#avr | Logs for 2013-07-17

[10:11:53] <tzo> hi there!i am trying to print a letter on my LCD and I can't find any way to do that. I use ATMega32 with and LCD DEM1617. i followed this tutorial http://www.newbiehack.com/MicrocontrollersABeginnersGuideIntroductionandInterfacinganLCD.aspx , i tried on my own and i still can't print any letters
[10:21:15] <megal0maniac> Any uboot gurus here?
[10:51:25] <specing> megal0maniac: sup?
[10:51:50] <specing> #uboot
[10:51:53] <megal0maniac> Why am I not surprised? :)
[10:52:43] <megal0maniac> Shall investigate further when I get back home
[11:19:11] <BJfreeman> one person in #uboot
[11:22:32] <twnqx> it sunk :(
[11:31:22] <specing> #u-boot
[11:39:54] <cbx> Hello everyone. I've modded an arduino to make it work at 3v3 instead of 5v. Anyone know if this changes the clock speed or timer triggers?
[11:40:03] <cbx> Atmega238P
[11:42:50] <Amadiro> cbx, have you looked at the datasheet
[11:43:01] <cbx> Amadiro: I am
[11:46:56] <Amadiro> cbx, look at 28.3 "Speed Grades"
[13:03:05] <angs> I use atmel studio 6.0 and AVR simulator. I would like to watch all possible variables on the program. But I could not find where I can add all the variables to the watch (debug > window > watch).
[13:03:42] <angs> is it a convinient way to monitor all variables?
[13:04:45] <Xark> angs: It has been a while, but IIRC you had to add globals to watch individually (AFAIK). Locals tend to go into/out of scope (so doesn't make sense to always show those). I am not sure I tried adding ALL globals...
[13:07:12] <angs> Xark, hmm ok, then I will add all variables manually. it would be good if atmel implemented a convinient way to do it
[13:07:16] <angs> thank you
[13:44:18] <steveeJ> hello, i'm following this website http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/group__avr__stdio.html . my goal is to read the printf's i do in a simulated atxmega128a1 on the computer
[13:45:16] <steveeJ> but it is not clear how i can connect to the uart on the windows machine
[13:46:42] <Xark> steveeJ: If it is simulated, there isn't really a UART, is there? I would think it would need to be a feature of the simulator...
[13:47:33] <steveeJ> Xark: i'm afraid i don't know much about this. i planned on using this addon http://gallery.atmel.com/Products/Details/21a11c8b-2d62-4ad2-b9da-7e665cf15861 to get a console to my simulator
[13:48:51] <Xark> steveeJ: Not sure, but that looks like it is for "real" things hooked to COM port (or USB virtual com port).
[13:49:49] <Xark> steveeJ: Hmm, this forum post seems to imply you "can't do that" -> http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=122112
[13:54:34] <steveeJ> mh.. this seems to be a problematic topic
[13:54:45] <steveeJ> thanks Xark for looking into it
[13:57:00] <Xark> steveeJ: NP, good luck. It does seem like you would want some kind of I/O on simulator. :)
[14:01:27] <steveeJ> damn. the virtual machine which i'm running atmelstudio in just ran out of memory, and it has 2GB. this seems to be out of proportion with the simulated device memory ;)
[14:04:11] <Xark> steveeJ: Heh, yeah. 1GB per 1KB in target seems generous to me. :)
[14:04:47] <Xark> OK, xmega, not quite that bad (but I agree - can't sim a MCU in 2GB seems "weak"). :)
[14:07:14] <inkjetunito> let's simulate every transistor
[14:07:56] <theBear> ok !
[14:08:04] * theBear starts frantically writing algebra on the page
[14:08:09] <Xark> Yeah, maybe you can find an AVR model for LTspice? :)
[14:08:32] <theBear> can't be THAT many transistors in there :)
[14:31:19] <RikusW> :-D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUUAzD_7Tz8
[14:35:58] <RikusW> wrong linke...
[14:35:58] <RikusW> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38fOUwQ66xM
[14:36:01] <RikusW> better...
[14:59:31] <braincracker> h
[15:12:12] <Tom_garage> w
[21:37:43] -calvino.freenode.net:#avr- [freenode-info] channel trolls and no channel staff around to help? please check with freenode support: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp