#avr | Logs for 2013-08-17

[02:41:29] <braincracker> h
[02:50:26] <megal0maniac> Joggl: That ebay programmer isnt large, the avrisp mkii is large :)
[02:51:21] <Joggl> megal0maniac, that's true, but the mkii is much more beautiful!
[02:51:37] <megal0maniac> And AS sp2 wont install. Getting some install shield error which no other setup files are giving
[02:51:59] <megal0maniac> Would be happy to be rid of Jungo though
[02:54:49] <Joggl> oh, thats bad when atmel does not even support their own tools :(
[02:54:56] <Joggl> therefore i just use avrdude for everything
[02:56:16] <megal0maniac> I need debugging. And i axtuall
[02:56:29] <megal0maniac> actually quite like AS
[02:57:04] <megal0maniac> Also, no more jungo. which means atmel support (i think)
[02:57:28] <Joggl> debugging for me is a working uart.
[02:57:37] <Joggl> but yes, AS is nice with the .net framework
[02:57:48] <Joggl> a lot of smart things they have now
[02:57:51] <megal0maniac> what programmer type is that tiny one?
[02:58:02] <Joggl> its the usbTiny from ladyAda
[02:58:18] <megal0maniac> thought so
[02:58:48] <Joggl> i started with this one: http://www.ehajo.de/Bausaetze/AVR-ISP-Stick
[02:58:54] <megal0maniac> someone needs to make one that small witg a
[02:59:07] <megal0maniac> 16u4
[02:59:39] <megal0maniac> or 16u2 even. with avrisp firmware
[02:59:55] <Joggl> i got something like this
[02:59:58] <megal0maniac> thats the one i was asking about :)
[03:00:03] <Joggl> http://www.ehajo.de/Bausaetze/aTeVaL
[03:00:06] <Joggl> but not that small
[03:00:11] <Joggl> but it would be no problem to do this
[03:00:52] <Joggl> but now i have 500 of the small usbTiny to sell ;)
[03:02:26] <megal0maniac> oh nice
[03:10:53] <megal0maniac> Out of interest, how much does international shipping cost?
[03:12:01] <megal0maniac> And I think I have a broken download of AS >.<
[03:15:54] <Joggl> to america?
[03:16:29] <megal0maniac> I wish
[03:16:35] <Joggl> 3,50euro
[03:16:35] <megal0maniac> South Africa :P
[03:17:00] <Joggl> SA is 3,50 euro too :)
[03:17:01] <megal0maniac> I have enough programmers, but I'm curious. Shipping is usually the deal-breaker for me
[03:17:13] <megal0maniac> That's quite good
[03:18:51] <Joggl> it's 4,50 euro in my shop
[03:19:10] <Joggl> but SA is not in the available countries on my system, i have to add it for you :)
[03:19:18] <Joggl> normally i just ship to EU
[03:19:33] <megal0maniac> Of course
[03:19:52] <megal0maniac> I'll keep an ear open for anyone looking for a programmer
[03:20:10] <megal0maniac> Although I could point them in any one of 3 directions :P
[03:20:23] <Joggl> i think i can ship about 5 of them for 3,50 euro
[06:49:19] <megal0maniac> Has anyone here downloaded AS6 sp2?
[06:50:02] <megal0maniac> Specifically AStudio61sp2net.exe
[06:51:22] <megal0maniac> Or is anyone with fast internet planning on downloading it? :)
[06:51:29] <megal0maniac> I'm looking for an MD5 sum
[06:57:40] <RikusW> I only got Atmel Studio 6.1 update 1.1 (build 2674) Installer
[07:23:27] <megal0maniac> Given the nature of md5 sums, that won't help. But thanks ;)
[07:23:37] <megal0maniac> Looks like a broken download
[07:24:40] <megal0maniac> Which means that InstallShield's choice of error message is stupid
[08:37:29] <Tom_itx> megal0maniac, i'll grab it in a bit
[08:38:15] <Tom_itx> unless that's the whole thing
[08:49:26] <Tom_itx> i don't see sp2 on the site
[08:49:29] <megal0maniac> Tom_itx: Yeah, that's the version will all the bits and pieces, not needed for upgrade
[08:50:23] <megal0maniac> Don't worry about it though. I'm 90% sure it's a dud download, and I've got the other one working
[08:50:35] <Tom_itx> well if you're having trouble... i've constantly had to download files from them more than once to get a good file
[08:51:11] <megal0maniac> Got the same error with the other file when the download interrupted after 60%, so it's pretty definitive
[08:51:31] <Tom_itx> i got sp1.1 yesterday and it still says i'm up to date
[08:51:32] <megal0maniac> But yeah, much the same experience. I wget everything. Even on Windows
[08:52:25] <Tom_itx> btw, did you get your package?
