#avr | Logs for 2014-01-12

[07:56:33] <ambro718> what's the fastest way in avr-gcc to check if a float is negative?
[07:56:53] <ambro718> "x < 0.0" will generate a full float compare, signbit(x) will call signbit function
[07:57:18] <ambro718> what I really need is just and andi
[07:57:23] <ambro718> to get the sign bit
[07:58:33] <specing> andi topbyte, 0x80
[07:58:47] <specing> beq topbyte, notnegative
[07:59:00] <ambro718> exactly, was just wondering if I can get gcc to produce this without platform-specific code
[07:59:11] <ambro718> don't really care about nan or negative zero
[07:59:22] <specing> gcc? lolno
[07:59:32] <specing> well... you could try #gcc
[09:08:33] <rue_bed> Casper, yes
[09:37:13] <carabia> rue_bed: what are you wearing
[09:42:19] <hackvana> "clothes" I'd say.
[09:50:07] <specing> hackvana: not if he is naked @ bed
[09:51:55] <specing> hey hackvana are you in china? Have you ever thought about designing your own laptop?
[09:52:26] <specing> hackvana: schematic wiring diagrams for a haswell ultrabook: http://repo.palkeo.com/clevo-mirror/W840SN/W840SN_ESM.zip
[09:53:13] <hackvana> specing: I don't think I could do it as well as Bunnie: http://www.bunniestudios.com/blog/?p=3597
[09:59:33] <hackvana> Especially since I'm not a hardware guy
[10:07:31] <specing> Well, the problem with these opensource laptop attempts is that they are either:
[10:07:56] <specing> a) have shitty cases, components and are not meant to be for working (ala chromebooks)
[10:08:43] <specing> b) Are "mobile" desktops, again with shitty components (due to them having to be reasonable open)
[10:09:02] <specing> leaving me with no choice than to buy an off-the-shelf ultrabook
[10:14:49] <PoppaVic> <shrug> There are enough excess-parts (surplus) and current parts as well - to market and sell a laptop-kit. Ain't gonna' happen
[11:56:21] <gabedwrds> I'm slightly confused and annoyed with this redboard
[11:56:42] <gabedwrds> I'm coming from mostly using a teensy and picked up the redboard to play with an NFC shield
[11:57:01] <gabedwrds> and it appears that I need to solder the ISP header on myself to actually talk to the NFC shield
[11:59:49] <Tom_itx> The RedBoard can be programmed over a USB Mini-B cable using the Arduino IDE: Just plug in the board, select "Arduino UNO" from the board menu and you're ready to upload code.
[12:00:11] <Tom_itx> https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11575
[12:00:14] <Tom_itx> saiz so right there
[12:00:35] <gabedwrds> the NFC shield talks to the arduino over SPI using the ISP pins
[12:00:55] <Epsilon-Auriga> which is also the SPI pins
[12:00:59] <gabedwrds> I *think* it could have just used the normal pins, but I guess they chose the ISP header for a cleaner board or something? I don't know
[12:01:15] <Epsilon-Auriga> no, they chose it for the hardware SPI on those pins.
[12:01:36] <Tom_itx> http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/nfc-shield-v20-p-1370.html
[12:01:41] <Tom_itx> looks like that one has ISP pins
[12:01:43] <gabedwrds> right, I mean the hardware pins, I think the chip's SPI pins are D11-D13?
[12:02:01] <Epsilon-Auriga> gabedwrds: normally they use the SPI interface for ISP.
[12:02:10] <Epsilon-Auriga> might be different for some chips though...
[12:02:18] <Tom_itx> only a handfull
[12:02:23] <Tom_itx> mega128 is one
[12:02:26] <gabedwrds> yep, that's my shield. it looks like they chose to hook it up to the 2x3 ISP header instead of using D11-D13
[12:02:55] <Epsilon-Auriga> but that board uses the atmega328 which has SPI and ISP on the same pins.
[12:03:39] <Tom_itx> USB Programming Facilitated by the Ubiquitous FTDI FT232RL
[12:04:08] <Tom_itx> The RedBoard can be programmed over a USB Mini-B cable using the Arduino IDE: Just plug in the board, select "Arduino UNO" from the board menu and you're ready to upload code.
[12:04:10] <Tom_itx> easy peazy
[12:04:39] <Tom_itx> like all ardweenies
[12:04:58] <gabedwrds> I'm not complaining clearly, am I?
[12:05:38] <Epsilon-Auriga> gabedwrds: where are you getting D11-D13 anyhow?
[12:05:40] <Tom_itx> no, just slightly confused and annoyed
[12:05:50] <Epsilon-Auriga> spi is on PB3, PB4, and PB5
[12:06:11] <gabedwrds> my beef is that the arduino sketch can't find the NFC shield because the shield isn't hooked up to the right pins unless I put a 2x3 ISP header in and hold it in tightly (until I solder it in permanently)
[12:06:24] <gabedwrds> Epsilon-Auriga: sorry, digital 11-13 are the arduino names
[12:06:33] <Epsilon-Auriga> fuck ardweeny.
[12:06:34] <Tom_itx> so solder a header in
[12:06:43] <Epsilon-Auriga> thought we were talking about avr.
[12:07:39] <gabedwrds> meh, layers of abstraction. I'm just annoyed because this thing that's supposed to be a simple prototyping platform needs a bit of extra soldering to hook up to something that should be plug and play
[12:08:45] <Epsilon-Auriga> so not everything is plug and play for every instance.
[12:08:47] <Tom_itx> wtf, you want it ALL done for you !!
[12:08:58] <Epsilon-Auriga> it's called plug and pray for a reason.
[12:09:24] <Tom_itx> gawd... kids these days
[12:10:17] <Epsilon-Auriga> and, again, they chose those pins because of the HARDWARE SPI on those pins...which are the same pins as the serial programming ISP interface.
[12:11:06] <gabedwrds> yeah, I'm well familiar with hardware SPI on these chips
[12:11:26] <gabedwrds> I guess the idea behind the ISP header is so that hardware SPI is always accessible even with a different AVR chip on a different board
[12:11:40] <gabedwrds> I mean, the idea behind providing it and using it for this shield
[12:11:43] <Epsilon-Auriga> the same pins are available on other i/o pins on the board.
[12:12:23] <gabedwrds> right, so I could have made this work without soldering by running wires from the shield's ISP pins to the applicable I/O pins on the board
[12:12:39] <gabedwrds> it's just a bit silly
[12:13:12] <Epsilon-Auriga> from the MOSI, MISO, and SCK pins.
[12:13:20] <Tom_itx> i'm sure the sparkfun wizzards had your best interest in mind
[12:15:03] <gabedwrds> https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11575#comment-523728d2757b7f28768b4569 <- their rationale
[12:16:07] <gabedwrds> in retrospect I probably should have grabbed a nicer board, but I was pretty much just wandering around the store picking up neat things to play with
[12:17:32] <Tom_itx> teach you to impulse buy ehh?
[12:17:37] <Epsilon-Auriga> i/o 10, 11, 12, and 13 should be SS, MOSI, MISO, and SCK
[12:24:04] <gabedwrds> what a terrible hack, but it works
[12:24:26] <gabedwrds> I can't be bothered getting the soldering iron out at the moment, so I've just wired up the shield's SS to its 10 and so on
[13:50:27] <rue_bed> so the timer is slightly out on the knock controlled light fixture I made last night
[13:51:55] <zmo> hi, I got a weird problem with an atmega32u4... I can access and setup the fuses, I can write and dump memory, but whenever I upload some code it does not run, I can't push a bootloader or a hello world simple firmware on it
[13:52:46] <zmo> I'm using fuse settings that work on another same board I got
[13:53:22] <zmo> is there anything I could do to bring it back alive ?
[13:59:33] <rue_house> it will flash more than once, sounds like the boot vector fuses are wrong
[13:59:41] <rue_house> ?
[14:01:22] <Casper> rue!
[14:06:16] <rue_house> wan't stupposed to tell him that?
