#avr | Logs for 2013-10-19

[04:10:54] <megal0maniac_afk> h
[04:34:01] <juri_> hio. ;)
[05:04:46] <megal0maniac_afk> juri_: I shouldn't actually do that. I accidentally banished someone from #avr for randomly dropping h bombs :P
[05:05:42] <megal0maniac> RikusW: Hey. That GPS cattle project all wrapped up?
[05:06:01] <RikusW> not quite
[05:06:27] <RikusW> I got the Altera USB blaster to enumerate early this morning :)
[05:06:37] <RikusW> Quartus even sees it
[05:06:48] <RikusW> but it doesn't work for some reason...
[05:07:15] <RikusW> Hi megal0maniac (I'm using reverse polish notation :-P )
[05:07:56] <RikusW> Bus 001 Device 008: ID 09fb:6001 Altera Blaster
[05:07:56] <RikusW> Bus 001 Device 006: ID 03eb:2018 Atmel Corp. at90usbkey sample firmware (CDC ACM
[05:08:00] <RikusW> lsusb output
[05:16:22] <megal0maniac> That with the U2S?
[05:16:38] <RikusW> yes
[05:16:41] <megal0maniac> Nice :)
[05:16:56] <megal0maniac> I taught myself interrupts
[05:17:01] <megal0maniac> And waking from sleep
[05:17:05] <RikusW> good :)
[05:17:14] <megal0maniac> 550uA down from 7.4mA :P
[05:17:34] <RikusW> actually I'm using 32u4 now, its got jtag and my jtagice works in virtualbox
[05:17:37] <megal0maniac> I know I can do more, but when I set all the bits in the PRR, it went into a coma
[05:17:44] <RikusW> but it works on 32u2 too
[05:17:56] <RikusW> 550uA :)
[05:18:25] <RikusW> did you use a timer to wakeup ? and turned it off in PRR ? :-P
[05:18:50] <megal0maniac> Nope, used low level on INT0
[05:19:15] <megal0maniac> Which is asynchronous
[05:20:17] <twnqx> RikusW: which ice?
[05:20:29] <megal0maniac> twnqx: Old ice :P
[05:20:30] <RikusW> jtagice mki++ :)
[05:20:34] <twnqx> ah
[05:20:41] <RikusW> my own version, with hacked AS4 dll
[05:20:48] <RikusW> now it can debug m32u4
[05:21:16] <megal0maniac> But not 1284p :(
[05:21:16] <twnqx> i am still pondering the mk3, now that megal0maniac showed me it works with avarice and avrdude :P
[05:21:26] <RikusW> the original mki won't work because the flash programming algorithm is different for new avrs
[05:21:26] <megal0maniac> twnqx: It really is very nice
[05:21:33] <megal0maniac> And fast
[05:21:46] <RikusW> megal0maniac: did you get the mk3 ?
[05:21:51] * megal0maniac nods
[05:21:55] <RikusW> nice :)
[05:22:04] <megal0maniac> Next purchase will be...
[05:22:09] <megal0maniac> New tyres for the car :P
[05:22:11] <twnqx> mk4? :P
[05:22:19] <megal0maniac> Yeah, when life gets in the way
[05:22:22] <RikusW> AVR ONE!
[05:22:25] <megal0maniac> NOOOOOOOO
[05:22:32] <megal0maniac> Don't need trace support just yet
[05:22:38] <RikusW> or the price tag
[05:22:44] <twnqx> new tyres... last month.
[05:22:56] <twnqx> that was expensive
[05:22:59] <RikusW> megal0maniac: where did you buy the mk3 ?
[05:23:02] <twnqx> each one more than a mk3 :(
[05:23:22] <megal0maniac> But I shall be working my arse off in December
[05:23:40] * twnqx will work all november in shenzen :S
[05:24:05] <megal0maniac> RikusW: Family friend went to EU. No tax and cheaper shipping
[05:24:07] <RikusW> twnqx: are you going to meet hackvana ?
[05:24:30] <twnqx> no idea
[05:24:42] <RikusW> he is in the area somewhere
[05:24:46] <twnqx> i know :P
[05:24:50] <megal0maniac> RikusW: Are you coming to Cape Town some day? :P
[05:24:58] <RikusW> maybe
[05:25:02] <twnqx> pondering if i'll ask him to show the shopping places of interest :P
[05:25:08] <megal0maniac> twnqx: DO IT
[05:25:20] <twnqx> but shnzen is HUGE
[05:25:28] <megal0maniac> Plan ahead
[05:25:41] <megal0maniac> And public transport
[05:26:12] <twnqx> helicopter? :S
[05:26:33] <twnqx> if it's anything like sao paulo it takes half a day from one end to the other
[05:27:57] <megal0maniac> "No screens found"
[05:28:01] <megal0maniac> Damn x server :(
[05:29:12] <megal0maniac> Yay for xorg.conf.backup :D
[05:39:18] <RikusW> what is a good Linux app for spying on USB ?
[05:39:41] <RikusW> seems nothing is coming through on the data ep :(
[05:41:34] <blathijs> RikusW: There is the usbmon module I think, which can list all transactions (not sure if it also lists content)
[05:41:48] <blathijs> RikusW: Also, I think that Wireshark can sniff full USB traffic (probably through usbmon)
[05:42:30] <hackvana> twnqx: cc:RikusW: I'm in Australia at present. I can hook you up with some cool guys in Shenzhen if you like.
[05:43:07] <RikusW> blathijs: thanks, will look into that, seems I'lll have to install usbmon
[05:43:13] <twnqx> we will see how much work there is
[05:43:23] <twnqx> nov 03 - nov 30 it seems for now
[05:43:35] <twnqx> and i want to go over to hong kong for a weekend at least :P
[05:43:52] <blathijs> RikusW: IIRC once you loaded the usbmon module, you can just cat some file in /sys/debug to get basic output
[05:46:07] <RikusW> I don't see usbmon in the installer....
[05:50:19] <megal0maniac> twnqx: Just personally confirmed myself that it definitely works with linux
[05:50:29] <megal0maniac> (avrdude and avarice on the jtag3)
[05:50:40] <megal0maniac> -myself
[05:52:16] <megal0maniac> Except I don't know how to use avarice, so all I know is that it detected the target, and said "Failed to set Xmega breakpoints: wrong mode"
[05:53:04] <RikusW> you need to use gdb with avarice
[05:55:03] <megal0maniac> I know, but I haven't set any of that up. Studio works nicely
[05:55:28] <RikusW> it does
[05:56:23] <RikusW> megal0maniac: I might bug you for protocol dumps sometime ;)
[05:56:43] <RikusW> avarice documents it somewhat
[05:56:53] <RikusW> seems its totally new
[05:57:06] <RikusW> and very different from the mkii protocol
[05:57:18] <megal0maniac> RikusW: Sure :)
[05:57:43] <megal0maniac> The beta Saleae Logic software does USB as well. Full and low speed
[05:57:43] <RikusW> you could use snoopy-pro or similar
[05:59:16] <megal0maniac> True. But it's still cool
[05:59:35] <RikusW> the easiest is to dump seperate actions into seperate files, like read signature, read fuses, etc
[05:59:50] <RikusW> much easier to see whats happening then
[06:00:12] <RikusW> or what the log while doing something
[06:06:54] <megal0maniac> Well, university holidays are about a month away
[06:07:05] <megal0maniac> Then I'll have loads of time ( when I'm not working)
[06:07:28] <megal0maniac> I added my Seagate Dockstar to a build farm XD
[06:08:03] <megal0maniac> 1.2ghz ARM with 128mb of RAM, and it was only the 3rd slowest: http://build.rockbox.org/data/4ead034-clients.html
[06:18:37] <blathijs> RikusW: What Linux distro are you using? usbmon is a kernel module, so it's likely installed already. If so, you can just load it using "modprobe usbmon"
[06:22:26] <RikusW> ah, I'll try that thanks
[06:23:09] <RikusW> done, thanks blathijs :)
[06:26:54] <RikusW> I was wondering why there are no interfaces in wireshark... seems sudo fixed that :)
[06:35:13] <megal0maniac> sudo is magic
[06:35:35] <Roklobsta> sudo make me a sandwich
[06:38:35] <RikusW> sudo rm -rf / :-D
[06:38:57] <Valen> everybody goes on about rm -rf /
[06:39:10] <Valen> its bad sure but dd is going to be far worse
[06:40:08] * Valen has recovered a system somebody rm -rf ed
[06:41:21] <Roklobsta> valen you go first
[06:41:35] <Roklobsta> howd you recover it?
