#avr | Logs for 2013-08-30

[11:32:22] <CMLinux> Hey Dean!
[11:32:37] <CMLinux> im a few steps closer
[11:33:12] <CMLinux> the arduino is now sending data to the hid driver
[11:33:47] <CMLinux> my descriptor file was a bit messed up, but now is a bit closer
[11:34:42] <CMLinux> the pointer doesnt match up with the touch, likely because the physical maximums in the descriptor are set incorrectly... which i can probably set
[11:35:28] <CMLinux> and also the data is not getting through the device very quickly! there is a fairly large delay
[11:36:08] <CMLinux> i think a lot of that is due to a delay statement in the main loop, which im going to be taking out
[11:36:43] <CMLinux> but it may also have a lot to due with the serial baud rate, which is currently set to 9600
[11:37:28] <CMLinux> however, i did try setting the baud rate to 115200, and the data started getting messed up
[11:38:03] <CMLinux> apparently you are the person to talk to about this kind of latency
[11:51:04] <abcminiuser> Hello all :)
[11:51:28] <Tom_itx> hello you
[11:51:35] <abcminiuser> Hrm, CMLinux left
[11:51:36] <abcminiuser> Balls
[11:52:03] <abcminiuser> Tell him to ensure the baud rate error is within 2% if he comes back
[11:52:10] <abcminiuser> Now, who needs free gear?
[11:52:13] <Tom_itx> i'll just tell him to read the log
[11:52:29] <Tom_itx> what sort of free gear?
[11:52:49] <Tom_itx> send me a hat
[11:52:51] <abcminiuser> https://twitter.com/abcminiuser/status/373011889070280704/photo/1
[11:53:00] <abcminiuser> ICE MKIIs, Dragons, ICE3s
[11:53:01] <Tom_itx> or tee shirt
[11:53:03] <abcminiuser> STK500s
[11:53:11] <abcminiuser> NGW, STK1000
[11:53:20] <abcminiuser> STK500 addons
[11:53:26] <abcminiuser> Samples
[11:53:27] <abcminiuser> Etc
[11:53:38] <Tom_itx> is it christmas in august?
[11:53:48] <abcminiuser> AVRONE!s (minus probes)
[11:53:55] <abcminiuser> We did a BIG cleanup yesterday
[11:54:08] <abcminiuser> There's an enormous pile of gear I saved that I may be allowed to give out
[11:54:15] <Tom_itx> i'd take an avrone
[11:54:29] <abcminiuser> With caveats; recipient pays for shipping, and no guarantees whatsoever (but I can do some quick testing)
[11:55:11] <Tom_itx> although as much as i've been doing lately someone else would better benefit from it
[11:55:29] <abcminiuser> Founss a stash of replacement MKII ribbon cables, too
[11:58:26] <Tom_itx> all stuff that was used in house?
[11:59:45] <abcminiuser> Some unused
[11:59:47] <abcminiuser> Some used
[11:59:54] <abcminiuser> Boxed stuff should be pristine
[12:00:03] <abcminiuser> The unboxed stuff I can test, but can't guarantee
[12:00:10] <abcminiuser> So it's a bit of a gamble
[12:05:46] <Steffanx> I see the jtagice3 does swd too abcminiuser, will it work with other targets than the atmel arms?
[12:05:57] <abcminiuser> Baahahahahahahhahahaha
[12:05:59] <abcminiuser> hahahhahahahahahahahhahahaah
[12:06:01] <abcminiuser> hahahahahahahha
[12:06:03] <abcminiuser> No.
[12:06:21] <Steffanx> Tell your boss Atmel sucks. :P
[12:06:56] <Steffanx> SWD is pretty generic, so why.. not?
[12:07:14] <Tom_itx> cause atmel isn't so generic
[12:07:39] <Steffanx> Yeah, poor Atmel.
[12:07:53] <abcminiuser> Because CMSIS dap
[12:08:08] <abcminiuser> Theoretically yes, but good luck finding any third party apps that support it
[12:08:17] <abcminiuser> The studio front-end certainly won't
[12:09:07] <Steffanx> True, it's not worth the hassle.
[12:12:37] <abcminiuser> We have enough problems supporting our own parts
[12:12:46] <Steffanx> is it that bad?
[12:12:49] <abcminiuser> In any case, SWD is not SWD is not...
[12:13:00] <abcminiuser> The protocol is know, but inside the chip is another story
[12:13:06] <abcminiuser> Back in 4, stove
[12:14:21] <Tom_itx> does avrone do PDI TPI?
[12:15:21] <Steffanx> it does not show tpi
[12:16:02] <Steffanx> Doesn't show the tiny6 etc. in the supported devices list either.
[12:19:28] <abcminiuser> No, no TPI, that came after the last firmware update for it
[12:19:35] <abcminiuser> Anyway, SWD
[12:19:57] <abcminiuser> That will get you into the chip in theory, but then you need to contend with special chip features like Reset Extension
[12:20:08] <abcminiuser> Also, the NVM controller will be entirely, completely different
[12:41:50] <Steffanx> Do you have 50 of the board you grew up with too abcminiuser?
[12:41:53] <Steffanx> The good old butterfly?
[12:42:22] <abcminiuser> We have a couple, none boxed
[12:45:18] <Steffanx> You should keep them for your feature kids :P
[13:13:38] <abcminiuser> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gioLqXLN00
[15:01:19] <rue_house> avrs are 8 bit
[15:01:24] <rue_house> 8 bit microcontroller
[15:01:27] <rue_house> geez
[15:01:33] <rue_house> flipping arms
[15:01:38] <abcminiuser> ?
