#avr | Logs for 2013-08-23

[02:52:56] <rue_house> via internal or secondary crystal?
[02:57:40] <Joggl> i love the delay in this channel :)
[03:07:46] <N1njaneer> Yup, gotta calculate the rate based on the crystal frequency
[03:15:13] <Joggl> N1njaneer, and after programming and 16Hz frequency
[03:15:18] <Joggl> program the clkdiv fuse ;)
[07:57:19] <Zad0k> Hello! I'm using avrdude with a cheap usb isp programmer (it's specified it works with avrdude), so I type in this command : "avrdude -p t85 -c avrisp -P COM1 -U flash:w:source.hex" ans I have got an error: avrdude: stk500_getsync() not in sync rsp = 0x00
[07:57:29] <Zad0k> can you help me with that?
[08:02:20] <theBear> erm, if it's usb it ain't attached to com1
[08:02:41] <theBear> what os , and are you sure it's avrisp compatible ?
[08:30:31] <Zad0k> sorry theBear, I'm back. Yeah I'm sure it's compatible, I've got W7
[08:31:50] <theBear> avrisp has nothing to do with the os, it has to do with the programmer your one pretends to be
[08:32:31] <Zad0k> I'm using this one: http://www.amazon.fr/USBASP-Programmer-ATMEGA8-ATMEGA128-Nouveau/dp/B00AVRHVPO
[08:32:35] <theBear> so windows, i dunno post xp, but most likely if it looks like a comport it'll look like com9 or higher
[08:35:55] <theBear> avrdude -c avrisp2 -P usb -p t26 -U flash:w:main.hex:i looks much more likely
[08:36:06] <theBear> got that from toms webpage
[08:36:40] <Zad0k> I've got an attiny 85, should I change t26 to t85 ?
[08:36:43] <theBear> might still be avrisp, but looks like usb is the port
[08:36:51] <theBear> yeah, that's just an example line
[08:37:17] <theBear> where did you get COM1 from anyway ?
[08:38:20] <Zad0k> well, I though it was that since only one com port is used on my computer
[08:38:34] <theBear> but usb isn't a comport
[08:38:49] <Zad0k> I didn't know that :)
[08:38:50] <theBear> and default comports on x86 cover at LEAST the first 4 whether they exist or not
[08:39:45] <Zad0k> usbdev_open(): did not find any usb device "usb"
[08:40:14] <theBear> interesting... apparently you want libusb
[08:40:31] <Zad0k> libusb is a driver?
[08:40:41] <theBear> something like that
[08:41:02] <Zad0k> okay i'm installing it then
[08:42:00] <Zad0k> Shall I reboot my computer after installing it?
[08:42:56] <theBear> i dunno, i haven't had windows for over 10 years, and i never had a usb programmer
[08:43:01] <theBear> does it say to reboot ?
[08:44:00] <Zad0k> well I'm trying to figure out how to install this thing
[08:44:39] <Zad0k> It's a bit weird, 2 sec.
[08:48:41] <Zad0k> I think it's ok
[08:49:19] <Zad0k> Since the programmer appears as "usbasp" in the device manager menu, in the category "libusb-win32 devices"
[08:50:41] <theBear> sounds good
[08:52:05] <HylianSavior> yes you want libusb
[08:52:17] <HylianSavior> winavr comes with it if you want
[08:52:29] <HylianSavior> you might have to go to device manager and fiddle around with it
[08:53:26] <Zad0k> Well I guess I have it now (on windows it's a driver, I installed it as a driver)
[08:54:20] <Zad0k> I just did "avrdude -c avrisp2 -P usb -p t85 -U flash:w:sourc
[08:54:21] <Zad0k> e.hex:i
[08:54:21] <Zad0k> " and I have got the same error...
[08:54:32] <theBear> you probably don't want avrisp2
[08:54:51] <HylianSavior> avrisp2 is the MkII
[08:55:05] <theBear> he doesn't have a tom programmer
[08:55:46] <HylianSavior> http://ladyada.net/learn/avr/avrdude.html
[08:55:48] <HylianSavior> the big list
[08:57:15] <Zad0k> I guess I should use usbasp ?
[08:57:28] <HylianSavior> dunno
[08:57:33] <HylianSavior> check the list of programmers
[08:57:36] <Zad0k> since it's the name of the programmer in the device manager.
[08:57:39] <HylianSavior> the adafruit page doesn't cover all of them
[08:57:54] <HylianSavior> you can try it
[08:58:04] <HylianSavior> but it's just configuration files
[08:58:07] <HylianSavior> so you need a file that matches
[08:58:08] <Zad0k> I think it worked
[08:58:17] <HylianSavior> cool
[08:58:48] <Zad0k> Well since I'm a total noob in english, I can't understand it all but
[08:59:24] <Zad0k> Oh well it worked at 50%
[08:59:39] <Zad0k> avrdude did connect to the programmer, which is a huge success
[09:00:05] <Zad0k> but it couldn't find my .hex file
[09:00:06] <HylianSavior> you could also try atmel studio
[09:00:23] <Zad0k> I can't, that's why I use avrdude
[09:00:35] <Zad0k> My cheap chinese programmer can't work with avr studio
[09:00:40] <HylianSavior> i see
[09:01:03] <Zad0k> Well it could with avr studio 4 but since I've got v installed I won't downgrade
[09:01:43] <Zad0k> I made an error in the filename, now it's done!
[09:02:46] <Zad0k> Thank you a lot thebear and hyliansavior :)!
[09:19:38] <theBear> hooray !
[09:20:15] <theBear> and check http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/USBTiny_Mkii_User_manual_index.php for tips that might make it work with studio
[09:23:23] <Joggl> damn big pix
[09:27:43] <Zad0k> thanks theBear, my first led is blinking right now
[09:28:01] <theBear> HOORAY !
[09:30:54] <Zad0k> I haven't got the menu "select avr programmer" in avr studio 6
[09:31:26] <Zad0k> I just have "add target" and the only thing I can add is a stk 500 on serial com port 1
[09:32:09] <theBear> hmmm.... if yer wanna get it working hang around, if anyone knows how it will be mr tom
[09:32:18] <theBear> he knows all kinds of stuff
[09:32:31] <Zad0k> just like you :p
[09:32:59] <Zad0k> is he on irc?
