#avr | Logs for 2013-06-19

[00:35:53] <Roklobsta> super quiet today
[01:22:36] <Essobi> yurp
[01:46:41] <Roklobsta> when going from -O0 to -O1 makes your program stop working there must be a 'volatile' missing.
[01:53:48] <Essobi> wups
[02:19:08] * Roklobsta rips hair. Damned JTAG on Dragon silently stops working properly. More hours wasted.
[02:20:44] <megal0maniac> Time for an upgrade?
[02:22:59] <megal0maniac> I swear the JTAGICE3 is cheaper to make
[02:24:21] <megal0maniac> Sans the box maybe
[02:43:54] <Roklobsta> i have a mkii-cn
[02:52:44] <megal0maniac> I was looking at those the other day. Why are you using the dragon then?
[03:03:13] <Roklobsta> mkii-cn has a firmware lag WRT AVRStudio updates, sometimes weeks.
[03:03:27] <Roklobsta> And dragon has been fine until this 6.1SP1
[03:03:37] <Roklobsta> or 6.1 ingeneral
[03:11:16] <megal0maniac> Ah, I see. Makes sense
[03:50:53] * specing hugs his ARMs
[03:51:31] <megal0maniac> specing: What have you done with the launchpads?
[03:51:36] * theBear hugs his body
[03:54:00] <specing> megal0maniac: hugged them
[05:40:10] <mrrr_____> hey, anyone working with atxmegas+PDI here?
[05:46:00] <Xark> mrrr_____: A bit. "Just worked" with AVRISPMkII (~$30).
[05:49:07] <mrrr_____> i am really starting to regret i wanted those two on-board dacs :P
[05:50:20] <Xark> mrrr_____: Too noisy or what?
[05:51:04] <mrrr_____> no, I cannot even get it to work :/ and need special programmer instead of my tinyISP...
[05:51:55] <Xark> mrrr_____: Oh, yes. I was glad I had the "official" AVR programmer that was supported. That is a hazard. :)
[05:52:34] <Xark> mrrr_____: The chip is a decent step up from AVR8 (assuming your programmer cooperates).
[05:52:46] <mrrr_____> i have borrowed avr dragon now
[05:53:00] <mrrr_____> but.. it doesn't provide power for the target..?
[05:53:47] <Xark> mrrr_____: I think that is correct (neither does AVRISPmkII).
[05:53:47] <mrrr_____> and it even needed external supply for updating firmware.. ehh
[05:54:02] <mrrr_____> because 500mA wasn't enough
[05:54:13] <Xark> mrrr_____: That seems odd....
[05:55:09] <mrrr_____> yep, but providing it fixed the issue :)
[05:56:12] <Xark> Interesting. Perhaps some driver issue or something (USB is funny that way).
[05:57:01] <mrrr_____> i have to say, i am running the atmel studio on virtual machine :) so there might be something to that :)
[05:58:47] <Xark> :)
[06:44:05] <braincracker> hi
[06:44:20] * braincracker chatting from the desert, 35.3C in the shade
[06:45:35] <Xark> braincracker: Sounds kinda hot. :)
[06:46:36] <specing> 35'C here, too
[06:47:11] <theBear> heh, you guys got summer in the middle of winter
[06:47:25] <specing> or...
[06:47:33] <specing> you have winter in the middle of summer
[06:47:40] <theBear> nah man, it can't be !
[06:47:44] <theBear> it's winter now !
[06:47:46] * theBear smiles
[06:47:54] <Horologium> is summer now!
[06:48:01] <theBear> you crazy mang
[06:48:01] <Horologium> having summer at christmas is just wrong.
[06:48:20] <Horologium> how can you have sleigh rides in middle of summer?
[06:49:10] <theBear> can't, doesn't snow :(
[06:49:22] <Xark> Horologium: Tall mountains (or lots of cocaine)? :)
[06:49:34] <specing> ah, $deity-related problems
[06:49:51] <Horologium> hmm...crystalmas?
[06:51:13] <Horologium> just another holiday the christians stole from older religions I guess.
[06:52:12] <specing> well
[06:52:38] <specing> with developments in neuroscience religion could be treated like a mental illness in the future
[06:52:50] <Horologium> hehe
[06:53:12] <Horologium> well, they do all go gather together and talk to their imaginary friends I suppose.
[06:53:29] <Horologium> or do what the "voice of god" tells them to do.
[06:54:48] <Horologium> god must be schizo though...he tells different people to do different things.
[06:56:03] <specing> and has multiple personality disorder
[06:56:50] <theBear> not schizo, omnipient AND omniscient
[06:56:58] <theBear> err, omnipitent ? one of those
[06:57:07] <theBear> omnipotent ? hmmm
[06:57:46] <Horologium> omnipotent, omniscient, impotent, and disassociative personality syndrome.
[06:58:17] <braincracker> hm i should implement this too on a CNC mill http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superellipse
[06:58:45] <theBear> nah, opposite of impotent... re: virgin mary
[06:59:02] <specing> the thingy on the first graph is called "asteroida"
[06:59:09] <braincracker> Horologium <= what primitives you support in CNC mills?
