#avr | Logs for 2014-01-07

[00:17:11] <abcminiuser_> It's public domain, so no excuses
[00:17:15] <abcminiuser_> Start using it damnit :P
[00:19:09] <jadew> w|zzy, yeah :)
[00:19:25] <w|zzy> Happy with it?
[00:19:44] <jadew> yeah, it's great
[00:20:24] <jadew> the ui is a little slow, but it's not completely annoying
[00:20:38] <jadew> like... if it was 100ms faster it would be great
[00:20:42] <w|zzy> I wouldn't mind the larger screen. Cool stuff you got the faster model!
[00:21:25] <jadew> yeah, I was worried that the 1Gsa/s would be a big problem but it's not
[00:21:56] <jadew> because it's updating so fast you get to see good detail, no matter how many points you have on the screen
[00:23:20] <jadew> w|zzy, the usable screen (the part with the wave) is the same size as the DS1052E
[00:23:34] <jadew> the rest of the screen is occupied by always on the screen menus
[00:23:50] <w|zzy> oh. that kinda sucks
[00:24:10] <jadew> don't know why they did that, but they probably had their reasons
[00:24:44] <jadew> yeah, you could probably fit 4 divisions in there
[00:25:00] <jadew> well, 2 I guess + some margin
[00:25:38] <jadew> I still think it's a great scope for the money, it has nice serial decoding (trial option, but I hear it's hackable)
[00:25:53] <jadew> by serial I mean uart, spi and i2c
[00:26:12] <jadew> it also has triggering on that
[00:26:39] <jadew> proper recording (you can record all 4 channels, not just one as it is on the ds1000 series)
[00:26:50] <w|zzy> Yeah most rigol is pretty easily hackable.
[00:27:05] <w|zzy> Thats pretty cool!
[00:28:14] <jadew> yep, deffinitely worth considering if you're looking to change your scope
[00:28:49] <w|zzy> Maybe in some years...
[00:29:08] <w|zzy> Im owed some money.. But can't get it in cash.. thinking http://www.home.agilent.com/en/pd-2270273-pn-34461A/digital-multimeter-6-digit-34401a-replacement-truevolt-dmm?&cc=AU&lc=eng
[00:29:36] <jadew> oh yeah, I want one of those too :)
[00:29:49] <jadew> my next item on the list is a signal generator tho
[00:30:51] <w|zzy> Cool.
[00:31:31] <w|zzy> I wouldn't mind a sig gen.. For fun though
[00:32:03] <w|zzy> I don't know what i would use it for
[00:32:08] <jadew> I don't know what other people are using them, but I'd like to be able to test the bandwidth of various components
[00:32:20] <jadew> *using them for
[00:32:59] <w|zzy> Fair. I'd just make pretty signals to watch on my oscilliscope.
[00:34:21] <jadew> hehe, now that I think about it, it would probably be a useless investition on my part
[00:35:12] <jadew> I could probably make due with one of those DDS chips
[00:35:41] <jadew> I already started a sig gen project, but never got to finishing it
[00:37:27] <w|zzy> Id probably get a much cheaper multimeter if i wasn't owed roughly that amoutn
[00:37:53] <jadew> hehe
[00:38:21] <jadew> about the DMM, I have one of those 500 000 counts brymens and I came to the conclusion I have nothing stable enough to measure with that resolution
[00:38:53] <jadew> maybe just to watch a battery drain under the load of the DMM :)
[00:40:51] <w|zzy> this does chart :P
[00:40:59] <w|zzy> I could use it for work.
[00:41:26] <jadew> this one does chart too, only that you need a PC for that :P
[00:41:31] <w|zzy> there are some boards that need calibration.. We sort of wing it at the moment.
[00:42:02] <w|zzy> The only other thing apart from a dmm that i wouldn't mind is a desoldering gun.
[00:42:17] <w|zzy> The suction style.
[00:42:26] <jadew> oh yeah... I want something like that too :D
[00:42:50] <jadew> a nice rework station maybe, with hot air as well :P
[00:44:50] <w|zzy> I have hot air...
[00:45:16] <jadew> I only have a 2000W hot air gun :/
[00:45:46] <w|zzy> i got an awesome deal on a hakko on ebay.
[00:45:59] <jadew> oh nice
[00:46:03] <jadew> what's the model number?
[00:46:56] <w|zzy> http://imgur.com/Tq79UT3
[00:47:17] <jadew> neat
[00:47:46] <w|zzy> Im loving the Power supply.
[00:48:11] <jadew> was about to ask
[00:48:22] <w|zzy> For its specs it does what i want it to.
[00:48:44] <w|zzy> Its also able to be unlocked :P
[00:48:47] <jadew> it's tempting me as well, but oh well.. I want so much stuff :P
[00:48:51] <w|zzy> Ohh.. And all items are easily unlockable.
