#avr | Logs for 2013-09-10

[02:02:18] <jadew> Casper, awesome
[02:40:07] <jadew> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=JaIuSnODbOM#t=86
[02:41:43] <jadew> that's a atten on the left and lecroy on the right
[02:41:47] <jadew> they're both siglen lol
[02:41:56] <jadew> siglent
[02:52:14] <w|zzy> :P
[03:44:25] <Valen> they look pretty similar
[06:08:25] <Valen> anybody know of a H bridge that'll run off 5V and has PWM + dir inputs?
[06:19:52] <Fornaxian> Valen, maybe.
[06:19:59] <Fornaxian> how much current capacity you need?
[06:20:37] <Fornaxian> http://allegromicro.com/en/Products/Motor-Driver-And-Interface-ICs/Brush-DC-Motor-Drivers/A3968.aspx
[06:23:18] <Fornaxian> http://allegromicro.com/en/Products/Motor-Driver-And-Interface-ICs/Brush-DC-Motor-Drivers/A3959.aspx
[06:23:25] <Fornaxian> lots of them at allegromicro.
[06:23:32] <Fornaxian> http://allegromicro.com/en/Products/Motor-Driver-And-Interface-ICs/Brush-DC-Motor-Drivers.aspx
[07:22:10] <Tom_itx> 3995 might
[07:22:25] <Tom_itx> don't remember
[10:17:39] <dheeraj> Hello all
[10:18:33] <dheeraj> I am searching for board with Usb controller, SD card , Ethernet... any suggestion
[10:20:21] <prpplague> dheeraj: beaglebone black
[10:21:15] * DagoRed nods
[10:28:44] <vectory> im looking for a chipcrad board, beagle bone black has too little ram (512), i want to use for web and such
[10:29:15] <vectory> cubieboard2 looks good, anything else in that domain?
[10:31:57] <prpplague> vectory: that comment always cracks me up
[10:32:02] <prpplague> vectory: too little ram, hehe
[10:35:16] <spec_> vectory: What are you doing that you need so much RAM?
[11:03:26] <vectory> spec_: as i said, i wanna use it like a pc, i'm not doing much, but it shouldnt start swapping with under 30 tabs open
[11:04:30] <vectory> prpplague: it always cracks me up, how much memory firefox and web2.0 webpages need. not. :(
[11:06:16] <prpplague> vectory: hehe, very uninformed
[11:07:05] <vectory> prpplague: hm?
[11:10:01] <vectory> what do you mean?
[11:43:56] <spec_> Having 30+ tabs open is doing a lot.
[11:52:25] <megal0maniac> vectory: What you want is a computer
[12:07:59] <dheeraj> prpplague: this one is intrestinghttp://www.atmel.com/devices/SAM3X4C.aspx?tab=parameters
[12:08:26] <dheeraj> prpplague: this one is intresting http://www.atmel.com/devices/SAM3X4C.aspx?tab=parameters
[12:23:48] <vectory> my computer has 1.5gb ram, 1 1.8ghz core. so, the cb2 with dualcore at 1ghz and 1 gb ram is much closer to a real pc than the beaglebone
[12:25:47] <vectory> in terms of power per wat, its probably much better even
[12:26:11] <vectory> performance per watt -_-
[12:59:01] <ColdKeyboard> I have Vishay TSOP34836 IR reciever diode. How can I now read IR codes from my remote? Should I connect the OUT of the IR diode to the INT0 of the Tiny2313 and watch for interrupts and maybe store how many 1/0 the input command has?
[12:59:05] <ColdKeyboard> Any suggestions?
[13:13:08] <N1njaneer> Cold: Route it in to RX on the UART
[13:13:17] <N1njaneer> IR control codes are just serial data
[13:14:04] <N1njaneer> Generally it's 2400/N/8/1
[13:16:39] <ColdKeyboard> Ok, I will try that now
[13:23:56] <ColdKeyboard> Does anyone know how to solve Profilic USB-to-Serial drivers Code error:10. The device cannot start? :\
[13:35:17] <hexorg> Are there any open source avr emulators? maybe something to work with gdb?
[13:52:07] <megal0maniac_afk> ColdKeyboard: Yes, get a different driver
[13:52:43] <megal0maniac_afk> Because you probably have a counterfeit PL2303
[13:52:50] <megal0maniac_afk> Search for PL2303_Prolific_GPS_AllInOne_1013.exe
[14:09:59] <ColdKeyboard> I've installed them. I hope they work. Meanwhile I programmed 16F1455 to work as USB2UART and it doesn't require any drivers... well it uses "stock" drivers :)
[14:10:45] <ColdKeyboard> N1njaneer: I connected this Vishay IC LED diode to RX of UART and it works like a charm :)
[14:10:48] <ColdKeyboard> What are some of the algorithms for checking/storing IR codes?
[14:14:07] <megal0maniac_afk> Let me know. I've had the exact same issue with two completely different products and fixed it with the same driver
[14:15:09] <megal0maniac_afk> ColdKeyboard: And there's a Linux project called lirc. Might be worth checking out
[15:04:42] <ColdKeyboard> Darn it... :\
[15:05:04] <ColdKeyboard> Now whatever I put in ISR(USART_RX_Vect) my code "crashes" :\
[15:13:41] <Casper> stack overflow?
[15:13:52] <Casper> aka run out of ram?
[15:14:14] <ColdKeyboard> Could be :\ I'm trying to debug it now
[15:14:31] <Casper> each function depth use about 6 bytes of ram
[15:47:41] <ColdKeyboard> OC1A and OC1B are from Timer0 or Timer1? :\
[15:47:55] <ColdKeyboard> I'm using 8-bit fast PWM to control 3 RGB LEDs
[15:48:13] <ColdKeyboard> but I'm configuring timer0, can I still use Timer1 as normal timer? :\
[15:49:46] <Joggl> ColdKeyboard, the 1 in OC1A and B stands for timer 1
[15:49:57] <N1njaneer> OC1 is from Timer1. Timer0 should still be free :)
[15:50:45] <ColdKeyboard> I need 3 PWM signals :\ So both timers are gone then :(
[15:54:45] <ColdKeyboard> ATmega8 has just 1 ctc channel? :\
[15:55:28] <MarkX> i know this is a long shot but here goes: I'm writing a config descriptor for a usb audio device. In the descriptor i've added IAD (interface association descriptor). Does the IAD need to audio control interface AND the alternate audio control interface?
[15:55:49] <MarkX> need to include*
[15:56:14] <N1njaneer> MarkX: abcuser would be the best person to ask that of since he wrote LUFA, but I don't see him about at the moment :(
[15:56:20] <MarkX> yea
[15:56:28] <MarkX> hes on the opposite side of the world
[15:56:32] <MarkX> once in a while i catch him on skype
[15:56:38] <MarkX> (chillest dev ever btw)
[15:56:52] <MarkX> just the timezones make it hard :P
[15:57:03] <MarkX> how are you N1njaneer
[15:57:09] <N1njaneer> Cold: Most of the smaller Atmels only have 1-2 dedicated PWM channels - usually have to go to a larger device, or do the PWM in software if you can suffer the speed hit.
[15:57:40] <N1njaneer> I am well. Busily uploading firmware images to FPGAs and ARMS here right now in production. :)
[15:58:04] <MarkX> haha awesome!
[15:58:15] <MarkX> may i ask what the chips are for? consumer products?
[15:58:29] <N1njaneer> Special effects stuff, actually :)
[15:58:40] <MarkX> oh cool!
[15:58:44] <MarkX> animatronics?
[15:58:55] <N1njaneer> These are headed to a well-known set of theme parks :)
[15:59:04] <MarkX> that is very awesome
[15:59:11] <MarkX> sometimes i regret not going to animatronics
[15:59:19] <MarkX> i chose mechatronics instead
[15:59:28] <N1njaneer> Both can certainly be fun!
[15:59:39] <MarkX> not really
[15:59:50] <MarkX> i went into mechatronics to work on Iron Man and Gundams
[15:59:56] <MarkX> i ended up working on Fanuc robots >_>
[16:00:08] <N1njaneer> The trick is working on stuff that you don't end up getting all jaded about and hating in the end :)
[16:00:41] <N1njaneer> Entertainment is a stressful business at times since it's a lot of fast engineering that has to work right the first time, and (in our case) last for years and years and years of reliable operation.
