#avr | Logs for 2013-06-08

[02:26:06] <braincracker> tzanger <= my idea disconnecting power and tristating the dapa programmer works :)
[02:26:34] <braincracker> [195750] <tzanger> damn, my idea of using a p-channel fet to disconnect the tiny13a VCC from my board V+ when the dragon is powering it doesn't work < in case you don't remember
[06:22:41] <orfix> Hi, I have an SPI spansion flash FL016AIF which I want to dump to a file on my laptop using an ATmega328P... how would you do it ?
[06:23:29] <orfix> I was thinking about implementing Xmodem and sending the data though the UART (never done that before)... is it a good approch ? is there a simpler way ?
[06:39:26] <OndraSter_> orfix, if you want do to xmodem, sure
[06:39:27] <OndraSter_> to do*
[06:39:56] <OndraSter_> tbh I would simply write a 20 line app that would read from the data flash and dump it on serial and then use 5 line app on PC to read off serial and dump it to a file
[06:40:00] <OndraSter_> no xmodem stuff involved
[06:40:02] <OndraSter_> just raw serial
[07:00:30] <orfix> OndraSter_: Thank you, I think I'll first try your way of doing it.
[07:03:51] <OndraSter_> yeah, don't overcomplicate things
[07:03:55] <OndraSter_> never
[08:09:49] <homeflix> hi
[08:10:09] <homeflix> i bought one of these fm-transmitter controlled power-switches today
[08:10:17] <homeflix> and i wanted to control them via an avr
[08:10:52] <homeflix> but, unfortunatly, i cant access the microcontroller inside the fm-remote
[08:11:18] <homeflix> so my idea was to simply "switch" the remote switches
[08:11:35] <homeflix> i am beginner. i read about using relais and so on
[08:11:50] <homeflix> but wouldnt it be possible to just use a transistor, to "switch" the switch?
[08:18:02] <RikusW> yes
[08:18:02] <RikusW> just add a 4k7 resistor to the base
[08:18:02] <RikusW> what V does the remote use ?
[08:22:04] <tzanger> homeflix: give us al ink to this fm transmitter controlled power switch
[08:32:16] <homeflix> hm. actually i cant even find them online. not even a picture :/ i bought them at the local hardware store. i already read into this "fm controlled power switch" thing
[08:32:58] <homeflix> and it seems, the power switches i bought, are even more low-cost. on regular power switches one can select a code to control various switches
[08:33:04] <homeflix> but mine is fixed.
[08:33:35] <homeflix> took the remote already apart. cant find a datasheet for the chip either. i might found a similar one, manufactured by holtek
[08:34:25] <homeflix> its a mcu with an integrated fm transmitter in a 16pin nsop
[08:34:45] <homeflix> and it seems i cant access the fm transmitter module from the outside :/
[08:36:17] <homeflix> so i think the only way to attach an avr on this remote is via relais :/
[08:36:39] <homeflix> or is there another way without using a relais to electronically push one of the buttons?
[08:40:25] <homeflix> based on the pinout and application note, it could be this device: http://www.holtek.com.tw/english/tech/appnote/consumer/pdf/ha0205ev110.pdf
[08:41:51] <specing> so you bought some chinese device at 10x the price, congrats
[08:43:19] <homeflix> yeah. its cheap chinese crap ;) i know
[08:44:03] <homeflix> 3 power-switches plus a remote for 10€, which is ~13$
[08:48:56] <RikusW> use a transistor
[08:49:03] <RikusW> or maybe even the avr io directly
[08:49:19] <RikusW> PORT=0 DDR=0/1 to use as pulldown
[08:49:41] <homeflix> thanks :)
[08:49:55] <homeflix> http://www.holtek.com/pdf/consumer/4xR01T3v130.pdf << iam almost certain that this is the device
[08:50:01] <RikusW> what voltage does the remote use ?
[08:50:04] <homeflix> 3,3v
[08:50:34] <homeflix> hmm. according to the datasheet, theres a DOUT pin on the chip @ pin 1
[08:50:39] <RikusW> just make sure that one side of the remote switch is actually ground
[08:50:52] <homeflix> which is internally connected to the transmitter module according to the block scheme...
[08:50:53] <homeflix> hmmm
[09:55:39] <ambro718> can you do "add 1 if carry is not set" in one instruction?
