#avr | Logs for 2013-06-17

[00:58:14] <Casper> http://www.flickr.com/photos/93694432@N04/9065454826/
[00:58:14] <Casper> http://www.flickr.com/photos/93694432@N04/9065454248/
[00:58:42] <Casper> :D not perfect, but not too bad for only a grinder, a press drill, drills bits and a tap set (and some screws)
[00:58:58] <Casper> now, I wonder if I could anodise that
[03:18:22] <cart_man> Hi
[03:19:36] <cart_man> Is there some way I can burn fuses to a hex file using only the simulation and/ot AVRDUDE?
[03:20:32] <cart_man> Because If I set the fuses with AtmelStudio 6 and use the simulation it doesnt save it in the hex...It converts it back to internal Osc every dam time ! Soo then when I simulate the HEX I end up using Int Osc and Baud rate and thign like that are off and just sends crap
[03:20:45] <cart_man> and.or`
[03:21:28] <Casper> the fuses ain't in the hex
[03:22:51] <cart_man> So how do I make the simlation use Ext Osc
[03:23:05] <cart_man> it seems like its trying to read the Osc Speed in the HEX file
[03:23:24] <cart_man> because if I use Arduino Hex ecerything works fine with the external OSC
[03:23:53] <cart_man> but if I use AS6 it just says no External OSC even though theres clearly an Ext Osc
[04:02:08] <OndraSter__> cart_man, what?
[04:02:30] <OndraSter__> there is a speed input on the right
[04:02:34] <OndraSter__> of the emulator
[04:03:56] <cart_man> No the simulator...Isis Proteus
[04:04:00] <cart_man> >.<
[04:06:04] <cart_man> If I use the AS6 IDE to compile the HEX file...Proteus refuses to use the External OSC. If told to it just complains that it has no clock source.... If I use the Arduino compiled Hex I can see Proteus using the OSC sooooo it must be the Compilation that sets it
[04:08:13] <cart_man> Soo now all I want to do is try and compile with AVR dude and see if it works
[04:17:14] <Tom_itx> avrdude is not a compiler
[04:17:28] <Tom_itx> compile with gcc then download with avrdude
[04:22:52] <Roklobsta> cartman: i think something is changing the fuses. You can use .elf files then you can set the fuses in the code and they will be set when using avrdude.
[04:22:53] <Roklobsta> http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/group__avr__fuse.html
[04:23:21] <Tom_itx> not sure how many really do that though
[04:23:28] <Tom_itx> unless you're running production
[04:23:59] <Roklobsta> what do you mean?
[04:24:17] <Tom_itx> use stored fuse settings
[04:29:44] <Roklobsta> hrm, i would have thought for the duration of any project making sure the fuses were set properly would be of benefir.
[04:33:40] <cart_man> Tom_itx: Where do I set the option so use Stored Fuse Settings? in Proteus or AVRdude?
[06:20:33] <Roklobsta|2> oh great, i get this stupid bug with AVRStudio6.
[06:20:40] <Roklobsta|2> http://asf.atmel.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=3100
[06:27:56] <Roklobsta|2> and now it says my volatile global vars are optimised away when in a watch window.
[06:28:12] <Roklobsta|2> who let the interns at the source code?
[06:43:56] <Roklobsta|2> oh looks 6.1SP1 came out today
[06:48:51] <RikusW> cool quad vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=w2itwFJCgFQ
[06:59:07] <Roklobsta|2> it is cool
[07:04:29] <RikusW> especially the glass of water ;)
[07:04:36] <RikusW> and stick act
[07:06:05] <Roklobsta|2> meh, i can balance a stick.,
[07:06:11] <Roklobsta|2> but i can't fly
[07:06:38] <Roklobsta|2> hopefully 6.1sp1 will fix my 2 problems
[07:34:50] <Roklobsta|2> it did
[08:32:21] <Badaboom> inflex: you around?
[08:33:16] <Badaboom> oh well Morning all
[08:39:40] <inflex> Badaboom: yeah
[08:39:52] <inflex> Just doing some cover-art for a book
[08:40:16] <Badaboom> ahh, are you going to be here later on?
[08:50:51] <inflex> Maybe for 1 more hour
[08:51:00] <inflex> I'll PM you details if you like to contact?
[08:51:16] <scipy53> Would this product be able to give me feedback to the terminal? http://www.atmel.ca/tools/AVRISPMKII.aspx
[08:51:41] <Badaboom> inflex: yes
[08:53:11] <cart_man> scipy53: What do you mean feedback from terminal?
[08:54:58] <Badaboom> inflex: Im haveing someone bring me down to get the plane and have to fly it back so im not sure what time i will get to it but leave me info for when i do get back
[08:55:24] <Badaboom> having
[08:56:09] <scipy53> cart_man, Um, like how I use a max232 to print to a serial port. For debugging.
[08:56:49] <cart_man> No think thats a programmer only..could probably just add a max232 to a chip for debugging
[08:57:33] <cart_man> I have that one and it doesnt seem to have any debugging functionality unfortunately :s
[08:57:42] <cart_man> Dragon does though
[09:05:14] <scipy53> thanks CapnKernel
[09:05:19] <scipy53> sorry, cart_man
[09:05:36] <cart_man> Is it hard to implement USB on an Atmega328? UART is really going out of fashion :(
[09:05:40] <cart_man> no problem
[09:07:49] <scipy53> cart_man, With an ftdi chip?
[09:08:08] <scipy53> cart_man, I know of ft232rl and mpc2200
[09:08:53] <cart_man> I see its a UART to USB converter?
[09:09:09] <scipy53> cart_man, Which one?
[09:09:26] <cart_man> FT232
[09:14:38] <braincracker> h
[09:16:43] <scipy53> cart_man, Right. So was that what u were referring to as using USB?
[09:17:09] <scipy53> I still like the simplicity of a serial connection :P
[09:17:30] <braincracker> 34.1C in shade ;/
[09:18:03] <cart_man> Yea well I would just like to have it in USB to make the implementation seem more modern
[09:18:36] <scipy53> cart_man, Ah ok. But still a connected to the MCUs UART, right?
[09:19:10] <cart_man> So it seems yea. Theyre probably going to be connecting it to the PC like once a year though
[09:19:22] <cart_man> but new PCs dont use the Seriel port anymore :(
[09:19:47] <braincracker> they doe.
