#avr | Logs for 2013-10-21

[02:00:27] <rue_bed> hetii... wrong include file
[02:16:21] <bitd> clear all
[02:16:27] <bitd> Ahum.
[03:56:45] <hetii> Hi ;)
[07:01:55] <nmsa> is it possible to install atmel studio 6.5 or 6.0 on ubuntu 13.10?
[07:02:07] <Roklobsta|2> WTF 6.5?
[07:02:15] * Roklobsta|2 goes to www.atmel.com
[07:02:59] <nmsa> 6.1
[07:03:25] <w|zzy> its based on visual studio
[07:04:36] <nmsa> is there any GUI for ubuntu similar to atmel studio?
[07:09:39] <w|zzy> eclipse?
[07:10:33] <nmsa> eclipse does not have the same GUI tools that I can use
[07:11:13] <nmsa> like when I plug on avr dragon, it is convenient to use the gui on atmel studio
[07:12:19] <nmsa> I guess it was not a good decision to make an ide that depends on a specific OS + most probably they pay licensing fee as well
[07:12:29] <nmsa> anyway, thanks for the help
[07:12:29] <w|zzy> looked at atmel studio 32?
[07:12:34] <w|zzy> not sure if that works for avr8 though..
[07:12:42] <nmsa> hmm I did not check it
[07:12:44] <w|zzy> but its eclipse based provided by atmel
[07:13:03] <nmsa> thanks w|zzy, I will take a look at that one
[07:13:39] <w|zzy> kk
[07:13:42] <w|zzy> its old
[07:16:32] <nmsa> that's fine, at least I will not spend more time to find something similar to atmel studio for linux
[07:16:48] <nmsa> thanks a lot
[07:16:51] <nmsa> have a nice da
[07:16:53] <nmsa> y
[07:23:43] <The_Ball> What does the "p" mean in ATmega328P ?
[07:25:32] <district> The_Ball: picopower
[07:36:29] <beaky> hello
[07:36:35] <beaky> is there an ATtiny with uart?
[07:36:51] <beaky> I want to send battery sensor readings to my pc
[07:37:13] <specing> tinyX313?
[07:37:36] <beaky> ah yeah the 16-pin tinies are probably the right tools for the job
[07:37:46] <beaky> 18-pin*
[07:37:52] <beaky> 20 pin*
[07:38:07] <specing> 22?
[07:38:19] <specing> EHRMAGHERDSOMANYPINS?
[07:40:19] <theBear> you use i2c/smbus to send things to your pc
[07:40:39] <theBear> you know it's the right way cos that's what real battery ics do
[07:40:46] <beaky> ah
[07:41:03] <beaky> i think avr has i2c
[07:41:20] <beaky> so i can bitbang smbus
[07:43:48] <Steffan-> This battery is used as power supply for your pc beaky?
[07:44:41] <beaky> no its an external batery for my solar charger
[07:45:00] <beaky> simply monitor its capacity
[07:45:13] <beaky> and stream readings to my pc for graphing
[07:45:16] <Steffan-> oh, then i wouldn't use that smbus stuff.
[07:45:51] <megal0maniac_afk> serial
[07:45:53] <beaky> yeah maybe there is a good protocol for streaming data from a uc to pc
[07:46:40] <hetii> ok i need help, i try run v-usb on atmega128, my pc is not able to enumerate this usb device, as i debug my uC start (i blink some leds). I check also if the connector is right and connect it to atinny45 when some other v-usb project and it works
[07:47:06] <hetii> so the question is why my atmega128 cannot handle it
[07:47:40] <megal0maniac_afk> hetii: It's more likely to be the V-USB code than the uC itself
[07:48:05] <The_Ball> district, ah, pico power
[07:49:28] <hetii> hmm yep any chance to investigate what can be wrong ?
[07:50:33] <RikusW> megal0maniac_afk: I got the USB Blaster partly working :)
[07:50:45] <RikusW> there seems to be buffering issues on USB...