[09:58:53] <rue_house> opposite to add 0, hmmm
[09:59:02] <rue_house> (add with carry 0)
[09:59:25] <ambro718> that would add 1 if carry is set
[09:59:38] <rue_house> could that be done with a subtract with carry something?
[09:59:56] <rue_house> hmm add with carry -1 dosn't work
[10:00:40] <ambro718> if you inc it first you can then do sbc 0
[10:00:44] <rue_house> isn't there an invert carry flag?
[10:00:46] <ambro718> but that's 2 instructions
[10:00:51] <rue_house> what would invert the carry flag
[10:00:54] <rue_house> yea
[10:01:12] <ambro718> well that's the problem, I could reverse my cmp comparison, but that does not exactly negate the carry flag
[10:01:28] <ambro718> a<b is not a negation of a>b
[10:01:33] <rue_house> hmm
[10:01:55] <rue_house> I just woke up, I'm gonna think on it in a show
[10:02:02] <rue_house> can you paste the code before and after?
[10:02:14] <ambro718> what code do you need?
[10:02:50] <ambro718> http://ideone.com/Ytyc5N
[10:02:57] <ambro718> it's division, the very last 2 instructions
[10:04:08] <rue_house> " brcs end_zero_bit_%=\n"
[10:05:15] <rue_house> " brcs end_zero_bit_%=\n"
[10:05:16] <rue_house> " inc %A[q]\n"
[10:05:16] <rue_house> "end_zero_bit_%=:\n"
[10:05:21] <rue_house> hmm
[10:05:59] <rue_house> carry and borrow are the same flag on an avr aren't they?
[10:06:56] <rue_house> http:/ruemohr.org
[10:07:33] <rue_house> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/pdf/atmel/AVR_instruction_set.pdf
[10:07:59] <ambro718> no, borrow is H flag
[10:08:11] <rue_house> thats half carry
[10:10:45] <rue_house> subc: Rd ? Rd - Rr - C
[10:10:53] <rue_house> er sbc
[10:11:14] <ambro718> if you initialize your register to 1 then sbc will do the job
[10:11:29] <ambro718> but I guess there isn't a direct solution
[10:11:40] <rue_house> so if Rr is -1 then
[10:11:42] <ambro718> * if you increment it first
[10:11:55] <rue_house> it would add 1
[10:12:04] <rue_house> but if the carry is set, it would add 0
[10:12:09] <rue_house> ??
[10:12:31] <rue_house> subc A, -1
[10:12:38] <rue_house> er SBC A, -1
[10:13:17] <rue_house> er
[10:13:24] <rue_house> SBCI A, -1
[10:14:50] <ambro718> yep thats it, thanks
[10:15:09] <ambro718> if I knew how to do addition right I'd have seen that already :P
[10:16:48] <ambro718> this division algorithm takes 2/3 the time compared to what gcc generates for / operator :D
[10:16:56] <ambro718> and now it's 1 instruction less hehe
[10:37:37] <rue_house> :)
[10:38:05] <rue_house> but does the code as a whole work :)
[10:39:37] <rue_house> Tom_itx,
[10:39:40] <rue_house> http://www.ebay.ca/itm/XBOX360-XBOX-360-GPU-Heat-Directly-BGA-Template-Stencil-/400423717821
[10:39:46] <rue_house> is that a ripoff?
[10:42:19] <Badaboom> ooo,, a reballing grid
[10:42:32] <Badaboom> YLO problem?
[10:42:36] <Badaboom> ylod
[10:52:17] <ambro718> rue_house: the division indeed works
[10:52:38] <ambro718> I've done tests with random inputs, no failures so far
[11:16:14] <rue_house> Badaboom, its a $1 item, I buy a $1 every day
[11:16:39] <Badaboom> ahh
[11:42:33] <Badaboom> rue_house: by the way, Ive really enjoyed the channel and all the ppl here:)
[11:49:36] <Badaboom> <--Mot trying to be a kiss ass, just sayin:)
[11:49:40] <Badaboom> Not
[11:51:48] <jadew> we are enjoyable
[11:53:14] <Badaboom> Hey
[11:53:26] <jadew> hey
[11:53:40] <Badaboom> so i tried to add a piezo transducer on that circuit and ..
[11:53:49] <Badaboom> its getting bleedover
[11:54:29] <Badaboom> I think due to the fact that i have SPI, USI, Button and Piezo all on that port,, oh and running PWM
[11:54:39] <Badaboom> lol
[11:54:54] <Badaboom> I think i heard it cry
[12:07:08] <braincracker> h
[12:11:33] <braincracker> what's up Badaboom ?
