#avr | Logs for 2013-09-18

[00:34:11] <koolatron1> What's the recommended D+ and D- bus resistor value for the mega32u2? I see it mentioned as 22 ohms in on section of the datasheet, but not elsewhere. Is it 22 ohms no matter what?
[00:38:02] <koolatron1> I have to imagine it is, since the bus drivers are supplied by the internal 3V3 regulator on this part. But I figured I'd ask.
[00:38:56] <Valen> if thats what the data sheet says I'd suggest that is what you should use
[00:39:19] <Valen> it is probably mostly there for reasons of ringing and the like
[00:39:20] <koolatron1> Valen: Well, that's my question. The datasheet isn't explicit here.
[00:40:04] <Valen> USB Full speed / Low Speed Negative Data Upstream Port. Should be connected to the USB D- connector pin with a serial 22 Ohms resistor.
[00:40:10] <Valen> sounds explicit to me
[00:41:13] <koolatron1> Aha. You must be reading a different document than me. Thanks.
[00:42:01] <Valen> i got that from the u4
[00:42:19] <Valen> its in the port pin descriptions
[00:42:24] <koolatron1> That makes sense then. I'm reading the u2 document.
[00:42:31] <Valen> (pg 6 on this one)
[00:42:46] <koolatron1> The docs there don't mention it in the port pin descriptions, they just say it's for USB data.
[00:44:31] <koolatron1> Even the design examples in this doc only have the values pointed out once, and not even the first one.
[00:46:05] <koolatron1> Thanks for pointing that out, though. 22 ohms seemed like a good guess anyhow.
[00:46:17] <Valen> no worries, good luck
[01:03:14] <Enma_Hinobara> http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~sd601/papers/mov.pdf (mov is Turing-complete)
[01:03:21] <Enma_Hinobara> Random thing of possible interest
[02:13:29] <w|zzy> damnit.
[02:13:38] <w|zzy> Just blinded myself using a super bright led
[02:21:19] <antto> that's why i'm looking for diffused leds, but it's nearly impossible to find them :/
[02:22:13] <antto> all the nice ones are out of stock
[02:22:24] <Xark> In a pinch, fine sandpaper works surprisingly well. ;)
[02:22:57] <antto> i don't wanna go that route
[02:23:03] <antto> i tried it..
[02:23:21] <antto> compared it to a really decent diffused LED
[02:24:30] <Xark> No, it is not quite as nice. However, I find it preferable to being blinded. :)
[02:24:46] <w|zzy> Its one i got from work
[02:25:47] <w|zzy> Stupid placement of it :p
[02:25:52] <antto> i am just shocked.. how can you categorize a LED as "diffused" and yet the viewing angle is 30 deg...
[02:26:43] <antto> and i can't think of many reasons to have focused beam LEDs for panel indication
[02:27:01] <antto> * panel indicators
[02:28:28] <antto> it seems i can get some of the proper ones if i order 500 or 1000
[02:30:23] <w|zzy> they have 3m VHB on the back of the board :/
[02:45:03] <blathijs> win 29
[03:36:17] <jadew> Casper ah, so there's a small chance it might show up tomorrow
[05:04:22] <megal0maniac_afk> jadew: Thanks for the coupon code :)
[05:04:42] <jadew> np, what did you get? :)
[05:08:29] <megal0maniac_afk> A Piccolo launchpad. Pity they don't have the Beaglebone Black
[05:11:05] <jadew> nice, I went for the ARM launchpad, never tried ARM before
[05:13:27] <megal0maniac_afk> I got the Stellaris one when it came out, but haven't touched it. They have the Beagleboard, but it's $89 and less capable :/
[05:13:45] <specing> the stellaris is awesum
[05:15:46] <jadew> I got the Tiva C, which I think it's about the same thing as the stellaris
[05:16:10] <specing> ya, they've renamed
[05:16:20] <specing> not sure why stellaris wasnt good
[05:18:09] <megal0maniac_afk> Well they're selling the stellaris boards for something like $7 now. Getting rid of stock I assume
[05:18:17] <megal0maniac_afk> Maybe I'll go for this http://www.marsboard.com/
[05:18:47] <jadew> nice
[05:19:14] * megal0maniac_afk shrugs
[05:20:05] <jadew> could make a nice media server
[05:20:30] <MrMobius> tiva and stellaris are almost the same with only minor differences. the bad thing about stellaris is they never came out with raw chips.
