#avr | Logs for 2014-01-30

[01:38:11] <BusError_> rue_house, WTF is going on with you anyway?
[09:08:08] <rue_house> I'm trying to get the channel more educational
[09:12:47] <hackvana> I'm learning :-)
[09:13:16] <hackvana> I guess this is the squashing we get if we don't encourage people.
[09:16:47] <specing> Wow so educational, many AVR, much rue_house, very hackvana
[09:20:48] <rue_house> specing, the idea is to prompt usefull or educational code bits
[09:21:19] <rue_house> mainly because people repeatedly ask things like how to do bit toggling
[09:23:52] <antto> hau to toggle dis bit naw
[09:24:38] <bss36504> rue_house: isnt that when we direct them to google?
[09:24:39] <rue_house> its not the asking that bothers me as much as the number of people who catn help with the answer
[09:24:55] <bss36504> as in, there are too many that help or too few?
[09:25:01] <rue_house> shouldn't have to, asking that should be as easy as pressing enter for this group
[09:25:47] <bss36504> You're saying that people who cant toggle bits should NOT try to google it before coming here?
[09:26:08] <hackvana> Following the links in the channel topic would be a really good start
[09:26:18] <rue_house> I think we should be able to answer the question
[09:26:35] <bss36504> Most, or at the very least, many of the regulars can.
[09:26:52] <rue_house> its given me the impression that not enough people here know enough about how to code on avrs, so maybe I can help shim the numbers
[09:26:53] <bss36504> I answer most questions that I can, as fast as possible, but thats me. I get that maybe some others wont.
[09:26:55] <antto> yes, toggle bits via black magic or use teh force
[09:27:45] <bss36504> right, but there are like 10 jillion tutorials on the internet on how to do that. Also, I would rather encourage people to read the datasheets before saying things like "how do i configure the ADC".
[09:27:58] <antto> rue_house question: is this channel supposed to be for people who know how to code on avr?
[09:28:20] <tzanger> no, it's for people who work with AVRs, newbies and experts alike
[09:28:26] <rue_house> its for anyone interested in avrs, to show off or get help
[09:28:43] <rue_house> or, as the majority seem to do, idle
[09:28:49] <tzanger> :-)
[09:29:06] <tzanger> has anyone here played with NaCl for the AVRs?
[09:29:10] <bss36504> There is a lot of idling here.
[09:29:15] <antto> rue_house do you deal with avrs as part of your profession?
[09:29:38] <rue_house> the idlers here, are people who WANT or wanted, at some point, to do cool avr stuff, and dont have the time or knowledge to start
[09:29:52] <rue_house> antto, hell no
[09:29:58] <rue_house> I'm a hobby freak
[09:30:07] <antto> k ;]
[09:30:32] <bss36504> antto: there are a lot on here that do use AVR for work, myself included. Not that I'm an expert by any means.
[09:31:04] <rue_house> there are lots of things I dont know, I'm not gonna pretend otherwise (ok, maybe I will) I know what I need to know and am interested in spreading the fun
[09:31:14] <rue_house> work!?
[09:31:25] <antto> i use an avr myself, not because i chose to.. didn't know anything about chips before that
[09:31:58] <bss36504> In my experience, AVR is tops.
[09:32:16] <antto> i've coded signal processing in the form of realtime audio processing before that (in C++)
[09:32:35] <antto> so both C and AVR aren't very clear to me still ;]
[09:32:36] <rue_house> avrs are verry low-hastle for their capabilities
[09:32:46] <bss36504> I'm proficient with Freescale, microchip and TI, but AVR is my favorite. I'm a bit of a fanboy.
[09:36:02] <bss36504> so rue_house: What is your proposal for making the channel better?
[09:36:27] <rue_house> why dont repraps use inductive heaters?
[09:36:52] <antto> kick the idlers and newbies
[09:36:53] <antto> ;P~
[09:36:56] <bss36504> because the plastic wouldnt heat with an induction coil.
