#avr | Logs for 2013-11-09

[00:54:46] <megal0maniac_afk> AAAAHH!
[00:54:53] <megal0maniac_afk> My supplier does space mouse :D
[03:54:56] <theBear> megal0maniac_afk, pfft, a BARE gpio, highlighting me for a spelling error !
[03:55:48] <megal0maniac_afk> :D
[03:55:58] <megal0maniac_afk> Tell your client to be more specific :)
[03:57:57] <w|zzy> I'd love a space mouse
[03:58:55] <megal0maniac_afk> They're still expensive. Just cool to see that you can get them here
[03:59:35] <w|zzy> 150 isn't too bad.. It's getting into the affordable realm
[04:01:42] <theBear> nah, i can't say i see everything if i miss people that can't name me properly
[04:01:59] <theBear> scanning sleep time logs is one thing, but highlights help
[04:09:41] <inflex> would be nice if there was a separate highlight log on a side pane in xchat for me
[04:09:56] <inflex> annoying havnig to scroll back through thousands of lines
[04:10:54] <megal0maniac_afk> inflex: Use Linux and grep :)
[04:12:28] <theBear> i'm getting good with that recently, finding trolls that visited a few years ago, or tracking down some link someone i know mentioned
[04:13:42] <inflex> linux is for l00000z3rz!
[04:13:55] <beaky> i am a linux user. can confirm i am a loser
[04:14:10] <inflex> See, 100% of known data confirms.
[04:14:15] * inflex informs Netcraft.
[04:14:16] <theBear> beaky is a bad example, fuck you
[04:14:27] * theBear ain't no loser
[04:15:22] <inflex> Silly linux people, using the cryptic text line - don't have to do that in windows
[04:15:25] <OndraSter> haha
[04:15:25] <OndraSter> I am a windows user
[04:15:25] <OndraSter> and windows network admin.
[04:15:25] <OndraSter> WINDOWS POWER!
[04:16:07] * inflex hugs Powershell.. it ain't no command line, it's POWERSHELL... unlimited powwwaaaarh
[04:16:43] <beaky> i use the git shell
[04:16:46] <beaky> on windows
[04:17:26] <inflex> At least the upgrade from 13.04->13.10 went easy. Unlike 12.10->13.04, that was just awful, was like being back in the days of upgrading Slackware.
[04:18:30] <theBear> inflex, and you can't find one line in 10 years of irc logs in under 20 seconds either, your stupid search box won't even be up that fast and if you DO have full text indexing your hd is pegged and your cpu crippled 24/7 !
[04:18:35] <inflex> Not that I care, but is Atmel ever going to make a linux native AVRStudio?
[04:18:52] * inflex slaps theBear with a grep -iR
[04:19:16] <megal0maniac_afk> No
[04:19:17] <theBear> dunno, don't care, real programmers don't need studios, specially that one
[04:20:14] * inflex recently at least managed to show one person "the way" and they're now off AVRstudio, and using avrdude + gcc + text editor
[04:20:24] <ecraven> emacs or vi? :p
[04:20:34] * beaky is a hapy vim user
[04:21:43] <OndraSter> my ssd!
[04:22:32] <theBear> real programmers also understand that text editing has come forward since the 70s
[04:22:57] <OndraSter> since it is visual studio shell..
[04:22:57] <OndraSter> your guess is as good as mine
[04:32:33] <twnqx> theBear: real programmers understand that visual studio is a step in the wrong direction
[04:32:55] <OndraSter_> do they?
[04:33:06] <w|zzy> really?
[04:33:10] <twnqx> yes, since it's extremely limiting you to a crap OS
[04:33:21] <OndraSter_> that is your opinion
[04:33:24] <OndraSter_> that it is a crap OS
[04:33:31] <twnqx> and a SINGLE os by all means
[04:33:41] <w|zzy> real programmers understand the importance of the right and best tool for each job.
[04:34:18] <twnqx> that might be, but a tool that does not work at all is no good tool
[04:34:51] <w|zzy> at all?
[04:35:07] <w|zzy> seems to be working very well for hundreds of millions of people
[04:35:31] <twnqx> yes, unless you sacrifice all the knowlege of several decades and switch to a new OS with completely new pitfalls
[04:36:16] <twnqx> that somehow, on it's own, can get into a state where nothing but a reinstall helps (and that was admitted by someone who does MS support for a living who gave up fixing it for me after a few hours)
[04:36:47] <OndraSter_> you can get linux machine into the identical state
[04:36:48] <twnqx> and that even AFTER you pay shitloads of money for it and don't get decent updates
[04:37:06] <rue_bed> my linux machine has not been reinstalled for over 13 years
[04:37:09] <twnqx> so far i managed to get it repaired from any condition
[04:37:25] <twnqx> i reinstalled mine the time i migrated from 32bit to 64bit
[04:37:29] <twnqx> not ever since
[04:37:32] <w|zzy> I have a feeling this is an argument with out a conclusion and have decided to pull out.
