#avr | Logs for 2013-09-26

[00:32:16] <rue_bed> oh whats up
[00:32:23] <rue_bed> 2313, hmm
[00:33:05] <rue_bed> I had to do it with a large case statement
[00:33:22] <rue_bed> fisted ^
[02:00:35] <jadew> I got presents from china!!! \o/
[02:00:45] <megal0maniac_afk> Still no avrdude support for JTAGICE3?
[02:00:49] <megal0maniac_afk> jadew: Yay! :D
[02:01:38] <jadew> wasn't expecting this till last week and I thought I have to pick it up, instead it came to my door, AWESOME
[02:01:40] <megal0maniac> OndraSter: < OndraSter> which supports (surprisingly) debugging
[02:02:08] <megal0maniac> It's effectively async serial. Not so surprising once you realise that :)
[02:03:37] <megal0maniac> At F_CPU/8 baud
[02:04:10] <megal0maniac> jadew: My latest order is from DX, so I'm expecting to wait ~2 months. But it'll probably arrive at my door as well
[02:04:36] <jadew> this is a first really
[02:04:47] <jadew> usually I had to go down at the post office
[02:04:59] <megal0maniac> And give them your money?
[02:05:01] <jadew> lots of goodies!
[02:05:19] <jadew> no, never had to pay any taxes for things comming from china
[02:05:33] <jadew> almost like they're part of the EU
[02:06:10] <megal0maniac> Lucky. Usually I have to pay ZAR6 for customs and ZAR35 admin fee :P
[02:09:42] <megal0maniac> http://www.nongnu.org/avrdude/user-manual/avrdude_4.html#Option-Descriptions
[02:10:05] <megal0maniac> JTAGICE3 is supported. What are you on about? :/
[02:12:10] <jadew> oh man... this totally made my day
[02:13:04] <megal0maniac> jadew: What's in the box? :)
[02:13:34] <jadew> nrf modules, 433mhz and 315mhz rf modules, a small tft screen, bulk converters, a big ass solar cell, buttons, sd card slot module and a ultrasonic ranging module
[02:13:44] <jadew> and some PCBs
[02:14:41] <jadew> I always wanted to try those $2 DC-DC converters
[02:16:28] <jadew> ah, and an accelerometer module, wanted to play with that too
[02:20:02] <megal0maniac> Awesome :) Typical Chinese goodie bag
[02:21:55] <megal0maniac> I love this: http://www.instructables.com/id/VUSBTiny-AVR-SPI-Programmer/
[02:22:32] <megal0maniac> You program an attiny by putting some tape over some pins, then you stick another attiny on top of it. Magic :)
[02:23:15] <jadew> I love the top question
[02:23:24] <jadew> "What is SPI and why would I want to program it?"
[02:23:28] <megal0maniac> :D
[02:27:04] <megal0maniac> Also this: http://www.projectik.eu/index.php/elektrotechnika/microprocesory/item/129-avr-isp-programator-na-usb-ver100
[02:27:13] <megal0maniac> V-USB based AVRISP MKII
[02:28:10] <megal0maniac> Which would mean Atmel Studio support. Assuming I'm not misreading something, why isn't this the standard instead of those silly USBASP programmers?
[02:36:22] <megal0maniac> And my final contribution: http://mdiy.pl/konstrukcje/?lang=en
[02:37:06] <megal0maniac> Some of the coolest projects, many using AVRs. Includes a portable programmer using one of those Nokia screens and .hex files on an SD card. Writes fuses, verifies, reads firmware etc
[03:21:38] <megal0maniac> I'm seeing a lot of stuff that hints at the fact that avarice works with the JTAGICE3 using trunk builds. But little evidence to support it
[03:21:47] <megal0maniac> Does anyone know / has anyone tried?
[03:34:41] <Roklobsta> anyone in the market for an atmel raven?
[03:46:44] <megal0maniac> Roklobsta: Yes but no
[03:47:19] <megal0maniac> Found and compiled avarice from trunk. Confirmed JTAGICE3 support, using libusb :)
[03:48:21] <megal0maniac> Whether it works or not, however, I don't know. To complicate things, it's running Debian chrooted on an Openwrt kernel on an ARM box. So might not get as far as enumeration but we'll see
[04:10:49] <RikusW> hi megal0maniac_afk
[04:20:14] <megal0maniac_afk> RikusW: hey
[05:28:52] <zmo> hi!
[05:30:36] <zmo> I'm prototyping a project using a leonardo board, on which I use the SPI to communicate with another component (using the SPI pins on the ICSP header). Do you think it is possible to use the AVR Dragon to do ISD on the board without having it breaking the SPI communication?
[06:11:52] <Fornaxian> zmo, that entirely depends on how things are hooked up and how the SPI devices respond when the SPI programmer goes active.
[06:12:08] <Fornaxian> if you have done SPI properly, with chip select lines, then it shouldn't be an issue.
[06:14:28] <Fornaxian> usually when people just do one SPI device they just pull the chip select line low and leave it...in which case it will likely interfere with your SPI
[06:14:43] <Fornaxian> err...with your spi programmer.
