#avr | Logs for 2013-09-22

[01:52:55] <annath> hey all. Quick question. I'm trying to use optiboot independent of the arduino IDE and without the arduino libraries (I really just want to upload my own hex file). I've got it running on an Atmega644A, and I can load an application on it, but after I do I can't get it back into the bootloader. I'm assuming it was overwritten or somehow broken but I'm not really sure. Does anyone know much about optiboot or what might be happeni
[01:52:55] <annath> ng? (And if this is the wrong place to ask, where would be the best place?)
[01:55:25] <Casper> annath: arduino junk ain't supported here
[01:55:56] <Casper> sorry, but they do stuff all the wrong way
[02:39:38] <braincracker> :) http://www.atomiczombie.com/home/gallery/pic7.jpg the france loltrike
[03:47:58] <megal0maniac_afk> Casper: Optiboot is a standard bootloader, it just happens to be utilised by Arduino. Thats like calling GCC "stupid arduino junk"
[03:48:37] <Casper> oh?
[03:48:45] <Casper> woops
[05:28:33] <braincracker> old man reckless driving with a velomobile ^^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jePRQoWyMz4
[07:16:51] <cyber37> Hi everibody, i have a question about an ATMEGA8 : I was using it with NRF24L01 modules, i have made a PCB and it doesn't work, (down the PCB i make a short circuit and the atmega was very hot :D
[07:17:19] <cyber37> But now the atmega8 is "working" for turn on / off the led's, but i'm not sure if he is working or not for SPI
[07:17:38] <cyber37> the spi communication return "random's" values
[07:18:10] <cyber37> if the atmega burn is it possible to work perfectly exept some things ? (like SPI in my ..)
[07:18:48] <cyber37> Does exist a command with AVRDUDE for "analyse" if the atmega is "ok" ? (i can program him without problems)
[07:45:03] <Fornaxian> cyber37, yes, it is possible to burn out some parts and not others on an AVR
[07:45:26] <Fornaxian> avrdude does not analyze the chip..it is just for uploading programs to the chip or downloading the chip's contents.
[07:46:22] <Fornaxian> hence the name... AVRDUDE - AVR Downloader/UploaDEr
[07:46:48] <jadew> altho, before checking if the chip has issues, I'd look at what happens over SPI with a scope or a LA
[07:48:26] <Fornaxian> yup.
[08:03:13] <cyber37> i havent scope so i cant "see"
[08:03:21] <cyber37> i will try at the work
[08:17:55] <abcminiuser> Hrm, jokes on Dave with his old AVR/Microchip april fools
[08:18:02] <abcminiuser> Programming a PIC with a Dragon is actually possible :P
[08:18:40] <Fornaxian> yup.
[08:19:26] <Fornaxian> I made an AVR programmer out of a usbPIC once too.
[08:19:33] <abcminiuser> There's a nice generic SPI command in the programmers you could use
[09:37:31] <megal0maniac_afk> Time to fix the BSY error!
[09:39:29] <megal0maniac_afk> Screw you Seagate! I would have checked for this before if you didn't label your drives as "Maxtor"
[10:05:10] <theBear> not their fault they had a couple bad years and in the meantime the most unreliable brand in town somehow got a bunch of loyal customers
[10:10:48] <megal0maniac_afk> But they tricked me!
[10:11:34] <megal0maniac_afk> I checked all my drives, one was at risk so I checked the firmware and it was up to date. But nobody said anything about Maxtor
[10:11:35] <theBear> no, maxtor tricked you
[10:16:44] <megal0maniac_afk> Well I've been tricked
[10:48:26] <megal0maniac_afk> And...
[10:48:43] * megal0maniac_afk breathes
[10:48:45] <megal0maniac_afk> :D
[10:50:11] <OndraSter__> guys, what phone colour should I buy... red, yellow, white or black?
[10:50:26] <megal0maniac_afk> Well that isn't vague at all
[10:50:35] <megal0maniac_afk> Are you getting a dog?
[10:50:42] <megal0maniac_afk> Because then avoid red and yellow
[10:50:59] <OndraSter__> phone
[10:52:09] <megal0maniac_afk> Black is always safe. Are you a dangerous man, OndraSter__ ?
[10:52:29] <Tom_itx> pink
[10:52:30] <Fornaxian> it should be pink
[10:52:32] <Fornaxian> hehe
[10:52:40] <Fornaxian> that way no other man will want to steal it.