[06:59:33] <Horologium> ummm,,,,cavemen?
[06:59:59] <Horologium> I don't have any cnc mills at the moment.
[07:00:04] <theBear> re: mental illness, i'm sure a large part of what made me 'intelligent' in school, and capable of all kinds of complex programming and electronickery, and unable to conceptualise most things in the same way as normal people, but often more effective because of this, is due to my 'mental illnesses'
[07:00:06] <Horologium> though I do have parts for one or three.
[07:00:34] <theBear> and sure, i AM disturbed in several ways, but are the negatives really bigger than the positives ?
[07:00:34] <braincracker> :) Horologium http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geometric_primitive
[07:01:08] <Horologium> theBear, me too. later in life I was diagnosed as being very high on the autistic spectrum...something they didn't know much, if anything, about when I was a kid.
[07:01:29] <braincracker> point line circle, ellipse, spline with interpolations
[07:01:32] <Horologium> braincracker, I know what they are.
[07:01:56] <braincracker> Bézier curve
[07:02:02] <Horologium> I just don't have any CNC machines to support anything, so I'm at the caveman level.
[07:02:18] <braincracker> ;<
[07:03:00] <theBear> mmm, not talking about you, but i suspect if given specific autism-aimed spectrum testing, depending on the day (even when i'm trying really hard not to consciously influence those kinda spectrum tests i'm quite aware that my 'mental condition' at the time of the test makes results very different to what they may be the next day) that i would score highly, but personally i wouldn't see that alone as a reaso
[07:03:01] <theBear> nable measure of autistic spectrum position
[07:03:31] <theBear> those tests are pretty damned sneaky and smart, not just repeating and similar but different questions, not just the f-scale, but damn, guys who came up with those diagnostic things are smart dudes !
[07:04:25] <Horologium> theBear, I was tested without my knowledge...hehe...wife's best friend is an autism specialist and she tests by observation and note taking then uses those notes to build a score...she wouldn't tell me my score but said if I was in school these days I would probably get special attention because of it.
[07:04:27] <theBear> at the same time, recent ex-boss who i got on with really well, and while very smart is fairly autistic, feels i'm likely as much in the autism area as i appear to be in the manic-depressive and psychotic ones
[07:05:04] <theBear> mmm, that'd be interesting, get soemone to plant someone like that in social situations with me, but on several occasions, hopefully me being in a different mental(medically) state on each
[07:06:31] <theBear> there's also (simply by the nature of the various disorders/behaviours) a diagnostically nasty amount of interaction... specially once yer past childhood, combinations of things like current and perhaps short term pre-current depression/mania, coupled with a lifetime of experiences and responses and learnt behaviours and coping mechanisms really makes any of it very hard to be definate about, even at a diag
[07:06:32] <theBear> nostic spectrum (vs specific/definate) level
[07:06:53] <Horologium> once you know they are observing you for it you will change your behavior apparently and skew the results.
[07:07:15] <Horologium> and it's worse with adults than with kids, or so I'm told.
[07:09:41] <theBear> that too, tho if you 'try' (which in many ways is not trying <grin>) to not be sneaky you can get more accurate results, for example i've done the old minnesota whatsit diagnostic (512 or so questions, common for psychiatric diagnostics) test, last one before it was computer based, a few times, and i'm aware of my head trying to skew the results, but by trying to answer quickly and 'without thinking' about
[07:09:42] <theBear> the answer, and between the methods like repeating questions and slightly altering questions, and the associated f-scale (amount that the test thinks you have purposely skewed results) i feel i do a decent job of making the test work, but like i say, how i respond one day even without consciously skewing results, is radically different to another, due to personality/judgement changes from the very condition
[07:09:42] <theBear> s it tries to detect :)
[07:10:28] <Horologium> haha..I've taken so many of those tests over the years.
[07:10:37] <Horologium> specially as a kid.
[07:11:05] <theBear> for example, since i been 'crippled' much more than just a regular bad back, and used a walking stick, and not been able to 'look after myself' like a grown person should be able, in many respects, i've gotten some mild anxiety kinda disorders/symptoms, and these alone if viewed on a "is this dude autistic" basis, make me look autistic in several regards that would appear completely valid to someone who did
[07:11:05] <theBear> n't know me before these events
[07:11:06] <Horologium> I was diagosed with everything but depression over the span of my school career.
[07:11:55] <Horologium> I just don't do depression. I'm more the happy go lucky take it as it comes and laugh at everything kinda person.
[07:12:11] <Horologium> maybe too much seratonin production
[07:12:35] <Horologium> but I can find something funny in just about anything
[07:12:48] <theBear> mmm, for some reason i never got tested/considered as a kid, maybe it had to do with poor school management/staffing, or a doctor who was old and near the end of his (useful) medical career, or his background, or my parents not wanting to think/admit that kinda thing, but i had no idea the background of many 'problems' until years later when i finally saw a psychologist ... then again, knowing i had manic/d
[07:12:48] <theBear> epression issues as a schoolchild, both young or as a teen, may or may not have helped me cope/deal with thenm
[07:13:10] <theBear> woulda made some things different for sure, but net pos or neg is always impossible to be sure of, even in retrospect
[07:13:39] <Horologium> my social anxiety issues as a kid are explained by the borderline autism thing though.