[07:52:08] <megal0maniac_afk> The_Ball: It basically just means you can disable brown out in software, and one or two other things that save power. Code is 100% compatible
[07:52:31] <hetii> yupi :) it works
[07:52:32] <hetii> :)
[07:52:34] <megal0maniac_afk> RikusW: Awesome :)
[07:53:02] <hetii> I discover that have swap pins in header file
[07:54:37] <hetii> hmm
[07:55:19] <hetii> and also i see where i set DDRD = 0xFF; or 0x00 then my device is not enumerate as well
[07:56:11] <RikusW> megal0maniac_afk: it even autodetects the device in Quartus
[07:56:21] <RikusW> some other stuff don't work quite right though...
[07:56:37] <RikusW> at least the jtag bitbang works fine :)
[07:56:46] <megal0maniac_afk> Was just about to ask about that
[07:56:58] <megal0maniac_afk> Can you do Xilinx when you're done? :D
[07:57:14] <megal0maniac_afk> And is that on the u2 or u4?
[07:57:22] <RikusW> both
[07:57:53] <RikusW> and ftdi send 2 status bytes at the start of every 64 byte usb packet which is proving to be a huge pita
[07:58:06] <RikusW> they should have used a seperate interrupt endpoint :(
[07:58:37] <RikusW> original usb blaster is FT245 + cpld for jtag bitbanging
[07:59:08] <RikusW> I even have cloned cpld VHDL here which I sort of understand by now
[07:59:47] <megal0maniac_afk> Awesome :)
[08:00:34] <RikusW> google ixo-jtag
[08:00:51] <megal0maniac_afk> VHDL isn't too bad, once you get your head around the concept
[08:00:52] <RikusW> urjtag runs on linux and does read my CPLD jtag id :)
[08:00:56] <RikusW> heh
[08:01:26] <RikusW> I knew what the other C clone code was doing so I could make some sense of the VHDL eventually
[08:01:38] <RikusW> its just a very different way of thinking...
[08:02:32] <RikusW> http://www.sa89a.net/mp.cgi/ele/ub.htm
[08:02:41] <RikusW> pic version...
[08:02:47] <megal0maniac_afk> http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/dsjtag-2-in-1-usb-jtag-cable-for-fpgacpld-p-1040.html?cPath=174
[08:03:48] <megal0maniac> Ah yeah, I remember us talking about this a while back
[08:03:50] <RikusW> the nice thing is the Altera jtag use the same pinout as Atmel :)
[08:04:25] <RikusW> I used the level translator board + jtag adapter
[08:04:49] <RikusW> I got my EPM240T100 board at buybuyfast for $10
[08:06:14] <megal0maniac> buybuyfast doesn't even show up in google
[08:06:28] <megal0maniac> But I remember it :)
[08:08:28] <RikusW> just add .com
[08:08:59] <megal0maniac> i know
[08:09:01] <RikusW> http://www.buybuyfast.com/epm240-altera-max-ii-cpld-development-board_p920.html
[08:14:18] <specing> RikusW: Hmm
[08:14:52] <specing> Can those CPLDs be programmed with opensource software, or do you still need altera's tools?
[08:17:34] <RikusW> urjtag might do it
[08:17:55] <RikusW> you'll still need quartus to generate the files though
[08:19:56] <mdlsa_> is it possible to use 3write SPI on AVR?
[08:22:43] <twnqx> "3write"?
[08:31:52] <juri_> megalo: i'm glad to give you a shell so you can verify it yourself. i'm a bit upset, after several days of fighting with it.
[08:31:59] <juri_> it now works reliably, however.
[08:51:51] <joh__> Hi I've read a few tutorials and some example code for an I2C bus, but when I write or read from some device I have to supply which memory address I am targeting. How can I know how many bytes such a device expects to receive for memory address?
[08:52:34] <megal0maniac_afk> juri_: Which chip is that?
[08:52:37] <joh__> In the examples there seems to always be 2 bytes for memory address, but for example http://pub.ucpros.com/download/MAG3110.pdf?osCsid=or4d9mdgd4lc8qtpet73394dg3 I don't think two bytes is necessary, am I correct?
[08:52:52] <megal0maniac_afk> RikusW: Do you know how similar the altera and xilinx protocols are?
