#avr | Logs for 2013-09-27

[04:48:18] <megal0maniac> Is it naughty to set a pin to input, then use the pull-up as a connection between Vcc and an LED?
[04:48:33] <megal0maniac> I know the LED will be dim, but it will work
[04:53:46] <megal0maniac> And if I tie two input pins together, then I can half the resistance
[04:54:14] <megal0maniac> twnqx: What were you on about yesterday? The jtagice3 is supported by avrdude and avarice
[05:27:05] <theBear> hmm, i suppose it's acceptable, they're rated to take at least rail-rail voltage (ie. pullup on pushbutton) and they don't mind weird mid-range inputs...
[05:30:16] <twnqx> megal0maniac_afk: since when? :S
[05:31:07] <twnqx> Avrdude supports Atmel's STK500 programmer, Atmel's AVRISP and AVRISP mkII devices, Atmel's STK600, Atmel's JTAG ICE (both mkI and mkII, the latter also in ISP mode)
[05:31:11] <twnqx> doesn't mention mkiii
[05:31:22] <twnqx> and all googling i found says "doesn't work, protocol is not documented"
[06:44:22] <wkt> hello, anyone managed to order atmel samples lately?
[06:49:44] <Fornaxian> yes.
[06:50:03] <Fornaxian> got 3 each attiny85 and atmega1284 a couple weeks ago.
[06:52:17] <wkt> nice, in the past i also was able to order some, but now they require courier shipping account, and i don't have one of those nor i can create one
[06:52:26] <wkt> how did you do it?
[07:18:46] <megal0maniac_afk> twnqx: http://i.imgur.com/ORtoKeq.png
[07:19:12] <megal0maniac_afk> Documentation is terribly sparse. But it's all there. Note, I am running a trunk build
[07:23:19] <megal0maniac_afk> Same applies to avrdude
[07:27:38] <twnqx> hm, cool
[07:45:09] <megal0maniac_afk> twnqx: I have proof now :P
[07:45:23] <megal0maniac_afk> For avrdude: Atmel's JTAG ICE (mkI, mkII, and 3) is supported as well to up- or download memory areas from/to an AVR target. JTAGICE3 also supports all of JTAG, debugWIRE, and ISP mode. For ATxmega devices, the JTAGICE3 is supported in PDI mode.
[07:45:36] <megal0maniac_afk> For avarice: Joerg Wunsch reworked the code to abstract the JTAG ICE communication from the remainder, and then extended the code to support the JTAG ICE mkII protocol (see Atmel appnote AVR067), as well as the JTAGICE3 protocol.
[08:37:30] <Casper> jadew: last scan: left the local airport
[08:37:45] <jadew> NEAT
[08:37:59] <jadew> can't wait for some pictures :)
[08:41:04] <Casper> me too!
[08:41:38] <vsync_> Casper: what are you getting then?
[08:41:45] <vsync_> must be something huge
[09:00:51] <Casper> vsync_: ask me again tonight :D
[09:01:51] <Casper> work time, see ya
[09:05:28] <vsync_> :(
[09:05:35] <vsync_> will do then haha
[11:05:14] <misaq> can I drive my LFR using ordinary dc motors?
[11:56:36] <Casper> jadew: DELIVERED!
[11:56:44] <jadew> WOOO
[11:56:56] * jadew checked IRC like 20 seconds ago to see if you said anything :P
[11:56:59] <Casper> now.... I'm stuck at work
[11:57:04] <jadew> ah
[11:57:05] <jadew> lol
[11:57:29] <Casper> for another 6 hours and 18 minutes
[11:58:39] <Casper> jadew: so... I guess it's a tiny torture for you too :D hehe
[11:58:50] <jadew> hehe, yeah
[11:58:53] <Casper> now.... back to work... hey wanna help?
[11:58:58] <Casper> I have....
[11:59:09] <Casper> 3 laptops and 10 pcs to install windows
[11:59:54] * jadew pretends someone called him
[12:07:30] <Casper> jadew: what... you don't like that easy job?
[12:07:48] <Casper> Do you prefer that virus?
[12:07:56] <Casper> (that's another job to do)
[12:08:09] <Casper> or that xp install on an atom netbook? :D
[12:08:11] <jadew> I think it's the thing I hate the most about owning a pc
[12:08:43] <jadew> actually, the thing I hate the most is having to install someone else's PC
[12:21:52] <Casper> jadew: there is worse... doing that to a familly member, then they fuck up their pc within a week, then call you to fix it because you fucked up
[12:24:51] <jadew> lol, yeah, I've had that happening too
[12:36:11] <Casper> jadew: I got a woman last week.... her computer was badly damaged by those optimisation tools and crapwares... we opt for a reformat...