[07:14:00] <theBear> i don't treat it as a cripple or a curse (depression that is) but it DOES help being aware that sometimes my brain just goes wrong and makes everything look dark and terrible and on top of this just plain makes emotions that don't/shouldn't exist
[07:14:24] <Horologium> and the fact that I only ever have one person in my life who I would call a friend....I just don't have enough social whatever to be able to deal with more than one friend at a time.
[07:14:38] <Tom_itx> theBear, maybe not smart dudes but rather recognize the symptoms from personal experience
[07:15:16] <theBear> then again, spending over a year just lying on my back reading books during recess and lunchtime at school, that probably wasn't the BEST use of my time, then again, maybe that WAS better than playing ball games and using monkey bars <grin>
[07:15:55] <Tom_itx> look at anything from a far and it begins to look rather silly
[07:16:10] <Tom_itx> ... why do they actually do that...
[07:16:11] <Horologium> I can actually remember my first grade report card and my father going off on me for the "Does not play well with others" comment from the teacher.
[07:16:16] <theBear> Tom_itx, yeah, that's why i eventually saw the first doc, but aside from anything else, we're conditioned to think those kinda medical/mental issues are "bad" in modern society, so without some major thing tipping us off, we're likely to subconsciously ignore/skew hints
[07:16:47] <Tom_itx> it somewhat depends who's suffering ... benefiting from them
[07:16:51] <theBear> lol, what a classic quote, not sure i ever got that word for word, should look one day, got all that stuff stashed soemwhere at mums place
[07:17:48] <Horologium> on a side note, I wonder how hard it is to extract urisol oil from poison ivy...
[07:18:18] <Horologium> err urushiol
[07:18:30] <theBear> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=a5MNvaBjZFo random, hehe
[07:18:43] <theBear> what's that, a good oil or the poison bit ?
[07:19:58] <theBear> hehe, i like this video possibly more than the rest of the series
[07:20:25] <Horologium> theBear, I want to put it in paintballs....muahahahaha.
[07:20:54] <Horologium> on that note, I'm off to work to wait for the cops to show up to haul me away for terrorist thoughts.
[07:24:30] <braincracker> <Horologium> I can actually remember my first grade report card and my father going off on me for the "Does not play well with others" comment from the teacher. < fuck that shit
[07:25:56] <Roklobsta> worst report card. ever.
[07:32:37] <david_gh> Hi
[07:33:09] <david_gh> some one that worked with ARM (lpc17xx family)
[07:33:24] <tzanger> yes
[07:33:28] <david_gh> :D
[07:34:40] <david_gh> ok
[07:35:23] <david_gh> i going to make a pov (point of view) with LPC1768 NXP (philips)
[07:35:57] <david_gh> and need to control some led
[07:36:20] <david_gh> but i cannot compile my code with keil ide
[07:36:37] <tzanger> Is there a reason you're using Keil's tools instead of bog-standard gcc?
[07:36:42] <david_gh> a simple code that send a value to a port of board
[07:36:54] <david_gh> yes
[07:37:32] <david_gh> good support for board library
[07:37:46] <david_gh> and easy IDE
[07:38:10] <david_gh> ( and i cant find good choice for begining) :)
[07:39:12] <david_gh> if you have other suggestion i ready to hear that
[07:40:44] <tzanger> just ask, IRC is usually fire-and-wait
[07:40:53] <tzanger> most of us idle and work on other stuff at the same time
[07:41:17] <tzanger> most times the "hello world" of microcontrollers is a blinking LED
[07:41:34] <david_gh> ok tzanger; are u worked with LPC family?
[07:41:52] <tzanger> use pastbin.com or similar to post code, don't paste to the chan. What are you trying to do and what is (not) happenning
[07:41:55] <tzanger> yes
[07:42:05] <tzanger> not with Keil mind you
[07:42:29] <david_gh> ok
[07:42:43] <david_gh> have any code or bin file?
[07:43:04] <tzanger> if I dig around probably, it's been a while since I worked on LPC
[07:43:22] <david_gh> ?
[07:43:24] <tzanger> wy not post what you have, a basic hello world won't be more than a hundred lines
[07:43:37] <tzanger> including the makefile and linker file
[07:44:01] <david_gh> lpc_gpio1
[07:44:44] <david_gh> do you know how work this command?
[07:46:16] <david_gh> --------------------------------------------------------
[07:47:12] <david_gh> some one have any LED flasher code for LPC17xx (lpc1768) please help me
[07:47:16] <david_gh> some one have any LED flasher code for LPC17xx (lpc1768) please help me
[07:47:24] <david_gh> some one have any LED flasher code for LPC17xx (lpc1768)
[07:48:22] <Xark> david_gh: Hmm, why are you asking on #avr (just wondering)?
