#avr | Logs for 2013-06-23

[01:53:21] <inflex> aaah, good ole internal RC osc
[03:22:07] <megal0maniac> attiny28? Really now?...
[04:04:29] <megal0maniac> Tower of AVR! http://i.imgur.com/TjHdMCo.jpg
[04:04:41] <megal0maniac> abcminiuser: That's the culprit, by the way
[04:06:50] <megal0maniac> hackvana: And those (the top two) are your boards
[04:07:26] <megal0maniac> Bottom is the U2S, middle is level translation and top provides standard pinouts for ISP, PDI, TPI and JTAG
[04:07:57] <specing> couldn't you make it one board only?
[04:08:19] <megal0maniac> It's modular
[04:09:46] <megal0maniac> There's also a HV programming board. But for most things you can use the base U2S board only. Most of the functions don't need the other boards, but this turns it into a decent programmer
[04:10:20] <megal0maniac> specing: http://i.imgur.com/FULRVyb.jpg
[04:15:43] <abcminiuser> megal0maniac, neato
[04:18:47] <megal0maniac> I feel like it's having an identity crisis, but at least it's versatile :P
[04:20:19] <megal0maniac> And I have the code for HV TPI, but the difficult part seems to be using github :/
[04:21:09] <abcminiuser> GitHub is the jubblies
[04:21:11] <abcminiuser> It's awesome
[04:27:00] <hackvana> megal0maniac: Hi
[04:27:55] <hackvana> I recognise those boards!
[04:33:14] <megal0maniac> abcminiuser__: Once you know how it works, sure :)
[04:33:33] <abcminiuser__> What are you stuck on?
[04:33:51] <abcminiuser> msg NickServ identify oracle
[04:34:01] <megal0maniac> time for password change :)
[04:34:11] <Guest85833> Indeed :P
[04:35:12] <megal0maniac> I forked LUFA, made my changes, made a pull request. But then you updated everything so now my fork is out of date. Obviously I want to update my fork to reflect your latest changes before I go and make modifications again
[04:35:22] <megal0maniac> But I can't seem to do that
[04:37:41] <megal0maniac> I must go, but if you happen to know what I'm doing wrong, let me know and I'll check the scrollback later. Then maybe this evening I'll submit another patch :)
[04:43:08] <abcminiuser> megal0maniac_afk, you need to git pull from my account
[04:43:37] <abcminiuser> git pull https://github.com/abcminiuser/lufa.git <--- updates your local copy
[04:43:53] <abcminiuser> git push origin <--- updates your GitHub branch with the changed local code
[04:44:12] <abcminiuser> You can also add my account as a remote, so you can just "git pull lufa" or something
[07:30:48] <RikusW> hi abcminiuser
[07:30:49] <RikusW> https://sites.google.com/site/megau2s/home/photos
[07:31:30] <abcminiuser> Shiny!
[07:31:57] <Roklobsta> is it RoHS?
[07:32:11] <RikusW> no RoHS
[07:32:16] <RikusW> thanks :)
[07:32:30] <Roklobsta> i don't want lead poisoning, thanks.
[07:32:37] * RikusW credits megal0maniac_afk's camera skills :)
[07:33:31] <Roklobsta> no doubt you cleaned the boards with leaded benzene.
[07:33:49] <RikusW> Flux is still on it :-P
[07:34:10] <RikusW> You're unlikely to get much lead from touching the board edges...
[07:36:40] <RikusW> Soldering the GTL2000 using only an iron proved to be easier than I thought :) 25mil/0.635mm pitch
[07:57:21] <RikusW> abcminiuser: instead of including code in XPROGTarget_EnableTargetTPI we could use #define ENABLE_TPI()
[07:57:34] <RikusW> then its only one extra line in your code
[07:58:13] <RikusW> you'll have to #define ENABLE_TPI() in a main header and in Board.h I'll do #undef and then #define
[07:58:25] <abcminiuser> I'm happy to add a couple of hook functions
[07:59:08] <RikusW> what do you think will be best ? normal functions or defines ?
