#avr | Logs for 2014-01-11

[10:37:23] <Duality> HI
[10:37:25] <Duality> oops
[10:37:28] <Duality> sorry for the caps
[10:37:32] <Duality> but hi :)
[10:45:15] <Epsilon-Auriga> hi Duality
[10:45:21] <Epsilon-Auriga> what can we do you out of today?
[10:47:00] <Duality> just wanted to say hi :)
[10:47:10] * Duality is learning assembler :)
[10:47:47] <Tom_itx> good language to know
[10:47:54] <Tom_itx> speak it fluently
[10:55:06] <Duality> Tom_itx: you speak assembler fluently ?
[10:56:07] <Tom_itx> i speak broken assembler
[10:59:30] <specing> nobody speaks assembler fluently
[10:59:39] <Duality> hmm my first assembler file gives me a bunch of errors :S
[10:59:44] <specing> you have to know that humans are very bad at emulating computers
[11:00:36] <Tom_itx> Duality did you include the header?
[11:00:57] <Tom_itx> you can find them in a studio sub directory
[11:01:21] <Duality> where do i find that directory?
[11:01:34] <Tom_itx> what studio?
[11:01:54] <Tom_itx> i only got 4 installed on this little pc
[11:03:11] <Tom_itx> prog files--atmel--avrtools--avrassembler or avrassembler2--appnotes
[11:03:43] <Tom_itx> what chip is it?
[11:04:31] <Duality> attiny84
[11:05:15] <Duality> ow and i am on linux :)
[11:06:38] <Tom_itx> hold on
[11:07:11] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/tn84def.inc
[11:07:20] <Tom_itx> add that to the top of your file
[11:07:58] <Tom_itx> then you can address the ports etc by name
[11:11:04] <Duality> hmm still gives me a bunch of errors
[11:11:23] <Tom_itx> but you still need that included
[11:11:45] <Tom_itx> unless you want to address everything by a memory offset value
[11:12:15] <Duality> I included it.
[11:42:06] <Duality> when i use avra it tells me that it cannot find the include files.
[12:30:34] <learath> well that's handy.. http://dangerousprototypes.com/wp-content/media/2014/01/ap_interfacing_5v_3v_applications.png
[12:32:06] <Epsilon-Auriga> did you read the associated appnote there learath ?
[12:33:09] <learath> Epsilon-Auriga: not yet.
[12:33:39] <vectory> i have yet to find out how to write plain asm for gcc
[12:33:58] <learath> ... GCC can pass through ASM, but cna't process it
[12:33:59] <vectory> without all the asm(""::) stuff
[12:34:12] <vectory> it sure can do inline asm
[12:36:47] <vectory> Duality: avra has include files in /usr/share/avra/ but i dont see one for t84
[12:37:28] <vectory> there is tn{11,12,13,1522,2313,26,28,45}.inc
[12:37:58] <vectory> *tn<X>def.inc
[12:38:53] <vectory> and there should be /usr/share/doc/avra/examples/
[12:39:02] <vectory> on debian
[12:39:23] <vectory> what Tom refered to is atmel studiio for windows
[12:39:27] <vectory> -i
[12:40:54] <vectory> so, either t84 isnt supported or you need to include a file for an equal uc
[12:46:15] <Duality> vectory: this page says something else: http://avra.sourceforge.net/ChangeLog.html
[12:46:19] <Duality> that they were added.
[12:46:40] <Duality> and that was in 2010 ..
[12:48:34] <Duality> but it could be that the version installed is not the "latest"
[12:48:54] <Duality> yes
[12:48:59] <Duality> it seems not the latest
[12:49:02] <Duality> AVRA: advanced AVR macro assembler Version 1.2.3 Build 1
[12:49:31] <vectory> thats a shame.
[12:49:58] <vectory> not only is debian behind updates because of their securoty policies, but also because of lazy package maintainers
[12:50:19] <Duality> ubuntu
[12:50:34] <vectory> same thing, they use a lot of the debian packages
[12:50:49] <Duality> I tried to install avra from source and horribly failed -.-
[12:51:15] <Duality> maybe I should use a different assembler ?
[12:52:31] <vectory> use gcc
[12:53:06] <Epsilon-Auriga> avr-as
[12:55:33] <vectory> which is poorly documented :(
[12:55:49] <vectory> i mean, write c, read the asm output
[12:56:39] <Duality> I need to write my own asm
[12:56:45] <Duality> not c :)
[12:57:52] <vectory> the avr-as manpage is just a copy of the as manpage -_-
[12:59:02] <Duality> alright but avr-as says that it can't find the .inc
[12:59:26] <vectory> which one?
[12:59:30] <Epsilon-Auriga> so something wrong with your assembly file.
[12:59:37] <Epsilon-Auriga> something with the include statement maybe.
[13:00:10] <vectory> so, write c, look at the asm from gcc -S and learn from that, then write your own asm
[13:00:17] <vectory> in theory that sounds viable :)
[13:00:48] <Duality> tn84def
[13:00:59] <Epsilon-Auriga> Duality: do you have that file somewhere?