[15:02:00] <rue_house> why do people want a microchip thats an embedded pc?
[15:02:11] <rue_house> why not use an embedded pc
[15:02:18] <abcminiuser> Me thinks I've missed out on a conversation fragment somewhere
[15:02:25] <abcminiuser> Perhaps it's this cider I'm drinking
[15:02:27] <abcminiuser> Whee.
[15:02:41] <rue_house> the push for more and more power annoys me
[15:02:45] <rue_house> dedicated io controllers
[15:02:56] <abcminiuser> SAM D20! YAAY!
[15:03:10] <abcminiuser> Ok, that's my corporate cheerleading obligations done for today
[15:03:15] <rue_house> heh
[15:03:55] <rue_house> I still havn't tried those usb projects I was gonna
[15:54:42] <Baddwolf> Hi
[15:55:13] <Baddwolf> From what I'm reading it says that I have to learn assembly language to program an AVR?
[15:58:01] <prpplague> Baddwolf: no
[15:58:17] <prpplague> Baddwolf: there are a number of high level languages that are supported on AVR
[15:58:26] <prpplague> Baddwolf: primarily C and C++
[15:58:52] <prpplague> Baddwolf: in addition there are a wide ran of libraries and IDE's to assist in development
[16:00:54] <specing> but in the end you'll have to learn ASM
[16:00:59] <specing> its pretty simple
[16:05:22] <prpplague> specing: why?
[16:05:48] <prpplague> specing: while i can do ASM on the avr, i have very rarely seen a need for it
[16:07:08] <specing> feel the rush of powwaaa!
[16:11:47] <prpplague> specing: hehe
[16:32:47] <braincracker> h
[16:42:44] <Baddwolf> prpplague: Im going to have to program an avr for my project. I made code for the arduino
[16:43:18] <Baddwolf> im not sure if i have to write special code just for the avr
[16:46:48] <Tom_itx> it will have stuff in it that requires the arduino libraries
[16:46:54] <Tom_itx> you may have to convert that part
[16:47:10] <Tom_itx> and arduino _is_ an avr after all
[16:48:36] <Baddwolf> convert what part?
[16:48:44] <Baddwolf> the libraries?
[16:49:43] <Tom_itx> if you want pure c code you will have to write replacements for ones that are called if there are any
[16:55:02] <Baddwolf> What I want is the easiest way to go about programming
[16:55:13] <Baddwolf> from what I already have
[16:56:44] <Tom_itx> does your project require you write it all?
[16:56:58] <Baddwolf> nope
[16:57:13] <Baddwolf> because Im trying to go throught the process of making a PCB
[16:57:26] <Tom_itx> what cad are you using?
[16:57:28] <Baddwolf> and Im putting a tiny on it
[16:57:35] <Baddwolf> Eagle
[16:57:42] <Tom_itx> nice
[16:57:49] <Tom_itx> i've used eagle a bit
[16:58:05] <Baddwolf> Ive got the sketch done now I got to do the physical part
[16:58:12] <Baddwolf> and the programming of the tiny
[16:59:14] <Tom_itx> what tiny?
[17:19:28] <Baddwolf> ATiny85
[22:28:23] <joel_> Is anyone familiar with issues with reading from PORTD vs PIND? I seem to be able to read from PIND but not PORTD
[22:36:48] <SoCo_cpp> If I wanted to do some assembly with smaller AVRs, like attiny's, and only wanted to learn one syntax, preferably one with preprocessor support, would I use avra directly, use avr-gcc, maybe something else? (I seem to find several syntaxes in examples.)
[22:37:24] <rue_bed> SoCo_cpp, you can compile to assembler if you want
[22:37:38] <rue_bed> do you have a viable project in mind?
[22:38:43] <SoCo_cpp> rue_bed I got a few, but it seems every one of the examples I have to work up to them is in a different syntax, none of which seem to work in gcc out of the box. I need to focus on one assembler and syntax.
[22:39:27] <rue_bed> yup, asm syntaxes varry
[22:39:33] <rue_bed> iirc I used gavrasm
[22:39:42] <rue_bed> it had a good set of features
[22:39:49] <SoCo_cpp> linux?
[22:39:53] <rue_bed> yes
[22:40:52] <SoCo_cpp> I'll check that out. I found that it seems avr-gcc either does assembly compilation or offloads it to avra. I thought about trying avra directly to see if it differed.
[22:41:16] <rue_bed> for me it was about macro support
[22:41:31] <rue_bed> it really helps to have good macro supprt in an assembler
[22:41:41] * rue_bed stretches
[22:42:31] <rue_house> hmm
[22:42:36] <rue_house> spagetti I think
[22:49:23] <Tom_itx> fiveofoh, you're supposed to read PINx
[22:49:44] <Tom_itx> and write PORTx
[22:50:42] <Tom_itx> SoCo_cpp, what chips are you working with?
[22:52:08] <Tom_itx> SoCo_cpp, poke around in here and you'll find some asm examples: http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/
[22:53:26] <fiveofoh> Tom_itx: Huh, I thought PORTx was read/write. Ah well...off to set up more constants
[23:10:08] <rue_house> it is, but you will only read what you wrote
[23:10:33] <rue_house> if you want to input you use pinx
[23:18:24] <fiveofoh> rue_house: Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for the distinction.
[23:18:52] <SoCo_cpp> Tom_itx I'm working with an ATTiny85 currently. I'm familiar with assembly on other platforms. I have a serial bitbang example I have a atitiny85 serial bitbang example by Gary Peek, I'm trying to get to compile in avr-gcc, which seems like it needs some syntax adjustments.