[07:59:56] * theBear wants lead poisoning
[08:00:06] * theBear doesn't want crappy unreliable joints
[08:00:16] <theBear> both of these things please, oooh look, i already get them by using real solder
[08:00:19] <RikusW> abcminiuser: if using #defines in which header should the empty #define ENABLE_TPI() go ?
[08:00:39] <abcminiuser> AppConfig.h I guess
[08:01:00] <RikusW> ah ok, I'll put it there
[08:01:43] <Roklobsta> hmmm if i change the baud rate ona UART while the system is running can I just change UBRR or do i need to do other stuff too?
[08:02:20] <RikusW> only UBRR
[08:14:02] <megal0maniac> abcminiuser: When I tried to work directly on your repo, I only had the option to commit which I obviously can't do. Only got the option to submit pull request if I forked the whole thing. But I'll try it again this evening with CLI on a Linux box. Might have more joy
[08:14:51] <megal0maniac> The Windows client is gross
[08:15:06] <megal0maniac> Well, the GUI part at least
[08:16:14] <megal0maniac> theBear: I'm with you on that one. But an extractor fan might not be a terrible idea for soldering :/
[08:16:46] <megal0maniac> Using poisonous solder, yeah sure. But breathing in the smoke seems a bit too deliberate
[08:18:44] <RikusW> the smoke is mostly flux
[08:18:56] <megal0maniac> Still doesn't make me feel great :P
[08:19:31] <RikusW> I once soldered using some old solderpaste, those fumes were truly noxious
[08:19:51] <RikusW> ordinary solder isn't that bad
[08:20:06] <megal0maniac> RikusW: abcminiuser: If the additions get messy, maybe we could consider doing a branch of LUFA instead of merging all of these changes into the master? Just for the sake of keeping things tidy.
[08:20:35] <RikusW> megal0maniac: you've seen above on the #define ENABLE_TPI() right ?
[08:20:41] <megal0maniac> Yeah, I have
[08:20:47] <RikusW> then it will only be one line in his code
[08:20:53] <RikusW> and the rest in Board.h
[08:21:07] <megal0maniac> Ah, good idea
[08:21:21] <megal0maniac> Perhaps you could move the AUX line in Board.h as well?
[08:21:40] <RikusW> in Board.h #define ENABLE_TPI() do { PORTC=.....; } while(0)
[08:21:41] <megal0maniac> I felt bad even putting that one #if block in appconfig :P
[08:22:10] <RikusW> don't think there is an easy way past the AUX line
[08:23:14] <megal0maniac> Hmmm... I guess not. Well I'm happy that there's at least LUFA "support" for the U2S.
[08:23:18] <RikusW> the reason Linux kernel code use #define do while(0) is to force a ; in ENABLE_TPI(); and to keep the whole thing in one block of code
[08:24:13] <RikusW> check your email
[08:24:20] * megal0maniac checks email
[08:26:29] <RikusW> btw how far did you get on the arduino port ?
[08:27:12] <megal0maniac> Well I was pretty much done
[08:27:34] <megal0maniac> I've seen those messages. megal0maniac_afk hears all ;)
[08:29:00] <megal0maniac> DWEN patch would be a nice addition for all targets
[08:29:21] <RikusW> dW for LUFA you mean ?
[08:29:28] <megal0maniac> Yip
[08:29:37] <RikusW> do you want to add that too ?
[08:29:53] <megal0maniac> Does it bit-bang the UART command every time, or only if it fails the first time?
[08:30:04] <RikusW> bitbang
[08:30:19] <megal0maniac> Yeah, I think it would be a neat feature. Something that would apply to all targets, if abcminiuser wants it
[08:30:30] <RikusW> he would
[08:31:07] <megal0maniac> Again, I'm weary of messy-ing up his code :P
[08:31:50] <megal0maniac> Even if it's an optional function which is off by default and switched on by a #define
[08:32:35] <RikusW> I'll have a look at it too before you submit
[08:32:49] <RikusW> will decrease the chances of messing up stuff
[08:33:30] <megal0maniac> Lol
[08:33:45] <megal0maniac> I like how you think I'm actually capable of writing the code ;)
[08:34:54] <RikusW> well it looks good so far :)
[08:35:07] <RikusW> and I've helped a bit with the TPI
[08:40:16] <megal0maniac> We got this :P
[08:40:31] <Tom_itx> oh the power of positive thinkingQ!
