#avr | Logs for 2013-09-12

[02:10:56] <megal0maniac> Haswell box. Brand new. HDD light and STBY light (on the mobo) light up when it gets power. Won't turn on. Any ideas? While I wait for the phone
[02:17:46] <Anaphaxeton> goodmorning
[02:18:16] <Anaphaxeton> i think i will need another MCU. one that can support a keypad + lcd
[02:18:19] <Anaphaxeton> http://www.digikey.gr/search/en/Integrated-Circuits-ICs-/Embedded-Microcontrollers/426?stock=0&pbfree=0&rohs=0&c=3908&keywords=avr&storeId=11251&pageNumber=1&PV=1851%7C4287450520&PV=1852%7C4287472057&sort=p_EURO_MIN_QTY&x=3&y=11
[02:18:29] <Anaphaxeton> this is a list of candidates
[02:46:02] <megal0maniac> Why so big? The 328 can handle LCD and keypad just fine
[02:46:42] <megal0maniac> Otherwise I've always liked the 644 / 1284. 40 pins
[02:47:54] <megal0maniac> Heck, you can connect a keypad and LCD to an 8pin attiny if you want. I2C bus expander
[03:20:18] <Anaphaxeton> if there are such peripherals (motors, lcd, keypads) that can work with the 328 and a bit of hacking then i would be ultra happy
[03:29:59] <megal0maniac> Um, yes. Loads
[03:30:58] <megal0maniac> Standard matrix keypad using multiplexers and HD44780 LCD
[03:31:17] <megal0maniac> Look at Arduino examples. Most Arduinos are based on the 328
[03:36:30] <OndraSter_> PFF ARDUINO!
[03:36:37] * OndraSter_ disappears
[03:36:56] <megal0maniac> OndraSter_: It's a reference, fool. For compatibility ;)
[03:44:12] <Tom_itx> iirc OndraSter_ makes 'ardweenie like' boards as well
[03:44:35] <megal0maniac> He made 3
[03:44:42] <megal0maniac> Actually no, he made 0
[03:44:51] <GuShH> hang him!
[03:44:54] <GuShH> don't hang him!
[03:45:51] <megal0maniac> The ardweenie-like design is there. The ardweenie-like software is sort-of there. But nothing fabricated or publicly available
[03:46:04] <OndraSter_> :P
[03:46:20] <megal0maniac> Speaking of...
[03:46:37] <OndraSter_> "hang me!"
[03:47:03] <megal0maniac> Yeah, that's right!
[03:47:17] <megal0maniac> I assume you haven't done anything with it yet?
[03:47:46] <OndraSter_> nop
[03:47:47] <OndraSter_> e
[03:47:51] <OndraSter_> school & work
[03:48:03] <Tom_itx> sad excuse
[03:48:07] <Tom_itx> hang him!
[03:48:14] <OndraSter_> :P
[03:48:16] * megal0maniac shoots him
[03:48:28] <megal0maniac> Where is specing and his tree? Haven't seen that for a while
[03:48:42] <megal0maniac> http://myxboard.net/software.html
[03:49:21] <megal0maniac> Oh, Arduino also has tabs fwiw. It just tends not to make use of them
[03:49:52] <OndraSter_> really?
[03:49:57] <OndraSter_> it always opened in a new window :D
[03:51:56] <megal0maniac> http://i.imgur.com/lBDC3k5.png
[03:52:40] <megal0maniac> Also my paint has gone wierd. It no longer refers to "Untitled" http://i.imgur.com/c9uCEYA.png
[03:54:34] <megal0maniac> And the tabs are really crappy. It seems like you can only create a new file in a tab
[03:55:04] <GuShH> haha
[03:58:10] <megal0maniac> Oh, apparently it's Japanese
[03:58:22] <megal0maniac> It does mean untitled though
[04:21:15] <megal0maniac> OndraSter_: Did you finish the bootloader at least? And is xide usable?
[04:23:02] <OndraSter_> :<
[04:23:05] <OndraSter_> guess
[04:27:41] <specing> tree?
[04:29:01] <specing> megal0maniac: what tree?
[04:34:03] <megal0maniac> When people said stupid things, you used to take it upon yourself to whack them with a tree
[04:34:18] <megal0maniac> An "old tree" iirc
[04:37:37] <specing> Oh that tree
[04:38:03] <specing> I've been using it on Gentoo-* channels
[05:56:31] <megal0maniac_afk> wtf? The Japanese invasion was simply because a DLL file existed. That's bad software design, Microsoft!
[05:57:29] <megal0maniac_afk> Just because another program drops a dll (which was written by Microsoft) it shouldn't make Paint go screwy
[06:01:41] <Steffanx> windows megal0maniac_afk :P
[06:03:53] <megal0maniac_afk> Windows indeed
[06:04:00] <megal0maniac_afk> Whoo! TI samples arrived
[06:06:17] <OndraSter_> yay TI <3
[06:06:21] <OndraSter_> the best parts sampler
[06:06:30] <OndraSter_> the one company where you can write STUDENT :P
[06:06:43] <megal0maniac_afk> Why is there no "Request Sample" button on their calculators???
[06:06:49] <OndraSter_> heh
[06:06:50] <megal0maniac_afk> Outrageous!
[06:06:53] <OndraSter_> :D
[06:10:47] <specing> do they still make RPN calcs?
[06:11:34] <OndraSter_> Rock Paper Nose calcs?
[06:13:21] <Fornaxian> reverse polish notation
[06:15:52] <w|zzy> OndraSter_: my mate got turned down for sample from TI. I was all wtf
[06:16:13] <OndraSter_> :o
[06:16:20] <OndraSter_> did he write "for homing nuclear missile"?
[06:16:30] <w|zzy> first time he ordered.
[06:16:36] <Fornaxian> sheesh. I've never gotten turned down from TI.
[06:17:13] <Fornaxian> have gotten various things from them once or twice a year for the past 8 or 9 years.
[06:20:27] <w|zzy> it makes sense to do it.
[06:20:41] <w|zzy> make people design on your chips
[06:21:44] <OndraSter_> yep
[06:21:49] <OndraSter_> let alone if you are student :P
[06:21:58] <OndraSter_> there is high probability that you will share your design
[06:28:39] <w|zzy> Yep.
[06:29:41] <w|zzy> I had a go at broadcom for being seriously painful for hobbiests. my argument was that inn t
[06:29:48] <w|zzy> in this
[06:30:05] <w|zzy> age you don't know who will make the next million device idea
[06:42:46] <megal0maniac_afk> Good grief
[06:42:56] <megal0maniac_afk> SC70-6 is smaller than I realised
[06:44:46] <Fornaxian> 2mm long...
[06:44:47] <Fornaxian> hmm.
[06:44:50] <Fornaxian> bit tiny for me.
[07:02:36] <OndraSter_> that's what she said, megal0maniac_afk
[07:11:54] <megal0maniac_afk> So that's what the kids are calling it these days
[07:23:12] <Steffanx> Youcan do it megal0maniac_afk
[08:08:27] <megal0maniac_afk> :)
[09:43:31] <abcminiuser> Damnit
[09:43:43] <bss36504> bad day? :P
[09:43:43] <abcminiuser> Swearing over code all day, couldn't get it to work
[09:43:52] <abcminiuser> Just as I was about to rage-quit, it worked
[09:44:00] <abcminiuser> Now I'm angry, but not justifiably so
[09:44:35] <bss36504> haha I know the feeling. "I'm mad because it *used* to not work"
[09:46:29] <megal0maniac_afk> Do you at least know why it was broken?
[09:47:28] <abcminiuser> I think it was a off-by-one error
[09:47:37] <abcminiuser> But I'll analyse it tomorrow
[09:47:44] <abcminiuser> (Improving a SD driver to SDHC)
[09:48:27] <bss36504> I'll take this time to personally thank you for your library's help in my upcoming senior project.