[05:20:59] <jadew> what do you mean by raw chips?
[05:21:22] <jadew> they didn't have the chip on the board for sale?
[05:22:36] <specing> nope
[05:22:47] <MrMobius> no they never did
[05:22:57] <jadew> heh, weird
[06:39:01] <specing> I'd advise everyone against buying ARM Linux boards
[06:39:14] <specing> the userspace there is a clusterfuck
[06:51:45] <Steffanx> Yeah, all go xmega .. bleh :P
[06:52:56] <Valen> use intels new embedded whaterver it is ;->
[06:54:20] <Steffanx> What is the problem specing?
[06:54:37] <Steffanx> You are not talking about those chinese ARMs are you?
[06:55:02] <Steffanx> Those who forked the linux kernel instead of giving you some patches?
[07:09:22] <specing> Steffanx: doubt you can get a full blown system on any ARMs without patching everything and inserting some blobs here and there
[07:09:38] <specing> I have a desktop with intel HD2500 and its a win
[07:09:49] <specing> everything works out of the box
[07:10:35] <Steffanx> ....
[07:10:59] <Steffanx> perhaps because intel is a huge ass company that spend some time on it? ( or are you using the non-intel open sores stuff? )
[07:14:13] <specing> Intel has official opensource drivers
[07:14:36] <specing> they all spent some time on it, just never released/maintained it
[07:16:38] <specing> the new Atom phones are going to be awesome if Intel manages to not overprice everything
[07:16:57] <specing> I'm fine with spending 100$ more for the "Intel brand", though
[07:40:12] <megal0maniac_afk> specing: Are you talking about boards like the Cubieboard?
[07:41:45] <Steffanx> If that board uses the allwinner his complaints probably apply very well.
[07:45:46] <megal0maniac_afk> It does. And that sucks. Although what exactly meant by "the userspace there is a clusterfuck"?
[07:46:28] <megal0maniac_afk> I've got Linux running very happily on an ARMv5te based box
[07:48:18] <theBear> i've been running it happily on and off since before the first xscales came out, way waaaaay back
[07:52:08] <megal0maniac_afk> Steffanx: More the A20 than the A10
[07:53:56] <theBear> speaking of computers without screens or keyboards, those little 'expensive' mini-nas boxes are getting scary powerful these days... if i could think of something to cover the security cams (big old pci card in the big old server right now) i think i'd get one and it'd pay for itself in power bills inside a year
[07:54:40] <theBear> gaar ! all day constantly people coming past and phoning and msging me telling me to hurry up and do something, so damned busy dealing with them asking i don't get a chance to do something !
[07:55:19] <megal0maniac_afk> theBear: Have you seen the Synology range?
[07:55:45] <theBear> yes, i've followed them at an EXTREEEEEMELY long distance for i dunno, some time now :)
[07:56:10] <specing> megal0maniac_afk: armv5tel as in Intel XScale?
[07:56:28] <specing> also I have an A10 tablet, which is even worse
[07:57:06] <theBear> if i could get something either side of a ghz proc, and they don't make ram small enough for my serving needs anymore, 2 drive bays, maybe 15 watts and it does everything my 150w (including several cameras and bits like modems) big noisy old server can do and probly more :)
[07:57:26] <theBear> and it looks like you can get that for either side of 100 bucks these days !
[07:57:41] <specing> theBear: something with an Intel Atom? or a very low celeron?
[07:57:48] <megal0maniac_afk> specing: It's Marvell Kirkwood 1.2ghz
[07:58:01] <specing> megal0maniac_afk: Intel sold their stuff to Marvell
[07:58:05] <specing> so yea, figures
[07:58:10] <specing> INTEL
[07:58:19] <chek0v> the best syntax
[07:58:20] <chek0v> the end.
[07:58:22] <megal0maniac_afk> No hard float though
[07:58:26] * chek0v lights the fuse, walks away
[07:59:09] <theBear> specing, i'm easy, even arm is good, or those marvells... without the realtime motion detection and recording/encoding on 3 roughly pal to vga quality cam streams, the p3-1000 coppermine i use now 'idles' WAAY under 10% cpu with all kinds of email and webservering and crap going on 24/7
[07:59:39] <megal0maniac_afk> But it's currently acting as a NAS (samba), transmission client, dlna server, mpd client, IRC box etc.