[09:23:43] <cart_man> Mine doesnt no
[09:23:51] <cart_man> and most PCs I sell
[09:24:15] <cart_man> also its still there it just doesnt have an actual port soldered onto the motherboard
[09:24:26] <cart_man> Aaaand I wouldnt want to do that for them also
[09:24:42] <scipy53> the point is, you're still using a serial connection
[09:24:45] <scipy53> just over USB
[09:24:54] <scipy53> as far as i understand
[09:26:07] <braincracker> cart_man <= that does not mean old pcs do not use.
[09:26:13] <braincracker> they still do.
[09:28:12] <braincracker> a passively cooled 300-600MHz celeron without any fans will handle parallel port and serial port
[09:28:13] <cart_man> Yea of course... Im selling my module with the PCs and the PCs all have brand new motherboards...SO instead of changing the motherboard Id rather just use USB with my Module..makes my life easier and also looks better to customers since USB is something they use and plug in on a daily bases
[09:30:26] <braincracker> cart_man <= oh i thought programming issues
[09:30:36] <braincracker> go usb crap then
[09:31:17] <braincracker> get an xmega, those have hardware usb
[10:11:01] <Badaboom> yo ho yo ho
[10:11:25] <RikusW> I got a brand new pc with a lpt and com port :)
[10:11:32] <RikusW> MSI Z77-G43
[10:11:42] <Badaboom> :)
[10:11:57] <RikusW> selected it in part because of that
[10:12:08] <Badaboom> the lpt?
[10:13:16] <RikusW> com
[10:13:58] <Badaboom> What are you trying to do?
[10:14:17] <RikusW> just wanted to have serial
[10:14:26] <RikusW> I have dev kits using it
[10:14:28] <Badaboom> CoCo puffs?
[10:14:43] <Badaboom> ahh ok
[10:14:52] <RikusW> I actually have 3 serial and 2 parallel in my PC now :-P
[10:14:54] <braincracker> hh
[10:14:59] <Badaboom> ii
[10:15:06] <RikusW> but the pci card is buggy in Linux :(
[10:15:17] <RikusW> works fine with its win drivers
[10:15:27] <RikusW> CH353 chip on there
[10:16:24] * Badaboom yawns
[10:38:53] <cart_man> Why wont my USART spam my HyperTerminal...also it doesnt accept input apparently :(
[10:38:54] <cart_man> http://pastebin.com/dD1by1W1
[10:40:18] <cart_man> most basic USART out of the Datasheet...All i get through the Seriel is a big C and it doesnt repeat. Just sends 1 and stops
[10:42:06] <cart_man> RikusW: Could you please check that out? Im working with an Atmega328P inside Proteus and a virtual Seriel which seemed to work
[10:42:25] <RikusW> ok
[10:44:22] <RikusW> do only the transmit line and see if that works
[10:44:32] <RikusW> also check the baud
[10:46:38] <cart_man> That most certainly solved the NON-Spam problem...I think the Virtual Serial Port program is buggy though...the Virtual Seriel inside proteus gets spammed now which is a good sine
[10:46:44] <cart_man> quickly checking Baud rates
[10:55:50] <cart_man> RikusW: Cant seem to get the Baud Rate right...nothings coming up on the Terminal but the Proteus Virtual Simulator just spams C
[11:01:16] <cart_man> Im lost between a divided OSC, 8Mhz and Baud rate Math :s
[11:01:38] <cart_man> either/all of the 3 must be wrong
[11:20:04] <RikusW> heh
[11:20:16] <RikusW> CKDIV8 does affect the clock and baud...
[12:47:00] <cart_man> RikusW: Sorry to bother you again.. Are you there? last question promise
[12:47:15] <Tom_itx> that was your last question.
[12:47:18] <cart_man> I get this error
[12:47:23] <cart_man> lol
[12:47:27] <cart_man> on its way
[12:47:36] <RikusW> which error ?
[12:47:49] <cart_man> Error 10 conflicting types for 'USART_receive' c:\documents and settings\home\my documents\atmel studio\6.1\Uart328\Uart328\Uart328.c 43 15 Uart328
[12:48:00] <cart_man> When running this code which seems to be working accept if I try and use Receive funciton
[12:48:07] <cart_man> http://pastebin.com/qdAtqiDa
[12:48:32] <cart_man> Sheesh...sorry chatting backwards. I know that a simple C error but I dont see why :s
[12:51:43] <Casper> I think UDR is defined as signed in the libs
[12:53:14] <RikusW> return (unsigned char) UDR;
[12:53:18] <cart_man> But even with signed though...still gave the error
[12:53:18] <RikusW> try that
[12:53:28] <cart_man> ok
[12:53:58] <cart_man> UDR0 or UDR?
[12:54:11] <RikusW> UDR0
[12:55:32] <cart_man> Ok no it still does that even if I say (char test2[0] = "0") and (unsigned char test2[0] = "0")
[13:01:59] <cart_man> RikusW: Ok soo upon placing the " unsigned char USART_receive(void); " above MAIN it works BUT now it gets stuck inside the Receive function :( It stops there and never gets out of it? Why?
[13:02:23] <RikusW> because you don't send anything to the avr ?
[13:02:42] <RikusW> instead of while(); use if() {rx}
[13:02:59] <RikusW> if(rx send(rx) }
[13:03:14] <RikusW> +)
[13:10:03] <cart_man> nice nice ok seems to work
[13:12:57] <cart_man> Hmm no it keeps on making an extra - also it doesnt take the Char I enter
[13:17:14] <cart_man> RikusW: unsigned char USART_Receive2(void) { if (!(UCSR0A & (1<<RXC0))) return (unsigned char)UDR0; }
[13:17:19] <cart_man> does that look right?
[13:17:30] <RikusW> might work
[13:17:38] <RikusW> should actually
[13:17:49] <RikusW> return (unsigned char)(UDR0);
[13:17:52] <RikusW> as last resort
[13:17:59] <cart_man> Reading from UDR0 while no data received
[13:18:36] <cart_man> When I tipe for insatnce "A" and hit enter in HyperTerminal it does nothing :(
[13:18:51] <RikusW> remove !
[13:19:24] <RikusW> and you'll have to do if(rx) { send(UDR0) }
[13:20:09] <RikusW> can't return it...