[06:41:54] <megal0maniac> Re-install? :P
[06:43:42] <Valen> ran data recovery tools
[06:43:55] <Valen> there are things out there for ext2/3 to "undelete" the files
[06:44:18] <Valen> re-installed the OS, then copied over the recovered files
[06:44:21] <Valen> it wasn't perfect
[06:44:25] <Valen> but it recovered enough
[07:14:57] <RikusW> wireshark just became my new best friend ;)
[07:22:24] <Fornaxian> wireshark rocks.
[07:22:38] <Fornaxian> use it for diagnosing network connectivity issues all the time.
[07:22:59] <Fornaxian> I have two 10Mb/s hubs for doing packet captures with it.
[07:29:36] <RikusW> just as useful for USB
[07:33:41] <Fornaxian> I can imagine.
[07:33:48] <Fornaxian> will have to play with that part
[07:34:42] <Valen> bah, i got bit by floating point maths
[07:34:44] <Valen> :-<
[07:34:45] <megal0maniac> Haven't used it for that
[07:35:00] <megal0maniac> Fornaxian: Why 10mbps?
[07:35:12] <Fornaxian> try finding a faster hub.
[07:35:19] <Valen> doing maths on 0.06 winds up totally different to 0.062
[07:35:32] <Valen> Fornaxian: I was about to say something like that ;->
[07:35:37] <Fornaxian> if I could find a cheap managed switch that will allow me to do packet sniffing I would do that.
[07:35:48] <Valen> These days I think one would have to get a cheap managed switch
[07:35:50] <Valen> lol snap
[07:35:51] <Fornaxian> but it has to fit in my computer bag.
[07:36:07] <Valen> cisco have some 8 ports i wonder if they will do port mirroring
[07:36:08] <Fornaxian> I fix copiers for a living...and have to deal with networking them.
[07:36:28] <Valen> people are too afraid to drop to packet captures these days
[07:36:28] <Fornaxian> sometimes I have issues with scanning....some windows installs give me fits..
[07:36:36] <megal0maniac> I'm confused. 100mbps are cheap, and gigabit aren't /that/ expensive
[07:36:38] <Fornaxian> so, packet capture to see what the problem is.
[07:36:44] <Valen> megal0maniac: *HUB*
[07:36:46] <Fornaxian> megal0maniac, yes, switches are cheap.
[07:36:47] <Fornaxian> but
[07:36:48] <Valen> notice not switch
[07:36:54] <Fornaxian> you can't do a packet capture on a cheap switch.
[07:36:55] <Valen> old school
[07:37:04] * megal0maniac clearly hasn't ever heard of a hub
[07:37:05] <Fornaxian> data goes from one port to one other port on switch
[07:37:13] <Fornaxian> on a hub data goes from one port to all other ports.
[07:37:28] <Valen> Fornaxian: I'm thinking there must be some 3 port thingie that will do this that'll probably run off usb
[07:37:29] <megal0maniac> Would a router count as a hub?
[07:37:37] <megal0maniac> Or work as one, anyway
[07:37:40] <Fornaxian> so you can hook up 3 devices...have 2 communicate with each other...and have the 3rd monitor the data through.
[07:37:49] <Valen> hubs are dumb
[07:37:51] <Fornaxian> megal0maniac, most routers have a switch built in, not a hub.
[07:37:58] <Valen> data comes in on one port it goes out on all the others
[07:38:06] <Valen> theres not much electronics in them
[07:38:07] <Fornaxian> I have a 100Mb/s hub but it's a big rack mount thing.
[07:38:14] <Valen> you can imagine the whole thing being done with diodes
[07:38:25] <Fornaxian> Valen, almost....but not quite.
[07:38:36] <megal0maniac> Fornaxian: But I can packet capture with my router, and I get everything going between two ports
[07:38:40] <Valen> yeah i know, but its a close enoguh analogy
[07:38:56] <Fornaxian> old arcnet hubs were just dumb connections.
[07:39:37] <Fornaxian> capturing on the router?
[07:39:41] <Valen> yeah
[07:39:47] <Valen> he doesn't get where you would use it
[07:40:25] <Fornaxian> if you plug 3 devices into the router...send data from device 1 to device 2...can you capture that data with device 3?
[07:41:31] <Fornaxian> what I do is plug my hub in between the copier and the wall and hook my computer to that hub as well....then when I scan to the customer's server(or attempt to), I can use my computer to capture all the data packets being sent back and forth.
[07:41:44] <Fornaxian> can't do that with a dumb switch....
[07:41:53] <megal0maniac> If device 3 is the router itself, then yes. It runs tcpdump and I can either pipe the output to wireshark over ssh or save to a USB stick
[07:41:56] <Fornaxian> for a switch to do that it must support mirroring.
[07:42:02] <Valen> http://dangerousprototypes.com/2011/08/25/another-passive-ethernet-sniffer/
[07:42:07] <Fornaxian> megal0maniac, then you probably have a switch on there.
[07:42:21] <Fornaxian> and the router is tied into the switch processor.
[07:42:39] <Valen> megal0maniac: ok you are a printer service person, I am the IT administrator. I have a squillion dollar cisco switch
[07:42:52] <Valen> you suspect there is a problem with the cable to the printer
[07:43:03] <Valen> I am not giving you root on my switch to do packet captures
[07:43:09] <Valen> what are you going to do?
[07:44:10] <megal0maniac> Put my router in between the printer and whatever it's connected to (like a hub), configure the two ports to forward everything transparently, and tcpdump
[07:44:30] <megal0maniac> Or buy a hub and use my laptop
[07:44:37] <Valen> there ya go
[07:44:52] <Valen> because putting a router in there could well mask whatever the problem is
[07:46:17] <megal0maniac> Hmmm...
[07:47:33] <megal0maniac> So basically, you're saying that the router can only packet capture if its connected to the switch, but if it's connected, then it could interfere
[07:47:56] <Valen> you are doing port forwarding, you are needing to change ip addresses and all sorts
[07:48:04] <Valen> in many places theres no way you could do that
[07:48:07] <megal0maniac> Valen: Not in this case
[07:48:35] <Fornaxian> still need a computer to access the router.
[07:48:49] <Fornaxian> and I can setup and do a packet capture for hours...have done a 48 hour capture before.
[07:48:49] <Valen> the point being made, is you are using a very messy setup to try to emulate the functionality of a 20 year old bit of kit
[07:49:00] <Valen> the "modern" way is to do a port mirror on the switch
[07:49:12] <Valen> though I'm seeing network taps as the ducks nuts now
[07:49:24] <Valen> I need one for a job i have coming up shortly so... bonus ;->
[07:49:39] <Fornaxian> if I had a switch that could do that and would fit in my computer case then I would use that.
[07:49:42] <Valen> also most consumer routers can't do packet captures nor can most devices
[07:49:51] <Valen> Fornaxian: http://www.dual-comm.com/port-mirroring-LAN_switch.htm ?
[07:50:03] <Valen> http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/USB-Powered-Gigabit-Ethernet-Network-TAP-Switch-/350385123940?
[07:50:31] <Fornaxian> hmm.
[07:50:48] <Fornaxian> second one is a bit pricy.
[07:50:50] <Valen> usb powered which is helpfull
[07:50:53] <Valen> it is gigabit
[07:50:53] <Fornaxian> might can get work to buy the first one.
[07:51:05] <Valen> I'
[07:51:24] <Valen> I'm thinking there must be somebody out there who has made a passive tap with 2x usb ethernet chips in it
[07:51:31] <Valen> be the size of an ADSL filter
[07:51:39] <Fornaxian> first one is usb powered too.
[07:51:44] <Valen> http://www.ebay.com/itm/8-Port-Nway-Network-TAP-10-100-Fast-Ethernet-LAN-Switch-/300691168886 and a DC/DC converter perhaps?
[07:51:51] <Fornaxian> passive tap is gonna be a bitch to work with though.
[07:51:56] <Valen> why?
[07:52:07] <Valen> other than the dual capture
[07:52:24] <Fornaxian> when you plug a computer into the tap, you will be interfering with the data.
[07:52:41] <Valen> no, because you can only connect the rx pins of the computer
[07:52:54] <Valen> it'd bother it electrically some i'd imagine
[07:53:15] <Fornaxian> hmm..looks like it is receive only.
[07:53:22] <Valen> a passive tap will be
[07:53:32] <Valen> those hubs i dunno
[07:53:35] <Fornaxian> I can imagine problems with that too.
[07:53:53] <Fornaxian> will need 2 ethernet connections to monitor data both ways.
[07:53:59] <Valen> yup
[07:54:28] <Valen> http://www.fte.com/products/NetworkTap.aspx that is what you are after
[07:54:40] <Fornaxian> which brings me back to needing a switch or hub or another network adapter on the notebook.
[07:54:55] <Valen> HAH
[07:54:59] <Valen> only $995
[07:55:20] <megal0maniac> What's the downside of using port mirroring?