[06:45:52] <zmo> I actually read a bit more about the debugwire feature, and it seems to work only on the reset line
[06:46:29] <zmo> though I still have to figure out if I got to do any modification on the leonardo to make the reset line usable
[09:23:35] <megal0maniac> zmo: DebugWire only uses the reset line, and only if the DWEN fuse is set.
[09:31:35] <zmo> ok
[09:32:38] <megal0maniac> What is the difference between setting an output using PINx and PORTx?
[09:36:14] <twnqx> one works, the other doesn't? :>
[09:37:37] <megal0maniac> Somewhere, someone mentioned that toggling using PINx was a "more efficient" way of doing it on "new megas"
[09:37:55] <megal0maniac> More or less
[09:38:22] <blathijs> AFAIU PINx is the input register, PORTx is the output register
[09:38:38] <blathijs> which suggests writing to PINx is not supported
[09:40:07] <blathijs> Oh wait. Writing a 1 to PINx toggles PORTx according to the tiny13 datasheet
[09:40:23] <blathijs> which also explains the weird control lines I saw in the port schematic
[09:41:08] <blathijs> 328 datasheet says the same
[09:52:05] <megal0maniac> Ooh, that's actually potentially useful :)
[10:15:39] <sjokkis> hey, i'm using atmel studio 6 and i'm trying to build freertos. i know it's available in asf, but i'm not using one of the development boards it's available for, so i've downloaded it myself. the application code is in FreeRTOS/Demo/blahblah/main.c and it's trying to include FreeRTOS/Source/include/FreeRTOS.h but i get the error "No such file or directory". I've tried including the include folder in Properties->Toolchain so what gives?
[10:16:49] <sjokkis> from rightclicking the project in the browser, then under Toolchain adding the folder under AVR/GNU Linker and then Libraries
[10:16:56] <sjokkis> under search path
[10:28:08] <sjokkis> also under compiler, to be extra sure
[14:48:29] <megal0maniac> Quiet evening
[14:48:43] <megal0maniac> Everything must be working :)
[14:58:31] <specing> or nothing is and thus everyone is busy fixing things
[15:08:04] <megal0maniac> This is true for me
[15:08:56] <megal0maniac> Building a counter using JKs. Should be going 752316, but it's going 746 instead
[15:09:26] <megal0maniac> Should be able to reverse the direction. But then it goes 26...
[15:09:52] * megal0maniac wants to design this in software instead. That's what AVRs are for
[15:17:10] <megal0maniac> How does one use "PB3"?
[15:41:02] <OndraSter> megal0maniac, just as any other GPIOM
[15:41:04] <OndraSter> ?
[15:44:38] <megal0maniac> Nevermind, I didn't end up using it. Is it an alias to PORTB3?
[15:47:56] <megal0maniac> Also, wtf. I have a while loop which runs through the counter sequence. It enters the loop, but changes are only made the second time around
[15:48:14] <megal0maniac> PORTB = 0x18|(7&5);
[15:48:51] <megal0maniac> I'm setting the lower 3 bits to 5 (0x05) without changing anything else in PORTB
[15:49:04] <megal0maniac> But I'm pretty sure that isn't the "ideal" way to do it
[15:50:17] <megal0maniac> If I look at the disassembly, it runs LDI the first time around, and OUT every time after that
[15:51:08] <megal0maniac> So the first time it stores all the values to various registers, then it sets the outputs. Can I not tell it to do it all at once? :/
[16:35:20] <Casper> jadew: ups quantum notification, 2 tracking
[16:39:43] <jadew> it's shipping?
[16:39:51] <Casper> :)
[16:40:05] <jadew> awesome
[16:40:52] <jadew> so next week?
[16:42:49] <Casper> tomorrow
[16:46:10] <jadew> awesome!
[16:51:31] <megal0maniac_afk> About bloody time!
[19:06:08] <Casper> now that I'm home....
[19:06:19] <Casper> it's the ups update waiting game...
[22:40:33] <Casper> jadew: WOW
[22:40:56] <Casper> it's already at the local ups sorting facility
[22:42:22] <jadew> neat!
[22:42:48] <jadew> any chance it will get delivered today?
[22:42:56] <jadew> or is it too late?
[22:45:25] <Casper> sure
[22:45:42] <Casper> they still have 30 mins till midnight
[22:45:50] <Casper> then they still have a full day
[22:49:46] <Casper> jadew: I think that from where it is right now, it will be shipped in a few hours to the next place, where it go then in the delivery truck
[23:10:09] <jadew> I'm waiting for a shipment as well, should arrive in a few hours
[23:10:30] <jadew> nothing too exciting tho
[23:12:57] <Casper> I except it to come between 11-13h tomorrow
[23:13:05] <Casper> and I'm working until 19...
[23:13:09] <Casper> that will be a torture
[23:13:25] * Casper wonders what's the weather for tomorrow
[23:13:42] <Casper> ah a great sun!
[23:13:57] <Casper> gonna bring my camera to work... if I remember to take it
[23:14:06] <Casper> we need to redo the store picture on our web site
[23:55:00] <Casper> jadew: it's NOT in canada yet
[23:55:20] <Casper> Louisville, KY, United States ← there