[13:20:11] <abcminiuser> So hands up who'
[13:20:21] <abcminiuser> whose seen the SAM D20 launch today
[13:20:34] <RikusW> new ARM ?
[13:20:46] <abcminiuser> Yeah, the one my team's been working with for the last few months
[13:21:00] <abcminiuser> Was super hush hush until this morning
[13:21:47] <RikusW> link ?
[13:23:24] <abcminiuser> http://www.atmel.com/about/news/release.aspx?reference=tcm:26-48742
[13:23:28] <abcminiuser> http://www.atmel.com/Microsite/samd20/default.aspx
[13:23:29] <RikusW> thanks
[13:23:43] <cart_man> RikusW: But what if I want to use the value that I receive form the Terminal?
[13:23:45] <RikusW> super amd20 ? :-P
[13:23:58] <abcminiuser> It went through a trillion, billion name changes internally
[13:24:17] <RikusW> cart_man: use send(UDR0) to put it into a buffer...
[13:24:46] <abcminiuser> Check out the ASF doc PDF for it, I did the transform which converts our actual driver code into PDF format so everything's kept in sync: http://www.atmel.com/Images/Atmel-42139-ASF-Manual-SAM-D20_Application-Note_AT03665.pdf
[13:34:46] <cart_man> RikusW: How do I do that? Store it into a global -> buffer[] and just reSend it back to the terminal?
[13:35:00] <RikusW> ring buffer ?
[13:35:06] <RikusW> 16 bytes maybe ?
[13:36:22] <specing> 16-byte FIFO + DMA maybe? :D
[13:36:30] * specing pokes OndraSter_
[13:36:55] <cart_man> Well even just 5
[14:11:15] <braincracker> abcminiuser <= may i suggest a meaningful universal naming for datasheets on atmel site?
[14:13:43] <abcminiuser> braincracker, I guarantee it will be ignored, but sure
[14:13:48] <braincracker> ATmega48A-48PA-88A-88PA-168A-168PA-328-328P_Atmel_8271_8-bit_AVR_Microcontroller_datasheet.pdf
[14:13:48] <abcminiuser> (Not by me, marketing)
[14:14:00] <braincracker> i don't see how is this bad
[14:14:04] <abcminiuser> They're testing the limits of HTTP
[14:14:12] <abcminiuser> And most filesystems
[14:17:21] <braincracker> what is dilike is : in filenames
[14:17:23] <braincracker> s
[14:17:37] <braincracker> what i dislike
[14:18:56] <braincracker> also the quality of the examples is very low
[14:19:42] <braincracker> saved 123 of them and checked out
[14:20:26] <braincracker> the zip files don't even have a directory, so if you unpack them all in a dir, it will be a huge mess,
[14:21:46] <braincracker> did i mention they don't even provide a simple led flasher code with a proper makefile that could be compiled and tried out?
[14:23:08] <braincracker> one possible reason why weenies go pic
[14:23:15] <braincracker> and arduino
[14:26:10] <abcminiuser> ASF
[14:26:25] <abcminiuser> The new ASF release in Studio 6.1 SP1 (released today) has lots of examples
[14:26:37] <braincracker> that is for win?
[14:26:43] <abcminiuser> Ja
[14:26:49] <abcminiuser> We have standalone ASF too
[14:26:50] <braincracker> oh, what about linux?
[14:26:56] <abcminiuser> Uses makefiles
[14:38:15] <Tom_itx> abcminiuser why does every release insist on a firmware update now?
[14:38:44] <abcminiuser> Because we fix things :P
[14:39:17] <abcminiuser> You'd be suprised how different the devices react internally despite being similar from a datasheet perspective
[14:43:37] <RikusW> I guess those docs are private ? ;)
[14:43:45] <abcminiuser> Darn straight
[14:44:21] <RikusW> leak some :-P
[14:45:30] <abcminiuser> http://www.atmel.com/Images/Atmel-42139-ASF-Manual-SAM-D20_Application-Note_AT03665.pdf was secret until today :P
[14:50:53] <cart_man> RikusW: I figured out why my Terminal kept on haning when I enter stuf...Turns out the Virtual Comport Emulator was a bit buggy, Got a different one now but still doesnt seem to work.
[14:51:12] <RikusW> hw flow control maybe ?
[14:51:15] <RikusW> turn it off
[14:51:23] <cart_man> RikusW: ok
[14:53:01] <cart_man> RikusW: Ok I can see that it does receive something...When I Tipe in A it returns ' though and not only A but everything I type it just Echos '
[14:53:08] <cart_man> Youre good ^^
[14:53:26] <RikusW> hw flow bit me before too :/
[14:54:16] <RikusW> try adding 1 to every char on the AVR
[14:54:28] <RikusW> just to make sure rx/tx isn't shorted ;)
[14:54:47] <RikusW> UDR0 + 1
[14:55:11] <cart_man> what would happen to 1 ? Well im not really working with any Hardware at the moment...i working with Simulation
[14:55:24] <cart_man> on every level...Probably a large part of my problem though
[14:55:28] <RikusW> a+1 -> b
[14:55:46] <braincracker> Badaboom <= http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=spokepov
[15:00:59] <Badaboom> 595's:)
[15:01:05] <braincracker> yea
[15:03:39] <Badaboom> That one with the mud on it
[15:11:42] <braincracker> cops can't say they don't have lighing http://bkkfixed.wordpress.com/page/12/
[15:12:00] <braincracker> http://www.likecool.com/Gear/Sport/SpokePOV/SpokePOV.jpg
[15:12:29] <Guest34231> Is anyone here familiar with the Silabs C8051F347 MCU?
[15:12:34] <braincracker> it's already christmas
[15:14:08] <Guest34231> http://www.silabs.com/Support%20Documents/TechnicalDocs/an127.pdf
[15:14:20] <Guest34231> I'm trying to figure out how to initiate a reset on the MCU
[15:14:28] <Guest34231> cant figure out which address to write to
[15:18:05] <braincracker> i prefer atmel mcus
[15:20:05] <Guest34231> heres a really dumb question
[15:20:17] <Guest34231> i think i read somewhere i can drive the C2CLK pin low
[15:20:22] <Guest34231> how can i drive a pin low
[15:20:32] <Guest34231> don't laugh i know. .. :(
[15:21:25] <RikusW> seems scaling polygons are _fun_ :-P
[15:21:45] <RikusW> especially if using lat/lon instead of x/y
[15:23:35] <RikusW> * y/x
[15:25:59] <Badaboom> bbiab
[15:26:01] <Guest34231> braincracker, do you know a simple way i can "drive a pin low" ?
