#avr | Logs for 2013-07-11

[04:29:20] <braincracker> h
[04:29:39] <braincracker> -42ppm ;>
[04:30:13] <braincracker> will be fine for a simple countdown timer?
[04:31:44] <Tom_itx> w
[04:35:01] <Tom_itx> i've used 15ppm
[04:37:32] <braincracker> maybe if i use 2x5pf caps on the xtal it'd e beter ?
[04:37:37] <braincracker> tt
[04:37:51] <braincracker> i only used the pin capacitance
[05:15:25] <Valen> so I want the simplest way to run a stepper up to quite high speeds at vraiable rates, I'm thinking use timer1 with a preload or a top value to get the step rate
[05:15:42] <Valen> then have it enable timer0 to actually put out the pulse
[05:15:55] <Valen> have an ISR for timer0 that then just shuts down timer 0
[06:07:49] <ColdKeyboard> Why is it when I make a functions.h file and declare functions prototypes in it and also make functions.c with source code for these functions. When I try to #include functions.h in main file, the functions.c can't see any of the variables/constants from the main.c file? :\
[06:20:19] <braincracker> because you did not specify the function globally
[06:21:00] <ColdKeyboard> how can I do that?
[06:21:07] <braincracker> add function definition to top of page to make a function available globally, otherwise gcc will only allow calling previously defined functions
[06:21:35] <braincracker> ( also static void is for local use )
[06:21:59] <ColdKeyboard> but what if I want function definition to be inside the header file? What keyword should I use then for defining function prototypes?
[06:22:37] <braincracker> i have no clue what are you talkiung about
[06:24:16] <ColdKeyboard> If I want to have func.h and func.c file. func.h having prototypes and func.c file having the source code, what should I do to make functions from func.c see variables,registers and etc from main.c file?
[06:26:52] <braincracker> main.c does not act as a library
[06:27:04] <braincracker> you call functions from within main.c
[06:27:45] <ColdKeyboard> Ok, I know that but I have something like
[06:27:58] <ColdKeyboard> #include registers.h
[06:28:05] <ColdKeyboard> #include functions.h
[06:28:10] <ColdKeyboard> in my main.c file
[06:28:37] <ColdKeyboard> and inside functions.c it reports error whenever I try to access any MCU register from registers.h file
[06:28:54] <braincracker> i assumbe you dont need it in main.c, include in functions.c
[06:29:45] <braincracker> in main, you combine subprograms.
[06:29:50] <braincracker> usually
[06:32:11] <ColdKeyboard> Even then I get the same error, functions.c can't see those registers for configuration :\
[06:32:44] <braincracker> config.h.
[06:33:06] <ColdKeyboard> Can I include let's say AVR/io.h inside main.c and inside functions.c or .h file? Would that make a mess?
[06:34:13] <braincracker> put it at the top
[06:35:35] <ColdKeyboard> ok, thanks... I will try
[09:54:32] <sussman> We conjure the spirits of the computer with our spells.
[13:21:42] <Duality> hi
[13:21:51] <ferdna> hello
[13:22:51] <Duality> i know how to program chips that arduino supports but i want to teach myself how to program a avr chip on it's own with avr c en isp programmer :) any good starting points ? because i have a attiny85 hooked up and wanted to make it blink a led :) but don't know where to start
[13:26:13] <Duality> also is het possible to see if i connected the chip the right way with avrdude ?
[13:26:36] <Elco> hi guys, I have a few questions regarding xmega clock systems and timers.. and I am really stuck. Is someone here able to help me?
[13:27:41] <Elco> I have the main sysclock running from internal 2mhz + 16xPLL, and the USB clock at 48Mhz + SOF
[13:28:22] <RikusW> Duality: read the signatures using avrdude
[13:28:39] <Elco> when I want to use the RTC, is it true that I cannot use the internal 32khz osicillator anymore? because it is the calibration source for the internal 2mhz?
[13:29:39] <Elco> I have abandoned that approach, but I am still curious.
[13:30:22] <Elco> Now I am just using TCD0, but the stange thing is that it seems that no registers are set
[13:31:06] <Elco> for example: TCD0.PERBUF = 4000; When I break after that line (JTAGICE PDI) PERBUF seems to be still set to 0xFFFF
[13:31:12] <Elco> how can that be?