[16:00:50] <MarkX> not that there is anything wrong in an automotive assembly plant. i just can't stand the environment/work
[16:01:00] <MarkX> but you can work with cutting edge equipment
[16:01:07] <MarkX> the last part i fixed was from ~1980s
[16:01:10] <MarkX> before i was born XD
[16:01:10] <N1njaneer> Fanuc has some awesome stuff :)
[16:01:47] <MarkX> i like Motoman better, their latest 2 armed robot made me drool
[16:02:13] <MarkX> http://3278as3udzze1hdk0f2th5nf18c1.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/motoman-sda-10-robot-250x300.jpg
[16:03:10] <N1njaneer> We have a massive industrial suplus place around here (9 acres under one roof) that winds up with TONS of the industrial robots at times when factories close down. A lot of times you can get them for like pennies on the dollar :)
[16:03:38] <MarkX> :|
[16:04:08] <MarkX> my boss would be very interested, refurbishment is one of our specialties
[16:04:56] <N1njaneer> Probably gonna pop by there on Friday. You can spend a good 2 hours or so poking through stuff, inventory changes daily. I need to get a large compressed-air dryer as we're winding up with a TON of water in our lines here from the humidity and it keeps filling the traps waaay fast. Pick and places hate water :)
[16:05:03] <N1njaneer> www.hgrinc.com
[16:05:25] <MarkX> beauty! thanks
[16:05:36] <MarkX> if you don't mind me asking
[16:05:39] <MarkX> what is your profession
[16:06:27] <N1njaneer> Engineer, generically
[16:06:40] <MarkX> sweet
[16:06:46] <N1njaneer> But a bit of everything - hardware, software, board layout, production, management, art
[16:06:51] <MarkX> thats another thing i regret
[16:06:57] <MarkX> going to college instead of university:
[16:07:12] <N1njaneer> Basically everything I work on somehow ultimately supports an end artistic goal.
[16:07:28] <N1njaneer> Heavily focusing on lighting/laser applications.
[16:07:55] <N1njaneer> College was kind of a formality for me - I think I have my diploma around somewhere, I honestly never looked at it.
[16:08:13] <MarkX> well you are in an engineer role though aren't you?
[16:08:21] <MarkX> i'm unfortunately stuck in a technologist role
[16:08:50] <MarkX> also i do hope this conversation isn't too personal (especially in an open channel like this). i just like talking to other people of like professions :D
[16:08:52] <N1njaneer> I'm in "small business owner who wears too many hats at once but is learning to deligate" role, which I don't wish upon anyone
[17:33:54] <ColdKeyboard> One tought, since Tiny2313 has OC0A, OC0B, OC1A, OC1B. I'm using only 3 of them. Can I set OC1B to some value and have an interrupt whenever it reaches that value, without ruining (completely) PWM outputs?
[17:35:01] <ColdKeyboard> In that case I might be able to use that OCR1B as some kind of time base for measuring time with timer instead delay...
[18:27:50] <ColdKeyboard> Any ideas on this? :)
[18:35:47] <ColdKeyboard> Ok, it seems to be working, but, on start-up it enters the TIMER1_COMPB_vect routine and then it stops :\ Any ideas why?
[18:40:25] <ColdKeyboard> It's not working really or I'm forgetting to set/reset/run something in interrupt routine... :(
[18:53:07] <N1njaneer> Comment out everything in the interrupt routine and see if your main() loops runs, to narrow the problem.
[18:54:05] <N1njaneer> Also make sure TIMER1_COMPB_vect is in fact the interrupt vector that should be triggering based on your settings. If it's jumping off to an invalid interrupt that is missing from the table you can get a hang or undefined behavior. Have had that happen before :)
[19:21:26] <ColdKeyboard> It looks like I'm going to need a bigger controller... This one is fine for this but I want to be able to change colors and turn on/off with 3-4 buttons but even when I start to code button recognition via USART it runs out of memmory. :)
[19:21:32] <ColdKeyboard> Time to go bigger than tiny :)
[19:26:25] <Casper> or learn to save memory? :D
[19:26:50] <Casper> you said you use the usart... do you use strings?
[19:27:08] <Casper> those goes to ram, unless you do some special coding
[19:34:25] <w|zzy> Man a string will kill one of those little buggers
[19:41:25] <ColdKeyboard> Casper: I'm using UART but I'm not using strings, I'm saving codes as hex values/int/char :)
[19:48:15] <Casper> printf?
[19:49:19] <ColdKeyboard> No. I'm just recieving 1 char, comparing it with one stored in code, if OK then proceed to the next one, if not, ignore rest.
[19:49:43] <ColdKeyboard> but even when I store about 2-3 codes it says that program memory is 101% occupied :)
[19:50:01] <ColdKeyboard> Nevermind, I'll probabbly get new controller since I want some more stuff to implement in this project :)
[19:50:33] <ColdKeyboard> I have to go to sleep... almost 3AM over here
[19:50:42] <ColdKeyboard> Take care everyone and thank you for your help :)
[20:19:06] <Casper> jadew: http://www.rigolna.com/products/digital-oscilloscopes/ds1000Z/ds1104z-s/ tempting
[20:25:43] <tzanger> http://www.rigolna.com/products/digital-oscilloscopes/ds6000/ds6104/
[20:25:53] <tzanger> too bad I can get something much better off ebay for much less
[20:27:15] <N1njaneer> Rigol makes a very solid product.