[09:33:51] <theBear> a quick tab complete suggests he is, but that doesn't mean he's around now
[09:59:05] <mr_boo> hi. i'm struggling with a simple keyscanner software that expands an 8-bit port so that it can read 16 switches http://pastebin.com/VXQE29Ad
[09:59:15] <mr_boo> the device is ATmega8515
[10:04:17] <twnqx> mr_boo: add a delay
[10:10:52] <mr_boo> twnqx: the thing is that i've tried to add a delay in order to let the pins of porta settle before reading the result on portc
[10:12:39] <megal0maniac_afk> My laptop battery has firmware. How strange
[10:13:29] <theBear> err, not this century it isn't
[10:14:00] <mr_boo> twnqx: now it seems to work
[10:14:50] <megal0maniac_afk> theBear: Well it's updatable. I haven't had a new laptop... well, ever :)
[10:15:24] <theBear> yeah, that's not unheard of either.. for example macs have a firmware fault in many batteries that can be patched
[10:15:42] <theBear> not so much a fault, as a security hole
[10:16:33] <mr_boo> thanks twnqx
[10:22:41] <megal0maniac_afk> Stupid macs
[10:24:47] <Zad0k> theBear is it possible to "decompile" a .hex ?
[10:25:42] <mr_boo> Zad0k: test objdump.exe
[10:26:13] <Zad0k> thanks :)
[10:26:30] <mr_boo> or some linux equivalent
[10:27:03] <mr_boo> Zad0k: it takes the "elf" file as input rather than the hex
[10:27:23] <mr_boo> hopefully the elf file is cross platform
[10:28:40] <soul-d> can't you use gdb to load hex then tell it to decompile main ?
[10:29:31] <soul-d> avr-gdb *
[11:42:56] <vanquish> ello all
[11:43:19] <vanquish> i'm trying to program an atmega via icsp, for some reason the chip is not responding
[11:43:48] <vanquish> w/ oscope, i see clock and mosi (from programmer), but no data coming back on miso
[11:44:03] <vanquish> it goes high while clocking, then back low
[11:44:07] <vanquish> any ideas?
[11:50:13] <RikusW> real heavy metal :-D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RBSkq-_St8
[11:57:47] <darsie> oops, I just uploaded a program without powering the avr. It must have taken power over paralell port.
[11:58:00] <darsie> do you think the upload is reliable?
[12:00:04] <darsie> Hmm, I measure 2.65 V on the 330 uF bypass cap, which dropped during upload.
[12:05:53] <HylianSavior> just power it and try again
[12:06:33] <Casper> darsie: if it passed the verification, then its reliable
[12:07:08] <Casper> vanquish: check the supply, you may have forgot to power your avr
[12:07:08] <darsie> HylianSavior: I did.
[12:07:18] <HylianSavior> should be fine then
[12:07:46] <darsie> Casper: Interesting. So there won't be any semi (dis)charged memory cells?
[12:08:19] <darsie> Maybe it'll fail in a year instead of 10 or 100 years.
[12:09:31] <darsie> But the avrs have an internal charge pump to power the writing, IIRC, so it might just have worked.
[12:13:09] <vanquish> Casper: heh, yeah checked that
[12:13:13] <vanquish> so
[12:13:17] <vanquish> i rolled my chair back
[12:13:30] <vanquish> and the oscope leads were caught on it, and pulled my project off the table
[12:13:34] <vanquish> and crashed to the floor
[12:13:53] <vanquish> after a long sigh, i hooked it all back up again, and now it's working
[12:13:57] <vanquish> i swear, i didn't change anything else
[12:13:59] <vanquish> :(
[12:24:36] <Casper> vanquish: next time, you'll break something :D
[12:44:50] <vanquish> Casper: :)
[13:21:48] <Zad0k> Hey, it's me again. So I set the fuses to use an external 8Mhz resonator, and here is what I have when I want to program it: http://pastie.org/8263362
[13:28:34] <N1njaneer> Zad: Has it stopped responding altogether, or just with programming attempts? What was it formally set to - internal clock, etc? Do you know what the speed of your ISP programmer is currently set to, etc?
[13:34:35] <Zad0k> N1njaneer, Yeah, I can't do anything with it. It was normally set to defaylt internal clock. I don't know the speed of my programmer
[13:48:23] <N1njaneer> Zad: okay that rules out ISP speed being too high - the chips default to internal 1Mhz clock, and you are setting to 8Mhz. ISP speed needs to be no more than 1/8th the clock speed, so usually 125Khz default for talking to a part starting at 1Mhz
[13:49:49] <N1njaneer> I would check your resonator to make sure you have the proper resonance caps, etc. Useful to put a 10x scope probe on it as well to confirm you are seeing waveform. Power-cycle is also useful. I've seen some strange instances where the ISP programmer gets confused and won't talk to the device until replugged on USB.
[13:50:53] <N1njaneer> Are you sure you set the fuses correctly for the style of external resonator you are using? If clocking got set to something erroneous and you are not getting resonance, you may need to try applying a 1 Mhz TTL waveform to the clock pins to jiggle the micro back alive so you can reset the fuses.
[13:51:17] <Zad0k> I'm sure the fuses are set correctly
[13:51:39] <Zad0k> So, basically I need to change my programmer speed?
[13:51:41] <N1njaneer> Then I'd probe the clock pin lines to see if you have any resonance or not.
[13:52:27] <N1njaneer> If the programmer worked fine with the chip at 1Mhz, there is no problem with it running faster. It's when the speed drops that you have to ensure the programmer isn't going too fast.
[13:53:23] <RikusW> Zad0k: which AVR and what fuse values did you use ?
[13:53:36] <Zad0k> An ATtiny 85
[13:53:37] <Zad0k> and
[13:54:08] <Zad0k> I did " avrdude -c usbasp -P usb -p t85 -U lfuse:w:0xfe:m -U hfuse:w:0xdf:m -U efuse:w:0xff:m
[13:54:09] <Zad0k> "
[13:55:19] <RikusW> looks right
[13:55:37] <RikusW> what frequency crystal ?
[13:55:48] <RikusW> and did you remember the 2 caps to ground ?
[13:56:22] <N1njaneer> Rikus: We should make a super-comprehensive flow-chart for "help, my ISP stopped responding" someday, as this seems a common question in here :)
[13:56:32] <RikusW> indeed
[13:56:44] <RikusW> And possible solutions
[13:58:11] <RikusW> ISP clock can be 1/4 of AVR clock
[13:58:16] <RikusW> preferably 1/5
[13:58:28] <N1njaneer> Sorry, yes, less than 1/4th :)
[13:58:30] <RikusW> or less
[13:59:32] <RikusW> fortunately incorrectly set clock values can be remedied by applying a clock signal to XT1
[13:59:51] <RikusW> SPIEN and RSTDSBL needs HVPP
[14:00:10] <RikusW> DWEN too, unless you can disable it by sending 0x06 into the reset pin at the right baud
[14:01:09] <RikusW> I once set RSTDSBL by just _reading_ the flash at much to high a ISP clock....