[09:36:58] <WormFood> 新年快乐 Happy Chinese New Year
[09:37:04] <rue_house> bss36504, I think seeing more code, especially generic code would help shim newbs
[09:37:15] <rue_house> bss36504, but the head would
[09:38:39] <bss36504> rue_house: A) Thats a good thought, but where would you put it? If people contribute content, I could host it online. B) that would probably be less efficient than just resistive heating. Also, induction heaters are complex and hard to design. They require expensive, high-power components to be of any consequential power.
[09:39:22] <rue_house> thats the fun, a website for this channel was a flop, several times, so really, common usefull things need to keep comming up in channel
[09:39:55] <rue_house> bss36504, I dont think 40W is hard to pull off in a block of aluminum
[09:40:11] <WormFood> I think a properly setup web site, for this channel, would be a success
[09:40:11] <rue_house> few turns of #10
[09:40:21] <rue_house> its flopped twice!
[09:40:27] <WormFood> what format?
[09:40:34] <WormFood> who could add to the site, and how?
[09:40:48] <rue_house> I have to run to work...
[09:40:55] <bss36504> Here's a thought, since you'd have the power and maybe the knowhow to do this: Over on #java, they have javabot with is an autoreply bot for the channel. You and/or we as a community put code snippets into the javabot. When noobs ask "how to flip bits" you tell javabot to answer.
[09:40:59] <WormFood> it's almost 11:30 pm here
[09:41:16] <bss36504> I'm sitting in my DSP class at 10:30am
[09:41:34] <WormFood> I ran a bot in another channel for a number of years.
[09:41:42] <bss36504> WormFood, rue_house, is there a wiki formatted avr site?
[09:41:43] <WormFood> that type of thing is pretty trivial, really.
[09:41:51] <WormFood> I'm not aware of one
[09:41:57] <bss36504> put it in then! I'm not an IRC master
[09:42:17] <WormFood> I could host a bot. That wouldn't be a problem.
[09:42:28] <WormFood> but, I'm not an admin here
[09:43:01] <WormFood> you know, I could put a link on my avr baudrate calculator to a page for this channel ;)
[09:43:20] <bss36504> the ol' baudrate calculator. How is that?
[09:43:35] <WormFood> I've had at least one or two people tell me they discovered this channel, because they saw it on my bit rate calculator page
[09:43:43] <WormFood> it works great. I recently updated it.
[09:44:06] <bss36504> cool, glad to hear it.
[09:44:10] <WormFood> I "fixed" some html/css in it, since I've learned more CSS since I first wrote it.
[09:44:29] <rue_house> who here did a fuse calculator?
[09:44:29] <bss36504> I need to learn some web shit. No time at the moment though
[09:44:35] <WormFood> I was contemplating trying to do it in javascript, so it can calculate it in your browser.
[09:44:40] <WormFood> not me rue_house.
[09:44:50] <WormFood> I was looking into the possibility of making a fuse calculator
[09:44:56] <WormFood> it wouldn't be that hard to do, I think
[09:45:09] <WormFood> just extract the data from the programming files. I looked it up a few months ago
[09:45:31] <WormFood> it seemed pretty straight forward. Just parse the data files, and output the page.
[09:45:59] <bss36504> I think y'all missed it, but is there an avr wiki-format site? Might be good
[09:46:15] <WormFood> I said before, I wasn't aware of one.
[09:46:40] <bss36504> whoops, I missed that.
[09:47:04] <WormFood> I used to run a private wiki. It was really nice. I had a ton of info in it.
[09:47:29] <bss36504> sounds like you volunteered to get it running then :P
[09:47:30] <WormFood> based on wikimedia, the same software used by wikipedia....not real convenient to work on
[09:47:50] <WormFood> I don't think a wiki is the right format.
[09:47:55] <bss36504> how come?
[09:47:57] <WormFood> I think something similar, would be good
[09:48:08] <WormFood> too much labor to index everything, and organize everything
[09:48:14] <bss36504> ok
[09:48:18] <WormFood> you want something that can organize data better, I feel.