[04:37:48] <rue_bed> I find the only way to keep windows working well is to reinstall every year
[04:37:57] <twnqx> nah. not that bad
[04:38:00] <OndraSter_> you are doing it wrong then
[04:38:09] <rue_bed> I tried to work out once what slows it down, but was completely unable,
[04:38:12] <OndraSter_> I've seen many XP machines running for 4 or 6 years
[04:38:14] <twnqx> but i think MS should pay me for the time i waste in their telephone syste, for reactivation
[04:38:28] <rue_bed> no temp files, no extra fonts... no amount of registry cleaning
[04:38:54] <twnqx> my windows 7 only has to be reactivated every 6 or so months
[04:39:08] <twnqx> because of minor changes to the system like harddisks or mainboards
[04:39:21] <rue_bed> but I gave up on windows back in 1997 when microsoft still has nothing better than 3.11
[04:39:28] <twnqx> lol
[04:39:45] <rue_bed> it was getting hard to find the programs I wanted!
[04:39:48] <OndraSter_> well that's because it is not an OSS or free OS
[04:39:56] <twnqx> so what
[04:39:59] <theBear> not an opinion, it IS a crap os
[04:40:03] <twnqx> i paid for it
[04:40:06] <rue_bed> even with the half-patch for '95
[04:40:29] <twnqx> so why would i, being the one who did get it legitimately, be treated worse than if i just pirated it?
[04:40:39] <OndraSter_> that's a good question
[04:40:44] <rue_bed> I like that, if I ever dare to, I can modify programs to my will
[04:40:56] <twnqx> you can do that with windows programs to
[04:40:58] <twnqx> too*
[04:41:08] <rue_bed> yea, if your willing to hack binary
[04:41:33] <rue_bed> +- the fact that it might be just as hard as reading some of hte linux code
[04:41:34] <OndraSter_> youcan use OSS apps on window
[04:41:34] <OndraSter_> s
[04:42:01] <rue_bed> I can get source to 99.5% of the stuff I use on linux
[04:42:16] <twnqx> most of the windows programs i use are OSS, in fact
[04:42:19] <twnqx> except for games
[04:42:38] <OndraSter_> then use linux
[04:42:50] <twnqx> which is what i do :P
[04:42:58] <OndraSter_> see? problems solved
[04:43:04] <OndraSter_> I am happy with windows box
[04:43:22] <OndraSter_> upgrade once per 2 years or so and just because the old stuff died and went for RMA just before the warranty ended
[04:43:29] <rue_bed> I was gonna write an editor to optimize coding, macros for auto insert keywords etc
[04:43:34] <rue_bed> never finished that
[04:43:52] <twnqx> i get angry when a computer asks me "do you want me to do what you told me to do? you know, it might not be want you want"
[04:43:56] <twnqx> i mean, REALLY angry
[04:44:04] <OndraSter_> you mean UAC?
[04:44:08] <twnqx> anything
[04:44:10] <OndraSter_> a) can be turned off, b) it is identical to sudo
[04:44:17] <twnqx> from deletion
[04:44:23] <twnqx> to turning a network device off
[04:44:28] <twnqx> or changing any setting
[04:44:30] <OndraSter_> are you using Vista?
[04:44:36] <twnqx> xp and 7
[04:44:38] <OndraSter_> or did you change UAC to the highest security?
[04:45:09] <OndraSter_> it asks you for admin privileges
[04:45:11] <OndraSter_> which is fine with me
[04:45:12] <twnqx> nah
[04:45:16] <twnqx> that would be ok
[04:45:56] <twnqx> but it more or less aks me shit like "if you disable the device it won't work any more! are you really sure you want to disable it?" if you disable something in the device manager
[04:46:07] <twnqx> makes me want to kill whoever put it there
[04:46:09] <twnqx> literally
[04:46:32] <twnqx> if that person was near me i would not be sure if i could restrain myself
[04:47:21] <rue_bed> oh yea, I hate the way windows treats you like an idiot by default
[04:47:33] <rue_bed> and I hate all the popup ads
[04:47:38] <twnqx> popup ads?
[04:47:49] <twnqx> that's windows 8, isn't it?
