#avr | Logs for 2014-01-14

[04:36:05] <Guest19886> Why does my microcontroller get very hot when i use jtag with vcc and ground to the other side of the controller? isnt JTAG supposed to work in-circuit
[04:38:05] <Guest19886> btw, is there a way to test if all inner hardware is working correctly?
[06:00:47] <afm_> when do I need to use bitcloud?
[06:34:02] <dheeraj> Hii all
[06:34:59] <Epsilon-Auriga_> afm_: what is bitcloud?
[06:35:03] <Epsilon-Auriga_> hello dheeraj
[06:37:10] <Epsilon-Auriga_> afm_: looks like, as far as avr is concerned, bitcloud would be the zigbee wireless communication stack...so you would use it if you were using atmel zigbee wireless gear and didn't want to write your own zigbee stack.
[06:37:12] <afm_> Epsilon-Auriga_, http://www.atmel.se/tools/BITCLOUD-ZIGBEEPRO.aspx I have AT86RF231. I could not understand if I really need the bitcloud to use that chip on a controller
[06:37:24] <dheeraj> I want to blink Led via c directly, how can i? and what i need for this, i have arduino board
[06:38:07] <Epsilon-Auriga_> dheeraj: you need a compiler, programmer, and program,,,,
[06:38:08] <dheeraj> with Atmega 8 chip
[06:38:25] <dheeraj> I have gcc compiler,
[06:38:38] <dheeraj> And what is programmer?
[06:39:21] <dheeraj> I have program too, Got on google
[06:39:34] <Epsilon-Auriga_> a program used to upload the compiled program to the avr.\
[06:39:38] <dheeraj> Epsilon-Auriga_: where from i will get this controller
[06:39:58] <dheeraj> such as bootloader?
[06:40:07] <Epsilon-Auriga_> guessing you want to use the arduino bootloader rather than an ISP programmer device.
[06:40:31] <dheeraj> yes
[06:40:43] <Epsilon-Auriga_> then you will need the arduino uploader or avrdude.
[06:41:23] <dheeraj> Epsilon-Auriga_: I think i have avrdude as such i used Arduino IDE before to blink led
[06:41:25] <Epsilon-Auriga_> although, you will have to do a search of the web to find out how to use either of those or someone else around here to help you.
[06:41:57] <Epsilon-Auriga_> I avoid the whole arduino world myself.
[06:42:17] <dheeraj> Epsilon-Auriga_: I too want to do the same :)
[06:44:38] <Epsilon-Auriga_> http://www.avrbeginners.net is a good place to start...but it won't tell you anything about arduino boards.\
[06:45:19] <Epsilon-Auriga_> and, much as I would love to stay and help, I have to go to work and break a few copiers.
[06:46:09] <dheeraj> Epsilon-Auriga_: yes i ll read this link..
[06:51:51] <afm_> is it better to keep a crystal as close as the processor?
[06:52:23] <afm_> *as close as possible to the processor
[06:54:36] <amee2k> okay.... thermal design question. which of the two heatsinks would be better for passive cooling? A: 36x36mm, 11 fins, 10mm ribbed fins, 1.8mm base plate B: 55x35mm, 18 smooth fins (standing parallel to short edge), 7mm fins, 3mm base plate
[06:56:25] <amee2k> both are aluminium strand casting. version A has three slots machined into the fins about 2.5mm wide each
[06:58:54] <amee2k> http://vm197.cugnet.net/~amee2k/sandbox2/CIMG0082b.jpeg
[07:00:01] <amee2k> i don't expect the difference to be world shattering, but any thoughts?
[07:01:39] <amee2k> it'll go on a large area BGA that is almost the same size as the A one, so i tend to lean towards longer fins over stronger back plate... but then, its passive so more shorter fins might help too
[09:39:15] <beaky> hello
[09:42:07] <carabia> hello
[09:42:14] <carabia> with what do you need help now?
[10:01:07] <bss36504> Hey gang. I have a friend using a mega1284 with an ISP mkII, and there is some interesting behavior. When the programmer is connected, the attached LED blinks fine. When you disconnect the programmer, the LED stops blinking, or blinks intermittently. The clock, as measured on CKOUT is stable and fine at both 8MHz (internally clocked) and 20 Mhz (externally clocked with crystal). Ideas?
[10:08:36] <bss36504> nevermind, figured it out.
[10:09:03] <myself> what was it?
[10:09:13] <bss36504> he didnt put a pullup on reset.
[10:09:24] <bss36504> a real "doh!" moment
[10:14:59] <Guest19886> any recommendations on a small black&white lcd with fast refresh rate?
[10:21:29] <moemoe> Guest19886: talking of graphics lcd? segment display? alphanumeric?
[10:23:30] <Guest19886> moemoe, a graphic one. Something like a Nokia 5110 one but with better refresh rate/update speed
[10:55:27] <bss36504> Has anybody ever had an issue with intermittent verify fails? It's like multiple addresses in the flash on my chip are only kind of working.
[10:56:06] <Mr_Sheesh> Could that be an address line shorting to another line or something like that, bss36504?
[10:56:54] <bss36504> Oh, i should be more specific. I'm using AS6, a JTAGICE3 and a mega32U2, and sometimes during programming, the verify step fails. The interface is ISP.
[10:57:53] <bss36504> Up until about 20 minutes ago, everything was working swimmingly.
[11:00:28] <bss36504> Yeah, just had to write the same .elf file three times over in order for it to pass the verify step. Note though, the code still executed even on the "failed" verifies. I don't think it's a signaling issue, since a) ISP clock is pretty slow compared to chip clock, and b) chip ID reads fine all the way up to ISP clock = 1/4 FCPU.
[11:01:07] <Mr_Sheesh> Did anything happen 20 minutes ago that could help cause this?
[11:01:40] <bss36504> No, I was programming fine, with the HW just sitting next to me, then suddenly I went to program and all this started
[12:44:31] <bss36504> I think there are legitimately broken memory addresses in my mega32U2.
[12:58:37] <Mr_Sheesh> bss36504 - could it be a counterfeit part perhaps?
[13:14:55] <bss36504> Mr_Sheesh: I suppose it could be, but I ordered from Newark, so I think it's good. It was only two addresses (at least in the memory section I was using). Still a major pain in the ass
[13:15:45] <Mr_Sheesh> Yeah Newark should be safe. Ask them / Atmel for ideas? If it's misbehaving they may need to know
[13:45:25] <Duality> hi all
[13:46:35] <Duality> I have written assembly that turns on and off a port, but the leds on the port flicker. what could be causing it? brown out? it also happens when I touch the board it's on. when I program it with c It goes away.
[14:03:00] <Duality> uhm I put my attiny on 128khz now I can't program it anymore
[14:03:09] <Duality> how can I fix this :)
[14:03:11] <Duality> ?
[14:09:24] <Mr_Sheesh> Duality - IIRC don't you have to watch your CPU clock during programming, if it's too slow etc. it won't program the device?
[14:25:45] <amee2k> iirc the programming clock needs to be less than 1/4th the MCU clock
[14:25:59] <amee2k> there should be something in the datasheet about that
[14:26:00] <N2TOH> but not too slow
[14:26:20] <amee2k> then you need to figure out how to change the transfer speed on your programmer
[14:26:44] <N2TOH> I did there is a slider bar in ARV studio for the STK500
[14:27:13] <amee2k> i'm replying to Duality's question :3
[14:27:17] <N2TOH> most that thing will do is about 3.5MHz
[14:27:34] <N2TOH> I was just pointing out that too slow is also a problem
[14:29:26] <Duality> Mr_Sheesh: I already fixed it. i programmed the device at 500hz
[14:30:20] <Mr_Sheesh> LOL so long as it works.
[14:40:36] <Tom_itx> needs to be 1/4 the clock frequency
[14:52:51] <Duality> but it worked :)
[14:53:19] <Duality> I now tryed to do a blink by making a delay. but it acts weird. the on time is ok, but the off time is tiny any ideas ?
[14:53:32] <avrlol> why would i want to scale the input clock to my ADC?
[14:53:43] <avrlol> what function does that serve?
[14:58:53] <synic> Duality: did you define F_CPU ?
[15:02:37] <Duality> in assembly ?
[15:03:40] <synic> oh, I dunno. I've been using C. Pay no attention to me.