[09:48:48] <megal0maniac_afk> Am I right in saying that SDHC and SDXC are pretty much the same, except for the silly exFAT formatting?
[09:50:21] <bss36504> hey man, exFAT is great.
[09:50:44] <abcminiuser> Not sure, this was legacy SD to SDHC
[09:50:51] <abcminiuser> Goddam SD protocol is crazy
[09:51:09] <bss36504> Are you doing SPI or the quad mode?
[09:51:23] <abcminiuser> SPI, I'm lazy
[09:51:31] <abcminiuser> Also, that's how the IO1 Xplained board is wired up :P
[09:51:50] <bss36504> no judgement here haha
[10:01:09] <megal0maniac_afk> Quad mode as in SDIO?
[10:02:12] <bss36504> Theres some sort of a quad mode or somthing for all SD cards. It's the "Native" interface. SPI is a compatibility thing. SDIO is a special class of SD devices that supports other communication (Things like PDAs)
[10:02:52] <megal0maniac_afk> From what I remember, there's SPI (slow) and the other one (fast, native, requires an NDA)
[10:04:00] <bss36504> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Digital#Interface Paragraph 2 of Electrical Interface
[10:07:37] <bss36504> Anybody know why ASF only has USART and SPI drivers for megaRF chips and not all the regular megas?
[10:08:01] <megal0maniac_afk> There it is! Simplified spec: Free. Full spec: Free to members, US$1,000/year to R&D non-members
[10:08:15] <megal0maniac_afk> And US$1,000/year. No, if using SPI-mode only
[10:08:47] <bss36504> Yeah pretty terrible actually. Thats worse than USB in a way.
[10:21:34] <twnqx> i thought that quadmode was just a 4bit/clock SPI
[10:21:44] <twnqx> at least that's what it is for large flash memory chips
[10:22:09] <twnqx> (large SPI NOR flashs, that is)
[10:22:16] <bss36504> well sort of. its a proprietary spec, but it's basically 4 bit parallel data w/ 1 clock, so not SPI.
[10:22:46] <twnqx> personally, i would check if it by accident happens to be the same as those chips...
[10:24:11] <twnqx> e.g. Macronix MX25U8035
[10:24:38] <bss36504> But it wouldnt be because there is a controller between the SD interface and the actual media. The internal chips are likely DDR interfaces of some kind, such as LPDDR2. Memory companies dont design high density SPI flash because it would be super slow. However, since the SD card is what the end user sees, they can define whatever kind of interface they want. In this case, a proprietary 4 bit parallel interface + SPI mode.
[10:25:16] <twnqx> i doubt that SPI flash is much different, architectural
[10:25:23] <bss36504> 8Mb=1MB. not exactly storage class.
[10:25:30] <twnqx> true
[10:25:42] <bss36504> No, trust me, I know the industry. You dont make Storage class serial memory.
[10:26:05] <twnqx> not saying that
[10:26:16] <twnqx> just saying that the standardized controller commands might actually be the same
[10:26:28] <twnqx> as with SPI flash
[10:29:13] <bss36504> I might be misunderstanding you, but there is not an agreed-upon command set between serial memory manufacturers that says 03h is a read and 06h is a write enable etc. SD has a whole different type of commands since it is oriented for reading and wring blocks of data as opposed to direct media access.
[10:40:18] <twnqx> i beg to differ
[10:40:35] <bss36504> alright, how come?
[10:40:37] <twnqx> i have a near complete data set for SPI NOR flash chips here
[10:41:05] <twnqx> for those, i am pretty sure it's JEDEC standardized
[10:41:25] <bss36504> JEDEC is a guideline, not a rule.
[10:41:28] <bss36504> but yes.
[10:43:18] <learath> can anyone confirm if uint8_t eeprom_read_byte (const uint8_t *__p) __ATTR_PURE__
[10:43:24] <learath> is actually correct? It seems... weird
[10:43:56] <twnqx> i think the order does not matter much for gcc
[10:45:05] <cyber37> hi, i have a problem with an ATMEGA8, i am using NRF24L01 modules with an attiny2313 and all is ok but, on the ATMEGA8, i have an interupt problem
[10:45:40] <learath> it looks to me like you can only read addresses < 256 with eeprom_read_byte, and that's rather nutty
[10:45:41] <cyber37> is the interrupts differents than attiny interrups ? (pull X?)
[10:51:30] <bss36504> learath: well how much EEPROM is there on the chip? What chip are you using?
[10:52:10] <bss36504> cyber37: Are you doing this in assembly?
[10:57:49] <bss36504> twnqx: Just for clarity, what are we debating here? My assertion is that a) there isn't any storage class memory that uses SPI (i.e. densities at or above 1GB, or certainly more than a couple MB) and b) the SD interface is not like the actual media's interface both from a hardware and a software perspective (read: bus configuration and command set) because the SD card interface is standardized on the front end, and the memory inte
[10:57:49] <bss36504> is dependent on the memory chips used and the controller itself.
[10:58:16] <learath> bss36504: atmega328p, 1024b
[10:59:28] <twnqx> bss36504: my claim is that the SD multi-bit interface might be the same as that of multi-bit SPI chips. i don't care about the actual parallel flash chips since, like you said, that's abstracted by the controller
[11:00:04] <cyber37> no i am doing it in C
[11:00:10] <cyber37> but is an interrupt input
[11:00:26] <cyber37> same as over inputs ? you send directly 5V or 0V
[11:00:31] <cyber37> or you need to use pullup
[11:00:35] <cyber37> or pulldown ?
[11:03:38] <bss36504> learath: Alright that is weird. what library are you using?
[11:04:02] <learath> atmel studio builtin
[11:04:41] <bss36504> twnqx: Possibly in hardware, but probably not in software.
[11:04:53] <bss36504> learath: alright, give me a moment...
[11:05:26] <learath> help text is Function eeprom_read_byte()
[11:05:26] <learath> uint8_t eeprom_read_byte (const uint8_t *__p) __ATTR_PURE__
[11:05:26] <learath> Read one byte from EEPROM address __p.
[11:05:34] <learath> which is ... v. v. v. strange
[11:07:14] <bss36504> learath: try eeprom_read_word or eeprom_read_block
[11:07:26] <learath> I'm moving to eeprom_read_block :)
[11:07:50] <bss36504> very good
[11:10:43] <ambro718> anyone else seeing that using __builtin_expect makes gcc produce smaller code more often than not, no matter whether the expect value is 1 or 0?
[11:53:40] <cyber37> hey
[11:53:55] <cyber37> I think my problem is because of bad clock on the atmega
[11:54:07] <cyber37> i need to put a crystal maybe,
[11:54:09] <cyber37> how to ?
[11:54:18] <cyber37> what crystal did i shoose ?
[11:58:24] <bss36504> 0.4-20MHz is within spec, make sure you set the fuses correctly. I usually just go for the longest startup possible for safety.
[13:23:34] <abcminiuser> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpH4hrV38J0
[13:33:47] <nercoTM> can a ATmega328 drive images on a color lcd?
[13:40:19] <Steffanx> abcminiuser and his anti-apple fetish.. blegh.
[13:40:34] <abcminiuser> Keeps me young
[13:40:46] <abcminiuser> nercoTM, that's a bit of an open question
[13:40:55] <abcminiuser> What screen, what refresh rate?
[13:41:16] <cyber37> omg pleaze
[13:41:16] <ColdKeyboard> By any chance, anyone around here worked with PIC 16F? :\
[13:41:26] <cyber37> did someone use NRF24l01 modules ?
