#avr | Logs for 2013-08-31

[04:21:57] <braincracker> h
[05:15:27] <megal0maniac> Why are initial declarations not allowed in for loops in C11?
[05:16:07] <braincracker> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variable-frequency_drive
[05:16:20] <braincracker> who did this before? :) Dynamic braking wastes braking energy by transforming it to heat. By contrast, regenerative drives recover braking energy by injecting this energy on the AC line. The capital cost of regenerative drives is however relatively high
[05:17:35] <pWNAGE> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regenerative_brake it's pretty common actually
[05:17:38] <pWNAGE> and popular in racing
[05:18:48] <braincracker> http://www.packagingdigest.com/article/519321-Synchronous_Reluctance_Motor_Breakthrough.php
[05:18:55] <braincracker> this is uncommon
[05:19:34] <megal0maniac> And how the hell is one supposed to do for loops in C?
[05:21:09] <braincracker> so my question was about regenerative braking with ABB Synchronous Reluctance Motor
[14:42:51] <ColdKeyboard> I have salvaged some Nokia 3310 LCD but, how do I know which is the 1st pin?
[14:47:55] <braincracker> h
[15:03:37] <Tom_itx> ColdKeyboard left too soon: http://mcujavasource.sourceforge.net/tutorial/tutorial10.xhtml
[16:20:02] <WhaleBoobs> i got one of thoose :) so fun
[22:24:48] <MarkX_> hello
[22:32:15] <MarkX_> Tom_itx: do you use atmel studio to program non avr apps?
[22:48:53] <Tom_itx> nope
[22:50:52] <MarkX_> hmm
[22:51:03] <MarkX_> visual studio is pissing me off
[22:51:09] <MarkX_> i just wanted it to behave like atmel studio
[22:51:15] <MarkX_> but it doesn't want to :(
[22:54:15] <Xark> MarkX_: What is the issue?
[22:54:31] * Xark uses Visual Studio to do all kind of non-PC things...
[22:57:22] <MarkX_> well there are 3 main ones
[22:58:10] <MarkX_> 1. in atmel studio, when you create a new C file, it comes with a nice header. This is done using a template. I copied over the templates into my VS2010 custom templates directory, but it doesn't seem to like them because I don't get the option to make the C files
[22:59:10] <MarkX_> 2. in atmel studio i can type "sprin" and it will show "sprintf" as an option. if i hover my mouse over the option, it gives a description. I would love to have that in VS2010
[22:59:44] <MarkX_> 3. code in atmel studio is very nicely colored. I haven't looked into this yet for VS2010, but that would be nice too.
[23:00:09] <MarkX_> if i could use atmel studio to just make c/c++ win32 apps, that would be killer, but i can't figure out how to do it :(
[23:44:20] <Xark> 1. No idea, I always use "create empty project". 2. This is from Whole Tomato Softwares, Visual Assist (which rocks), Amtel includes this for free, you need to buy it for regular VS. 3. You may be able to export the color settings and import them into VS (or perhaps massage the XML file a bit if the versions are different).
[23:56:28] <MarkX_> Xark: i tried setting import/export, helped a bit, but not with colors. going to figure that out now. i'll look into visual assist now! thank you so much
[23:59:48] <Xark> MarkX_: NP, good luck.