[15:04:36] <Duality> synic: no problem, I have been using C alot too :) but i am learning assembly right now :). and it ain't that bad
[15:04:48] <synic> it looks like fun, that's for sure
[15:05:08] <synic> still, it seems like your program ought to know about the clock speed somehow
[15:06:48] <avrlol> (ADCH << 8) will left-shift a value by 8, right?
[15:23:31] <RikusW> this just saved me a lot of trouble ->http://www.planetcobalt.net/sdb/vdi.shtml
[15:23:41] <RikusW> my XP vbox seems to have died.....
[15:26:33] <learath> feature
[15:27:37] <RikusW> I do have a copy of the vdi...
[15:27:44] <RikusW> but not the recent files on it...
[15:28:14] <RikusW> mounting worked fine fortunately, so immediate backup of My Docs was made :)
[15:31:35] <carabia> don't be a communist
[15:32:20] <RikusW> ??
[16:12:02] <avrlol> should i be adding an external resistor my 7-segment display?
[16:12:11] <avrlol> it doesnt come with a datasheet, so idk
[16:12:13] <learath> are you using a current limited source
[16:12:18] <avrlol> no
[16:12:24] <avrlol> well
[16:12:28] <learath> Do you like fire?
[16:12:30] <avrlol> its a shift register
[16:12:31] <bss36504> If you're sourcing or sinking directly with the micro, you should be fine.
[16:13:03] <avrlol> i think the shift register can deliver 30 mA per pin, idk what happens if it tries to deliver more..
[16:13:04] <bss36504> What does the shift register's datasheet say about current sourcing/sinking?
[16:13:54] <bss36504> Well, current doesnt get "sucked" out of the source, nor do sources "force" current into a load. So if you want, put a current limiting resistor in, or the shift register probably has internal limiting
[16:14:23] <avrlol> i guess my question is: do 7-segment displays usually have internal resistors?
[16:14:34] <bss36504> probably not.
[16:14:44] <bss36504> they're generally just an array of LEDs
[16:14:55] <avrlol> so one big resistor on the 7-segment's ground would be fine i guess
[16:15:33] <bss36504> yeah, but keep in mind, the more segments you turn on, the dimmer they all become (in the case of common anode)
[16:15:33] <bss36504> \
[16:15:48] <avrlol> yea.. not too big then :p
[16:16:29] <bss36504> well it doesnt matter, per se, how big the resistor is. If they share one resistor, they will all be some degree dimmer when you turn on more.
[16:17:03] <bss36504> Course, you could also just try hooking up the shift register. if it doesnt get hot, youre probably good :P
[16:41:21] <avrlol> it gets.. warm
[16:41:32] <bss36504> resistor time then
[16:41:44] <bss36504> like 330 ohms or so oughta do.
[16:42:02] <avrlol> nah, they dim too much
[16:42:08] <avrlol> i went with 100
[16:46:12] <clixxIO> which shift-register?
[16:46:32] <avrlol> 74HC595B1
[16:46:54] <clixxIO> ah, ok.
[16:48:27] <clixxIO> this is mine : https://plus.google.com/109366813998920635083/posts/X8Tn11PcSMZ
[16:48:56] <clixxIO> done with a phillips 8574 i2c shift-register
[16:49:53] <avrlol> man. any brillian scheme on how to turn on the correct segments for each digit?
[16:50:23] <avrlol> i figured i'd store each "digit" as an uint8_t where each bit indicates a segment either on/off
[16:50:26] <clixxIO> #define 's ??
[16:50:38] <carabia> clixxIO: So you can blink leds in python?
[16:50:55] <bss36504> make an encoder function to create the proper shifting string.
[16:50:59] <clixxIO> yes, blink LED's in python and on avr
[16:51:24] <carabia> how marvellous
[16:51:45] <carabia> the software + it nerds will be happy
[16:52:05] <clixxIO> yes, they have been
[16:52:21] <clixxIO> but the most fun is the single LED board
[16:52:29] <avrlol> i can blink lamps with my PI, get on my level
[16:52:41] <avrlol> B-)
[16:52:45] <clixxIO> https://plus.google.com/109366813998920635083/posts/DNoCzU3y6qs
[16:53:38] <clixxIO> that's using an arduino to count timing pulses and blink the light per revolution
[16:54:27] <clixxIO> I took it into the hackerspace last night and the geeks were thoroughly checking it out
[16:54:44] <carabia> shit can't take it. too much software nerds
[16:55:58] <clixxIO> relax, have a coffee
[17:15:33] <avrlol> god DAMN it
[17:16:02] <avrlol> i put my tea infront of the PSU fan, and now it's all cold ;_;
[17:18:38] <clixxIO> do you have a microwave oven?