[07:49:12] <tzanger> again that looks like a Keil-specific library
[07:49:31] <tzanger> and avoid repeating yourself like that, that is a VERY good way to get ignored
[07:50:09] <tzanger> we (I) have asked you to paste code using pastebin.com or a similar service, state clearly what the issue is and what you've tried. You don't seem willing to do this so I am disinclined to help
[07:50:21] <tzanger> a schematic would also be handy
[07:52:22] <theBear> woah easy there man
[07:52:24] <david_gh> oh sorry
[07:52:48] <theBear> repeating doesn't help, not even like anyone joined between them, we all saw it if we looked, seeing it 3 times won't help\
[07:52:54] <theBear> what's a lpc1768 anyway ?
[07:52:56] <david_gh> Xark: bcs i know who worked with avr now work with ARM
[07:53:08] <david_gh> ok wait
[07:54:55] * Xark has a LCP DIP but hasn't gotten around to breadboarding it (gcc toolchain look bothersome to set up).
[07:55:17] <david_gh> i used a code that exsit in this page http://www.brc-electronics.nl/gpio
[07:56:08] <Xark> david_gh: Thanks, bookmarked. :)
[07:58:09] <david_gh> :|
[07:58:47] <david_gh> Xark: i tried to compile that and get some errore
[07:58:59] <david_gh> and contact with site support
[07:59:32] <david_gh> he said to me that i send project for him
[08:00:22] <david_gh> but now i dont recive any message from he :|
[08:01:01] <theBear> so it's a arm eh ? mini one ? the old err, 43oh ? or similar silly spelling/name channel might be helpful
[08:02:08] <Xark> david_gh: Hmm, I not sure, but I think there are several other sites with LPC tool chains setups.
[08:03:04] <theBear> if it's a tiny arm it's probably just a standard gcc-arm/baremetal(os-less) toolchain with thumb options or something
[08:03:15] <david_gh> thebear: unfurtunalty some channel exsit about arm but their discuss abour arm OS
[08:05:02] <theBear> #43oh (i think thats the right name, maybe two #'s tho) is about those little launchpad 430 boards, and pretty sure it's raw/no-os subject/based
[08:05:13] <theBear> tho you might find flyback there, adn that is a fate worse than death
[08:08:41] <megal0maniac> theBear: Ah! Just who I'm looking for
[08:08:56] <theBear> seriously ? there must be some mistake :)
[08:09:08] <megal0maniac> No. You are a great wizard
[08:09:42] <megal0maniac> Mobo just came back from suppliers. It's been stress tested in every way possible, they did all the things I did and it worked perfectly
[08:09:55] <megal0maniac> The only component which they didn't have was my power supply
[08:10:02] <david_gh> theBear : if you know wizard pls lunch my work :D
[08:11:19] <megal0maniac> Now I'm not expecting to get +12.00V and +5.00V exactly all the time, but what is an acceptable voltage range? And how much ripple is too much ripple?
[08:11:29] <megal0maniac> I'm about to connect a scope to this thing
[08:14:23] <theBear> good question, cos like i'm sure i mentioned i've been going thru similar psu-related and super-hi-current modern mobo things recently, and thoroughly scoped under several different situations/mobos/psus... to sum up, i'm not entirely sure on the ripple, especially during startup, tho MOST psus seem to rate +-5% on most rails, often tighter on 3.3 and/or 5, most psus seem to use 5 or 3.3v for internal feedb
[08:14:24] <theBear> ack, and of course half-decent ones this century have 3.3v feedback from the main atx connector on ONE pin, like you should remember i don't have a modern/current supply, but i suspect they may be starting to base overall or at least main-transformer/switcher feedback on 12v
[08:15:44] <megal0maniac> Hmmm... Okay.
