#avr | Logs for 2013-09-08

[02:24:50] <megal0maniac> abcminiuser: All the best for the trip!
[02:26:34] <abcminiuser> Tusen takk! All packed, taxi here in an hour
[02:27:45] * abcminiuser don't screw up don't screw up
[02:27:52] <megal0maniac> :P
[02:28:04] <megal0maniac> Aside from the scary bits, I'm sure it can be fun
[02:28:38] <megal0maniac> Do they give you any time to "wind down" before you come back?
[02:29:15] <abcminiuser> It's only a day, so no
[02:29:24] <abcminiuser> Home ~10PM, work the next day
[02:29:38] <abcminiuser> Wait no christ
[02:29:47] <abcminiuser> Landing at 10:50PM
[02:29:53] <abcminiuser> An hour after that home
[02:29:59] <megal0maniac> Rough
[02:30:00] <abcminiuser> So bugger being early tuesday
[02:30:18] <abcminiuser> We have very flexi-time here, turn up and leave basically whenever suits
[02:30:30] <abcminiuser> As long as you attend meetings remotely, it's no big deal
[02:30:52] <abcminiuser> Makes life a bit easier
[02:32:11] <megal0maniac> I love the idea of flexi-time. Only thing I'd be worried about is lack of routine, but so long as you're disciplined...
[02:32:46] <abcminiuser> What ends up happening is that everyone has their own routine
[02:32:54] <abcminiuser> So I get up early, and work 8-4
[02:32:58] <abcminiuser> Others 9-5
[02:33:07] <abcminiuser> Others still even crazier times
[02:36:16] <Roklobsta> wot you flying halfway around the world?
[02:36:27] <megal0maniac> Hardly :P
[02:36:50] <abcminiuser> Germany!
[02:36:57] <abcminiuser> The land of bratwurst and beer
[02:36:58] <Roklobsta> the older i get and the more Airplane Disasters I watch the less I want to fly.
[02:37:21] <Roklobsta> Germany to Norway is like driving from Geelong to Frankston.
[02:38:39] <Roklobsta> anyway, i would be surprised if bratwurst had any meat in it.
[02:40:37] <megal0maniac> Landjaeger!
[02:41:49] <megal0maniac> Das ist wunderbar
[02:42:36] <megal0maniac> Ich kenne kleine Deutsch
[02:44:58] <abcminiuser> Wunderbar!
[03:01:01] <OndraSter> mm
[03:01:03] <OndraSter> beer
[03:01:03] <abcminiuser> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8WYAkGZdL8
[03:06:12] <megal0maniac> Wow. Did not see that one coming
[03:18:42] <braincracker> was cooking without a timer ;> should i say the thing go
[03:18:46] <braincracker> black now?
[03:28:23] <abcminiuser> See y'all Tuesday
[03:28:26] <abcminiuser> I'm out
[03:41:30] <Roklobsta> that youtube video is lost on anyone living in uk, western europe, singapore, japan, australia, nz. Everyone else, better get insurance.
[04:14:41] <megal0maniac> Roklobsta: Lucky bastards
[04:17:46] <megal0maniac> I found a board with LEDs on the ground. From one of those cheap selectable power supplies, with LEDs to indicate the selected voltage
[04:18:39] <megal0maniac> Got at it with my leatherman, soldered resistors :) http://i.imgur.com/4S4IOJs.jpg
[04:19:26] <megal0maniac> Yes I know it looks terrible. But it works. And it's useful as a general purpose flashing light/debugging/status thingy
[04:20:09] <megal0maniac> You can see I first played around on the ground plane on the left. Was surprisingly easy to get right
[07:50:35] <RikusW> Ca
[13:35:57] <rgill> hello, how can you change the bootloader of an at90usb1286?\
[13:36:19] <Casper> use a programmer
[13:43:53] <braincracker> avrdude
[13:44:12] <braincracker> and a programmer of any kind
[13:56:31] <rgill> ok
[14:35:31] <mike_papa> Hello. I'm trying to learn how to use TWI, and I just spent couple of hours reading datasheet and AVR315, and i must have missed something. Here is my code: http://pastebin.com/bZrUsxnu . Can someone check that please? I don't have any JTAG, or similar equipment, so I just use arduino with slave_receiver to check if it works. Unfortunately no debugging is possible this way.
