#avr | Logs for 2013-09-05

[01:11:49] <sirpatrick> When writing code for servos, is is best to use a lookup table for the values of the timers based on min and max pulsewidth of the servo?
[01:39:51] <rue_bed> I came up with an idea I'v not tried yet
[01:40:18] <rue_bed> hmm cant remmeber how it workd now
[01:40:30] <rue_bed> it made great use of resolution
[01:41:18] <rue_bed> I think I used one timer and toggled its use between dwell and output pulse
[06:11:47] <braincracker> h
[06:11:50] <braincracker> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/announce/2013-September/003181.html < very good codename: "Heisenbug", it has "bug" in it, wondering if they will fix the official release so it will be able to login into live system, or just display the login screen rejecting everything
[07:54:48] <OndraSter_> https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1234281_553138708074473_517962344_n.jpg
[07:58:23] <braincracker> p-fet driver cross conduction prevention ^^
[08:05:44] <inflex> sirpatrick: why a LUT?
[08:05:57] <inflex> sirpatrick: usually some simple, fast math, works fine
[09:00:02] <RikusW> OndraSter_: funny if you're a poet ;)
[09:00:11] <RikusW> and electronics student
[09:13:42] <Steffanx> jpeg artifacts++ meh.
[10:55:28] <Guest76986> Could someone please help me where can I find datasheet to 88SA8052 IC?
[10:55:37] <Guest76986> It is SATA to PATA converter IC
[10:58:17] <Tom_itx> http://www.datasheetarchive.com/88SA8052-datasheet.html
[11:00:28] <Guest76986> I've looked at it but it's to some kind of HD codec board or something like that... :\
[11:02:50] <Tom_itx> http://www.marvell.com/storage/system-solutions/sata-to-pata-bridge.jsp
[11:02:56] <Tom_itx> contact marvell and ask them
[11:53:12] * RikusW now have to wait for the building complex owner to give permission for ADSL line installation :S
[11:53:28] <RikusW> back to cellphone internet :(
[12:01:43] * RikusW is suffering from bandwidth withdrawal :-P
[12:59:09] <Amadiro> WormFood, I just had a look at your avrbaudcalc, under what conditions did you measure that error rate?
[13:03:55] <N1njaneer> Amadiro: If it's derived the same way it is in the parts datasheets (with the formula given) the error is simply the deviation from the precise baud-rate you are attempting to target.
[13:04:10] <Amadiro> Ah, thanks.
[13:05:15] <N1njaneer> Asyncronous serial can tolerae a reasonable amount of error due to the nature of the asynchronicity, but if you need to hit a specific baud rate with zero error, you need to select your clock crystal properly :)
[13:08:48] <N1njaneer> The Atmel AVR datasheets all have a very handy set of tables that show you common baud rates, common clock crystals, the divider parameters required to achieve it, and the error.
[13:08:50] <WormFood> Amadiro, I use the formula that is in the AVR datasheet
[13:09:28] <Amadiro> Cool, thanks.
[13:10:05] <WormFood> there are 2 different ways to calculate the percent of error between two different baud rates. I use the relative percent of error formula, because that is what Atmel uses in their data sheets. error=(abs(desired-measured)/measured)*100 <-- my comments in my source code ;)
[13:11:23] <WormFood> I wrote my page, for one reason, and that was to find a crystal in my junk pile, that'd give me a specific bit rate....never did find a crystal that fit my needs
[13:12:18] <WormFood> and nothing out there would give me that, so I wrote my page...and shared it with someone here, and the next thing I know, there are links to my page from all over the internet
[13:12:31] <Amadiro> heh
[13:12:35] <Amadiro> that's how it goers
[13:12:43] <Amadiro> s/r//
[13:13:07] <WormFood> it's the most popular page on my site....and very high ranking in google, because so many people link to me
[13:13:46] <WormFood> I guess that's how it works...popular pages are ranked higher ;)
[13:28:59] <braincracker> h
[15:45:58] <chupas> for someone who has been using atmegas for a couple years now would moving to a UC3 be like starting over?