[08:59:57] <RikusW> no idea
[09:04:43] <RikusW> joh__: read the device datasheet and the i2c spec
[09:09:20] <joh__> Yes I have the i2c spec open and as I understand it it works as I said. Not sure what it is called though, is that address called the i2c address? I thought that was the device identifier and address
[09:14:24] <RikusW> something like that
[09:14:33] <RikusW> afaik its the i2c address
[09:16:16] <joh__> alright thanks!
[09:20:46] <twnqx> specing: do you have as much fun with 32bit libs as i have?
[10:04:02] <The_Ball> megal0maniac_afk, oh, you can run without brownout protection on a p device
[10:15:18] <hetii> Hmm
[10:17:17] <hetii> Q: I have two rfid reader. for the same card from first i got bytes like: '\x01\x00\xc4\x0f7' so its 0xc40f37 what is fine and its match to number labeled on card: '0012848951 196,03895'
[10:17:33] <hetii> From other reader i got '\n\rSN 0xECF0230080
[10:18:09] <hetii> and have no clue why its other hex.
[10:51:27] <mdlsa_> is there twi library for atmega168a?
[11:18:07] <theBear> mdlsa_, probably 5 or 10 of them
[11:25:23] <mdlsa_> theBear do you know which one is for atmega168a?
[11:26:36] <theBear> been a long time since i looked, most libs will have a list or say something like "all 8bit avrs (may need pin number/defs modified for some chips)"
[11:27:17] <theBear> generally when i do something new or that i can't find my own old code for, i have a look thru the atmel appnotes, they got code snippets/examples in c and asm for just about everything useful and common
[11:27:20] <mdlsa_> thank you theBear
[11:28:46] <theBear> heh, don't thank me until you find it, that might be the one common/useful thing they don't have one for :)
[12:22:28] <beaky> what is the cheapest avr that combines uart with adc
[12:22:46] <beaky> maybe ill try atmel parts checker
[12:23:02] <beaky> http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=printview&t=55728&start=0
[12:23:36] <beaky> there are lots of avrs out there
[12:25:13] <ryder__> I've got an Atmega328-PU which was working fine and now I've gone and screwed up the fuse bits. Is it possible to reset it to factory settings?
[12:25:52] <vsync_> with hv prog sure
[12:25:56] <beaky> http://support.atmel.com/bin/customer.exe?=&action=viewKbEntry&id=351
[12:26:12] <beaky> high voltage programing is good for when you messed up fuses that isp or jtag wont work
[12:26:34] <vsync_> beaky: so how's pwming the avr +vcc?
[12:27:29] <beaky> it work if i use a second stable suply
[12:27:45] <ryder__> vsync, beaky: thanks but I don't have easy access to a high voltage programmer, is there any other way using my existing programmer?
[12:28:25] <beaky> what programer do you have? the dragon has some header for HV programing
[12:29:17] <ryder__> This is what I have: http://www.onlinetps.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=74_127&products_id=597
[12:30:01] <ryder__> my roommate gave it to me, but I don't think it has HV since it's powered by USB
[12:30:45] <beaky> ah right :(
[12:31:17] <ryder__> I have a 12V battery - can I do something with that? :D
[12:31:54] <vsync_> yes
[12:32:08] <vsync_> red wire goes to red... black wire goes to black
[12:32:16] <vsync_> mains probably works even better
[12:32:25] <vsync_> it's like extreme high voltage programming
[12:32:40] <vsync_> beaky: awesome! did you save energy?
[12:33:01] <vsync_> cause efficiency is where it's at righto?
[12:33:27] <beaky> yes that way i dont leave circuit subsystems on when they dont need to do work
[12:33:35] <ryder__> ah well - I guess nothing much I can do with this unit then :(
[12:33:59] <vsync_> beaky: err, what?
[12:34:24] <vsync_> how does pwming vcc into avr has anything to do with that?
[12:34:37] <twnqx> it will just cause a lot of reboots.
[12:35:39] <vsync_> and have you got the slightest clue why it might be a really, really bad idea to pwm freaking vcc pins on mcus?
[12:35:59] <beaky> no
[12:36:09] <beaky> i am not electronics savvy
[12:36:23] <beaky> hmm whats that smokey smell
[12:36:25] <vsync_> quite apparent. You energy saving savvy?