[04:47:55] <rue_bed> every program in windows seems to have a splash screen
[04:48:10] <rue_bed> most programs on linux just start
[04:48:32] <OndraSter_> that is programmer's choice
[04:48:34] <OndraSter_> not OS's choice
[04:48:37] <rue_bed> yea
[04:48:44] <rue_bed> its a windows programming thing
[04:48:53] <rue_bed> windows programmers do splash screens
[04:49:02] <rue_bed> therefore I dont like windows programs
[04:49:04] <OndraSter_> MS products that have loading screen usually check for updates, load settings, prepare everything
[04:49:15] <rue_bed> and therefore I have less reason to like windows
[04:49:32] <rue_bed> yea, mouse popups and popup messages piss me off too
[04:49:39] <beaky> splash screens give you something cool to look at while your bloated ide fully loads
[04:49:55] <twnqx> OndraSter_: in my books, if starting up a program takes noticeable time, the programmer failed badly. the end.
[04:50:00] <OndraSter_> what if I told you that you can still use vim and gcc and makefiles on windows
[04:50:03] <rue_bed> no, splash screens have delays in them to make you see them before the program starts
[04:50:12] <rue_bed> you know about this in DOS?
[04:50:22] <rue_bed> MSDOS 6.22
[04:50:26] <twnqx> OndraSter_: been there, done that
[04:50:26] <rue_bed> __delay__
[04:50:28] <rue_bed> then boot
[04:50:43] <rue_bed> there was a config.sys option to make it ditch the delay
[04:51:06] <OndraSter_> that was MSDOS
[04:51:09] <OndraSter_> now we have windows 8.1
[04:51:16] <rue_bed> they didn't stop the practise
[04:51:26] <twnqx> and things haven't gotten fatser for the user
[04:51:30] <twnqx> faster*
[04:51:31] <rue_bed> there are tonnes of built in delays in windows stuff
[04:51:51] <rue_bed> did you know windows on windows uses windows on windows?
[04:51:58] <OndraSter_> wat
[04:52:05] <theBear> if you told me something i already knew, windows would still be shit
[04:52:06] <OndraSter_> you mean WoW for 32bit?
[04:52:18] <theBear> and it didn't have cygwin or any cross ports for the first 10 or 15 years anyway
[04:52:19] <rue_bed> yea, nobody knows what the base code does, so they just build on top
[04:52:28] <twnqx> lol
[04:52:35] <rue_bed> and 32->16 bit
[04:52:45] <theBear> and windows 8, normal people can't even use that, i can't find a usb stick i just plugged in on it, and i'm REALLY experienced with computers
[04:52:57] <rue_bed> and really, all thats changed, in like, 8 years, is explorer
[04:52:58] <OndraSter_> ugh?
[04:53:04] <rue_bed> not iexplorer, explorer
[04:53:12] <theBear> on the upside, i think it's bad enough that normal people will actually look for something they CAN use
[04:53:19] <rue_bed> and up to xp, progman was still part of the windows install
[04:53:27] <rue_bed> and you could still use it as a shell
[04:53:33] <theBear> seriously, i have not met one person who is not annoyed or generally unhappy with their new win8
[04:53:42] <OndraSter_> that's why I am using w7
[04:53:49] <rue_bed> but that happens EVERY new windows version
[04:53:52] <theBear> ahh, i remember a time before explorer too rue :)
[04:54:02] <theBear> rue_bed, not like this, this is serious
[04:54:18] <rue_bed> I used to switch the shell to explorer to start a machine up WITHOUT all the viruses
[04:54:57] <rue_bed> from what I understand of windows 8, they have reduced windows to window, and made it work on the lowest common dinominator
[04:55:27] <rue_bed> as most people fullscreen EVERY app they are running, I dont think many people will find a problem with it
[04:55:51] <rue_bed> and I see now they made it so there is really, really, rudimentrary 'windows'
[04:55:58] <theBear> most people can no longer find an app
[04:55:59] <rue_bed> more like tiling...
[04:56:13] <rue_bed> heh, alt-tab
[04:56:20] <theBear> it kinda makes sense for a little tablet used by an idiot, but not for a pc
[04:56:31] <rue_bed> indeed
[04:57:01] <rue_bed> anyhow, I use linux
[04:57:23] <rue_bed> 98se was better than 3.11, I'v not seen anything better,
[04:57:56] <rue_bed> tho I didn't really get into xp cause of the resource-hoggidness of it
[04:58:11] <rue_bed> I'm NOT buying a bigger computer just to run a newer os
[04:59:09] <rue_bed> and with linux, I dont have to
[04:59:11] <rue_bed> :)
[04:59:28] <twnqx> XP was far better than 98se
[04:59:30] <rue_bed> I was pondering kernel 3 today...
[04:59:34] <theBear> me too, not to mention my desktop looks and works EXACTLY how it did 10 years ago
[04:59:42] <twnqx> and win7 is so far the best windows ever, imho
[05:00:03] <rue_bed> twnqx, with how many gigs of ram?
