-spree!
[23:07:47] <Casper> oh you'll be deceived by the last 2-3 pages... because more ain't up :D
[23:07:47] <Casper> oh you'll be deceived by the last 2-3 pages... because more ain't up :D
[23:08:29] <myself> ooh. I hope Tom's well! (...?)
[23:08:29] <myself> ooh. I hope Tom's well! (...?)
[23:08:47] <myself> My favorite Mort scene: http://gunnerkrigg.com/?p=387
[23:09:03] <myself> whoah I'm way off-topic. Whatever. All the AVR folks are sleeping. :P
[23:09:20] <JFK911> no we're not
[23:09:24] <JFK911> we're lost in the atmel website
[23:09:39] <JFK911> it wasn't hard enough to find things before, so they fixed that
[23:10:05] <Casper> JFK911: probably that the person that made the microsoft web site paid them a visit
[23:10:09] <myself> same dif; you'll emerge 8 hours later with a crick in your neck and a realization that your project has more problems than previously enumerated :P
[23:12:59] * Casper wishes he was alone in the house...
[23:13:09] <Casper> so I could play "loud" music at any time
[23:13:25] <Casper> having a good sound system is annoying at time
[23:15:16] <Casper> on my computer, I "only" have 2 2ways speakers witha 2" tweeter and 8" woofer, that goes with the 12" 350W sub bass reflex... so it do not take much to shake everything (as it should be!)
[23:16:52] <Casper> my HT is a 5.1 system, full range on the 5 (1" tweeter with 6" woofer, 2x woofer in the center)... and only a 15" sub... THAT one does shake, specially when you play Bass I Love You :D
[23:17:29] <myself> haha. I'm alone and don't take nearly enough advantage of it. I should grab Grandpa Ernie's speakers from my folks' place next time I drop in..
[23:31:08] <Casper> I love my speakers actually
[23:31:12] <Casper> it's some Omage
[23:31:29] <Casper> sadly, they appear to be one of those compagny that didn't evolved into the computer age
[23:31:33] <Casper> and don't have a web site
[23:38:12] <myself> and didn't produce anything notable enough for some loyal customer to have created a website in homage.
[23:38:41] <Casper> :)
[23:38:45] <Casper> found their web site
[23:38:52] <Casper> it's a subdivision of another compagny
[23:39:04] <Casper> but it do not list my sub model nor my speakers...
[23:39:15] <Casper> probably out of production