[14:01:25] <RikusW> 4MHz or something
[14:01:47] <N1njaneer> oops!
[14:01:52] <N1njaneer> (and lunch - bbl!)
[14:02:01] * RikusW got HVPP capability :)
[14:07:04] <xelion> hey guys!
[14:08:04] <xelion> anybody know the track title of the previous track?
[14:08:28] <xelion> I cant find a tracklist for enchanted sessions 092
[14:12:27] <Zad0k> RikusW, Crystal? I only have got a resonator connected this way http://www.instructables.com/files/deriv/FW1/Y28W/GCXWZ770/FW1Y28WGCXWZ770.LARGE.jpg
[14:12:43] <Zad0k> RikusW, the 2 caps to ground?
[14:13:46] <RikusW> 18pF caps
[14:13:50] <RikusW> used with crystals
[14:24:06] <Zad0k> Do I need that?
[14:24:14] <Zad0k> I don't have these components anyway
[14:56:24] <BJfreeman> Zad0k caps on the OSC circuit kick start the crystal/resonator
[15:04:38] <N1njaneer> zad: Yes, unless the resonator is a 3-pin device (some have the caps internal) you require the caps. Same with quartz crystals.
[15:12:31] <Zad0k> It is a 3 pin device
[15:20:50] <N1njaneer> I'd make sure the specs on the device meet the requirements of the AVR if you haven't already.
[15:21:42] <Zad0k> I'm beginning with AVR, i couldn't check even if I wanted
[15:21:49] <Zad0k> Here is a quick picture: http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/152040DSCF4830.jpg
[15:22:21] <N1njaneer> Do you have any 0.1uf decoupling caps on the ATTINY?
[15:22:25] <N1njaneer> From GND to VCC?
[15:22:37] <N1njaneer> You can start to get erratic behavior if you don't have a clean power supply.
[15:23:03] <Zad0k> N1njaneer, I have no idea, I'm sorry
[15:23:13] <Zad0k> I only have what's on the picture
[15:24:09] <N1njaneer> Why are you using a resonator in the design? It's rather rate to need to use crystals and such with the smaller parts, especially due to the limited pin count.
[15:24:13] <N1njaneer> +rare
[15:25:09] <Zad0k> I'm following this tutorial : http://goo.gl/nXbQKl
[15:25:26] <Zad0k> Go to spep 3
[15:26:37] <N1njaneer> Ahh in that example useage it's probably to ensure proper timing for the IR carrier waveform :)
[15:27:50] <Zad0k> Well...probably :) I don't really know what I'm doing, just following the steps and tryin to understand the circuit
[15:28:17] <N1njaneer> If you're following their directions with the same parts then I'm not sure why it wouldn't be functioning.
[15:28:56] <Zad0k> I don't know either. That's why I'm here :)
[15:30:23] <Zad0k> Is my attiny doomed or can I set it back to its original fuses?
[15:31:00] <N1njaneer> It depends on the failure mode.
[15:32:20] <Zad0k> Well, how can I try?
[15:33:16] <N1njaneer> As folks above had mentioned, injecting clock signal in to XTAL1 from an outside TTL clock or similar may allow you to recover it. Unless you have some additional electronics tools around, though, this may be difficult.
[15:34:11] <Zad0k> Well, I'll just keep in a little box and let it
[15:35:43] <Zad0k> I'll try the high voltage technique
[15:36:34] <Zad0k> Basically it's sending 12v in the uC
[15:38:03] <N1njaneer> You could try that, yes.
[15:38:42] <avrdood> the spi takes care of everything , no? clock and all
[15:39:00] <N1njaneer> SPI doesn't work without a valid clock applied.
[15:39:16] <avrdood> the clock comes from the master..here his device is a slave
[15:39:45] <Zad0k> Still, I would like to make it work...i followed this tut, maybe it's just a little detail that is causing this
[15:39:53] <N1njaneer> avr: SPI bus will not function on an AVR device that does not have a valid clock. The AVR needs a system clock - this is independent from the SPI CLK
[15:40:21] <avrdood> N1njaneer: didnt know that , could it be any frequency ?
[15:40:34] <avrdood> at least faster then the spi clock?
[15:40:39] <avrdood> equal
[15:40:55] <N1njaneer> avr: It needs to be at least 4x faster than the SPI clock. More is advisable.
[15:41:42] <darsie> If I use a timers fast PWM and "the Output Compare (OC0x) is cleared on the compare match between TCNT0 and OCR0x, and set at BOTTOM", what will happen if OCR0x is 0? Will OC0x be set or cleared at BOTTOM?
[15:41:45] <N1njaneer> For recovery situations, it's ideal to inject a 1 Mhz clock in to XTAL1 and set your ISP programmer down to the lowest speed it will go to, which is around 2.152 Khz
[15:42:06] <Zad0k> I'll try again with another uC.
[15:42:23] <N1njaneer> At least to get the device signature to read. Then increase the clock speed a bit more.
[15:42:30] <N1njaneer> zad: Probably a good idea. :)
[15:42:45] <Zad0k> Or I'll end up with two dead uC :/
[15:43:03] <Zad0k> I'll take a blank one
[15:43:16] <avrdood> nice ill make my own adapter!
[15:43:22] <avrdood> theres a few quartz hanging somewhere
[15:44:07] <Zad0k> okay so programming the fuses right now
[15:44:59] <Zad0k> safemode: fuses ok
[15:45:01] <avrdood> you use atmel studio ?
[15:45:01] <N1njaneer> avrdood: The SPI clock vs system clock speed ratio comes from the need of the internal SPI bus state machine in the processor to be able to reliable edge-detect the CLK edges of the SPI bus and to be able to meet timing requirements for clocking data in and out, at least as a slave. It's the same situation if you are doing SPI slave bus stuff in, say, an FPGA :)
[15:45:35] <avrdood> Zad0k: ?