[08:56:10] <Roklobsta> rikus: right your are aha my pratfall was typing atz which would make the modem go back to the original bitrate
[09:17:13] <RikusW> which modem was that again ?
[09:17:43] <twnqx> Roklobsta: gratz!
[09:18:05] <Roklobsta> a teli 3g module
[09:19:54] <RikusW> at+ipr sets the baud on my SIM900
[09:20:12] <RikusW> try at+ipr? and at+ipr=?
[09:23:06] <Roklobsta> yeah it defaults to 115200 and send atipr+=38400 followed by a change in uart speed on the avr. Then the muscle memory in my fingers would type "atz" which would set the modem back to 115200.
[09:23:21] <Roklobsta> if I don't do atz it stays at 38400
[09:23:25] <Roklobsta> duh
[09:29:23] <RikusW> go play Supermeatboy, you'll need muscle memory there...
[09:41:44] <Tom_itx> RikusW did you just finish up those boards?
[09:42:02] <RikusW> A week ago
[09:42:12] <Tom_itx> lookin good
[09:42:23] <RikusW> thanks
[09:42:28] <RikusW> So far assembled 2 sets, 20 left
[09:42:42] <RikusW> I got 11 instead of 10 boards from hackvana
[09:42:53] <RikusW> and I don't complain :)
[09:43:39] <RikusW> I have all the parts for the other 20, but either lack of time or lazyness prevents me assembling the rest ;)
[09:44:21] <RikusW> I have some other projects with higher priority right now
[10:13:37] <braincracker> h
[12:07:15] <t4nk984> hi?
[12:07:36] <Horologium> ?ih
[12:07:52] <t4nk984> pls i need help
[12:08:03] <Horologium> that's nice.
[12:08:04] <t4nk984> my atmega8 is dead
[12:08:11] <Horologium> too bad we can't help if we don't know what the problem is.
[12:08:26] <t4nk984> ammm
[12:08:38] <Horologium> did you change the fuses?
[12:08:44] <Horologium> did you try to power it with 28volts?
[12:08:52] <Horologium> some details might be USEFUL!
[12:09:21] <t4nk984> hahaha
[12:09:24] <t4nk984> 28 volts no
[12:09:39] <t4nk984> when i try to program it
[12:10:10] <t4nk984> atmel studio showme "execution of command ... bla bla bla"
[12:10:33] <Horologium> will have to leave this to someone else.
[12:10:39] <Horologium> as I don't use windows so no atmel studio .
[12:11:23] <t4nk984> i can't be veery expresive
[12:11:39] <t4nk984> my english is bad!!
[12:11:49] <t4nk984> i read about use external clock
[12:11:58] <t4nk984> or HVPP
[12:12:18] <Horologium> without knowing what you did to break it we have no way to know how to fix it.
[12:12:25] <t4nk984> i don't have HVPP programmer
[12:13:13] <antto> Horologium: i burned that das-labor linux on a liveCD
[12:13:19] <antto> but it's all in german
[12:13:55] <antto> so i burned the debian iso
[12:14:01] <antto> that works
[12:14:14] <Tom_itx> mega 8's should be put to rest anyway
[12:14:17] <antto> however, i can't figure out how to mount my usbflash stick with the hex
[12:14:31] <Tom_itx> far better features on the 48 88 168 328
[12:14:58] <t4nk984> well im not sure
[12:18:47] <t4nk984> maybe vcc and gnd are linked
[12:29:34] <curious_> i found some old breadboard it reads E.I.C
[12:29:58] <curious_> does any1 have a clue?
[12:48:38] <antto> what would the avrdude param be for using a real 25-pin parallel port?
[13:00:42] <curious_> lpt programmer?
[13:01:04] <antto> yeah
[13:01:22] <antto> well i'm pluging cables in that port
[13:01:25] <antto> basically
[13:01:46] <antto> http://www.qsl.net/ba1fb/avrisp.gif
[13:01:59] <antto> i hope i don't f*ck things up
[13:02:25] <antto> i didn't put resistors tho
[13:03:29] <curious_> try dapa
[13:04:00] <antto> dapa?