[12:36:52] <beaky> yes to save energy in avr you just power down unnecessary embedded machinery, sleep mode, cut out polling and use interrupts, etc.
[12:37:08] <vsync_> do you think pwming means this?
[12:37:38] <beaky> nope
[12:37:48] <beaky> only for pwming things like motors, leds, etc.
[12:37:51] <twnqx> if you can run your avr at lower voltage
[12:37:58] <twnqx> then always do it
[12:38:05] <beaky> yes i use coin batteries
[12:38:13] <vsync_> twnqx: not always true either
[12:38:28] <beaky> btw is ATmega328 the cheapest avr in market?
[12:38:31] <beaky> that has adc and uart
[12:38:33] <twnqx> it's not as much saving as lower clocking
[12:38:34] <vsync_> running high clocks low voltages might cause stability issues
[12:38:49] <beaky> ah
[12:38:56] <vsync_> but
[12:38:57] <beaky> yes atmel has a vcc curve for clock speeds
[12:39:03] <beaky> i run at 128Khz
[12:39:11] <vsync_> righto
[12:39:19] <vsync_> pwm it, bro
[12:39:27] <beaky> I would run at 16Khz but then my isp programmer will take ages to program it
[12:39:38] <vsync_> yeah
[12:39:46] <N1njAway> If you use coin cells, consider adding a small boost regulator to suck them dry and still provide 3.3V - the coin cells will QUICKLY drop below their nominal 3V operating voltage, and are rated by the manufacturer to run at a much lower voltage under load after a short time.
[12:39:49] <vsync_> I would run at 1 hz but then i figured i can calculate faster in my head
[12:40:32] <beaky> yes maybe I can use a joule thief
[12:40:38] <beaky> to squeeze juice from the thing
[12:40:46] <vsync_> i can emulate the io lines with a bench psu faster than the avr
[12:40:52] <vsync_> which saves power, tbh
[12:41:41] <vsync_> good luck with that uarting at 128 kHz
[12:41:52] <vsync_> it's all back to the 70s
[12:42:06] <beaky> http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/ATMEGA48A-AUR/ATMEGA48A-AURCT-ND/2774251 this looks like the cheapest avr on digikey
[12:42:15] <beaky> that has both uart and adc
[12:42:30] <vsync_> beaky: may i inquire as to why is it so important to run your avrs at turtle speeds?
[12:42:38] <N1njAway> vsync_: At 128kHz... USART - Unbelievable Slow Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
[12:42:47] <vsync_> yeah =D
[12:42:57] <beaky> lol
[12:43:04] <beaky> i want to run slow to save power
[12:43:09] <beaky> and last a decade on a coin
[12:43:10] <vsync_> erm
[12:43:11] <twnqx> max speed is cpu clock / 8?
[12:43:20] <twnqx> or /4=
[12:43:21] <twnqx> ?
[12:43:27] <N1njAway> vsync_: Little known fact is that if you run at Atmel at a NEGATIVE clock frequency, it actually generates zero-point energy.
[12:44:13] <vsync_> yet
[12:44:49] <N1njAway> beaky: Good circuit design and generous use of sleep mode will save you more power than running slowly beyond a particular point. The 128kHz internal RC will use less power, if you can deal with something that runs that slow. But lowering the speed beyond that is likely to already be past the point of diminishing marginal return.
[12:46:39] <vsync_> a fact that is known by even fewer people than the previous one, if you PWM the oscillator with varying frequencies from negative 100 hz to 250 hz the avr will become a perpetual motion machine
[12:47:28] <vsync_> eh. ffs. failed. that was a hard sentence... I mean, replace the oscillator with pwm
[12:47:34] <beaky> i've found the attiny44, a cheap chip with both uart and adc :D
[12:47:42] <beaky> only $1.20 each
[12:47:48] <vsync_> runs at negative 10 hz?
[12:48:17] <specing> How cheap would a chip cheap if a cheap chip could cheap chip?