[12:13:33] <Badaboom> Hello
[12:13:48] <Badaboom> Sorry, im back and forth soldering
[12:14:28] <Tom_itx> easier if you sit still
[12:14:44] <Badaboom> lol
[13:14:02] <timemage> Tom_itx, i like to do that with "run to the store" and "jump in the shower" =)
[14:22:27] <edman007> hi, I got an ATTiny24A, anyways, I'm trying to use the ADC, and right now I'm trying to measure the temp, but I keep getting mostly random numbers, below 6-7 when I try to read the actual value, any idea why that might happen?
[14:31:05] <timemage> edman007, sampling frequency too high?
[14:38:36] <edman007> I tried all the dividers, all seem to be the same...
[14:38:51] <edman007> 0 and 7, both give the same result
[14:42:44] <timemage> edman007, that was my one guess offhand. find somewhere to post the code, circuit diagram, fuse settings, etc. someone may be willing to look . i might, depending on what's going on here.
[14:43:28] * edman007 tries screwing with fuse settings...
[14:43:37] <edman007> if this fails I'll post all of that
[14:49:31] <timemage> edman007, you're not just reading the highbits or something right? can you control the response of the code consistently with voltage at the adc pin?
[14:53:20] <edman007> timemage, I'm using AVR-libc, and reading ADCW, I tried ADCH/ADCL and it's exactly the same, it seems most of the time I'm getting zero, with a few 2 or 4's or something...I think the highest number I've seen is 7, the datasheet says I should read about 300 +/- 20 for the temp measurement at room temp
[14:53:41] <edman007> I've confirmed the interrupt runs, and my main loop is processing it
[14:54:05] <edman007> http://pastebin.com/nAdTmhBZ
[14:54:49] <edman007> tx_buf_write->temp2 is the data that my host can actually read, if I put 0x5501 for example in there, I have confirmed that it makes it from that point to the host, so the code is running and working
[14:56:08] <edman007> I just re-configued the fuses for 8MHz operation too, so the ADC clock should be 125kHz with these settings, which is right where the docs say it should be
[14:58:09] <timemage> edman007, did you see the note in the datasheet about the order in which the adcl/adch needs to be done?
[14:58:56] <edman007> yea..
[15:00:00] <edman007> it's not that.. though maybe it's my SPI stuff... i stuck in a memset and it seems to make a difference
[15:01:13] <timemage> edman007, you're getting a response you can manipulate now?
[15:04:45] <edman007> no...AVR is still sending the same data, I just had a bit of a display bug that memset made apparent... anyways, fixed that and I see the fact that the interrupt run, and it got a bad answer
[15:05:15] <edman007> these are the results of the ADC, in order, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0
[15:05:21] <edman007> they should all be like 300
[15:06:35] <edman007> the really weird thing is flipping the ADAR bit doesn't seem to make a differance...
[15:06:41] <edman007> *ADLAR
[15:23:05] <tzanger> edman007: sounds like a gain issue
[15:23:15] <tzanger> but yes, flipping ADLAR should make those results really big
[15:23:42] <edman007> tzanger, exactly...
[15:24:12] <tzanger> edman007: I'd check your ADC config, and dump the ADC regs on pastebin so we can see them. Which chip is this?
[15:25:31] <edman007> tzanger, will do...
[15:25:35] <edman007> ATTiny24A
[15:30:55] <edman007> tzanger, actually... that was it, looks like my ADMUX was getting cleared...
[15:31:03] <edman007> just reset it and it worked...
[15:32:07] <tzanger> edman007: heh
[16:13:02] <braincracker> hey Badaboom
[16:13:15] <braincracker> evil spell on your stuff?
[16:14:31] <Badaboom> ?
[16:33:05] <braincracker> Badaboom <= what are you up to now?
[16:33:22] <Badaboom> Just working on my project
[16:33:46] <braincracker> capacitive pushbuttons done? ;)
[16:34:06] <Badaboom> software debounce
[16:35:14] <Badaboom> Im using a Piezo transducer that the port pin seems to be staying open conflicting with other functions on that port
[16:35:44] <Badaboom> and ive checked all the set and clears
[16:35:54] <braincracker> no idea what you mean by that
[16:36:02] <Badaboom> Strang thing is it doesnt happen all time
[16:36:39] <Badaboom> It's a Piezo Spkr form an ld MB
[16:36:43] <Badaboom> old
[16:36:52] <braincracker> is it?