[07:55:32] <Valen> requires configuring
[07:55:35] <Fornaxian> thousand dollars?!?!
[07:55:49] <Valen> using a tap/hub is transparent
[07:55:52] <Fornaxian> megal0maniac, downside is I don't have a switch that will do that....yet
[07:56:12] <Valen> I don't think you will get one cheaper than those hibs
[07:56:55] <megal0maniac> Valen: I have a router (with configurable gigabit switch) that will do mirroring, and it can do the packet capture itself
[07:57:32] <Valen> thats great now go plug that in here http://i.imgur.com/CHTj3Ep.jpg and watch what happens
[07:58:24] <Valen> when it starts broadcasting DHCP and all sorts of other crap
[07:59:52] <Valen> http://www.pcpro.co.uk/realworld/362530/why-you-should-ignore-the-darkside-of-network-taps
[08:00:23] <megal0maniac> I'm almost certain that you can turn that off
[08:00:29] <Valen> but why
[08:00:40] <Valen> why do you want to use the ferari to take your potatos to market?
[08:00:53] <Valen> yes, you can add a trailer hitch
[08:00:57] <Valen> remove the passenger seat
[08:01:05] <Valen> raise it off the ground
[08:01:07] <megal0maniac> Because the ferrari costs less than the wheelbarrow
[08:01:13] <Fornaxian> megal0maniac, yes, you can do it with your router.
[08:01:21] <Fornaxian> how much data can you capture on there?
[08:01:42] <Valen> your router with packet capture and port mirroring was less than $60?
[08:01:46] <megal0maniac> Practically, infinite. 1tb USB hdd, or ssh pipe to my machine
[08:01:49] <megal0maniac> Yes
[08:01:57] <megal0maniac> Gigabit too
[08:02:04] <Valen> and it is a?
[08:02:11] <megal0maniac> TP-Link WR1043ND with openwrt
[08:02:28] <Fornaxian> now, I would have to go about putting openwrt on,,,30 of them.
[08:02:29] <megal0maniac> Not sure if mirroring is in the current release, but there's a working patch for it
[08:02:37] <Fornaxian> to cover all the techs I'm looking for this for.
[08:02:39] <megal0maniac> Fornaxian: It still isn't $1000
[08:02:45] <Valen> and how many hours did you spend getting all this working?
[08:02:59] <Valen> Vs just getting a tool that will do exactly the job we are after?
[08:03:15] <Fornaxian> megal0maniac, I wouldn't go for the 1000 dollar version...way too much...but 60 dollar switches with port mirroring we can do.
[08:03:24] <Valen> usb powered too
[08:03:28] <Valen> one less wall wart
[08:03:37] <Fornaxian> right now we have 6 out of 30 with 10Mb/s hubs.
[08:03:56] <Fornaxian> I want to get the capability out to all 30 techs as easily as possible..and relatively cheaply.
[08:05:04] <Valen> that PoE passthrough will be invaluable to me too
[08:05:09] <Valen> stupid friggin IP phones
[08:05:20] <megal0maniac> Yeah, the PoE passthrough I can't argue with
[08:05:51] <Valen> sounds like it is the real deal, not just a hub
[08:06:00] <Valen> IE its a switch with port mirroring
[08:07:26] <Fornaxian> it is.
[08:07:29] <Fornaxian> read through the page.
[08:07:42] <Fornaxian> I don't want the poe passthrough because xerox copiers HATE poe.
[08:07:47] <Fornaxian> in fact, it can damage them
[08:07:58] <Valen> not sounding very compliant ;->
[08:08:11] <Fornaxian> that's something else I use my hub for...eliminating the possibility of poe causing issues.
[08:08:21] <Fornaxian> they have a picopower ethernet chip.
[08:08:42] <Fornaxian> the chip can actually store up power from ethernet packets,,,then fire up long enough to send a couple of packets out with serial number and meter counts.
[08:08:43] <Valen> still shouldn't cause a problem
[08:08:50] <Valen> lol nice
[08:09:01] <Fornaxian> that tech is not compatible with cisco poe.
[08:09:51] <Fornaxian> can literally plug a device into the ethernet port of modern xerox copiers and in a few seconds get basic info about the machine without ever powering it up.
[08:12:01] <megal0maniac> That's pretty amazing
[08:12:11] <megal0maniac> If only it was compliant :P
[08:13:42] <megal0maniac> https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/10202
[08:14:06] * megal0maniac thinks he effectively has a gigabit hub
[08:14:38] <megal0maniac> But I'm probably missing something
[09:07:08] <Fornaxian> it is compliant...with xerox standards.
[09:07:12] <Fornaxian> not with cisco standards.
[09:08:09] * megal0maniac grumbles about too many "standards"
[09:09:17] <v0kehc> they arent really "standards" if they are proprietary :)
[09:12:04] <Fornaxian> of course not.
[09:14:02] <Fornaxian> there are like 5 different PoE systems used out there and only 2 IEEE standards.
[09:14:50] <Fornaxian> but for Xerox devices, the standard is, make sure PoE is not turned on for the port it is connected to.
[09:14:55] <twnqx> my cisco switch works with my cisco phone and my intelinet access point
[09:16:13] <v0kehc> heh
[09:16:21] <v0kehc> cisco nexus man
[09:16:21] <v0kehc> beating.
[09:17:57] <Fornaxian> and I've seen HP and Dell switches powering Cisco phones too.
[09:17:58] <twnqx> nexus....
[09:18:07] <twnqx> a bit too loud for home use.
[09:18:35] <Fornaxian> and I know of at least one Cisco PoE switch that won't work with modern Cisco phones...one of my customers has it...early Cisco PoE...
[09:26:14] <v0kehc> cisco in general is a bit much for home use
[09:26:16] <v0kehc> heh
[09:26:32] <v0kehc> linksys is still linksys as far as im concerned
[09:30:02] <Casper> linksys, since it went from linux to vxworks went down, and since it went to the UFO style router it went from down to shit
[09:31:12] <v0kehc> calling it great to begin with is a stretch
[09:31:15] <v0kehc> it worked, and continues to work
[09:31:17] <v0kehc> with lesser support for hacking
[09:31:18] <v0kehc> heh
[09:40:04] <megal0maniac> I do like my TP Link stuff
[09:53:31] <Fornaxian> I like my ubiquity gear.
[10:03:58] <Steffan-> So do i LO
[10:04:03] <Steffan-> *:P
[10:10:43] <Tom_itx> Fornaxian what do you have?
[10:10:56] <Tom_itx> i've got the edgemax lite and the wifi
[10:11:01] <Fornaxian> several nanostation loco units.
[10:11:19] <Fornaxian> have gotten 3 miles line of sight with a pair of them.
[10:11:43] <Tom_itx> i looked at the nano and went with the disc
[10:11:58] <Fornaxian> I use them for feeding up to the inlaws house from here..
[10:12:17] <Fornaxian> bout half a mile as the crossbow bolt flies.
[10:12:34] <Tom_itx> no
[10:12:37] <Fornaxian> have them set at about half power and still never lose signal in storm, rain or snow.
[10:12:41] <Tom_itx> bout half mile as the wifi flies :)
[10:12:57] <Tom_itx> much straigher path :)
[10:13:04] <Fornaxian> last crossbow I made would get a bolt to their house in a nice arc.
[10:13:17] <Fornaxian> truck leaf spring for the bow.
[10:13:29] <Tom_itx> cool
[10:13:32] <Fornaxian> 4 pulley offset compound crossbow.
[10:13:39] <Tom_itx> i know someone that makes those as well as cannons
[10:13:40] <Fornaxian> 200 pound pull.
[10:13:50] <twnqx> hmm
[10:14:00] <twnqx> intel gallileo... arduino ofrm factor x86
[10:14:24] <Fornaxian> I take 14 inch spikes, cut the head off them, add fletching, and make the most horrendous bolts.
[10:14:44] <Fornaxian> twnqx, yeah...saw that a couple weeks ago.
[10:14:57] <twnqx> 400mhz
[10:14:59] <twnqx> yumm
[10:15:03] <megal0maniac> Clever move by intel
[10:15:15] <Fornaxian> never saw what OS it ran.
[10:15:17] <Fornaxian> probably linux.
[10:15:18] <Tom_itx> i see Steffan- is back here
[10:15:27] <twnqx> minimalistic linux
[10:15:30] <Steffan-> Just to check on you Tom_itx :P
[10:15:36] <Tom_itx> i figured
[10:15:39] <Steffan-> lol
[10:15:43] <twnqx> 256mb ecc ram
[10:15:48] <Tom_itx> nobody likes me in bumbleb
[10:15:59] <Steffan-> Wut.. you never say anything there
[10:16:02] <Steffan-> *much
[10:17:36] <Tom_itx> Fornaxian you ever mess with an edgemax lite?
