#avr | Logs for 2013-12-06

[01:07:20] <Enma_Hinobara> Hmm. Can Arduino libraries or tools be used with an STK600/ATmega?
[01:11:46] <rue_bed> kinda
[01:14:03] <rue_bed> I suspect a bug in the linux parallel port i2c driver that makes it so I can only read 5 senors on one bus at a time
[01:16:16] <twnqx> boooooooooooring
[01:16:46] <twnqx> i should find beaky and borrow his stuff
[01:17:06] <twnqx> i don't want to buy everything again just for a week
[01:17:43] <twnqx> and he said avr programmers are expensive in dubai
[01:17:45] <twnqx> :/
[09:31:38] <twnqx> i need beaky :(
[09:31:53] <twnqx> ONE HOUR walking around the area, not a single shop matching what i was looking for
[09:39:00] <Essobi> Morning..
[09:42:42] <beaky> hello
[09:42:48] <beaky> is it normal for an avr to get warm
[09:43:02] <beaky> i am running at room temperature 20C
[09:44:28] <DanFrederiksen> mine doesn't but I run it at 1MHz and light duty
[09:44:34] <DanFrederiksen> or you can quit..
[09:52:46] <The_Coolest> mine's running at 20mhz and is cold
[10:40:15] <ambro718> how succeptible are AVRs and other uCs to cosmic rays (on the surface)?
[10:40:38] <Tachyon`> not
[10:40:43] <Tachyon`> in orbit otoh...
[10:40:58] <Tachyon`> we have a magnetic field and a lrge atmosphere -.o
[12:47:52] <braincracker> grab a beer :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QNdx2hs0n4
[13:37:06] <naquad> hi
[13:37:28] <naquad> can i program my arduino as plain avr w/o all arduino libs and stuff?
[13:41:35] <OndraSter__> sure
[13:44:44] <naquad> mmm a very noob question (i've got my arduino yesterday :)): where can i read about setting up toolchain for avr in linux env? i have one for arduino (that is avrdude + arduino libs + arduino-ide). but i haven't seen AVR Studio for linux or at least download for just avr toolchain. maybe i've overlooked something, could somebody please point me at where can i get that and some introductory reading on subject?
[13:45:02] <DarkSector> naquad just download avr-gcc
[13:45:56] <DarkSector> naquad you'll need avr-gcc avrdude and avr-libc
[13:46:07] <naquad> oh! i even have such package. is there some kind of test code so i could compile it and upload to make sure everything works as expected?
[13:46:19] <DarkSector> http://www.instructables.com/id/Getting-started-with-ubuntu-and-the-AVR-dragon/?ALLSTEPS
[13:46:29] <DarkSector> Take a look at what he uses to compile and burn
[13:46:37] <naquad> DarkSector, awesome! thank you. went reading
[13:48:01] <DarkSector> naquad Just FYI the arduino IDE also creates .hex files which are stored in /tmp so if you want to burn arduino generated hex files directly using a programmer, you can find the hex file in that location
[13:50:16] <naquad> DarkSector, it looks like it is removing that file right after upload. i've just tried to build and i see no hex, but when it uploads i see there mentions of /tmp/random file name.hex
[13:50:21] <naquad> but thanks for infp
[13:50:24] <naquad> *info
[14:32:45] <naquad> a noob "what if" kind of question: if i'll add a flash card with something like fat32 and some external SRAM memory then will i be able to make a simple os? my primary question is basically: can i add external memory to avr? i've seen examples of flash card attachment, but i haven't seen someone adding external ram. is that possible?
[14:35:09] <Tom_itx> what for?
[14:35:30] <Tom_itx> some can have external memory but i don't think you can execute from it
[14:36:02] <Tom_itx> if you want an os get a pc
[14:37:19] <naquad> Tom_itx, yeah, i didn't think about executing code from ext. ram. i thought to have some super simple device connected via wi-fi/ethernet and able to provide telnet. just to play around, no practical purpose. sole interest.