[05:00:12] <OndraSter_> I have 24
[05:00:13] <OndraSter_> why?
[05:00:15] <twnqx> i am currently at 16
[05:00:32] <twnqx> pondering to upgrade to 32, ramdisks on linux are too small
[05:01:02] <rue_bed> yea, I have 8G, I'v never been able to get it to pull more than 4 without running my program that tries to allocate like 16G
[05:01:29] <twnqx> 4G is the point where win7 runs smoothly
[05:01:34] <rue_bed> ouch
[05:01:48] <rue_bed> I can run smooth at 1G
[05:02:16] <megal0maniac_afk> OndraSter_: Ever used this? http://i.imgur.com/9lMEr7u.png
[05:02:21] <rue_bed> right now, the system has no reason to put junk into swap in the first place
[05:02:23] <megal0maniac_afk> Or any other Windows user
[05:03:09] <OndraSter_> megal0maniac_afk, kernel debug?
[05:03:10] <OndraSter_> no
[05:03:13] <rue_bed> oh yea, and dosn't windows std limit your procesors to like 4?
[05:03:24] <rue_bed> or is it all the way up to 8 now?
[05:03:28] <OndraSter_> processors? maybe
[05:03:29] <OndraSter_> cores? no
[05:03:35] <rue_bed> I think linux is 32 by default
[05:03:47] <OndraSter_> what common motherboard has >4 processors?
[05:03:53] <megal0maniac_afk> Basic windows versions limit to 1 or 2 processors
[05:04:02] <rue_bed> hah
[05:04:03] <OndraSter_> basic = home basic/premium
[05:04:07] <rue_bed> haha
[05:04:09] <OndraSter_> processors != cores!
[05:04:12] <rue_bed> yea
[05:04:24] <rue_bed> how many cores do they limit you to?
[05:04:35] <megal0maniac_afk> 9999999
[05:04:42] <OndraSter_> no limit AFAIK
[05:04:44] <rue_bed> I doubt it, but ok
[05:04:47] <OndraSter_> 128GB for Win7 Prof
[05:04:48] <OndraSter_> RAM
[05:05:09] <rue_bed> hmm, wonder what the limit is on linux...
[05:05:38] <OndraSter_> home basic/premium = 1 CPU, professional/ultimate = 2 CPUs
[05:05:38] <twnqx> whatever you compile it
[05:05:39] <theBear> linux can do 100's if not 1000's if you turn on the BIG smp options
[05:05:40] <rue_bed> (without setting it)
[05:05:40] <OndraSter_> cores unlimited
[05:06:06] <OndraSter_> PCs with multi-core processors:
[05:06:07] <OndraSter_> Windows 7 was designed to work with today's multi-core processors. All 32-bit versions of Windows 7 can support up to 32 processor cores, while 64‑bit versions can support up to 256 processor cores.
[05:06:14] <megal0maniac_afk> OndraSter_: *192gb
[05:06:36] <OndraSter_> could be, I remember it was something >100GB
[05:06:45] <megal0maniac_afk> And 512 for 8 pro
[05:06:49] <OndraSter_> :)
[05:06:59] <megal0maniac_afk> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa366778(v=vs.85).aspx
[05:09:08] <rue_bed> I only see memory settings for 32bit processors
[05:09:13] <megal0maniac_afk> Linux is limited by hardware
[05:09:19] <OndraSter_> use >1024x768 then rue_bed
[05:09:34] <OndraSter_> x64 is on the right half
[05:09:48] <megal0maniac_afk> :P
[05:09:55] <megal0maniac_afk> Linux is >1TB RAM
[05:11:17] <megal0maniac_afk> Realisticaly, 16TB maximum
[05:11:52] <megal0maniac_afk> 64bit addressing logicically limits to 16PB
[05:11:54] <OndraSter_> could be, internal addressing in PCs is now how much? 44bits or thereabouts?
[05:12:02] <megal0maniac_afk> 48bits
[05:12:17] <megal0maniac_afk> Eh... 16 000 000TB
[05:12:30] <OndraSter_> 16EB
[05:12:33] <megal0maniac_afk> I think x64 is fine for the next couple of years :D
[05:12:55] <megal0maniac_afk> Okay okay, maths time. Bye :)
[05:13:02] <OndraSter_> :D
[05:13:04] <OndraSter_> maths sucks
[05:13:26] <rue_bed> it says windows 7 can only do 4G physical memory, even pro
[05:13:34] <twnqx> 32bit
[05:13:35] <megal0maniac_afk> Fun fact, with PAE, you can use 64GB on x86 in Linux
[05:13:40] <megal0maniac_afk> Yeah 32bit
[05:13:40] <twnqx> obviously
[05:14:01] <twnqx> my win7 definitely does use all :P
[05:14:01] <OndraSter_> win supports PAE, but it is disabled by default because no app supports it usually
[05:14:20] <theBear> app ? wtf do apps have to do with memory management ? stupid os
[05:14:24] <rue_bed> wait, they call is x64 for 64bit!?