[17:19:07] <PoppaVic> drop the circuitinto it
[17:23:18] <avrlol> yea, great advice, now the circuit is dead too :(
[18:05:29] <carabia> i put my cold coffee in a thermos and use it as a heatsink for my linear regs
[18:05:59] <carabia> that way i can have a larger voltage range
[18:09:39] <clixxIO> sounds like your linear-regs are a bit old-school?
[18:13:04] <Casper> and when the coffee boil you know you need to turn off the load :D
[21:25:09] <abcminiuser> Which retarded monkey designed LinkedIn?
[21:25:31] <Tom_itx> heh
[21:25:39] <Tom_itx> are you any good with excel?
[21:26:02] <bss36504> abcminiuser: Sorry to harass you just after hopping on, had you heard anything (before leaving Atmel) about the mega32U2 having memory issues? I've had two separate parts have bad flash addresses in a very repeatable manner.
[21:26:28] <abcminiuser> Tom_itx, got a contract offer via private message, by replying to it to say "no thanks" LinkedIn auto-accepted it for me
[21:26:28] <bss36504> also, Linkedin can be pretty dumb
[21:26:31] <abcminiuser> Brilliant UI
[21:26:37] <bss36504> haha
[21:26:50] <abcminiuser> bss36504, hrm, not on that part specifically
[21:26:51] <Tom_itx> well that sucks
[21:26:54] <abcminiuser> How are you programming them?
[21:27:40] <bss36504> ISP, lowest clock. It intermittiently fails on the verify step, but the addresses are always the same few addresses (not between parts, I mean a single part has it's own set of single byte fails)
[21:28:00] <bss36504> both parts come from the same reel from Newark.
[21:28:06] <bss36504> So I assume the same lot too
[21:31:10] <abcminiuser> What are the top and bottom markings of two failing devices?
[21:34:51] <bss36504> abcminiuser: Well, I can only see the top of the 1 failed device I have in front of me (it's soldered down ATM), but I'll get the bottom and top off the last one in the reel that I have: Verified fail part: ATMEGA32U2-AU 1218 689-2, new part top: same, bottom: PH G0F688 9-2
[21:35:25] <abcminiuser> Hrm, old manufacting date
[21:35:49] <abcminiuser> I've heard of bad power supply causing programming issues, as well as bad bypass caps
[21:36:00] <abcminiuser> But I don't remember any FA cases for bad flash
[21:36:20] <bss36504> There is decoupling on all power supplies, at least 100n each, so they should* be ok.
[21:36:32] <bss36504> I thought it was interesting though.
[21:37:07] <abcminiuser> Yeah, I remember a different part with a similar FA
[21:37:20] <abcminiuser> Throw it to support, they can check the factory lot data
[21:37:35] <abcminiuser> Include both top and bottom, so they can track the exact die that was used
[21:37:40] <bss36504> Filling out a ticket as we speak. Thanks for the insight though :)
[21:41:38] <bss36504> g'night folks
[21:45:36] <Casper> abcminiuser: linkedin also can cause you to be unable to remove your information, and has been said to be in violation of the european laws about data retention
[21:46:10] <Casper> it also has been found guilty of sharing the info that shouln't be shared
[21:46:53] <abcminiuser> It's crap
[21:46:57] <abcminiuser> But I needed it to get a job
[21:47:10] <abcminiuser> I turned off all the emails, and check it every few weeks
[21:47:23] <abcminiuser> Not sure how to set it as "stop contacting me, I have a job now" tho
[21:57:48] <Casper> a coworker... his previous job created the account there for him, arm twisting kind
[21:57:53] <Casper> he can't get rid of it
[21:59:33] <clixxIO> Hi Hackvana, thanks for those nice pcb's
[21:59:57] <clixxIO> I'm looking forward to using them
[22:00:25] <hackvana> I'm looking forward to seeing your G+ posts :-)
[22:01:13] <clixxIO> yeah, well I've actually got a few projects on the go at the moment
[22:01:44] <clixxIO> the new boards are LM75 temperature sensors
[22:02:09] <clixxIO> I must go dig up some code to run them on the Arduino
[22:04:14] <clixxIO> Just got ten x Attiny85's. But they are a bigger footprint than the ones that e14 sell
[22:04:29] <clixxIO> from china, but much cheaper
[22:10:11] <N2TOH> bigger footprint? as in PDIP chips?