[10:17:46] <Fornaxian> nope.
[10:17:55] <Fornaxian> would like to but never had the chance.
[10:18:12] <Tom_itx> quite flexible
[10:19:23] <megal0maniac> Tom_itx: Is that the one you got recently?
[10:19:30] <Tom_itx> yep
[10:22:43] <Tom_itx> i haven't done a range test on the UniFi
[10:23:04] <Tom_itx> but i can tell it's alot better than an off the shelf router
[10:26:10] <twnqx> does any of you know a 802.11ac access point that gets the bandwidth through?
[10:28:02] * megal0maniac could suggest http://www.ubnt.com/unifi#apac
[10:29:11] <megal0maniac> I was asked to quote on them, but we don't have any in the country yet :(
[10:29:44] <Fornaxian> that's ubiquity
[10:29:46] <Fornaxian> great products.
[10:31:05] <megal0maniac> *ubiquiti :P
[10:31:15] <megal0maniac> They are though
[10:31:16] <Fornaxian> that too.
[10:31:28] <Fornaxian> it's early, on a saturday, and I've been cleaning house.
[10:32:05] <twnqx> does ubiquity require external controllers?
[10:33:04] <Fornaxian> no more than linksys does.
[10:33:27] <Fornaxian> they make wifi devices, routers, and high power wireless gear.
[10:34:21] <Fornaxian> they used to make an open hackable router board that you could add radios and stuff to but that's gone now.
[10:35:17] <megal0maniac> It can be remote managed, but I'm pretty sure it can work standalone too
[10:35:26] <megal0maniac> Fornaxian: Sounds like Mikrotik
[10:37:46] <megal0maniac> Which reminds me, the RB750GL can be configured (quite easily) to act like a hub. I.e. sniffing traffic in both directions, at gigabit speed without transmitting anything. And it's $60
[10:40:04] <megal0maniac> I've seen it used in schools to figure out the source of excessive internet traffic
[10:53:38] <Tom_itx> twnqx, you plug the ubiquity wifi into a regular router or switch
[10:53:42] <Tom_itx> web access
[10:58:14] <vsync_> ahhhh
[10:58:55] <vsync_> when people provide libraries out of sheer good-willingness, i'd still prefer them using the same pinout in the code and the schematic :(
[10:59:03] <Tom_itx> looks just like another ip
[12:36:18] <MarkX> hi
[12:36:20] <MarkX> http://appusajeev.wordpress.com/2010/09/30/pwm-in-avr/
[12:36:23] <MarkX> in that example code
[12:36:31] <MarkX> why is WGM10 and WGM12 set?
[12:37:03] <Casper> I'm not home, but I suspect it's to set the pwm output and set the mode
[12:37:11] <MarkX> hmmm
[12:37:30] <MarkX> i figured WGM10 would just set mode for PWM in general wouldn't it?
[12:37:32] <Casper> there is many ways to make the pwm...
[12:38:15] <Casper> initially low and high, high then low, count up, then down, and so on
[12:38:32] <MarkX> well what's confusing is, in my datasheet, WGM10 selects phase correct pwm
[12:38:37] <MarkX> and WGM12 sets CTC
[12:38:53] <MarkX> isn't that contradictory?
[12:39:21] <Casper> ctc is what again? been a while since I opened the datasheet
[12:39:47] <MarkX> Clear on Timer Capture mode
[12:39:55] <Casper> iirc, phase correct is count up then down...
[12:40:13] <Casper> not sure, I forgot what it do exactly....
[12:40:20] <MarkX> you're right
[12:40:30] <MarkX> they have 2 different wave forms
[12:40:40] <MarkX> CTC is sawtooth
[12:40:55] <MarkX> while phase correct is triangle
[12:41:15] <MarkX> .... thats a bad explanation XD
[12:50:55] <MarkX> ah
[12:51:01] <MarkX> Casper: figured out my mistake
[12:51:29] <MarkX> he is not using phase correct, hes using fastpwm 8bit
[12:51:47] <MarkX> which requires wgm10 and wgm12 to be set
[12:57:14] <Casper> ok
[13:41:11] <MarkX> another quick question
[13:41:18] <MarkX> nvm
[13:44:24] <Fornaxian> nvm= non volatile memory
[13:50:45] <vsync_> sandisk's the best
[13:50:59] <vsync_> so far the only sdhc card i've gotten to init is a sandisk
[13:51:27] <vsync_> others that i've tried are a kingston and a verbatim
[13:52:02] <vsync_> could probably get them
[14:12:54] <MarkX> just to confirm
[14:13:08] <MarkX> if i have a pwm signal going to a hobby dc motor
[14:13:25] <MarkX> i'll need to put a transistor between the signal and the motor
[14:13:25] <MarkX> right?
[14:21:15] <theBear> how about, if you want to drive a dc motor with a microprocessor or logic chip, you need a transistor or something to supply enough current to the motor without blowing itself up
[14:21:26] <theBear> the pwm part is irrelevant
[14:38:24] <vsync_> bs
[14:38:33] <vsync_> you can build your own logic chip with built in power transistors
[14:38:51] <vsync_> and then pwm the power supply of the thing to save energy
[14:38:55] <Fornaxian> or just use a really low current motor.
[14:48:15] <inkjetunito> still PWMing the power supply? :)
[14:58:54] <vsync_> always
[16:01:05] <bss36504> Has anybody made a FreeRTOS extension or example project system for Atmel Studio
[16:01:06] <bss36504> ?
[16:05:06] <Fornaxian> can't say as I have.
[16:05:11] <Fornaxian> no atmel studio here.
[16:05:33] <bss36504> I thought so. Its also a little sad that no official port has been made for any megas other than the 323
[16:05:51] <bss36504> All of the ISR stuff needs to be updated.
[16:06:21] <bss36504> It's not especially hard, but It would be nice if the "official" release was actually up to this compiler version.
[16:06:26] <Fornaxian> not seen a reason really for a "multitasking os" on an avr for anything I do either.
[16:08:07] <bss36504> For me right now it's partially for the learning experience, partially for the helpfulness. I'll need to make a runtime of some sort anyway if I dont use FreeRTOS, so I figure it would be nice to get some practice using an RTOS as well as ease some of the troubles of managing a large application with lots (ok, like 5 max) small tasks.
[16:10:32] <bss36504> Before any naysayers come out here, I understand that an RTOS is not as speed efficient as writing the code from scratch. I need to basically just run buttons, LUFA, serve frames of data to a graphical LCD, R/W an SD card and talk with another chip when it requests more data. Encapsulating this in RTOS tasks would be neat.
[16:10:33] <Fornaxian> I just wish atmega could run program from external memory.
[16:10:59] <Fornaxian> not sure LUFA would integrate with an RTOS nicely..
[16:11:19] <Fornaxian> it kinda needs access to hardware when it needs it, the heck with anything else you want to do on the chip.
[16:11:53] <theBear> wtf would you need a rtos for that ?
[16:12:00] <bss36504> I bet you could tweak an RTOS to add a memory manager in software, but it would not be very fast. Also, I asked Dean about LUFA and an RTOS and he said it would actually work pretty well since it doesn't use interrupts to carry out tasks. As long as you save the context properly, it should work
[16:12:42] <Fornaxian> yes, you can do a memory manager in software..but still can't execute code from external memory on an AVR...well, xmega maybe but not mega.
[16:12:47] <bss36504> theBear: Did you even read the first sentence of a couple messages ago? "For me right now it's partially for the learning experience, partially for the helpfulness."
[16:12:58] <bss36504> dont be a negative nancy.
[16:13:43] <bss36504> Fornaxian: Well if you got really crafty you could maybe dynamically reprogram the flash from a bootloader...ew.
[16:13:44] <Fornaxian> heck, you can emulate an arm processor with external dram and a memory manager on an avr.
[16:13:56] <Fornaxian> yeah...you...could..
[16:14:03] <bss36504> Oh yeah. that guy. friggin linux on an 8 bit avr.
[16:14:08] <Fornaxian> yup.
[16:14:09] <theBear> it's a huge amount of complexity and added code for zero possible advantage in that situation, if you wanna learn about rtos stuff, at least think up a project that actually has SOME realtime requirements
[16:14:52] <theBear> at the same time, if you have limited realtime requirements it's infinitely easier to implement them in your own code than add a whole mini-os to do it
[16:15:10] <Fornaxian> theBear, yeah, but he is using it as a learning thing too which is cool too.
[16:15:18] <theBear> and until things get big and complex, it's likely you'll get BETTER realtime results doing it yourself
[16:15:31] <bss36504> theBear: How about you stop killing my vibe. Once I can use FreeRTOS for this, I can use it for anything and I'll be familiar with the API. This is called "learning", not sure you've heard of it.
