#avr | Logs for 2013-07-22

[03:01:22] <Grievre> What's the most advanced modem standard you could implement with an ATMega328 and minimal additional parts
[03:02:18] <specing> 1 MB/s "broadband" over the serial port?
[03:07:12] <Grievre> specing: Let me clarify: the most advanced ITU modem standard :P
[03:07:21] <Grievre> i.e. something you could use to talk to phone line modems
[03:10:43] <specing> probably not worth it
[03:13:40] <Grievre> define "worth it"?
[03:15:59] <specing> developing interfaces to stuff deprecated 10 years ago
[03:16:54] <Grievre> specing: Some places in the world still have POTS but lack anything better than that
[03:17:23] <Grievre> specing: Also, hmm... I guess data over ham radio probably doesn't use ITU standards
[03:19:29] <theBear> it's been a LONG time, but the packet radio standard(s) are definately something, from the age of them, itu wouldn't be surprising
[03:21:03] <Grievre> I guess I'm basically thinking "how can rebels in third world countries build devices to connect to the internet with"
[03:21:16] <Grievre> without their government being able to detect or stop them
[03:30:01] <Valen> depends on how keen the govt are to detect them
[03:30:20] <Valen> any means of communications can be detected, basically by definition
[03:31:05] <Valen> if you are going to drive a phone line you will need decent line drivers in order to actually get stuff happening
[03:31:30] <Valen> I'd suggest taking a look at what the alarm companies do and send high speed DTMF
[04:14:42] <clever> Grievre: what about a rs232 level shifter and a plain old dialup modem?
[04:16:02] <clever> Grievre: hmmm, let me find a link...
[04:16:09] <clever> Grievre: http://hackaday.com/2013/01/31/how-a-dial-up-modem-handshake-works/
[04:16:18] <clever> this explains all of the sounds it does
[04:17:13] <clever> but the key to making the entire thing work, is to dial a number with a modem, the govt can just block that number :P
[04:20:27] <megal0maniac> Grievre specing: I have POTS
[04:20:34] <megal0maniac> Because that's all we have
[04:21:38] <megal0maniac> Except for ISDN, but internet runs on POTS
[04:21:43] <megal0maniac> We have little filters and everything :)
[05:29:10] <Roklobsta> they just need a BGAN
[05:29:45] <Roklobsta> teeny little box, gives you ISDN speeds to ytour local geostationary from anywhere in the world
[05:30:17] <Roklobsta> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadband_Global_Area_Network
[05:30:23] <Roklobsta> perfect for rebels on the move
[05:30:42] <Roklobsta> and reporters on USN ships filming tomahawks being launched live to the rebels
[05:55:19] <mitsakos> hello i have a question about AVR timers. When the mcu runs at 8mhz and i set the prescaler of timer0 to 1024 then the timer0 runs at ~ 7812Hz right? which means that it counts 7812 times in a second until overflow occures?
[05:56:01] <clever> mitsakos: that sounds right
[05:57:50] <Roklobsta> nai.
[06:33:35] <OndraSter_> aw he's gone
[06:55:43] <theBear> that sounds poorly worded
[07:02:21] <Roklobsta> hmmm, i call stack shennanigans
[07:02:50] <Roklobsta> a pointer address in one of my functions is being set to 0x0000 inthe middle of the function!
[07:07:11] <twnqx> allocate the right variable sizes
[07:13:44] <Roklobsta> I think it's a PEBKAC but it's subtle
[07:13:53] <Roklobsta> just looking t disassembly
[07:16:20] <twnqx> it normally is
[07:16:37] <twnqx> i was ignoring^Whunting a bug for several month
[07:16:53] <twnqx> that was a off-by-one
[07:19:24] <Roklobsta> mine is a function call: func(&Object->filehandle,etc) Object is 0x156c before then it's 0x0000 upon return and all goes haywire afterwards
[07:19:53] <Roklobsta> Object is a pointer
[07:19:59] <Roklobsta> i am fluffing something
[16:27:43] <Roklobsta> argh does anyone else have issues with the Dragon and JTAG in AS6.1?
[16:28:12] <Roklobsta> it won't program correctly and it doesn't debug correctly. I have to sometime slow the JTAG clock to under 100KHz
[16:28:22] <RikusW> A friend had trouble with his JTAG ICE mkii in AS6
[16:28:31] <RikusW> specifically debugging
[16:29:01] <Roklobsta> it used to work brilliant until 6.1
[16:29:15] <Roklobsta> i am wasting time chasing bugs that may not actually be ther
[16:29:26] <RikusW> debugger bugs ? :-P
[16:29:54] <RikusW> go back to a working version ?
[16:32:25] <chupas> Where is the option to manualy upgrade firmware of an AVRone in AVR studio?
[16:47:27] <Roklobsta> chupas: exactly
[16:47:48] <chupas> OK. i guess I have to use the cmd?
[19:52:58] <Roklobsta> hmmm, switched from Dragon and to mkII-CN and it's better.
[19:58:20] <Roklobsta> how fast do you guys run your JTAG at? 2MHz? 250KHz?