[00:48:52] <jadew> I know
[00:49:03] <w|zzy> very easy.
[00:49:12] <w|zzy> Oh man.I said the same thing twice :P
[00:49:18] <w|zzy> I swear ive been drinking
[00:49:31] <jadew> hehe
[00:49:33] <w|zzy> I
[00:52:31] <w|zzy> I like the fact that Rigol have owned up to their faults and are replacing all faulty boards!
[00:52:37] <w|zzy> Damn connection problems.
[00:52:49] <w|zzy> The only downside of holdiaying beachside.... Poor internet.
[00:52:58] <jadew> http://dumb.ro/files/bm876-logging.png - this is my DMM logging stuff
[00:53:12] <jadew> w|zzy, yeah, I heard about it
[00:53:24] <jadew> I think rigol is becoming a really good company
[00:53:57] <jadew> brb, kid woke up
[00:54:38] <w|zzy> https://twitter.com/eevblog/status/418883234970079232/photo/1
[00:54:41] <w|zzy> Yay kids
[00:55:25] <w|zzy> China are trying hard.
[01:17:06] <jadew> back
[01:19:04] <jadew> I think it's time to clean up the desk and start working on the sig gen :D
[01:25:15] <w|zzy> Do it!
[01:25:19] <w|zzy> Then put it on tindie
[01:26:25] <jadew> ah, I don't think it'll be good enough to be sold
[01:26:45] <jadew> I remembered why I stopped working on it
[01:27:38] <jadew> I decided to do it with an FPGA + fast DAC, but back then I had more time
[01:29:13] <w|zzy> No fpgas laying around?
[01:30:13] <jadew> I have a spartan 3 and I remember I managed to output a ramp into a r-2r DAC
[01:31:29] <jadew> wasn't happy with it and that's when I realized I needed a fast DAC, all in all the price would still be quite high and it would require a lot of time to get it to work at its full potential
[01:31:43] <jadew> because then it could do arbitrary waveforms
[01:32:10] <w|zzy> Dont have any time?
[01:32:34] <jadew> not really, since the kid I barely had time to watch a movie
[01:32:59] <jadew> altho, it seems like the since a week ago or so it has gotten easier
[01:34:55] <w|zzy> Good news.
[01:35:19] <jadew> yep
[01:35:31] <jadew> I just got a reply from Rigol, they've sent me the firmware update
[01:37:08] <w|zzy> :D
[01:37:23] <w|zzy> The only downside of rigol.. you have to email for firmware updates
[01:37:35] <jadew> yeah, pretty werid
[01:38:16] <jadew> I think they do that so they can doublecheck your hardware version so you don't brick your equipment
[01:38:43] <jadew> that means less bricked scopes at the service
[01:45:30] <w|zzy> Hmm. People arent that stupid are they?
[01:45:44] <w|zzy> Should just make people type in their serial number or something
[01:46:07] <jadew> Well, considering that most of the instructions they just gave me are in chinese... I think I could brick it too
[01:46:45] <jadew> I mean... it's not like they have a very intuitive update system
[01:48:01] <jadew> "updating..."
[01:48:21] <w|zzy> Maybe you could become rigols english documentation expert?
[01:48:29] <jadew> haha
[01:48:52] <jadew> update finished
[01:49:59] <w|zzy> faster?
[01:51:05] <jadew> can't tell, possibly
[01:51:14] <jadew> they did add a few more features tho
[01:51:22] <jadew> history for measurements
[01:52:17] <jadew> don't know what else is there, I guess they fixed some bugs too
[01:53:12] <jadew> I guess I should re-calibrate
[08:54:07] <TLoFP> hi avr, I am very new to AVRs so please bare with me
[08:54:24] <TLoFP> I am reading about DMAC (Direct Memory Access Channels) and I just don't see how they are useful
[08:54:52] <TLoFP> it states that it copies memory from one location to another, but from what I am used to on the AVR all memory transfer takes one cycle, what could you possibly do in one cycle?
[08:55:47] <TLoFP> consider a primitive example: 1. fast 32 bit ADC attached to AVR via SPI bus 2. the task is to offload this via async serial
[08:56:54] <TLoFP> Solution without DMAC: grab one byte at a time via SPI and store in 4 temporary registers, once SPI transfer is complete, begin async transfer of all four byte registers
[08:57:11] <TLoFP> how can a DMAC be beneficial here? or anywhere for that matter
[10:08:35] <twnqx> TLoFP: while i have never used xmegas myself
[10:09:14] <twnqx> a quick glance over http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc8400.pdf suggests that you can indeed use dmac to read four bytes from spi straight to memory without any cpu core interaction
[10:09:25] <twnqx> they mention serial, but...
