#avr | Logs for 2014-01-27

[03:04:55] <angs> I have a SAM-ICE JTAG emulator and trying to debug a custom board to find out what is wrong wit it. Does anyone know a tool that could shows me more info about why it does not go to JTAG mode?
[08:13:44] <angs> is there anyone who uses SAM-ICE?
[10:16:26] <phinxy> Can i use a adc pin for sensing when a finger is closing it to ground? I dont have any buttons so im looking for a quick solution
[10:22:14] <Duality> yes
[10:24:01] <PoppaVic> phinxy: http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/CapacitiveSensor and http://playground.arduino.cc//Main/CapacitiveSensor
[10:45:49] <tehcereal> hello can someone tell me does winavr conflict with atmel studio
[10:46:03] <tehcereal> i have atmel studio installed and want to install winavr now
[10:46:11] <tehcereal> will it work :D
[11:03:19] <phinxy> PoppaVic, thanks thats so cool
[11:05:26] <ambro718> phinxy: hey, did you get your timers working?
[11:06:25] <phinxy> ambro718, figured out that my watch crystal didnt oscillate well enough without caps
[11:06:59] <ambro718> so after doing that and setting up the prescaler did run?
[11:10:33] <phinxy> ambro718, i abandoned the idea to try to compensate for rounding errors since im using my main clock source now which isnt that accurate after all. i dont have more low pf caps
[11:11:37] <phinxy> but last time i checked everything worked as expected, dont know what youre asking really :)
[11:13:47] <ambro718> phinxy: all right, but if you're doing another ticking with another OCR, for example 1s, they will get out of sync
[11:14:17] <ambro718> so if you need anything to happen every second, it should be done every third time in your 1/3 second ISR
[11:17:16] <phinxy> ambro718, im not sure ill get ya. but ill get back to timing when im gonna generate a sine wave ill post the code so you can have a look then
[16:51:56] <Casper> rue_house: ya there?
[19:40:27] <scoy> hello all! if i set SOMEREG = _BV(VAR0) | _BV(VAR1) | _BV(VAR2), then can i later set SOMEREG |= _BV(VAR3) and not change the other VARn values?
[19:44:03] <Tom_itx> i prefer SOMEREG |= (1<<BIT1)|(1<<BIT2)|(1<<BIT3); but yes
[19:45:11] <Tom_itx> SOMEVAR &= ~(1<<BIT) will clear it
[19:45:48] <Casper> Tom_itx: are you good with plumbing/sediment handling? :D
[19:46:00] <Tom_itx> i dunno, try me
[19:46:02] <Casper> my workarea sink have issue with the backflow valve...
[19:46:10] <Tom_itx> 1" / 10' drop
[19:46:15] <Casper> junk get trapped behind the door, and prevent it from fully closing
[19:46:30] <Casper> so I need a solid interceptor, but the commercial units are $$$$
[19:46:36] <Casper> do you have an idea of a work around?
[19:47:02] <Tom_itx> why do you need a backflow valve?
[19:47:10] <scoy> i'm doing some bit banging with USI/SPI. a lot of the demos loop and continuously set USIREG = _BV(.) | _BV(..) over and over again. just want to clean that up
[19:47:30] <Casper> because the city sewer can't make their job due to the climate change and heavy rain we recently get
[19:47:35] <Casper> and got flooded once
[19:47:52] <Casper> now it's mandatory to get insured for sewer backup
[19:48:26] <Tom_itx> i have one on a sump but i keep blowing it out
[19:48:30] <Tom_itx> i dunno for sure
[19:49:10] <Casper> II was thinking to make one from 4" pipe... but I'm unsure if the water flow wouln't just still lift the junk out...
[19:49:16] <Tom_itx> solid interceptor... is that like a grease trap?
[19:49:31] <Tom_itx> lemme show you someting
[19:49:38] <Casper> and I don't want to put a screen, so floating junk can get out... but I think I won't have a choice
[19:49:48] <Casper> but yeah, simmilar to a grease trap
[19:51:34] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/house/drain1.jpg
[19:51:52] <Tom_itx> you can't really see it but at the bottom of the pic is one
[19:52:00] <Tom_itx> dips down about 8" or so
[19:52:08] <Tom_itx> 4 45deg fittings
[19:52:14] <hackvana> That's a lotta digging
[19:52:18] <Tom_itx> with a cleanout in the center
[19:52:41] <Tom_itx> that's a requirement here now
[19:52:55] <Tom_itx> (not the cleanout) the trap
[19:53:03] <Tom_itx> the cleanout was my idea (demand)
[19:53:10] <Casper> I think I'll simply go 3" and put a screen... and hope for the best
[19:53:32] <Tom_itx> what's wrong with a p trap?