[13:35:04] <Casper> Duality: if the avr communicate with avrdude, it's well connected, if it do not, it's misconnected :D
[13:35:29] <Duality> Casper: i think it's misconnected
[13:35:50] <Duality> i am not using a dev board just usbasp and a breadboard :)
[13:38:54] <RikusW> Hi francoisk another ZA guy in here :)
[13:39:08] <francoisk> Hi, yeah :)
[13:40:14] <Casper> Duality: have you forgot to power the avr? and does the tiny85 use ISP or PDI?
[13:40:28] <RikusW> pdi are xmega only
[13:41:58] <Duality> thought it used isp :)
[13:42:21] <Elco> rikusw, do you have an idea why my PDI debugger cannot see any register changes? or why my registers simply don´t change?
[13:42:42] <RikusW> sounds odd
[13:42:59] <RikusW> Elco: what software do you use to debug ?
[13:43:06] <Elco> atmel studio
[13:43:09] <RikusW> 6 ?
[13:43:16] <Elco> 6.1
[13:44:07] <RikusW> is the debug session setup properly ?
[13:44:24] <RikusW> it might be a studio bug too...
[13:44:36] <Elco> this is the code: http://pastebin.com/RgxvdFCJ
[13:44:43] <RikusW> ask abcminiuser when he is around again
[13:44:53] <Elco> I have to make it arduino compatible unfortunately
[13:45:16] <Elco> I am programming the coprocessor that servers as USB bridge and zigbee brige
[13:45:19] <Elco> bridge
[13:45:30] <Elco> and their zigbee library is highly dependent on arduino functions
[13:45:48] <Elco> so I have to do all kind of hacks to work with the arduino cpp files
[13:45:50] <RikusW> OndraSter_ might be able to help too
[13:46:07] <Elco> is is australian too?
[13:46:27] <RikusW> he is cz iirc
[13:46:36] <RikusW> abc is au
[13:46:46] <Elco> ah I think you are right indeed
[13:46:50] <RikusW> but he is working for Atmel in Norway now
[13:46:52] <Elco> I remember him saying that
[13:46:54] <Elco> ah
[13:47:28] <RikusW> I haven't used really xmega
[13:47:37] <RikusW> just normal mega and tiny
[13:47:53] <Elco> I know almost the entire mega datasheet by heart
[13:47:59] <Elco> but this is my first xmega project
[13:48:09] <Elco> but I must say I like it
[13:48:10] <RikusW> its quite different from mega...
[13:48:24] <RikusW> more AVR32 ish
[13:49:08] <OndraSter_> yes I am CZ
[13:49:10] <Duality> this is the command i use: avrdude -c usbasp -p t85 -P usb -t
[13:49:32] <OndraSter_> Elco, what debugger?
[13:49:32] <Duality> it says avrdude: error: programm enable: target doesn't answer. 1
[13:49:41] <Elco> hey ondraster :)
[13:49:41] <RikusW> Duality: should work
[13:49:45] <Duality> but i am pretty sure i connected it the right way :)
[13:49:47] <Elco> duality add -v at least
[13:49:58] <RikusW> Duality: miso -> miso ?
[13:50:08] <Elco> ondraster_ jtagice3
[13:50:11] <OndraSter_> hmm
[13:50:27] <OndraSter_> I had an issue with dragon -- had to add 20pF cap to the clock line
[13:50:33] <OndraSter_> but it wouldn't work at all
[13:50:38] <Duality> RikusW: so it's not miso -> mosi ?
[13:50:39] <RikusW> I heard AS6.0 had problems debugging
[13:50:44] <RikusW> Duality: no
[13:51:49] <Duality> this chip has never been programmed before
[13:51:53] <Duality> :)
[13:52:18] <Duality> avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e930b
[13:52:21] <Duality> thanks ! :)
[13:52:23] <Elco> I have a dragon too and it can be buggy at times
[13:52:25] <RikusW> :)
[13:53:13] <Elco> ondraster_: here are my questions again: <Elco> I have the main sysclock running from internal 2mhz + 16xPLL, and the USB clock at 48Mhz + SOF
[13:53:14] <Elco> <RikusW> Duality: read the signatures using avrdude
[13:53:14] <Elco> <Elco> when I want to use the RTC, is it true that I cannot use the internal 32khz osicillator anymore? because it is the calibration source for the internal 2mhz?
[13:53:14] <Elco> <Elco> I have abandoned that approach, but I am still curious.
[13:53:14] <Elco> <Elco> Now I am just using TCD0, but the stange thing is that it seems that no registers are set
[13:53:16] <Elco> <Elco> for example: TCD0.PERBUF = 4000; When I break after that line (JTAGICE PDI) PERBUF seems to be still set to 0xFFFF
[13:53:19] <Elco> <Elco> how can that be?