[10:10:02] <twnqx> see point 2.3, transfer triggers
[11:45:18] <carabia> seriously? vs1011 42 euros at radioshack
[11:45:20] <carabia> LOL
[13:08:54] <The_Coolest> so I killed the attiny85 on my usbtiny
[13:09:08] <The_Coolest> and after replacing the chip, it doesn't get picked up by windows. grrrrrrr
[13:12:06] <vanquish> this is probably a dumb question, but the counters keep on counting even during an interrupt, right?
[13:19:11] <phinxy> Got my AVR dragon today =) got to pay 50% extra of value+shipping to the customs. screw this country
[13:19:26] <tzanger> which country?
[13:19:38] <The_Coolest> vanquish yes
[13:20:02] <phinxy> Sweden
[13:20:31] <bss36504> Anyone here played with the Static Memory Controller on the AT91SAM and friends?
[13:20:50] <PoppaVic> phinxy: look at the bright side, you get to tell the US how to Do It Right. Or, you can move here and listen to everyone telling us ;-)
[13:22:44] <phinxy> ridiculous taxes. :|
[13:41:19] <synic> phinxy: are you a snus user
[13:43:08] <phinxy> synic, yes :) snusing "Kronan" atm
[13:43:46] <synic> so folks in Sweden do actually "snus" and it's not just a marketing technique?
[13:45:05] <carabia> god damn hard to find even ribbon cable connectors outta digikey...
[13:45:56] <PoppaVic> searching for connector names blows
[13:49:20] <gabedwrds> hm... I need to find something interesting at the electronics market to bring back for my old arduino prof to thank him for doing me a favour
[13:50:36] <carabia> can't find a god damn 20 wire female crimp...
[13:52:33] <carabia> what are they called?
[14:04:45] <bss36504> carabia: For crimping onto a ribbon cable?
[14:21:35] <carabia> yeah found them
[14:22:04] <carabia> "rectangular connectors - free hanging, panel mount" ... or smth =D
[14:54:30] <megal0maniac_afk> Arduino professor? Well now...
[15:28:50] <vanquish> The_Coolest: cool, thanks
[15:49:06] <carabia> oh shi and cool also, VLSI is based in finland it seems
[15:49:39] <carabia> vlsi solution that is
[16:02:04] <x29a> hey there, my dad is having problems with programming his atmega8L with an avrispmk2 via avrdude on his macbook pro. flashing a 2313 works, so we assume its the chip. he measured 4.98V on MISO, is this floating and is this ok? should he add an external resistor?
[16:03:23] <x29a> avrdude -p m8 -c avrispmkII -vvvv -t says: avrdude: stk500v2_program_enable(): bad AVRISPmkII connection status: Unknown status 0x00
[16:03:56] <x29a> so i think avrdude sees the programmer ok. we played with -B to slow down the programmer (the m8l fuses are factory, so it might be at 1Mhz)
[16:06:48] <TLoFP> twnqx, mhh, so using DMA I could transfer data from ADC to USART (for example) wihtout CPU involvement? thats epic
[16:18:26] <bss36504> Anybody know what the max SPI speed possible with an avr32 device?
[16:22:35] <prpplague> bss36504: as a rule of thumb, most devices older than a year will have the limitation of a max of 25MHz
[16:22:56] <bss36504> prpplague: Ok thanks. I
[16:23:08] <prpplague> bss36504: and even SoCs that support higher rates, there are few SPI devices that are able to be utilized at the higher rates
[16:23:44] <bss36504> I'm currently looking at the ATUC3A3/A4 datasheet. SPI section says to look in the Power manager section, but a quick skim did not give me the info I wanted
[16:24:11] <bss36504> and actually in this case I do have a peripheral that supports up to 86Mhz in serial mode, and 104Mhz in QPI mode
[16:25:32] <bss36504> I do wish they would put a more advanced SPI module (like in the avr32 and SAM devices) in the 8-bit parts. Auto chip selecting and deselecting is nice, faster clock speed, etc.
[16:33:19] <prpplague> bss36504: yea if you have support for QSPI that makes sense
[17:24:17] <julius_> hi
[18:42:30] <The_Coolest> ffs
[19:00:58] <carabia> ffs!
[19:47:49] <GreaseMonkey> fast file system
[20:25:55] <inflex> Any genuine ideas on how to safely replace this USB port without wiping out all the other parts? http://dxp.me/i/sonyusb.jpg .... even kapton tape would be a real push to succeed. Am almost considering a physical cutting of the connector, but worried the stress will cause the mount point copper pads to tear away
[20:26:40] <Casper> inflex: cut the pins
[20:26:56] <inflex> Casper: using clippers on the pins will almost certainly cause the pads to get lifted
[20:27:11] <Casper> then heat the pin, then cut it while you still heat it
[20:29:10] <inflex> that tiny 0402 part on the back rear left corner of the connector makes me worry... probably some filter, and probably can live without it... but...