[13:41:33] <nercoTM> wel i was hoping to run a game console of it
[13:41:47] <cyber37> My modules are "crashed" one by one ..
[13:42:15] <cyber37> i don't know if they are just "briked" or if there is a problem on my fu cking breadboard :s
[13:42:20] <nercoTM> http://be02.rs-online.com/web/p/lcd-colour-displays/7812998/
[13:42:25] <nercoTM> that display
[13:43:02] <abcminiuser> ColdKeyboard, GET OUT
[13:43:19] <Steffanx> not using 5V for them are you cyber37?
[13:44:28] <abcminiuser> nercoTM, yes it can control it, but not quickly
[13:44:49] <abcminiuser> It's got a ILI9341 driver on it, there's a driver in ASF you can reference I worked on last year
[13:44:50] <nercoTM> abcminiuser its that i got a few of those atmega's laying around (some with arduino boot) but what u recomend for like a small gamboy ish device?
[13:45:17] <abcminiuser> ILI9341 is fine in parallel mode, the SPI is goddam useless (10MHz max)
[13:45:45] <nercoTM> ok parallel mode, noted
[13:48:39] <nercoTM> what mpu do u recommend?
[13:49:09] <OndraSter_> I was tempted to make gameboy emu on some atxmega
[13:49:24] <OndraSter_> but I don't know much about gb :D
[13:49:26] <OndraSter_> never had any gb
[13:49:51] <nercoTM> wel im just doing my own software so no emulation
[13:50:11] <OndraSter_> that's better
[13:50:12] <OndraSter_> :P
[13:50:16] <Steffanx> OndraSter_, at least get something nicer like the stm32f429 :P
[13:50:32] <OndraSter_> bla bla
[13:50:40] <OndraSter_> or what about those TI Stellarises
[13:50:43] <Steffanx> xmega-fetish :P
[13:50:47] <OndraSter_> yes
[13:50:49] <abcminiuser> OndraSter_, you get out too
[13:50:49] <nercoTM> is that like a arm m4?
[13:50:51] <OndraSter_> because xmega <3
[13:50:59] <Steffanx> yeah, nercoTM.
[13:50:59] <OndraSter_> abcminiuser, ?
[13:51:06] <abcminiuser> TI :P
[13:51:09] <OndraSter_> oh :P
[13:51:15] * abcminiuser fetches the broom
[13:51:16] <OndraSter_> well I would say atmel's arm
[13:51:21] <OndraSter_> but I don't remember the number
[13:51:26] <OndraSter_> was it SAM4S by any chance?
[13:51:27] <Steffanx> Those are not called like that anymore OndraSter_. For some reason they changed the name too something with an L
[13:51:30] <abcminiuser> Steffanx, right, all of you, out
[13:51:42] <abcminiuser> SAM4S, SAM4L
[13:51:42] <nercoTM> AT91SAM3X8E?
[13:51:48] <OndraSter_> abcminiuser, I suggested xmega first!
[13:51:53] <abcminiuser> The L's are super duper low power
[13:52:00] <abcminiuser> SAM3X is connectivity (Ethernet)
[13:52:01] <OndraSter_> well there would be LCD so it would still eat battery :P
[13:52:04] <abcminiuser> SAM D20 is M0+
[13:52:10] <Steffanx> They all claim they are "super duper low powerest"
[13:52:37] <Steffanx> in with nicer marketing bla
[13:52:42] <Steffanx> *-with
[13:52:58] <OndraSter_> :P
[13:53:04] <nercoTM> yea i need to use lcd, oled displays are way to expensive and tiny
[13:53:09] <OndraSter_> yeah
[13:53:19] <OndraSter_> I wanted some watch-sized stuff with those 0.96" OLEDs
[13:53:41] <OndraSter_> or pocket sized amplifier with some simple band pass filters
[13:53:45] <OndraSter_> (digitally set)
[13:53:51] <Steffanx> or a 200MHz xmega?
[13:53:55] <Steffanx> 1GHz?
[13:54:03] <abcminiuser> SAM4L actually is low power
[13:54:08] <Steffanx> 8/16 bit of course.
[13:54:09] <abcminiuser> The marketing crap is crap
[13:54:14] <abcminiuser> But the chip itself works fine
[13:54:20] <OndraSter_> 200MHz xmega?
[13:54:20] <OndraSter_> where?
[13:54:23] <nercoTM> lol
[13:54:28] <OndraSter_> I did only 80MHz :P
[13:54:31] <OndraSter_> 88 was not stable anymore
[13:54:36] <OndraSter_> (the core)
[13:54:37] <Steffanx> oh, i thought you were talking about non-existing stuff.
[13:54:39] <nercoTM> wodent that drain batery like hell?
[13:54:55] <OndraSter_> that's why you can change the clock on the fly
[13:55:06] <nercoTM> cool
[13:55:10] <OndraSter_> and disable modules etc
[13:55:21] <Steffanx> Like any modern uc, except for AVRs :P
[13:55:26] <Steffanx> < xmega
[13:55:37] <OndraSter_> :D
[13:55:52] <Steffanx> and those that im not allowed to mention here.
[13:56:00] <OndraSter_> abcminiuser, why is not atmel "forcing" the users to switch to xmega?
[13:56:03] <OndraSter_> they are superior to mega
[13:56:04] <OndraSter_> and cheaper
[13:56:05] <nercoTM> wood xmega be good for my purposes?
[13:56:06] <OndraSter_> and better!
[13:56:13] <OndraSter_> xmega = mega on steroids
[13:56:16] <abcminiuser> OndraSter_, how would we
[13:56:21] <OndraSter_> no idea
[13:56:24] <OndraSter_> you are the atmel guy :P
[13:56:30] <abcminiuser> "BUY OR WE WILL CUT YOU" wasn't accepted by marketing
[13:56:33] <OndraSter_> :D
[13:56:41] <OndraSter_> whenever I see some atmel (spam) newsletter, it is about ARM
[13:56:43] <abcminiuser> I don't do marketing, I thought you'd all know by now :P
[13:56:44] <OndraSter_> nothing about xmega
[13:56:47] <OndraSter_> :P
[13:56:49] <Steffanx> i think they would prefer them to switch to arm..
[13:56:53] <abcminiuser> Yeah well, the consumers have spoken
[13:57:01] <abcminiuser> People want ARM for better or worse
[13:57:01] <OndraSter_> not sure Steffanx
[13:57:06] <OndraSter_> arm needs to be licenced
[13:57:09] <OndraSter_> licensed
[13:57:58] <nercoTM> why arm and not anything els?
[13:58:09] <OndraSter_> everything except PCs now runs on ARM
[13:58:17] <OndraSter_> everybody praises ARM
[13:58:23] <nercoTM> yea but why?
[13:58:26] <OndraSter_> but mostly because ARM is a "specification"
[13:58:28] <Steffanx> meh, you cant compare those to the cortex-m0/3/4 etc.
[13:58:30] <OndraSter_> and multiple companies make the chips
[13:58:34] <OndraSter_> unlike AVR
[13:58:38] <OndraSter_> which is proprietary Atmel
[13:58:51] <abcminiuser> Because people are dumb
[13:58:56] <OndraSter_> :D that too
[13:59:03] <abcminiuser> "Hey look if we choose ARM we can always switch suppliers if...."
[13:59:18] <abcminiuser> "....what do you mean, the peripherals are different? It's an ARM isn't it?"
[13:59:22] <OndraSter_> :)
[13:59:34] <nercoTM> what about one of those open source chips?
[13:59:37] <OndraSter_> switching between ARM brands is the same as switching between ARM and AVR, if you use gcc on both
[13:59:40] <OndraSter_> open source chips?
[13:59:46] <OndraSter_> aka make your chip at home? :D
[13:59:50] <OndraSter_> or FPGA stuff?
[13:59:51] <nercoTM> yea LEON or somthing
[14:00:04] <OndraSter_> yes, VHDL stuff
[14:00:10] <abcminiuser> Still, I'm developing with the SAM D20 at the moment, and I like it
[14:00:36] <abcminiuser> The ARM core is nothing special, and WHAT THE CHRIST ARM NO UNALIGNED ACCESS? but the peripherals are neat for a first generation
[14:00:37] <nercoTM> who's sam?
[14:00:44] <abcminiuser> Atmel
[14:00:58] <abcminiuser> SAM = Smart Atmel Microcontroller (*sigh*)
[14:01:05] <OndraSter_> :o
[14:01:07] <OndraSter_> I did not know that :D
[14:01:09] <xfebytes> really?
[14:01:31] <abcminiuser> http://www.atmel.com/products/microcontrollers/arm/sam_d20.aspx
[14:01:33] <nercoTM> its a arm m0
[14:01:37] <abcminiuser> That's the chip my team worked on
[14:01:39] <OndraSter_> abcminiuser, until there is ARM Dragon, I am not switching to ARM :P
[14:01:43] <xfebytes> who's the naming guy. I want to have a word
[14:01:52] <abcminiuser> OndraSter_, SAMD20 Xplained Pro?
[14:02:02] <abcminiuser> Onboard debugger, can also debug external SAM D20 parts
[14:02:06] <abcminiuser> xfebytes, you have NO IDEA
[14:02:11] <OndraSter_> but only D20
[14:02:13] <abcminiuser> That was about 5 names in
[14:02:20] <OndraSter_> AVR Dragon can do all AVR8 (mega, xmega), AVR32
[14:02:20] <abcminiuser> The original names were far, far worse
[14:02:26] <xfebytes> what are some of the others?
[14:02:32] <abcminiuser> JTAG-ICE3 can do SAM D20 now
[14:02:36] <OndraSter_> oh
[14:02:42] <abcminiuser> Can't say, but trust me they were bad
[14:02:58] <abcminiuser> We used a code name during development and forgot to replace it for an internal release to a customer
[14:03:06] <nercoTM> whats the cheapest best chip atmel has to offer (for like awesome graphics processing and stuff lol)
[14:03:25] <abcminiuser> So they got "Introducing the new Atmel Bannanarama, the next generation...."
[14:03:29] <specing> *SMART*
[14:03:40] <OndraSter_> abcminiuser, proofreading ftw
[14:03:46] <abcminiuser> :P
[14:03:54] <xfebytes> abcminiuser, thats a great name
[14:03:57] <abcminiuser> My fault, I rebuilt the docs and forgot about it
[14:04:02] <OndraSter_> aw
[14:04:03] <xfebytes> all hail the bannanarama
[14:04:04] <specing> BananaChip!
[14:04:11] <abcminiuser> That was an apps codename, the IC one is super cool
[14:04:11] <OndraSter_> were you forced to work on support next week after that? :P
[14:04:26] <specing> abcminiuser: tell us!
[14:04:27] <abcminiuser> Actually all the IC names are freaking awesome, but would never pass legal/marketing
[14:04:32] <OndraSter_> lol
[14:04:34] <OndraSter_> "pussy"
[14:04:47] <OndraSter_> "sandy bridge"
[14:04:49] <OndraSter_> "haswell"
[14:04:50] <OndraSter_> ..
[14:05:03] <abcminiuser> Think things like "Thor" and "Gigaton"
[14:05:09] <OndraSter_> heh
[14:05:12] <specing> eh
[14:05:16] <specing> thats not awesome
[14:05:22] <abcminiuser> No, that's awesome
[14:05:33] <cyber37> Pleeaze
[14:05:41] <xfebytes> Can you suggest they have an open naming call?
[14:05:42] <cyber37> Did exist a command for RESET a NRF24l01
[14:05:49] <xfebytes> where people suggest names and then they pick one
[14:05:53] <cyber37> i have broken 5 modules...
[14:05:54] <OndraSter_> cyber37, check datasheet
[14:06:06] <abcminiuser> "Harbinger"
[14:06:12] <nercoTM> wel atleast there not selling out to candy manufacturers
[14:06:19] <abcminiuser> I'm making those up, can't use the real ones
[14:06:22] <abcminiuser> But those sorts of lines
[14:06:23] <Steffanx> which modules do you use and.. you are not running them at 5v are you cyber37?
[14:06:30] <OndraSter_> :D
[14:06:56] <abcminiuser> The difficulties is matching up internal and external, so I can file a bug on "Deathstar" when a customer says "ATHerpDerp128"
[14:06:58] <xfebytes> i made that mistake cyber37, 5V kills
[14:07:30] <OndraSter_> deathstar!
[14:07:32] <OndraSter_> I WANT SUCH CHIP!
[14:07:44] <abcminiuser> Well, the early UC3s were pretty much that
[14:07:50] <OndraSter_> :D
[14:07:51] <abcminiuser> The death part, at least
[14:07:52] <xfebytes> I would buy at least a 1M units if it were named deathstar
[14:07:58] <OndraSter_> see abcminiuser ?
[14:08:08] <OndraSter_> make sure we all logged xfebytes 's sentence
[14:08:16] <OndraSter_> and now - time to get promoted abcminiuser :D
[14:08:31] <abcminiuser> I had my own names that were rejected :(
[14:08:36] <xfebytes> if i could afford to dick around all day with mcus i would
[14:08:47] <abcminiuser> Ah well, SAM D20 is better than the alternatives, but worse than the IC ones
[14:08:56] <nercoTM> just make your own chip line and u can call it deathstar
[14:09:02] <abcminiuser> The only bad part is the jaevla space in the name, breaks our scripts
[14:10:50] <xfebytes> jaevla? norwegian?
[14:10:57] <abcminiuser> Ja
[14:11:01] <abcminiuser> Sorry, bloody space
[14:11:13] <xfebytes> i figured from the context
[14:11:23] <xfebytes> and the little bit of norwegian i remember
[14:15:51] <nercoTM> is anyone interested in helping out with my game device?
[14:16:18] <xfebytes> possibly, i think i missed the details
[14:16:27] <xfebytes> what's the project?
[14:17:29] <cyber37> did we have to put resistors for SPI communications ?
[14:17:35] <cyber37> what resistors ?
[14:17:41] <cyber37> 300 ohm ? 10K ?
[14:19:43] <nercoTM> wel basicly a small handheld (small lcd, 10 buttons, sound) using propebly an xmega or somthing, any expending idears are much appreciated
[14:20:06] <OndraSter_> what lcd?
[14:20:08] <OndraSter_> resolution
[14:20:12] <OndraSter_> and what framerate you desire
[14:20:18] <OndraSter_> xmega is minimum really
[14:20:20] <xfebytes> 10 buttons?
[14:20:29] <OndraSter_> 10.. hmm
[14:20:37] <OndraSter_> sounds reasonable
[14:20:38] <xfebytes> does that include d-pad?
[14:20:56] <xfebytes> or other omnidirectional control
[14:21:21] <nercoTM> i was thinking a dpad to keep it simple
[14:22:03] <xfebytes> a, b, start, select, d-pad, power... i guess 10 is pretty normal
[14:22:14] <nercoTM> http://be02.rs-online.com/web/p/lcd-colour-displays/7812998/
[14:22:40] <xfebytes> very nice
[14:24:08] <nercoTM> i did think maybe a 6 front action buttons and dpad, side bumpers, start select, so maybe 14 buttons then
[14:25:15] <xfebytes> bumpers...xbox/playstation handheld
[14:25:30] <OndraSter_> bumpers... 3D Pinball from XP anyone? :D
[14:25:47] <nercoTM> xbox has a handheld?