[15:45:51] <Zad0k> Me? Nope, avr dude
[15:45:58] <Zad0k> avrdude
[15:45:59] <Zad0k> *
[15:47:39] <Zad0k> I have two dead uC now :/
[15:47:52] <avrdood> N1njaneer: make sens
[15:47:59] <avrdood> makes*
[15:48:47] <avrdood> N1njaneer: and the syncing between system clock vs spi clock is done via tha same state machine i suppose?
[15:49:08] <avrdood> N1njaneer: that one must be something to write for an fpaga :p
[15:49:26] <avrdood> Zad0k: eh? how do you know? blue smoke?
[15:49:29] <N1njaneer> darsie: In fast PWM the counter counts from BOTTOM to TOP and then restarts from BOTTOM. OCR0x should be cleared at TOP if I recall.
[15:49:54] <Zad0k> avrdood, I have got the same error on another uC
[15:50:05] <avrdood> which is?
[15:50:20] <avrdood> Zad0k: double check all your electrical connections
[15:50:53] <Zad0k> avrdood http://pastie.org/8263362. No I use avrdude
[15:51:16] <N1njaneer> avr: You basically have to do a "store the state now", then next system clock tick you go "look at the current state, if the new state is 1 and the old state is 0 then a rising edge occured, and latch incoming data, etc" but there are some additional tricks you often need to do to help avoid metastability issues due to crossing the clock domains.
[15:51:22] <avrdood> lol 'double check connections and try again' :p
[15:51:44] <Zad0k> okay...may take a while since it's soldered
[15:51:47] <avrdood> Zad0k: like the miso/mosi lines
[15:52:04] <avrdood> Zad0k: just do a continuity check and look for cold solder joints
[15:52:35] <avrdood> Zad0k: and your clock..is it working?
[15:52:55] <Zad0k> clock?
[15:53:16] <avrdood> Zad0k: look what we were talking about
[15:53:31] <N1njaneer> darsi: I believe there are also two Fast PWM modes on some devices - double-check the datasheet for specifics under the Timers section.
[15:54:07] <Zad0k> avrdood : I don't know, I can't really understand what you were talking about. It's like chinese
[15:54:17] <avrdood> N1njaneer: like adding delay lines? cool stuff
[15:55:24] <avrdood> Zad0k: you need to give a clock to your microcontroller, be it from a resonator, quartz, oscillator or a signal to XTAL1. And of course all the lines you need to program your micro
[15:56:50] <avrdood> Zad0k: the quartz you plug betwwen xtal 1 and xtal2 with a cap on each side. one side of the cap is connected to the quart/xtal pin and the other goes to ground
[15:57:26] <N1njaneer> avr: Yeah, generally doing things like sampling all of the SPI signals and looking at them one clock cycle behind, so you can validate them as not being metastable, so instead of looking at just a sample that looks like 0, 1 as a rising edge, you can look at 0, 1, 1 to make sure you've absolutely gotten it. If you sample the SPI clock at exactly the wrong moment in the middle of its transition,
[15:57:27] <N1njaneer> you'll get an unknown data state and it can cause false-triggering that's really hard to track down. Because the odds of it happening might be 1 in 1 billion, but that means a few upsets over the course of minutes or hours that you can't reliably recreate on demand :)
[15:58:09] <Zad0k> avrdood: I don't have a quartz, only a resonator
[15:58:16] <avrdood> Zad0k: never worked with those
[15:58:20] <darsie> N1njaneer: I have to be more specific. I want to use OCR0A to hold the TOP value. It will not change on TOP. And I want to use OCR0B to hold the PWM trigger. The output pin OC0B will be set on BOTTOM and cleared on match between TCNT0 and OCR0A. What if OCR0A is 0?
[15:59:09] <darsie> damn ... What if OCR0B is 0?
[16:00:10] <N1njaneer> I am not 100% sure, but that may just effectively disable it - i.e. 0% duty cycle. I've admittedly not done much with Fast PWM mode on the devices - I generally use the timers in Normal mode to generate periodic interrupts. Which AVR part?
[16:00:27] <darsie> mega168
[16:00:39] <darsie> for deving, but maybe a different one for actual use.
[16:01:37] <darsie> So the compare match takes overrides the BOTTOM reset?
[16:01:43] <darsie> -takes
[16:02:01] <darsie> That would make sense.
[16:02:35] <Zad0k> avrdood: circuit is perfect, still not working
[16:03:20] <avrdood> Zad0k: do you power it with the good voltage?
[16:03:41] <Zad0k> I just use the programmer
[16:03:52] <N1njaneer> darsie: I think so, but I can't be 100% sure. I'd put a scope on the output and play to be sure :)
[16:04:10] <avrdood> Zad0k: ah the resonator, three legged got internal caps. So the i guess the middle goes to ground and the other goes to OSC/XTAL pins
[16:04:20] <Zad0k> yeah
[16:04:24] <avrdood> ok
[16:04:25] <avrdood> hm
[16:04:38] <Zad0k> I'm going to do the wirind on a breadboard
[16:04:41] <Zad0k> just to be sure
[16:04:57] <N1njaneer> darsie: The Atmel datasheets are admittedly a bit poorly worded in some of the Timer sections - it could be explained a bit clearer
[16:06:02] <avrdood> Zad0k: you need miso, mosi, clk, /reset, vcc, gnd
[16:06:36] <Zad0k> have you got any shematics? Since I made the first wirings with google images
[16:06:49] <Zad0k> 10 pins isp programmer + attiny85
[16:07:00] <avrdood> Zad0k: http://newbiehack.com/MicrocontrollerIntroductionABeginnersGuidetotheAtmelAVRAtmega32.aspx
[16:07:21] <avrdood> Zad0k: different pin-out for you uC
[16:07:50] <darsie> Zad0k: If you need a clock signal, I posted a few circuits here: http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=106325 You may need to be logged in to see them.
[16:08:40] <N1njaneer> darsie: Looking at the diagram on in 15.7.3, if OCR0x is set to zero, you should have no change in output PWM state. So it will stay low in normal mode (2), or will stay high if you are in the inverting mode (3)
[16:09:38] <N1njaneer> Same if it were to be set to the TOP value - you'd have a 100% duty-cycle and thus again no transitions, high in normal mode (2) or low in inverting mode (3)
[16:10:14] <darsie> N1njaneer: You must be using a different datasheet than I.
[16:11:49] <darsie> I better just try it.
[16:14:02] <BJfreeman> I found this for pin outs http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php/topic,146315.0.html
[16:14:12] <Zad0k> I made it again, the wiring is perfect, still doesn't work...