[14:07:26] <zmo> rue_house - well, even when I don't flash a bootloader it does not work
[14:07:56] <zmo> whereas, afaict, the erased memory is full of 0xFF, which basically is acting like a NOOP
[14:08:12] <zmo> and round back to address 0x0
[14:10:30] <zmo> ugh... it looks like there's a brown out issue
[14:10:33] <rue_house> sounds like you need to do some flashing led tests
[14:13:51] <zmo> that's weird, VCC is 5.65V
[14:14:30] <Casper> rue_house, question for you
[14:14:52] <Casper> is it legal to have a push in breaker in an electrical box? like hard wired...
[14:15:19] <Casper> basically I have a plywood on the wall, which have an outlet there...
[14:15:36] <rue_house> hu?
[14:15:43] <Casper> basically...
[14:15:51] <Casper> I have an isolation transformer
[14:15:52] <rue_house> oh like one with quick connects?
[14:15:57] <Casper> yeah
[14:16:00] <Casper> not bolt on
[14:16:29] <rue_house> dont know if I know what you mean
[14:16:59] <Casper> basicaly, I have a normal outlet, beside it I'ld like to have an outlet for the isolation transformer, beside a switch for the light and another for the transfo, beside I'ld like the breaker..
[14:17:02] <Casper> actually, nm
[14:17:18] <Casper> I'll put the breaker in the box with the transfo..
[14:17:28] <Casper> will be more a pita, but better...
[14:18:19] <Casper> well, bbl, time to go get wires and switch and box and.. well, stuff
[14:34:31] <carabia> rue_house: are you in a house?
[16:02:32] <Duality> hi
[16:04:03] * Tom_itx waves
[16:43:35] * Epsilon-Auriga particles
[16:44:43] <Duality> ok something happen to my disk and now I lost all the assembly i wrote -.-
[16:46:18] <Epsilon-Auriga> it morphed into php.
[16:56:29] <Epsilon-Auriga> hmmm...interesting bit of AVR trivia...the at90s8515 had the same pinout as the 40pin 8051 including the external address and data bus..only difference was the RESET line which was active low on the avr and active high on the 8051
[16:59:58] <Epsilon-Auriga> ooo...atmega8515 has same pinout too!
[17:28:11] <N2TOH> what about the 8515?
[17:30:17] <Epsilon-Auriga> N2TOH: the at90s8515 and atmega8515 have the same pinout as the 8051
[17:30:32] <N2TOH> I know, what's the big deal?
[17:30:33] <Epsilon-Auriga> including the external data space interface.
[17:30:44] <Epsilon-Auriga> just thought it was interesting trivia.
[17:30:59] <Epsilon-Auriga> I never noticed that before even though I have worked with both the mega8515 and 8051.
[17:31:09] <Epsilon-Auriga> it just never clicked.
[17:31:26] <Epsilon-Auriga> just thought it was interesting AVR trivia.
[17:31:35] <N2TOH> a more interesting question is why did they change the pinout on the later 40 pin devices?
[17:31:45] <Epsilon-Auriga> yeah....
[17:32:15] <Epsilon-Auriga> would be awesome to be able to drop an atmega1284p in an 8051 socket and make it work.
[17:32:19] <N2TOH> speaking of, what are the available boot loaders for the mega1284p?
[17:32:51] <N2TOH> well you could use an adapter with a surface mount 1284p
[17:32:52] <Epsilon-Auriga> well, I have a v-usb based one, serial/rs232, and an ethernet bootloader.
[17:33:16] <N2TOH> ethernet bootloader?
[17:33:33] <N2TOH> lol nothing like netbooting your AVR
[17:34:33] <Epsilon-Auriga> http://code.google.com/p/avr-etherboot/
[17:35:01] <Epsilon-Auriga> the 1284 isn't directly supported but the 644 is and they are basically same chip with different amounts of memory.
[17:35:32] <Epsilon-Auriga> uses the microchip enc28j60 spi ethernet chip.
[17:41:47] <N2TOH> who has low cost SRAM these days?
[17:45:23] <Epsilon-Auriga> dunno.
[17:45:32] <Epsilon-Auriga> only sram I've used lately is serial sram from microchip.
[17:49:10] <N2TOH> I'm interested in a PDP-11 emulator for my 1284p chip
[17:49:22] <N2TOH> hmm perhaps I should google it first
[17:50:29] <PoppaVic> ah, crackheads.
[17:50:42] <N2TOH> ?