[19:53:53] <Tom_itx> too much back pressure?
[19:53:55] <Casper> the junk don't stay in the P trap
[19:54:02] <Casper> and get carried on
[19:54:06] <Tom_itx> it should be vented out the roof anyway
[19:54:31] <scoy> so i should be able to REG = _BV(ONE) | _B(TWO) and then loop through () {REG |= _BV(OTHER)} without change the value of ONE or TWO?
[19:54:40] <Casper> I think you misunderstood me
[19:54:48] <Casper> you know, those one way valve...
[19:55:07] <Casper> the trap "door" there, the water goes in, push it and should flow out
[19:55:19] <Casper> but the actual trap have a drop so the door can close the opening
[19:55:35] <hackvana> There's a flap.
[19:55:44] <Casper> so junk instead of flowing, it can get trapped in that corner
[19:55:59] <Casper> and the water then just flow over the junk instead of bringing it with it
[19:56:03] <Casper> yeah flap... that
[19:56:26] <Tom_itx> it would just fill up
[19:56:28] <Casper> then that flap instead of sealing with the "intake" surface it sit on the junk
[19:56:36] <Casper> leaving it partially open
[19:56:43] <Tom_itx> is that what you want?
[19:56:49] <Tom_itx> i know what a greas trap does
[19:57:46] <Casper> what I want is to prevent to have to remove the junk each time I clean up something and some junk flew in the water
[19:57:55] <Tom_itx> https://www.google.com/search?q=grease+trap&client=firefox-a&hs=kde&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbm=isch&source=iu&imgil=5vLF8n6MNfZpeM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcQSz_yx_pnMAcLEHt9Drv0ixNB4fVN1UX7OB5G_qWX5xeHZbuhg%253B767%253B467%253BxqytK-JSsQE51M%253Bhttps%25253A%25252F%25252Fdrain-net.com%25252Fshop-by-product%25252Fplastic-grease-traps%25252Fproduct%25252F248-plastic-grease-trap-50-
[19:57:59] <Tom_itx> wow
[19:58:04] <Tom_itx> i got my money's worth there
[19:59:13] <Casper> simmilar to that, but for solid
[19:59:21] <Casper> basically the in and out are both at the top
[19:59:35] <Casper> and not at the bottom
[19:59:47] <Tom_itx> those are at the top
[20:00:08] <Casper> https://drain-net.com/media/com_hikashop/upload/endura_solids_interceptor_-_sideview.jpg
[20:00:19] <Casper> but those are $$$$
[20:00:39] <Tom_itx> just more baffles
[20:01:01] <Tom_itx> hell, make one
[20:01:21] <Casper> might as well... but... hard to find a sealable box that can be opened easilly
[20:01:36] <Casper> so was thinking to use 6" pipe, but appear to be close to impossible to find
[20:01:42] <Casper> and 4" seems a bit small
[20:02:02] <Tom_itx> you'd have to go to an industrial plumbing supply to get it
[20:02:14] <Tom_itx> or steal some from the city crew
[20:02:37] <Tom_itx> our main is 10"
[20:02:38] <Casper> yeah...