[08:15:46] <theBear> now.... 5% at 12v is err, 12*.05 so .6v, 5v it would be .25v ... but startup specs are tricky, specially with a non-storage scope, and with intel mobos which are VERY strict on startup/rail ready/psu ready line(wire/signal) specs and timings
[08:16:15] <megal0maniac> Not too worried about startup. That isn't where the problem is, which is good because it's easier to spot. Theoretically
[08:16:34] <theBear> yeah, i just remembered that for you
[08:16:55] <megal0maniac> You're too kind ;)
[08:17:05] <megal0maniac> I guess I'll just fire it up and see
[08:17:07] <theBear> so for a start, assuming yer comfortable with basic scope operation settings, can safely ground the scope somewhere close to the mobo/psu, and happy to probe yer live pc
[08:17:12] <theBear> lets yeah, see what we see
[08:18:07] <megal0maniac> I have crocodile clips :) And scope is easy
[08:19:08] <theBear> points of interest of course include avg deviation/level compared to 5 and 12v (may as well check 3.3v too, but on a modern mobo 12v is BOUND to be the suspect/issue if there is one) ... assuming those are reasonable, experience suggests about +-.1v at 12 and .05v at 5 are very acceptable, next point of interest is odd/intermittant big spikes, and the constant/steady load spikes, maybe viewed at the atx con
[08:19:09] <theBear> nector or so (drop across feed wires is often notable, tho not an issue as such) , and what freq/level they are
[08:19:46] <theBear> freq gives hints as to cause of major load/potential problems, also you'll notice that maybe 3d graphics vs cmdline vs idling/2d graphics vs playing a movie or heavy hd use will be notably different
[08:20:10] <megal0maniac> I planned on checking 12V and 5V rails, since the drives are the issue. On the molex connector
[08:20:34] <theBear> hmm, maybe check 5/12v at the hd connectors too, not that they will be huge, but you'll likely see a very different noise/load pattern there than you do at the atx connector (remembering that the wires in both directions are resistors/resistive dividers in relation to the final load and the psu rails internally)
[08:20:46] <theBear> remember we aint sure if it's the drives or the chipset that is the issue
[08:21:26] <megal0maniac> Well my focus is on drive power, since they couldn't reproduce the issue and as for which drive drops out when I'm using it, it's completely random
[08:22:36] <megal0maniac> Brb. Building
[08:26:00] <theBear> megal0maniac_afk, if you DO have a fancy digital/storagey kinda scope, i'd be quite interested what you see during startup, specifically 12v rail and less importantly the 'pwr on' and the 'pwr good' lines at the mobo/atx end, both spikes/out of spec stuff and timing wise
[08:27:01] <theBear> sidesidenote: i been using my little dual-redundant hotswappey atx supply on the machine i had problems with as a make-it-work-for-now thing, both of them being rated as a sensible normal few years old supply means in parallel they're huge/more than enough, the thing has been 110% the whole time, not a hiccup
[08:37:20] <megal0maniac_afk> I'm afraid not. It's an ancient 15mhz analog scope. I do have a 20khz scope thingy, but it's limited to 5V. Could do a voltage divider, I suppose...
[08:57:41] <Roklobsta> does it matter if you set the PORTx values before or after the DDRx values?
[08:58:23] <megal0maniac_afk> Nope
[08:58:34] <Casper> yes, no, maybe
[08:58:59] <megal0maniac> No for the AVR. Yes for the circuit, perhaps
[08:59:00] <Casper> if the pin is set to input, then it mean that you will first set the pullup
[08:59:22] <Casper> so the pin will be momentary set to input with a weak pullup
[08:59:30] <Casper> which may or may not affect the circuit
[08:59:37] <theBear> megal0maniac, that's cool, i couldn't do it myself, so ya know, i don't blame yer :)
[09:00:42] <theBear> erm, you i woulda thought that if you set portx while the port was still set to input, that your settings would alter pullup resistors rather than what the port would output after ddrx setting ?
[09:12:46] <Roklobsta> thanks. i suspect my issues are somewhere else.
[09:13:14] <Roklobsta> i think ATOMICBLOCK() is enabling interrupts before the should
[09:19:43] <Casper> damn.... jtrucks now put everyone on the network on the NSA watch list...
[09:21:30] <megal0maniac> :/
[09:21:47] * Valen had disable_wdt() fail on me today
[09:21:49] <Valen> :-<
[09:22:00] <Valen> doesn't work on attiny84a
[09:22:06] <Valen> had to do it my own self
[09:38:03] <Roklobsta> hmmm, if I have an LED on pin 7 of port B I am best to toggle it by PORTB = PORTB ^ 0x80?
[09:40:15] <megal0maniac> Alright, so. Started it up and 5 of the 6 devices show up
[09:42:39] <megal0maniac> 12.05V and 5.07V
[09:47:22] <megal0maniac> Starts up, runs for a bit, freeze, BSOD
[09:48:16] <megal0maniac> 5 of the devices show up again, but the SSD is the one that's missing now
[09:50:12] <theBear> hmmm, the high-end-of-sensible voltages MIGHT (not strictly a problem) suggest that whatever that supply DOES use for feedback is heavily loaded or has a big drop between supply and final load therefore it's overcompensating a little, but that alone isn't really a big hint
[09:50:38] <theBear> how does the steady/constant digital noise (aka load response) look at the atx and/or hds ?
[09:51:07] <megal0maniac> I've only looked with a multimeter so far
[09:51:14] <theBear> note it could be anywhere from lowish to VERY high freqs, or several, up the brightness and wildly spin the timebase knob to identify/see :)
[09:51:17] <theBear> ahh
[09:51:35] <megal0maniac> But do you agree it sounds like a power issue?
[09:53:15] <theBear> you knew i agreed with that weeks ago (ish, i have no concept of time)
[09:53:58] <megal0maniac> I'm re-evaluating everything :)
[09:54:05] <theBear> and the more replacements/no-faults you got told, the more i started to agree it was the ONLY likely or perhaps (assuming good suppliers/techs) possible issue
[09:54:32] <theBear> that's good, once you decide on something, your crazy human brain will skew everything you do/test/measure to aim at that
[10:00:47] <megal0maniac> 5V rail couldn't possible have less noise on it
[10:03:24] * Casper votes for a bad board
[10:03:32] <megal0maniac> I've replaced the board
[10:03:35] <Casper> but you're not alone to have such a puzzle
[10:03:52] <megal0maniac> I have another one to test with, but it only has 2 SATA ports and I'm using 6
[10:03:54] <Casper> this client pc... came in with a no-post issue
[10:04:08] <Casper> psu test good, replacement did nothing
[10:04:16] <Casper> put new memory, nothing
[10:04:32] <Casper> no cards, so there is 2 parts left: intel cpu and intel board
[10:04:33] <megal0maniac> Mine just blue-screened during chkdisk :)
[10:04:42] <Casper> order a new board, put it in and...