[09:48:45] <WormFood> I build web sites based on Drupal. I could setup a Drupal site, and allow users to create content on the site.
[09:49:03] <WormFood> but it'd have to be well thought out, beforehand.
[09:49:12] <WormFood> what type of data do we want to store on the site?
[09:49:50] <WormFood> I could setup a data type for the AVR info. There could be a database of all the AVR parts, and their capabilities. People could sort the list, based on the features they're looking for.
[09:50:06] <bss36504> If you are willing to build the site, I will gladly help contribute content. I've only dabbled in web development, so I'd be almost useless there.
[09:50:16] <WormFood> free form tags, on pages, to help sort and organize
[09:50:16] <bss36504> Thats basically what atmel has already though
[09:50:30] <WormFood> I'd be willing to build the site, but we'd need a clear goal
[09:50:57] <WormFood> and host the site.
[09:51:09] <WormFood> I have tons of bandwidth on my server, and "lots" of disk space
[09:51:47] <WormFood> users could have blogs, and things like that.
[09:52:13] <bss36504> How about registered users can contribute, anyone can read. Tutorials section, general info (like wiki pages) section, user profiles, forum
[09:52:32] <WormFood> sure, simple stuff. Easy to do.
[09:52:43] <bss36504> adding user blogs would be cool too. Maybe if you could subscribe to oher user's blogs via your profile would be good.
[09:52:47] <bss36504> other*
[09:53:04] <WormFood> that can be done, but would require a little bit of programming
[09:53:09] <WormFood> nothing major
[09:53:45] <WormFood> I could register freenodeavr.com ;)
[09:53:53] <bss36504> right, it would be a matter of storing the user prefs in the database, looking up what they want and putting it in their feed page.
[09:53:59] <bss36504> that would be a good name
[09:54:11] <WormFood> well, it would be easier than that.
[09:54:32] <WormFood> Drupal isn't actually a CMS...it's a CMS framework...it allows me to build a CMS
[09:55:02] <bss36504> ah I see. I run a couple of wordpress sites, which I suppose is more on the CMS side rather than CMS framework.
[09:55:11] <bss36504> my work is volunteer though, and pretty basic
[09:55:16] <WormFood> it's a wonderful framework, and it's extremely flexible. Other people have written modules to help make these types of tasks easier
[09:55:42] <bss36504> Do you do web dev for work?
[09:55:42] <WormFood> rue_bed rue_house, you still around?
[09:55:45] <WormFood> yeah
[09:55:50] <WormFood> sometimes
[09:55:51] <bss36504> I think rue had to go to work
[09:56:01] <bss36504> cool. I'm more of an embedded guy
[09:56:12] <WormFood> I prefer embedded work
[09:56:18] <WormFood> I miss programming the AVRs
[09:56:35] <WormFood> I even write stuff for AVR in assembly :D
[09:56:56] <bss36504> Honestly, I have never done that, besides a couple of hand optimized routines.
[09:57:11] <WormFood> I took the Atmel software serial port routine, and optimized it. Made it smaller, and faster (uses less cycles)
[09:57:25] <WormFood> I needed that for one of my projects.
[09:57:55] <WormFood> and I needed the extra cycles too, since the interrupt routine was almost too long, to be able to receive the next bit.
[09:57:55] <bss36504> ah yes, soft serial. I prefer synchronous communication myself.
[09:58:05] <WormFood> I didn't have any choice
[09:58:20] <bss36504> such is life often times
[09:58:20] <WormFood> that was the last AVR project I was working on, before I left USA, over 6 years ago
[09:58:34] <bss36504> Where are you now?
[10:01:14] <WormFood> 中国
[10:01:16] <WormFood> China
[10:01:37] <WormFood> it's new year's eve here. In about 15 minutes, it will be the year of the horse.
[10:06:11] <bss36504> Oh neat. My company is building a semiconductor fab in Ningbo
[10:09:54] <myself> Are there video streams of the fireworks and festivities?
[10:54:27] <WormFood> quite likely myself
[10:54:38] <WormFood> can probably find them on youtube now
[14:44:30] <l9> tom you around?