[15:50:45] <GuShH> Guest34231: get a lowrider, put the avr on the passenger seat, drive.
[15:51:00] <GuShH> BOOM, drive a pin low.
[15:52:58] <Guest34231> :/
[15:53:37] <bsdfox> Guest34231, C2CLK pin?
[15:53:49] <bsdfox> PORTC pin 2?
[15:53:50] <Guest34231> its a pin on the c2 port i am that you can flash with
[15:54:15] <bsdfox> DDRC |= (1 << PC2);
[15:54:32] <bsdfox> PORTC &= ~(1 << PC2);
[15:55:55] <bsdfox> my guess is you're not really trying to do that but..
[16:01:38] <Guest34231> tbh i have no idea what that means
[16:01:43] <Guest34231> is there a simple way to put it lol
[16:02:15] <Guest34231> DDRC not equal 1 less than pc2, i have no idea what that means
[16:13:05] <bilboquet> hello, i resume avr programming but i still a newbe. which 8bits timer do you advise me for 1 servomotor. (i keep 16bits timer for my stepper) .
[16:13:39] <bilboquet> (timer mode)
[16:15:09] <bilboquet> I wanted to go on Normal mode but in datasheet :
[16:16:29] <bilboquet> Using
[16:16:29] <bilboquet> the Output Compare to generate waveforms in Normal mode is not recommended,
[16:16:29] <bilboquet> since this will occupy too much of the CPU time.
[16:18:34] <bilboquet> I'm going to do with that same mode.
[16:19:50] <bilboquet> if you think it's not resonable, don't hesitate to tell me
[17:00:55] <Badaboom> we pillage we plunder we rifle and loot drink up me hearties yo ho!
[17:31:57] <Roklobsta> uick question with ld instrcutions
[17:32:05] <Badaboom> wt
[17:32:12] <Badaboom> quick?
[17:32:15] <Roklobsta> yes
[17:32:16] <Roklobsta> quick
[17:32:21] <Badaboom> not uick?
[17:32:26] <Badaboom> :)
[17:33:04] <Roklobsta> what ld instruction, using inline gcc asm nomenclature load r27 and r27 with a 16 bit address
[17:33:58] <Roklobsta> for example, i have:
[17:35:43] <Badaboom> Have you looked at the datasheet or summary?
[17:35:45] <Roklobsta> lds r26, DataThingy
[17:35:46] <Roklobsta> lds r27, DataThingy + 1
[17:35:46] <Roklobsta> which effectively loads the resiters with the data pointed to by Datathiny. I want r26 and r27 to be the actual address of Datathiny
[17:36:12] * Tom_itx refuses to answer due to the slowness of the quesiton
[17:36:19] <Roklobsta> just how would I write that as Datathiny is a 16 bit value.
[17:36:33] <Roklobsta> hey FFS. Let the coffee sink in!
[17:36:38] <Badaboom> lol
[17:36:50] <Tom_itx> and idk
[17:36:59] <Badaboom> lmao
[17:37:27] <ambro718> Roklobsta: ldi
[17:37:55] <Roklobsta> ok, so like:
[17:38:21] <Roklobsta> sure but ldi is 8 but.
[17:38:28] <Roklobsta> 8 bit.
[17:38:35] <ambro718> so are registers r26 and r27
[17:38:43] <ambro718> what's the problem?
[17:39:37] <ambro718> ldi r26, DataThingy ldi r27, DataThingy>>8
[17:39:40] <ambro718> isn't that it?
[17:39:53] <Roklobsta> i want the low byte address value of Datat in r26 and high byte in r27. I'd like to know how to express that. The c equivalient might be r26 = (char)&Datathingy; r27 = (char)(&Datathingy >> 8);
[17:40:17] <ambro718> indeed
[17:40:28] <Roklobsta> ah ok. the assembler will accept Datathingy>>8
[17:40:38] <Roklobsta> that's all i want to know
[17:40:40] <ambro718> that depends, I don't know what DataThingy is
[17:40:44] <Roklobsta> I'm not, like, thick.
[17:40:56] <Roklobsta> Datathingy is an address.
[17:40:58] <Roklobsta> in sram
[17:41:03] <ambro718> Roklobsta: how do you get this address?
[17:41:25] <ambro718> do you just magically know it or do you use &Something in C
[17:41:34] <Roklobsta> it's defined as: volatile char *Datathingy;
[17:42:21] <ambro718> and you want to load into r26/r27 the address od DataThingy, right?
[17:42:46] <Roklobsta> Error 1 invalid operands (.bss.Current_Task_Stack_Ptr and *ABS* sections) for `>>'
[17:42:55] <RikusW> bilboquet: the timers take no cpu time at all
[17:43:08] <Roklobsta> so ldi r27, Datathinhy >> 8 isn't acceptable
[17:44:27] <ambro718> Roklobsta: why don't you just use the "e" constraint to have the compiler initialize the two registers?
[17:46:21] <Roklobsta> aha found it. it's
[17:46:22] <Roklobsta> ldi r26,lo8(Data)
[17:46:22] <Roklobsta> ldi r27,hi8(Data)
[17:46:26] <Roklobsta> that works
[17:46:40] <ambro718> Roklobsta: something like this http://ideone.com/eZrvgm
[17:46:52] <ambro718> what's lo8(Data) ??
[17:47:12] <ambro718> and what input operand constraint did you use for Data?
[17:47:53] <Roklobsta> i am referring to the .s files gcc generates. it uses lo8 and hi8 to do just what i want
[17:47:53] <RikusW> low 8 bits
[17:48:09] <Roklobsta> it must be some asm macro
[17:50:11] <Roklobsta> cool that worked perfectly in debugger.
[17:50:31] <Roklobsta> thanks tomitx
[17:52:53] <Roklobsta> your brush off forced me to dig a bit deeper
[18:37:50] <Badaboom> Oompa Loompa
[18:38:57] <Roklobsta> mmm, nice, i just learned the hard way .text address in the map file are byte addresses, the debugger has them as word addresses.