[16:14:50] <Zad0k> BJfreeman, awesome :D
[16:16:46] <avrdood> Zad0k: is the resonator ok?
[16:17:31] <Zad0k> I guess, it's a new one
[16:17:40] <avrdood> man thermocouples are so noisy!!
[16:17:56] <avrdood> Zad0k: ..take a voltmeter and probe it :)
[16:18:51] <Zad0k> I haven't got one...
[16:19:20] <Zad0k> but I've got that: http://www.ebay.com/itm/DC-0-30V-Blue-LED-Display-Digital-Voltage-Voltmeter-Panel-Motor-Motorcycle-/360713999468
[16:19:47] <avrdood> Zad0k: thats good enough :)
[16:20:08] <Zad0k> okay, how do I do next?
[16:20:44] <avrdood> black goes to ground, red to vcc and the white is for probing i guess
[16:20:57] <avrdood> it take 3-30vdc so your fine here
[16:21:40] <Zad0k> mine only has black and red
[17:01:35] <N1njaneer> darsi: Just go to digikey.com and pull the latest one for the ATMEGA168 series
[17:05:08] <Roklobsta> christ, only one job ad in australia this week that has the word atmel in it.
[17:06:14] <N1njaneer> Rok: And too many that say Arduino I bet!
[17:06:46] <Roklobsta> hmmm
[17:07:18] <Roklobsta> one: "Experience with hardware interactivity using Arduino and other low level approaches"
[17:07:27] <Roklobsta> insulting. low level?
[17:08:02] <N1njaneer> My local Atmel FAE was lamenting to me on Wednesday on his love/hate relationship with Arduino. Love because it's Atmel stuff, hate because he starts having a lot of trouble trying to support the Arduino users in a professional capacity. :)
[17:08:28] <N1njaneer> Rok: Low-level as in "It doesn't run Windows" I guess :)
[17:09:08] <Roklobsta> arduino and professional shouldn't be in the same sentence.
[17:09:23] <Roklobsta> worst IDE, ever.
[17:09:25] <N1njaneer> Unless the modifier "not" appears, too
[17:10:30] <Lt_Lemming> https://www.tindie.com/products/Lemming/the-snarc-kit/ <--- my first AVR based product
[17:11:26] <Roklobsta> heh wiznet has 100* the cpu grunt of the avr
[17:11:43] <Lt_Lemming> yeah I know, but unfortunately I can't do GPIO off it
[17:12:08] <N1njaneer> LtLemming: Lookin' good!
[17:12:10] <Roklobsta> westfield might be interested
[17:12:24] <Lt_Lemming> thanks N1njaneer
[17:12:36] <Lt_Lemming> Roklobsta, westfield?
[17:12:58] <Roklobsta> i know a guy who made a bluetooth sniffer using an xmega for use in shopping centres (westfield)
[17:13:17] <Roklobsta> gave up at the working prototype stage as there was too much competition already
[17:13:25] <N1njaneer> We have a handful of AVR LED stuff up at www.thephotonfactory.com - more the consumer side of product sales :)
[17:13:45] <Lt_Lemming> sure, but I doubt they are going to be interested in a PTH kit Roklobsta, maybe if I had the SMD version going....
[17:14:06] <Lt_Lemming> but even then I doubt it as they would want an OTS solution, not something where they have to put it together piecemeal
[17:14:19] <Roklobsta> i mean the concept might be useful for the likes of westfield.
[17:14:41] <Roklobsta> you'd have to make it shiny with an database attached.
[17:15:04] <Lt_Lemming> yeah see that doesn't interest me in the slightest, I'm just a hardware hacker :-P
[17:16:28] <N1njaneer> Hardware is satisfying :)
[17:16:39] <Lt_Lemming> yes indeedly most
[17:16:55] <N1njaneer> And easier to throw across the room. Software you have to burn to a disc first before you can do that.
[17:17:12] <Roklobsta> uh oh, I await a legal smackdown from Psygnosis.
[17:17:14] <Lt_Lemming> or throw the computer
[17:17:23] <Lt_Lemming> for the lemming symbol?
[17:17:26] <Roklobsta> yes
[17:17:46] <Roklobsta> "oh nooo - POP"
[17:17:47] <Lt_Lemming> eh
[17:17:51] <Lt_Lemming> indeed
[17:18:47] <N1njaneer> Heh, the only time I'd ever played that game was in the late 90s on a really amazing (for the time) Mac emulator. And amusingly the emulator actually ran smoother than the native Mac hardware at the time.
[17:19:19] <Roklobsta> i rem playing on a500 in 1991
[17:19:53] <N1njaneer> Loved the A500 - demoscene hey-day
[17:19:56] <Lt_Lemming> my nickname IRL is Lemming, more people know me by that than by my real name
[17:20:08] <N1njaneer> It happens!
[17:20:11] <N1njaneer> Nicknames are good
[17:20:19] <Lt_Lemming> it's well earnt :-P
[17:20:27] * RikusW played lemmings 3d a long time ago
[17:20:35] <RikusW> still DOS based...
[17:20:35] <Lt_Lemming> destroyed myself in many varied and varios ways over the years
[17:20:58] <Zad0k> Hey, it's me again. Can't figure out value of this resistor : http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/123761DSCF4831.jpg // http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/446467DSCF4832.jpg
[17:21:12] <Lt_Lemming> measure it with a DMM?
[17:21:28] <Zad0k> Haven't got one
[17:21:29] <Lt_Lemming> it's a 0 ohm link I would say
[17:21:31] <N1njaneer> 0 ohm?
[17:21:37] <Roklobsta> it's a wire
[17:21:40] <RikusW> 1 Ohm ?
[17:21:44] <Roklobsta> unity gain amplifier
[17:21:48] <Lt_Lemming> lol
[17:21:50] <Zad0k> there is a "1" written, does it mean it's 1Ω ?
[17:22:05] <Lt_Lemming> entirely possible they aren't resistors as well
[17:22:08] <RikusW> silver is /100 right ?
[17:22:09] <Lt_Lemming> could be inductors
[17:22:20] <Zad0k> they are resistors for sure
[17:22:25] <RikusW> blue is metal film
[17:22:35] <RikusW> 1% it seems
[17:22:41] <Lt_Lemming> I think it's just a 0 ohm link
[17:22:45] <N1njaneer> 0 ohm 10% :)
[17:22:52] <Zad0k> thanks :)
[17:23:00] <Roklobsta> Lt_Lemming: did you get whatsisface here to make the PCBs for you?