[05:14:34] <megal0maniac_afk> Um, yes?
[05:14:39] <megal0maniac_afk> Is that not the convention?
[05:14:40] <twnqx> just like windows...
[05:14:43] <twnqx> err linux
[05:15:02] <megal0maniac_afk> x86 = 32bit, x64 = 64bit
[05:15:05] <twnqx> ok, x86_64 :P
[05:15:08] <rue_bed> yea, how the hell you use up more than 4G ram? what DO you have running?
[05:15:10] <OndraSter_> amd64
[05:15:15] <OndraSter_> rue_bed, VM
[05:15:17] <rue_bed> x86 reffers to the processor model
[05:15:31] <twnqx> x264 will full HD and 200 frames lookahead gets pretty close
[05:15:31] <rue_bed> 8086 80286 80386 80486
[05:15:37] <rue_bed> x86
[05:15:46] <megal0maniac_afk> It's legacy, but they're 32bit
[05:15:57] <rue_bed> no
[05:16:17] <rue_bed> 8086 was 16bit (hybrid) 386 was 32
[05:16:27] <theBear> x86 is 80?86 compat, therefore anything up to 64bit procs , either amd64 or ix64
[05:16:44] <theBear> 8086 was 8bit, 8088 was 8bit, 80286 was 16bit
[05:16:56] * megal0maniac_afk shrugs
[05:17:02] <OndraSter_> 8086 was 16bit*
[05:17:17] <theBear> no way man
[05:17:23] <rue_bed> theBear, 8086 was two-byte transfer "16" bit...
[05:17:26] <OndraSter_> 8088 was 16bit with 8bit external bus
[05:17:29] <rue_bed> ah
[05:17:30] <megal0maniac_afk> I'm using 2gb just running spotify and putty :(
[05:17:30] <rue_bed> k
[05:17:42] <rue_bed> I knew that to be true for 8088
[05:17:51] <theBear> holy crap
[05:18:12] <theBear> i been laboluring under a misconception since 286's existed !
[05:18:16] <twnqx> yeah, they were 16bit from the beginning
[05:18:19] <rue_bed> thats why the 8088 had high and low byte junk
[05:18:35] <twnqx> 80286 brought the protected mode as new feature
[05:18:48] <OndraSter_> you know what's funny? We are being taught microprocessors at school on some made-by-them microprocessor with the same design :D
[05:18:53] <OndraSter_> 16bit internal bus, 8bit external data bus
[05:19:00] <rue_bed> then it bit them when they really had a 16 bit processor bus cause you had to be able to say where you wanted your bytes to really go
[05:19:03] <OndraSter_> and microsequencer with microinstructions
[05:19:36] <rue_bed> make a BF BF interpreter :)
[05:19:45] <OndraSter_> :D
[05:20:00] * N2TOH wants a byte code interperter for the AVR
[05:20:07] <rue_bed> you can run it on an AVR, I have intereter code
[05:20:19] <OndraSter_> bytecode for java or .NET? :D
[05:20:38] <rue_bed> its on my site, you flash the BF code string to eeprom, and the firmware interprets it
[05:21:05] <N2TOH> why not run from an SD card?
[05:21:25] <rue_bed> I wanted a project that involved flashing to the eeprom
[05:21:31] <rue_bed> via avrdude
[05:22:21] <rue_bed> I suppose the idea was to make a logger after the BF interperter was done
[05:22:28] <rue_bed> oh well
[05:22:58] <rue_bed> somewhere I have code that increments the first eeprom location every power cycle
[05:23:26] <rue_bed> that was my read/write test
[05:23:45] <rue_bed> I have a tube of 512k eeprom chips too...
[05:24:40] <N2TOH> SD cards are well into the Gigabytes
[05:25:21] <rue_bed> dont need gb, 16 bits/minute lasts a long time on a 512k chip
[05:27:08] <N2TOH> there are other applications where gigabytes are useful
[05:28:01] <rue_bed> yup, and now adapters are a dime a dozen
[05:28:17] <rue_bed> for arduino
[05:28:22] <rue_bed> ""
[05:28:59] <N2TOH> http://minnie.tuhs.org/cgi-bin/utree.pl
[05:29:31] <N2TOH> for fun I sent some of that source thru AVR-GCC
[05:30:16] <rue_bed> they didn't list OSX
[05:31:07] <rue_bed> windows is the last one using a posix core
[05:31:19] <rue_bed> if there is anything left of it
[05:32:01] <rue_bed> I wonder what windows version will take on a linux or BSD core
[05:32:17] <rue_bed> it is, after all, just explorer
[05:32:22] <mdorenka> how can i detect a long-press (say 2 secs) on a button?