[12:49:20] <theBear> 4
[12:49:26] <beaky> hmm problem is the adc and the tx/rx lines are shared
[12:50:09] <vsync_> pwm to the rescue
[12:50:09] <beaky> how do i manage this
[12:50:43] <beaky> pwm will be of no help
[12:50:52] <vsync_> damn
[12:51:34] <theBear> umm, attiny44 doesn't have uart, but it does have 8 adc pins
[12:51:46] <vsync_> fact is. a chinese factory worker can last a decade on rice. and he sure can generate more voltage and current than that
[12:52:10] <vsync_> so rather get one of those. will last a decade. no pwm'ing or understanding of anything required
[12:52:17] <theBear> hmm " It has no USART for serial communication, but provides a USI block which can be used as a USART. " i don't know what that means, i'm outta touch
[12:52:43] <theBear> what is usi ? or is it more than a one line answer ?
[12:53:03] <beaky> oh man usi is probably like bit-banging uart
[12:53:40] <theBear> oh man why so pessimistic ? anything you don't know is the end of the world then a day later you think it's the best thing in the world ! reserve judgement man
[12:54:24] <beaky> right I think i will go with the ATMega48 then
[12:54:53] <theBear> the parametric giant table at the atmel page is good for picking which avr will do
[12:57:25] <vsync_> in all fairness, and seriousness, i think you should just pick some arduino board or a cheap clone for starters
[12:57:35] <vsync_> would save you a lot of trouble soldering those veroboards... for sure
[12:58:07] <theBear> unless i'm mental he has one already
[12:58:10] <theBear> maybe more than one
[12:58:16] <theBear> and a dragon and a usbtinyisp
[12:58:39] <beaky> yeah i have a dragon
[12:58:46] <vsync_> and $10k worth of scopes probes and meters
[12:59:00] <theBear> he didn't have a meter or scope few days ago
[12:59:04] <vsync_> how much does a dragon cost?
[12:59:06] <theBear> tho i suspect he got one yesterday
[12:59:08] <theBear> too much
[12:59:13] <theBear> i don't care what it does, too much
[12:59:21] <vsync_> ballpark figure?
[12:59:25] <theBear> and now, to the workshop where your chat cannot mess with me
[12:59:35] <vsync_> mmeh
[12:59:41] <theBear> i haven't looked for maybe 7 or 8 years, i decided instantly it'd always be too much
[13:00:14] <vsync_> it's like 65 € here from a local dealer
[13:00:18] <vsync_> hahah f*** that
[13:00:45] <theBear> mmm, i don't keep up, but i know euros are worth a LOT more than any dollars
[13:01:25] <twnqx> vsync_: 48.95€ here :P
[13:01:32] <vsync_> yeah, but well. We have a high VAT
[13:01:45] <vsync_> So it's probably around 60 bucks or even less, from digikey or the likes
[13:02:03] <vsync_> paying 24% VAT and the importers are arseholes anyway
[13:02:23] <vsync_> twnqx: where is that?
[13:03:06] <theBear> wow, that's a lotta tax, we used to have very varying taxes, often the import or distributor tax was around 20%, these days it's flat 10% gst (basically vat) but we pay 25c/kwh so ya know, it's not all good
[13:03:43] <vsync_> theBear: so you should probably start lowering those avr clocks to save energy also
[13:03:53] <twnqx> vsync_: .de
[13:05:20] <vsync_> twnqx: can you point me to your dealer? :) sure sounds like a good place for my future orderings... cause i'm a digikey heavy user :[
[13:05:42] <vsync_> thing is, goods delivered from within the EU are tax-free!
[13:06:09] <twnqx> reichelt.de - if your german is good enough... but i guess they will charge the 19% .de tax (included in the above price, though)
[13:06:16] <theBear> i haven't programmed an avr since i moved to this place a few years back, i turn on the odd old thing with one in, but lets just say, that's the least of my worries right now
[13:06:40] <theBear> tho i am 'literally days away' from having a programming setup and actually making something for the first time in a long time
[13:08:10] <vsync_> twnqx: yeah I know. However, I was referring to the fact that goods delivered outside the EU, i basically pay their tax, and when it lands here i'll have to pay the 24% also
[13:08:26] <twnqx> uh...
[13:08:33] <twnqx> not for digikey/mouser
[13:08:56] <vsync_> had to for my last digikey shipment
[13:09:02] <twnqx> how can that happen
[13:09:15] <vsync_> I am totally not sure. But was quite mad
[13:09:23] <theBear> tho it's much more likely to happen if i can stay away from irc !
