#avr | Logs for 2013-07-20

[00:40:30] <TehGookstuh> so I'm writing code to flash using SPI I'm writing 0xdeadbeef and I'm recieving 9eadbeef. I have a logic analyzer and SPI is writing deadbeef, and it is recieving 9eadbeef, any ideas of what's going on?
[00:42:55] <edman007> TehGookstuh, clockpol/clockphase is wrong on one/both ends
[00:43:26] <edman007> wait...no...then you're other crap would be screwed up
[00:45:06] <edman007> is the ISP actually SPI? avrdude on my raspberry pi bitbangs it, they don't use SPI even though the pins support it...thought maybe the ISP stuff wasn't SPI
[00:45:55] <TehGookstuh> ISP uses SPI to program the AVR
[00:46:40] <edman007> yea, that's what I thought, I dunno, just a guess, I didn't actually look into it... found my patch and gave up with dealing with it
[00:46:52] <MrMobius> TehGookstuh, is it at the wrong speed? other stuff ive done would only be corrupted every 2nd byte when i was bitbanging too fast
[00:47:04] <Casper> weird.... d and 9 have several bits that ain't the same
[00:47:13] <Casper> d = 01100100
[00:47:30] <Casper> e = 00111001
[00:47:46] <Casper> err 9... not e...
[00:47:57] <TehGookstuh> my spi read actually passes back a char to my function
[00:48:06] <TehGookstuh> while my thing is a unsigned int would that actually cause a problem?
[00:48:22] <MrMobius> Casper, d = 1101 and 9 =1001
[00:49:12] <Casper> woops... not ascii d... but hex d...
[00:49:18] <Casper> my bad
[00:49:32] * Casper woke up from a nap... of 4 hours...
[00:49:46] <TehGookstuh> oh it also did 8 and c before
[00:49:49] <TehGookstuh> it did 9
[00:50:02] <Casper> it is possible that the wires are too long
[00:50:22] <MrMobius> TehGookstuh, can you slow things down?
[00:50:31] <TehGookstuh> yes
[00:50:40] <TehGookstuh> I think I'm doing it at max clock speeds
[00:53:49] <TehGookstuh> what's annoying is flash 3.3 and I no has logic converter
[00:53:58] <TehGookstuh> I already burnt one flash chip by forgetting to take it off the boar d:(
[00:54:46] <TehGookstuh> divided clock by 8 instead of 4
[00:54:49] <TehGookstuh> still no cigar :(
[00:57:34] <TehGookstuh> divided it by 128...is it pretty safe to say it's not the clock? haha
[01:03:09] <MrMobius> hrmmm
[01:03:56] <edman007> TehGookstuh, try screwing with clockpol/clockphase
[01:04:25] * edman007 wonders if the state of the clock before the start of the word is affecting it...clockpol should change that
[01:05:56] <MrMobius> TehGookstuh, if you also get 8, 9, and c instead of d, your 2nd and 4th data lines could be floating. are you sure everything is connected well?
[01:06:19] <TehGookstuh> it's spi....O_o
[01:06:27] <MrMobius> woops...
[01:08:35] <TehGookstuh> changing cpol cphase didn't work
[01:15:53] <TehGookstuh> so it's not clock, it's not cpol/cphase
[01:16:02] <TehGookstuh> what else can cause this?
[01:16:54] <Casper> long wire
[01:18:54] <TehGookstuh> it's on a PCB and no more then a couple inches
[02:27:23] <sidgup> Anyone here familiar with XMega?
[02:29:33] <Roklobsta> i bet noone is. xmega is an orphan
[02:31:14] <sidgup> :) too bad, its a pretty awesome part for certain apps
[02:31:44] <sidgup> phew, I have gone crazy over this clock issue.
[02:32:03] <megal0maniac> sidgup: OndraSter__ might be able to help
[02:32:47] <sidgup> Well I hope OndraSter__ sees my request for help. Thanks mega10
[02:33:35] <Roklobsta> sidgup: this channel is plain old AVR heavy
[02:33:52] <Roklobsta> an old colleague likes the xemga
[02:34:18] <sidgup> I will lurk around and hope someone can help or at least confirm the issue
[03:02:57] <megal0maniac> As the banner used to say, "TIMEZONES!" ;)
[03:24:50] <OndraSter__> sug
[03:24:52] <OndraSter__> he is gone
[03:24:58] <OndraSter__> was I supposed to be up that early? :<
[03:25:03] <OndraSter__> did he post the Q anyway?
[03:25:43] <bitd> OndraSter__, so your laziness has caused someone grief? <.<
[03:26:09] <OndraSter__> haha
[03:26:15] <OndraSter__> I went to sleep at 04:45
[03:26:28] <OndraSter__> got up before 10:00 because dad arrived to pick up something
[03:27:11] <bitd> Old people and their nasty habbit of going to bed at acceptable times, will never understand that :P
[03:27:21] <OndraSter__> haha
[03:27:36] <OndraSter__> well my dad gets up at 0500 to go out with the dog
[03:28:23] <bitd> I would build something that goes out with the dog at 0500.
[03:29:03] <bitd> Whats a good place to post my first ever schematic and let people burn it?
[03:35:44] <RikusW> imagebin ?
[03:36:18] <bitd> Haha, no I mean what forum / channel whatever.
[03:38:00] <OndraSter__> eevblog?
[03:41:29] <megal0maniac> OndraSter__: He isn't gone btw
[03:41:37] <megal0maniac> ping sidgup
[03:41:56] <sidgup> Sorry I am here!
[03:42:01] <sidgup> Went to get some food
[03:42:23] <sidgup> Here is the question I had: http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=1084194
[03:45:44] <OndraSter__> sidgup, o hey
[03:45:49] <OndraSter__> what was the xmega stuff?
[03:45:52] <OndraSter__> oh
[03:46:04] <sidgup> Hey! I made a post on avrfreaks: http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=1084194
[03:46:07] <OndraSter__> sorry, I tried tabbing on sig which obv did not work :)
[03:46:26] <sidgup> Thanks for looking at it!
[03:47:05] <OndraSter__> atmel's framework you are using I see
[03:47:16] <OndraSter__> it worked for me fine with CDC, don't remember if I used the 32kHz oscillator though
[03:47:34] <OndraSter__> I wrote then my own USB + CDC stacks, which actually DO have issues with enumeration on some USB hubs, no idea why
[03:48:15] <OndraSter__> like - I can hook it directly to my PC to USB2.0 ports, on 3.0 ports it fails. Same when I connect it to the hub on my LCD monitor (2.0). But if I connect (2.0) hub to my monitor and THEN my board to it, it works
[03:48:19] <OndraSter__> and I do use the 32kHz osc
[03:48:29] <sidgup> hmm, I understand that timing on USB needs to be strict, so stuck with ASF. But this 32khz clock has nothing to do with USB (or should have nothing to do)
[03:48:31] <OndraSter__> might be related
[03:48:39] <OndraSter__> it shouldn't..
[03:48:47] <OndraSter__> can be undiscovered errata
[03:48:58] <OndraSter__> I was devving it on A1U series
[03:49:00] <OndraSter__> err
[03:49:01] <OndraSter__> A4U
[03:49:07] <sidgup> Hmm, possibly. Yes sometimes it works, but mostly it fails.
[03:49:14] <OndraSter__> tested later on A3U and did the same thing
[03:49:19] <OndraSter__> sounds like the same issue I have
[03:49:22] <OndraSter__> with my own stack
[03:50:02] <sidgup> Interesting. Hmm, maybe I should file a bug to get attention from atmel guys
[03:50:14] <OndraSter__> maybe
[03:50:18] <OndraSter__> I will test it later today on my boards then
[03:50:24] <OndraSter__> will you be here later today?
[03:50:34] <OndraSter__> (for me later today :D)
[03:50:42] <sidgup> Probably not, its already 1:40 here and I will be asleep :)
[03:50:45] <OndraSter__> ah
[03:50:50] <sidgup> Could you post to avrfreaks?
[03:50:52] <OndraSter__> US west coast?
[03:50:54] <OndraSter__> sure
[03:50:55] <sidgup> yeah
[03:50:57] <OndraSter__> I think I have an account
[03:51:17] <sidgup> Thank you so much!