[07:59:40] <theBear> and it's only got 512mb ram and runs mysql and apache and php and postfix and courier and bind and squid etc etc etc etc without hitting swap
[07:59:59] <megal0maniac_afk> theBear: Get one of these :)
[08:00:41] <theBear> they're all much the same in my eyes, that standard list you just wrote part of that they all provide stock IS a nice list, but it can't cover the stuff i need, i'll have to go custom install
[08:01:16] <megal0maniac_afk> Well it runs Debian, but I'm using OpenWRT at the moment
[08:01:16] <theBear> but the cams are still an issue
[08:01:47] <theBear> erg, i be back, i gotta call some monkies now then swap a whole laptop screen :(
[08:01:57] <megal0maniac_afk> Enjoy that
[08:02:38] <jadew> why do you have so many cams all over the place?
[08:02:44] <jadew> are you spying on women?
[08:03:18] <megal0maniac_afk> " roughly pal to vga quality cam streams"
[08:03:20] <megal0maniac_afk> Doubt it ;)
[08:03:48] <theBear> nah, i got a tendancy to enjoy the company of the slightly crazier women in town, and then they make my life hell causing noise complaints kicking at my doors and windows in the middle of the night when i'm not even inside !
[08:04:18] <theBear> well, one of them is better than broadcast pal, and the capture card goes WAAY past that res in both directions... the others are, less awesome :)
[08:04:30] <theBear> but ALL of them free, so ya know, still winning :)
[08:04:44] <Steffanx> IRC and it's wonderful stories..
[08:05:24] <Steffanx> Where are flyback and avrphreak(or whatever it was) when you need em?
[08:08:03] <theBear> don't say that :( i noticed that my lapse in irc hours the last few days was just enough for the bastard to be in my logs and surprise me ! i coulda sworn he was on the neverending baaAAANNNLIIIIISSSTT (sung to tune from theme of a movie with columbo, some dopey kid, and a giant flying silkworm dragon thing <grin>)
[10:57:03] <vsync_> Oh bollocks
[10:58:03] <vsync_> I wonder... When fedex status says "clearance instructions from the importer are required"
[11:00:39] <vsync_> the taxes on imports here are quite strict... Importing of "computers" seem to be free of taxes, however not sure if electronics falls under that. I've ordered a bunch of stuff over the years and i dislike paying the import taxes :(
[11:01:01] <vsync_> sometimes they just slip under the radar... :)
[11:43:08] <zmo> hi!
[11:44:05] <zmo> is there any official documentation from atmel that gives power comsumption of the AVR ATmega32u4 in the different power saving modes ?
[11:44:35] <zmo> I went through the whole datasheet, and there was nothing in it...
[11:48:12] <zmo> there has been a few measurements on blogs stating for the 168 PWRDWN mode is 360uA,
[12:04:45] <ambro718> gcc documentation says the avr device macros are __AVR_Device__ where Device is the name from the datasheed. But the datasheet says ATmega2560/V
[12:04:52] <ambro718> what's with the /V ?
[12:06:17] <ambro718> ah never mind, the /V is not part of the macro...
[12:06:36] <ambro718> what does it mean though?
[12:11:23] <ambro718> does PORTI exist anywhere?
[12:11:38] <ambro718> atmega2560 has H and J but not I
[12:25:42] <RikusW> bss36504 did you maybe leave the board powered and the jtag connected but not powered ?
[12:26:04] <RikusW> its level translators might be damaged
[12:26:29] <RikusW> zmo: there is data on that in the datasheet
[12:26:44] <RikusW> its in the electrical characteristics section
[12:28:03] <bss36504> RikusW: that's what I'm thinking it might be, but nothing bad should have happened, unless it happened somewhere else (all of the required connections go to a header, so everything is connected together). I'll order one of the level translators and replace it. It's a TI SN74CB3T3125
[14:03:54] <kline> when im using Z as a pointer to flash memory, when i initialise, i end up pointing 1 byte short to where i think i am. what am i doing wrong? ( theres an example of what im doing here: http://pastebin.com/s9aDgYTv )
[14:08:22] <twnqx> kline: most likely ignoring the fact that flah memory is 16bit wide, thus the lowest bit is ignored?