[12:36:34] <Casper> talk with her at the pickup about those junk...
[12:36:52] <Casper> few days later, she say that her computer is slow, freeze and reboot
[12:37:03] <Casper> we tell her to come back...
[12:37:50] <Casper> 5-6 optimisation program, (most of them I told her it was damageware), few toolbars, few other crapware... that is what I saw in the add/remove program...
[12:38:04] <Casper> basically, the windows was scrap already
[12:38:35] <Casper> we told her: sorry, but it's not under waranty, you scrapped your windows with all those programs, we need to redo the job
[12:38:56] <Casper> she don't understand it
[12:39:26] <Casper> we gave her an analogy with a car dealer: you buy a car, but smash it in a wall, now you come back to the dealer to have it fixed under waranty
[12:39:30] <jadew> install deep freeze :P
[12:39:32] <Casper> she don't understand that too...
[12:39:59] <Casper> mind you... we got a pc that was badly infected... with a deep freeze
[12:40:08] <Casper> the hacker installed the deep freeze...
[12:40:18] <jadew> haha
[12:40:37] <Casper> took us some time to understand what was going on
[12:45:00] <Casper> so.... one windows basically done :D
[12:54:00] <Tom_itx> is deep freeze a new one?
[12:57:07] <jadew> Tom_itx, it's a tool, mainly used in internet caffees
[12:57:22] <jadew> it reverts all the changes you make after reboot
[13:21:34] <Casper> jadew: I read that some virus can still evade the deep freeze
[13:29:24] <jadew> I don't doubt that :)
[13:31:19] <Tom_itx> it's a never ending battle
[18:53:29] <Casper> jadew: I'm HOOOOOOME!
[18:57:23] <jadew> wooo
[18:57:32] <jadew> Casper, make lots of photos! :D
[19:08:28] <tzanger> I'm almost home. 1 flight and 1hr drive
[19:08:28] <Casper> jadew: done photoshooting
[19:08:42] <tzanger> Casper: where were you?
[19:08:49] <jadew> Casper, neat, so how does it look like?
[19:08:55] <Casper> tzanger: in my basement? :D
[19:09:02] <Casper> jadew: hmmm new? :D
[19:09:02] <jadew> tzanger, he was at work, anctious to get home to his new scope :)
[19:09:08] <tzanger> ahh
[19:09:28] <Casper> now.... to upload them
[19:09:41] <jadew> do you have where to put them?
[19:11:06] <Casper> jadew: is 18 photo enought?
[19:11:22] <jadew> sounds good :)
[19:11:37] <Casper> it will be on flickr soon
[19:11:51] <jadew> awesome
[19:11:52] <Casper> too bad, I don't have a white background :D
[19:11:57] <jadew> I'm super excited about this scope, can't wait for it to be available in .ro as well
[19:12:06] <Casper> 2/3 upped
[19:12:11] <jadew> that's alright
[19:12:11] <Casper> (my pics are huuuuge)
[19:12:29] <Casper> 6-8MB each :D
[19:12:36] <jadew> nice
[19:14:01] <Casper> http://www.flickr.com/photos/93694432@N04/sets/72157635960625565/
[19:15:24] <jadew> oh, I forgot you got the sig gen too
[19:15:36] <Casper> :D
[19:15:48] <jadew> looks nice
[19:16:12] <Casper> how's the pic quality? :D
[19:16:18] <jadew> very good
[19:17:00] <Casper> I bounced the flash on the ceiling :D
[19:17:19] <Casper> which is why there is basically no shadow and such even lighting
[19:17:31] <jadew> yeah, it looks great
[19:17:42] <jadew> I guess I could do that too when I'm taking photos of my stuff
[19:17:54] <jadew> don't know why it never crossed my mind
[19:18:04] <jadew> (I've got the tools)
[19:18:59] <Casper> now, to power it up :D
[19:19:40] <vsync_> Casper: so all this fuzz because of a scope?
[19:19:46] <jadew> hmm, I see they moved the math and ref buttons between the vertical position buttons (compared to the 1052E) wonder where they put the button that was there already (it's called off, but I don't know what it does)
[19:19:55] <jadew> vsync_, the new Rigol scope :P
[19:20:06] <vsync_> some brand new model?
[19:20:07] <jadew> the ds1000z series
[19:20:10] <jadew> yep
[19:20:23] <vsync_> probably paid a fortune for it...
[19:23:48] <jadew> not really, it's the new entry level series, which is why I'm so excited
[19:23:56] <vsync_> still like
[19:23:58] <vsync_> what
[19:24:00] <vsync_> $1k?
[19:24:02] <jadew> it's super affordable, 4 channels and 30 000 wfm
[19:24:09] <vsync_> well, how much?
[19:24:09] <jadew> under $1k
[19:24:14] <vsync_> cause i need a new scope
[19:24:25] <vsync_> how much under? Kind of vague
[19:24:45] <vsync_> cause i'm not willing to pay more than a couple of hundred. Buying used scope may be
[19:25:00] <jadew> the cheappest one is $585
[19:25:19] <jadew> http://www.rigolna.com/products/digital-oscilloscopes/ds1000Z/ds1074z/
[19:25:59] <vsync_> yeah. Kind of bad though, if i'd order that out of EU, i'd probably have to pay 24% VAT
[19:26:04] <vsync_> that, plus shipping, is too much for me
[19:26:16] <jadew> I think they'll get it in eu as well
[19:26:25] <jadew> I'm waiting for the local distributor to show it in stock
[19:27:38] <vsync_> EU prices bound to be more than $585
[19:27:52] <jadew> that's true, but still, it's pretty good
[19:28:16] <vsync_> proly is
[19:29:10] <jadew> Casper, is the menu in Chinese?
[19:43:17] <Casper> no
[19:44:09] <jadew> so what's your first impression?
[19:57:47] <Casper> quite different than my analog one :D
[19:58:51] <jadew> I bet :)
[19:59:11] <jadew> you can make screenshots and save them on a usb stick
[19:59:30] <vsync_> that's actually quite neat
[19:59:54] <jadew> if you find something interresting, don't forget about that
[20:00:09] <vsync_> still can't afford $600 on a scope :(
[20:00:12] <jadew> for one, I'd like to see how that 30k wfms/s look like
[20:00:28] <jadew> vsync_, I'm considering selling my current one and upgrading to that one
[20:00:38] <vsync_> digital?
[20:01:17] <jadew> yeah
[20:01:42] <Casper> the old scope was easier
[20:01:43] <jadew> it's the previous generation, the ds1052e, costs about $300
[20:01:55] <Casper> knob and switch is hard to beat in simplicity
[20:02:05] <jadew> Casper, I'm sure you'll get used to it pretty fast
[20:02:21] <jadew> the higher end ones have knobs and siwtches for each channel, but meh...
[20:02:34] <jadew> I don't mind cycling trough channels and adjusting each in part
[20:02:50] <jadew> you don't really need to cycle, you just push the button
[20:20:14] <Casper> Delivered On:
[20:20:15] <Casper> Friday, 09/27/2013 at 12:16 P.M.
[20:35:45] <Casper> look like the waveform generator could be used to make am and fm transmitter
[20:36:11] <Casper> fsk and pm too
[20:37:00] * Casper mights have to read the datasheets....
[20:37:01] <Casper> err
[20:37:03] <Casper> manual...
[20:37:04] <Casper> on the cd
[20:38:16] <jadew> yeah, it should be able to modulate the output
[20:38:28] <jadew> I don't know if it takes an input tho
[20:38:33] <jadew> does it have an input on the back?
[20:43:30] <Casper> yup
[20:43:40] <jadew> nice
[20:47:09] <Casper> what the...
[20:47:42] <Casper> I think that...
[20:47:51] <Casper> ...they refunded me the stuff
[20:49:16] <Casper> I expected to see my credit card to have ~200$ on it, or zero... for the tax...
[20:49:28] <Casper> I see a credit of 1380.58...
[20:49:35] <jadew> lol
[20:49:41] <jadew> don't tell anyone! :D
[20:49:51] <jadew> let them figure it out
[20:49:56] <Casper> as in... like if the scope and waveform wasn't there
[20:50:12] <Casper> yeah
[21:17:18] <Casper> jadew: they have how much time to come back to ask for the payment?
[21:22:51] <jadew> I don't know
[21:23:25] <Casper> I'm just a bit worried about collection...