[17:52:06] <Epsilon-Auriga> 1Mbit serial srams should work as well as parallel sram I would think.
[17:52:30] <Epsilon-Auriga> fewer i/o pins needed too.
[17:53:20] <N2TOH> I have a need for speed, so parallel it is
[17:55:25] <Epsilon-Auriga> can read and write 4 bits at a time with the SQI capable chips.
[17:55:53] <N2TOH> I might as well use an SD card then
[17:56:45] <Epsilon-Auriga> except that sram is much faster than flash in an SD card..specially for writing.
[17:57:10] <N2TOH> or a pair of SQI chips
[17:57:27] <Epsilon-Auriga> yup..can read 8 bits at a time that way.
[17:57:30] <Epsilon-Auriga> or write.
[17:57:46] <N2TOH> I will look into that
[17:58:02] <Epsilon-Auriga> not sure if you can parallel the clock and stuff to make them work together.
[17:58:05] <Epsilon-Auriga> will have to try that.
[17:58:55] <Epsilon-Auriga> http://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/Devices.aspx?dDocName=en559066
[17:58:57] <Epsilon-Auriga> that's the chip.
[18:03:11] <Epsilon-Auriga> heck, can use 8 of them and run in single bit mode....looks like you can send the same address to multiple chips at the same time easily enough.
[18:28:36] <abcminiuser> Interestingly, no one seems to make a USB switched DC jack
[18:28:53] <abcminiuser> Granted it's just a resistor, MOSFET and some plugs/sockets, but still...
[18:29:16] <N2TOH> nobody makes a powered eject USB socket
[18:29:34] <Epsilon-Auriga> the pilot project for vusb is a usb interfaced DC switching device.
[18:29:42] <Tom_itx> you gonna shoot em across the room?
[18:29:51] <abcminiuser> I want to kill the headphone amp when I turn off my laptop, since it uses power and has a big blue light
[18:29:56] <N2TOH> lol yeah like the old SONY CD roms
[18:30:04] <abcminiuser> Suprised China hasn't gotten onto this..
[18:30:35] <N2TOH> they already have the USB powered missle launcher
[18:30:48] <abcminiuser> Jupp, this should be cheap/easy
[18:30:56] <abcminiuser> I can make one, but it means finding the damned plugs and whatnot
[18:31:05] <Epsilon-Auriga> yeah...if you only want to switch off when usb power goes off it should be very simple.
[18:31:33] <abcminiuser> I suppose I could make it intelligent with LUFA and an AVR, but no need for this sort of app
[18:32:28] <abcminiuser> Incidentally when I buy my house I'm installing face plates with 12V DC and USB sockets
[18:32:36] <abcminiuser> Since everything seems to use one or the other anyway
[18:32:58] <Epsilon-Auriga> http://www.obdev.at/products/vusb/powerswitch.html v-usb reference project.
[18:33:08] <N2TOH> 12 VDC with anderson connectors?
[18:33:31] <abcminiuser> Barrell DC
[18:33:53] <N2TOH> Andersons' will support 45 amps!
[18:34:00] <abcminiuser> Oooh
[18:34:01] <abcminiuser> Shiny
[18:34:07] <abcminiuser> Perhaps that then, and make adapters
[18:34:17] <Epsilon-Auriga> the connectors used in UPSs...decent UPSs..
[18:34:20] <abcminiuser> I'd just rather have one switcher in the wall, than 6 plugpacks
[18:34:32] <N2TOH> http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=anderson+power+poles&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=33019046168&hvpos=1t2&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14183894421606320897&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_7hyxu3aolf_e
[18:35:10] <N2TOH> http://www.andersonpower.com/products/singlepole-connectors.html
[18:35:19] <abcminiuser> Now, spot me in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXFWJ7XBJ88
[18:35:20] <Epsilon-Auriga> wish I had the money to wire this house properly.
[18:35:31] <N2TOH> yes some of the larger sized connectors are used for UPS systems
[18:36:03] <N2TOH> what with 10 gauge or better teflon insulated wire and IEC connectors?
[18:37:28] <Epsilon-Auriga> multiple cat5 and audio plugs in each outlet plus 20A dedicated circuit for each outlet and USB power as well.
[18:37:56] <Epsilon-Auriga> abcminiuser: you the guy at the computer?