[13:53:43] <RikusW> Elco: I had dragon buggyness too, when using dW it sometimes ran instead of stepping
[13:54:09] <RikusW> OndraSter_: any ideas on his clock issue ?
[13:56:12] <Duality> i don't understand
[13:57:14] <RikusW> mosi -> master out slave in
[13:57:24] <RikusW> miso -> master in slave out
[13:57:39] <RikusW> no crossing over on SPI
[13:58:28] <Elco> are the timer registers write protected in any way?
[13:59:27] <RikusW> possible
[13:59:36] <RikusW> mega CLKPR is
[14:00:14] <Elco> yeah, but that is system clock.. but the timers are not
[14:00:15] <Duality> so clock doesn't affect spi ?
[14:00:35] <Elco> what do you mean duality?
[14:01:25] <Duality> spi will connect regardless of clock ? chip crystal speed thing :) (sorry)
[14:03:09] <RikusW> AVR clock needs to be 4 times higher than ISP to work
[14:03:15] <RikusW> preferably 5
[14:03:49] <Duality> ok
[14:04:12] <Duality> I have a external crystal connect how do i check if it's being used ?
[14:04:34] <GuShH> lick it
[14:04:36] <RikusW> you need to change the fuses... but be careful with those
[14:04:49] <RikusW> Duality: you'll need a frequency meter
[14:04:53] <RikusW> or scope
[14:05:00] <GuShH> nah he'll load down the xtal
[14:05:27] <RikusW> or use PWM and measure that
[14:05:42] <RikusW> or led blink timing..
[14:05:49] <GuShH> you could disturb the xtal and if the mcu resets, you know it's being used.
[14:06:47] <GuShH> but a 10X probe will load it down, likewise any cheap frequency meter... their input impedance is often lower than 1M
[14:07:30] <GuShH> RikusW: right if you wanted you could use pwm referenced to the clock source and based on that output you could estimate the actual frequency
[14:11:05] <cart_man> RikusW: Hi Rikus..do you work with FPGAs or ARMs by any chance?
[14:11:15] <RikusW> no
[14:11:26] <cart_man> RikusW: you know of anybody that does?
[14:11:29] <RikusW> want to learn FPGA sometime
[14:11:38] <GuShH> cart_man: ask azonenberg on ##e
[14:11:58] <cart_man> the channels name is only ##e?
[14:12:02] <GuShH> ##electronics
[14:12:05] <GuShH> I'm not there anymore.
[14:12:12] <cart_man> Ohh oi
[14:12:13] <cart_man> ok
[14:12:14] <RikusW> the SIM900 I'm using got an AMR926 inside, but the embedded app I'm writing for it is pretty much isolated from it
[14:12:34] <GuShH> also tell him I referred him to you just to annoy him.
[14:12:38] * GuShH grins
[14:13:03] <RikusW> #e for OFFTOPIC :-P
[14:13:20] <GuShH> why must it rain so much..
[14:13:22] <GuShH> 3 days in a row
[14:13:25] <GuShH> couldn't do crap.
[14:14:41] <cart_man> How does one make a private channeL?
[14:14:45] <Duality> one of the fuses devides the clock by 8 so if i run 16mhz the clock would become 2mhz ?
[14:15:03] <GuShH> cart_man: you join and then you get nakid
[14:15:10] <GuShH> it's private now.
[14:15:16] <cart_man> :s
[14:15:17] <jacekowski> Duality: which avr?
[14:15:21] <Duality> cart_man: like a pm or like a channel to your own? if channel then just join the channel you want to create
[14:15:33] <jacekowski> Duality: but yes
[14:15:38] <Duality> jacekowski: attiny85
[14:15:49] <cart_man> Duality: No I want to make a Personal message
[14:15:51] <RikusW> cart_man: just register it with chanserv
[14:16:04] <jacekowski> Duality: the clock would be 16MHz outside, but internals of the chip will be driven at 2MHz
[14:16:05] <RikusW> else you won't be able to become op again..
[14:16:27] <GuShH> he wants to PM azonenberg
[14:16:38] <OndraSter_> no idea about the clocks, sorry Elco
[14:16:39] <OndraSter_> ask abc
[14:16:41] <OndraSter_> I am afk
[14:16:49] <Elco> ok thanks
[14:17:00] * GuShH grabs OndraSter_'s face ---- Say "clock" again
[14:17:21] <Elco> been having issues yourself to gush?