[10:04:45] <Casper> still no boot
[10:04:59] <Casper> replace the cpu, still no post
[10:05:06] <megal0maniac> Heh
[10:05:07] <megal0maniac> Ghosts
[10:05:10] <Casper> in short, everything got replaced
[10:05:16] <Casper> still don't work
[10:05:44] <Casper> now, I wonder if all of my memory modules could be defect
[10:08:56] <megal0maniac> Ripple is in the range of like 10-20mv on both rails, and fluctuation not more than 100mV
[10:09:34] <Casper> memory test
[10:09:55] * Casper is completly puzzled by this issue...
[10:10:19] <Casper> it do not even beep on no-memory condition
[10:11:08] <megal0maniac> I had a similar thing and it was caused by me forgetting to connect the 4pin ATX connector
[10:11:38] <megal0maniac> Felt pretty stupid
[10:20:41] <braincracker> 36C
[10:24:23] <braincracker> so, i have to calibrate my atmega's internal calibrated bandgap reference before i can use it ?
[10:27:22] <Casper> depend on the precision needed
[10:27:47] <braincracker> +-1mV is fine to me
[10:28:28] <RikusW> megal0maniac: just DO NOT put the 6 pin PCI express connector into the 8 pin CPU power socket....
[10:28:43] <RikusW> wrong polarity 12V....
[10:29:00] * RikusW smells smoke...
[10:29:06] <Casper> braincracker: if you need such precision, then you can not use the internal reference
[10:29:27] <twnqx> also, you don't have enough bits anyway.
[10:29:32] <braincracker> i was assuming it has +-5% or something like that accuracy be defalult.
[10:29:33] <Casper> RikusW: actually, the internal diode of the fet should make a short and cause the cpu to shutdown
[10:29:36] <megal0maniac> RikusW: 4pin != 6pin
[10:29:42] <megal0maniac> So I wouldn't do that
[10:29:45] <theBear> megal0maniac, hmm, you measured that at the disks or the mobo (and if so atx or atx12v/4-6-8pin connector) ?
[10:29:52] <twnqx> GPU is 6pin or 8pin
[10:29:55] <RikusW> megal0maniac: new motherboards have 8 pin
[10:29:59] <Casper> but don't expect it to work on all...
[10:29:59] <twnqx> mainboard EATX is 4pin or 8pin
[10:30:05] <RikusW> and the 6 pin fits into the 8...
[10:30:11] <twnqx> of course
[10:30:13] <theBear> heh, i never tried yet, with or without right tools, but i suspect it's near impossible to desolder those giant smd fets on a modern mobo
[10:30:15] <megal0maniac> Well 6 != 8
[10:30:19] <Casper> and yes, it's stupid that they used a different pinout
[10:30:21] <twnqx> my 6pin cables have an extra row to make them 8pin
[10:30:30] <megal0maniac> theBear: Molex 4pin connector
[10:30:41] <twnqx> theBear: hot air or infrared, with preheater from the bottom
[10:30:43] <RikusW> Casper: actually you will have connected 12V into ground, assuming the big ATX connector is connected, dead short...
[10:30:48] <twnqx> gets off about everything
[10:31:24] <Casper> oh that too
[10:31:36] * Casper can't thinks this morning
[10:31:38] <RikusW> twnqx: the GPU 6 pin and the CPU 8 pin have opposite polarities
[10:31:49] <Casper> the issues I have at work cause my brain to short...
[10:31:56] * RikusW kicks the dumbass who decided it had to be that way _and_ fit
[10:31:57] <theBear> megal0maniac, err, the one for 12vatx or hds ?
[10:32:05] <megal0maniac> hds
[10:32:07] <theBear> or a disconected/unused hd one ?
[10:32:10] <RikusW> its the most stupid thing ever
[10:32:25] <megal0maniac> Yip
[10:32:27] <Casper> what is even stupider is the 8 pins pcie connector...
[10:32:32] <Casper> why add grounds?
[10:32:46] <twnqx> return path?
[10:32:54] <theBear> mmm, i think much more likely the problem would be at the mobo supply end, i say check 5 and 12 in the atx connector mobo end, and the 4/6/8pin (depending on mobo/age) 12v cpu/atxaux connector
[10:33:21] <megal0maniac> I have something much more conclusive
[10:33:35] <theBear> yeah, even if there a lot of grounds in atx, if yer doing stupid 40-infinitystupidnumber amps for a gpu or something, you want extra return copper too
[10:33:48] <twnqx> Roklobsta> hmmm, if I have an LED on pin 7 of port B I am best to toggle it by PORTB = PORTB ^ 0x80? <- PORTB ^= 0x80;
[10:36:21] <braincracker> i used to desolder/ solder things on motherboards.