[21:26:19] <jadew> you didn't notice
[21:27:02] <jadew> I'd probably call them and straighten it out
[21:29:32] <sjokkis> any of you done any freertos hacking? i'm trying to set it up on the at90usb, but i'm not getting any ticks. i added some code to the timer isr to see if it's triggering as it should, and it is, but the tick count isn't increasing
[21:34:52] <sjokkis> i also tried adding a uart print to both the timer isr and to vApplicationTickHook. only the first is run
[21:41:52] <seldon> I missed the first part of the conversation, so stop me if I'm talking rubbish. If this is about freertos, did you set configUSE_TICK_HOOK to 1 in FreeRTOSConfig.h?
[21:48:57] <jadew> Casper, so how does the 30k wfms/s look like? did you try it on a fast signal?
[21:49:07] <Casper> wfms?
[21:49:14] <jadew> waveform updates
[21:49:25] <jadew> it should look just like an analog scope
[21:49:40] <Casper> the tests I did look nice
[21:49:41] <Casper> but
[21:49:49] <Casper> I forgot that it have bnc output
[21:49:55] <Casper> I lack bnc connectors :D
[21:50:02] <jadew> heh
[21:50:33] <Casper> I'll get some bnc to banana
[21:50:37] <Casper> tomorrow
[21:50:39] <jadew> I actually bought a bnc to bnc cable yesterday
[21:50:59] <Casper> I was like... "oh crap I need them! oh... the store close in 5 minutes..."
[21:55:49] * jadew thinks rigol is crushing the competition
[21:56:49] <Casper> me too
[21:57:02] <Casper> appears to be a good product for not much money
[21:57:28] <Casper> in a few months, I'll try to find a keygen to unlock all the features
[21:57:57] <Casper> if I need them...
[21:57:58] <jadew> Casper, I think there's a serial number on the eevblog forum
[21:58:10] <Casper> actually, it's a key gen
[21:58:26] <jadew> no, I think they found a service key
[21:58:36] <jadew> something super simple that seems to work on most scopes
[21:58:54] <jadew> and enables everything until the next reboot
[21:59:38] <Casper> well, for now, I won't do any software update on it
[21:59:52] <Casper> so I'll see if I want to enable the features later on
[21:59:55] <jadew> yeah, I don't think you really need all those features anyway
[22:00:11] <Casper> there is a deeper memory buffer that could be usefull
[22:00:42] <Casper> standard is 12M option is 24M
[22:00:57] <jadew> yeah... but I don't think you're that used to single shotting stuff and then zooming in a lot, given that your last scope was analog :P
[22:01:21] <jadew> but I agree, it could come in handy
[22:02:16] <jadew> personally, I never feel the need to zoom in on a single shot, I just zoom in and take another one
[22:05:58] <Casper> now....
[22:06:02] <Casper> does my cdrom work...
[22:06:10] <Casper> atleast it open....
[22:24:54] <sjokkis> seldon: yes, i did set that
[22:24:59] <sjokkis> seldon: the rest i wrote was:
[22:25:06] <sjokkis> any of you done any freertos hacking? i'm trying to set it up on the at90usb, but i'm not getting any ticks. i added some code to the timer isr to see if it's triggering as it should, and it is, but the tick count isn't increasing
[22:25:10] <sjokkis> i also tried adding a uart print to both the timer isr and to vApplicationTickHook. only the first is run
[22:28:00] <sjokkis> seems like vApplicationTickHook is supposed to be called in xTaskIncrementTick. my uart print is right after xTaskIncrementTick returns, but for some reason the value i get from xTaskGetTickCount is the same every time, and the uart print i put in vApplicationTickHook isn't ever called
[22:30:08] <seldon> Do you have freertos 7.5.2? Just so we're on the same code.
[22:32:10] <sjokkis> seldon: yes i do
[22:34:22] <seldon> If you put a uart print in line 1681 in Source/tasks.c (outside the #if(configUSE_TICK_HOOK == 1) but inside the else{}), is it run there?
[22:37:43] <sjokkis> seldon: i left the lab a little while ago to go home and sleep, unfortunately, but i'll try it first thing in the morning!
[22:38:04] <seldon> goodnight, then.
[22:38:25] <sjokkis> goodnight, and thank you
[22:48:30] <Casper> rue_house: ya there?
[22:50:12] <rue_house> never!
[22:52:42] <jadew> I'm off to bed, night
[22:53:33] <Casper> nite jadew