[16:01:14] <w|zzy> chupas: www.aery32.com is a good barebones uc3 dev board.
[16:01:41] <w|zzy> it's not that different.
[17:11:46] <julius_> hi
[17:12:36] <julius_> looking at this solid state relais: http://www.crydom.com/en/Products/Catalog/s_st.pdf says 1.6ma@5vdc input to switch 230v on the other side. so this one can be directly connected to a avr?
[17:22:50] <w|zzy> If the driving current is less than the max pin current(or if you are using multiple pins less than the max port current of all pins combined) which1.6mA should be then it is fine to.
[17:23:06] <w|zzy> Also. That part is obsolete. So don't build it into products :P
[17:25:29] <w|zzy> Also.. you won't be able to drive it directly from any micros providing <3.5v
[17:43:26] <julius_> w|zzy, ok not that one
[17:43:37] <julius_> but in general a atmega 8 could do it?
[17:45:28] <w|zzy> afaik most atmegas can provide ~20mA per pin, ~80mA per port and ~200mA per chip.. This is off the top of my head. Grab the datasheet for the atmega8 and have a look
[19:19:54] <julius_> w|zzy, yeah youre right
[19:38:31] <w|zzy> yay. doesn't happen often so I still get excited
[20:55:13] <sirpatrick> what is the best way to convert a char* recieved over serial to an int?
[20:55:40] <sirpatrick> atoi may work
[20:56:25] <tzanger> ?
[20:57:00] <tzanger> is it a series of characters like "1234" or is it two 8-bit values 0x04 and 0xd2 or..?
[21:00:11] <sirpatrick> "1234"
[22:08:35] <jadew> lenovo forgot to plate the holes in which the power switch was supposed to be reinforced
[22:08:51] <jadew> which means those trough holes legs that were supposed to go there, didn't get soldered
[22:09:21] <jadew> that resulted in the power button's switch to come off on lots of units, including mine (I just fixed mine)
[22:09:55] <jadew> forgot to mention I'm talking about the thinkpad tablet
[22:39:50] <tzanger> sirpatrick: atoi/atol will work fine then
[23:15:09] <Enma_Hinobara> Does anyone know if on the STK600 the VTG and GND pins on the PORT assemblies attach directly to the voltage regulator or to the CPU itself?
[23:16:36] <Enma_Hinobara> I'm looking for an easy way to pull current for a breadboard attached to the STK600
[23:39:33] <ctin> hi all!
[23:41:57] <ctin> i'm trying to put Atmega1281+RF212 to Power Save mode. That's fucking hard...
[23:42:45] <ctin> Current consumption in sleep mode is 0.8mA, but in the datasheet it has to be < 6 μA. Can somebody help me?
[23:55:24] <N1njaneer> ctin: Few things - make sure on-board JTAG is disabled
[23:56:10] <N1njaneer> ctin: Check your connection to make sure nothing external is driving pins high or low and sourcing/sinking current through the micro
[23:57:39] <ctin> N1njaneer: thanks! JTAG must to be unplugged from board or disabled by JTAGEN fuse?
[23:57:46] <Casper> ctin: there is many sleep modes, be sure you use the right one too
[23:58:34] <N1njaneer> Both -- JTAGEN fuse needs to be turned off to disable on-board JTAG stuff (it eats a fair bit of power in sleep mode) and unplugging the cable is good to ensure you aren't getting leakage currents out of the pins.
[23:58:44] <Casper> the 6µA one require that all pullup be disabled, all pin as input I think, and that you turn off the clock source and also the WDT... so only an interrupt or a reset or power cycle can wake it back
[23:59:07] <N1njaneer> Yep, and the additional stuff Casper said.
[23:59:25] <N1njaneer> The JTAG is a huge one, though - if it's enabled and you disable it you'll see a huuuuuge drop in consumption.