[20:27:23] <tzanger> http://www.ebay.ca/itm/LeCroy-LC534-Color-4-ch-1-GHz-Digital-Oscilloscope-w-Probes-and-WARRANTY-/321184338904?pt=BI_Oscilloscopes&hash=item4ac81413d8&_uhb=1
[20:27:26] <tzanger> so does lecroy
[20:28:03] <tzanger> I had the rare opportunity of using one of their $250k scopes on a PCIe project. the FAE who came in to help us out absolutely blew me away with what he could do with the scope
[20:28:18] <N1njaneer> But unless you really need 4-channel and 1Ghz capability, you can spend well less than $1K USD on one of Rigol's 1000 series scopes.
[20:28:44] <N1njaneer> Well sometimes such things are certainly needed :)
[20:29:03] <tzanger> there's like a 3 pixel 'jag' on the reference clock, I totally missed it and he identified the source and could use the scope to "undo" the impedance mismatch and show that the eye would clean up nicely, which it did when we respun the board with his fix
[20:29:33] <tzanger> yeah I know... I have a 20 year old HP scope with 350MHz analog bandwidth but only 10ksps capability
[20:29:49] <tzanger> my next scope is going to be in the 5GHz analog bandwidth area due to the stuff I end up in
[20:29:54] <N1njaneer> Rigol has some very impressive support behind their projects, and is continuously refining the firmware and adding more features. Their US headquarters is also 5 miles from here :)
[20:30:16] <N1njaneer> All of the Rigol US staff are former Keithley guys, so they know their way around the design of high-end test equiptment.
[20:30:31] <N1njaneer> projects = products
[20:30:36] <N1njaneer> Typing too fast, trying to eat :)
[20:31:13] <tzanger> I keep hearing that, and I hope it's true.. I haven't got money to "test" it though, and they top out at 1GHz which isn't quite enough for me
[20:31:41] <tzanger> I was a tek fanboy until using that high-end lecroy (and then a high-end tek) -- for low/mid end tek is still my favourite, but lecroy has my vote on high end
[20:31:51] <tzanger> yokogawa was decent too, as is agilent
[20:32:47] <N1njaneer> Find your local Rigol rep - they'll loan you any scope you want for a week or two
[20:33:47] <N1njaneer> Their spectrum analyzers are also very decent for the price-point. Not going to be a $20K Tek, but if you need that specifically you by the $20K Tek :)
[20:35:05] <N1njaneer> For casual logic analyzers, I have been blown away with Logic16 from Saelae - it will go up to 100Mhz with reduced channels, and the decoders for protocols are fantastic. I don't think I've really needed to run it much about 16-20Mhz or so for more projects thus far.
[20:35:14] <N1njaneer> I haven't pulled out my HP1662A since I got it :)
[20:52:22] <tzanger> yes, I'm VERY happy with saleae, although I buy the ebay $10 FX2 eval boards now
[20:52:59] <tzanger> their software's very good which is why I bought one real one, but I can dump an FX2 into any project and not worry about blowing up the real thing
[20:56:48] <jadew> Casper, read up on the topic, it's possible the 70Mhz version can be software upgraded to 100 :)
[21:00:48] <jadew> tzanger, any particular feature you like from their software?
[21:11:06] <tzanger> software? no. full control over the scope from a nice REST API would be nice, that's about it
[21:11:38] <jadew> talking about the saleae software
[21:11:54] <tzanger> it's their hardware I have more issue with... I need a buttload of analog bandwidth and usually four good 50 ohm/1Mohm inputs
[21:11:57] <tzanger> oh
[21:12:30] <tzanger> no, I think saleae's software is prety incredible. One thing I *do* wish it could do would be to protocol decode *across* channels, not just within the channel
[21:12:41] <tzanger> i.e. I2C/SPI is all done "along" the time axis for a given data channel
[21:13:02] <tzanger> I would like to take 8 channels and a clock/control and read "across" the channels for smaller parallel busses
[21:13:07] <tzanger> that's not a usual use case though
[21:13:25] <jadew> you mean like have the annotation across all of them? vertically?