[05:32:36] <rue_bed> everything else can be run thru 'windows on windows' filters
[05:32:43] <N2TOH> M$ still has Xenix from what I understand
[05:33:05] <rue_bed> mdorenka, use a timer, and use interrpt on dual edge of the button
[05:33:30] <rue_bed> when you get the button interrupt, see if its up or down and note/read&compare the timer accordingly
[05:33:49] <rue_bed> N2TOH, oh, thought it was a posix ripoff
[05:34:14] <rue_bed> mdorenka, switch bounce may be an issue
[05:34:17] <N2TOH> they liscensed it from Bell labs
[05:34:23] <rue_bed> heh
[05:34:31] <mdorenka> rue_bed, going to debounce it electronically
[05:34:38] <rue_bed> good show
[05:35:00] <rue_bed> I wonder if they still pay bell for anything ;)
[05:35:15] <N2TOH> who knows
[05:35:49] <N2TOH> then again SCO now owns the rights to it
[05:35:49] <rue_bed> I hear a lot of windows users say that you get shafted less if you use a stolen/cracked copy
[05:36:13] <rue_bed> like if your hardware bails 3 times on you
[05:37:03] <rue_bed> mdorenka, does my answer make sense?
[05:37:27] <N2TOH> M$ has a very lax policy on pirates, from what I hear they would rather you steel it rather then use a compeating product
[05:37:35] <rue_bed> I have an example, but its not done with timers because its a shorter delay
[05:38:24] <rue_bed> its a quickpush vs hold button, I use it on a robot
[05:38:46] <rue_bed> a short press toggles motor enable, a long press powers down
[05:40:11] <rue_bed> and i have lots of fun beeping it does to tell you what its doing
[05:54:14] <reddie> Winav hasn't been updated since 2010, is there an alternative? I am just wondering
[05:54:58] <w|zzy> you can get the tool chain direct from atmel..
[05:55:08] <w|zzy> without the ide.
[05:55:15] <reddie> Ahh OOK
[06:03:34] <rue_bed> I'd like to make a scrolling library for 7 segment displays that uses persistance of vision to make letters you cant usualy make on a 7 segment display, like m
[06:05:20] <OndraSter_> m? on a single 7segment?
[06:05:45] <rue_bed> use a constant horizontal scroll speed and let pov to the rest
[06:05:54] <rue_bed> across multiple 7 segs
[06:08:08] <rue_bed> you have to have a few in a row so the eye can track the motion
[06:08:28] <OndraSter_> oh, I thoguht you wanted to do "m" on one :D
[06:11:10] <rue_bed> I suppose it wouldn't take long to generate every combination of 4x4 pixels that can be done in black and white...
[07:11:06] <megal0maniac_afk> If I was in the UK... http://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/Careers/Role-finder/Roles/RFASystemsEngineerOfficer
[07:12:41] <theBear> oooh rue, fancy concept, i like it
[07:13:42] <OndraSter_> hehe megal0maniac_afk
[07:21:35] <twnqx> :S
[07:29:47] <OndraSter_> one logic question:
[07:29:48] <OndraSter_> There's a table with four people who are supposed to sit there. In which order will we sit if you and me, we both wanna sit next to Mary and Will wants to sit next to me on left side?
[07:31:35] <megal0maniac_afk> will, you, mary, me
[07:33:11] <megal0maniac_afk> aaaaaaaw
[07:33:15] <megal0maniac_afk> i see it
[07:33:32] * megal0maniac_afk slaps OndraSter_
[08:19:04] <pingo> lol
[08:24:09] <reddie> If I am using a 3.3V programmer on a 5V avr, will I need to change the brownout to write a .hex?
[08:25:53] <theBear> the brownout won't matter, but it probably won't program... if you talking about using a 3.3v supply that's different
[08:26:16] <reddie> Yeah, it's not programming.
[08:26:44] <reddie> Any trick I can do to program it without getting a 5V isp programmer?
[08:27:19] <reddie> It's an atmega328p
[08:27:54] <Tom_itx> i've programmed them down wot 1.75v with no issues
[08:28:00] <Tom_itx> to*
[08:28:05] <reddie> Yeah, not sure why mine is not working.