[08:52:49] <megal0maniac> I did. I guess it didn't have actual "tracking" per se
[08:52:59] <Tom_itx> no not outside the US
[09:03:14] <megal0maniac> Tom_itx: Direct link for your downloading pleasure: http://www.atmel.com/Images/AStudio61sp2.exe
[09:03:24] <megal0maniac> That's the update
[09:52:22] <kdehl> Has anyone of you guys ever tried MatrixSSL?
[09:54:23] <Tom_itx> nope
[09:54:58] <Tom_itx> megal0maniac_afk, i'll jump on that like a tiger on it's prey
[09:55:27] <kdehl> It's less than 50 kb small and doesn't seem to require more system calls than avr-gcc could provide: http://www.matrixssl.org/archives/000058.html
[09:55:42] <kdehl> Only question is, how much memory does it require...? I can't find an answer to that.
[09:56:02] <kdehl> Man, I'd love to have SSL encryption on a µc.
[09:56:25] <Tom_itx> megal0maniac_afk, do you still want a checksum?
[10:00:51] <kdehl> "The entire SSL handshake, including network buffers can now be completed in as little as 10KB of RAM, with a post-handshake dynamic memory footprint of less than 3KB."
[10:00:54] <kdehl> Oh my...
[10:01:39] <kdehl> Interesting. For another project.
[10:01:51] <kdehl> Damn, I think I need to take a year or two off to finish all projects.
[10:02:22] <kdehl> (Because it's not like I would make up new ones on the way.)
[10:09:17] <Tom_L> megal0maniac_afk, 9690bdc7c6e2c98b3647993b686ad4da
[10:43:02] * RikusW tries to decompress 9690bdc7c6e2c98b3647993b686ad4da to the exe file :-P
[11:06:38] <Tom_itx> yay! up to SP2.
[11:06:47] * Tom_itx waits for SP3 to come out tomorrow
[11:15:35] <kdehl> Service Pack 3?
[12:31:55] <abcminiuser> So, wierd think today
[12:32:04] <abcminiuser> Went to help out our stand at the local Mini Maker Faire
[12:32:13] <abcminiuser> Walked over to one of the local Uni stands
[12:32:22] <abcminiuser> Chatted with one of the guys (never met)
[12:32:43] <abcminiuser> When I mentioned I was an apps engineer, he said "Oh, do you happen to know a Dean Camera?"
[12:32:49] <abcminiuser> Apparently he read my tutorials
[12:42:15] <RikusW> seems you're famous ;)
[12:43:16] <Joggl> did you say something like "oh yes, he is in my office" before outing you? may he want you to punch this dean camera :)
[12:43:36] <abcminiuser> I was tempted...
[12:43:46] <abcminiuser> Usually I call him a jerk and see if the person agrees
[12:43:53] <abcminiuser> If they do, time to run away...
[12:44:03] <Joggl> :D
[12:44:21] <abcminiuser> The guys built this: https://twitter.com/abcminiuser/status/368784878533218305/photo/1
[12:44:37] <Joggl> "oh yes i know this noob with his lame usb-stack and his non working examples on AS"
[12:45:25] <Joggl> "oh no i like the usb stack"
[12:45:30] <Joggl> "really, ok i am dean camera ;)"
[12:46:36] <abcminiuser> Pretty much :P
[12:47:51] <Joggl> ateval already working?
[12:48:18] <abcminiuser> Not sure, I built it Friday, put it on my desk then helped out with the Maker faire packing
[12:48:24] <Joggl> mh ok
[12:48:30] <abcminiuser> It didn't catch fire while idling, so I guess that's a good start
[12:48:40] <abcminiuser> On Monday I'll see how it fares with power
[12:48:47] <Joggl> sounds like the polyfuse is doing its job :P
[15:43:33] <megal0maniac> Tom_itx: That for the one I linked to?
[15:48:30] <megal0maniac> Ah. It is. They match but that would make sense because that's the one that worked ;)
[15:49:32] <megal0maniac> Also, question to anyone. I'd like to get a temp sensor working. It uses Dallas 1-wire. How do you go about communicating with that? Does one hardcore bitbash, or manipulate the UART, or...?
[15:49:45] <megal0maniac> I'm sure there's a logical place to start, but yeah
[15:54:57] <inkjetunito> manually banging the bits is relatively easy on that one
[15:55:31] <inkjetunito> there sure are ready libraries for that aswell
[15:58:11] <megal0maniac> inkjetunito: I see there's an Atmel appnote on it. I'd rather not use a library, I'll learn more (presumably) :)
[15:58:51] <inkjetunito> megal0maniac: it'll be a good project for that purprose
[16:01:18] <megal0maniac> That's what I thought :)
[16:03:06] <inkjetunito> my dealer was out of attinys :(
[17:38:20] <abetusk> sorry for the newbie question but does anyone have any reference/examples/explanations on how to do capacitive sensing with an ATMega(328?) or the like?