[16:15:35] <theBear> Fornaxian, how can you learn using a realtime framework to do something with no realtime parts ?
[16:15:50] <Fornaxian> it's a step.
[16:15:55] <Fornaxian> not a big one but a step.
[16:16:05] <theBear> what are you gonna say to the api ? do all these things at any time you feel like it ? that's not learning the api
[16:16:23] <theBear> if you wanna learn a rt api, you gotta have rt stuff to make it do
[16:16:30] <bss36504> I fully understand the concept of real time programming, I just don't know how to use this particular implementation.
[16:17:30] <bss36504> And actually, the RW from the SD card is being streamed to an audio codec chip that has to have it's data buffer filled in a timely fashion, or else the audio dies. So theres that.
[16:18:31] <theBear> meh, fine, don't listen
[16:19:15] <bss36504> How is that application not real time? I have these other non rt tasks with two extremely rt tasks? You're just mad because you jumped to a conclusion about my project without all the info.
[16:20:56] <theBear> no, i just don't feel you deserve my sage advice on the subject, 'cos it would appear you already decided the answers you want and aren't gonna listen to ANYTHING else regardless of validity
[16:26:02] <bss36504> theBear: Ah yes, self proclaimed sage advice. You're absolutely right. Why do we even bother tinkering with stuff at all? I mean, a huge chunk of the micro controller community is all about just messing with stuff and making neat shit. If I want to use an RTOS, I don't think i should be judged for that, I think 90% of the people in this chat room and on the forums would be like "Well thats not really the best application, but here's some ti
[16:26:03] <bss36504> anyway". You would rather just shit on it because it doesn't fall into your narrow minded view of usefulness. This is a trait I have witnessed multiple times with you targeted at many others. I never mentioned it because it wasn't directed to me. Unless you have some actual advice for me, as in something that I can use for what I would like to do, kindly, fuck off.
[16:26:58] <theBear> hehe way ahead of yer on that one
[16:29:49] <jadew> any ideas on how to make a little (20cm or so tall) stand for a strip of LEDs?
[16:30:14] <jadew> I want to have something that goes vertically up, and the strip of leds at the top, at a 90 degrees angle
[16:30:33] <jadew> I just don't have any ideas on what to use at the base
[16:31:18] <bss36504> Like in the shape of a T? or am I misreading this?
[16:31:31] <jadew> more like an L upside down
[16:32:04] <bss36504> Ah. so does the base shape matter? Cause I mean wood is always a solid building material
[16:32:44] <jadew> hmm
[16:32:58] <jadew> I guess would could work
[16:33:26] <jadew> *wood
[16:33:41] <bss36504> Maybe some thin aluminum
[16:34:04] <jadew> I think it needs a bit of weight on the base
[16:34:05] <vsync_> this hardly seems like a huge engineering problem
[16:34:17] <vsync_> hmmm
[16:34:39] <jadew> vsync_, kinda is when you want it as versatile as possible and when you don't have any materials :D
[16:34:46] <vsync_> heh :D
[16:34:47] <bss36504> Well then maybe some 1 inch think aluminum stock, bolted together with 1/4"x2 1/2" bolts
[16:34:55] <jadew> I only have an aluminium pipe I could use as the neck
[16:35:19] <bss36504> hardware store run time I think.
[16:35:39] <jadew> yeah, I guess I'll leave this one for tomorrow
[16:35:50] <vsync_> what's the diameter of the pipe
[16:36:28] <jadew> I'll need a light switch too, cuz I installed a strip under the desk, now I can plug and unplug stuff a bit more easily
[16:36:38] <vsync_> and why weight? how much leds are you going to hook on it
[16:37:15] <jadew> it's about 25cm long
[16:37:25] <vsync_> alright. diameter?
[16:37:41] <jadew> (the led strip)
[16:37:47] <vsync_> yeah
[16:37:54] <jadew> and has 9.7 grams
[16:37:59] <vsync_> well that's nothing
[16:38:00] <jadew> now, the diameter of the pipe
[16:38:36] <vsync_> seems like a desktop thing. wall mounting the rod is out of the question?
[16:38:41] <bss36504> buy a sheet of plexiglass and 90º brackets. make sure you drill the plexi first though
[16:38:46] <jadew> 10 outside
[16:38:50] <jadew> 7.4mm inside
[16:39:17] <jadew> vsync_, yeah, I just need extra light for soldering/drilling with my mini drill
[16:39:24] <vsync_> oh :)
[16:39:43] <vsync_> so ohh... Do you mean, 90 horizontally from the top?
[16:39:50] <bss36504> upside down L
[16:39:51] <jadew> vsync_, yep
[16:39:53] <vsync_> like an L inverted L shape
[16:39:58] <bss36504> lamp shaped you might say.
[16:40:00] <jadew> bss36504, I never found plexiglass in here
[16:40:01] <bss36504> :P
[16:40:08] <vsync_> yeah alright, sorry, was mistaken for starters
[16:40:09] <jadew> lol bss36504, yeah :)
[16:40:32] <vsync_> Do you have a
[16:40:42] <vsync_> what they call it. It's a ... workbench? maybe?
[16:40:44] <bss36504> You dont have plexiglass?! what is the world coming to! You could do this with PVC pipe and fittings I bet.
[16:41:32] <jadew> my wife threw away my pvc pipe, otherwise I would have glued it to the desk and had something working for the night :D
[16:41:47] <vsync_> It's like a clamp
[16:41:53] <vsync_> but a sturdier one
[16:41:54] <bss36504> This is the perfect excuse to buy more PVC then.
[16:42:05] <vsync_> one that's mounted to a workbench usually. What is it called?
[16:42:18] <jadew> I know what it is
[16:42:20] <bss36504> a vise
[16:42:23] <jadew> yes
[16:42:25] <vsync_> Vise! yeah!
[16:42:25] <jadew> a vise
[16:42:30] <vsync_> can you access that?
[16:42:33] <bss36504> thats why they pay me the big bucks
[16:42:35] <jadew> english is not my native language, so it didn't roll off my toungue :)
[16:42:45] <vsync_> yeah, isn't my native either :(
[16:42:51] <bss36504> (they dont actually pay me that much)
[16:43:00] <jadew> I might have thrown away my vise... when I moved, I'll deffinitely get one again
[16:43:07] <jadew> maybe even tomorrow
[16:43:08] <bss36504> Oh jeez, sorry for using inches everywhere
[16:43:20] <bss36504> Get a PanaVise.
[16:43:33] <vsync_> I was thinking a cheapo and adjustable hack woul dbe to bend an aluminum pipe and fit that into a Helping Hand
[16:44:02] <vsync_> those alligator clip thingies
[16:44:03] <bss36504> they are the best small desktop vise system. you can get a big head, little head, PCB holder, wide grip, etc..
[16:44:17] <vsync_> was just thinking about the vise for bending the pipe
[16:44:23] <bss36504> alligator clip thingies: also known as a "third hand"
[16:44:29] <jadew> bss36504, neat, will look for that
[16:44:47] <jadew> vsync_, I thought about the helping hand too, but that's not such a nice solution
[16:45:00] <bss36504> if you want to bend your pipe without a pipe bender or kinks, fill it with sand first.
[16:45:19] <jadew> so it doesn't break?
[16:45:29] <bss36504> no so it doesn't get a big crease in the side.
[16:45:43] <bss36504> unless you dont care about that.
[16:45:58] <jadew> I don't :P
[16:46:50] <jadew> I wish I had enough room to have a decent workbench
[16:46:59] <jadew> so I could do mechanical stuff too
[16:47:19] <bss36504> That is handy
[16:47:39] <vsync_> jadew: how come. would be adjustable, and has a weight
[16:47:55] <vsync_> you could always bend the pipe over the L shape for some of the pipe to act as a counterweight
[16:49:05] <jadew> vsync_, what if I need the thrid hand too?
[16:49:16] <vsync_> on an unrelated note. I've soon downed a 12 pack of beers and i'm only at the cmd8 part of initing my sdhc
[16:49:31] <vsync_> jadew: yeah, that's a bummer. But i thought everyone had more than one =D
[16:49:53] <bss36504> Heres a thought guys: Buy a lamp.
[16:49:53] <jadew> I only have one and rarely use it :)
[16:49:56] <bss36504> lol
[16:49:59] <jadew> bss36504, lol
[16:50:11] <jadew> crossed my mind, but too late, I already bought the led strips from ikea
[16:50:18] <vsync_> Ikea!
[16:50:18] <jadew> now I have to figure out how to use them
[16:50:30] <bss36504> vsync_: lol, hows that going for you?
[16:50:32] <vsync_> you should have bought the lamp while you wer at it =D
[16:50:40] <jadew> yeah, my wife sent me to buy something else, I saw them there and I snaged them
[16:50:41] <vsync_> bss36504: it's working out fine!