[18:38:05] <Epsilon-Auriga> or the asset?
[18:38:35] <N2TOH> 20AMP dedicated 240VAC outlets!
[18:38:50] <Epsilon-Auriga> naa...only need 120V here in this country.
[18:39:54] <N2TOH> I've run data centers, trust me switching from 120VAC to 208 or 240VAC will save at MINIMUM 3% on the electric bill
[18:40:06] <Tom_itx> naw he's the goober walkin in the door
[18:40:21] <N2TOH> less current means less heat
[18:40:58] <Tom_itx> all smiles n wavin at everybody
[18:41:38] <Epsilon-Auriga> N2TOH: but would have to convert all my household devices to 240V
[18:41:48] <Casper> woops... made a mistake... taped some wires, inserted them in a junction box... POOF woops, both tape are.. somewhere...
[18:42:03] <abcminiuser> Nope
[18:42:08] <abcminiuser> I'm a background character
[18:42:18] <abcminiuser> The asset is my old boss
[18:42:23] <Tom_itx> the dude walkin looks alot like you there
[18:42:29] <N2TOH> almost everthing today is designed for 125/250 universal power
[18:42:43] <Casper> N2TOH, wrong
[18:42:50] <Epsilon-Auriga> not my microwave and toaster
[18:42:52] <N2TOH> save maybe some kitchen appliances
[18:42:59] <Epsilon-Auriga> nor my washer or dryer.
[18:43:09] <N2TOH> gas dryer?
[18:43:11] <Epsilon-Auriga> alarm clocks
[18:43:13] <Casper> most is still designed for 115V...
[18:43:19] <Epsilon-Auriga> lamps.
[18:43:24] <N2TOH> autotransformers are cheap
[18:43:30] <Epsilon-Auriga> electric heated matress pad.
[18:43:37] <Casper> then the autotransformer will kill any gain you get
[18:44:06] <Casper> most computer psu get only 1% more efficiency at 240V
[18:44:59] <N2TOH> there are US NAVY studies that say 3% or more
[18:45:30] <Epsilon-Auriga> yeah, let's believe the US government/military when they tell us ANYTHING.
[18:45:36] <N2TOH> that diode bridge voltage doubler is not at all efficient
[18:45:59] <N2TOH> EE are different, that have to actually prove there results
[18:46:14] <abcminiuser> I see marketing got creative with the capabilities however...
[18:47:55] <Epsilon-Auriga> don't they always?
[18:48:48] <Tom_itx> abcminiuser, who's the dude at 2:31?
[18:49:26] <abcminiuser> Guy walking is my old boss
[18:49:30] <abcminiuser> Others are coworkers
[18:49:36] <abcminiuser> I'm at the cake at 3:00
[18:49:42] <abcminiuser> Black shirt, jeans
[18:49:58] <Tom_itx> figures
[18:50:07] <abcminiuser> Hey it was my going away cake
[18:50:12] <abcminiuser> Damned right I was going to have some :P
[18:50:17] <Tom_itx> heh
[18:50:52] <Epsilon-Auriga> good riddance party?
[18:51:55] <Epsilon-Auriga> so, is LUFA your personal project or something you did for work or what?
[18:52:12] <abcminiuser> Personal project
[18:52:25] <Epsilon-Auriga> so, you gonna keep working on it?
[18:52:37] <Tom_itx> it's his retirement fund
[18:52:45] <abcminiuser> Yeah I still poke at it, but lost a bit of interest -- it's been going a long long time
[18:52:52] <abcminiuser> Either need to re-write it or run away
[18:53:02] <abcminiuser> Been working on other stuff to keep my interest up
[18:53:14] <N2TOH> emulator for the AVR?
[18:53:23] <abcminiuser> AS6 plugins mostly
[18:53:40] <abcminiuser> Was working on a Python version of AVRDUDE but need to wait for my stuff to arrive before I can continue
[18:53:53] <N2TOH> a PDP emulator for the AVR would be forth a few laughs
[18:54:06] * abcminiuser *rimshot*
[18:54:31] <N2TOH> get mini-UNIX to compile on it
[18:54:45] <Epsilon-Auriga> python avrdude....sounds like someone needs to get his stuff so he can go back to taking his meds.