[13:01:03] <Duality> yes
[13:01:15] <Duality> I have a copy of the file in my .asm directory :)
[13:01:17] <Epsilon-Auriga> and does your include statement point to it?
[13:01:25] <Duality> I think so
[13:01:39] <Epsilon-Auriga> then that would be a no.
[13:01:48] <Epsilon-Auriga> what's your include line?
[13:04:05] <Epsilon-Auriga> can't help if we can't see what's going on.
[13:04:22] <Duality> .include "/home/robert/avrAsmtest/tn84def.inc"
[13:05:10] <Epsilon-Auriga> and the filename is exactly that? including capitalization?
[13:05:19] <Duality> yes
[13:06:29] <Duality> when i do #include <avr/io.h> instead it assembles
[13:06:50] <avrlol> i'm trying to build a project in AVR studio 6, but im getting a lot of "undefined reference to" errors
[13:07:04] <Epsilon-Auriga> Duality: then, do that.
[13:07:05] <avrlol> ive included the correct header files, and the .c files are also there in the correct folder..
[13:07:17] <avrlol> do i need to tell AVR studio that im using these files in some way?
[13:07:35] <Duality> Epsilon-Auriga: ok :) but I wonder why it won't inluce the .inc file.
[13:09:11] <Epsilon-Auriga> try .INCLUDE "tn84def.inc"
[13:09:13] <avrlol> its weird, because the functions its giving an error on are all autocompleted, so the editor knows they're included
[13:09:17] <Epsilon-Auriga> including the capitalization.
[13:09:47] <Epsilon-Auriga> avrlol: no clue as I don't use atmel studio..someone else should be able to help but you might need to wait a bit.
[13:09:54] <learath> avrlol: The editor and the compiler are not the same
[13:10:02] <learath> avr: can you pastebin your code?
[13:11:48] <Duality> Epsilon-Auriga: oh wow its spewing out a lot off errors saying missing comma's
[13:12:07] <Epsilon-Auriga> Duality: but, it found the file?
[13:12:10] <Duality> yea
[13:12:17] <Epsilon-Auriga> one problem solved.
[13:12:22] <learath> ... missing commas?
[13:12:34] <Epsilon-Auriga> .NOLIST
[13:12:34] <Epsilon-Auriga> .INCLUDE "8515def.inc"
[13:12:34] <Epsilon-Auriga> .LIST
[13:12:48] <Epsilon-Auriga> try that, with your own .inc file...
[13:13:02] <Duality> this is the output http://pastebin.com/RNFETzNL
[13:13:27] <Duality> gives same output
[13:15:21] <learath> wow.. it really hates you...
[13:15:37] <Duality> It might just be ubuntu
[13:15:49] <Tom_itx> Duality wanna look at some asm examples?
[13:15:53] <learath> looks like that file is totally bogus
[13:16:07] <Duality> it's the file i got from Tom_itx
[13:16:19] <Tom_itx> it's the inc files from studio
[13:16:30] <learath> Well whatever he's usign hates it
[13:16:51] <avrlol> learath: http://pastebin.com/Y6JiwCAm
[13:17:04] <avrlol> i merged all the files into one post..
[13:17:29] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/atmega32U4/asm/blink_u4test.asm
[13:17:31] <avrlol> all those mirf functions in the main function are giving me errors, even though they're included
[13:17:36] <Tom_itx> there's one example
[13:18:18] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/atmega32U4/asm/atmega32u4test.asm
[13:18:24] <Tom_itx> there's one with the interrupt table listed
[13:18:52] <Duality> I found another source for the file, gives the same errors
[13:19:24] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/atmega32U4/asm/rs232test/rs232_u4test.asm
[13:19:35] <Tom_itx> there's a few you can look over if you want
[13:20:04] <learath> avrlol: all your files are in the same place?
[13:21:08] <avrlol> they are all in the same folder
[13:21:10] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/tiny10/
[13:21:14] <Tom_itx> the tiny10 stuff is all asm
[13:22:11] <Duality> it's really frustrating that it won't assemble :(
[13:22:30] <Tom_itx> i'm takin off or i'd help
[13:22:51] <Tom_itx> maybe it's the gnu assembler
[13:22:53] <learath> avrlol: I'm not seeing anything obviously wront
[13:23:15] <avrlol> yea, i dont get it :(
[13:24:11] <learath> So. Stupid suggestion: collapese it all
[13:24:12] <learath> just as a test.
[13:24:26] <avrlol> ?
[13:24:39] <learath> just put it all in one file
[13:24:46] <avrlol> ugh
[13:24:52] <avrlol> yea i might try that
[13:24:53] <learath> just to see if it works.
[13:25:05] <avrlol> but the .c files dont show up in the "Solution Explorer" tab..
[13:25:10] <learath> It looks like your compiler can't find the .h files, for whatever reason
[13:25:48] <learath> If you put it all in one file you can be sure the code works
[13:25:53] <learath> and then figure out why your compiler can't see the files
[13:26:28] <avrlol> what a pain
[13:29:57] <avrlol> learath: it worked now
[13:30:10] <avrlol> i had to actually "Add" them to the project in AVR studio..