[16:51:08] <vsync_> did you get any swedish meatballs while you were there?
[16:51:22] <jadew> didn't have the time, I love the hotdogs at ikea
[16:51:23] <bss36504> after 12 beers it would be "fuck-this-shit o'clock"
[16:51:43] <bss36504> Confession: I've never been to an IKEA. I dont think there are any near me.
[16:51:46] <Roklobsta> i love the horseballs at ikea with cranberry sauce.
[16:51:50] <vsync_> bss36504: no, it's going smoothly. Once i actually bothered to read the standard and figuring out initing HC's aren't the same as the smaller ones
[16:52:36] <vsync_> and my dev board is awesome. with its 7805 sporting a 17K/W heatsink =D
[16:52:55] <bss36504> vsync_: Oh good. I have an upcoming SD related project, so hopefully it goes smoothly. I think the guy who wrote the PetitFS lib also has an SD lib for avr. So that's my plan.
[16:53:37] <jadew> I wanted to play with SD cards too, other projects got in the way tho
[16:53:39] <vsync_> yeah. I'm just doing all of this control from scratch... kind of a thing with me. Also i don't need anything unnecessary
[16:54:00] <vsync_> e.g. i only need read routines for the SD
[16:54:16] <bss36504> Yeah, I'm going to be looking for more of a plug and play solution. I have enough other stuff to not need to muck around in low level coding.
[16:54:53] <vsync_> just wait til i get to the part where i'll smps my atmega power line
[16:55:12] <vsync_> shi- that's getting really old. Sorry
[16:55:26] <bss36504> lol
[16:58:08] <juri_> i'm getting tired of avr-ld seg faulting. ;)
[17:00:21] <vsync_> alright. time to test acmd41...
[17:09:01] <vsync_> hahaa alright
[17:09:23] <vsync_> the card's officially out of idle now
[17:09:38] <vsync_> getting sort of hard trying to put the uSD into it's socket now...
[17:09:55] <vsync_> it's one of those adapters :/
[17:26:51] <jadew> I know how I'll make the lamps, they don't have to move, so I'll just use hot glue to keep the strip in L shape with the pipe and I'll use a standard project box (a small one) for the stand, I'll make a hole at the top and hot glue to keep the pipe steady, then a few big nuts (like in the fake chinese hdds) for weight + a nice rocker switch and bam! nice lamp for soldering
[17:27:34] <jadew> this also makes me want to make a little slim panel under my desk, right at the edge, for plugs for these lamps and for another rocker switch for the under the desk lamp
[17:27:52] <jadew> I could also have my earth connection there, for the anti static bracelet
[17:29:02] <jadew> I still need to shop for nice rocker switches
[17:30:36] <vsync_> you should also get a mains plug under there
[17:30:44] <vsync_> for the occasional wake the fuck up electrocution
[17:30:55] <jadew> haha, yeah, I don't like mains on my desk
[17:31:30] <Roklobsta> i used a power socket once that had a live earth
[17:31:35] <Roklobsta> was not fun
[17:32:10] <jadew> I checked my power socket's earth against the building's radiators, close to 0 resistance
[17:32:37] <OndraSter> <Roklobsta> i used a power socket once that had a live earth
[17:32:39] <OndraSter> gotta love that
[17:32:47] <OndraSter> "hey, let's discharge"
[17:32:48] <vsync_> :D
[17:32:49] <OndraSter> VZZZ
[17:33:01] <vsync_> one needs to discharge thru one's body
[17:33:07] <OndraSter> haha
[17:33:21] <OndraSter> I do not like discharging directly (to anything earthed), I hate the tiny shock it can give you
[17:33:29] <OndraSter> so I always grab keyes and discharge through those :D
[17:33:32] <vsync_> :D
[17:33:49] <vsync_> i need to get an ebonite rod...
[17:33:58] <jadew> if you're not careful you might discharge in your pants
[17:34:05] <Roklobsta> the case of the device was metal and of course had the earth tied to it.
[17:34:11] <vsync_> jadew: that was a low blow
[17:34:21] <vsync_> but sure as hell made me laugh out loud...
[17:34:41] <Roklobsta> this was in thailand so i am not surprised.
[17:34:52] <vsync_> the pants discharging that is?
[17:34:59] <vsync_> I'd imagine
[17:35:15] <OndraSter> thailand..
[17:35:22] <jadew> well, originally this building didn't have earthed plugs
[17:35:26] <Tom_itx> remember that one dude?
[17:35:39] <OndraSter> Tom_itx, which one?
[17:35:55] <Tom_itx> had a whole bucket list of appliances he was running off very sketchy power source
[17:36:12] <OndraSter> so you mean - any sub-average czech house? :D
[17:36:14] <Tom_itx> oh.. i think it may have been iraq?
[17:36:28] <OndraSter> phase on the left side? nah bro
[17:36:35] <OndraSter> earthed? nah bro
[17:36:50] <Tom_itx> his pc kept going into brownout
[17:37:07] <Roklobsta> every time he touched his pc he'd do a brownout
[17:37:14] <jadew> I have a friend who used to have about 120V
[17:37:21] <jadew> we live in a 240V country
[17:37:28] <Roklobsta> 230 or 240
[17:37:30] <vsync_> i do too. high five
[17:37:37] <jadew> ^5
[17:37:42] <vsync_> tru
[17:38:09] <Roklobsta> australian spec ays devices must handle 240VAC +-10% so can go up to 260+V sometimes.
[17:38:12] <Tom_itx> did you see the wind farms i saw the other day?
[17:38:45] <jadew> Roklobsta, I think we have similar specs
[17:38:58] <OndraSter> we have 230V +5 -10 I think
[17:39:09] <OndraSter> but I live almost right next to the transformer
[17:39:12] <OndraSter> so I get sometimes 245V
[17:39:12] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/temp/misc/windmills/Pic_1009_026.jpg
[17:39:14] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/temp/misc/windmills/Pic_1009_027.jpg
[17:39:20] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/temp/misc/windmills/Pic_1009_028.jpg
[17:39:47] <OndraSter> what a nice landscape it could have been
[17:39:51] <OndraSter> some plants could have grown there
[17:39:57] <OndraSter> instead - wind mills grew there!
[17:40:03] <vsync_> Tom_itx: where do you live
[17:40:05] <vsync_> name suggests uk
[17:40:11] <Tom_itx> not really, out there it's mostly grazing for cattle
[17:40:12] <Roklobsta> Tom_itx: you need to get FIOS bvro
[17:40:34] <Roklobsta> a friend in FL gets 800Mbdown, 400Mbit up.
[17:40:50] <OndraSter> D:
[17:40:54] <OndraSter> and I am sitting here on my 20/20..
[17:41:02] <OndraSter> without public IP
[17:41:07] <OndraSter> not working ipv6
[17:41:08] <Roklobsta> i only get 22/1
[17:41:09] <jadew> seriously? 800?
[17:41:24] <jadew> I'm on 100/100 and external IP
[17:41:32] <Roklobsta> it should be 1GBit but th speedtest.net showed 800/400
[17:41:41] <jadew> damn
[17:41:42] <OndraSter> one company here offers 200/60 for 100€/month
[17:41:46] <Roklobsta> jadew: fibre?
[17:41:51] <Tom_itx> i could probably get that if i cared to pay for it
[17:41:57] <jadew> Roklobsta, yeah
[17:42:10] <Tom_itx> they sent me an email the other day that i had exceeded my limit
[17:42:23] <Roklobsta> how is it in romania one get can 100/100 fibre but not in australia. Stupid govt here wants to upgrade evryone with VDSL
[17:42:25] <Roklobsta> fuck that
[17:42:46] <vsync_> fuck australia
[17:42:55] <Roklobsta> in the ear
[17:42:57] <jadew> Roklobsta, several years ago neighbourhood ISPs started to grow like crazy
[17:42:59] <vsync_> hillbilly outbacks with creepy crawlies
[17:43:15] <jadew> there was so much competition prices went super low and stayed there
[17:43:20] <Roklobsta> i'll say, it's been raining a lot and now my house is infested with supiders.
[17:43:31] <OndraSter> stupiders or spiders?
[17:43:35] <Roklobsta> spiders
[17:43:35] <vsync_> :D both prolly
[17:43:46] <Roklobsta> i vacuumed up 8 carcassses yesterday
[17:43:49] <jadew> I pay $10 for this connection + ulimited cellular data stick + unlimited cellular data on sim card
[17:43:59] <OndraSter> I have an arachnophobia so.. that does not help Roklobsta
[17:44:00] <jadew> + free phone calls inside the network
[17:44:00] <Roklobsta> someone is losing money
[17:44:23] <Roklobsta> OndraSter: don't move here
[17:44:29] <OndraSter> AUS?