[14:17:25] <RikusW> s/l// :-D
[14:17:28] <GuShH> Elco: what?
[14:17:33] <GuShH> su ingles no es muy bueno
[14:18:02] <GuShH> Elco: issues related to what?
[14:18:04] <Elco> sorry, I meant: did you have trouble with clocks too
[14:18:10] <GuShH> Nope.
[14:18:17] <Tom_itx> GuShH has issues
[14:18:24] <GuShH> Oh and you don't
[14:18:30] <Tom_itx> nope
[14:18:36] <GuShH> That proves you do!
[14:18:40] <Tom_itx> :)
[14:18:59] <Duality> cart_man: don't know what client you use but in irssi (the one i use) it's: /msg NICK what ever you want to say :)
[14:19:02] <Tom_itx> yer just pissed at the weather
[14:19:03] * GuShH puts on his glasses, his v neck vest and grabs a notepad
[14:19:05] <Duality> and NICK is the user you want to send it to
[14:19:24] * GuShH idly begins to draw a hairy penis while Tom_itx tells him about his issues
[14:19:38] <Duality> alright don't want it to be devided by 8 then :)
[14:19:59] <GuShH> Tom_itx: and the cat too, just killed a poor innocent bird for no good reason.
[14:20:13] <GuShH> she's not even hungry.
[14:20:27] <GuShH> "Oh I'm going to kill this bird just because I can" damn cats.
[14:20:28] <Tom_itx> set her tail on fire for no good reason
[14:20:51] <Duality> if i disable reset does that meen i won't be able to program it with isp anymore ?
[14:21:03] <Tom_itx> Duality, unless you reset it
[14:21:10] <cart_man> Duality: Thansk :)
[14:21:10] <Duality> ?
[14:21:20] <Tom_itx> hvpp more than likely
[14:21:25] <Duality> ah
[14:21:27] <Duality> that way :)
[14:21:40] <Elco> ah being stuck with hvpp sucks
[14:22:52] <RikusW> Duality: leave the RSTDSBL and SPIEN fuses alone...
[14:23:00] <antto> GuShH do you prefere a dead cat?
[14:23:03] <RikusW> and be careful with the clock fuses
[14:23:14] <RikusW> you can brick the avr...
[14:24:39] <Duality> RikusW: ok :) I don't understand the clock fuses though: http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc/
[14:25:06] <RikusW> which AVR is that for ?
[14:25:09] <GuShH> antto: don't say that
[14:25:12] <RikusW> and what crystal do you have ?
[14:25:12] <GuShH> my other cat is sick
[14:25:23] <Duality> attiny85
[14:25:27] <braincracker> h
[14:25:31] <Duality> 16mhz
[14:25:53] <cart_man> RikusW: Do you know of a company close that sells really decent 12V stepper motors? The ones I find on google are really lame and wont do the job :(
[14:25:55] <antto> sorry for that, i hope it gets better
[14:25:56] <RikusW> Duality: set lfuse = 0xFF
[14:26:13] <RikusW> and make sure you have 18pF caps on the crystal too
[14:26:25] <braincracker> got 2 huge laser printer control panels with LCD displays in them for $1 ;>>
[14:26:28] <Elco> alternatively, let it boot at 2mhz
[14:26:36] <Elco> set it to 16 after boot
[14:26:41] <RikusW> cart_man: how about www.mantech.co.za ?
[14:26:44] <GuShH> antto: hes under cancer treatment, alternative stuff... no chemo since that's just going to make things worse for him. sucks...
[14:26:52] <braincracker> throwing out unnecessary parts, and installing the atmega
[14:26:53] <cart_man> Lemme check
[14:27:12] <antto> :/
[14:27:44] <RikusW> cart_man: http://za.rs-online.com though they might be expensive, their AVRs are good though
[14:27:53] <Duality> RikusW: i have 20pf
[14:28:00] <RikusW> 20pF is fine
[14:28:27] <RikusW> you only need to set lfuse = 0xFF to use the crystal
[14:29:04] <GuShH> antto: yeah, two pills a day and he has to wear a lampshade collar... which means you gotta remove it when he wants to eat or drink...
[14:30:05] <RikusW> GuShH: internal or on the skin ?