[17:23:11] <Zad0k> by the way, 1kΩ is 1000Ω?
[17:23:16] <RikusW> yes
[17:23:19] <N1njaneer> zad: Yup
[17:23:21] <Zad0k> kay
[17:23:23] <Zad0k> thx
[17:23:29] <Zad0k> i'm resetting the fuses
[17:23:29] <RikusW> N1njaneer: I thing 1 Ohm
[17:23:32] <N1njaneer> Or 103 on an SMT resistor :)
[17:23:33] <RikusW> *think
[17:23:41] <N1njaneer> Er 102 for 1K
[17:23:45] <N1njaneer> 103 for 10K
[17:24:13] <Roklobsta> strange but probably made for machine that place resistors that are loaded as an option
[17:24:27] <RikusW> Blue metal film resistors got 3 value bands and on exponent
[17:24:31] <Roklobsta> *machine: machine or low paid human
[17:24:34] <N1njaneer> http://www.hobby-hour.com/electronics/resistorcalculator.php
[17:24:45] <avrdood> Zad0k: it works now?\
[17:24:51] <RikusW> iirc the last brown one is for 1%
[17:24:54] <Lt_Lemming> Roklobsta, hackvana?
[17:24:55] <N1njaneer> I use 0 ohm SMT resistors all the time :)
[17:25:01] <Lt_Lemming> me too
[17:25:05] <Roklobsta> yeah, hack/captnkernel
[17:25:09] <Lt_Lemming> they make layout quite a lot easier
[17:25:20] <Lt_Lemming> yup, his boards are awesome and CHEEP
[17:25:25] <N1njaneer> Especially on flex boards :)
[17:25:30] <N1njaneer> Or single-layer MCPCB
[17:25:34] <Zad0k> avrdood: nope, i'm trying to reset the fuses
[17:25:47] <Roklobsta> the Yellow River is great for getting rid of PCB manufacturing waste effluent.
[17:25:50] <Roklobsta> cheaply.
[17:26:15] <Zad0k> a 9v battery outputs AC or DC current?
[17:26:27] <Lt_Lemming> all batteries output DC
[17:26:28] <N1njaneer> Rok: I hear they figured out a way to recycle it in to Arduinos
[17:26:34] <Zad0k> DC, okay
[17:26:37] <Lt_Lemming> a battery cannot make AC
[17:26:42] <N1njaneer> LtLemming: Unless you spin the battery really fast.
[17:26:56] <Lt_Lemming> *without outside help
[17:27:06] <Lt_Lemming> smart ass
[17:27:35] <Zad0k> how can I 18V > 12V ?I need to do that, but with 18V : http://blog.cicatrice.eu/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/arduino_attiny_fuse_reset_bb.png
[17:27:38] <darsie> N1njaneer: With OCR0B=0 the LED shines weakly.
[17:27:53] <Lt_Lemming> Zad0k, use a voltage regulator
[17:28:00] <Lt_Lemming> 7812
[17:28:59] <N1njaneer> darsie: Does it brighten with increasing values? Just making sure you have the pins set to output the PWM waveform and set to OUT direction, too :)
[17:29:20] <darsie> N1njaneer: It gets brighter. PWM works.
[17:30:14] <Zad0k> any 12V battery will do for my schematic?
[17:30:18] <N1njaneer> darsie: Interesting, I would have expected it to completely shut off. Always good to test!
[17:30:33] <Zad0k> even a big 6cells nimh one?
[17:31:39] <darsie> N1njaneer: Wanna see the code?
[17:32:00] <N1njaneer> Pastebin it if you like
[17:32:47] <Roklobsta> Lt_Lemming: so where have you used your sniffers
[17:33:02] <Roklobsta> do yo uhave an implant that lets you in the back door?
[17:33:13] <darsie> http://pastebin.com/JzG3hZ2k
[17:33:16] <Lt_Lemming> local hackerspace uses them for access control Roklobsta
[17:33:23] <Lt_Lemming> building 6 more for them today
[17:33:34] <Roklobsta> nice, that'll keep the bogans out.
[17:33:47] <Lt_Lemming> unfortunately not
[17:33:55] <Lt_Lemming> we got broken into about 6 months ago >_<
[17:33:55] <N1njaneer> LtLemming: Too bad they're not SMT, we could just throw them through the line here and you'd have 'em in a couple minutes :)
[17:34:04] * RikusW got this DMM http://www.hobby-hour.com/electronics/multimeters.php
[17:34:15] <RikusW> actually its my cheapy
[17:34:32] * RikusW got and LCR DMM too
[17:34:52] <Lt_Lemming> N1njaneer, I have an SMT version, just not prototyped and tested like this one, so I want to do this to fund development of that one, and then test it
[17:35:05] <Lt_Lemming> the prototype version has so far been running for 9 months without fail
[17:35:11] <N1njaneer> Cool, good luck!! :D
[17:35:14] <Lt_Lemming> and a few v1.1's have been running about 6 months
[17:35:17] <Roklobsta> it failed 6 months ago
[17:35:48] <Lt_Lemming> one of my major reasons for designing this board was to improve reliability over our old system
[17:35:57] <N1njaneer> Would anyone be interested in a ustream at some point when we're running production? :)
[17:36:08] <Roklobsta> i need to go ustream
[17:36:24] <Roklobsta> damned coffee
[17:39:02] <darsie> Zad0k: You can use a 12 V zener diode and a resistor in series, too. Or use 4 white LEDs in series instead of the zener.
[17:40:08] <darsie> Zad0k: You could even make a simple resistor voltage divider. How much current will you draw?
[17:40:45] <avrdood> better stick with the zener
[17:40:59] <darsie> Whatever is available ...
[17:41:08] <avrdood> right..
[17:41:31] <N1njaneer> Probably easier to use the zener or just hack a current-limiting resistor in series with the LEDs.
[17:48:00] <darsie> My white LED has 3.12 V at 18.6 mA.
[17:51:23] <megal0maniac_afk> MOAR POWER!!!!
[17:52:03] <darsie> I have some Cree LEDs.
[17:52:13] <N1njaneer> As long as you don't care about variation from LED to LED, applying the same voltage will give you approximately the same output. The more 'correct' way to drive LEDs is as constant-current, since the VI curve is non-linear and different from device to device, and light output is a function of current moreso than voltage.
[17:52:57] <darsie> It's a function of voltage as well, but it's exponential ;).