[14:26:23] <xfebytes> no, but you could make it. think of all the $
[14:26:44] <nercoTM> lol actualy i wanted to keep price reletivly love
[14:26:50] <nercoTM> low*
[14:27:44] <nercoTM> im sorry im more of a game disigner then a hardware dev (reason i ask for help)
[14:28:41] <xfebytes> sounds like you need to develop a nice little "os" and how are you going to handle different games/cartridges (sdcard slot?)
[14:29:20] <OndraSter_> sdcard slot... and then what?
[14:29:24] <OndraSter_> you cannot execute from RAM on AVR
[14:29:27] <nercoTM> sd cards, im not sony in not going to do preparatory cartridges lol
[14:30:36] <nercoTM> how do u execute then?
[14:31:12] <OndraSter_> from flash only
[14:31:20] <OndraSter_> you'd have to go for ARM there
[14:31:29] <xfebytes> agreed
[14:31:32] <OndraSter_> or make some (either AVR or any "arch") virtual machine
[14:31:42] <nercoTM> what about dumping it on external flash?
[14:31:50] <OndraSter_> same issue
[14:32:39] <nercoTM> wel thats kinda a big flaw
[14:34:27] <soul-d> microchips just aren't men't for such tasks the avr inside you game console would be more like glue logic leds maybe osd for settings touch screen controller
[14:35:03] <nercoTM> so what ur saying is arm?
[14:35:26] <OndraSter_> the D20 can presumably execute from RAM, abcminiuser ?
[14:35:36] <abcminiuser> Indeed
[14:35:41] <abcminiuser> 48MHz
[14:35:54] <OndraSter_> 1 cycle instructions..
[14:36:33] <nercoTM> but i asume arm is bit harder to develop on
[14:37:23] <OndraSter_> no ATSAMD20J18 on digikey/mouser :P
[14:37:50] <abcminiuser> Not really
[14:37:58] <abcminiuser> Honestly, a core is a core
[14:38:06] <abcminiuser> The peripherals make a bigger difference
[14:38:18] <abcminiuser> With the SAM D20 you still use Atmel Studio, so it all works the same
[14:38:27] <abcminiuser> From the command line, you still use GCC
[14:38:37] <nercoTM> what about avr32?
[14:38:37] <OndraSter_> after the datasheets download, will I find out that the D20 = xmega with CortexM0+ core? :D
[14:38:43] <abcminiuser> The main difference is the complex clocking, which is closer to an AVR32
[14:38:53] <abcminiuser> No, it's entirely new
[14:38:59] <OndraSter_> :P
[14:39:00] <OndraSter_> ok
[14:39:02] <abcminiuser> New everything, a LOT of development work on it
[14:39:14] <abcminiuser> Specifically, it's crazy asynchronous
[14:39:22] <OndraSter_> nice
[14:39:23] <xfebytes> newark has an eval board, $43
[14:39:31] <OndraSter_> so does mouser and farnell
[14:39:34] <OndraSter_> and even atmel's shop
[14:39:38] <OndraSter_> but not the chips themselves
[14:39:40] <xfebytes> farnell = newark
[14:39:47] <OndraSter_> oh
[14:39:48] <soul-d> idfirst go for speed requiments check display needs since that probably alone needs memory to store your frames you need to be able to read and write those frames to mem diplay it etc etc
[14:39:53] <OndraSter_> we use farnell name in europe
[14:40:30] <nercoTM> im more of an rs components guy lol
[14:40:38] <abcminiuser> 8 SERCOMS. 8 timers in the largest chip
[14:40:44] <abcminiuser> 256KB flash, 32KB RAM
[14:41:01] <abcminiuser> ADC, DAC, event system, etc.
[14:42:41] <nercoTM> wich chip is that?
[14:44:21] <abcminiuser> SAMD20J18A
[14:45:24] <nercoTM> what about a SAM3N?
[14:46:02] <nercoTM> or SAM4N
[14:46:29] <abcminiuser> Haven't played with those
[14:47:00] <nercoTM> ok
[14:48:30] <xfebytes> abcminiuser, what do you do at atmel?
[14:49:09] <xfebytes> Not the naming guy or marketing guy. Are you a fancy big wig?
[14:49:21] <MannImMond> Most of the time he's drinking coffee :D
[14:49:49] <nercoTM> you work at atmel?
[14:49:59] <abcminiuser> Bahahaha
[14:50:05] <abcminiuser> Applications Engineer
[14:50:17] <abcminiuser> I wrote the drivers for the SAMD20 recently, did other ASF work last year
[14:50:32] <abcminiuser> Right now I'm assisting large customers with development and creating reference designs
[14:50:32] <nercoTM> cool
[14:51:11] <xfebytes> I see, what sort of drivers were you creating?
[14:51:28] <abcminiuser> For the SAM D20, most of them (we all helped out in my team)
[14:51:33] <abcminiuser> TC, Events, SERCOM, etc
[14:51:47] <abcminiuser> Last year I did misc ASF work, as well as the ILI9341 display driver
[14:51:58] <abcminiuser> Porting of the sensor stack and widget toolkits
[14:52:03] <abcminiuser> And a few other bits and pieces
[14:52:29] <xfebytes> sounds a bit above my level (leaps and bounds)
[14:52:40] <abcminiuser> Nah, it's not very difficult stuff
[14:52:43] <abcminiuser> Fun tho
[14:52:59] <abcminiuser> Currently I'm working on a reference design that uses FreeRTOS and a bunch of hardware
[14:53:30] <abcminiuser> Very cool, I got to write a NMEA parser, GSM driver, GPS driver, SD card interface and other software layers
[14:53:59] <xfebytes> I still have yet to play around with that. One of the guys from freescale has a nice blog where he covers FreeRTOS on a kl25z
[14:55:05] <abcminiuser> This is my first use of it too
[14:55:10] <abcminiuser> Really, really cool stuff
[14:55:19] <abcminiuser> Especially with the Perceptio tracing
[14:55:59] <nercoTM> dont know what it is, but sounds fancy
[14:56:43] <xfebytes> I'll have to take a look into it when I have some time. This is the freescale one (he does rely heavily on a tool called processor exper, which takes a lot of work out of doing stuff and can make you not think) http://mcuoneclipse.com/
[14:56:59] <braincracker> h
[14:57:29] <xfebytes> freeRTOS I believe stands for Free Real Time Operating System
[15:02:52] <nercoTM> so was anyone interested in developing this concept game console?
[15:04:47] <abcminiuser> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKffm2uI4dk
[15:06:14] <xfebytes> I am not a cat guy, but this is great (the narrator is fantastic; if only it were morgan freeman)
[15:07:07] <abcminiuser> Dog one is fantastic too
[15:07:26] <abcminiuser> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw1C5T-fH2Y
[15:10:17] <xfebytes> the second.. to check for gremlins and men with beards and hats
[15:15:36] <xfebytes> nercoTM, I would be interested in helping, but I am not sure how much of a help I would be
[15:16:05] <nercoTM> whats your skill?
[15:18:42] <xfebytes> i'm just a hobbyist (mainly using c, sometimes asm). I've worked with avr, pic, freescale, and even a little assembly on the rpi.
[15:19:21] <xfebytes> I am a control systems engineer (kinda similar to automation engineer) by profession
[15:20:12] <nercoTM> wow thats a bunch, nice that u like to help
[15:20:14] <xfebytes> We use a mix of functional block diagrams and expressions to control I/O for industrial applicaitions
[15:21:47] <xfebytes> unfortunately it means a very large level of abstraction from how the controller actually handles the peripherals, but there is no way for me to really do it any other way as it is a semi-proprietary system (they, the makers, claim that it is not, but there's only one way to do it so)
[15:28:47] <ColdKeyboard> How can I fix this issue with Prolific drivers? I get code 28 -> The name is already in use as either a service name or a service display name.