[14:30:37] <GuShH> RikusW: on his left leg
[14:31:16] <GuShH> showed up as a red swollen area, fairly small.. then it grew in size, didn't respond well to antibiotics (it did first, but then it reverted)
[14:31:21] <RikusW> I've seen sarcoids fall off horses after applying CuSO4, it takes a while...
[14:31:53] <GuShH> it doesn't look like that
[14:32:14] <GuShH> it's underneath the skin
[14:32:14] <RikusW> ah
[14:32:50] <GuShH> The vet just assumed it's cancer related
[14:33:27] <GuShH> I thought he had stepped onto a piece of wire or something, but the xray showed none of that.
[14:33:51] <antto> how old is he?
[14:34:09] <GuShH> And well, their only solution is to amputate, they don't even bother with anything else.
[14:34:12] <GuShH> 9-10
[14:35:01] <Casper> that was a weird one... I replaced a cracked laptop screen by a new one (high quality). few days after the image stretched double the width of the screen with wide vertical purple bands... today, I found out something weird: the screen is all fine until a few seconds before the login icons show up, no video mode change from when it last worked well and when it switch. In fact, it even did some updates and was fine all that time (you know, the pre lo
[14:35:01] <Casper> gin updates)... Found out that if you disconnect the power adapter the screen switch back good! put back the power and it go bad... ended up finding out why: that laptop have 2 video cards: intel and nvidia... when aero start up, it switch to the nvidia one, when on battery it save power by going on the intel... the nvidia is defect...
[14:35:32] <GuShH> heh
[14:35:49] <GuShH> Casper: cracked due to a fall?
[14:35:56] <GuShH> assume that also dislodged the BGA on the Intel chip
[14:36:06] <GuShH> or caused a crack somewhere nearby
[14:36:10] <Casper> the intel one is in the cpu
[14:36:14] <GuShH> err I meant Nvidia
[14:36:30] <Casper> it was fine for a few days
[14:36:33] <GuShH> I've got a dead laptop like that
[14:36:35] <Casper> which is the weird thing
[14:36:45] <GuShH> it was given to me DoA
[14:36:56] <GuShH> then it began to work out of nowhere, and it died a month ago.
[14:37:08] <GuShH> shitty laptops have lots of thermal related issues
[14:37:33] <GuShH> specially when they cram those NV chipsets in there without adding specific cooling
[14:37:50] <GuShH> this particular notebook came in two versions, with and without the NV chip, same heatsink on both.
[14:37:50] <Duality_> sorry i timed out did i miss anything ?
[14:38:08] <GuShH> Duality: sick cat, shitty laptops dying from overheating (video related)
[14:38:23] <Duality_> didn't recieve anything after 21:16 < Duality> RikusW
[14:38:26] <GuShH> oh and it was a core2 heh
[14:38:54] <GuShH> you could use it as an electric heater while it idled on the desk.
[14:39:21] <GuShH> similar to most macbook pros... in summer, you better have a good place to put it on.
[14:39:41] <megal0maniac> I have a Lenovo Thinkpad and it has no issues :)
[14:39:47] <GuShH> yeah I have a thinkpad now
[14:39:49] <GuShH> lovely
[14:40:02] <GuShH> no complaints other than on software
[14:40:05] <megal0maniac> Intel graphics and i5 but solid as a rock
[14:40:13] <inkjetunito> how is the software side of usb scopes? any good experiences?
[14:40:14] <GuShH> yeah i5 here
[14:40:21] <megal0maniac> x220?
[14:40:23] <GuShH> couldn't justify the one with i7
[14:40:32] <GuShH> t series
[14:40:36] <GuShH> my brother has a x220
[14:40:43] <GuShH> it's solid as well
[14:40:59] <GuShH> those who say thinkpads are ugly clearly don't know what the hell they're talking about
[14:41:06] <GuShH> and should probably be chased around with a stick.
[14:41:16] <megal0maniac> Ah. Mine came with an Ultrabase, which is a glorified docking station that doesn't need AC power
[14:41:26] <GuShH> hrmm
[14:41:29] <megal0maniac> I have had one or two people assuming it was old
[14:41:32] <GuShH> I need a dock, couldn't find one cheap though
[14:41:40] <megal0maniac> due to the fact that the design is 20 years old :)
[14:41:43] <GuShH> megal0maniac: lol
[14:42:04] <megal0maniac> Mine was aroud USD800 for the laptop with the base
[14:42:13] <megal0maniac> But our stuff is more expensive here
[14:42:19] <GuShH> where is Here?