[10:52:44] <Tom_itx> with hippie flowers on it
[10:52:58] <OndraSter__> megal0maniac_afk, well black is the only mate colour
[10:53:01] <OndraSter__> matte*
[10:53:18] <OndraSter__> it catches less fingerprints, but they are much worse to clean off
[10:53:21] <OndraSter__> than on the glossy ones
[10:53:26] <Fornaxian> or purple!
[10:53:27] <OndraSter__> also the glossy ones feel a bit better in your hand
[10:53:28] <OndraSter__> haha
[10:53:29] <Fornaxian> a nice gay purple!
[10:53:31] <OndraSter__> only those 4 are available
[10:53:37] <OndraSter__> HEY, what's wrong on purple!
[10:53:40] <OndraSter__> purple is not gay
[10:53:40] * Fornaxian has spraypaint.
[10:53:42] <OndraSter__> nor is pink
[10:53:59] <OndraSter__> there is nothing gay about wearing a pink panties!
[10:54:16] <Fornaxian> not so long as you wear them on your head, no.
[10:54:20] <megal0maniac_afk> When you're wearing pink panties, the colour is hardly the issue
[10:54:26] <Fornaxian> but the skid should always be in the back.
[10:54:33] <Fornaxian> wearing the skid in the front is just sick.
[10:56:46] <Fornaxian> ok...that killed the conversation.
[10:56:58] <Fornaxian> chaos, mayhem, and confusion...my job here is done.
[10:57:01] <megal0maniac_afk> Now the firmware won't update
[10:57:26] <megal0maniac_afk> But at least it works again
[10:57:30] <megal0maniac_afk> For now...
[11:21:54] <vsync_> OndraSter__: get a pink iphone and then complete your collection with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkEeOBDmqQg
[11:22:34] <OndraSter__> .. dude
[11:22:37] <OndraSter__> also i am not getting an iphone
[11:23:34] <vsync_> just a suggestion!
[11:23:43] <OndraSter__> lol
[11:23:58] <OndraSter__> I am getting (cough, not many people will like it) Lumia 920 :D
[11:25:27] <vsync_> i don't like any of the new "phones"
[11:25:39] <vsync_> best regards, using a nokia e90 atm
[11:27:26] <OndraSter__> haha
[11:28:59] <OndraSter__> I found a floppy - "CD-ROM Device Driver & User Manual" Ver:3.2
[11:29:06] <OndraSter__> for MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows 3.1
[11:29:15] <OndraSter__> * run "INSTALL. EXE" to install device driver
[11:29:21] <OndraSter__> * run "README. EXE" for user manual
[11:29:21] <OndraSter__> lol
[11:32:01] <antto> mmm
[11:32:06] <antto> tasty readme!
[11:36:30] <spec_> Quick question: On the AVR, when the RXEN is enabled on the UART, it it still possible to read the state of that pin by reading PORTx.y without disabling RXEN?
[11:36:56] <spec_> Or is it required to disable RXEN to read that pins state?
[11:55:34] <Casper> never tried, but I think you can read the pin
[11:56:15] <Casper> it wouln't change the impedance of the pin, so I'm quite sure they didn't bother to disconnect it
[11:59:37] <spec_> Cool. I have a code example that reads the state without bothering to disable RXEN, but I wanted to verify
[11:59:41] <OndraSter__> spec_, it is not possible to read by PORTx.y
[11:59:44] <OndraSter__> you read by PINx.y :D
[12:02:33] <spec_> lol, yes. That's what's in the code.
[12:03:26] <vsync_> ":D"
[12:18:46] <Fornaxian> ok guys...we need a new cross compiler....mindfuck to vhdl!
[12:39:05] <spec_> Like vhdl isn't enough of a mindfuck by itself.
[13:19:22] <spec_> I'm trying to receive DMX, and have two options to set 250Kbps. The question is whether to set U2X or not.
[13:19:58] <spec_> What are the advantages/disadvantages? This is on the Tiny2313
[13:21:43] <theBear> look at the timing/sampling graphs in the uart dept of the datasheet... makes it all clear
[13:35:52] <spec_> Clear as mud. @ 16MHz 250Kbps is possible with U2X either enabled or disabled by setting the baud registers to 7 or 3 respectively. The questions is, is there an advantage to one over the other?