[14:10:34] <kline> twnqx: i guess you mean byte, but weirdly, the string starts at 0x0002, which i think is the lowest byte of the 2nd word. the pointer gets initialised to 0x0001
[14:11:12] <twnqx> no i meant bit
[14:11:15] <twnqx> and thinking about it
[14:11:28] <twnqx> you always read flash in words
[14:11:35] <twnqx> and can access 128kbyte with 16 bit
[14:11:51] <twnqx> which makes me conclude that zreg = address >> 1
[14:12:14] <twnqx> and you have to mask out the byte you actually want
[14:13:28] <twnqx> so your zreg would actually have the right value :P
[14:14:33] <kline> i dont really understand that because it comes over serial perfectly fine, just with an extra char tacked on the front. ive been handling it as a char entirely so far with no issues other than that. ill play around with it though, thanks for the advice :)
[14:20:03] <twnqx> kline: you could use the pgmspace.h include, write it in C and disassemble it to see the results :P
[14:20:21] <kline> im doing that just now
[14:23:34] <kline> the only thing i dont get currently is why its picking 0x0001:0x0002. i would get it if it was 0x0000:0x0001, 0x0002:0x0003 etc
[19:47:11] <Hexorg> Hello
[19:47:45] <Hexorg> should I worry about currents when trying to feed digital clock line to 10 ICs at the same time?
[19:57:50] <Fornaxian> yes.
[19:59:44] <Fornaxian> http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/vol_4/chpt_3/7.html
[19:59:58] <Fornaxian> I suggest going through that entire section...
[20:00:17] <Fornaxian> it will teach you about how gates drive and what's needed and and all that stuff.
[20:03:30] <Fornaxian> you should check the fanout of your digital clock device...that will tell you how many of what kinds of inputs it can drive.
[20:04:32] <Fornaxian> this is specially critical if you are driving TTL devices. If you are driving CMOS devices you can drive many more.
[20:06:02] <Hexorg> Fornaxian, "A CMOS gate also draws much less current from a driving gate output than a TTL gate because MOSFETs are voltage-controlled, not current-controlled, devices. This means that one gate can drive many more CMOS inputs than TTL inputs. The measure of how many gate inputs a single gate output can drive is called fanout. "
[20:06:23] <Fornaxian> right from the page.
[20:06:32] <Fornaxian> at least you can copy/paste....
[20:06:33] <Fornaxian> [:
[20:06:42] <Hexorg> Yeah, but it didn't really didn't help my problem :p
[20:06:56] <Fornaxian> you didn't give enough info for direct help.
[20:07:10] <Fornaxian> you did not tell what the digital clock device was nor what the 10 ICs are.
[20:07:35] <Fornaxian> so, not knowing whether they are CMOS, TTL, RTL, or DTL....it's hard to give a straight answer...
[20:08:01] <Hexorg> I'm using AVR to drive MAX7219 over SPI. AVR can source 40mA, MAX7219 says it'll use maximum of 1uA on CLK line.
[20:08:43] <Fornaxian> you won't have 10 devices active on an SPI bus so that's not a problem I wouldn't think.
[20:09:23] <Fornaxian> you might have 10 devices on the bus but they have to be made active individually.
[20:10:27] <Fornaxian> miso, mosi, and clk are shared but you have to have a separate SS line for each device.
[20:13:53] <Fornaxian> unless those chips can do daisy chaining.
[20:14:16] <Fornaxian> so, with that information, I would say you won't have much of an issue with current draw on the clk line.
[21:43:04] <ColdKeyboard> Is there some kind of documentation of BusPirate protocol? I see that OLS has Bus Pirate supported and that it supports USART communication.
[22:48:30] <Xark> ColdKeyboard: What do you mean? It has transparent serial, if that is what you need (no "protocol" though). Typically you hit "?" and it shows a menu...
[22:49:41] <Xark> ColdKeyboard: Ahh, for OLS...never tried that (have real OLS hardware). Have you checked out http://www.hobbytronics.co.uk/bus-pirate-logic-sniffer ?
[22:50:35] <Xark> (or perhaps http://dangerousprototypes.com/docs/Logic_analyzer_mode )