[18:40:10] <Roklobsta> so in a map file to find the actual address of the function in the debugger you need to divide by 2.
[18:58:17] <Badaboom> Doompadee Doooo
[19:00:54] <braincracker> Scooby Doo
[19:07:32] <Roklobsta> sweet, looks like my cooperative/premtptive "kernel" is working. Thus far 3 leds being switched on and off with their own processes.
[19:08:43] <Roklobsta> avr6sp1 seems to have fixed up the silly beugger crashes
[19:11:52] <Badaboom> bebugger word of the day
[19:12:55] <Roklobsta> i so excited i can't type properly
[19:13:11] <Badaboom> Splended:)
[19:13:31] <Roklobsta> this must be the 100000th AVR OS/kernel
[19:14:06] <braincracker> o cool
[19:14:19] <braincracker> i can imagine a thing like that in 15 lines
[19:14:36] <Roklobsta> yeah it's a few more lines than that
[19:14:49] <braincracker> you overcomplicate it then
[19:15:41] <Roklobsta> especially if you want combined preemptive and coorperative. processes have the usual quantum to run but they can sleep and wait for certain I/O signals.
[19:15:55] <braincracker> i am not sure what are you talking about
[19:16:45] <braincracker> i like the event system idea
[19:17:29] <Roklobsta> it's a wee bit more complex than round robin. for instance, i have serial port functions entirely interrupt driven that fucntion via software fifos. I can have a task that will do something liek c=read(serial0fifo); and read will yield/sleep until something new appears inthe fifo
[19:18:01] <braincracker> what is your goal?
[19:18:32] <Badaboom> To fly?
[19:18:38] <braincracker> cool
[19:18:42] <Badaboom> lol
[19:18:44] <braincracker> quadcopter?
[19:18:45] <Roklobsta> well, i started with Bertos to make an application. got fed up with that as it was buggy I think. So then I looked at freertos and poked around the doco then said fukkit, i'll write my own.
[19:19:04] <Roklobsta> it's an application that uyses a 3g modem.
[19:19:37] <Badaboom> Bertos, freertos..doco sounds like the new mwnu at Taco bell
[19:19:46] <braincracker> ;>
[19:19:56] <braincracker> all programmers dislike taco ?
[19:20:04] <Badaboom> lol
[19:20:12] <Badaboom> Hey i like Taco
[19:20:19] <Roklobsta> i make homemade tacos.
[19:20:29] <Badaboom> And shrimpsss?
[19:20:48] <Roklobsta> i ask my butcher for the meat scraps off the floor.
[19:21:04] <braincracker> ain't that goint to mcdonald?
[19:21:06] <Badaboom> Yeah...
[19:21:23] <Roklobsta> anyway, my q's earlier related to the context switch being done in asm
[19:21:44] <Badaboom> Ny Q uil
[19:21:54] <Badaboom> Gos im an ass
[19:22:50] <Badaboom> McDonalds = Poison
[19:23:11] <Badaboom> I rarely eat out any more
[19:24:38] <braincracker> http://ladyfi.wordpress.com/2008/10/05/unhappy-meal/
[19:26:55] <Badaboom> Thats just wrong
[19:35:42] <R0b0t1> McDonalds is not poison, it's just insanely calorie dense.
[19:35:56] <R0b0t1> Nutrition is okay. But it's generally much too salty.
[19:35:58] <GuShH> braincracker: oh come on are you really reading what some spoiled bitch from sweden wrote on a free blog space?
[19:36:15] <Horologium> that pic is waay old too.
[19:36:19] <tzanger> heh
[19:36:25] <GuShH> R0b0t1: they don't add salt to just about anything in mcdonalds here, you gotta add it yourself
[19:36:29] <R0b0t1> Europeans are brainwashed the opposite way of Americans, how they treat GMO and fast food is absurd.
[19:37:04] <GuShH> she thinks mcdonalds coffee is good...
[19:37:12] <GuShH> clearly these people never had any real coffee.
[19:37:14] <R0b0t1> It's full of sugar and fats.
[19:37:24] <R0b0t1> It trips off most people's good detector.
[19:37:27] <Horologium> any coffee that is run through the grounds one time is pathetic.
[19:37:29] <GuShH> if I were Hitler I'd have her cunt shot.
[19:37:32] <Horologium> coffee must be percolated!
[19:37:44] <Horologium> run it through the grounds many times to get the deep flavor.
[19:37:45] <GuShH> and Horologium's too
[19:38:01] <R0b0t1> I prefer to extract the beans with hexane and then transfer the suspension to water for consumption.
[19:38:04] <Horologium> my suntea is stronger than any drip coffee I've ever seen.
[19:38:10] <GuShH> that's not how you get "deep flavor"
[19:38:17] <R0b0t1> I mean, MAYBE I could get by with a reflux using water. Maybe.
[19:38:18] <GuShH> that's how you get all the flavors you don't want.
[19:38:33] <Horologium> that's how I get coffee that tastes like coffee.
[19:38:41] <GuShH> I'll have you boil the pucks after I ran a single shot of espresso and you tell me that's coffee.
[19:38:45] <Horologium> drip coffee has very little flavor to me.
[19:39:00] <GuShH> I'll even give you 50 pucks if you wait a week
[19:39:05] <Horologium> I've had espresso...still doesn't taste like coffee.
[19:39:17] <GuShH> you are one of those retards who enjoys boiling their coffee?
[19:39:19] <Horologium> there is just something missing from it.
[19:39:29] <Horologium> it boils and percolates over and over and over.
[19:39:40] <Horologium> and comes out dark enough that I can't see the bottom of the cup.
[19:39:46] <GuShH> yeah that's right you are just like the spoiled swede.
[19:39:52] * R0b0t1 lols
[19:39:57] <Horologium> or I put some in a cast iron pan and boil it that way then strain it a little.
[19:39:59] <GuShH> you can't see the bottom of the cup from a regular espresso shot, let alone a double shot
[19:40:04] <GuShH> what you are drinking is not coffee
[19:40:09] <GuShH> it's just tar
[19:40:17] <Badaboom> Mmmm Tar
[19:40:26] <Horologium> it is what I grew up drinking.