[16:37:03] <braincracker> motherboards used to have small dínamic speakers
[16:37:08] <braincracker> *dynamic
[16:37:21] <Badaboom> Yeah, this one is a piezo transducer
[16:37:25] <braincracker> voice coil, and some tiny magnet
[16:37:53] <braincracker> well a piezo is "open"
[16:38:09] <braincracker> it is just a few nF capacitor you charge and it generates a tick
[16:40:28] <Badaboom> are you refering to te buzzer type?
[16:41:13] <braincracker> of course not
[16:41:29] <Badaboom> ok
[16:42:12] <braincracker> a bare piezo speaker
[16:43:18] <Badaboom> well the port seems to be staying open so im trying to find out why
[16:43:21] <braincracker> it is a polarized piezoelectric material with 2 metallized surfaces, you switch voltage differential between them and it will convert it to mechanical deflection
[16:43:34] <braincracker> acts like a capacitor.
[16:52:36] <Badaboom> Can't fina a data sheet on it:(
[16:52:44] <braincracker> use it
[16:52:46] <Badaboom> HC1206A
[16:52:54] <Badaboom> Ive used it
[16:56:50] <Badaboom> So testing it with an led clearly shows the port staying open randomly
[16:57:31] <braincracker> it is always open
[16:57:41] <braincracker> what is the problem with that ?
[16:59:01] <Badaboom> It means the port pin is sometimes staying high
[16:59:39] <braincracker> it will stay high after you switch high
[16:59:45] <Tom_itx> so put a pullup or pulldown on it
[16:59:48] <braincracker> because it stores charge like a capacitor.
[17:00:00] <braincracker> to make sound, you need to cycle the port
[17:00:09] <Badaboom> Tom, activate the pullup?
[17:00:12] <braincracker> it will click at transitions
[17:00:34] <Badaboom> braincracker: It works well enough
[17:00:56] <Badaboom> It sometimes stays open giving off a low level sound
[17:01:46] <braincracker> sounds like you switch rail on it, and your power supply has noise
[17:02:07] <n0p513d> word
[17:02:56] <Tom_itx> byte
[17:03:18] <braincracker> unsigned long long int
[17:03:55] <n0p513d> :-)
[17:05:12] <braincracker> volatile static unsigned long long int var;
[17:06:08] <n0p513d> Byte works for me
[17:06:22] * Tom_itx nibbles on a byte
[17:06:24] <braincracker> uint8_t
[17:07:18] * Tom_itx got bit while nibbling on a byte
[17:14:59] <braincracker> life on mars?
[17:15:33] <n0p513d> Good show
[17:16:11] <braincracker> busy channel
[17:16:52] <braincracker> http://build.an.8bitcomputer.net ;>
[17:17:18] <n0p513d> Thousands of channels with dozens of people logged in and none of um sayin shit :-)
[17:17:36] <n0p513d> Fun baby
[17:18:10] <braincracker> n0p513d <= http://www.micahcarrick.com/tutorials/avr-microcontroller-tutorial/getting-started.html
[17:18:33] <braincracker> the Blink LED OS there
[17:19:13] <n0p513d> Lokin buddy, that ain't you is it ;-)
[17:19:47] <n0p513d> Robots!
[17:21:31] <n0p513d> Good old breadboard electronics
[17:22:53] <n0p513d> What was the PCB with strips of track and a load of holes called?
[17:23:22] <Tom_itx> veroboard
[17:23:30] <n0p513d> Thats it!
[17:23:35] <n0p513d> Coool
[17:23:47] <n0p513d> Made a load of stuff with that
[17:24:10] <braincracker> but you forgot to sell some...
[17:24:43] <braincracker> this is why it is a game for you
[17:24:50] <n0p513d> I did sell some sound to light units to my mates back in the day :-)
[17:25:02] <n0p513d> Disco baby!
[17:25:03] <braincracker> and they still work
[17:25:35] <n0p513d> I bet they do if the people who got them would drag them out of the atic
[17:25:58] <n0p513d> BTW, I'm old :-)
[17:26:38] <R0b0t1> I am not old, but I am currently in the process of olding.