[13:39:41] <spec_> Am I reading it right that by clearing U2X I get better accuracy in synchronizing the UART clock?
[14:40:24] <megal0maniac_afk> Windows HEX editor, anyone? Suggestions?
[14:44:10] <nickoe> megal0maniac_afk: notepad++
[14:44:27] <nickoe> you have to enable it
[14:44:42] <inkjetunito> doesn't/didn't windows have one in the base system aswell?
[14:45:59] <inkjetunito> lol. maybe i was thinking of dos or something
[14:46:34] <MrMobius> debug?
[14:48:13] <inkjetunito> yeah :D
[14:57:25] <megal0maniac_afk> nickoe: Cool, thanks :)
[15:02:43] <nickoe> megal0maniac_afk: np
[15:14:09] <megal0maniac_afk> nickoe: You're talking about the plugin, right?
[15:14:25] <nickoe> megal0maniac_afk: yes
[15:14:45] <nickoe> like http://www.mydigitallife.info/use-notepad-as-hex-editor-with-plugin-download-free-winhex-alternative/
[15:15:09] <nickoe> you can activate ti from within the plugin editor, it might be hindden in the experimental stuff
[15:36:57] <megal0maniac_afk> I'm getting "cc1.exe: error: unrecognized command line option "-mmcu=atmega1284p"
[15:37:20] <megal0maniac_afk> And I've removed MinGW from my path variable
[15:37:26] <megal0maniac_afk> Just to be safe
[15:53:49] <megal0maniac_afk> I'm giving it: avr32-gcc -mmcu=atmega1284p -Wall -gdwarf-2 -std=gnu99 -Os -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -MD -MP -MT Blink.o -MF dep/Blink.o.d -c ../Blink.c
[15:54:05] <megal0maniac_afk> And getting that error back
[15:54:10] <megal0maniac_afk> Oh ffs
[15:54:14] <megal0maniac_afk> I see it
[15:54:44] <megal0maniac_afk> :$
[16:14:29] <amee2k> morning everyone :D
[16:18:51] <amee2k> http://vm197.cugnet.net/~amee2k/sandbox2/pwm-scheme.png << are there any tricks or soft-pwm libraries to stagger PWM pulses as shown in this diagram to reduce ripple current in the common supply lines? (for 4 channels on a megaX8, timers 0 and 2 sans OCnx pins are available)
[16:22:12] <amee2k> google search only seems to bring up discussions about controlling lots of RC servos without hardware PWM channels
[16:22:27] <jadew> you can probably easily do it with a r-2r network and an opamp
[16:22:51] <amee2k> i'm looking for PWM, not a DAC
[16:22:56] <jadew> + soft pwm or several pwm channels that are synchronized
[16:23:31] <jadew> amee2k, well, you can't output half of a level from a digital IO
[16:24:10] <amee2k> well, the timers are clocked off the same clock so they have no phase drift. the problem is that i can only see how to easily get the two bottom pattern from the normal operating modes (using fast pwm or phase-correct pwm modes)
[16:24:22] <amee2k> where do i do that?
[16:25:10] <amee2k> i have four loads fed by a common supply. they all use on-off PWM control
[16:25:52] <amee2k> the X graph plots the number of loads that are turned on simultaneously at any moment
[16:26:55] <jadew> so you don't wnat to combine them
[16:27:00] <jadew> you just want 4 pwm channels
[16:27:27] <jadew> if that's the case, I don't see what the problem
[16:27:28] <amee2k> the loads are independent, but they run off a common supply line and i'm trying to reduce the ripple current
[16:27:47] <amee2k> the problem is efficient implementation with a megaX8 :>
[16:29:40] <amee2k> i could try to filter the living shit out of the supply, but this approach seems to be very effective by reducing the ripple to at most a single load
[16:32:39] <amee2k> the practical limit for the PWM frequency is 1-2kHz which is a) below the power supply's error amp bandwidth and b) well within the audible range
[18:01:13] <spec_> This is really weird. The UART on the 2313 is being sent a BREAK (140µS low) from an outside device, while in the break I enable RXCIE and 39µS after the RX ISR fires
[18:04:31] <spec_> I guess it's reading the end of the break as a start bit, followed by a 0.
[21:28:28] <spec_> interrupts are listed in order of priority, yes?
[21:29:20] <Tom_itx> pretty sure