[19:40:28] <GuShH> once you've boiled the grounds it's over.
[19:40:31] <tzanger> I just add water to an espresso for a proper cup of coffee
[19:40:38] <Horologium> any other way of making coffee just doesn't taste righ tto me..
[19:40:41] <GuShH> tzanger: that's called an americano
[19:40:43] <braincracker> lol R0b0t1, i can assure you none of the mcdonald foods contain real value, it is like chewing on colored, flavored sand
[19:40:45] <tzanger> GuShH: yes, I know
[19:40:52] <GuShH> and the boiled water goes first :p
[19:40:58] <GuShH> then the double shot (or single if you want less...
[19:41:11] <GuShH> nothing wrong with that
[19:41:17] <GuShH> but boiling grounds nonstop is plain wrong.
[19:41:28] <GuShH> all you get is bitter tar.
[19:41:29] <tzanger> nah, I usually make a double and add water (close to boiling but not boiling) to level it off
[19:41:36] <Horologium> in a percolator pot you don't boil the grounds.
[19:41:41] <GuShH> there's a reason you don't exceed certain temperatures and times while extracting
[19:41:45] <tzanger> I can drink an espresso or double just fine but there's nothing to *drink* -- I don't like taking my coffee like a shot
[19:41:57] <Horologium> the water in the pot boils and percolates to the top and runs down over the grounds multiple times.
[19:42:07] <GuShH> try with water first
[19:42:21] <tzanger> interesting idea, why?
[19:42:25] <GuShH> Horologium: it's exactly the same as if you were to boil the grains on a regular pot
[19:42:48] <tzanger> Horologium: my wife used to make turkish style coffee.. you end up with a good 2cm of sludge in the bottom of the cup
[19:42:48] <Horologium> either way, coffee, like microcontrollers, to each their own.
[19:42:53] <braincracker> R0b0t1 <= the awesome yummy MSG, that is what you want ;)
[19:42:56] <GuShH> Some people in Bulgaria and such places like it that way... they don't even filter it
[19:43:04] <Horologium> tzanger, mmmm...turkish coffee was yummers.
[19:43:14] <Horologium> haven't had that since I was in the marines.
[19:43:22] <tzanger> GuShH: yeah I never had cofee like that before and I was a coffee pussy... now I'm drinking the super strong stuff and she's drinking it with 50% milk
[19:43:30] <braincracker> Horologium <= you are a marine ?
[19:43:34] <Horologium> yes.
[19:43:39] <braincracker> cool
[19:43:48] <GuShH> so he's probably had a couple sausages up his bum
[19:44:01] <GuShH> you thought about it not me.
[19:44:16] <Horologium> that's the navy.
[19:44:26] <GuShH> oh yeah
[19:44:28] <Horologium> marines give it
[19:44:34] <Horologium> the navy takes it
[19:44:41] * GuShH rofls
[19:45:07] <GuShH> So anyway vegetarian idiots step onto McDonalds just to sue
[19:45:16] <GuShH> any normal person goes there to eat "meat"
[19:45:19] <Horologium> remember mcdonalds in india?
[19:45:19] <R0b0t1> braincracker: Oh how could I forget :)
[19:45:32] <Horologium> they had to change their formula for the grease they cook fries in.
[19:45:36] <GuShH> I don't usually eat there, but when I go I just order a bigmac.
[19:46:00] <R0b0t1> I found I only crave/want McD when I am low on sodium. My usual diet can, I guess, cause that to happen
[19:46:02] <Horologium> because normally the fry grease has beef flavoring in it...from real cows.
[19:46:04] <R0b0t1> I tend to want their fries
[19:46:06] <Horologium> probably more than the burgers.
[19:46:10] <GuShH> Hmm I consume a lot of salt
[19:46:27] <Horologium> I usually get the 2 cheeseburger meal.
[19:46:35] <Horologium> or a couple of mcdoubles and a drink.
[19:46:39] <Horologium> which costs about the same.
[19:46:40] <GuShH> pro tip in the rest of the world... ask for fries with no salt if you want them freshly fried and hot
[19:47:00] <Horologium> GuShH, yup. works for most fast food restaurants.
[19:47:15] <Horologium> you might have to wait for them to cook a fresh batch though.
[19:47:24] <GuShH> don't mind
[19:48:17] <R0b0t1> This one restauraunt I go to, slightly classier place - sit down fast food only, with a waiter
[19:48:25] <Horologium> woah!
[19:48:27] <Horologium> a waiter!
[19:48:28] <GuShH> lol
[19:48:33] <Horologium> that's high class there.
[19:48:37] <R0b0t1> no salt on fries. If you order the chicken sandwich, they usually put on a new batch of fries at the same time
[19:48:40] <R0b0t1> so I tend to get that
[19:48:41] <Horologium> does he wear skates?
[19:48:50] <R0b0t1> It's inside :P
[19:48:53] <Horologium> so?
[19:49:04] * R0b0t1 mumbles something about an ox in a china shop
[19:49:11] <Horologium> there is a Sonic near here where they still wear skates.
[19:49:19] <GuShH> hmm fast food in india must be ..... strange
[19:49:47] <GuShH> you'll get diarrhea anyway though, I wonder if you get it any faster?
[19:50:04] <R0b0t1> Some of my favorite crappy tools come from india. Not sure about their food.
[19:50:13] <Horologium> I don't like curry.
[19:50:16] <R0b0t1> I heard the spicy food was to hide that the meat was usually rotten
[19:50:18] <GuShH> I've used indian wrenches
[19:50:23] <GuShH> they were the worst I've ever used
[19:50:26] <GuShH> aside from taiwanese ones
[19:50:30] <R0b0t1> Not as worse as Chinese wrenches
[19:50:31] <GuShH> that were just stamped mild steel
[19:50:36] <GuShH> chinese wrenches are ok
[19:50:37] <Horologium> R0b0t1, that is one of the stories behind curry.
[19:50:41] <GuShH> such as stanley
[19:50:43] <GuShH> they make 'em in china
[19:50:49] <GuShH> good enough for th eprice
[19:50:54] <R0b0t1> H
[19:50:55] <R0b0t1> m
[19:51:09] <GuShH> Stanley hasn't made shit in the US for a while I reckon, aside from maybe tape measures?