[18:44:07] <tomatto> hi
[18:45:09] <tomatto> can i make pwm output of atmega8 with 250kHz freq? when i have 8MHz clock
[18:46:44] <Tom_itx> can you?
[18:48:53] <tomatto> i need to
[18:48:59] <tomatto> at least 100KHz
[18:50:01] <pWNAGE> abetusk, sparkfun has a board that they did capacitive sensing on using an IC with an i2c (I think) interface on it
[18:51:16] <tomatto> Tom_itx: i think not. but what can i do?
[18:51:24] <Joggl> tomatto, than just do it ;)
[18:51:35] <Joggl> just use a timer.
[18:52:34] <tomatto> Joggl: and how can i set this frequency?
[18:53:30] <Joggl> 250kHz are 1/32 of 8mhz
[18:54:18] <Joggl> so set the capture register of the timer to 31 and let the timer generate pwm with this interrupt
[18:55:00] <tomatto> but only 31 values resolution?
[18:55:14] <tomatto> 8bit timer would be great
[18:56:15] <Joggl> ?
[18:56:29] <Joggl> with the value 31 you get exactly 250kHz pwm
[18:57:15] <abetusk> pWNAGE, I was hoping to do it myself rather than use a module
[18:57:50] <Joggl> abetusk, had a look on the qtouch-howtos?
[18:57:55] <pWNAGE> abetusk, I was thinking of https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9604
[18:58:27] <pWNAGE> they have a couple of boards with it so you could take a look at those for examples
[18:58:34] <tomatto> Joggl: i need to set width of that pulses, when i want to build dc/dc converter driven by my mega8
[18:58:37] <pWNAGE> I dunno if the atmega328 has any of the fancy atmel touch stuff
[18:58:41] <pWNAGE> probably doesn't.
[18:58:55] <abetusk> Joggl, I haven't...
[18:59:19] <Joggl> tomatto, you did not say anything about different frequency
[18:59:22] <abetusk> can't you do capacitive sensing by just setting up an RC circuit and looking at the time it transitions?
[18:59:39] <Joggl> abetusk, thats what qtouch is doing
[19:03:27] <Roklobsta> smething for early sunday hacking "Is it too much work to get implemented one notch filter in sdr# (like in dsp-radio or hdsdr) ? it would be nice to have it :)"
[19:03:42] <tomatto> Joggl: i want one stable frequency, but i want to change ton and toff time
[19:04:07] <Roklobsta> whups
[19:05:04] <Joggl> for 8 bit you need 250kHz * 256 as cpu-clock
[19:05:26] <Joggl> so atxmega may will do your job
[19:07:05] <tomatto> what about some pll in atmega? or it is only in attiny?
[19:09:46] <Joggl> no pll in atmegas
[19:09:55] <Joggl> just tiny45 and its family
[19:14:17] <tomatto> tiny45 has too few i/o
[19:21:04] <tomatto> pins
[19:30:35] <Joggl> SAM3N, a lot of pins and up to 64MHz, all you need.
[20:34:51] <tomatto> how can i measure resistance?
[20:35:35] <Tom_itx> ohm meter
[22:02:36] <GuShH> Tom_itx: how can i measure negative resistance?
[22:03:45] <Tom_itx> just reverse the polarity
[22:04:26] <GuShH> ....with the arduino
[22:04:47] * GuShH reverses the arduino polarity, stares at the cloud of smoke and tells the cops on Tom_itx
[22:06:17] <Tom_itx> is what you get for owning an ardweenie
[22:08:51] <pWNAGE> ...negative resistance?
[22:09:17] <pWNAGE> plot the IV curve and take the derivative :p
[22:12:17] <Joggl> negative resistance is easy
[22:12:28] <Joggl> use your ohm-meter and old it on a battery :)
[22:16:29] <Casper> GuShH: there is no such thing as negative resistance
[22:16:46] <Casper> if you read negative resistance is because your circuit is powered and mess up the math of the meter
[22:17:55] <GuShH> Casper: first of all, I was being sarcastic and making fun of "tomatto" who asked how to measure resistance.
[22:18:24] <Casper> second, TROLL! :D
[22:18:27] <GuShH> and there is such a thing.
[22:18:36] <GuShH> so you the troll.
[22:19:52] <Casper> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy_oX6SURRE o.O what the..