[03:51:25] <OndraSter__> or stop by when you have morning and ring me again
[03:51:29] <OndraSter__> I will hopefuly notice it
[03:51:37] <sidgup> Will do
[03:51:44] <OndraSter__> I need to find my boards first though. Haven't touched them in months, busy with other projects
[03:52:04] <bitd> http://www.electronics.gompy.net/counter/counter.jpg - fancy rpm counter.
[03:52:12] <sidgup> no problem! I just neded to make sure I am sane. Bee trying to figure this out for quite a hile now
[03:52:33] <OndraSter__> sidgup, you have no idea how much hair I ripped out on that issue myself
[03:52:43] <OndraSter__> what is weirder - on the hubs it works for me with ASF's code (stock)
[03:52:50] <OndraSter__> but not with my stack
[03:52:57] <OndraSter__> it works with my stack on my laptop. Not on my second laptop.
[03:53:04] <sidgup> wow crazy
[03:53:09] <OndraSter__> windows does not tell you much about the enumeration failure though
[03:53:14] <OndraSter__> I do not have any linux box lying around
[03:53:35] <sidgup> Exactly, that is why I did not trust Windows.
[03:53:37] <OndraSter__> I keep getting either device descriptor request all the time and/or resets only
[03:53:56] <OndraSter__> (I dump a lot of debug data to serial while developing)
[03:54:18] <megal0maniac> OndraSter__: Buy a Seagate Dockstar :D
[03:54:30] <OndraSter__> dockstar?
[03:54:36] <sidgup> I am doing the same.. I have a serial debug
[03:54:58] <megal0maniac> 1.2ghz ARM box with gigabit LAN
[03:55:00] <OndraSter__> I would like to get motherboard for these Sun UltraSPARC processors :)
[03:55:00] <OndraSter__> oh
[03:55:06] <OndraSter__> RPi? :D
[03:55:25] <sidgup> unfortunately this is a tiny but critical component of my otherwise larger project. USB must reliably enumerate and work for data transfer. Anyways thanks! I will check back later
[03:55:49] <megal0maniac> Definitely not :) Similar though, I suppose
[03:56:10] <OndraSter__> I have not bought RPi, I have no use for it
[03:56:30] <megal0maniac> Linux box
[03:56:44] <specing> RPI sucks tbh
[03:56:59] <specing> I don't know whats all this hype around it
[03:57:09] <OndraSter__> neither do I
[03:57:14] <megal0maniac> I have one with torrent client + samba server + dlna server + web server + music player with audio
[03:57:37] <megal0maniac> I would get cubieboard
[03:57:38] <specing> megal0maniac: I have an 5W x86 router for that
[03:57:47] <OndraSter__> megal0maniac, I have Pentium DualCore G550 (sandybridge dualcore) + 8GB RAM sporting WS2008R2 running a buttload of services
[03:57:56] <OndraSter__> (domain, WSUS, WDS, ..
[03:58:00] <OndraSter__> DNS, DHCP
[03:58:11] <OndraSter__> and then ofc torrent and IRC :D
[03:58:14] <specing> OndraSter__ did it right :P
[03:58:25] <megal0maniac> I bought this because anything else (including alix) I'd have to import from overseas and our currency is worth nothing at the moment
[03:58:30] <OndraSter__> wow, I did not expect that from you specing because of the WS2008R2 :D
[03:58:45] <megal0maniac> specing: Well mine does the same minus the power consumption and space :P
[03:58:53] <specing> OndraSter__: I was merely congratulating you on the hardware
[03:58:57] <OndraSter__> oh lol
[03:59:16] <megal0maniac> I have an intel 1155 board here, unopened. But I don't need it
[03:59:20] <specing> Okay guys lets get this power consumption thing straight
[03:59:23] <specing> no seriously
[03:59:26] <megal0maniac> http://i.imgur.com/b63lSRT.jpg
[03:59:35] * megal0maniac listens
[03:59:44] <specing> how much $$ more does a x86 box consume than an embedded arm one?
[03:59:48] <specing> $100/year?
[03:59:54] <OndraSter__> much less
[04:00:02] <megal0maniac> Depends on where you live :P
[04:00:07] <OndraSter__> no idea how is energy priced
[04:00:09] <OndraSter__> @ yours
[04:00:14] <megal0maniac> Electricity is hopelessly expensive here
[04:00:28] <specing> Now how much is your time worth fucking around with those fucking unmaintainable pieces of crap those manufacturers release?
[04:00:31] <megal0maniac> They've doubled the price over 5 years or something
[04:00:34] <OndraSter__> I was/am tempted to make a simple UPS - charge by night when the electricity is much cheaper
[04:00:37] <OndraSter__> and then run on it during the day
[04:00:50] <megal0maniac> specing: Nothing. I'm a student :D
[04:00:51] <OndraSter__> for starters just for the server
[04:01:00] <specing> electricity is 0.20 E / kwh here (including taxes, anal rapes by power company and whatnot)
[04:01:10] <OndraSter__> sounds similar to here specing
[04:01:19] <OndraSter__> because my PC eats a crapton of energy when I game :D
[04:01:24] <OndraSter__> well, not as much as it used to with 8800GTX
[04:01:35] <OndraSter__> and overclocked sandybridge to 4.5GHz
[04:01:51] <OndraSter__> now @ stock sandybridge + GTX660Ti can eat... huh, 300W under load?
[04:02:12] <OndraSter__> I was feeding 8800GTX + Intel's E5200 off 350W fortron for many months
[04:02:19] <specing> I paid 150 euro for that 500 MHz single-core x86 embedded board
[04:02:36] <specing> and unlike ARM shit, this is actually maintained and working
[04:02:38] <OndraSter__> I paid .. 100€ for upgrade of the server (RAM + CPU + board)
[04:02:49] <megal0maniac> Okay ours works out to about the same
[04:02:55] <specing> I bought this thing 4 years ago
[04:03:04] <OndraSter__> my previous board died.. twice
[04:03:05] <OndraSter__> lol
[04:03:06] <OndraSter__> caps..
[04:03:14] <specing> OndraSter__: did you fix it? :P
[04:03:16] <OndraSter__> first time changed half of them - it worked for another 1.5 years
[04:03:20] <OndraSter__> then they died again
[04:03:33] <OndraSter__> I already had replacement on its way, but it died a day before I got to upgrade it
[04:03:44] <megal0maniac> I bet that my Dockstar will still be running in 5 years, if I haven't changed the setup again
[04:03:45] <OndraSter__> and I had to inject drivers into windows to make it boot
[04:03:49] <OndraSter__> on the new board
[04:03:52] <megal0maniac> specing: Also, it's a learning experience
[04:04:05] <specing> I reflowed my 8600M GT GPU on thursday again
[04:04:06] <OndraSter__> learning... you won't use it on any other box
[04:04:15] <OndraSter__> any other box will work differently
[04:04:21] <OndraSter__> hehe
[04:04:21] <megal0maniac> I now know about uboot, mtd stuff, lots of Linux stuff
[04:04:22] <specing> megal0maniac: so will my Alix
[04:04:45] <specing> it'll probably outlive your dockstar since it is an industrial board/meant for harsh conditions
[04:05:06] <specing> and I can update it without worrying that stuff will break
[04:05:13] <megal0maniac> OndraSter__: On the contrary. the uboot and mtd stuff is applicable to pretty much any ARM board and the Linux stuff
[04:05:17] <OndraSter__> don't tell me about alix. I want to kill that board
[04:05:27] <OndraSter__> yes, megal0maniac. I thought it was running something proprietary
[04:05:38] <OndraSter__> OTOH MTD is used on any common router
[04:05:54] <specing> OndraSter__: what?!
[04:05:56] <megal0maniac> OndraSter__: It used to :D
[04:06:03] <OndraSter__> specing, the router at neighbours is alix
[04:06:09] <specing> great ;D
[04:06:13] <OndraSter__> and it is sometimes days when it goes down
[04:06:16] <OndraSter__> and nobody fixes it!
[04:06:28] <megal0maniac> specing: I could buy 6 Dockstars before an Alix becomes viable ;)
[04:06:29] <OndraSter__> I am not the AP admin.
[04:06:30] <specing> so you can't steal their net?
[04:06:39] <OndraSter__> actually I am routed on ethernet to them
[04:06:54] <specing> hah
[04:07:01] <OndraSter__> I have got here Cisco ASA 5505... no idea what to do with it
[04:07:09] <OndraSter__> I mean - who is going to get into double NAT network?