[13:30:14] <avrlol> didnt know i had to do that :x
[13:30:52] <learath> hah. yeah
[13:30:58] <learath> AVR Studio has ... Issues
[13:31:02] <learath> like that nutty ex-gf
[13:31:37] <Tom_itx> but she was wonderful when you first met
[13:42:02] <myself> nah, my main memory of AVR studio is when she moved in I suddenly had no disk space left and she wanted to be involved in all the stuff I used to enjoy doing by myself
[13:44:41] <Epsilon-Auriga> I thought that was windows.
[14:03:38] <avrrocks> is the code for an atmega 32 is compatible for these as well? : atmega324, atmega329
[14:04:03] <avrrocks> whats new for 325 and 329 ?
[14:05:31] <avrrocks> is it just pin count?
[14:18:15] <learath> avrrocks: the code is, the pinout may need to change
[14:20:53] <Duality> jup different computer same result :S
[14:21:19] <avrrocks> learath: :D
[14:22:01] <avrrocks> learath: there isnt so much code example in atmel studio when you pick a different uC then atmega32
[14:22:24] <avrrocks> itd annoying
[14:32:50] <learath> read the docs
[14:36:13] <avrrocks> there's little for uc3..
[14:36:29] <avrrocks> atmega32 yes there are some examples
[14:41:31] <Duality> i have found this to compile asm too avr-gcc -c -o first.o first.s
[14:45:19] <Duality> but that just gives the same errors anyway.
[14:45:34] <Duality> some google searches suggest that i am using incompatibel asm ..
[14:51:26] <Duality> I don't want to install avr studio for this -.-
[15:22:03] <Tom_itx> Duality i suggested that 3 hrs ago
[15:35:23] <Duality> Tom_itx: and you didn't say? maybe you did but I wasn't reading :S anyway I downloaded the latest toolchain from avr.
[15:37:20] <Duality> but i feel like i am close to a solution now :)
[15:49:46] <Duality> I am so confused right now, i could do with a really good tutorial for linux ..
[15:54:09] <rue_house> whats the size and shape of a mega8 but has more coool subsystems
[15:56:03] <rue_house> anyone maintain a datasheet link library?
[16:18:49] <bitd> Anyone know how fast floris.cc delivers?
[16:19:38] <Duality> hey gues what
[16:19:43] <Duality> I got my asm compiled :P
[16:20:05] <Duality> bitd: what do you meen ?
[16:20:25] <Duality> bitd: sorry thought you were talking about a different site sorry
[17:08:04] <Duality> hey I got a led burning :)
[17:08:49] <Duality> holy, feel so great now :P
[17:09:11] <Tom_itx> so what was the problem?
[17:33:16] <specing> I just found something I believe are comprehensive laptop circuit wiring diagrams for a Haswell laptop
[17:33:19] <specing> http://repo.palkeo.com/clevo-mirror/W840SN/W840SN_ESM.zip
[20:04:53] <ColdKeyboard> if I have something like this
[20:05:17] <ColdKeyboard> const struct StructName *variable[] = { ... }
[20:05:22] <carabia> i don't like a cold keyboard
[20:05:32] <ColdKeyboard> what is the proper way to do sizeof() ?
[20:05:33] <ColdKeyboard> :)
[20:05:33] <carabia> and i don't like software idiots called engineers either
[20:05:46] <carabia> cause they couldn't actually be farther away from being engineers
[20:06:25] <carabia> engineers are to solve real life problems presented by, well, physicists to be honest
[20:06:35] <carabia> software "engineers" are a pathetic bunch
[20:06:39] <carabia> ~.02c
[20:07:27] <ColdKeyboard> Hello to you too carabia :)
[20:07:33] <carabia> thanks i'm drunk
[20:07:53] <Tom_itx> spare us the effects
[20:08:05] <carabia> no. savor them
[20:08:42] <carabia> but i'm for real. if software people are to be referred as engineers, this world is upside down
[20:08:45] <ColdKeyboard> Can someone help me on how to do a proper sizeof() of -> const struct structure *variable[] = {} ?
[20:09:32] <Epsilon-Auriga> sizeof(variable) maybe??
[20:09:32] <ColdKeyboard> carabia: They call too much people engineers today... it has lost it's "sound"
[20:09:59] <ColdKeyboard> Epsilon-Auriga: I tried that 1st and somehow I get an error saying that that variable doesn't exist
[20:10:00] <ColdKeyboard> :\
[20:10:16] <Epsilon-Auriga> sizeof(&variable) then?
[20:10:29] <ColdKeyboard> Epsilon-Auriga: Hmmm, I didn't try that
[20:10:56] <ColdKeyboard> Still the same thing :\
[20:11:13] <ColdKeyboard> I also tried sizeof(*variable) and still I get the same sh*t
[20:11:14] <ColdKeyboard> :\
[20:12:13] <Epsilon-Auriga> hmm..** comes to mind for some reason.
[20:12:16] <Epsilon-Auriga> but it's late.
[20:13:59] <Epsilon-Auriga> I think you have your * in the wrong place in your declaration.
[20:26:05] * PoppaVic chortles
[21:40:07] <inflex> heh
[23:26:12] <Casper> rue_bed, are you really in bed?