[17:26:50] <braincracker> atmel micros are stated to hold data for 100 years at room temp, 20 years 85C
[17:27:03] <n0p513d> Trust me, it will happen faster than you think
[17:28:02] <Horologium> n0p513d, I was old when many people here started playing with microcontrollers.
[17:28:40] <braincracker> Horologium <= feeling like an Oracle?
[17:28:51] <Horologium> I remember when Forres M. Mims III mini notebooks were $0.99 at ratshack.
[17:28:55] <n0p513d> I'm only 18 in my head but I've got some catching up to do before my hardware packs up
[17:29:08] <Badaboom> I used to own a couple of those books
[17:29:13] <Horologium> I still do.
[17:29:17] <Horologium> every one I ever got hold of.
[17:29:28] <beaky> hello
[17:29:37] <beaky> what is the difference between timer 0, timer 1, and timer 2?
[17:29:46] <Horologium> beaky, look at the datasheet.
[17:29:51] <Horologium> it tells you all the differences.
[17:29:58] <n0p513d> I used to have some old Toshiba lugable thing.....20M HD and a 286
[17:30:09] <Horologium> some are 8bit, some 16bit, some have external inputs..
[17:30:13] <beaky> Are all three free running?
[17:30:14] <n0p513d> Orange screen
[17:30:19] <beaky> (or can be configured to be freerunning)
[17:30:21] <n0p513d> LOL!
[17:30:27] <Horologium> beaky, yes.
[17:30:40] <braincracker> so, what your main.c look like? :)
[17:30:42] <Horologium> n0p513d, compaq made them too.
[17:30:44] <beaky> I am using timer 0 for pwm, is that okay?
[17:30:49] <braincracker> for (;;); ?
[17:31:20] <Horologium> beaky, it all depends...are you doing hardware pwm or software? if hardware, does the timer0 on your particular chip support hardware pwm?
[17:31:43] <beaky> yeah my ATmega328 does :D
[17:32:02] <Horologium> if it supports hardware pwm and you are using it then I guess it's ok.
[17:32:12] <beaky> (btw how do you software PWM? is it like manually with I/O magic and timer interrupts? :D)
[17:32:42] <Horologium> can be done with or without timers, all depending on how you code and how much processor time you want to take up for it and many variables.
[17:32:53] <beaky> also is $25 a good price for a single ATmega328p chip?
[17:32:59] <braincracker> no
[17:32:59] <Horologium> NO.
[17:33:02] <Badaboom> NO
[17:33:08] <beaky> my local electronics store is selling it for htat much :(
[17:33:14] <Horologium> for 25 bucks you can almost get 4 atmega1284p chips.
[17:33:16] <nevdull> yes, yes it is and i have 5 i'll sell you for only $20/ea
[17:33:17] <braincracker> i got mega168pa for $3 ea
[17:33:17] <beaky> but I ordered 10 from digikey for that much
[17:33:18] <Tom_itx> he's ripping you a new arse
[17:33:18] <Badaboom> Not Good AT ALL
[17:33:38] <Horologium> atmega1284p is like $8.00 I think.
[17:33:41] <Tom_itx> i'd tell him so too
[17:33:42] <beaky> ah
[17:33:52] <beaky> maybe he was offering me a bundle of 10
[17:33:55] <Badaboom> Thats WAY over prices
[17:34:10] <beaky> 10 ATmega328ps for 25 bucks seems okay
[17:34:12] <Badaboom> priced
[17:34:43] <Horologium> for $25.00 you can almost buy two ardweenie boards!
[17:35:04] <beaky> ah
[17:35:23] <Horologium> sounds like major mongo retail markup to me.
[17:35:33] <Horologium> or a backwoods country like Pakastan
[17:35:58] <braincracker> http://www.knitwitch.com/weeniewarmer.htm
[17:35:59] <braincracker> :)
[17:36:02] <beaky> maybe he was just offering me 10 atmels and I misheard
[17:36:32] <Badaboom> Beaky there any where from $2.88 to $3.31 at digikey
[17:36:53] <beaky> ah so $25 is a good deal for 10 :D
[17:37:01] <Badaboom> Its good
[17:37:11] <Badaboom> What package?
[17:37:14] <Badaboom> DIP?
[17:37:17] <beaky> yes
[17:37:21] <braincracker> microBGA
[17:37:32] <beaky> DIP is awesome for putting on breadboards
[17:37:54] <beaky> and the 328 is more compact than 1284 :D
[17:38:11] <Horologium> but the 1284p has more i/o and more flash and 16KB of SRAM!