[04:07:52] <OndraSter__> aww the CPUs on Sun are whole modules? :(
[04:07:52] <OndraSter__> http://www.ebay.com/itm/SUN-501-6002-03-X7009A-900MHz-UltraSPARC-III-Cu-CPU-Processor-Module-/151085645090?pt=CPUs&hash=item232d67fd22
[04:07:57] <OndraSter__> I have got just the raw CPUs
[04:08:19] <OndraSter__> like this
[04:08:19] <OndraSter__> http://www.ebay.com/itm/CPU-SUN-ULTRASPARC-IIi-PG1-3-SME-1532-Socket-PGA-980-/190865854263?pt=US_Server_CPUs_Processors&hash=item2c707dcf37
[04:08:33] <megal0maniac> I thought you hated that Sun crap
[04:08:37] <OndraSter__> I do
[04:08:49] <OndraSter__> but hey, I paid 80 CZK shipping + 1 CZK for two UltraSPARC III CPUs + 2GB RAM :))
[04:08:51] <OndraSter__> 20 CZK = $1
[04:09:13] <OndraSter__> plus I hate the bloody thin clients we have at school
[04:09:38] <twnqx> OndraSter__: nothing wrong with double NAT networks as long as your ALGs are good :P
[04:09:48] <OndraSter__> I have no public access to anything
[04:09:57] <OndraSter__> actually I do now since I got VPS, thanks to tunelling
[04:10:14] <specing> OndraVPSter?
[04:10:36] <OndraSter__> ports 8080 and 3390 (-> 3389) are tunelled to this server at home
[04:10:41] <OndraSter__> 8080 -> 80
[04:11:11] <megal0maniac> My network is probably horribly insecure
[04:11:40] <OndraSter__> so I was making my homepage tonight (that's why I went to sleep that late)
[04:11:41] <OndraSter__> http://www.moravek.info/
[04:11:43] <megal0maniac> Shouldn't say that here actually :)
[04:11:46] <OndraSter__> drafting some design
[04:12:14] <megal0maniac> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
[04:12:17] <megal0maniac> Classy
[04:12:23] <OndraSter__> I do not know how it goes further from top of my head :D
[04:12:30] <OndraSter__> (I think that after that it is random)
[04:12:41] <OndraSter__> or is the whole first paragraph the same always?
[04:12:57] * megal0maniac shrugs
[04:13:42] <twnqx> so ummm
[04:13:50] <twnqx> if you have a vps... why keep the webserver at home?
[04:14:02] <OndraSter__> webserver is a minor minor minor thing
[04:14:17] <OndraSter__> http://clip2net.com/s/5qdVii
[04:14:19] <OndraSter__> this runs at home
[04:14:23] <OndraSter__> + IRC and torrent
[04:15:19] <specing> -1 for no "Windows Botnet Services" in that list
[04:15:29] <OndraSter__> :P
[04:16:27] <megal0maniac> I have everything on a $35 box :D
[04:16:33] <OndraSter__> you have samba
[04:16:38] <OndraSter__> which is faaar from AD
[04:16:57] <megal0maniac> Meh
[04:17:05] <megal0maniac> Don't need a domain here
[04:17:20] <megal0maniac> Half the machines in the house are in my room
[04:17:23] <OndraSter__> it eased me a lot of things. Plus thanks to domain I can do distributed updates via WSUS
[04:17:25] <twnqx> i have NFS which stops me from upgrading windows :P
[04:17:59] <twnqx> since MS gracefully scrapped it from all windows 8 versions available to normal people
[04:18:15] <OndraSter__> :o
[04:18:15] <megal0maniac> CIFS now, right?
[04:18:35] <twnqx> NFS was always the unix variant
[04:18:44] <twnqx> i horribly fail to set up samba
[04:18:56] <twnqx> so utterly overcomplicated
[04:19:00] <specing> took me a while to figure out how to set it up
[04:19:05] <specing> its not that complicated
[04:19:18] <OndraSter__> yeah, right click -> options -> share..
[04:19:21] <OndraSter__> :P
[04:19:21] <twnqx> i remember that back in win98 days i got it to work
[04:19:36] <specing> I have a working samba share with a windows7 computer
[04:19:51] <OndraSter__> I have a working network share with a windows 7 computer from WS2008R2 server :P
[04:20:00] <twnqx> OndraSter__: i remember someone saying that a windows server with 20TB storage can cause a week downtime while FS check runs on NTFS after an unclean shutdown
[04:20:01] <OndraSter__> to many computers
[04:20:10] <OndraSter__> no idea twnqx
[04:20:13] <OndraSter__> I don't have 20TB storage
[04:20:23] <twnqx> neither have i, would be unsufficient
[04:20:36] <twnqx> also, no software raid 6 iirc
[04:20:50] <OndraSter__> 2TB drive check with a bajilion of files takes maybe 5 minutes on my PC
[04:21:22] <twnqx> like i said, wouldn't be enough for me :P
[04:21:29] <OndraSter__> and I had only one unclean shutdown on the new setup (surprisingly only one!) - when the power went out
[04:21:29] <OndraSter__> actually twice, the power went out first when the floods started and then when it ended
[04:21:37] <OndraSter__> wow, huge netsplit
[04:21:45] <OndraSter__> well fsck takes ages for me in VM
[04:21:50] <twnqx> i had a power outage...
[04:21:56] <twnqx> 16 days ago.
[04:22:04] <OndraSter__> that's not power outage anymore
[04:22:16] <OndraSter__> they wanted you to commit a suicide
[04:22:22] <twnqx> nah, it was a few hours in the middle of the night
[04:22:32] <twnqx> 11:07:29 up 16 days, 5:39, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
[04:22:42] <twnqx> so power was back ~5:30
[04:22:44] <OndraSter__> oh, 16 days AGO. I forgot the AGO because of the 43 people
[04:22:53] <OndraSter__> I thought the power outage was for 16 days :D
[04:22:56] <twnqx> lol
[04:23:04] <OndraSter__> I have got 18 days
[04:23:18] <twnqx> i have to rewire my fileserver
[04:23:21] <OndraSter__> or was the power outage 18 days ago and not when the floods ended... hmm
[04:23:23] <OndraSter__> can't remember
[04:23:27] <OndraSter__> either that or I was installing updates
[04:23:33] <OndraSter__> it was that time of the month
[04:23:36] <megal0maniac> SHTAP!
[04:23:44] <OndraSter__> STAHP WITH TEH NETSPLITZ
[04:23:44] <twnqx> i can't get the IPMI to work on the current ethernet interface i am using :(
[04:24:18] <OndraSter__> actually did I tell you how I have those four IBM thin clients that can boot off NFS?
[04:24:20] <twnqx> and well, it waits for the crypto password...
[04:24:22] <OndraSter__> they can load the kernel off NFS
[04:24:28] <twnqx> any PC can
[04:24:32] <OndraSter__> well, I installed NFS server on this WS
[04:24:35] <twnqx> (if it has PXE)
[04:24:37] <OndraSter__> it worked
[04:24:48] <OndraSter__> then I installed NFS on one VM
[04:24:53] <OndraSter__> it just refused to work ><
[04:25:00] <megal0maniac> That's like TFTP
[04:25:04] <twnqx> the only thing i use PXE for is remote BIOS upgrade though... to boot DOS :D
[04:25:09] <OndraSter__> well you need PXE. this thin client has NFS built into the "BIOS"
[04:25:13] <twnqx> ah
[04:25:15] <OndraSter__> I use PXE to install any PC
[04:25:22] <OndraSter__> because WDS
[04:25:25] <OndraSter__> awesome feature
[04:25:34] <megal0maniac> I use a flash drive :)
[04:25:50] <twnqx> yeah, netboot to install is convenient :)
[04:25:55] <specing> Is it possible to "netboot" windows so that it requires < 4GB ram for itself?
[04:26:01] <OndraSter__> he?
[04:26:09] <OndraSter__> as in WinPE?
[04:26:17] <specing> idk, I'd like to run it diskless
[04:26:36] <twnqx> doesn't windows require swap?