[08:28:13] <reddie> It just won't verify
[08:29:11] <reddie> These are the fuses, http://i.imgur.com/4NU8WND.png
[08:30:46] <reddie> It just stalls after writing
[08:40:15] <theBear> what are you powering it with ?
[08:40:27] <theBear> afaik 328p isn't a 5v part
[08:40:35] <theBear> well, 5v-only
[08:40:47] <reddie> I am powering it with 3.3V from the programmer
[08:41:08] <theBear> what clockspeed ?
[08:42:51] <reddie> Umm, the avr is at 16Mhz so I was just testing it with really low baud rates
[08:42:56] <reddie> Should be OK right?
[08:43:46] <reddie> Low fuse is 0xff
[08:43:50] <reddie> High fuse is -xda
[08:43:57] <reddie> Extended is 0x05
[08:44:29] <theBear> i dunno, what does the datasheet say about 16mhz ?
[08:46:30] <reddie> Ahh iirc it's only 16Mhz at 5V
[08:47:42] <RikusW> reddie: your brownout is set at 2.7V....
[08:48:17] <reddie> Someone said it didn't matter
[08:48:24] <reddie> When programming
[08:48:26] <reddie> Not sure
[08:48:47] <RikusW> how about your lockbits ?
[08:48:54] <RikusW> it should be FF
[08:48:58] <reddie> Yeah it is
[11:01:02] <reddie> It's really strange, I can erase the chip etc and read but I just can't write
[11:01:18] <reddie> and can't write fuses.
[11:01:45] <reddie> On this atmega328p, I am using a 3.3V programmer but the circuit is designed for 5V because the 16MHZ oscillator.
[11:06:48] <Casper> that may be why
[11:07:15] <Casper> 3.3V is borderline of being recognised as a logical 1 on the avr if it run at 5V
[11:07:53] <reddie> It's powered at 5V
[11:07:57] <reddie> 33.3V&
[11:08:01] <reddie> 3.3V*
[12:07:46] <reddie> Ha ha, that's strange. I can get small hex files to work but not large ones.
[12:07:52] <reddie> I guess it is due to that oscillator
[12:10:59] <reddie> It works fine very slowly
[12:33:36] <beaky> hello
[12:33:41] <cplcpu> hi!
[12:34:03] <cplcpu> Can anybody point my to a TWI master library for the ATtiny85, that actually compiles with AVR-GCC?
[12:34:24] <cplcpu> Atmel has the application note AVR310, but that one uses includes that are incompatible
[12:34:49] <beaky> I love my tiny but it is too tiny for me. Are there ATmegas with more GPIO and adc channels that come in DIP but also have a PLL and complementary pwm output channel and uarts and spis and i2cs and
[12:35:56] <cplcpu> I love writing hardware constrained code :)
[12:36:14] <beaky> hah
[12:40:42] <bsdfox> Casper, 3.3v should always be high.. it's 0.6Vcc on pins except crystal and reset when Vcc > 2.4v
[12:40:50] <bsdfox> .6*5=3.0v
[13:05:09] <Casper> bsdfox: should, the issue is when the 3.3V device do not output 3.3V exactly, and take times to settle at the voltage, and wire resistamce and inductance and pin capacitance make the fast signal don't go to the full voltage
[13:05:37] <Casper> I've got that issue with a 3.3V pport and a 5V avr...
[13:06:00] <Casper> it was actually outputting more like 3.2V and the 5V reg was at 5.1V
[13:06:58] <cplcpu> beaky: There are plenty of ATmegas with the characteristics you desire. Try the ATmega328 for example
[13:13:08] <beaky> but it lacks internal pll and complementary pwm chanels
[13:13:14] <beaky> pwm output*
[13:18:13] <bsdfox> beaky, what are you needing the PLL for?
[13:19:20] <beaky> high frequency pwm
[13:19:28] <bsdfox> Casper, I think that's a silly argument.. you could be applying 5v and run into the same issues..
[13:20:06] <bsdfox> beaky, what do you need the high frequency for? you might want to look at a different mcu family
[13:20:31] <bsdfox> last I checked the tiny25/45/85 had the high speed pwm peripheral.. not sure of any others
[13:21:05] <Casper> bsdfox: but it's a common issue actually, not a theorical issue
[13:21:11] <Casper> so not silly
[13:28:27] <OndraSter_> beaky, why do you need 64MHz PWM for?
[13:28:29] <OndraSter_> also, get xmega then
[13:28:33] <OndraSter_> 128MHz PWM 19bit.
[13:28:50] <OndraSter_> (basically it adds another 3 bits to the 16bit PWM and runs it at 8 times as fast)
[13:29:25] <beaky> wow
[13:29:42] <beaky> xmega is awesome
[13:29:57] <beaky> too bad they aren't very breadboardable :(
[13:33:02] <specing> WOW very xmega doge!