[13:05:03] <curious_> -c dapa
[13:05:35] <antto> k
[13:10:25] <antto> avr device not responding
[13:10:35] <antto> do i have to specify the -P port?
[13:11:11] <antto> holy sh*t
[13:11:20] <antto> it works with -c stk200
[13:13:28] <braincracker> <t4nk984> well im not sure < well this is hopeless
[13:14:58] <braincracker> here is a dapa programmer http://www.pocketmagic.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/AVR-dapa.png
[13:15:45] <antto> and verified O_o \o/
[13:15:52] <curious_> sorry
[13:18:30] <curious_> i found old breadboard
[13:18:46] <curious_> there are writings of eic
[14:40:24] <antto> Horologium: thank you.. the 25-pin port worked, my atmega2561 has a bootloader \o/
[15:05:14] <megal0maniac> What the hell
[15:05:32] <megal0maniac> Sublime Text 2 doesn't have syntax highlighting for ASM :/
[15:06:45] <RikusW> AS ?
[15:06:58] <megal0maniac> RikusW: Sweet balls this is hurting my brain
[15:07:06] <megal0maniac> RikusW: No, Sublime Text
[15:07:06] <RikusW> heh
[15:07:15] <RikusW> AS6 should work
[15:07:58] <RikusW> http://www.ruemohr.org/docs/debugwire.html
[15:08:24] <RikusW> in short, reset goes high, wait for 0x55, send 0x06
[15:08:51] <RikusW> megal0maniac: check some Atmel soft uart appnotes too.
[15:10:40] <megal0maniac> I do not see this being accomplished any time soon
[15:10:44] <RikusW> heh
[15:10:56] <RikusW> thats optional
[15:11:13] <RikusW> arduino and mkii is the main things that should work
[15:11:18] <megal0maniac> I can't even make an LED turn on when a button is pressed using interrupts
[15:11:25] <RikusW> ah
[15:11:34] <RikusW> its not that hard....
[15:11:43] <megal0maniac> And you send me ASM source :P
[15:11:51] <RikusW> ever used event based programming in windows ?
[15:11:58] <RikusW> interrupts are almost like that
[15:12:15] <RikusW> time to learn some asm ;)
[15:14:21] <RikusW> you could do your own baud detection using the 0x55
[15:19:28] <megal0maniac> Hmmm... git on openwrt isn't the real deal
[15:20:16] <megal0maniac> I'm actually going to figure out interrupts and then go to bed
[15:20:30] <megal0maniac> Gotta start somewhere :)
[16:09:45] <megal0maniac> Yeah, that's me done
[16:10:01] <megal0maniac> Haven't figured it out yet, but I can't get ahead of myself
[16:10:31] <megal0maniac> Goodnight :)
[16:21:13] <braincracker> lold on this "LAMBDA Gay / Lesbian / Bisexual / Transgender Community …" http://lambda.org/
[18:40:38] <ambro718> error: can’t find a register in class ‘SIMPLE_LD_REGS’ while reloading ‘asm’
[18:40:46] <ambro718> the same asm is compiled fine when I disable assertions
[21:20:53] <braincracker> is anybody out there?
[21:21:17] <Horologium> nope
[21:21:19] <Horologium> we are all in here.
[21:21:51] <braincracker> :)
[21:21:59] <braincracker> sup?
[21:22:04] <braincracker> what are you up to?
[21:22:05] <Horologium> no thanks, I already ate.
[21:22:10] <braincracker> ;>
[21:22:21] <Horologium> Jurassic Park marathon here.
[21:22:25] <Horologium> on number 3 right now.
[21:22:36] <braincracker> i ate soup a few minutes before, but i still need this rice
[21:22:43] <braincracker> hah
[21:22:52] <Horologium> made deep fried breaded pork chop bites.
[21:23:03] <Horologium> good fattening food.
[21:23:06] <braincracker> yea
[21:23:09] <braincracker> i like that
[21:23:12] <Horologium> good southern cooking.