[04:26:38] <OndraSter__> Win8 supports diskless run out of stock... no idea if it can do PXE though
[04:26:39] <OndraSter__> no
[04:26:44] <OndraSter__> I have been running without swap on my PC for years
[04:26:49] <twnqx> ah, then i remmeber wrong
[04:26:51] <OndraSter__> (who needs swap when you have 16 and now 24GB RAM)
[04:27:21] <twnqx> maybe it was older systems
[04:27:40] <specing> OndraSter__: can it confine itself to 4GB ram (I have 8) without doing iSCSI?
[04:27:50] <OndraSter__> no idea
[04:27:51] <megal0maniac> I need swap
[04:27:57] <megal0maniac> 128mb RAM :)
[04:27:59] <twnqx> lol
[04:28:00] <OndraSter__> I have never tried running it off PXE directly
[04:28:02] <OndraSter__> only installed
[04:28:08] <twnqx> hm, i have a 96MB pc, too
[04:28:10] <OndraSter__> I am running without swap on 2GB RAM and win 7 lol
[04:28:10] <specing> Try it! :D
[04:28:16] <OndraSter__> I have got 24? 32MB? RAM laptop
[04:28:20] <OndraSter__> that runs W2000
[04:28:23] <OndraSter__> :P
[04:28:26] <twnqx> really?
[04:28:28] <OndraSter__> yes
[04:28:32] <OndraSter__> takes like 5 or 10 mins to boot
[04:28:36] <twnqx> i could update py pentium mmx laptop to w2k then
[04:28:37] <OndraSter__> and then another 20 to do anything serious
[04:28:48] <twnqx> from 98!
[04:28:57] <OndraSter__> I was running W2000 on Pentium I just fine
[04:28:58] <megal0maniac> I think it was W2000 SP3 that was the first Windows OS where you could plug in a flash drive without needing a driver CD
[04:29:00] <OndraSter__> or was it P MMX..
[04:29:01] <megal0maniac> Good times
[04:29:09] <OndraSter__> 133MHz overclocked to 200MHz!
[04:29:22] <twnqx> i never ran w2k
[04:29:31] <OndraSter__> it had 128MB RAM I think
[04:29:36] <megal0maniac> It's great for older machines
[04:29:36] <twnqx> i think i went 95c -> 98se -> xp sp1 -> 7
[04:29:42] <OndraSter__> I sold it for a few beers many years ago
[04:29:47] <megal0maniac> twnqx: No vista? :P
[04:29:55] <twnqx> no
[04:30:01] <twnqx> no me or 2k either
[04:30:01] <megal0maniac> good
[04:30:08] <OndraSter__> I used vista for 2 years just fine
[04:30:13] <OndraSter__> between Vista SP1 and Win7
[04:30:24] <megal0maniac> It got better later
[04:30:32] <twnqx> i... rarely boot windows in the first place
[04:30:50] <twnqx> only use it for two things
[04:31:03] <twnqx> a) games, and b) hardsubbing video with @fonts
[04:31:37] <twnqx> i should try to install a win 7 VM
[04:31:43] <twnqx> with all core
[04:31:44] <twnqx> s
[04:31:48] <twnqx> or hm
[04:31:53] <OndraSter__> I run everything in vmware
[04:31:54] <twnqx> does win xp handle 8 cores?
[04:31:58] <OndraSter__> it should, yes
[04:32:06] <twnqx> then i could just reinstall the XP
[04:32:10] <OndraSter__> why XP
[04:32:11] <OndraSter__> nowadays
[04:32:16] <twnqx> because it's sufficient
[04:32:21] <OndraSter__> it is not!
[04:32:31] <OndraSter__> even at school (where I work) we are switching to 7 this summer!
[04:32:32] <twnqx> and the UIs are getting worse every time MS touches them
[04:32:43] <theBear> xp isn't sufficient <grin> it is the only one i use if i gotta do something to a iphone repair, but well, it's windows, not sufficient
[04:32:45] <OndraSter__> Win7 has the best UI. Don't get me started about 8 though
[04:32:46] <megal0maniac> OndraSter__: Wow
[04:32:55] <megal0maniac> Can't believe we're ahead of you :P
[04:32:56] <theBear> saw win8 the first time ever for a repair last week, it was FUCKED ! i couldn't find shit
[04:32:59] <OndraSter__> haha megal0maniac
[04:33:06] <OndraSter__> well they had this IT admin
[04:33:08] <OndraSter__> that did... well nothing
[04:33:17] <OndraSter__> 7 years they were talking about windows domain instead of the novell
[04:33:18] <OndraSter__> nope
[04:33:21] <twnqx> OndraSter__: and i prefer to run my VMs with maybe 2GB ram
[04:33:21] <theBear> if someone sold me a laptop that did that when i turned it on, i'd take it back, that's not a computer !
[04:33:37] <twnqx> theBear: i'd take it back if there was windows on it :P
[04:33:40] <theBear> at the moment my vms run a gig or less
[04:33:47] <theBear> fortunately i don't buy computers
[04:33:48] <OndraSter__> when I started in... may? one of the teachers got 3 new servers
[04:33:50] <OndraSter__> well, "new"
[04:33:57] <OndraSter__> two quadcore Xeons, 24GB RAM
[04:34:13] <OndraSter__> discontinued in major czech search engine
[04:34:18] <theBear> i got a new machine i almost ready to put into everyday replacement for this, 2gb core2duo :)
[04:34:20] <OndraSter__> he got 'em cheaply
[04:34:30] <theBear> my server is 1ghz p3 and it kicks ass !
[04:34:32] <OndraSter__> so we kept 2, installed WS2012 on them (meh, I prefer 2008R2's UI)
[04:34:39] <twnqx> theBear: that's kind of machine i want to get rid off for my dad
[04:34:45] <theBear> i bet in ANY test it'll beat those 2 you installed window on !
[04:34:48] <twnqx> unusable
[04:34:51] <twnqx> even HE complains it's too slow
[04:35:12] <OndraSter__> haha my mum had .. athlon 1.2GHz I gave her, but it was terribly slow
[04:35:12] <theBear> meh, this p4 is very usable, but the core2 is FAST
[04:35:15] <theBear> with a real os of course
[04:35:18] <twnqx> lol fast
[04:35:21] <OndraSter__> lol fast
[04:35:29] <theBear> i use a xp1800+ for my music computer, kicks ass
[04:35:31] <twnqx> mom's q6600 is kind of ok
[04:35:34] <theBear> the secret is... don't use windows !
[04:35:37] <OndraSter__> so I bought her dualcore ATOM (with HT! virtual quadcore!) with 2GB RAM
[04:35:38] <pWNAGE> I have the q6600
[04:35:40] <OndraSter__> in miniITX form factor
[04:35:41] <pWNAGE> at 4 ghz though
[04:35:42] <pWNAGE> :p
[04:35:47] <twnqx> it's at stock
[04:35:52] <OndraSter__> I can haz i5-2500k.. at 4.5GHz though
[04:36:06] <pWNAGE> OndraSter__, I'll buy a 2500k in a year or two
[04:36:08] <twnqx> and i guess dad's problem is a) 2GB ram + win 7 ultimate 64bit, b) 80GB platter hdd
[04:36:12] <pWNAGE> next logical upgrade from the q6600 imo.
[04:36:13] <theBear> heck, i got a no moving parts machine i recently upgraded from 400 celery to 600something p3 and it's FAST for desktop use... guess if it runs windows
[04:36:20] <OndraSter__> pWNAGE, not really, 1155 is ending
[04:36:31] <theBear> heh, my core2 has 5 80gb drives <grin>
[04:36:34] <twnqx> i have a 4770K atm
[04:36:37] <pWNAGE> OndraSter__, I'm using a q6600, I don't care about whats ending right now :p
[04:36:44] <OndraSter__> my toshiba tablet PC runs win7 32bit on 2GB RAM and no swap
[04:36:54] <OndraSter__> I even ran debian VM with MS's OneNote and Opera next to it!
[04:36:57] <OndraSter__> 50MB RAM LEFT!