[10:37:01] <twnqx> studd that's not connected to heat transfer planes doesn't count :P
[10:37:03] <twnqx> stuff*
[10:37:29] <braincracker> VRM fets, capacitros
[10:37:39] <braincracker> slots
[10:37:50] <braincracker> connectors
[10:38:14] <braincracker> most things are "connected to heat transfer planes" on a motherboard...
[10:38:30] <braincracker> copper and fiberglass is good heat-conductor.
[10:40:24] <theBear> i solder on mobos a lot, and one day soon i gonna attempt those fets (jsut about only thing i never have) ... but yeah, the big planes and sheer size of feeds/outputs to the vrm/switchey fets worried me
[10:40:28] <theBear> worries
[10:41:09] <theBear> then again, i spose i do have my dis-en-cased 'dimmer switches' and similarly disposessed stove-spiral-elements for just this kind of future work
[11:13:55] <ambro718> cool, I figured out how to speed up my division even futher. Since I know the result of a/b in my case will be <2^N, I can remove removing/simplify the iterations that compute higher bits, and this will implicitly saturate the result if it really isn't <2^N, which is exactly what I need :P
[11:14:44] <scipy53> lol
[11:14:52] <scipy53> found a typo in a datasheet
[11:15:25] <scipy53> funny one: pplication loads SLA+W into TWDR, and loads appropriate control signals into TWCR, makin sure that TWINT is written to one ...
[11:16:40] <twnqx> there tons of typos
[11:16:44] <twnqx> and more complex errors
[11:16:51] <twnqx> in just about every data sheet
[11:16:57] <twnqx> from every vendor
[11:27:14] <scipy53> probably
[11:27:57] <scipy53> I'm using an atmega168, and need to use TWI/I2C ... should I write the code for interfacing myself, or is there some open source library out there which everyone sues?
[11:29:12] <ambro718> I don't know, but generally using peripherals is easy on AVR
[11:29:46] <ambro718> some people use Arduino libraries. Some don't.
[11:31:17] <scipy53> ambro718, Easy in what sense? Writing the code for interfacing yourself is easy, or using external libraries make it easy to use peripherals.
[11:31:22] <scipy53> ?
[11:31:43] <ambro718> writing the code is easy
[11:32:00] <ambro718> that is, you read what the datasheet says, you do it, and it works
[11:32:36] <scipy53> Oh I see
[11:32:41] <scipy53> There is sample code too
[11:32:47] <scipy53> I guess I can start there
[11:39:27] <braincracker> mm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G20LnQRoybs
[11:39:31] <braincracker> Horologium
[11:49:58] <ColdKeyboard> My delay_us and delay_ms are gone insane... I write _delay_us(900) and the delay is almost 1s... :S anyone had similair problems?
[11:51:06] <braincracker> yes
[11:51:08] <ambro718> check your F_CPU
[11:51:19] <braincracker> internal oscillator is usually withing +-3%
[11:51:28] <ColdKeyboard> #define F_CPU 8000000UL
[11:51:36] <braincracker> and it becomes less accurate above byte.
[11:51:56] <ColdKeyboard> I know but +-3% shouldn't change 900us to 1s, right? :)
[11:52:00] <ambro718> braincracker: his error is more than 1000x
[11:52:27] <ambro718> ColdKeyboard: are you putting the cpu to sleep or lower frequecy modes?
[11:52:29] <braincracker> ambro718 <= you have bigger errors than that
[11:52:37] <braincracker> 100000x
[11:53:39] <ambro718> ColdKeyboard: check your fuses if they're set up to use the external oscillator
[11:54:05] <ColdKeyboard> 0xC4 low and 0xD9 high, it should use Internal 8MHz oscillator
[11:54:17] <ambro718> ah, strange then..
[11:56:55] <ColdKeyboard> Maybe I should try adding a external oscillator to see if the problem persists?
[11:59:41] <R0b0t1> ColdKeyboard: F_CPU
[12:00:35] <Vutral> hm
[12:03:31] <braincracker> ColdKeyboard ... if you have an interrupt running it will suspend your dealy loop every time it is triggered
[12:03:51] <braincracker> if the interrupt never returns, your delay will become infinity
[12:03:52] <ColdKeyboard> R0b0t1: <ColdKeyboard> #define F_CPU 8000000UL
[12:04:10] <ColdKeyboard> That should be ok, right?
[12:04:47] <Tom_itx> yes
[12:09:49] <ColdKeyboard> Hmmm... Whatever delay I use it lights up the LED for the same amount of time :\
[12:10:17] <ColdKeyboard> I used _delay_ms(5000) and it still delays about 1s :S
[12:10:23] <ColdKeyboard> Something is completely wrong here :\
[12:14:27] <braincracker> ColdKeyboard <= architecture?
[12:15:23] <Vutral> bla
[12:15:39] <Vutral> counting timer overflows
[12:15:39] <Vutral> ^^
[12:16:31] <braincracker> the delays use instruction delay.
[12:16:54] <braincracker> you scale down f_cpu and it is broken
[12:18:56] <Vutral> hm ?