[14:42:29] <GuShH> I'm in Argentina
[14:42:29] <megal0maniac> South Africa
[14:42:29] <GuShH> everything costs 2 to 4 times as much as it does in US
[14:42:32] <megal0maniac> Likewise
[14:42:42] <GuShH> Sucks.
[14:43:01] <megal0maniac> Is that why you're grumpy?
[14:43:06] <GuShH> in part.
[14:43:09] <inkjetunito> a decent laptop for usd800? wtf
[14:43:19] <GuShH> that and the sick cat, the rain and lack of some tools (due to how expensive they are here)
[14:43:20] <braincracker> without battery.
[14:43:41] <GuShH> oh and the amount of crap in the garage, that isn't even mine
[14:44:01] <GuShH> like a couple old fridges, a big old safe... need to get rid of that.
[14:44:13] <megal0maniac> inkjetunito: I could've gotten a 15.6" ideapad with i7 and 1gb nvidia graphics for the same price, but I need the portability. This one is 12.5" and built to last
[14:44:27] <GuShH> megal0maniac: How do you cope with all that and not be grumpy? Don't say drugs or alcohol, I quit the latter and I'm not even going to try the former.
[14:44:43] <megal0maniac> Long walks on the beach
[14:44:53] <GuShH> megal0maniac: no need to explain yourself, you chose thinkpad and that's enough.
[14:44:56] <GuShH> LOL
[14:45:09] <GuShH> Do you enjoy sunsets also?
[14:45:21] <megal0maniac> The ideapad and the thinkpad can't possibly be made by the same people
[14:45:27] <GuShH> Well no
[14:45:45] <GuShH> some IBM grumpies were and still are involved in some of the thinkpad design decisions
[14:45:51] <megal0maniac> And I don't. I get impatient
[14:45:58] <Duality_> I think i am all set for programming :) any good tutorials ? I can already program C but don't really know syntax for avr
[14:46:00] <GuShH> I would like to think a few of them quit when they went with the chiclet keyboard though
[14:46:07] <inkjetunito> megal0maniac: sounds affordable. here, the decent laptops cost eur1000 or more
[14:46:15] <GuShH> the E series has it too, I don't know why it exists
[14:46:30] <GuShH> it costs as much as the T here and it's crap.
[14:46:58] <GuShH> megal0maniac: next up, I need to get the 16GB set, the 8GB I have are not enough anymore
[14:47:08] <GuShH> As for graphics... I can always use an external pci-e
[14:47:10] <GuShH> if I wanted to.
[14:47:20] <megal0maniac> I only have 4 and it's fine. Where does all your RAM go?
[14:47:26] <megal0maniac> And external pci-e?
[14:47:40] <GuShH> well right now let's see
[14:48:27] <GuShH> using 3.66GB for about 25 chrome tabs, word, irc and not much else at the moment, so when I'm using CAD or photoshop the remaining 4GB don't last very long.
[14:48:42] <megal0maniac> I guess
[14:49:12] <GuShH> megal0maniac: I didn't get 16GB right away because they're sold "for mac" and they cost twice as much here
[14:49:15] <GuShH> ....friggin apple fags
[14:49:21] <megal0maniac> Heh :)
[14:49:26] <megal0maniac> I'd send you some
[14:49:58] <megal0maniac> But courier costs
[14:50:23] <GuShH> lol
[14:51:01] <GuShH> Need to get a disk caddy as well, can't find it anywhere locally so I must order it from eBay...
[14:51:11] <Duality> do have to watchout for setting certain pins to certain state ? like with atmega328 you don't want to change state on serial pins if you use bootloader
[14:51:22] <GuShH> megal0maniac: what's your idle power consumption on the x220?
[14:51:23] <megal0maniac> $150 for 16gb 1600mhz laptop ram
[14:51:40] <GuShH> let me check here
[14:52:05] <megal0maniac> Between 8w and 9w at who knows what voltage
[14:52:29] <GuShH> 236 USD for 2X 8GB Corsair 1333MHz DDR3 "macmemory"
[14:52:35] <GuShH> and I don't even want to check the 1600 prices
[14:52:38] <megal0maniac> Loool :D
[14:52:52] <megal0maniac> 1333 prices are the same
[14:53:04] <megal0maniac> Probably same memory too, just clocked differently
[14:53:07] <GuShH> So that's why I just got the extra 4GB in there for about 25 USD
[14:53:21] <GuShH> megal0maniac: they're sold for mac
[14:53:46] <GuShH> so that's why they're also more expensive
[14:53:46] <GuShH> macfags have money to throw away
[14:53:46] <GuShH> and because it costs more they think it's better as well
[14:53:55] <megal0maniac> Granted, my prices aren't retail, so I'd sell them for more, but they're quite a bit better than there.