[17:44:31] <jadew> Roklobsta, it's been like this for years
[17:44:31] <OndraSter> don't worry
[17:44:48] <OndraSter> already crossed it out of my list
[17:45:02] <jadew> yeah, I heard they have huge spiders there
[17:45:17] <Roklobsta> time to mow the lawn. something not many of you apt. bounf europeans ever have to do.
[17:45:21] <Roklobsta> bound
[17:45:27] <OndraSter> just did it today
[17:45:36] <OndraSter> with a breaking down machine
[17:45:40] <OndraSter> might have to get a new one
[17:45:43] <OndraSter> after 11 years :o
[17:45:58] <vsync_> mowing the lawn... so the 80s
[17:46:02] <vsync_> can't mow the concrete...
[17:46:11] <jadew> haha
[17:46:15] <Roklobsta> the dog knows, she just did a big crap for me to pick up first.
[17:46:32] <vsync_> the dog needs some 12 gauge apparently
[17:46:33] <Roklobsta> she always does that to me
[17:46:36] <jadew> what happens if you go over it with the mowing machine?
[17:46:42] <vsync_> or th at
[17:46:43] <jadew> (over the crap, not the dog)
[17:46:45] <vsync_> oh
[17:46:52] <OndraSter> lol
[17:46:56] <vsync_> then the shit hits the fan, literally
[17:46:56] <OndraSter> going over a poop... nothx
[17:47:07] <Roklobsta> oh, well you can. when i was a kid i used to mow over the dry grey ones and make a big grey poo cloud
[17:47:18] <jadew> heh
[17:47:41] <OndraSter> LOL
[17:47:42] <Roklobsta> disgusting
[17:47:58] <vsync_> no wai
[17:48:17] <vsync_> it's just like those shrooms you can step on which go up in a puff of smoke
[17:48:29] <vsync_> we have em here. dunno about you african ppl
[17:48:31] <Roklobsta> yeah except it smells like dried dog shit
[17:49:18] <vsync_> what breed's the dog?
[17:49:35] <OndraSter> dudes, what are we talking about
[17:49:39] <OndraSter> this is #avr :D
[17:50:08] <vsync_> ##dogshit, #dogshit invite-only
[17:50:50] <Roklobsta> lol
[17:50:53] <Roklobsta> labrador
[17:51:25] <vsync_> oh they are so cute. I had a golden myself. Was the most playful thing ever
[17:51:29] <Roklobsta> i'm good at bringing the tone of any channel i am on down. just ask them on #sdrsharp and #rtlsdr
[17:51:52] <OndraSter> lol
[17:51:55] <OndraSter> dogs are way too big
[17:51:58] <OndraSter> I prefer cats
[17:52:04] <vsync_> no. cats are stubborn and should be cooked
[17:52:05] <Roklobsta> today i will try some hacking.
[17:52:10] <vsync_> they do nothing for you except shit and pee around
[17:52:13] <OndraSter> lol vsync_
[17:52:21] <Roklobsta> cats are useless.
[17:52:25] <OndraSter> well the cats are like me - eat, poop, sleep, lay
[17:52:28] <vsync_> agreed, ^5
[17:52:34] <Roklobsta> at least dogs can keep stray cats from crapping in your yard
[17:52:51] <vsync_> OndraSter: but i hope there's no-one having to pick your poop up after you?
[17:53:02] <OndraSter> tell that to all of the dog owners near my house, so the stray dogs stop crapping on the entrance to the house
[17:53:08] <OndraSter> vsync_, no
[17:53:12] <vsync_> in any case... I should start getting on with these read algorithms for the sd...
[17:53:24] <vsync_> suggest me a hex reader for win
[17:53:28] <OndraSter> xvi32
[17:53:38] <OndraSter> the easiest hexeditor ever
[17:53:44] <jadew> well, cats are good too, in rural areas
[17:53:44] <vsync_> sounds too much like Vi
[17:53:53] <jadew> they kill rats, eat mice
[17:54:00] <jadew> that's about it I guess
[17:54:27] <jadew> and they purr
[17:54:27] <vsync_> I have a cat here. Had been eating my leftover jumper wires this morning
[17:54:34] <vsync_> in the afternoon she puked em out
[17:54:36] <OndraSter> lol
[17:54:49] <jadew> see, she gave it back
[17:54:52] <vsync_> thankfully they was only like 28 awg
[18:02:52] <vsync_> this chinese keychain camera works wonders as a uSD reader
[18:03:00] <OndraSter> lol
[18:03:06] <OndraSter> does it have 16 MEGA pixels?
[18:03:12] <OndraSter> (aka 4x4 pixels)
[18:03:18] <vsync_> mmeh :)
[18:03:23] <vsync_> does 720p
[18:03:26] <vsync_> legit
[18:03:27] <Fornaxian> 16 big honking pixels, eh?
[18:03:41] <jadew> so I was thinking this for the lamp: http://dumb.ro/files/WP_20131020_001_1024.jpg
[18:03:49] <jadew> + the rocker switch
[18:03:56] <Roklobsta> the weather is too nice, time to get off the computer
[18:04:00] <vsync_> jadew: solid
[18:04:12] <OndraSter> jadew, respect for WP_...jpg :D
[18:04:19] <jadew> OndraSter, heh
[18:04:30] <OndraSter> not many of us out (t)here
[18:05:15] <jadew> yeah, not much to stick around for me tho
[18:05:22] <OndraSter> d'aww
[18:05:25] <OndraSter> I just got 920
[18:05:30] <Tom_itx> so.. what _should_ i do with this STM32F4 board sitting in my drawer collecting dust?
[18:05:37] <jadew> I loved windows CE, because I could write my own stuff for it
[18:05:46] <OndraSter> Tom_itx, put it into some box?
[18:05:51] <OndraSter> so the box is collecting dust instead
[18:05:51] <jadew> now I have to buy a dev license just to install the things I write on my own phone
[18:05:53] <jadew> it's stupid
[18:05:59] <OndraSter> not anymore AFAIK jadew
[18:06:00] <Tom_itx> i had the c dev package for CE once
[18:06:04] <jadew> Tom_itx, I have one too :)
[18:06:09] <jadew> OndraSter, really?
[18:06:15] <OndraSter> yeah, they changed it
[18:06:17] <Tom_itx> one what?
[18:06:18] <OndraSter> AFAIK..
[18:06:24] <jadew> Tom_itx, a smt :P
[18:06:30] <Tom_itx> o
[18:06:31] <jadew> OndraSter, will look into it
[18:06:42] <OndraSter> can't remember what is the thing called though
[18:06:47] <jadew> Tom_itx, *a smt board in the drawer!
[18:06:52] <OndraSter> but it is most likely part of visual studio (obviously)
[18:06:57] <OndraSter> I have free MSDNAA account :D
[18:07:03] <OndraSter> dreamspark*
[18:07:06] <jadew> OndraSter, thanks, will look into it
[18:07:10] <OndraSter> 1 year free dev license for WP/W/Xbox
[18:07:14] <jadew> neat
[18:07:27] <OndraSter> also they changed the licence, it used to be $100 now it is $19
[18:07:30] <OndraSter> per year
[18:07:43] <jadew> oh... 19 I can do!
[18:07:51] <OndraSter> not sure if it is for all the countries
[18:08:00] <OndraSter> but it was "never ending time limited offer"
[18:08:07] <specing> you need a dev license to develop games for *their* platform?
[18:08:15] <specing> how silly is that?
[18:08:16] <OndraSter> only to publish now spec
[18:08:54] <jadew> let me check
[18:08:55] <Tom_itx> i should go mill some more programmer boxes
[18:09:16] <jadew> Tom_itx, you got a cnc?
[18:09:23] <Tom_itx> small one
[18:10:16] <Tom_itx> http://youtu.be/-CEqokrtFI4
[18:10:48] <jadew> awesome
[18:10:55] <jadew> how much did you pay for it?
[18:11:02] <Tom_itx> too much
[18:11:15] <Tom_itx> i'm not actually sure, i've had it for years
[18:11:21] <Tom_itx> did some recent upgrades to it though
[18:11:34] <Tom_itx> new steppers, new psu/drivers
[18:12:06] <Tom_itx> running linuxcnc now instead of what i had
[18:12:08] <jadew> nice, I want a CNC so bad
[18:12:23] <Fornaxian> making one next month I think here.
[18:12:32] <jadew> I'm tired of making project boxes with the drilling machine, the cutter and the nibbling tool
[18:12:32] <Fornaxian> saw one that's made out of pvc for the frame the other day.
[18:12:37] <Fornaxian> gonna mod that design.
[18:12:44] <jadew> Fornaxian, link?
[18:12:52] <Fornaxian> let me find it.
[18:12:53] <Tom_itx> it won't cut metal
[18:12:55] <Fornaxian> was on hackaday.