[04:37:10] <twnqx> OndraSter__: it takes almost 5 minutes before he can start firefox
[04:37:15] <theBear> my netbook had win7 for 10 minutes when i bought it... 8 of them were booting :) now it's FAST
[04:37:17] <OndraSter__> haha
[04:37:20] <OndraSter__> I have got SSD in it
[04:37:34] <theBear> ffox loads in maybe 15 seconds WITH all my tabs
[04:37:36] <twnqx> yeah, i guess some 80GB ssd + 2 more GB ram would solve his problem
[04:37:42] <OndraSter__> well ff takes ages to load on anything :D
[04:37:51] <twnqx> not really
[04:37:58] <OndraSter__> (jk)
[04:37:59] <twnqx> 5s or so on my desktop
[04:38:03] <OndraSter__> I switched to Opera years ago
[04:38:07] <twnqx> with 160 tabs in 3 windows
[04:38:14] <OndraSter__> but now that O15 is out I want to puke :(
[04:38:26] <OndraSter__> and cry
[04:38:34] <twnqx> but well, i want to replace the cpu in my fileserver (i3 2100)
[04:38:35] <OndraSter__> I will keep using O12.15 or 12.16 forever
[04:38:42] <twnqx> for a smallish e3 xeon
[04:38:50] <pWNAGE> E3 xeons are nice
[04:39:09] <pWNAGE> going to build 3 E3 broadwell machines next year for my rack
[04:39:11] <twnqx> so i'd have a spare cpu... and sinc ei just retired my i7 950...
[04:39:11] <pWNAGE> I wont be using them myself
[04:39:14] <OndraSter__> oh NOT AGAIN
[04:39:31] <twnqx> well, retired.. it's somewhere in the back of my room
[04:39:32] <OndraSter__> freenode, Y U SO NETSPLIT
[04:39:41] <twnqx> netsplits?
[04:39:45] <OndraSter__> you don't see them?
[04:39:47] <twnqx> oh, i don't have joins/parts
[04:39:50] <OndraSter__> few minutes ago 44 people getting disconnected?
[04:39:51] <OndraSter__> oh
[04:40:06] <twnqx> too much noise
[04:40:10] <OndraSter__> idd
[04:40:43] <twnqx> i should sell my old PC crap
[04:40:54] <twnqx> (anyone needs a quad-quadcore opteron with 32GB ram?)
[04:41:04] <megal0maniac> Yes
[04:41:14] <twnqx> that eats 600W idle? :S
[04:41:28] <pWNAGE> $.10/kWh here
[04:41:29] <pWNAGE> :p
[04:42:00] <OndraSter__> my brother has got Pentium D 840 or 830 or similar :D
[04:42:06] <OndraSter__> eats 130W in idle I guess
[04:42:14] <twnqx> my desktop eats 50W idle
[04:42:16] <twnqx> :/
[04:42:22] <OndraSter__> otherwise I can't explain the heatsink getting ridiculously hot even when idle @ full fan speed :D
[04:42:29] <OndraSter__> no idea how much mine eats
[04:42:30] <theBear> i switched to opera few years ago, but depending on the year it has trouble with too many pages
[04:42:33] <OndraSter__> but I am sure that not much
[04:42:45] <RikusW> My G2020 eats something like 2W :-D
[04:42:55] <OndraSter__> i5 and GTX660Ti are a lot efficient in idle
[04:43:04] <SleepersTide``> my desktop is almost never idle, so it's not really relevant
[04:43:05] <RikusW> err *20W
[04:43:09] <RikusW> max 55W
[04:43:50] <RikusW> one core is 18C the other 15C :)
[04:44:04] <RikusW> about room tmep
[04:44:09] <twnqx> my cpu cores are rarely below room temperature :/
[04:44:11] <OndraSter__> was just about to ask :D
[04:44:18] <OndraSter__> they can't be below room temperature
[04:44:28] <twnqx> that depends on the cooling...
[04:44:36] <twnqx> compressor cooling can get you there :P
[04:44:37] <OndraSter__> unless you have a freezer on it
[04:44:39] <OndraSter__> yes
[04:44:41] <twnqx> or peltier
[04:44:42] <OndraSter__> do you have one? :D
[04:44:52] <twnqx> nah, mine idles at room+5°C
[04:44:55] <twnqx> roughly
[04:45:02] <twnqx> since they put the voltage regulators into the haswlel
[04:45:07] <OndraSter__> i have seen compressor cooling ONCE. And it was when they were doing record overclock and CPU was under LN2
[04:45:11] <OndraSter__> aye
[04:45:15] <megal0maniac> Don't talk about peltier. We're trying to be efficient
[04:45:17] <pWNAGE> lol haslel
[04:45:27] <twnqx> but the speed of that thing...
[04:45:32] <OndraSter__> new PCs will be soon SoC :P
[04:45:34] <twnqx> that really was a leap from my i7 950
[04:45:41] <OndraSter__> haha
[04:45:43] <SleepersTide``> OndraSter__: what, LN2 + compressor..?
[04:45:49] <OndraSter__> LN2 CPU, compressor chipset
[04:45:55] <SleepersTide> ah, I see
[04:45:58] <OndraSter__> I went from E5200 to i5-2500k :D
[04:45:58] <megal0maniac> I have two Sandybridge machines and I feel left behind
[04:46:05] <OndraSter__> and from 4GB RAM to 16GB RAM
[04:46:14] <megal0maniac> 2400 and 2450M
[04:46:32] <megal0maniac> And 4gb RAM :/
[04:46:44] <OndraSter__> I originally wanted to upgrade to 8GB RAM
[04:46:49] <OndraSter__> but DDR2 was expensive already
[04:47:01] <OndraSter__> my motherboard supported DDR3 as well (ASUS P5KC) but 4GB max lol
[04:47:08] <pWNAGE> I have 8 gb of ddr2 in this machine
[04:47:16] <OndraSter__> so I rather bought half of new computer
[04:47:17] <pWNAGE> was $20 from a guy on craigslist
[04:47:27] <pWNAGE> 1066 mhz, I'm not complaining
[04:47:32] <pWNAGE> cheaper than 8 gb of ddr3 at the time
[04:47:48] <RikusW> I got 8GB DDR3 for $50
[04:48:51] <OndraSter__> I got 16GB DDR3 for $110 2.5 years ago
[04:48:52] <twnqx> i got 16 for 120€
[04:49:00] <OndraSter__> that was 4x4GB
[04:49:03] <twnqx> but it's gamer ram :D
[04:49:03] <OndraSter__> two 2x4GB kits
[04:49:12] <OndraSter__> and another 16GB DDR3 (2x8GB) for $50 half a year ago
[04:49:12] <specing> Its sad how its cheaper to upgrade the whole machine than a specific part of it
[04:49:12] <twnqx> 1kit, 2x8 CL8
[04:49:18] <OndraSter__> specing, evolution
[04:49:25] <twnqx> also futile
[04:49:29] <twnqx> new cpus, new sockets
[04:49:41] <twnqx> i only kept the graphics card for my haswell
[04:49:53] <twnqx> gtx460 is good enough for most things
[04:50:00] <twnqx> well, and the drives
[04:50:01] <specing> by the time that I will need more RAM (I have 16GB), DDR4 will be out and it'll be cheaper to buy new mobo/cpu/RAM
[04:50:05] <megal0maniac> And the DVD writer and PSU and case and drives?
[04:50:11] <twnqx> bd writer*
[04:50:19] <OndraSter__> I like how on H61 and Z67 motherboards (no idea if others as well, let alone with those lucid crap) you can use both integrated AND dedicated
[04:50:19] <megal0maniac> Optical thingy :)
[04:50:21] <twnqx> and no, not the case
[04:50:27] <specing> I don't have an optical drive
[04:50:37] <OndraSter__> neither do I
[04:50:39] <specing> the case is an old pentium 4 one
[04:50:47] <twnqx> the old case didn't have good USB 3.0 conectors
[04:50:50] <specing> with all the vents covered with tape
[04:51:00] <OndraSter__> I am using case from some HP OEM stuff
[04:51:26] <specing> Also they can't make a single case that would have the buttons on the back plate
[04:51:27] <OndraSter__> spent nearly $100 on it. Sold original PSU (750W from... delta electronics? Not a band brand) for $50 :D
[04:51:31] <specing> so I rigged them up
[04:54:53] <specing> twnqx: by the time I'll have to upgrade this one, there will be no sockets anymore
[04:55:09] <specing> they finaly figured out that upgrading doesen't pay off
[04:55:18] <twnqx> the problem is
[04:55:27] <twnqx> you will only get 100% shit then
[04:55:51] <twnqx> not even semi-decent
[04:55:53] <twnqx> pure shit.