[14:54:02] <GuShH> kingston 1600 generic crap pretty much, almost 300 usd here
[14:54:09] <GuShH> these are retail
[14:54:11] <megal0maniac> But the $150 is Corsair too
[14:54:11] <GuShH> I can get 10% discount
[14:54:13] <GuShH> but that's all
[14:54:32] <megal0maniac> Maybe it would be cheaper for me to courier to you ;)
[14:54:34] <GuShH> megal0maniac: now factor 50% on duties for importing them
[14:54:34] <GuShH> and they cost more though
[14:54:49] <megal0maniac> 50%??
[14:54:52] <GuShH> yeah
[14:54:56] <GuShH> anything over 50 dollars pays 50% duty
[14:54:58] <megal0maniac> Sweet balls
[14:55:03] <Elco> huh 50?
[14:55:06] <GuShH> and you can't import used goods either
[14:55:15] <megal0maniac> "Gift"
[14:55:18] <GuShH> Nope
[14:55:22] <GuShH> Doesn't work.
[14:55:37] <GuShH> And they seem to have a built in radar in their nose for these things
[14:55:39] <megal0maniac> Come here. The weather is better
[14:55:41] <GuShH> Also tattoo equipment and such
[14:55:45] <megal0maniac> And the tax is 14%
[14:55:50] <GuShH> I got an airbrush and they thought it was for tattooing
[14:55:57] <GuShH> I had to explain a clueless monkey what an airbrush was
[14:56:06] <GuShH> Didn't get taxed that time.
[14:56:16] <GuShH> If it were a cellphone or any computer part, it would get taxed right away
[14:56:23] <GuShH> And they use the local eBay for pricing, which is ridiculous
[14:56:37] <megal0maniac> Sometimes my ebay stuff comes in the mail. Sometimes I get a customs letter, then have to pay 14% plus $3
[14:56:43] <GuShH> There's literally a dude with an old laptop looking things up
[14:57:04] <GuShH> I've moved since and now the nearest customs office is 100KM from here
[14:57:32] <megal0maniac> I just fax the paypal invoice and they forward to the post office
[14:57:38] <megal0maniac> Never been to customs
[14:57:48] <GuShH> they don't trust you with any of that
[14:57:51] <GuShH> since it's so easy to fake it
[14:57:59] <megal0maniac> I know :D
[14:58:02] <GuShH> so you can see why I hate them so much, not only do they work 3 days a week with crazy hours, but they are clueless lazy bastards.
[14:58:07] <megal0maniac> Although I'll admit I never have
[14:58:18] <GuShH> in the meantime, those with "friends" in customs, get all sorts of expensive stuff through
[14:58:23] <Elco> what a mess! I am selling digital temperature sensors and my supplier decided to swap the colors assigned to pins for this batch
[14:58:29] <GuShH> Me neither, I never lied about the value either
[14:58:40] <GuShH> Elco: oh noes!
[14:58:55] <Elco> previous batch: green=gnd, yellow = data. This batch: green=data, yellow=gnd
[14:59:15] <GuShH> megal0maniac: I've got 50-100 bucks stuff through and to my door right away
[14:59:15] <GuShH> and had 20 bucks stuff delayed in customs...
[14:59:15] <GuShH> it's very random.
[14:59:16] <Elco> this is going to be a bitch in writing guides and offering support
[14:59:31] <GuShH> Elco: did someone force you to do this?
[14:59:38] <GuShH> if not, you should've known what you were getting into :p
[15:00:01] <GuShH> megal0maniac: found another auction for "mac ram" this time 490 usd
[15:00:24] <GuShH> I should "buy now" just to get his phone and insult him.
[15:00:33] <Elco> well the project is still lots of fun, but this just makes it really confusing
[15:00:44] <GuShH> So you read the questions on the item and they're like "can you install it for me?"
[15:00:52] <GuShH> lol, macboys.
[15:01:17] <GuShH> brand: crucial
[15:01:23] <GuShH> no model number given
[15:03:05] <braincracker> which would you choose? 17" tft or 19" tft @ 1280x1024? 19" only eats more power, larger pixels, and costs $20 more
[15:04:48] <inkjetunit> i think 19" is a good size for a desktop, but 1280x1024 doesn't necessarily look nic
[15:04:51] <inkjetunit> e
[15:05:04] <Duality> what would happen if i made verypin a output ?