[14:42:11] <BorgCuba> Hi
[14:42:59] <BorgCuba> Have you ever had the problem that you received a character twice from the USART?
[14:44:09] <BorgCuba> my setup is: PC nonblocking-io on ttyUSB0 <-> FT232 <-> ATMega8
[14:54:16] <BorgCuba> it seems that if I send 0x0a the USART receives it twice ???
[15:01:10] <BorgCuba> Ill check my termios
[15:03:23] <soul-d> got local echo on ?
[15:04:22] <mike_papa> ok... it seems my problem is at the level of creating start condition. TWI Interrupt Flag is never set after TWCR = ((1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWSTA) | (1<<TWEN));
[15:07:20] <BorgCuba> the solution is: newtio.c_oflag &= ~ONLCR; newtio.c_iflag &= ~INLCR;
[15:07:37] <BorgCuba> (http://www.lafn.org/~dave/linux/termios.txt)
[15:09:45] <BorgCuba> man, Ive been looking at my avr code for hours and did not find anything ... ;-)
[15:54:35] <mike_papa> Ok... how would you call spending several hours on writing code, and finding out that your pull-ups are connected to rail, that has no power?
[15:55:37] <mike_papa> actually not writing, but starring at it, and tring to figure out what's wrong...
[16:11:01] <xorly> common issues?
[16:14:25] <rgill> has anyone here used an at90usb1286, maybe as a Teensy 2.0++, to program something via ISP
[16:17:34] <BorgCuba> you mean like using the at90usb as a avr usb programmer?
[16:18:25] <BorgCuba> you could probably take a look at "usbasp" and rewrite the usb part
[16:18:47] <BorgCuba> which has the benefit that it is supported by avrdude
[16:27:14] <megal0maniac_afk> Or take the easy way out and load the Arduino as ISP sketch onto it
[16:29:12] <megal0maniac> Oh, well this is cool
[17:40:51] <MarkX> anyone here used libusb by any chance?
[17:52:35] <malcom2073> I have once upon a time, but never with an avr on the other end
[17:59:56] <MarkX> malcom2073: do you remember how to access the device's reference count?
[18:00:26] <MarkX> compiler doesn't like when i do printf("%d\n", devices->refcnt);
[18:22:29] <malcom2073> I do not
[18:22:31] <malcom2073> sorry
[22:44:28] <qartis> having some trouble with OC1A on a atmega88
[22:44:52] <qartis> it's running at 18.432MHz, and timer1 is in CTC mode
[22:45:03] <Casper> good xtal choice
[22:45:18] <qartis> same board design with an 8MHz crystal outputs a solid 4MHz waveform on PB1
[22:45:49] <qartis> but with the 18.432 crystal, I get a weak 1.333MHz on PB1
[22:46:02] <Casper> maybe you enabled a divider?
[22:46:04] <qartis> fluctuating up to 1.43MHz
[22:46:10] <Casper> or...
[22:46:14] <qartis> identical code except F_CPU definition
[22:46:29] <Casper> does the 88 have the ckopt fuse?
[22:46:31] <qartis> and the 8MHz crystal was on a 328p
[22:46:35] <qartis> yeah
[22:46:36] <Casper> aka full swing oscillator?
[22:46:46] <Casper> need to be full swing
[22:46:53] <Casper> else the xtal may have issue running
[22:46:56] <qartis> oh hang on, I was thinking CKOUT
[22:47:39] <qartis> I've got the clk fuses set to "external crystal osc 8.0MHz -"
[22:47:58] <qartis> should I try full-swing?
[22:48:32] <Casper> yup
[22:48:43] <qartis> okay awesome, I'll give it a shot
[22:48:53] <Casper> also, check the values of your xtal caps
[22:49:04] <qartis> it's strange because the chip is able to output clean 115200 baud uart data
[22:49:07] <Casper> but start by full swing
[22:49:38] <qartis> thanks a lot, I'll give it a shot now
[22:53:35] <qartis> Casper: hmm, no change
[22:53:48] <qartis> capacitors are 22pF, traces are very short
[22:54:05] <Casper> I suspect it's your code then...
[22:54:15] <Casper> specially since the uart is stable
[22:57:40] <inflex> What's the PB1 driving? Also, have you inadvertedly forgotten to set it as an output or anything?
[22:58:07] <inflex> sounds more like it's picking up from the wrong pin
[22:58:58] <qartis> my test code just sets PB1 as output and initializes the timer, still same thing
[22:59:32] <qartis> I mean, main() just sets those registers and then for(;;){}
[23:00:34] <inflex> ok
[23:00:47] <qartis> the uart is the thing that really confuses me
[23:01:24] <qartis> ho ho ho ho
[23:01:30] <qartis> nyquist got me
[23:01:41] <qartis> my logic analyzer was sampling at 8MHz
[23:01:59] <qartis> so it was looking like 1.333MHz with occasional 1.433MHz jumps
[23:02:05] <qartis> just because of the aliasing
[23:04:31] <Casper> lol
[23:04:35] <qartis> haha well that sucked
[23:04:38] <qartis> thanks guys
[23:05:13] <Casper> now you learned something
[23:05:13] <qartis> actually I'm having another problem, totally unrelated
[23:05:23] <qartis> driving a stepper with a dual h-bridge
[23:05:53] <qartis> the noise coming from the motor coils seems to be passing back to my electronics somehow
[23:06:43] <qartis> I've got diodes on the relay coils (the low-voltage side)
[23:07:23] <qartis> can't put diodes across the motor coils because I need to drive them forwards and backwards (unipolar)
[23:08:10] <qartis> but electrically there's no link between the low voltage and the high voltage circuitry except where they meet in the relays
[23:08:19] <qartis> can noise ever get through a relay?
[23:09:18] <inflex> cap+resistor snubber.
[23:11:29] <qartis> inflex: gotcha
[23:11:50] <qartis> thanks
[23:20:52] <inflex> np
[23:21:27] <Casper> hey inflex... do you know if those rigol stuff are buyable "locally" instead of china?
[23:21:42] <Casper> all the place that see it "local" appear to not sell to end users, only to compagny
[23:21:52] <inflex> No idea to be honest :(
[23:26:46] <w|zzy> Rigol stuff?
[23:29:53] <Casper> w|zzy: waveform generator, oscilloscope, psu and the like
[23:30:24] <w|zzy> Are you looking for a vendor in Australia who sells to people?
[23:31:06] <w|zzy> If so, I have purchased both a DS1102e and a DP832 from www.eyou.com.au
[23:31:23] <Casper> in canada
[23:31:47] <w|zzy> I always thought inflex was based in Queensland :P
[23:32:02] <inflex> I am
[23:32:54] <w|zzy> Dont Amazon sell to Canada?
[23:33:47] <Casper> amazon.ca yes, at a very high profit
[23:33:54] <Casper> with limited items
[23:34:32] <w|zzy> Ouch..
[23:34:42] <qartis> Casper: if you're near the border you can ship to a mail depot and pick it up in person
[23:34:51] <w|zzy> I dont unders why the difference in price is greater than 5%
[23:34:55] <w|zzy> between .com and .ca
[23:35:35] <Casper> I'm actually wondering about selling my analog oscope and getting a digital one
[23:35:46] <w|zzy> To what end?
[23:35:54] <Casper> I'm a bit... tired of having an analog one... with no storage
[23:36:37] <Casper> but the price... :(
[23:37:41] <w|zzy> looking at the ds1052e?
[23:38:30] <Casper> not sure yet, but something like that possibly
[23:39:16] <Casper> want to sell yours? :D
[23:44:57] <w|zzy> I could probably buy one in AU and ship it to canada for $450
[23:44:58] <w|zzy> CAD
[23:45:31] <Casper> amazon sell it 465
[23:46:22] <w|zzy> yeah
[23:46:47] <w|zzy> tmetrix or rae won't give you a quote?