[04:56:40] <specing> Like you aren't getting 100% shit already
[04:57:03] <specing> doubt you are buying ECC ram/enterprise machines
[04:57:09] <twnqx> uhhh
[04:57:12] <twnqx> let me think
[04:57:16] <specing> because they are ridiculously expensive
[04:57:27] <twnqx> 32gb reg ecc in said quad opteron
[04:57:35] <twnqx> 24GB in my current internet server
[04:57:41] <specing> how much did you pay for it?
[04:57:43] <twnqx> 16gb in the fileserver in my basement
[04:57:45] <twnqx> idk
[04:57:53] <twnqx> and i don't care, you get what you pay for
[04:58:02] <specing> YES
[04:58:10] <specing> < twnqx> you will only get 100% shit then
[04:58:15] <specing> you get what you pay for.
[04:58:26] <twnqx> there won't be decent stuff ON OFFER any more
[04:58:40] <twnqx> cl8 or cl7 ram? get the soldered on cl9 or gtfo
[04:58:56] <twnqx> it's slow? we don't care about the 0.1% who are willing to pay for faster
[04:59:14] <specing> sure there will be... enterprise gear will stay enterprise
[04:59:21] <twnqx> fast ram is not enterprise
[04:59:24] <twnqx> enterprise doesn't care
[04:59:57] <specing> also RAMs are going to stay socketed for some time
[05:00:05] <twnqx> enterprise won't care that my dual channel haswell has better memory performance than my old triple channel i7
[05:00:24] <specing> they don't care now either
[05:00:34] <twnqx> yeah, but vendors will sell you what you want
[05:00:38] <twnqx> it's "enthusiast" range
[05:00:44] <twnqx> like K series cpus
[05:00:55] <specing> there will still be enthusiast ranges
[05:01:05] <twnqx> broadwell most likely won't have one
[05:01:08] <specing> the K series will stay socketed for quite some time
[05:01:20] <specing> if not forever
[05:01:29] <twnqx> i would not bet on it
[05:01:43] <twnqx> well, it probably will be always a year or two late
[05:01:53] <twnqx> like xeons/6+core cpus today
[05:01:58] <specing> the enthusiast CPUs lack behind their normal by a year
[05:02:05] <specing> s/lack/lag/
[05:02:19] <twnqx> no, quadcore K haswell was same day as all others
[05:02:36] <specing> Im talking about the real enthusiast ones
[05:02:42] <specing> the 6 core ones
[05:02:49] <twnqx> yeah, but those all-new ones are crap
[05:02:52] <twnqx> ivy bridge
[05:02:59] <twnqx> still no avx2, fma, etc
[05:03:23] <twnqx> which is why i skipped both sandy and ivy bridge
[05:07:27] <twnqx> i'll probably get a haswell-e next year
[05:08:22] <OndraSter__> I won't be upgrading for years now
[05:09:40] <twnqx> i want more cores
[05:09:51] <OndraSter__> Iam fine with 4 for no
[05:09:53] <OndraSter__> w
[05:09:55] <twnqx> sadly i am kind of IO bound atm
[05:10:20] <twnqx> so i have to figure out how to solve that, a 250GB ramdisk still seems out of question
[05:10:55] <theBear> 250gb ssd are pretty cheap at the moment, still gotta pass the data thru the io subsystem, just less delays than a disk
[05:11:00] <twnqx> nah
[05:11:02] <theBear> specially on random accesses
[05:11:08] <twnqx> i'd kill those SSDs like crazy
[05:11:24] <twnqx> i'm talking 220GB temp data per hour
[05:11:43] <OndraSter__> holy crpa
[05:11:45] <OndraSter__> crap*
[05:11:47] <twnqx> being there for another hour, being wiped again
[05:11:50] <theBear> i did the maths on early consumer ones about 5 years back, with a few imaginary loads/uses they lasted at least as long as current hd specs woulda lasted everytime
[05:12:06] <twnqx> yeah, but the usage pattern is not typical
[05:12:16] <twnqx> it's "write 220GB, read it delete it, start over"
[05:12:31] <theBear> my maths were including windows swap usage....
[05:12:55] <theBear> you still get something like several hundred thousand cycles if you just write the whole disc continuously from end to end
[05:13:16] <twnqx> that's not quite what e.g. crucial says
[05:13:16] <theBear> and that was several years ago, lookup some specs and math it, don't listen to casual comments from the idiots that write reviews/articles
[05:13:26] <theBear> have you looked at their specs ?
[05:13:44] <theBear> sales pages and faqs are the same as the idiots that write articles
[05:13:47] <theBear> work on hard numbers
[05:14:20] <twnqx> cfrucial guarantees 72TB write on their 960GB drives
[05:14:50] <theBear> USE THE NUMBERS
[05:14:54] <twnqx> if my maths end up i can easily require 1TB/day
[05:15:06] <theBear> also like ram these days, i feel nonames are better value
[05:15:42] <twnqx> dunno, i like my kingston lifetime warrante
[05:15:45] <twnqx> warranty*
[05:16:03] <theBear> yeah, but if it breaks 5 years after you got it, you think they gonna have ANYTHING that'll still fit in that slot ?
[05:16:18] <twnqx> i usually don't have PCs that long
[05:16:25] <theBear> also, all ram is unlikely to die if it lasts a year
[05:16:34] <theBear> and if you don't have a pc that long, who gives a fuck about lifetime warranty ?
[05:17:10] <twnqx> well, i'd like my storage to last more than 3 months
[05:17:14] <theBear> and if you planning on a few short years, noname for half the price is likely to be an overall gain after a few years, even if one or two sticks DO die
[05:17:46] <twnqx> noname doesn't have the performance ram i want for my desktop, and i rarely find unregistered ecc noname ram
[05:18:06] <theBear> mmm, i aint needed any ecc for a few years, but in that case you probly right
[05:18:37] <twnqx> otherwise i don't care either
[05:18:44] <twnqx> but well, there's not much "otherwise" :P
[05:18:49] <theBear> yeah
[05:19:06] <twnqx> my htpc, i only cared about low power/low voltage
[05:19:21] <twnqx> laptop.. i don't even know hat vendor is inside
[05:19:22] <theBear> still in ssd land, look at the specs and do some maths yerself, what i found was reality was VERY different to what anyone else said in the wide wide world of web
[05:19:44] <theBear> and it's been 5+ years now, my maths were right :)
[05:20:10] <twnqx> i'll agree that the 72TB of micron is crap
[05:20:34] <twnqx> since they put the very same same numbers on 120, 240, 480 and 960GB drives
[05:20:48] <twnqx> 72TB. each.
[05:20:50] <RikusW> not so clever... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhxqIITtTtU
[05:21:44] <twnqx> lol
[05:38:25] <mr_boo> should it be possible to clock an avr with this kind of oscillator? http://www.carmi.se/misterstarshine/img/IMG_1726.JPG
[05:39:26] <twnqx> you can clock it with either two pin crystals, or anything that outputs logic levels of the right voltage
[05:39:31] <twnqx> (afaik)
[05:40:49] <mr_boo> i've set the fuses to accept an external clock signal
[05:40:56] <mr_boo> but nothing happens
[05:41:14] <OndraSter__> ar you connecting the external clock to the right pin?
[05:41:43] <mr_boo> "XTAL1" is pin 5 on the ATtiny2313
[05:42:47] <twnqx> link the datasheet of that thing
[05:43:21] <mr_boo> http://www.atmel.com/images/doc2543.pdf
[05:43:25] <mr_boo> maybe i've been sloppy
[05:44:27] <twnqx> of the crystall.
[05:44:30] <twnqx> not the avr
[05:45:08] <mr_boo> hmm
[05:45:19] <mr_boo> the xtal has only 4 pins
[05:45:29] <twnqx> so?
[05:45:40] <twnqx> could still just be two or three used
[05:45:59] <mr_boo> can't see why this xtal should have a different pinout than most other 4 pin xtals
[05:46:02] <twnqx> unless you have a datasheet we won't really be able to help oyu
[05:46:13] <mr_boo> haven't found a sheet on this particular one though
[05:48:01] <mr_boo> don't have my big oscilloscope in my new apartment :(
[05:48:09] <mr_boo> darn
[05:48:24] <twnqx> also, you don't know if this is a pure crystal, or a powered oscillator, and if it has an enable signal or not
[05:48:38] <mr_boo> good thought
[05:48:56] <mr_boo> usually pin 1 is N.C. but maybe this one has an enable function
[05:51:12] <mr_boo> still no success
[05:51:16] <mr_boo> darn crystal
[05:51:46] <braincracker> h
[05:52:23] <twnqx> if you have a voltmeter
[05:52:32] <mr_boo> i do
[05:52:38] <twnqx> you should measure 0.5vcc at the output if it's running...