[22:12:23] <clixxIO> SOP
[22:12:45] <clixxIO> I was using SOIC8 before
[22:13:36] <clixxIO> something like this : http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shipping-10PCS-LOT-X-Original-Integrated-circuit-parts-ATTINY85-ATTINY85-20SU/1326708202.html
[22:15:37] <hackvana> IIRC There's no size for ATtinys between SOIC-8 and DIP-8, but I'd like to learn otherwise
[22:17:22] <clixxIO> you're more of an expert than me, but the chinese ones are one size bigger
[22:17:34] <clixxIO> soic-8 is smaller than SOP-8
[22:17:34] <Tom_itx> SSOP or TSOP maybe
[22:18:06] <clixxIO> maybe what I bought is SSOP but in chinglish is SOP
[22:18:22] <hackvana> Maybe
[22:18:35] <hackvana> Tell us if they work :-)
[22:20:07] <clixxIO> I did the exact dimensions here - https://bitbucket.org/djlyon/hackerpads/src/1db04877bc8c5014de359608a3b2855b9e9424ff/CADFiles/Footprint%20Creator/footprints.ini?at=default
[22:20:33] <clixxIO> lead-to-lead-width = 6.8mm
[22:22:20] <clixxIO> in Fritzing, SOIC-8 is a standard size
[22:22:38] <clixxIO> but it doesn't have SOP-8 or whatever the english name for it is
[22:22:53] <clixxIO> being german software and all
[22:23:16] <clixxIO> can get confusing..
[22:26:46] <N2TOH> the package names are an international standard
[22:28:00] <clixxIO> yes. I agree. and well documented
[22:28:39] <clixxIO> what is different is that the pricing can be dramatically different and I was hunting for the most economical package size
[22:30:26] <clixxIO> for example, it's 4x the price here -> http://au.element14.com/atmel/attiny85-20su/avr-mcu-8k-flash-512b-ram-wsoic8/dp/1455164?Ntt=ATTINY85-20SU
[22:32:08] <Casper> hey rue_bed
[22:32:16] <rue_bed> hey
[22:32:33] <Casper> did you saw my install? :D
[22:32:40] <rue_bed> nunp
[22:33:07] <Casper> http://www.flickr.com/photos/93694432@N04/11920493905/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/93694432@N04/11922218025/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/93694432@N04/11922490273/
[22:33:08] <Casper> :D
[22:33:13] <rue_bed> I fit knock detection code on a tiny13 in 988 bytes
[22:34:26] <Casper> rue_bed: I only need to tie down the cables now...
[22:35:39] <Casper> rue_bed: do you like my install? :D
[22:36:05] <rue_bed> there go, cause every electronics workbench needs a sicle
[22:36:18] <rue_bed> looks ok
[22:36:44] <Casper> the transfo was annoying
[22:37:09] <rue_bed> ugh, its 8
[22:37:15] <Casper> mind you... the manufacturer decided to make the mounting holes about 1/8" too short...
[22:37:22] <rue_bed> I have to wake up in time to go to ned
[22:37:28] <rue_bed> er bed, even
[22:37:40] <Casper> that damn transfo is still heavy
[22:37:47] <rue_bed> yea
[22:37:55] <rue_bed> waaay lighter than mine tho
[22:38:04] <Casper> now I need to put a breaker
[22:38:09] <rue_bed> mine is prolly 6x that
[22:38:12] <Casper> ouch
[22:38:19] <Casper> this one is "only" a 500VA
[22:38:23] <rue_bed> you were gonna put it in the side of the box?
[22:38:40] <rue_bed> I wonder what mine is...