[19:51:37] <Horologium> while in the marines I learned to love MREs. eating the local food in places like pakastan could do nasty things to one's intestinal tract.
[19:51:47] <GuShH> R0b0t1: historically yes... spices are used because no other means to keep meat were available
[19:52:23] <Horologium> not to mention that sometimes the locals would just try to poison you for the fun of it.
[19:52:24] <GuShH> outside of india though coming along all those spices turns out rather expensive
[19:52:44] <GuShH> so salt is used instead
[19:52:46] <GuShH> lots of it.
[19:52:53] <R0b0t1> MREs are okay, no clue why they still make the breakfast ones.
[19:53:30] <R0b0t1> Salt is delicious, GuShH.
[19:53:35] <GuShH> soo the navy MREs would be breakfags
[19:53:41] <R0b0t1> Mmm high blood pressure.
[19:53:44] <GuShH> or would that be the marines'
[19:54:09] <GuShH> $100 USD for this lathe if you order 1000 of them
[19:54:18] <GuShH> costs 1400-2200 retail
[19:54:36] <GuShH> and with the 100bucks the chinks are making money to sustain manufacturing, employees, etc.
[19:54:43] <GuShH> what the fuck isgoing on wiht the rest of the countries???
[19:54:53] <GuShH> how come china can cope with these prices?
[19:54:57] <R0b0t1> Okay what.
[19:55:09] <R0b0t1> $100 for $1400 msrp lathe?
[19:55:27] <GuShH> price in australia is 1400 to 1600 australian dollars
[19:55:34] <GuShH> price here in argentina about 2000 usd
[19:55:35] <R0b0t1> I wonder if they burn corpses for fuel.
[19:55:42] <GuShH> http://spanish.alibaba.com/product-gs/bench-lathe-cq6123bx500-314337062.html
[19:55:50] <GuShH> well... spanish version but you can read the prices anyway
[19:56:02] <GuShH> it costs them less than 50 bucks to make it, much less I bet
[19:56:07] <GuShH> I can't wrap my head around it
[19:56:45] <GuShH> granted that's the 500mm version and I'm looking at the 750mm version, still... 20 times the real price we end up paying.
[19:56:47] <Horologium> marketing, shipping and handling, etc.
[19:56:57] <GuShH> Horologium: I didn't ask why we paid as much
[19:57:01] <GuShH> I asked how come they can manage this in china
[19:57:06] <braincracker> R0b0t1 <= they say MSG kills brain cells, maybe you have too many
[19:57:11] <GuShH> and still make a profit, pay employees, rent, machinery, etc.
[19:57:13] <Horologium> they are paid in rice.
[19:57:19] <GuShH> that's a myth
[19:57:29] <Horologium> and the employees make less a day than I make an hour I bet.
[19:57:49] <GuShH> and yet that amount is worth a lot more in china
[19:57:51] <R0b0t1> Sometimes it is slave labor from prisoners.
[19:58:08] <braincracker> mscodanld highers good looking young student girls for 6 month
[19:58:10] <GuShH> R0b0t1: how come shit made by prisoners in other countries not only sucks but it's also relatively expensive then
[19:58:24] <GuShH> I've never seen a good lucking girl student in any mcdonalds
[19:58:30] <GuShH> just average 5 and under.
[19:58:41] <GuShH> some plain disgusting to touch with a laser.
[19:58:49] <GuShH> looking*
[19:59:13] <Horologium> braincracker, by the end of which time they are 350 pounds and not so good looking anymore...
[19:59:30] <GuShH> leave his mom alone
[19:59:39] <braincracker> :)
[19:59:56] <Horologium> was gonna say 350 pounds and pregnant by the assistant manager's kid.
[20:00:39] <GuShH> at some level that's even worse than incest
[20:00:39] <braincracker> well they higher good looking teen girls in gas stations too
[20:00:47] <braincracker> this s trendy
[20:00:53] <GuShH> where do you live?
[20:01:01] <GuShH> they hire chavs in gas stations here
[20:01:06] <R0b0t1> Businesses used to hire young secretaries with the aim of getting them married to the older, but still young engineers.
[20:01:09] <R0b0t1> To keep them at the company.
[20:01:21] <GuShH> I've even seen a stereotypical jamaican dude
[20:01:33] <GuShH> you could even hear the reggae music in your head.
[20:02:08] <R0b0t1> lol
[20:02:09] <GuShH> R0b0t1: myth
[20:02:14] <GuShH> what if you like milfs...
[20:02:17] <GuShH> or gilfs.
[20:02:26] <GuShH> OR GAY
[20:03:52] <Horologium> then there is 7-11 stores.
[20:03:58] <GuShH> with my luck I'd end up hiring lesbians... but that's OK
[20:04:16] <GuShH> we used to have 7 11.... not sure it's in the country anymore
[20:04:19] <Horologium> they just raided a bunch of them around virginia....for importing pakastanies to work for them...without going through customs.
[20:04:27] <GuShH> all I remember is that the icecream was self serve and people would make giant cones
[20:04:38] <GuShH> god damn pakies
[20:04:41] <GuShH> they're a plague
[20:04:48] * GuShH twitches
[20:05:10] <Horologium> they were using social security numbers from kids and dead people and keeping most of the money they were supposed to be paying the pakis...
[20:05:15] <GuShH> a friend in the uk wishes he could own a gun because of pakies
[20:05:43] <Horologium> 9 people arrested, managers and owners of 12 stores as I recall.
[20:05:56] <Horologium> they even had "living quarters" for the pakis above the stores.
[20:06:04] <GuShH> jeez
[20:06:10] <GuShH> that happens with the textile industry over here
[20:06:22] <GuShH> it's not a nice thing
[20:06:30] <R0b0t1> Yes Horologium, some of the tricks they use in tax scam rings
[20:07:17] <GuShH> poor dude used to live in a nice place, then it got filled up with chavs... now pakies
[20:07:31] <GuShH> he's having a hard time finding a place that isn't infested with either one of them
[20:07:32] <Horologium> guess it's been going on for some time....people just associate a paki behind the counter at the quickie mart(aka 7-11) from the Simpsons.
[20:07:56] <GuShH> to me all indians sound like Apu
[20:08:00] <GuShH> and they DO
[20:08:06] <GuShH> such thick accents!