[15:28:47] <ColdKeyboard> :\
[15:34:31] <abcminiuser> "Whoever came up with the idea of a 'service fee' needs to do the following...
[15:34:31] <abcminiuser> Get a potato
[15:34:31] <abcminiuser> Wrap the potato in tin foil
[15:34:31] <abcminiuser> Put the potato in their pocket
[15:34:31] <abcminiuser> Die in a fire
[15:34:32] <abcminiuser> This way they burn to death and I get a baked potato.
[15:34:33] <abcminiuser> "
[15:34:57] <abcminiuser> ColdKeyboard, prolific drivers are AWFUL, run away from them as fast as you can and use a FTDI or native CDC
[15:35:59] <ColdKeyboard> abcminiuser: I know that but right now I don't have any other USB-to-Serial converter :(
[15:36:19] <abcminiuser> Got a SAM, UC3, XMEGA or USB AVR?
[15:36:29] <jadew> aparently the prolific guys are blaming the fake chips for the bad publicity
[15:36:37] <jadew> because the damn things keep crashing
[15:36:52] <tzanger> heh
[15:36:54] <ColdKeyboard> I had CDC emulated with one 16F1455 but I don't have him with me anymore :\
[15:36:59] <tzanger> prolific chips are truly awful
[15:37:05] <jadew> yep
[15:37:10] <ColdKeyboard> Yea, I see that on the forums... I guess they are covering up their asses
[15:37:13] <tzanger> I've purged them from my office
[15:37:31] <ColdKeyboard> Any idea how to fix this piece of .... ? :\
[15:37:34] <jadew> one main thing that pisses me off about them, is that they don't work in non standard baudrates
[15:37:48] <ColdKeyboard> Someone told me to download some All in one drivers but it didn't help or I didn't do something right
[15:37:57] <tzanger> one thing that pisses me off abotu them is that they don't work
[15:38:09] <tzanger> ColdKeyboard: you can't. we're not being flippant. toss it and get an FTDI chip
[15:38:25] <jadew> tzanger, I wouldn't mind it if they wouldn't work, I mind it when they sort of work and get used everywhere
[15:38:30] <jadew> then they crash your pc
[15:38:34] <tzanger> jadew: fair enough
[15:38:55] <cyber37> How to choice A CRYSTAL
[15:38:59] <cyber37> for an AVR ?
[15:39:00] <tzanger> yes. even the open source pl2302 driver for OSX routinely reboots the machine. it's not a driver issue. it's a bad chip design
[15:39:08] <cyber37> exemple a ATMEGA 8 .
[15:39:11] <ColdKeyboard> [20:37] <megal0maniac_afk> ColdKeyboard: Yes, get a different driver
[15:39:11] <ColdKeyboard> [20:37] <megal0maniac_afk> Because you probably have a counterfeit PL2303
[15:39:11] <ColdKeyboard> [20:37] <megal0maniac_afk> Search for PL2303_Prolific_GPS_AllInOne_1013.exe
[15:39:14] <jadew> I wouldn't buy FTDI chips
[15:39:25] <jadew> there are cheapper alternatives
[15:39:49] <jadew> like... an avr chip or a MCP2200 which is a PIC in disguise and which you can reporgram
[15:39:55] <tzanger> cyber37: if you don't have a specific need for a frequency, get the fastest the chip supports. That means usually 8 or 16MHz. you can get cheap ceramic resonators if you don't need accuracy (most times you don't). you can also use the internal RC oscilaltor if it's fast enough for you (which is most times fine)
[15:40:05] <jadew> I'm using MCP2200 chips in my projects
[15:40:12] <jadew> they cost $1.something
[15:40:23] <jadew> about $1 tho
[15:40:31] <tzanger> FT232 is plenty cheap and works everywhere. I don't like MCP2200s because they're the new kid on the block and I don't want trouble
[15:41:29] <jadew> tzanger, they're fine, I just bought the chip they're based on and made my own firmware
[15:41:42] <ColdKeyboard> You can use 16F1455 for CDC emulation. They don't even need drivers (on Win). Just plug them in and that's it. Also nice thing is that it has it's own 3v3 voltage regulator. So you just plug it in the USB and you are ready to go...
[15:41:44] <tzanger> FT232RL is $5.14 in onesie-twosie from Digikey. the MCP2200 is $2.66 in same qty
[15:42:12] <tzanger> if I wanted to bother with that I could do the same with an the AVR USB lib. :-)
[15:42:19] <jadew> tzanger, hmm, I remember I paid about 4 ron for one when I got mine, that's about 1.2 usd
[15:42:32] <tzanger> jadew: prices tend to vary
[15:42:39] <jadew> tzanger, true, however I only got it because it was super cheap
[15:42:46] <ColdKeyboard> tzanger: Well this is really small chip and you don't need ANY external components except USB cable. :)
[15:42:50] <jadew> the cheappest alternative, even cheapper than the chip they're actually using :P
[15:43:03] <jadew> ColdKeyboard and a crystal
[15:43:04] <tzanger> ColdKeyboard: and you have to tear your hair out getting them to work reliably. how cheap is that?
[15:43:20] <tzanger> seriously if you just want a serial usb device get the ft232 cable
[15:43:20] <cyber37> tzanger I just need to have a stabilised frequency
[15:43:28] <tzanger> then put standard 0.100" headers on your boards
[15:43:30] <cyber37> I a using RF modules
[15:43:33] <tzanger> cyber37: how stable
[15:43:45] <ColdKeyboard> No, you don't need crystal with this one. I tried it and it works like a charm. Standard and non-standard baud rates.
[15:43:45] <tzanger> are you driving the VCO with the crystal driving the chip? that seems... unusual
[15:44:00] <tzanger> ColdKeyboard: is it PL23xx based?
[15:45:14] <ColdKeyboard> tzanger: I'm talking about the alternatives to the FTDI chips. This one is Microchip MCU that you can program to emulate CDC. I did it few times some time ago and it works perfectly.
[15:45:15] <jadew> tzanger, it's $1.9 USD on tme.eu in qty of 1
[15:45:38] <tzanger> ColdKeyboard: ah, I was talking specifically about Prolific
[15:45:45] <ColdKeyboard> :)
[15:45:54] <tzanger> I've used the MCP part, it works well enough, I'm just more familiar with FTDI
[15:46:29] <ColdKeyboard> Well, back to the problem. What to do now? I don't have any other MCU to program it with VUSB and this garbage doesn't want to start with these drivers :\
[15:46:31] <jadew> tzanger, as I said, the way I use it is that I use my own firmware
[15:46:40] <cyber37> me ?
[15:46:41] <jadew> so that gives me all the control I need
[15:46:48] <cyber37> ColdKeyboard me ?
[15:47:12] <jadew> tzanger and I wouldn't have done that, but I couldn't find a way to set a fixed baudrate
[15:47:19] <tzanger> jadew: I understand your use case. it's definitely a valid one
[15:47:22] <jadew> I didn't want the PC to dicate it
[15:47:24] <tzanger> did you base your firmware off something else?
[15:47:41] <jadew> tzanger, yeah, there are two USB stacks out there
[15:47:49] <tzanger> cyber37: yes, the crystal you are driving the AVR wtih is also driving the VCO for your RF module? That's highly unlikely
[15:47:57] <jadew> one is from microchip another one is opensource, the opensource one seems to be a bit better
[15:48:10] <cyber37> no
[15:48:16] <jadew> I'm not much of a pic fan so didn't really feel the urge to write my own stack
[15:48:18] <cyber37> My module is a NRF24L01
[15:48:26] <cyber37> I need to speak with him with SPI
[15:48:37] <tzanger> jadew: http://dangerousprototypes.com/docs/Open_source_USB_echo_demo that one?