[18:56:07] <N2TOH> slap a mega1284 on a board and use then as businesses cards
[18:56:59] <Epsilon-Auriga> heck, intel has put a dual core pentium in an sd card already...turn THAT into a business card.
[18:57:39] <N2TOH> oh I remember hearing about that
[18:57:51] <N2TOH> add another SD card for storage
[18:58:54] <N2TOH> full size of micro SD cards?
[18:59:00] <N2TOH> or*
[18:59:02] <Epsilon-Auriga> full size.
[18:59:07] <Epsilon-Auriga> called the Intel Edison.
[18:59:10] <Epsilon-Auriga> 400MHz processor.
[18:59:29] <N2TOH> how many will fit in a 1U rack case?
[18:59:36] <Epsilon-Auriga> even has wifi and runs linux.
[19:00:18] <N2TOH> how much, and can you cluster them to mine for coin?
[19:00:45] <Epsilon-Auriga> not sure they are available yet.
[19:01:38] <Epsilon-Auriga> http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/do-it-yourself/edison.html
[19:03:05] <N2TOH> Edison enabled coffee cup is as bad if not worse then the BSD toaster
[19:03:56] <N2TOH> hell I might just get one for the WiFi/BT options
[19:04:19] <Epsilon-Auriga> if they are rPI price range might be worth getting one or three.
[19:07:37] <Duality> jeej
[19:07:51] <Duality> my harddrive is failing, after a ubuntu dist-upgrade
[19:09:02] <Duality> I think it's ubuntu's fault though
[19:09:04] <Epsilon-Auriga> that's what you get for using ubuntu.
[19:09:56] <Tom_itx> what ver ubuntu?
[19:11:04] <Duality> lubuntu what ever version, i am not on it any more :)
[19:11:55] <Epsilon-Auriga> once had dell tech support tell me my warranty was void for using ubuntu..
[19:12:01] <Duality> I think i am going to install debian, It works really well. but I couldn't get the rootfs to be bigger. but I'll figure it out.
[19:12:06] <Epsilon-Auriga> problem was, I ordered the machine with ubuntu on it!
[19:12:15] <Duality> lol nice
[19:12:34] <Epsilon-Auriga> needless to say, I will never buy another dell.
[19:12:52] <Duality> but I heard nothing but good things about dell ?
[19:14:02] <Epsilon-Auriga> hardware reliability wise they are about the same as anybody else.
[19:17:16] <N2TOH> breathing will void your warranty
[19:26:55] * inflex has no real notable problems with Dell hardware, about the same as any other name-brand, perhaps barring HP Laptops
[19:27:14] <inflex> ( disclaimer: I run a PC & phone repair shop )
[19:28:43] * N2TOH has an HP laptop that was part of a class action suit
[19:29:11] <N2TOH> installing Ubuntu on it was a trip
[19:35:21] <inflex> Biggest issue I keep running in to with HP laptops is overheating, even the newer models
[19:57:08] <abcminiuser> HP make garbage
[19:57:21] <Tom_itx> agreed
[20:49:38] <rue_house> but they make lots of it
[21:06:20] <abcminiuser> Hrm
[21:06:43] <abcminiuser> I know it's a common US name, but it's still wierd to see invitations to "see a little taste of what Dick has been up to lately"
[21:07:05] <tzanger> haha
[21:13:12] <timemage> abcminiuser, or "got some gum on ya dick?" "got a pencil on ya dick?" and so on.
[21:13:30] <abcminiuser> It's just....it's just unfortunate
[21:13:46] <abcminiuser> Probably best not to register a website with their name in it
[21:14:49] <timemage> abcminiuser, can't say i've seen be a real problem. if someones taken to being that sort of pain in the ass they'll find something to call you no matter what your name is.
[21:15:24] <abcminiuser> Bahaha
[21:15:33] <abcminiuser> "Dick's a real pain in the ass sometimes"
[21:17:26] <Valen> rofl
[21:17:56] <Valen> "not if yer doin it right" ;-P
[23:44:42] <Casper> I love my new setup :D
[23:45:07] <Casper> installed my isolation transformer in a permanant way, one thing less on the table!