[20:08:24] <Horologium> http://www.fox44abc22yourvoice.com/story/22608906/ny-va-7-11-stores-raided-as-part-of-us-probe
[20:08:29] <GuShH> even the Japanese can speak better English
[20:09:00] <GuShH> ugh, fox.
[20:09:28] <GuShH> and a snooki banner.... fuck me.
[20:09:46] <GuShH> feature her on a news site and you should go bankrupt.
[20:09:56] <Horologium> hehe.
[20:10:00] <Horologium> it was the first google hit.
[20:10:16] <Horologium> I didn't see the banner...adblocker and such turned off.
[20:10:35] <GuShH> http://www.fox44abc22yourvoice.com/story/22581371/snooki-im-not-too-skinny-im-just-fit
[20:10:41] <GuShH> lawl
[20:11:03] <Horologium> living proof that oompa loompas are real.
[20:11:26] <GuShH> who cares about these resurrected louses.
[20:19:03] <Roklobsta> what does avrgcc use Stack0 for?
[21:07:39] <inflex> yaaay, iPod connector replacement went well and worked
[21:07:52] <Roklobsta> yay
[21:08:09] <inflex> http://dxp.me/i/ipod-fix-new-connector.jpg
[21:08:13] <Roklobsta> you have been reduced to replacing PCB connectors with grey markey parts?
[21:08:33] <inflex> I do love it at this scale when you don't even have to properly solder each bit, just blob in the solder with flux and let surface tension do the rest
[21:09:06] <inflex> Roklobsta: well paid job though. Was a near-new 16GB iPod.
[21:09:24] <GuShH> lol "reduced to fixing ipods"
[21:11:12] <Roklobsta> heh, the kid across the road came to me with his smashed up iphone. the screen got repalced but it has no signal. presumably the antennas are disconnected or broken
[21:11:13] <inflex> Tell you what, it's a buttload harder than doing laptop mainboards.
[21:11:38] <inflex> Roklobsta: probably didn't press the antenna connector off the speaker assembly down properly
[21:12:06] <Roklobsta> i have never opened one. 3G says no signal and wifi works when he's next to the AP
[21:12:12] * inflex gets quite a few "Damaged It Yourself" repairs
[21:12:47] <GuShH> I wouldn't even touch someone else's phone let alone offer to repair one
[21:12:53] <inflex> yeah, there's a thin coax cable that goes from the lower speaker housing to the mainboard, it uses the same sort of captive press connector that a lot of the laptop wifi boards use. Frequently it just isn't pressed on properly
[21:13:40] <Roklobsta> is it easy enough to open an iphone to do that or should i send him back to the screen repair guy?
[21:14:06] <GuShH> I can open it for you with a bullet
[21:17:11] <inflex> Roklobsta: easy if you have the pentalobe screw driver to remove the two on the bottom. Slide off the back panel (slide upwards)
[21:18:11] <inflex> You'll have to remove the battery + retention clip on the 4, but on the 4S you should be able to access it without removing anything. Just make sure you turn off the phone fully before doing anyhing :)
[21:19:07] <inflex> If you don't have the plastic prising tool to pop the antenna connector off, I'd suggest just sending it back to the screen guy - I mean, after all, it's their fault.
[21:19:35] <Roklobsta> yeah i have all manner of hex forms but not pentalobe
[21:19:50] <inflex> Something they should have checked before releasing it back to the client. I have to always ask for client PIN codes for their phones and SIMs because without that I can't test the fix properly (amazing how many things people can break when "just" replacing the screen )
[21:20:08] <Roklobsta> right
[21:20:32] <Roklobsta> meh, who gives kids $700 phones to drop on the baseketball court anyway
[21:20:53] <inflex> exactly.
[21:23:29] <inflex> I suppose in some ways the mini-iPhone could be useful in that respect, but I think people should just buy $150 phones like the galaxy W, Ace and such
[21:23:40] <inflex> but hey, all good for me, lots of expensive screen replacements :)
[21:53:44] <Roklobsta|2> true. i have the defy+ on the $99 telstra special
[21:53:52] <Roklobsta|2> CM10 and it works great
[22:24:10] <Valen> inflex: seen kogans $150 5" phone?
[22:32:25] <Roklobsta|2> kogan? hmmm
[22:32:59] <[w_w]> So I'm working on my project for a few days... Its almost done, and I'm all excited that i didn't have to write the USB stack myself, because one comes with the ASF... Put my device under load, and blam. Turns out ASF usb stack only gets me 3Kbit/s out of 12Mbit/s :/
[22:34:23] <Valen> http://www.kogan.com/au/buy/agora-50-dual-core-smartphone/
[22:34:36] <Valen> it sounds like a galaxy note light if you will
[22:36:22] <Roklobsta|2> OK, so what do you guys use for a jtag clock freq in avrs6
[22:36:45] <Roklobsta|2> w_w: o_0
[22:36:45] <inflex> Valen: no. Though I'd rather a Samsung
[22:37:00] <Valen> who wouldn't
[22:37:07] <Roklobsta|2> yeah, kogan ...
[22:37:09] <inflex> I mean, even a $149 Samsung
[22:37:11] <Valen> though $600+ vs $150 does count for something
[22:37:14] <Valen> I have a note
[22:37:18] <Valen> missus a note 2
[22:37:58] <inflex> ja, I have a note
[22:38:07] <Roklobsta|2> FFS 1MHz JTAG clock was working fine then BLAM code won't work and get memeory read errors
[22:38:10] <Roklobsta|2> 500KHz works ok now
[22:38:13] <Roklobsta|2> wasted an hour
[22:41:08] <Roklobsta|2> nice red herring
[22:41:19] <Valen> awesome!
[22:42:11] <Roklobsta|2> hmmmm sunny outside
[22:42:15] <Roklobsta|2> should get some VD
[22:42:27] <Valen> ummm
[22:42:45] <Valen> you do know VD has a different meaning to what you think it does right?
[22:43:29] <Roklobsta|2> only to you
[22:43:42] <Roklobsta|2> dooble entredre
[22:43:45] <Roklobsta|2> in your endo
[22:44:06] <Roklobsta|2> can't even spel entendre
[22:44:22] <Valen> your keyboard needs one o those fancy E keys
[22:44:38] <Valen> you know its dirty, because its in french