[15:48:41] <cyber37> maybe i have bad communication because of the crystal
[15:48:45] <cyber37> i need to put one maybe
[15:48:46] <jadew> tzanger, that one
[15:48:59] <tzanger> cyber37: ok, so your AVR frequency has *nothing* to do with the RF side
[15:49:05] <cyber37> yes
[15:49:10] <tzanger> you just need to talk SPI. use the internal RC oscillator. no need for exra parts
[15:49:12] <jadew> tzanger, actually I don't know if it is that one
[15:49:23] <jadew> tzanger, however I know they tried to use that one in one of their projects
[15:49:29] <jadew> *the one that I'm using
[15:49:30] <cyber37> hum
[15:49:46] <jadew> cyber37, SPI works around the SPI clock
[15:49:57] <jadew> which can have any frequency and doesn't matter how much jitter is in there
[15:56:02] <tzanger> cyber37: I just got a bunch of nRF24L01 modules from sainsmart, haven' thad time to play just yet
[15:56:19] <jadew> I'm waiting for one too
[15:57:07] <tzanger> jadew: I don't think that was the stack; you're not really using PIC18 for a usb serial port are you?
[15:58:45] <tzanger> maybe you are; cheapest pIC18 I can find is PIC18F13K50 for $2.55 in onesie-twosie
[15:58:58] <tzanger> $2.61 in a more hobby-friendly package
[16:00:34] <tzanger> looks like there's m-stack and JTR-Honken
[16:00:35] <jadew> tzanger, I am
[16:01:11] <jadew> the MCP220 is actually the 18f14k50
[16:01:20] <xfebytes> you can get free pics if you sign up for a sample account with microchip (1-2 free ones every once in awhile)
[16:02:03] <xfebytes> they'll ship it free too depending on where you are (I got a couple PIC16F887s, I don't know about PIC18 series)
[16:03:18] <jadew> I'm in no short supply of MCUs, I only went for the MCP2200 because it was so cheap, I have a thing for making things as cheap as I can
[16:03:23] <tzanger> might be worth developing a common USB-UART/JTAG/GPIO part... somethign that lets me use one connection and multiple endpoints for the serial console, JTAG interface and a few GPIO for doing things like hardware RESET# or power cycling
[16:03:35] <jadew> altho I tend to spend a lot more on my projects than it would cost me to buy a readily made device
[16:05:43] <tzanger> mind you you won't hit anywhere close to USB2 speeds with the PIC which is I guess the reason for the price difference
[16:06:25] <jadew> yeah, I think it's USB 1.1
[16:06:35] <tzanger> wow the FX2LP is expensive as hell $20
[16:06:49] <jadew> tzanger, just buy the dev board lol
[16:06:53] <jadew> it's $10
[16:07:04] <tzanger> yep I know
[16:07:05] <tzanger> I do the same
[16:08:11] <jadew> I haven't played with it yet, but I have one around
[16:09:46] <tzanger> ColdKeyboard: not sure how yo're running an MCP2200 without a crystal
[16:10:00] <jadew> tzanger, he's running the PL one
[16:10:05] <tzanger> unless the PIC18F14K50's oscillator will it 48MHz with the PLL
[16:10:11] <ColdKeyboard> tzanger: I didn't say MCP2200, I said 16F1455
[16:10:19] <jadew> oh
[16:11:04] <tzanger> 16F1455? didn't see the USB stack for it
[16:11:28] <jadew> does it have hardware usb support or is it bitbanged?
[16:11:50] <tzanger> no it's got hardware USB
[16:12:02] <tzanger> those are cheaper
[16:12:09] <tzanger> but only 8 I/O
[16:12:13] <tzanger> not enough for a combo JTAG+UART
[16:12:32] <ColdKeyboard> Hardware
[16:12:55] * abcminiuser ragequit
[16:13:05] <tzanger> it will do 48MHz with the internal oscillator though
[16:13:11] <ColdKeyboard> It doesn't have USB stack "for it" but I'm using one for 18F, just altered some config registers for frequency and it works like a charm
[16:13:21] <jadew> tzanger, don't you need only 5 IO's for JTAG?
[16:13:54] <tzanger> $2.42 for the bigger brother with eough I/O
[16:13:58] <tzanger> jadew: yes, but I want both at the same time
[16:14:44] <darsie> I want to draw a schematic with an attiny45 to publish on avrfreaks. What's a good way to do that on linux?
[16:15:07] <ColdKeyboard> darsie: Eagle, I guess...
[16:15:13] <darsie> k ...
[16:15:36] <tzanger> hm, this is giving me ideas
[16:17:25] <jadew> tzanger, I'm working on a project that's supposed to be able to do jtag, spi, uart, i2c and 1-wire at the same time
[16:17:40] <jadew> well, scriptable
[16:17:43] <jadew> but still
[16:18:31] <jadew> but I'm not going to use a single chip
[16:18:56] <jadew> USB alone eats a lot of resources
[16:21:06] <tzanger> sure, you're recreating the bus pirate
[16:21:26] <jadew> already did and better
[16:22:20] <jadew> the strong point of this new thing being that it can initialize all the peripherals and work with them in paralel
[16:22:46] <jadew> I made the mistake on my previous one to share some headers between different protocols
[16:23:22] <jadew> on this one I have separate hearders for all of them, with the ADC input header as auxiliary, in case I decide to do something else with it
[16:30:12] <tzanger> that's a neat idea; I can't say I've had to use more than a couple at a time but one platform, one pinout to use them all would be nice
[16:30:44] <jadew> tzanger, it's useful if you plan to use scripting and read from SPI for example and send over serial
[16:30:46] <jadew> or stuff like that
[16:43:02] <tzanger> yes, I can completely see lots of uses for it
[19:40:51] <ColdKeyboard> I have to use software PWM, so I'm using high freq oscillator. The problem is I also need to recieve IR commands over USART (RX) and it's about 1200 baudrate... :\
[19:40:59] <ColdKeyboard> What's the solution? :)
[19:41:18] <ColdKeyboard> How to use high frequency oscillator an have low speed baud rate?
[19:41:46] <Tom_itx> prescalars
[19:41:58] <Tom_itx> baudrate dividers
[19:42:25] <ColdKeyboard> Timer is using CPU clock and I need it to be as high as possible.
[19:42:31] <ColdKeyboard> How can I divide baudrate?
[19:43:45] <Tom_itx> http://www.wormfood.net/avrbaudcalc.php
[19:54:03] * darsie posted 0.2 uA sleep with external watchdog wakeup http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=1098851
[20:13:38] <TechIsCool> So what would cause a long to roll over like a int?
[20:14:17] <Fornaxian> biiiig numbers?
[20:14:19] <Casper> code error?
[20:14:56] <TechIsCool> so here is the weird part if I leave the device uplugged for an hour our more it seems and plug it back in it works just fine but just resetting it or removing its power for a second does not seem to work
[20:17:17] <darsie> Maybe some caps still power it.
[20:18:04] <Valen> I have found many things the best thing to do is unplug it then hit the power button again
[20:18:09] <TechIsCool> custom made board no caps large enough plus leds are running at time of power removal
[20:18:56] <Casper> look like your setup routine is not good enought :d
[20:18:57] <Casper> :D
[20:19:10] <Casper> might want to enable BOD at like 2.7V or so
[20:19:12] <TechIsCool> yah great
[20:19:19] <TechIsCool> ok
[20:19:22] <Valen> oh thats just the souls of the dammned, they like to haunt electonics
[20:21:00] <darsie> LEDs don't drain caps well below their Vf.
[20:21:07] <Fornaxian> use more magic blue smoke.