[22:38:52] <Casper> the breaker will go beside the switch
[22:39:02] <rue_bed> I think mine might be 2000ish
[22:39:09] <rue_bed> good show
[22:39:12] <Casper> the black outlet and switch is the transfo out, gonna put the breaker in the blank
[22:39:18] <rue_bed> ok I have to get up
[22:39:27] <Casper> rue_bed: http://www.flickr.com/photos/93694432@N04/11923339574/
[22:46:47] <clixxIO> I need that much space :-(
[22:47:19] <Casper> :D
[22:47:48] <clixxIO> the work area I have is so small
[22:47:58] <Casper> concrete floor too
[22:49:09] * Casper loves that song
[22:50:10] <Casper> Clannad – Coinleach Glas An Fhomhair
[22:50:34] <clixxIO> actually I have a nice shelf unit - being able to organise everything is pretty satisfying
[22:50:46] <clixxIO> but I can only do one project at a time
[22:50:58] <Casper> hard to sing... but nice song :D
[22:51:09] <Casper> did you noticed the door?
[22:51:25] * Casper will soons make a better pano
[22:53:07] <clixxIO> stuff on the door - but I try not to do that
[22:54:01] <clixxIO> on account of the ninja-ghost that runs through my house every 30 days slamming doors and so forth
[22:56:09] <clixxIO> bless her soul
[22:56:45] <clixxIO> what's with the scythes?
[22:57:10] <clixxIO> what are they for?
[22:58:48] <Casper> torture tools!
[22:59:02] <Casper> but seriously, left over from my grand father
[22:59:06] <Casper> it was his own tools
[22:59:23] <Casper> they served alot
[23:00:03] <Casper> now...
[23:00:15] <Casper> let's see if my laptop can assemble those pics
[23:03:13] <Casper> ... do I have a prog to make a pano?
[23:06:07] <clixxIO> what the planet-jupiter is a pano ?
[23:06:14] <clixxIO> :-)
[23:07:44] <clixxIO> oh panaramic - ic
[23:17:58] <Casper> yeah
[23:18:05] <Casper> need to find a good prog now
[23:21:25] <clixxIO> Is there areone involved in avrfreaks.net here atm?
[23:21:31] <clixxIO> anyone*
[23:29:04] <clixxIO> ok - maybe just not now
[23:29:19] <hackvana> abcminiuser is
[23:29:21] <hackvana> Why?
[23:29:49] <clixxIO> looks like a useful site
[23:30:27] <clixxIO> It's had a few handy posts and tutorials there
[23:38:51] <w|zzy> check out Tom_itx's tutorials in the topic
[23:43:25] <clixxIO> thanks w|zzy, I will
[23:50:41] <Casper> clixxIO: http://www.flickr.com/photos/93694432@N04/11959824756/sizes/o/ <=== new panorama
[23:51:13] <Casper> should have used more images to make it :(
[23:53:17] <clixxIO> actually it's zoomed in a bit too much
[23:53:52] <Casper> it's as wide as my lens allow me :(
[23:53:58] <clixxIO> Casper: what country are you in?
[23:54:02] <Casper> canada
[23:54:31] <clixxIO> ah I see, that's why I didn't recognise it
[23:55:03] <clixxIO> you have a round-roof? is it an old building?
[23:55:32] <Casper> that's the basement...
[23:55:39] <Casper> and the pano distorted the image
[23:56:08] <clixxIO> ah ok :-)
[23:56:17] <Casper> and the building is brand new! Some stuff have square nails!
[23:56:20] <Casper> :D
[23:56:28] <Casper> (and I'm serious about the square nails)
[23:58:22] * Casper wants a better wide angle lens
[23:58:44] <Casper> 18mm is too tele...
[23:58:46] <clixxIO> all the tools used in construction are different now
[23:58:53] <Casper> yeah
[23:59:19] <Casper> now they don't use nails, what they call nails is a piece of rigid wire...
[23:59:24] <clixxIO> even in the last ten years, all the tools with power-chords are pretty much obsolete
[23:59:31] <Casper> yeah
[23:59:39] <clixxIO> its nail-guns now
[23:59:42] <Casper> it's crazy how stuff changed
[23:59:43] <Casper> yeah