[05:52:53] <braincracker> that thing looks like an oscillator
[05:52:59] <twnqx> exactly
[05:53:07] <twnqx> btw: enable is normally at vcc, too
[05:53:15] <twnqx> so "on" with enable=vcc
[05:53:43] <twnqx> and then you can only hope that it's the right voltage
[05:53:56] <braincracker> i have a good question now, temperature control software, with calibration
[05:53:57] <twnqx> i have at least 2.5V, 3.3V, 5V oscillators around
[05:54:12] <braincracker> and multiple temperature sensor types
[05:55:51] <braincracker> would you just simply calibrate a few points, or add transfer functions too?
[05:58:33] <twnqx> i would check a few points and see if it's linear enough or not
[05:59:26] <braincracker> cosine interpolation
[06:08:11] <braincracker> cubic interpolation
[06:12:35] <mr_boo> i measured the voltage on the output pin of the xtal to be 1.35V
[06:13:06] <mr_boo> is that indicating that it is running?
[06:13:22] <twnqx> if vcc is roughly 2.7, maybe 3.3V...
[06:14:12] <twnqx> was it 1.35 with the avr connected, or without?
[06:14:49] <mr_boo> i'm using 5V to the xtal and the output is 1.35V regardless if it is connected to the avr or not
[06:15:50] <twnqx> then you might have a problem. that's half of what it should be
[06:15:57] <twnqx> are you sure it's a 5V oscillator?
[06:17:53] <mr_boo> no
[06:18:28] <mr_boo> maybe it wont run at 5V
[06:18:40] <twnqx> maybe it's already dead :P
[06:20:24] <mr_boo> the reason i use a standalone xtal is that i want to clock a bunch of ATtinys with it
[06:21:22] <mr_boo> i've used such xtals before
[06:21:32] <mr_boo> but this one came from an old soundcard
[06:22:10] <twnqx> you can always use the clkout pin from the first and use a normal crystal
[06:22:23] <twnqx> (ok, not always. not if you need to use the pin for something else, obviously)
[06:23:04] <mr_boo> so that would make one attiny the master and let the xtal2 pin drive the xtal1 inputs on the rest?
[06:23:28] <twnqx> no, there's a dedictaed clkout pin on some
[06:23:38] <twnqx> has to be fuse enabled as well, i think
[06:24:05] <twnqx> ckout/pd2 in your cas
[06:24:06] <twnqx> e
[06:24:26] <mr_boo> hmm
[06:24:41] <twnqx> and xtal1/2 go to... well, an xtal :P
[06:24:51] <twnqx> or a resonator.
[06:25:14] <mr_boo> i've got a running ATmega8515 on the same board maybe i could configure that one to output its clock frequency
[06:25:19] <twnqx> anyway, i'm out. bbl
[06:25:28] <mr_boo> thanks twnqx
[06:26:00] <mr_boo> seeya
[06:27:23] <RikusW> mr_boo: thats a rather old mega
[06:27:37] <RikusW> afaik
[06:27:50] <mr_boo> i've used it in a bunch of projects
[06:27:59] <mr_boo> love its features
[06:28:02] <theBear> first series, they were awesome
[06:28:10] <theBear> pretty sure abc's first chip too
[06:28:17] <theBear> they were definately on the abcmaxi boards
[06:28:21] <RikusW> there is at908515 too
[06:28:24] <RikusW> at90s
[06:28:29] <RikusW> thats OLD
[06:28:48] <mr_boo> i've ordered a Teensy 3.0 btw
[06:29:10] <theBear> yep, first series
[06:29:31] <theBear> mega8515 is the 'nice name' for 90s8515
[06:29:43] <theBear> back then no chips had mega in the p/n
[06:30:59] <RikusW> its a newer version of the at90s, slightly different
[06:31:50] <theBear> you sure ? hmm, i'm not one to not admit a mistake
[06:31:55] <theBear> so, oops :)
[06:32:15] <theBear> 2nd series then i guess
[06:41:13] <mr_boo> i've set the fuses now so that the ATtiny2313 should operate at internal rc with no prescaler
[06:41:31] <mr_boo> that should give me an automatic 8MHz without the need of external components?
[06:43:58] <RikusW> theBear: iirc its almost the same, its like mega8 and mega8A
[06:45:35] <mr_boo> is "r0" used as a general working register?
[06:45:54] <mr_boo> trying to get this code to work with an ATtiny2313 http://www.myplace.nu/avr/minidds/minidds.asm
[06:47:45] <theBear> yeah or 90s2313 and tiny2313
[06:48:14] <mr_boo> it is written for 90s2313 but now it assembles without any warnings
[06:48:52] <theBear> i was talkin to rikus
[06:48:56] <theBear> i can't think today
[06:49:19] <mr_boo> me neither
[06:51:38] <mr_boo> what is the avr assembler counterpart for the directive ".section .text"?
[06:52:18] <mr_boo> i had to outcomment that line to make it assemble
[06:52:18] <RikusW> mr_boo: r16 and is the working registers I'd say
[06:52:28] <RikusW> since immediate instructions only work on those
[06:52:36] <mr_boo> i see
[06:52:37] <RikusW> *and up
[06:52:53] <RikusW> though you can use it any way you like
[06:53:05] <RikusW> you do know about the X Y and Z pointers right ?
[06:53:15] <mr_boo> the guy has written "out PORTB,r0" after loading table data with the "lpm" command
[06:53:16] <RikusW> r26 to r31
[06:53:32] <RikusW> thats fine
[06:53:47] <mr_boo> the code doesn't appear to work with my ATtiny2313
[06:53:59] <RikusW> if using asm + gcc you'll have to read the avr-libc register conventions
[06:54:16] <mr_boo> i'm using avr assembler
[06:54:55] <mr_boo> however the code is written for avr-gcc with assembler option
[06:55:00] <RikusW> then do whatever you like with the registers ;)
[06:55:21] <RikusW> uhmm
[06:55:28] <RikusW> compiled using gcc ?
[06:55:40] * RikusW don't like at&t...
[06:55:42] <mr_boo> nope i've converted the code to avr assembler
[06:55:52] <RikusW> better
[06:55:57] <RikusW> using intel syntax ?
[06:56:07] <mr_boo> a few syntax mismatches are fixed
[06:56:17] <mr_boo> there is one line i had to outcomment though
[06:56:34] <mr_boo> it is the ".section .text" near the beginning
[06:56:41] <mr_boo> what on earth does that mean?
[07:25:15] <megal0maniac> I am now ipv6 compliant :)
[07:25:20] <megal0maniac> In my LAN, at least
[07:28:51] <specing> I am ip6tables -j DROP uncompliant on my LAN :D
[07:29:42] * megal0maniac seldom understands what specing is talking about
[07:30:25] <antto> I am hungry
[08:22:37] <megal0maniac_afk> join #mpd
[08:22:41] <megal0maniac_afk> :/
[08:27:28] <mr_boo> why does avrstudio 4 freeze when i include the file avr/pgmspace.h ?
[08:40:53] <braincracker> cubic interpolated lookup table, or Callendar-Van Dusen equation ?
[08:41:07] <mr_boo> is this likely to mess up my c code? http://pastebin.com/sMsN7RnK
[08:47:46] <twnqx> mr_boo: yes.
[08:48:10] <mr_boo> how can i improve it?
[08:48:19] <twnqx> make it a C array of char
[08:48:35] <mr_boo> it wont get located in programspace
[08:48:53] <mr_boo> also my device has ony 128 byte ram
[08:48:59] <twnqx> if you use the programspace pragma it will
[08:49:19] <mr_boo> i'm not allowed to include the file #include <avr/pgmspace.h>
[08:49:26] <mr_boo> it crashes avrstudio
[08:49:29] <mr_boo> for some reason
[08:49:30] <twnqx> lol
[08:49:39] <twnqx> then don't use avrstudio
[08:49:53] <mr_boo> don't know how to command line stuff
[08:50:06] <twnqx> well, the stuff you put there
[08:50:21] <twnqx> could even (legally) be reordered by the c compiler :P
[08:50:48] <twnqx> and without the programspace include, you won't be able to access the table from C either
[08:50:54] <mr_boo> i'd need to enter long pathnames for the files and all those flags for optimizations and stuff
[08:51:21] <braincracker> mr_boo<= works fine in geany
[08:51:46] <mr_boo> as was thinking i could declare the program space tables in assembler to avoid avrstudio to crash
[08:52:12] <twnqx> the include is not needed to declare them in the first place
[08:52:21] <braincracker> why not throw away junk ?