[20:23:14] <Valen> I so want to make blue smoke in a spray can
[20:23:33] <Valen> or should it be more of an oil type thing in an applicator
[20:23:48] <Fornaxian> a syringe.
[20:23:53] <Fornaxian> so you can inject it.
[20:24:14] <Fornaxian> just put some toner in a syrings.
[20:24:16] <Fornaxian> syringe
[20:24:23] <Valen> from IBM lol http://www.flickr.com/photos/mwichary/5990429717/lightbox/
[20:25:27] <Fornaxian> well, some of their gear did have some rather impressive leaks of the stuff back in the day.
[20:29:31] <darsie> Releasing the magic smoke (1080p) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAri1OtKka8
[20:33:05] <Valen> wow that had lots of smoke in it
[20:33:27] <Valen> he needs to find a tantalum cap
[20:45:41] <ColdKeyboard> How can I compare two arrays of chars?
[20:45:55] <ColdKeyboard> Do I have to use for() or there is another way?
[20:46:51] <Fornaxian> strncmp
[20:46:52] <Fornaxian> strcmp
[20:47:11] <Fornaxian> if you have string.h included
[20:47:29] <Fornaxian> otherwise, yeah, a for loop or while loop or some kind of loop.
[20:47:46] <ColdKeyboard> Will string.h take too much memory? :)
[20:47:58] <Fornaxian> depends on what processor you are using.
[20:48:10] <Fornaxian> on an atmega1284, probably no problem
[20:48:16] <Fornaxian> on an attiny25, yeah, problem.
[20:48:30] <ColdKeyboard> I have 14kb of program memory :)
[21:07:46] <inflex> lo peeps
[21:15:10] <ColdKeyboard> N1njaneer: Are you here? :)
[21:18:29] <N1njaneer> Am now for a bit :)
[21:25:34] <ColdKeyboard> Did you say that when I use Vishays IR demodulator and connect it to RX pin, I should get chars at 1200 baud?
[21:27:15] <N1njaneer> Generally 2400
[21:28:44] <ColdKeyboard> Ok, and what should I do if I'm pressing the same button but I keep getting diferent codes? I changed baud from 1200 to 2400 but same thing happens :\
[21:29:19] <N1njaneer> The buttons will generally keep repeating the same sequence over and over.
[21:29:56] <N1njaneer> Really for your application, if you get distinct codes from distinct buttons (reliably) you really just need to look for that :)
[21:31:23] <ColdKeyboard> Well I'm trying but when I keep button pressed it starts repeating something like FF or FE FF so I guess it's some kind of END mark or something like that... :\
[21:31:54] <N1njaneer> Differerent controls will send out different codes, some repeat, some won't
[21:32:15] <N1njaneer> Like vol +/- and channel +/- will generally sent out repeating transmissions so you can just hold the button down.
[21:32:36] <N1njaneer> It would be useful to confirm the character size of the remote by looking at the received waveform on a scope.
[21:32:57] <ColdKeyboard> I don't have a scope :(
[21:33:43] <ColdKeyboard> I don't even know what carrier frequency is of this remote (I have 2 models of Vishays demodulator and same thing happens on both of them) and I can't take look at the remotes signal on the scope :(
[21:39:34] <ColdKeyboard> On 4800 baudrate I keep getting same sequence of 00 E0 for every button... How can I determing actual baudrate from that? :)
[21:45:42] <N1njaneer> E0 would be 11100000 so it appears the data is fitting in to those three bit-times
[21:47:00] <N1njaneer> Unfortunatly there's no real standard, so you usually have to reverse-engineer :)
[21:47:37] <N1njaneer> Try 1200 or 600 buad or lower.
[21:47:55] <ColdKeyboard> Ok, I'm trying it now :)
[21:47:57] <N1njaneer> Basically keep going lower until you start to see unique responses from pressing the buttons :)
[21:48:28] <N1njaneer> Again, you really want a scope or logic analyzer for helping to figure this out.
[21:48:35] <N1njaneer> Or write yourself one, if you don't have one :)
[21:49:34] <N1njaneer> Alternatively, you could always wire the output of the remote to a speaker or ideally the line-in on your soundcard, capture the waveform, and look at it in an audio editor and make some rough measuremens :)
[21:52:02] <ColdKeyboard> Well I started getting repeating patterns on 600 baud so I hope I will be able to figure it out now... :)
[21:52:43] <N1njaneer> You can also break down the bit-pattern. Write it out as 1's and 0's in a line
[21:53:33] <N1njaneer> Then halve the baud-rate and see if you see the same pattern but doubled up to more places. It's kind of really inexact a way of doing it, but if you don't have a scope or logic-anaylzer, it would be feasible way to approach it I suppose :)
[21:53:50] <N1njaneer> The start bits will mess things up a bit, though.
[21:53:57] <Valen> I will so laugh if its 5638 baud, just to mess with you
[21:54:36] <ColdKeyboard> Well, it would really nice if it isn't some standard baudrate :)
[21:54:42] <N1njaneer> It could very well be. There aren't any real established standards.
[21:55:06] <N1njaneer> Valen: Hence why I suggested looking at it with an o'scope to measure bit-times directly :)
[21:55:55] <N1njaneer> BUT since his application really just requires sensing unique codes from different buttons, it ultimately doesn't really matter if he's got the rate exact. As long as it's dumping out something reliably differentiatable, that's really all that matters :)
[21:57:02] <ColdKeyboard> This is what I get after pressing 6x the same button on the remote, with 1200 baud
[21:57:03] <ColdKeyboard> http://pastebin.com/3kKPdi8Y
[21:58:56] <N1njaneer> We use 2400 baud since it meets the timing requirements of the Vishay receivers and is very easy to generate and receive :)
[22:00:13] <ColdKeyboard> Now, when I set baud to 600 I get FE everytime. I guess the data fits into that bit-time so I will lower it even more :)
[22:00:48] <N1njaneer> Who is the remote manufacturer?
[22:01:27] <ColdKeyboard> It's some Gigabyte remote that I have from TV-tuner card
[22:02:56] <N1njaneer> Try 300 :)
[22:10:57] <Casper> rue_house / rue_shop2: ya there?
[22:11:11] <ColdKeyboard> No luck :(
[22:11:18] <ColdKeyboard> Darn it... :\
[22:11:40] <ColdKeyboard> I'm going to sleep, it's 5AM here... :\ Thank you for you help. Good night everyone!
[22:11:51] <Casper> nite
[22:12:19] <N1njaneer> Have fun!
[22:12:31] <N1njaneer> I think I might head home - getting late!
[22:16:52] <Casper> jadew: I decided to go against the ds1104z-s
[22:18:48] <jadew> Casper: how come?
[22:19:07] <Casper> I figure that the combo is not great
[22:19:18] <Casper> can't see what's happening when you change the waveform
[22:19:26] <jadew> what do you mean?
[22:19:46] <Casper> so I decided to go with the ds1104z and get a dg1022a
[22:20:02] <jadew> nice
[22:20:58] <Casper> so now...
[22:21:23] <Casper> what do you read this as: "Customs clearance is included for both Saver and Expedited. Standard does not include it." ← do you read it as no extra fee at delivery?
[22:21:31] <Casper> as in no custom fees and no tax?
[22:22:27] <jadew> yeah, but I wouldn't rely on that
[22:39:25] <w|zzy> Casper: list me know how that Sig gen goes for you please.
[22:41:12] <Casper> yeah
[22:41:38] <Casper> if only rue could wake up D:
[22:41:39] <Casper> :D
[23:06:22] <rue_house> Casper, no, but I am now
[23:06:28] <rue_house> afk..
[23:09:09] <Casper> hi ya
[23:09:12] <Casper> still there?
[23:56:32] <rue_house> ya