[21:23:30] <braincracker> but you only get fat from it if you sit in fron of the tv all day
[21:23:34] <braincracker> :P
[21:23:52] <Horologium> cut boneless porkchops into bite sized cubes then put them in a bag with flour, garlic pepper, and popcorn salt.
[21:23:58] <braincracker> http://sms.soberz.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Funny-Road-Sign.jpg
[21:24:00] <Horologium> shake and shake and shake till coated.
[21:24:08] <braincracker> hm
[21:24:09] <Horologium> then drop them into hot oil.
[21:24:16] <braincracker> i just... grill it
[21:25:01] <Horologium> I do that too for whole porkchops.
[21:25:11] <Horologium> or ribs
[21:25:13] <Horologium> or burgers.
[21:25:32] <braincracker> http://simplyfoodndrink.com/dominic%E2%80%99s-7-family-meals-grilled-fish-recipe-and-lemon-shortbread/
[21:25:34] <braincracker> fish !
[21:25:45] <Horologium> not a fish eater myself.
[21:26:04] <braincracker> well if it does not glow in the dark then should be ok
[21:26:17] <braincracker> do you have a geiger meter?
[21:26:32] <Horologium> nope.
[21:26:37] <braincracker> ;<
[21:26:44] <Horologium> I figure if the radiation gets bad enough I need one I'm dead anyhow.
[21:26:57] <braincracker> how can one not have a geiger meter in this perfect new world?
[21:27:31] <Horologium> if the nukes start falling I'm gonna stand outside and watch.
[21:28:11] <braincracker> i was just thinking about the fish might have eaten some radioactive waste at the coast of china
[21:28:36] <braincracker> it just have not started to grow wings, and legs yet
[21:28:57] <Horologium> bah.
[21:29:15] <Horologium> the radiation levels aren't high enough in the ocean yet .
[21:29:37] <Horologium> they haven't even grown a godzilla to crush tokyo..when that happens I'll start to worry.
[21:30:31] <braincracker> it is easier to grow some monster-mutant animal-human-fish-bird
[21:31:03] <braincracker> hybrids are officially internationally banned though...
[21:31:19] <Horologium> just human hybrids.
[21:31:19] <braincracker> hm yes
[21:31:30] <Horologium> and genetically modified wheat.
[21:31:35] <braincracker> no that is legal
[21:31:43] <braincracker> they do it everywhere
[21:31:55] <Horologium> because, you know, GM wheat might make our kids grow a third eye or something.
[21:32:08] <braincracker> i know, i did not make GM seeds...
[21:32:28] <Horologium> china and japan and europe are putting off buying US wheat because they found a field of GM wheat somewhere in montana.
[21:32:35] <braincracker> you know, they sell it, and they buy it because cheap, and will kill bugs...
[21:33:28] <braincracker> and eating things that kill bugs is awesome you know
[21:35:01] <braincracker> this is the trend, it does not matter what you want
[21:35:36] <braincracker> there is an outer-limits episode on this
[21:36:16] <braincracker> humans annihilate theirselves using gm
[21:38:20] <braincracker> Horologium<= did you see these? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Washingtonians_(Masters_of_Horror_episode)
[21:39:44] <Horologium> nope.
[21:39:47] <Horologium> never heard of it.
[21:39:55] <Horologium> but, I don't watch much tv and don't have cable
[21:40:25] <braincracker> hm, "buy it"
[21:40:25] <braincracker> :)
[21:40:31] <braincracker> 2 seasons
[21:40:41] <Horologium> no thanks.
[21:42:07] <braincracker> i don't watch tv either
[21:49:09] <Horologium> looks like there are 2 more jurassic park movies in the works.
[21:49:14] <Horologium> oh well...bedtime here.
[21:53:17] <braincracker> i saw jurassic park 3d version coming out
[21:53:26] <braincracker> but no new jurassic parks
[23:10:10] <Xark> braincracker: Umm, what about http://www.jurassicpark4-movie.com/
[23:10:48] <braincracker> HAHA 2015
[23:11:01] <braincracker> sure, they must breed dinosaurs ...