[17:53:38] <darsie> thermal runaway aside
[17:54:23] * megal0maniac_afk is going to build a common emitter transistor amplifier tomorrow
[17:54:29] <megal0maniac_afk> Because science
[17:54:30] <N1njaneer> Well it's really a function of P = VI and then lumens/watt to be more specific. And obviously also of thermal management.
[17:55:00] <N1njaneer> We use Cree pretty exclusively here. :)
[17:55:25] <N1njaneer> One of the only US-based LED manufacturers, too.
[17:55:53] <darsie> "one of the only" :)
[17:56:28] <darsie> ahh, that means, they do everything in the US.
[17:57:05] <N1njaneer> Sorry, to clarify "one of the few US-based LED companies that MANUFACTURES product themselves, and in the US" though they do most of the packaging at their overseas campus, then ship back.
[17:57:25] <darsie> ahh, ok :).
[17:58:14] <N1njaneer> There's only a handful of LED companies that fab their own wafers. The majority buy others' dies and mount them. It's the reason there's so much crap that comes out of China - they are overrun die lots from any of a number of sources, packaging is dubious, reliability is low, and testing data is completely nonexistant.
[17:58:23] <Lt_Lemming> http://imgur.com/gallery/FL2XKlu
[17:59:00] <N1njaneer> Cree, Avago, OSRAM, LumiLeds, and Nichia are pretty much the only LED companies that fab their own dies.
[18:00:51] <N1njaneer> But I digress :)
[18:02:19] <darsie> Did you look at my code?
[18:02:35] <N1njaneer> darsie: Missed the link?
[18:02:43] <darsie> http://pastebin.com/JzG3hZ2k
[18:04:02] <N1njaneer> If it's not turning completely off at zero, you can always just unset the output if needed :)
[18:04:13] <darsie> Or invert the PWM
[18:05:00] <N1njaneer> That would also work, yeah :)
[18:05:21] <N1njaneer> Is your LED coming from VCC or GND on the other side?
[18:05:31] <darsie> GND
[18:07:05] <N1njaneer> You can always put VCC on and sink with the AVR if inverting the PWM works better. I admit to having less experience with the AVR on-board PWM as I never use it. It's always software PWM (because I need more channels) or off-board PWM (because I need more accuracy)
[18:09:26] <darsie> I'm making a solar panel maximum power point tracker: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showatt.php?attachmentid=1002564&d=1159333136
[18:09:52] <darsie> So I'll drive a FET with it.
[18:10:22] <N1njaneer> Sounds like a cool project :)
[18:10:28] <darsie> yep
[18:10:59] <darsie> I'll provide the power, my partner makes the rest of the plane.
[18:13:01] <darsie> I wonder if the avr drives the FET fast enough without dieing.
[18:13:34] <darsie> I've seen FET drivers advertising 1+ A drive current.
[18:15:52] <darsie> Maybe I'll use an atTiny45 or so. It has a 48 MHz PLL clock for the timers. A higher frequency would reduce output ripple.
[18:16:10] <darsie> But the propeller motor probably doesn't care much about ripple.
[18:16:21] <braincracker> h
[18:16:28] <braincracker> it does
[18:16:38] <braincracker> but mass integrates a bit.
[18:19:34] <darsie> Well, I chose 125 kHz SMPS frequency atm. The motor will turn at like 6000 rpm (100 rps), which means 1250 ripples/revolution.
[18:23:06] <darsie> Switching the MOSFET on and off every 8 us directly with the avn, how does that sound?
[18:23:43] <darsie> avr
[18:24:34] <braincracker> (impossible)
[18:24:45] <braincracker> ohh
[18:24:47] <braincracker> us?
[18:24:48] <braincracker> ok
[18:24:50] <braincracker> i read ns
[18:24:54] <darsie> k :)
[18:25:21] <braincracker> you just need to keep a dead-time in the half-bridge
[18:25:42] <darsie> It's a boost configuration.
[18:25:44] <braincracker> to make sure high side will not conduct when low-side is on
[18:26:42] <N1njaneer> braincracker: Damnit, man! We need an H-bridge that will swich down in the picoseconds to power this 110,000 rpm dremel tool!
[18:27:11] <braincracker> hehe not really
[18:27:34] <N1njaneer> But it's a 110,000 rpm STEPPER motor! :D
[18:27:42] <darsie> lol
[18:27:47] <braincracker> that sounds lol
[18:28:00] <N1njaneer> Unipolar, you know... For more torque.
[18:28:45] <braincracker> BLDC is used for high speed things for efficiency and sanity reasons
[18:28:53] <N1njaneer> We are going to use it to spin an Arduino. We are going to try to make it dizzy so it goes away.
[18:30:45] <braincracker> i see you are well bored
[18:31:18] <N1njaneer> Just feeling excessively silly as I sit here and route this PCB
[18:33:35] <braincracker> i have a few month old plan laying around for a 10M+ RPM BLDC controller
[18:34:26] <braincracker> watch out with the lines' crosstalk and delay matching at ps design ;)
[18:35:38] <braincracker> do you make estimations with a pocket calculator while you manual-route ?
[18:37:07] <N1njaneer> Nah, Windows calculator is fancier
[18:38:38] <N1njaneer> I hand route everything here because of size and performance constraints. Plus the router just likes to make swiss-cheese of everything.
[18:39:24] <N1njaneer> Especially when dealing with high-speed digital and needing to pass conducted and radiated emissions testing.
[18:41:34] <avrdood> thermocouples going nuts again >.>
[18:47:03] <braincracker> avrdood<= yeah i hate them cheap thermocouples in multimeter too
[18:48:03] <braincracker> they need good thermal contact at joint, good calibration, good connector contact, and proper compensation
[18:52:02] <braincracker> darsie<= i have no clue what are you talking about
[18:52:39] <braincracker> SMPS, connected to DC brushed motor ?
[18:53:19] <avrdood> i have copper wires between conector and the pin of the IC....about 30cms that doesnt help
[18:53:36] <braincracker> for SMPS, there are specialized integrated circuits that are designed for real-time SMPS purposes
[18:53:46] <avrdood> i need some distance between the board and the computer :
[18:53:57] <avrdood> ...hopefully the LPF is enough
[18:54:04] <avrdood> ..the ic does compensation already
[18:54:34] <braincracker> backtrace your problem.
[18:54:41] <avrdood> backtace?