[13:09:36] <twnqx> i heard of french UPS failing hevaily on that, but usually you get refunded via digikey
[13:09:59] <vsync_> yeah, well, finnish UPS this time
[13:10:30] <twnqx> for germany it's easier sicne digikey charges german taxes directly :P
[13:10:53] <twnqx> also, apparently lowest VAT in .eu, which is kind of scary
[13:12:03] <vsync_> hah
[13:12:27] <vsync_> well, maybe technically. in practise I'd assume "lowest VATs" being in italy, greece, and the likes
[13:12:33] <twnqx> :>
[13:12:36] <vsync_> simply because of the fact that no-one really pays them
[13:13:57] <megal0maniac_afk> theBear: Dragon costs $50 from Atmel. The JTAGICE3 was $199, but now it's $99 so it's a realistic alternative to the dragon.
[13:14:25] <vsync_> free samples plz
[13:14:44] <twnqx> mk2, 346€... mk3, 115€
[13:14:48] <twnqx> something seems wrong
[13:15:21] <megal0maniac_afk> And the USI is a configurable shift register, in essence. So you can do SPI, UART or I2C with it. Takes some of the load off the CPU, and some of the pain out of bit bashing, but isn't done purely in hardware like a true USART/SPI/I2C module
[13:15:37] <megal0maniac_afk> Found in the tiny25/45/85
[13:15:38] * twnqx bashes bits
[13:15:40] <twnqx> they suck!
[13:15:43] <megal0maniac_afk> Amongst others
[13:15:47] <twnqx> so small!
[13:16:32] <megal0maniac_afk> twnqx: It's an evil ploy to push sales of the jtagice3
[13:16:42] <megal0maniac_afk> And they are. I want valves or punchcards
[13:17:00] <megal0maniac_afk> theBear: Know anything about building a simple phono preamp?
[13:17:14] <twnqx> you know i am making fun of you for using bit bashing, right? :>
[13:17:29] <megal0maniac_afk> twnqx: Yes :)
[13:17:31] <megal0maniac_afk> BANG
[13:17:43] <megal0maniac_afk> But I like bit bashing more
[13:18:41] <vsync_> bit bashing is a routine where the bits are sent through a boot camp where a drill sergeant demoralizes and takes the edge out of them so they'd behave
[13:23:04] <specing> hahahahhaa
[13:34:21] <vsync_> finally figuring fat32 out... boy would have sure helped if i'd figured it being little endian to begin with
[13:43:32] <OndraSter> haha vsync_
[13:45:18] <theBear> megal0maniac_afk, umm, most things, you mean stereo or just mono ?
[13:45:37] <theBear> i should have the 2 relevant links either way... lemme check
[13:46:29] <theBear> oh wait, we mean a 'normal' phono preamp, or the one for the almost-nonexistant-these-days other kind of pickup (erm, pretty sure 'normal' is magnetic)
[13:52:09] <theBear> anyway, gotta go back to the bench as soon as i check a pinout, but http://www.reprise.com/host/circuits/images/riaa_schematic.gif and http://www.paia.com/prodimages/riaasch.gif at a glance are the 2 simple approaches, basically single stage/opamp and slightly more mathematically correct 2 stage, and http://www.hqew.net/files/Images/Article/Circuit_Diagram/riaa-phono-catridge-pre-amp.gif is just the first
[13:52:09] <theBear> random i found with the graph explaining what they do
[14:03:15] <megal0maniac_afk> theBear: Ah, cool. Thanks :)
[14:03:53] <megal0maniac_afk> Yes, standard turntable phono level, stereo. My new amp lacks a preamp, and I'm lending my old one to a mate
[14:04:20] <theBear> mmm, any of those basic circuits are more than acceptable for general listening
[14:06:19] <megal0maniac_afk> I got http://www.ti.com/product/tpa3122d2 and http://www.ti.com/product/drv134 in my last shipment. Sadly, neither will help :)
[14:09:35] <megal0maniac_afk> I do miss the old one... http://www.ti.com/product/drv134
[14:09:51] <megal0maniac_afk> * http://imgur.com/ufWGuva
[14:11:55] <theBear> shiny :) i miss having my .. damned brain, umm, marantz? old silverface rig all out in the open adn setup... one of these days i WILL complete the set with the preamp/amp pair or amp/preamp in one .... they just ain't easy to find, too damned good :)