[08:52:44] <mr_boo> could you give me a hint how to declare the table without the include file?
[08:53:09] <twnqx> static const __attribute__((__progmem__)) char sine [256] = { 0,1,2,3,4,. .. };
[08:53:27] <mr_boo> gonna try
[08:53:43] <braincracker> i use pgmspace too and use the include
[08:53:59] <twnqx> well, you use the include to access the pgmspace...
[08:54:09] <braincracker> that contains the read functions for you
[08:54:13] <twnqx> to get pgm_read_byte and freinds
[08:54:22] <twnqx> not for the attribute
[08:55:18] <braincracker> ok
[08:55:30] <braincracker> how will he use it?
[08:55:38] <twnqx> beats me.
[08:55:45] <twnqx> he just said he needs it.
[08:56:13] <twnqx> (in programspace)
[08:56:26] <braincracker> well ok you're right
[08:56:55] <mr_boo> maybe i can use a couple of assembler lines to get the data
[08:57:19] <braincracker> probably, mostly the same assembler lines pgmspace.h contains
[08:57:35] <twnqx> yes, c&p instead of include :P
[09:02:57] <mr_boo> how come one can't use the declared vector directly?
[09:04:11] <braincracker> beause it is in the programspace
[09:04:27] <braincracker> read from the executing code
[09:04:33] <theBear> architectur rules....
[09:04:39] <theBear> stupid drugs
[09:04:49] <braincracker> haha
[09:09:02] <twnqx> theBear: it's called harvard architecture, right?
[09:09:20] <theBear> probly, i'm heavily medicated
[09:09:37] <twnqx> that's no excuse
[09:09:44] <theBear> but at least i only wanna cry 'cos of the reason, not cos of the actual pain
[09:10:10] <theBear> it kinda is, no exageration, if you took the pills i'd had thisafternoon, your breathing or heart woulda stopped hours ago
[09:10:30] <twnqx> excuse rejected
[09:11:02] <theBear> well, fuck you, heh, here, have these pills <grin>
[09:13:04] <braincracker> i liked the pills in "limitless" movie
[09:13:18] <theBear> saw that last week, was kinda cool
[09:14:27] <theBear> some of us, apparently cos of abnormal brain chemistry (that does make us clinically disturbed) pretty much get that same effect from certain illicit substances, no i don't mean imagine it, i mean actually get it
[09:19:33] <mr_boo> i think i need help to understand how the function that reads from progmem really is implemented
[09:19:37] <mr_boo> i simply don't get it
[09:20:10] <mr_boo> the file looks like this http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/pgmspace_8h.html
[09:22:03] <mr_boo> #define pgm_read_byte_near(address_short) __LPM((uint16_t)(address_short))
[09:22:11] <mr_boo> just nicking that line isn't allowed
[09:30:07] <braincracker> asctmp = pgm_read_byte(&(bcd_table[i].number));
[09:30:47] <braincracker> & - address of
[09:31:02] <mr_boo> ah
[09:31:16] <braincracker> same as from ram, pass the address to the pgm_Reader
[09:31:31] <mr_boo> i havent managed to implement the pgm_read_byte function yet
[09:31:54] <twnqx> well
[09:32:01] <twnqx> you need the __LPM macro as well.
[09:32:13] <mr_boo> how is that defined?
[09:32:18] <twnqx> in the same file
[09:32:20] <twnqx> further up
[09:32:52] <mr_boo> what i can see is that __LPM is defined as __LPM_classic__
[09:33:01] <twnqx> yes, so then you need that, too :P
[09:33:03] <mr_boo> and __LPM_classic__ has no definition
[09:33:07] <twnqx> oh, i bet it has
[09:33:32] <twnqx> #define __LPM_classic__(addr) \
[09:33:32] <twnqx> (__extension__({ \
[09:33:38] <twnqx> etc, at least in my pgmspace.h
[09:35:23] <mr_boo> ah i was looking in the wrong file :S
[09:38:50] <mr_boo> thanks twnqx
[09:43:20] <mr_boo> btw what are the names of the declared progmem tables if one wants to access them from an inline assembler command?
[10:11:01] <Tom_L> http://www.electronicproducts.com/Optoelectronics/Lasers/Atomic_clock_uses_lasers_to_change_the_length_of_one_second.aspx
[11:10:10] <sabesto> god damnit, its so annoying when the programming tools stops working for no reason
[11:24:15] <twnqx> there's always a reason :P
[11:25:01] <theBear> and it is USUALLY caused by something you did but didn't consider was consequential :)
[14:46:31] <abcminiuser_> *sigh*
[14:46:47] <abcminiuser_> If I had $1 for every "please help I try X and I get an error" post I'd retire
[14:54:25] <specing> abcminiuser_: include "all error posts must be accompanied by an $1 donation"?
[15:54:45] <sidgup> Hi OndraSter__
[15:57:15] <sidgup> absminiuser_ : Hi! I pm'd you on avrfreaks. Sorry for such direct communication. You are the only ASF + USB expert that I know of :)
[15:59:11] <Tom_itx> he knows it
[15:59:26] <Roklobsta> he wrote it
[15:59:39] <sidgup> Exactly :)
[16:01:56] <sidgup> Unfortunately not many folks around me, or even on the interwebs are that familiar with XMega. On top, I am having issues with ASF + USB. That leaves very few people to help and I have exhausted my debugging capabilities.
[16:05:32] <OndraSter_> sidgup, sorry, been busy with work
[16:05:58] <sidgup> No problem! I understand.
[16:06:08] <Roklobsta> less work more play
[16:07:39] <OndraSter_> that's what I do
[16:07:41] <OndraSter_> I pretend to work
[16:07:44] <OndraSter_> I tell everybody that I work
[16:07:52] <OndraSter_> but I work maybe 30 minutes on something not relevant and then play games
[16:08:11] <braincracker> hey guys, there's me riding my new trike http://esteedv.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/death_rides_a_pale_trike_by_mjranum_stock.jpg so what's up ?
[16:39:05] <ferdna> i dreamt a spider hanging going down my window fast...
[16:39:38] <ferdna> i dont want to die...
[16:47:53] <GuShH> ferdna: switch to Linux, problem solved.
[16:49:53] <ferdna> hehehe
[16:50:12] <clever> :D
[17:03:43] * Casper throws a cashew at ferdna
[17:06:49] <Casper> ferdna: http://imageshack.us/a/img692/1824/img0314xls.jpg
[17:20:27] <abcminiuser_> sidgup, no worries, I was complaining about someone else :P
[17:20:35] <abcminiuser_> I got your PM, will look into it tomorrow
[17:21:05] <abcminiuser_> But IIRC the devices should be fine, I'm not sure why the DFLL on the 2MHz would upset the 32MHz unless there's a bug in ASF that's using the wrong RC
[17:40:37] <sidgup> Hi
[17:41:31] <sidgup> abcminiuser_ : I looked through the ASF code, nothing obvious popped out. The code is pretty straightforward. Thanks a lot for the help!
[18:17:00] <R0b0t1> Anyone used eLua?
[18:17:17] <R0b0t1> Looks like the new basic.
[18:28:23] <OndraSter_> NOT THE BASIC!
[18:30:05] <specing> you mean the 256KB code eLua?
[18:40:06] <R0b0t1> Well... I do admit it seems to only have 32-bit processor versions.
[18:44:53] <OndraSter_> because speed?
[18:45:00] <OndraSter_> you could just as well use .NET Micro framework
[18:45:17] <OndraSter_> which works on ARM, MIPS and who knows what else
[18:49:00] <Roklobsta> give your avr a brazilian and use lua.
[18:50:35] <R0b0t1> Well I mean I may as well just try to fit a JVM on it, right?
[18:50:36] <R0b0t1> Right?
[18:57:49] <ferdna> Casper, very funny...