[20:02:47] <Casper> here the main water is 16"
[20:03:01] <Casper> and there is some bigger one somewhere
[20:03:03] <Tom_itx> well i'm sure it gets bigger but for the block it's 10"
[20:03:17] <Casper> and the bigger one is probably just bellow it
[20:03:30] <Tom_itx> get a sump container and make one
[20:03:35] <Tom_itx> ready made
[20:03:41] <Casper> hmm
[20:03:43] <Tom_itx> inlet and outlet already there
[20:03:46] <Tom_itx> add some baffles
[20:04:08] <Casper> hmm yeah might actually work
[20:04:37] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/house/10.jpg
[20:04:45] <Casper> I think I saw one that wasn't too expensive and had a seal on the cover
[20:04:53] <Casper> will check reno depot tomorrow maybe
[20:04:56] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/house/9.jpg
[20:05:03] <Tom_itx> that's the one i put in the basement
[20:05:03] <Casper> I have up to this spring to find a solution
[20:05:06] <Tom_itx> for the pump
[20:05:41] <Casper> but actually, good idea for the pump box
[20:05:52] <Tom_itx> it's made for that
[20:06:24] <Tom_itx> 2 2-1/2" outlets in the lid
[20:06:59] <Casper> I think the one I saw didn't had anything on the lid
[20:07:02] <Casper> but all on the side
[20:07:10] <Tom_itx> depends on the application
[20:07:26] <Casper> I think it was for in floor application, flush to concrete
[20:07:38] <Tom_itx> a valve body box would work from a sprinkler system except the lid isn't sealed
[20:08:35] <Casper> need sealed for 2 reasons: won't have a trap after, there is a missing vent there, so when the washer drain there is an air return
[20:08:53] <Casper> one day I'll fix it, but it mean lots of work for little gain
[20:10:27] <Casper> http://www.rona.ca/en/abs-double-tee-wye-0068364--1 <=== that look usefull actually
[20:10:54] <Casper> add a plug at the bottom and top and a screen in the middle
[20:12:25] <Tom_itx> you could make it as deep as you want
[20:12:38] <Tom_itx> i don't quite get why they do that on residential though
[20:13:01] <Tom_itx> the one in my yard is more like a p trap
[20:13:09] <Tom_itx> just a 'seal'
[20:13:16] <Tom_itx> for gasses
[20:14:35] <Casper> do what?
[20:16:19] <Tom_itx> how often do you clean those out?
[20:17:17] <Casper> the backflow preventer valve? well, look like every time I clean my humidifier...
[20:17:57] <Casper> I cleaned it (with the pipe and all, man... the plumber that installed it could have told us that the pipe was almost plugged!)
[20:18:09] <Casper> it went all fine until I cleaned my humidifier this week
[20:18:22] <Casper> now when the washer drain, the sink burp
[20:18:30] <Casper> which mean the trap is partially open
[20:18:41] <Casper> the burping is due to the missing vent
[20:19:25] <Casper> there is 2 valves in that corner, one for the washer, one for the sink, both goes to the same pipe
[20:19:43] <Casper> it's actually how I found out about the first issue...
[20:19:47] <Casper> and how I found out now
[20:24:23] <Casper> bbl
[20:26:05] <Casper> . . . this is ridiculous...
[20:26:16] <Casper> I own 20 cents on my CC
[20:28:25] <Tom_itx> better than what i oew
[20:28:27] <Tom_itx> owe
[20:29:07] <vectory> Casper: i got a letter from the insurance that i owe 50c, the postage is 60c -_-
[20:29:36] <Tom_itx> electronic tranfer is free
[20:44:40] <learath> vectory: ask them to send you a certified note
[20:45:35] <PoppaVic> send them 2 checks for 25c: it costs like $5 to cash a check ;-)
[21:20:25] <rue_house> Casper, yes
[21:45:26] <Casper> rue_house: do you have an idea how to make a solid interceptor for the workshop sink?
[21:45:58] <Casper> the sinking stuff get in the way of the one way valve for the sewer (backflow preventer valve)
[21:46:40] <Tom_itx> maybe not channel appropriate really
[21:46:49] <Casper> I was thinking to get a 6" pipe and have the sink come midway on it, put the pipe vertically, so the little flow in would cause the stuff to sink
[21:47:02] <Casper> Tom_itx: there is no apropriate channel
[21:47:09] <Tom_itx> garf
[23:14:27] <rue_house> hah
[23:15:03] <rue_house> what are you putting downt eh sink!?
[23:15:49] <rue_shop2> look up how a restraunt grease trap works
[23:19:40] <Casper> rue_shop2: I checked them
[23:19:46] <Casper> 400$+
[23:20:00] <Casper> and... last time I simply cleaned my humidifier
[23:20:10] <Casper> the mineral deposit... is what cause me trouble right now
[23:23:34] <johnwalkr> Casper: yeah that should work..
[23:23:56] <johnwalkr> put a large diameter at the bottom of a p-trap
[23:25:35] <Casper> anyone here good with sepic smps?
[23:26:14] <rue_shop2> Casper, if you cant afford one, make one
[23:26:17] <rue_shop2> geeez
[23:26:30] <rue_shop2> use your leet construction skilz
[23:27:17] <Casper> yeah... I think I'll make one
[23:27:33] <Casper> I wonder if a 3" will be enought or if I spend 4 times and go 4"