[13:33:25] <OndraSter_> beaky, well yeah
[13:33:31] <OndraSter_> but you can make 128MHz PWM!
[13:33:34] <OndraSter_> for your SMPS!
[13:33:39] <OndraSter_> and the core can run at incredible speeds!
[13:33:45] <OndraSter_> and you can even overclock the PWM from 128MHz up!
[13:33:52] <OndraSter_> since it is derived from core clock * 4!
[13:33:59] <OndraSter_> or peripheral clock * 4
[13:34:08] <OndraSter_> (which is usually the same as core clock)
[13:35:00] <Casper> it's sad that there is no onboard smps controller :D
[13:36:15] <bsdfox> the chip is an smps controller :P
[13:37:06] <Casper> software or hardware?
[13:37:13] <OndraSter_> haha
[13:39:56] <Fornaxian> aren't there some at90s chips out there made for pwm?
[13:40:36] <OndraSter_> at90pwm
[13:40:36] <OndraSter_> yes
[13:40:44] <OndraSter_> but they are fairly old I think
[13:40:56] <Fornaxian> http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc7734.pdf
[13:41:05] <Fornaxian> still current production though.
[13:41:42] <Casper> at90 is old yeah, it predate the mega series
[13:44:20] <Fornaxian> the at90pwm chips are classified with the atmega chips on atmel's site.
[13:44:29] <OndraSter_> should be identical core
[13:44:35] <Fornaxian> at90s is the predecessor to the atmega I do believe.
[13:44:44] <OndraSter_> aye, they should be equal
[13:44:51] <OndraSter_> instruction-wise
[13:44:53] <OndraSter_> peripherals are diff
[13:44:57] <OndraSter_> no idea how about GPIOs
[13:45:02] <OndraSter_> and other peripherals
[14:04:41] <beaky> i love mcirocontrlers
[14:05:09] <beaky> when confronted with any problem I think "I know; I'll use a microcontroller!"
[14:05:15] <beaky> problem solved
[14:06:47] <pingo> when your tool is a hammer...
[14:07:20] <Fornaxian> all the world looks like a knee.
[14:07:35] <pingo> ouch
[14:59:32] <mike_papa> Can you tell me why led never toggles in this? Simulator in Atmel Studio stops on sleep cpu. On real mcu it doesn't work either. Like ADC is not waking up CPU. I don't have a JTAG :( http://pastebin.com/dv3EWCst
[15:00:23] <mike_papa> ADCSRA |= 1<<ADIE; is set before
[15:12:44] <bsdfox> mike_papa, your crt0 probably jumps to main()
[15:13:28] <bsdfox> and if you want help post all the code
[15:16:12] <mike_papa> there is lot of it, and in complete mess. I'll try to clean it a bit. But.... I've got baby emergency at the moment. Tnx anyway, and i'll be back later.
[17:47:48] <Raazeer> hi all
[17:48:30] <Raazeer> can anyone tell me why some avr uCs have TCCR0 defined and others have TCCR0A/B?
[17:50:21] <Fornaxian> different timer 0?
[17:51:35] <Fornaxian> additional functionality on the one that has A/B
[17:52:17] <Raazeer> Boy that is strange... attiny13 doesn't have an SPH either
[17:53:21] <Fornaxian> smaller stack
[17:53:27] <Fornaxian> doesn't need SPH
[17:53:46] <Fornaxian> SPL is low byte of the stack pointer...SPH is high byte.
[17:54:00] <Fornaxian> attiny13 doesn't have enough ram to need two byte stack pointer.
[17:54:11] <Raazeer> I see
[17:54:32] <Raazeer> I guess TCCR0A and TCCR0B are for timers with more functionality
[17:54:38] <Raazeer> looks like I need TCCR0B
[17:55:11] <Fornaxian> more functionality...additional functionality...SSDF
[17:55:31] <Raazeer> It'll take some time yet till I really see through that mess...
[17:56:34] <Fornaxian> aawww...man...atmel took down the techlib DVD?
[17:56:53] <Raazeer> what's the techlib DVD?
[17:57:06] <Fornaxian> had every avr document available on it.
[17:57:10] <Fornaxian> along with software and other things.
[17:57:19] <Fornaxian> couple GB download
[17:57:21] <Raazeer> I can see where that would be nice...
[17:58:01] <Fornaxian> was hoping to grab the latest but nooooo...it's not there anymore.
[17:58:25] <Raazeer> now I need to download that hex to the chip and see if it works
[17:58:25] <Fornaxian> it had appnotes and everything in it.
[20:17:10] <beaky> hello
[20:19:48] <N2TOH> indeed