[14:37:41] <naquad> *curiosity
[15:02:16] <naquad> is it possible to connect some ralink directly to avr w/o usb host? basically i'm interested in making super cheap wi-fi connectivity for avr
[15:06:33] <jacekowski> unlikely
[15:06:46] <jacekowski> handling wifi stack in an avr would be complicated
[15:09:58] <naquad> the best thing i've found so far is that: http://www.connectone.com/?page_id=178 - not sure how to work with that though, but people say it is pretty awesome
[15:22:11] <ThiefMaster> just gesting atmel studio.. why the fuck do people still ship IDEs with a bright default theme?
[15:22:15] <ThiefMaster> *testing
[16:04:57] <OndraSter__> ThiefMaster, some people use white bg
[16:48:36] <tzanger> ThiefMaster: how do people use IDEs? shell interface FTW :-)
[16:48:54] <tzanger> personally I have a light bg (solarized light) with sublime text and vim
[16:49:02] <tzanger> but I do sometimes jump to solarized dark depending on how I feel
[16:49:08] <ThiefMaster> heh
[16:49:22] <ThiefMaster> having multiple default themes would be the best solution.. like it's the case with pycharm etc.
[17:02:38] <OndraSter__> <tzanger> ThiefMaster: how do people use IDEs?
[17:02:43] <OndraSter__> by doubleclicking on their icon
[17:02:56] <OndraSter__> (or singleclicking if it is on a hotbar or something)
[17:03:32] <ThiefMaster> by typing the name in the start menu search box and pressing return? :p
[17:05:01] <OndraSter__> that as well
[17:05:07] <OndraSter__> but I have actually AS pinned on taskbar
[17:17:45] <ThiefMaster> anyone knows if avrdude has some hidden option to be less spammy? even with -qq it dumps the LEAST useful info ("Programmer supports the following devices") into my terminal
[17:20:17] <ThiefMaster> bleh, according to the sourcecode it doesn't...
[17:38:56] <ThiefMaster> hmm WTF, apparently atmel studio adds CRLF line endings ...
[17:39:21] <OndraSter__> can be set in settings
[17:41:55] <Tom_itx> defaults are supposed to be correct though aren't they?
[17:43:03] <OndraSter__> well since it is a windows application using MSVS core..
[17:43:04] <OndraSter__> then yes
[17:43:11] <OndraSter__> they are correct for this setup
[17:45:55] <ThiefMaster> OndraSter__: any idea where? i haven't found it yet
[17:48:14] <OndraSter__> I am sure I saw it somewhere
[17:51:13] <OndraSter__> I can't find it
[17:51:57] <ThiefMaster> ugh, it's per-file :x
[17:52:00] <ThiefMaster> file => advanced save options
[17:52:18] <OndraSter__> I know about that one, but I thought there was some in the global options
[17:52:33] <OndraSter__> also isn't that one for VS?
[17:55:00] <OndraSter__> try options -> environment -> documents -> check for consistent line endings blabla
[17:55:07] <OndraSter__> but not sure if it will end up doing CRLF or just LF everywhere
[17:55:20] <ThiefMaster> tried that; it probably just checks for mixed line endings
[23:51:18] <shiven> hey guys, not sure if this is the right place; avrdude works as root but not as user (gives "did not find any USB device "usb""). a quick hunt around google yields very little considering this must be a permissions error. anyone encountered it before?
[23:51:37] <Casper> yup
[23:51:49] <Casper> need to have the permission to access the usb device
[23:51:55] <shiven> i do
[23:51:57] <shiven> i'm in dialout group
[23:52:02] <Casper> on gentoo, the user need to be in the usb group
[23:52:11] <Casper> dialout != usb
[23:52:23] <shiven> well that was dumb... lol
[23:52:31] <shiven> thanks (incidentally, i'm on gentoo :p)
[23:58:40] <shiven> no dice, but i think i've figured it out thanks to the pointer Casper :)
[23:59:13] <Casper> have you forgot to log out and back in?
[23:59:22] <shiven> nah, i just restarted completely
[23:59:33] <Casper> are you also in the wheel group?
[23:59:34] <shiven> its probably due to systemd being my bootmanager
[23:59:38] <shiven> yeah
[23:59:52] <Casper> weird