[20:30:02] <Casper> well, bbl
[20:40:24] <myself> Kapton on the adjacent components, several layers, to provide some thermal barrier. (Or a layer of metal tape in there, too.) Then use your largest iron tip and cover the jack in a giant blob of solder. Use tweezers to pull it out and away.
[20:41:09] <myself> The metal-to-metal heat transfer will be so fast it should free the pins and mounts quickly before the board starts to warp, and hopefully before the adjacent components get too mobile.
[20:48:41] <inflex> hot air pencil got it off, took longer than I planned, because I didn't see the through-pins on the rear mounts either side of the USB pins
[20:50:08] <myself> any damage to the nearby components?
[21:04:51] <The_Coolest> so I fail
[21:04:52] <The_Coolest> hey myself
[21:06:50] <myself> sup?
[21:07:07] <The_Coolest> the other #channel :P
[21:07:24] <The_Coolest> less traffic here, so I'll post here
[21:07:30] <The_Coolest> myself>> So I murdered another AVR today, I was trying to undo the reset disable fuse on my usbtiny
[21:08:24] <The_Coolest> and I was trying to do it for a lost cause :( I'm trying to get my usbtiny to support chips larger than 128kb
[21:08:28] <The_Coolest> but so far so fail
[21:08:38] <myself> The_Coolest: High Voltage Smoke Programming?
[21:08:42] <myself> yeah, this channel is better
[21:08:50] <The_Coolest> yes, indeed
[21:08:53] <The_Coolest> HVSP
[21:08:58] <The_Coolest> only there was no smoke
[21:09:07] <The_Coolest> just a dead 2N2222 and a dead tiny
[21:09:16] <learath> clearly you need to use more fire
[21:09:39] <The_Coolest> myself I forgot a pullup resistor on the 12v side
[21:09:40] <The_Coolest> :D
[21:10:03] <myself> wait, what would that kill?
[21:10:10] <The_Coolest> but either way, I replaced the tiny, then still can't get the damn thing to work with a chip larger than 64kb :|
[21:10:24] <The_Coolest> myself honest idk why it died, but it did
[21:33:02] <inflex> bugger, after all that, still doesn't work... must have suffered damage when the client broke the USB connector the first time around
[21:33:43] <Valen> :-<
[21:34:09] <myself> fly-wires onto the board for testing?
[21:40:28] <Valen> anybody know where i can get something like this http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/10x-2-phase-4-wire-stepper-motor-MCU-learning-Board-6mm-Canon-micro-step-motor-/161152765264?pt=UK_BOI_Industrial_Automation_Control_ET&hash=item2585740d50&_uhb=1 somewhat sooner than next month?
[21:46:47] <myself> Floppy drives.
[21:47:08] <PoppaVic> viagra
[21:47:16] <myself> Quickrete.
[21:47:19] <myself> Your move.
[21:47:27] <PoppaVic> post holes
[21:47:40] <myself> "where does my mail go?"
[21:47:54] <PoppaVic> dog ate the homework
[21:52:37] <learath> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaSmVEpeCb8
[22:23:27] <carabia> jack of all trades master of none
[22:23:29] <carabia> i.e. useless
[22:26:39] <carabia> here's something as productive as that to spend 35 minutes watching:
[22:26:43] <carabia> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATJ-7bGBul0
[22:47:47] <inflex> FARK... worked out why the USB port didn't work... it's the wrong physical orientation (upside down)
[22:51:49] <carabia> how...?
[22:52:42] <PoppaVic> dang them-there dead-bugs!
[22:56:36] <inflex> carabia: I'd say a supplier mishap. I ordered for this model phone, and the supplied connector fits/lines-up, but the USB tongue is on the opposite side of the connector
[22:57:20] <inflex> carabia: what bothers me now though is that I have to remove the incorrect one, so that's a lot more stress to the board again
[23:11:01] <inflex> fortunately at least it's leaded solder, so that'll let me get it off at a lower temp
[23:11:22] <carabia> i hate lead-free solder
[23:11:28] <carabia> it's all crap
[23:12:06] <inflex> what we have to live with
[23:12:18] <inflex> but yes, any rework jobs, I do with lead-solder
[23:13:19] <Casper> inflex: how did you desoldered?
[23:13:58] <inflex> Casper: wet the existing joins with leaded solder, then preheated with hotair, then went in with narrow hotair
[23:16:20] <inflex> I've done a few other phones like this, but this one ( Xperia Z ) was the worst because of the proximity of the components to the USB connector