[15:05:44] <inkjetunit> Duality: loneliness
[15:06:36] <Duality> can i still program the chip then ?
[15:06:45] <braincracker> they both have 1280x1024...
[15:06:53] <braincracker> 19" only has larger pixels
[15:08:25] <megal0maniac> It's RAM for mac. Why would it need silly things like model numbers? It just works ;)
[15:09:04] <braincracker> inkjetunit<= only for work, not videos
[15:09:15] <braincracker> 5:4 aspect
[15:11:49] <Elco> really 19 inch good for a desktop? I would get 22 minimum, they cost almost the same
[15:12:33] <braincracker> ;>
[15:12:43] <Elco> and dual monitor.. always :)
[15:12:45] <braincracker> 14" is good too if you can see it
[15:12:57] <braincracker> and has 1280x1024 pixels or more
[15:13:26] <Elco> oh we are talking laptops...?
[15:15:21] <braincracker> no
[15:15:23] <braincracker> tft
[15:28:05] <RikusW1> Duality: reset is pulled low while programming, so all pins states are reset
[15:29:18] <Duality> trying to compile and i get a warning: #warning "Compiler optimizations disabled; functions from <util/delay.h> won't work as designed" [-Wcpp]
[15:29:34] <Duality> so for it to work properly i need to enable compiler optimizations ?
[15:32:18] <braincracker> can you suggest me a low power monitor for my beaglebone black? :( (does not need to be gaming speed)
[15:32:52] <Elco> or accept that your delays are off..
[15:36:09] <Duality> Elco: how do you meen off? like not working or off by a bit ?
[15:36:21] <Elco> off by a bit
[15:36:30] <Elco> they will take longer
[15:36:59] <Elco> to make them accurate you will have to have F_CPU set correctly and set optimization to Os
[15:37:12] <Duality> what is diffrence between -o and -O because when i changed -o to -O it didn't give the warning
[15:37:26] <Elco> i dont know
[15:37:36] <Duality> :)
[15:37:49] <Elco> atmel studio uses -Os
[15:39:03] <Duality> ok
[15:39:13] <Duality> I changed -O to -Os that works too :)
[15:45:19] <Elco> yeah I don´t think you are supposed to use it without something behind it
[15:45:30] <Elco> O1, O2, O3, Os...
[15:57:19] <Duality> I am looking forward to programmingn with avr chips :)
[15:57:39] <Duality> now i've setup a working environment in geany :)
[16:07:43] <francoisk> -o specifies the output file
[16:11:43] <Duality> oh
[16:11:49] <Duality> cool :)
[16:17:43] <Duality> hey!
[16:17:48] <Duality> I got a blinking led :P
[16:18:29] <Duality> this is soo cool :)
[16:41:25] <Tom_itx> Duality, what chip do you have?
[17:08:02] <RikusW1> t85
[17:10:09] <asteve> tostitos
[17:43:47] <Duality> Tom_itx: sorry attiny85 :)
[17:43:52] <Duality> Tom_itx: why :)
[17:46:43] <Tom_itx> curious
[17:47:09] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/how_to/atmega168/mega168_howto_main_index.php
[17:47:13] <Tom_itx> alot of that may apply
[17:57:30] <Duality> Tom_itx: cool :) was going to write out what i learned about the chip in a small tutorial :)
[18:20:45] <braincracker> Tom_itx<= A 9 to 12v dc regulated supply ... i just use an usb charger, 5.2V
[18:53:42] <Elco> anyone familiar with xboot?
[18:54:41] <OndraSter_> which xboot?
[18:54:44] <Elco> I am programming my main processor over xbee, it briefly boots the new code and then reverts back to the old code
[18:55:09] <Elco> xboot for xmega? are there more than one?
[18:57:02] <Elco> xboot the xmega bootloader
[18:59:07] <Elco> I have the main serial port of the processor I am programming tied to USB normally
[18:59:51] <Elco> when I want to program it over xbee, I disconnect it from USB (in software on the coprocessor/serial bridge)
[19:00:21] <Elco> and after I am done, I connect it to USB again
[19:01:04] <Elco> now the strange thing is: when I program it wirelessly, it boots the new program, prints 1 thing on serial
[19:01:11] <Elco> and then reverts back to the old program
[19:02:11] <Elco> maybe I am not writing the new program to the correct address