[14:17:09] <megal0maniac_afk> theBear: The upgraded version of my current amp has a pre built-in. And I know there's one sitting in a vacant house of a family friend. It's too awkard to ask if I can swap, and I'd feel bad just swapping, even though they wouldn't notice :)
[14:17:24] <megal0maniac_afk> The Pioneer isn't a great amp, but it's pretty
[14:19:32] <theBear> heh yeah, sometimes life would be much 'easier' if we weren't so honest
[14:20:07] <theBear> mmmm, the old marantz stuff i got isn't 'special' either, but it comes from a time when things had cool curly writing and nice shiny brushed matching front panels, and well, things were built 'properly'
[14:22:47] <megal0maniac_afk> I also have a (broken) B&O turntable which came with an optional slot-in preamp. The manual comes with the PCB layout and schematic if you want to build it yourself, or need to fix it. It's nice :)
[14:22:50] <tzanger> My dad has a marantz hi-fi that still works perfectly fine
[14:23:06] <tzanger> it's had caps changed and a few semiconductors changed over the years but it's still in good owrking condition
[14:23:58] <theBear> i always liked that with older stuff, schematics on the back or bottom or inside the panel
[14:24:08] <tzanger> yep
[14:24:18] <tzanger> I've been pretty lucking in finding service manuals for a lot of my stuff
[14:24:33] <tzanger> almost all my test equipment, tablets, laptops, etc.
[14:48:42] <juri_> megal0maniac_afk: an atmega 8535
[14:49:04] <megal0maniac_afk> juri_: You're making that up ;)
[14:49:24] * theBear doesn't believe his eyes !
[14:49:40] <megal0maniac_afk> theBear: She stole it from a UPS, or something
[14:50:22] <theBear> heh, and wow, i didn't know juri was a girls name :)
[14:51:19] <megal0maniac_afk> I didn't know that juri was a name, but this does not surprise me, since I doubt anyone here is familiar with "Nosipho" or "Ntobeko"
[14:51:50] <juri_> megalo: i can take a picture if you want. ;P
[14:52:12] <juri_> i was a bit suprised... so, i decided to make it part of my 3d printer.
[14:52:38] <megal0maniac_afk> I found the datasheet. Atmel never lies, so i believe you now. It's not a bad part though. An oldie, but capable enough
[14:52:38] <juri_> it seemed like the natural thing to do. ;)
[14:52:51] <theBear> i can say an african name with a click in it, but i got no idea how to say ntobeko
[14:53:10] <theBear> an actual name that is, not a made up one :)
[14:53:35] <juri_> i'm actually just using it as a placeholder. i intend to productize atmega 48 based boards.
[14:53:44] <megal0maniac_afk> My name is boring and european
[14:54:09] <megal0maniac_afk> juri_: Why change? They do pretty much the same things. Just smaller package. Less IO
[14:54:42] <juri_> price differences. i can get atmega48s for <$1 each. the 8535 will run you $3.
[14:54:53] <megal0maniac_afk> Eek
[14:55:12] <megal0maniac_afk> Well, if you're making more than one...
[14:55:22] <juri_> i plan on making about a hundred.
[14:55:47] <megal0maniac_afk> Well now you have my attention
[14:57:17] <juri_> its nothing too exciting. a combination of i2c->gpio+temperature_sensors, doing PID control.
[15:00:44] <megal0maniac_afk> Ask RikusW about that bootloader issue. He's messed around about as much as one can with bootloaders. Using ASM to cram far too much stuff into too little space :)
[15:03:14] <juri_> oh, i've got the microcontroller going back and forth between app and bootloader now. it just *always* starts in the app, ignoring the '1' bit in the high fuse.
[15:03:44] <megal0maniac_afk> That's exactly the issue I'm referring to ;)
[15:05:18] <juri_> yea, its totally contrary to the datasheet... and very confusing to debug.
[15:05:46] <juri_> i went through a LOT of write cycles finding that out.
[15:19:08] <MannImMond_afk> juri_which datasheet?
[15:19:20] <MannImMond_afk> juri_:
[15:23:16] <juri_> MannImMond_afk: doc2502 mean anything to you? ;)
[15:23:37] <MannImMond_afk> I prefer the part :D
[15:23:56] <juri_> 2502k-avr-10/06. the atmega8535.
[15:24:39] <MannImMond_afk> Uhm, what is reversed there? Fusebit set to 1(unprogrammed) means start in app
[15:24:58] <juri_> set to one, or set to zero. app is always the first thing to start.
[15:25:04] <MannImMond_afk> ah hmm
[15:25:14] <MannImMond_afk> let's see if I got one of those at hand
[15:25:37] <juri_> i've got an app and bootloader for it.
[15:31:09] <megal0maniac_afk> That just makes me think that the bootloader is in the wrong place
[15:31:25] <megal0maniac_afk> Because jumping to bootloader from app code is not the same as staring up in bootloader
[15:31:58] <megal0maniac_afk> And I'm pretty sure the avr will start the app if it fails to find bootloader in the expected location
[15:32:34] <juri_> yes, but i'm seeing the opposite behavior: the chip starts the bootloader if no app is present.
[15:33:19] <megal0maniac_afk> It must really like that app >.<
[15:33:25] <juri_> the bootloader is pretty large, and takes up everything from C00 to the end of flash.
[15:33:52] <megal0maniac_afk> Hang on a second
[15:36:11] <megal0maniac_afk> Oh okay, never mind. Thought you were putting it in app space. But C00 is the beginning for 1024 word bootloader
[15:36:46] * megal0maniac_afk had to fire up AS4 just to find that out
[15:54:40] <Brittany_> Hi guys. I was just playing around with the low fuse values on my m644p, I basically have a choice between 'low' and 'high' start up time. I'm a little new so I'm not really sure how to deduce what AVR would consider high or low. Any pointers?
[15:55:21] <MannImMond_afk> High if you don't care for speed/power consumption
[15:56:44] <Brittany_> I've had it set to low to be certain, but I did wonder whether it applied more to what you wanted from the chip, as opposed to what your osc. is doing. thanks.
[16:10:20] <theBear> from memory the clock section of the dataasheet covers that stuff
[16:25:02] <beaky> my transducer only outputs between 0.1V and 1V. how do I measure this kind of thing using the internal 1.1V reference
[16:35:23] <Casper> beaky: use the ADC
[16:46:26] <beaky> wont it be inaccurate?
[17:03:45] <hetii> re :)
[17:13:19] <hetii> Q: Why when i add -Wl,--section-start=.text=$(BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS) to LDFLAG its broke v-USB? uC rester all the time and try enumerate usb device
[17:13:33] <hetii> Adress i have set to 0x1F000
[17:17:25] <hetii> *restart
[22:39:29] <jenia> hello everyone
[22:40:15] <Casper> Hello neighbour
[22:40:34] <jenia> i'm using the 16 bit register, register 1 its called on the AT90USB1286
[22:40:47] <jenia> hehe
[22:41:12] <jenia> now, i want to reset the clock divider. that register where you can set the frequency
[22:41:59] <jenia> do i have to initialize the whole timer again each time? like choose the phase correct pwm, choose the pin to toggle and so on?
[22:42:15] <jenia> or do i have to somehow use the interrupt handler features or something?
[22:42:57] <Casper> why would that have anything to do with it?
[22:43:40] <jenia> cause when i reset the "clock divider" registers, the program stop executing
[22:43:52] <jenia> it just freezes
[22:44:01] <jenia> so i was wondering what to do
[22:44:04] <Casper> you probably have a bug in your code
[22:44:09] <Casper> or missed something
[22:44:16] * Casper didn'T used that one, so can't say for sure
[22:44:50] <jenia> humm. so normally you can just reset the register controlling the clock divider with no problems?
[22:45:06] <Casper> I beleive so
[22:45:18] <jenia> okay thanks casper, friendly ghost!!
[22:45:41] <Casper> you may be limited by which register you can use to do the data move, but beside that it should be fine...
[22:46:12] <Casper> now, time to make a few glass of gatorade...