[14:47:02] <illumer> Dears
[14:47:29] <illumer> two days back I was coming and kept asking about specific problem
[14:47:47] <Roter> i was thinking of buying this: http://www.pololu.com/product/1300
[14:47:54] <illumer> which was to make my code work in two modes
[14:48:04] <l9> illumer: has teh problem gone away :P
[14:48:08] <Roter> (note that the programmer does not deliver power to the target device).
[14:48:18] <Roter> so, is it worth buying?
[14:48:23] <illumer> yes
[14:48:40] <l9> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/commerce/commerce_index.php
[14:48:40] <illumer> that is why I'm here
[14:48:40] <Roter> but would then, i have to buy a batery pack for it?
[14:48:40] <illumer> to share the root cause
[14:49:50] <illumer> you know I used global variable without keyword volatile and it worked
[14:50:17] <illumer> may be it shows some bugs in specific cases
[14:50:25] <l9> Roter: what are you trying too do?
[14:50:40] <Roter> i just wanted to buy a microcontroller
[14:50:41] <illumer> anyway I insisted to use volatile as you all advised that the best practice
[14:50:45] <l9> illumer: :) i have no idea what the problem was sorry ;) but cool you fixed it
[14:51:02] <Roter> and wanted to ask, if this needed a seperate power source?
[14:51:14] <illumer> thanks
[14:51:18] <illumer> listen buddies
[14:51:26] <Roter> because it said (note that the programmer does not deliver power to the target device).
[14:51:52] <illumer> Roter: my problem was to use two micros connected using SPI to control 3 servo motors
[14:52:10] <illumer> which will eventually work as industrial robot
[14:52:27] <illumer> in two modes automatic and manual mode
[14:53:35] <illumer> my problem was I couldn't switch between the two modes using a global variable
[14:54:04] <illumer> as the behaviour was changes to weird behaviour
[14:54:21] <illumer> specifically for the motor in the slave micro
[14:54:45] <illumer> and when I use volatile keyword it doesn't even work
[14:55:09] <illumer> spending half a day debugging..
[14:55:32] <illumer> found out the cause which was common in the SPI implementation
[14:56:36] <illumer> it is everytime you declare a global variable in the master code, it effects the synchronization between the micros
[14:57:02] <illumer> so you either to remove it or you add variable in the slave code
[14:57:13] <illumer> that is it
[14:58:16] <illumer> thanks to all whom tried to help
[14:58:52] <illumer> BTW this the link for the master code http://pastebin.com/9rxSEtWa
[14:59:46] <illumer> and the slave code http://pastebin.com/3XvfCtkh
[15:00:11] <illumer> see you later
[16:05:45] <tzanger> has anyone here used NaCl on AVR?
[16:50:06] <Malinus> tzanger, in a solution or crystallized?
[17:18:43] <tzanger> Malinus: haw
[17:18:53] <tzanger> (bad joke doesn't deserve haw haw)
[17:19:27] <Tom_itx> h h
[17:19:52] <Malinus> tzanger, what is NaCl?
[17:20:04] <Tom_itx> for us non chemists
[17:20:30] <PoppaVic> salt
[17:24:47] <tzanger> Malinus: it's pronounced "salt" and it's an encryption/authentication library that has an AVR port
[17:25:10] <tzanger> http://cryptojedi.org/crypto/
[17:30:11] <Malinus> tzanger, mind explaining what one might want to use a authentication library on a avr? I'm curious.
[17:30:58] <tzanger> Malinus: I'm intending on using it to send authenticated packets to data collection unit over a shared bus
[17:31:19] <tzanger> using the MAC to ensure that cloned/copied devices can send all they want, but won't be recognized by the other end
[17:32:01] <tzanger> of course this relies on the AVR not giving up its secrets, which is a safe enough assumption, though of course not guaranteed. Atmel does make some secured devices though
[17:41:16] <specing> NaCl is also Chrome's sandbox
[17:42:30] <Malinus> tzanger, I see.