[12:18:57] <Vutral> ^^
[12:19:31] <Vutral> if you change frequency you need to have code which can handle variable frequencies
[12:22:13] <braincracker> i have no idea what ColdKeyboard is chilling there
[12:22:51] <braincracker> my u_delay does +-3% (interrupts disabled)
[12:42:16] <Tom_itx> ColdKeyboard, i think there is a max delay using _delay_ms
[12:42:24] <Tom_itx> i don't recall what it is
[12:43:19] <braincracker> guessing, 16384ms
[12:45:43] <john_f> is there a preprocessor test I can use to pick the correct int definition? I want to test/debug data conversion on x86.
[12:47:41] <john_f> in gcc
[12:49:47] <twnqx> the "correct" int definition?
[12:50:32] <twnqx> you can always use inttypes.h and get uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t and of course the int_ equivalents for signed
[12:54:31] <john_f> oh I thought that was just for printf format macros.
[12:55:33] <twnqx> with gcc extensions you get uint_128t as well :P
[13:05:34] <Casper> grrrr
[13:05:44] <Casper> so I got this computer from a client...
[13:05:49] <Casper> no post
[13:06:30] <Casper> swap the memory with a brand new one, no post. swap the psu with a known good one, no post... what's left: intel board and intel cpu
[13:06:46] <Casper> declare the board dead, order a new board: no post
[13:07:02] <Casper> . . . order a new cpu... man a defective intel cpu?...
[13:07:12] <Casper> ... no post... WTH... it's a new computer!
[13:07:35] <Casper> ended up... the new cpu is not supported on the board
[13:08:06] <Casper> and the old cpu... the pins was massivelly dirty, near uncleanable
[13:08:37] <Casper> back on the original board... and it work...
[13:09:03] <Casper> so... the issue was contaminated pads on the cpu (1155)
[13:09:13] <Casper> fun...
[13:09:31] <twnqx> 1155? isn't that pretty new? :S
[13:12:56] <RikusW> http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/openrail/openbuilds-v-slot
[13:57:53] <Essobi> Sup.
[14:29:32] <abcminiuser> http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=1075741#1075741
[14:41:06] <OndraSter> Essobi, the sky
[14:59:50] <Casper> twnqx: yeah, i3...
[16:10:23] <[z_z]> what voltage swing do you guys/gals get on an active 16Mhz crystal?
[16:13:11] <Essobi> OndraSter: Never gets old, eh?
[16:14:59] <david_gh> Hi to all
[16:15:14] <Essobi> sup
[16:15:18] <david_gh> ?
[16:44:27] <braincracker> h
[16:44:34] <braincracker> is anybody out there?
[16:48:43] <braincracker> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klqLd5uSHAU
[17:03:39] <david_gh> what?
[17:10:19] <OndraSter> Essobi, nope
[20:58:32] <braincracker> Tungsten Filled Gold Bars found http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOmKCQQz2WA
[21:06:48] <Valen> I had been thinking about the best way of doing that
[21:08:22] <Valen> nice with them cutting up the original bar to maintain its surface
[21:11:15] <tzanger> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BBx8BwLhqg
[21:26:21] <braincracker> tzanger <= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsOWSDtxERU
[21:26:28] <braincracker> epic one
[21:34:26] <Valen> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyoAP10uKTk cops needed one of these
[21:35:51] <Valen> thats pretty terrible
[21:35:58] <Valen> the "adaptation" that is
[21:35:59] <IanCormac> They can use it with their drones and tear gas guns to militarize themselves and oppress people more effectively
[21:36:14] <Valen> the real thing was actually far more dramatic
[21:39:18] <Valen> as i recall the police actually hit up a "sporting goods" store to get their assault weapons
[21:39:50] <IanCormac> No, they would not do that
[21:39:58] <IanCormac> They get special LEO pricing from companies like Colt
[21:40:06] <Valen> i meant on the day
[21:40:13] <IanCormac> what day?
[21:40:23] <Valen> of the video braincracker posted
[21:40:36] <Valen> rather bad "dramatic reanctment" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsOWSDtxERU
[21:44:25] <IanCormac> Oh I missed that context. I thought you were just saying that cops needed 50 cal machine guns in general
[21:44:32] <IanCormac> This makes much more sense
[21:44:39] <Valen> well, I'm not adverse to that idea ;->
[21:45:37] <Roklobsta> i don't know if i could live overseas. a good bakery meat pie for lunch isn't worth leaving .au for.
[21:46:06] <braincracker> hahaha Valen i want one too
[21:46:23] <braincracker> 50 cal machine gun with APC
[21:56:46] <braincracker> lold Stolen Police Car http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3n9pU33LYw
[21:58:47] <Valen> thats pretty quick
[21:59:06] <Valen> ahh and the dramatically sped up footage
[22:00:26] <Valen> rofl the british accent makes it so much better
[23:43:11] <raden> I have code that im working on that someone else wrote that appears to not be writing to eeprom ..... anyone mind to take a look at it? http://pastebin.com/rgjcj4Tt
[23:43:12] <raden> http://pastebin.com/rgjcj4Tt