[21:14:10] <jadew> or you mean paralel decoding?
[21:14:17] <tzanger> I mean input 1-8 be d0-d7, input 9 be we# adn input 10 be clock for a simple 8-bit synchronous parallel bus decoder
[21:14:36] <jadew> you can't write a custom parser?
[21:14:39] <tzanger> QSPI would be nifty too although I've never actually *needed* that
[21:14:52] <tzanger> jadew: i probably can, I haven't checked out their plugin architecture in a long, long time
[21:15:08] <tzanger> being able to annotate a capture would be very nice
[21:15:23] <jadew> well, in that regard I have them beat down, the plugin thing
[21:15:29] <tzanger> I seem to remember a zooming issue too but I think that's Usbee's craptastic software
[21:15:29] <jadew> custom annotations are on the to-do list
[21:15:51] <jadew> yeah, I wasn't particularly impressed with usbee's software
[21:15:57] <jadew> it looked so... '93
[21:16:03] <tzanger> I bet on the wrong horse back then
[21:16:22] <tzanger> neither had multiplatform support and Usbee looked like the company more apt to do it first
[21:16:35] <tzanger> now Saleae's come out WAY ahead and Usbee is still a steaming pile
[21:16:47] <jadew> do any of them have search capability?
[21:17:06] <tzanger> I don't think so, but for that I usually just export to csv and search
[21:17:46] <tzanger> periodic capture/retrigger (think "trigger...capture... dump... goto 1" endlessly with possible incrementing dump filenames would be nice
[21:18:19] <jadew> tzanger, that would be a nice feature, I'm adding that on the to-do list
[21:18:43] <tzanger> or a much smaller capture window with retrigger on the same display would also be really nice
[21:19:13] <jadew> basically getting a scope like effect?
[21:19:15] <tzanger> i.e. let's say you want to capture 250 clock cycles whenever an trigger conddition is met... 100 times and display them all on the screen
[21:19:31] <tzanger> ...<capture1>..<capture2>..<capture3>...
[21:19:45] <tzanger> where it could be many cycles (even minutes/hours) between individual triggers
[21:19:46] <jadew> ah, have them concatenated?
[21:20:08] <tzanger> yeah kind of the trigger/capture/dump idea but for one "big" capture
[21:20:20] <tzanger> right now you get to trigger and you get a bazillion consecutive clock cycles
[21:20:22] <jadew> that could come in handy
[21:20:46] <tzanger> I'd like to be able to break that up so it only captures say 250 clock cycles then waits for the trigger condition again before capturing the next 250... until the capture buffer is full
[21:21:31] <tzanger> a simple UDP streaming interface would be cool... once triggered it just spews continuous logging data to the UDP port, perhaps listening on another UDP port for stop/start/trigger messages
[21:21:39] <jadew> that could be implemented in the firmware for sure
[21:21:51] <jadew> in fact, I think it actually is implemented in the OLS
[21:21:53] <tzanger> replaceing the FX2 with an FX3 would really be something
[21:21:58] <tzanger> I am working on an FX3 design right now actually
[21:22:03] <jadew> however, I haven't implemented advanced triggering in my software
[21:22:12] <tzanger> nice little chip, but man do I hate ThreadX
[21:22:26] <tzanger> anyway I gotta jet... ttyl
[21:22:33] <jadew> I'm planning to play with FX2 soon
[21:22:36] <jadew> alright, see ya
[21:22:41] <jadew> thanks for the tips, I took notes
[21:23:20] <w|zzy> more updates?
[21:23:42] <jadew> not very soon, I have so many small projects going right now
[21:24:07] <w|zzy> do you sell any?
[21:24:16] <jadew> the next big update will probably be a GUI rewrite, already started working on it before my kid was born and it's almost ready but didn't have time to finish it
[21:24:22] <jadew> it will look just the same tho
[21:24:27] <jadew> w|zzy, nope
[21:24:50] <jadew> this is all hobby right now, I might sell something if it turns out alright
[21:25:27] <w|zzy> Just easier to add gui features to the code?
[21:25:43] <w|zzy> You should open a tindie
[21:25:50] <jadew> what's a tindie?
[21:25:57] <jadew> and what do you mean by the previous question?
[21:26:08] <w|zzy> https://www.tindie.com/
[21:26:22] <w|zzy> The gui rewrite, was that to make it easier to expand the gui ?
[21:27:23] <jadew> w|zzy, ah, nope, it's to make the code smaller and mainly because I want to get a full GUI library written in WTL
[21:27:27] <jadew> with docking windows and all that
[21:27:36] <w|zzy> That would be cool.