[23:46:58] <jadew> Casper, get the 1000z series
[23:47:21] <jadew> http://www.rigol.com/prodserv/DS1000Z/
[23:47:33] <w|zzy> its only twice the price :P
[23:47:48] <w|zzy> It is a much nicer scope though
[23:47:55] <jadew> 4 channels
[23:48:10] <jadew> 30k waveforms/second
[23:48:28] <w|zzy> and a bigger screen!
[23:48:33] <jadew> that too
[23:48:42] <jadew> it's a bit nicer than the 1052E
[23:49:08] <w|zzy> Its substantially nicer.
[23:49:35] <w|zzy> Ive not needed more than 2 channels thus far.. Im not a heavy user though.
[23:49:41] <w|zzy> My money was better spent on a logic analyser
[23:49:46] <Casper> actually jadew....
[23:49:51] <Casper> that one look NIIIIIICE
[23:50:52] <Casper> the sig gen may be the selling point
[23:50:57] <Casper> as I was thinking to get one too
[23:51:01] <jadew> w|zzy, I ended up needing the 4 channels a lot
[23:51:09] <jadew> and yes, the sig gen is a nice bonus
[23:51:35] <jadew> I'm considering getting one too, but it wouldn't be much of an upgrade from the 1052E
[23:51:46] <jadew> since it only has 1G sa/s
[23:52:17] <jadew> so the same... and when you have 4 channels on it's 250M sa/s
[23:52:26] <jadew> but the alternative is way too expensive
[23:52:30] <jadew> the 4000 series
[23:52:30] <w|zzy> if you need 4 channels and like the sig gen then why not!
[23:53:11] <jadew> w|zzy, not sure I want to pay that much to get fairly similar performance to what I have now
[23:53:16] <w|zzy> I just received the Dp832 psu.. Its software unlockable to dp832a
[23:53:29] <w|zzy> If you are going to use it.....
[23:53:31] <jadew> nice, what are the specs on that thing?
[23:53:36] <w|zzy> You could probably get $300 for the old scope.
[23:53:48] <w|zzy> http://www.rigolna.com/products/dc-power-supplies/dp800/dp832/
[23:54:06] <jadew> nice!
[23:54:11] <w|zzy> It had some temperature issues with a regulator but i was one of the first to get the version after it was fixed.
[23:54:19] <jadew> a lot more powerful than my bench psu :)
[23:54:29] <w|zzy> It has its issues but its a damn fine piece of equipment for the price point.
[23:54:43] <w|zzy> Rigol builds awesome gear to a price point!
[23:54:51] <jadew> yeah, I saw EEVBlog's review on it
[23:55:06] <jadew> I tend to build my own PSU's tho, got pretty good at it
[23:55:09] <Casper> what's the difference between the non a and a?
[23:55:21] <jadew> more resolution I think
[23:55:54] <jadew> w|zzy what's the voltage set resolution?
[23:56:40] <w|zzy> Resolution, monitoring/ analyser, Lan, rs232 and triggers are the upgrades.
[23:57:00] <jadew> nice
[23:57:02] <w|zzy> I can set voltage and current to 3dp
[23:57:12] <jadew> so 1mV?
[23:57:26] * Casper thinks to get the DS1074Z, then a waveform...
[23:57:32] <Casper> ends up about the same price
[23:57:35] <w|zzy> yes. 1mv
[23:57:41] <jadew> Casper, I'd do the same really
[23:57:58] <jadew> a stand alone awg must be better than a built in one
[23:58:03] <jadew> w|zzy, nice
[23:58:13] <Casper> and the sig gen seems to have no output or output on a probe input (so kill a channel)
[23:59:06] <jadew> w|zzy, the last one I built only has 5mV resolution but I made it so I can upgrade it to > 1mV, but I kinda got used to 5 and didn't feel like upgrading anymore
[23:59:32] <jadew> Casper, the output is in the back
[23:59:33] <w|zzy> Yeah. I had 10mv resolution. I only upgraded because i could(free)
[23:59:50] <w|zzy> Oh man. You guys make me want to drop more cash...
[23:59:51] <w|zzy> hmmm
[23:59:58] <w|zzy> If i can sell my scope for what i bought it!