[18:54:56] <braincracker> 1: you have a problem to solve
[18:55:13] <braincracker> 2: you need a solution
[18:55:18] <avrdood> ..easiest now is the put the LPF
[18:55:45] <braincracker> but i'm guessing you are using the wrong tools for the job
[18:55:47] <avrdood> dont have to de-solder anything
[18:55:55] <avrdood> yes, no tools atm :p
[18:56:34] <braincracker> does the thing have a microcontroller you program ?
[18:56:43] <avrdood> arduino
[18:56:54] <braincracker> ;/ ok
[18:57:20] <avrdood> ...ive started with a atmega32 but noticed i needed a 3.3v version so i went for the arduino
[18:57:49] <avrdood> otherwise i had to make some circuitry
[18:57:50] <braincracker> i just got atmega168pa's they can go down to 1.8V
[18:57:57] <braincracker> up to 5.5V
[18:57:58] <avrdood> D:
[18:57:59] <avrdood> yuk
[18:58:02] <avrdood> oh, sorry :p
[18:58:09] <N1njaneer> As long as you can take the speed hit <5V :)
[18:58:18] <braincracker> i can
[18:58:22] <braincracker> can you?
[18:59:03] <braincracker> running 8MHz int osc at ~3V that is 8 MIPS
[18:59:04] <N1njaneer> I rarely go above 8Mhz on AVR so doesn't matter to me :)
[18:59:53] <braincracker> (actually the thing works at 1.65V @ 8MHz)
[19:00:02] <braincracker> out-of-specs
[19:01:20] <avrdood> thats some ugly adc on that voltage
[19:01:39] <braincracker> i have noticed this when turned off uvlo and the mega was working at the Red led voltage thresholt
[19:02:17] <N1njaneer> Atmel underrates at 1.8v so power supply regulators can have more tolerance and less cost :)
[19:02:18] <darsie> braincracker: model aircraft with solar panel --> mppt --> esc --> motor
[19:02:22] <braincracker> avrdood<= you will not be able to sense anything on a thermocouple without amplification
[19:03:11] <braincracker> theBear<= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGDj0B5WQaA Gypsy Child Thieves (BBC Documentary) - YouTube.
[19:05:00] <theBear> they stealing children, or children stealing ?
[19:05:16] <braincracker> they selling children
[19:05:24] <braincracker> and children stealing
[19:06:20] <braincracker> selling own children ^^
[19:06:37] <N1njaneer> The are selling stolen children who were stealing other children.
[19:06:40] <braincracker> you know, every good parent considers this
[19:08:33] <darsie> I have a gas stove with thermocouples that keep the gas line open against the force of a spring. All without amplification.
[19:08:59] <N1njaneer> I'm guessing that's more like a bimetallic strip than a thermocouple, though :)
[19:09:09] <darsie> No, it's thermocouples.
[19:09:34] <N1njaneer> It uses voltage?
[19:09:35] <darsie> You can bend the "cable" and it still works.
[19:09:47] <darsie> current. But no current without voltage.
[19:10:07] <braincracker> a thermocouple is about 1enob fullscale on your 10bit adc
[19:10:09] <braincracker> :)
[19:10:26] <darsie> lenob?
[19:10:30] <darsie> 1enob?
[19:10:35] <braincracker> 1 ENOB
[19:11:02] <N1njaneer> effective number of bits
[19:11:19] <theBear> hehe
[19:11:33] <braincracker> i meant it will be useless, 1-10mV
[19:11:43] <N1njaneer> As opposed to the eKnob, a $19.95 impulse-buy product advertised on late-night television
[19:17:15] <N1njaneer> Oops, almost forgot the fiducials.
[19:17:37] <N1njaneer> Hell hath no fury like a pick and place operator without fiducials!
[19:20:34] <Valen> lol
[19:22:05] <N1njaneer> You know, if someone were really clever (and bored) they could build a punch-card ISP programmer for the Atmel. Like, manually generate the SPI bus MISO and CLK lines to reprogram an Atmel, fed by paper tape and two switches.
[19:22:51] <Casper> clever... no.... bored... HELL YEAH...
[19:23:07] <N1njaneer> The Steampunk Atmel ISP programmer!
[19:23:32] <N1njaneer> I want to build this now. Because it would be terribly silly.
[19:24:04] <theBear> first you gotta build the card-puncher :)
[19:24:46] <N1njaneer> Got a laser cutter for that part. Which means we'd need to write a .HEX to .DFX converter first!
[19:24:54] <N1njaneer> .DXF
[19:26:53] <N1njaneer> I actually kind of want to do this now, if just to see all of the bits of the program carved out in paper!
[20:09:50] <avrdood> oups 10k is too high for the max31855
[20:10:17] <avrdood> >.>
[20:10:39] <avrdood> what the bias current of the op-amp in this chip
[20:11:50] <avrdood> sory found it
[21:26:39] <braincracker> N1njaneer <= punch card reader using optogates from mouse, or printer sensors
[21:27:48] <braincracker> but i think atmel mcus will not like the 0-100 bps speed with varying (synchronous) baudrate
[21:29:39] <tzanger> how many bits at a time? 8?
[21:29:54] <tzanger> 8 + sync marker?
[21:31:09] <braincracker> sounds all right
[21:32:09] <tzanger> so why not use external int on the sync marker and read the 8 bits at once
[21:32:30] <braincracker> ok i was assuming no bootloader
[21:32:41] <braincracker> i theory it should work btw
[21:33:28] <braincracker> one could program the mcu in a synchronously clocked way using any baudrate less than fmax
[21:35:04] <braincracker> the very old 2051 kind required some stupid precision timings
[21:35:22] <braincracker> and tha was parallel programming ;/
[21:57:57] <N1njaneer> Back.
[21:58:21] <N1njaneer> Gym always makes me feel way better, and ready to tackle more AVR code!
[21:59:06] <N1njaneer> As far as programming the AVR goes, you just do it via SPI bus - no UART. Then the speed doesn't matter. :)
[22:12:51] <Lt_Lemming> http://forums.overclockers.com.au/showthread.php?p=15551651 <--- forum thread detailing the development history of the SNARC
[22:22:54] <Casper> snarc... I'ld remove the r and put a k at the end... that's what I'ld take...
[22:49:43] <jadew> hey w|zzy, I added new period and pulse measurement options to the analyzer if you're still using it
[22:50:47] <jadew> don't know if you're aware, it has a nice filter function too, so you can search for packets
[22:51:53] <Lt_Lemming> lol Casper