[21:27:55] <w|zzy> It is a must for any development/test suite these days
[21:28:11] <tzanger> jadew: make sure if you release hardware you don't just copy the standard devkit schematic and become upset when people buy the devkit and use your software
[21:28:25] <jadew> yeah, the ones I'm using are kinda buggy, which is what got me working on this new UI library
[21:28:27] <tzanger> a sillicon ID chip is peanuts and can offer some protection
[21:28:38] <jadew> tzanger, for sure :P
[21:29:02] <jadew> I'm sure it would be fairly easy to have a bit on encryption in there
[21:29:08] <jadew> and custom keys for everyone :P
[21:29:47] <jadew> then you can personalize their driver/firmware download based on the license they have
[21:29:49] <jadew> problem solved
[21:29:56] <jadew> everyone has a different binary blob
[21:30:02] <w|zzy> Just have a parralel port based dongle.
[21:30:51] <jadew> I actually built something very similar to this: https://www.tindie.com/products/FriedCircuits/usb-tester/
[21:31:08] <jadew> I think everyone needs one once they start doing usb stuff
[21:31:22] <jadew> w|zzy, like in the old days? to protect software? :P
[21:31:39] <w|zzy> old days? I still support some systems that use them..
[21:31:47] <jadew> hehe
[21:31:54] <w|zzy> Though i have written a program to mimic them on newer systems.
[21:31:59] <jadew> actually, yesterday I had to help my mother in law with something similar
[21:32:20] <jadew> they have SSL certificates on usb dongles now days
[21:32:24] <w|zzy> Nice.
[21:32:42] <jadew> yeah, apparently they're used to sign documents
[21:34:30] <jadew> w|zzy, that site is supper nice
[21:34:30] <w|zzy> Its always the honest people who are most hindered by this crap
[21:35:31] <jadew> seems to be used only for important paperwork
[21:35:51] <jadew> like when you're selling a house
[21:36:40] <jadew> that way everyone who accesses that document knows it's legit
[21:38:33] <tzanger> nah it's not about total protection
[21:39:16] <tzanger> putting a serial number that is signed in OTP and checked with the PC software is enough, you just don't want people to clone the HW easily
[21:39:45] <tzanger> they *will* clone it and they *will* clone the SW, your protection will get broken but it's just about raising the bar not making it impossible. it's too costly to do perfectly
[21:41:24] <jadew> obviously
[21:41:54] <jadew> I saw a video recently about a guy hacking satelite decoder cards
[21:42:04] <jadew> he had all the equipment you could dream off
[21:42:31] <jadew> he was actually shaving the plastic off of the tiny chip AND PROBING THE DATA LINES
[21:42:57] <jadew> how can you protect yourself against that? :)
[21:45:13] <w|zzy> lol
[22:13:31] <Valen> jadew: put the code inside an air tight box, pull a vacuum of a random level on said box, if the pressure changes by more than X detonate the C4
[22:20:57] <MarkX> ...
[22:21:03] <MarkX> what conversation have i just walked in on
[22:21:25] * MarkX doesn't want to get added to some sort of no fly list
[22:23:58] <Valen> take a look at what they did to protect nuke's, they even went to the trouble of requiring the code be spread out such that if the thing detonated (non nuclear detonation, just enough to make it unable to do so) that any resulting fragments of silicon wouldn't contain enough code to get anything usefull out of
[22:26:03] <MarkX> interesting
[22:26:06] <MarkX> i didn't know that
[22:26:28] <jadew> like there's anything useful in there...
[22:26:58] <jadew> if (x) blowUp();
[22:27:29] <jadew> they could implement it with 1 mosfet :P
[22:52:53] <Casper> jadew: it's possible, but you lose the 3 years waranty
[22:53:29] <jadew> true, anyway, I've seen 80Mhz signals just fine on my 50Mhz scope
[22:55:47] <w|zzy> I like that i can uninstall the software updates on my power supply if i need warranty
[22:55:56] <Valen> MarkX: "blow up in a non nuclear way" is the default anti-tamper for most nukes ;->
[22:57:08] <jadew> on a PSU, you can fix stuff yourself, unless it's something expensive or the beefy transformer
[23:17:06] <N1njaneer> jadew: This is actually why certain companies like Xilinx actually bury some of the more critical fuses and such on deeper layers of the silicon, so they are much harder to get to even if you start dissolving the chip with HFl or similar :)