[18:13:08] <Tom_itx> gantry style?
[18:13:17] <Tom_itx> most homebrew ones are
[18:13:28] <jadew> what's gantry style?
[18:13:58] <Tom_itx> http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://cfnewsads.thomasnet.com/images/large/582/582619.jpg&imgrefurl=http://news.thomasnet.com/fullstory/5-Axis-Gantry-Mill-features-dual-spindle-rams-582619&h=222&w=400&sz=52&tbnid=jQkoCFalZvGUVM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=162&zoom=1&usg=__FLO7bTxAQzM_Gmyp44t4KUA_uGs=&docid=iXQL2bJnjfy8NM&sa=X&ei=iw5jUozZJ6qA2QXDo4CQCw&ved=0CEUQ9QEwAQ
[18:14:01] <Tom_itx> wow
[18:14:12] <Tom_itx> overhead Y with x mounted to it
[18:14:20] <Tom_itx> Z mounted to it
[18:14:51] <jadew> so much like a printer
[18:14:58] <Tom_itx> or a plotter
[18:15:01] <Fornaxian> http://hackaday.com/2013/10/17/unorthodox-home-made-cnc-machine/
[18:15:37] <jadew> that looks like too much engineering
[18:15:42] <Tom_itx> would suffer accuracy
[18:15:47] <Fornaxian> of course.
[18:16:00] <Fornaxian> but for a first round to make parts for a second round it wouldn't be a bad bootstrap.
[18:16:11] <Fornaxian> and I would make some major changes..
[18:16:14] <Tom_itx> maybe
[18:16:16] <Tom_itx> maybe not
[18:16:40] <jadew> I like Tom's cnc better :P
[18:17:02] <Tom_itx> it's limited as well
[18:17:12] <Tom_itx> but it's fairly accurate
[18:19:18] <jadew> are you guys familiar with this one? http://www.okazii.ro/scule-electrice/masini-de-frezat/freza-pe-comanda-numerica-router-cnc--a134368744
[18:19:23] <jadew> that's less than 1k euro
[18:19:45] <jadew> looks sturdy enough
[18:19:56] <Fornaxian> yup.
[18:20:14] <Tom_itx> yeah that would be ok for small stuff
[18:20:26] <Fornaxian> I'm not looking for real close accuracy...just for doing some repetitive woodworking.
[18:20:27] <jadew> hmm, might get it
[18:20:27] <Tom_itx> wood, plastic some aluminum...
[18:21:38] <jadew> ah, it's the same one with this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/MINI-CNC-2015-ROUTER-ENGRAVER-ENGRAVING-DRILLING-MILLING-MACHINE-220V-110V-/111118188703
[18:21:50] <OndraSter> 2015!
[18:21:55] <OndraSter> the future :P
[18:21:59] <Fornaxian> wish I could afford one.
[18:22:08] <jadew> OndraSter, hehe
[18:22:10] <Fornaxian> but I'm gonna have to bootstrap my own from scratch.
[18:22:27] <OndraSter> this one is ridiculously cheap
[18:22:29] <Tom_itx> Fornaxian, steppers or servos?
[18:22:31] <OndraSter> (the ebay one)
[18:22:43] <Fornaxian> Tom_itx, I would go steppers.
[18:22:49] <Tom_itx> OndraSter, it may not have everything either
[18:22:50] <Fornaxian> I have access to some real nice steppers.
[18:22:57] <OndraSter> Tom_itx, aye
[18:23:13] <Tom_itx> Fornaxian, i have access to some real nice cnc's
[18:23:13] <Fornaxian> would use the ones out of copier scanners...
[18:23:16] <Fornaxian> heavy duty
[18:23:21] <OndraSter> hehe copier scanners..
[18:23:24] <OndraSter> the old LPT ones
[18:23:26] <OndraSter> huge boxes
[18:23:32] <Fornaxian> fine step.
[18:24:29] <Tom_itx> Fornaxian, i used to program/run alot of these: http://clearwateren.com/
[18:24:47] <Fornaxian> cool.
[18:24:59] <Tom_itx> my friend's shop before he retired and sold it
[18:25:05] <Tom_itx> he's still got keys to it though
[18:25:14] <Tom_itx> and has a couple in his personal shop
[18:25:37] <Fornaxian> we have these older copiers with heavy scan heads that have huge steppers.
[18:25:51] <Tom_itx> i could get him to make me parts for a nice cnc but i hate to bug him about it
[18:26:29] <Fornaxian> I want to do it as a practice in futility.
[18:26:31] <Fornaxian> err
[18:26:45] <Fornaxian> practice in learning thingiemabob..yeah, that's it.
[18:27:35] <Tom_itx> doing that paid for my cad cam software so i have it to play with now
[18:29:42] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/cnc/psu/psu_index.php
[18:29:49] <Tom_itx> there's my new psu and drivers for it
[18:31:17] <juri_> how do i ensure my interrupt vector table ends up at the beginning of my .text section?
[18:31:20] <vsync_> oh i'd like to see those 2200 caps go up in flames
[18:32:01] <vsync_> i recently took a prolly 1-2 f cap out of an old taxi
[18:32:03] <Tom_itx> they tested 3300
[18:32:25] <vsync_> it was a backup cap for the taximeter system when the car was started apparently
[18:32:39] <vsync_> i wonder how'd that blow up
[18:54:54] <juri_> wow. interesting. order on the command line effects order in the executable.
[18:55:13] <jadew> doh
[18:55:33] <juri_> thats fun, for figguring out how to place the interrupt table.
[19:03:28] <vsync_> i'm too drunk to delve into fat32
[19:03:38] <vsync_> got the physical layer of the sd down so i'm quite happy
[19:04:08] <bss36504> vsync_: Have you ever looked at this: http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/00index_e.html
[19:04:29] <vsync_> yeah have
[19:04:34] <vsync_> but as said
[19:04:41] <vsync_> i'd like to keep the sd functionality as minimal as i can
[19:04:46] <vsync_> i only need read routines
[19:05:17] <bss36504> Why not just steal the read functions for the fat part from that lib then? Might save some of the heavy lifting.
[19:08:38] <vsync_> yeah, there are a few. such as the dharmani's fat32/sdhc implementation, and that of course
[19:08:44] <vsync_> might use them as a reference
[19:09:01] <vsync_> since i like to study stuff thoroughly. hence i'm slow =)
[19:09:16] <vsync_> but as stated too drunk now to do any of that. =D
[19:09:32] <bss36504> lol
[22:48:49] <codyps> juri_: it should just work. take a look at the avrlibc docs
[22:52:51] <juri_> codyps: i'm on an 8815, which for some reason does not show nearly so many sections.
[22:53:14] <Casper> I wonder if that green spot on that cold water line is due to some condensation... or because the pipe is about to burst open...
[22:53:25] <juri_> including no vectors section. instead, this (somewhat working) bootloader creates a function, and stores the assembly for jumping to the vectors in that function.
[22:54:13] <juri_> the code i'm working with is at https://gitorious.org/reprap-head-controller
[22:54:29] <juri_> er. s/8815/8535/
[22:56:19] <Casper> juri_: the datasheet should be clear enought
[22:56:39] <Casper> I worked on that one as my first one, was clear enought to understand... are you sure you have the full datasheet?
[22:57:31] <juri_> the datasheet seems pretty clear. i'm really fighting with the GNU tools, i think.
[22:58:02] <Casper> there is 2 vector tables
[22:58:06] <w|zzy> !seen abcminiuser
[22:58:17] <juri_> right. one for the bootloader, one for the app.
[22:58:26] <Casper> one at the main application location (0x0000) and one at the bootloader address (like 0xC000)
[22:58:29] <juri_> i just added one for the app earlier today.
[22:58:32] <juri_> right.
[22:59:09] <juri_> i've got that much right, but flashing my app seems to kill the bootloader.
[22:59:36] <juri_> yesterday, it was causing the bootloader to be skipped, so... i've still got something strange going on.
[23:00:55] <Casper> yeah there is some stuff to do for the bootloader...
[23:01:01] <Casper> some gcc directive or something
[23:01:09] <Casper> else the bootloader vector table go to the main
[23:01:43] <Casper> also, your code (bootloader) must select which vector table to use...
[23:01:51] <Casper> via a bit to set/clear
[23:02:08] <juri_> right. that is what i'm getting wrong.
[23:02:34] <juri_> this bootloader as shipped just issued a jmp() to 0x0000, which is an illegal instruction to begin with. had to pull that, to get it to compile.
[23:03:13] <juri_> i figgure the right thing to do is select the application's interrupt table, and trigger a reset.
[23:03:31] <Casper> actually, you want a jump
[23:03:34] <juri_> unfortunately, i can't flash the application and the bootloader at the same time.