[17:38:13] <braincracker> bga is fine for breadbooards
[17:38:24] <Badaboom> http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/ATMEGA328P-PU/ATMEGA328P-PU-ND/1914589
[17:38:32] <beaky> wow 16kb of sram
[17:38:57] <R0b0t1> mmmm sram
[17:39:10] <R0b0t1> give that bitch some sram, bitches love sram
[17:40:20] <braincracker> that is 2kB.
[17:40:23] <beaky> what si the difference between SRAM and my macbook's ram?
[17:40:30] <n0p513d> R0b0t1: LOL!
[17:40:51] <Horologium> beaky, sram is static ram....the ram in a macbook is a total waste of silicon,,,but it is also DRAM or dynamic ram.
[17:41:14] <Horologium> with sram, you write to it and forget it and as long as it has power it will retain what was written to it.
[17:41:39] <Horologium> dram requires constant refresh...so you write to it then have to go back and refresh the whole thing over and over constantly to keep it from losing the data.
[17:41:47] <R0b0t1> dram stores charge on a capacitor that is under constant drain by the accessing logic
[17:41:51] <Horologium> sram draws much more power than dram.
[17:41:53] <beaky> ah
[17:42:08] <beaky> why can't the avr use dram to conserve more power :D
[17:42:16] <R0b0t1> It is high speed
[17:42:25] <beaky> (btw can I buy a ram stick and plug it into an avr to boost its memory? :D)
[17:42:26] <Horologium> if you want that then go to an ARM with external memory interface.
[17:42:30] <beaky> ah
[17:42:31] <Horologium> no, you can't.
[17:42:36] <R0b0t1> A dram design that an AVR would be capable of driving would be larger than an sram implementation
[17:42:51] <Horologium> the AVR program memory is flash...the sram is used for variables storage and the like.
[17:42:58] <braincracker> beaky <= xmega can use your SD-ram
[17:43:00] <specing> Oh god can you please stop explaining basic things and instead point to www.wikipedia.org?
[17:43:08] <n0p513d> Memory refresh
[17:43:14] * specing facepalms
[17:43:23] <beaky> ah
[17:43:30] <R0b0t1> beaky, not ram sticks, but there are ram chips made for micros.
[17:43:34] * R0b0t1 throws a shoe at specing
[17:43:46] <Horologium> if the avr were capable of running programs from external ram then I would drop all other microcontrollers from my pile.
[17:43:51] <R0b0t1> I feel like typing for once! :3
[17:44:09] <R0b0t1> I think there was some ARM that used a few spi flash chips in parallel
[17:45:03] <Badaboom> lol
[17:45:15] <Badaboom> Did we go to warp yet?
[17:49:27] <braincracker> R0b0t1 <= or chips desoldered from ram sticks? :)
[17:49:53] <braincracker> ( exact same thing )
[17:52:11] <n0p513d> Solderwick is your friend ;-)
[17:54:06] <braincracker> what about mr. toaster oven ?
[17:54:36] <braincracker> and mr. screwdriver?
[17:55:27] <n0p513d> Mr Microwave too
[17:55:41] <n0p513d> If you get hungry
[17:55:46] <braincracker> not sure the ram chip would like that
[17:55:52] <n0p513d> LOL!
[17:56:26] <braincracker> Aand how crispy you like your chips?
[17:56:29] <n0p513d> Not sure the chip would like Mr toaster oven
[17:57:00] <beaky> what is the difference between ARM and AVR32?
[17:57:07] <braincracker> well, i'm sure your hardware was soldered in one
[17:57:21] <beaky> are they different, or is AVR32 atmel's brand of arm?
[17:57:38] <n0p513d> Solder bath and just a quick dip I think
[17:58:01] <braincracker> taht was like 40 years ago
[17:58:10] <Tom_itx> avr32 != arm
[17:58:47] <n0p513d> OK,OK! I told you I'm running old hardware! ;-)
[17:59:08] <braincracker> 286?
[17:59:10] <braincracker> ;/
[17:59:15] <n0p513d> 8088
[17:59:20] <braincracker> oh i see
[17:59:42] <braincracker> well, irc does not need huge processing power
[17:59:57] <n0p513d> No, but I do
[18:00:37] <braincracker> then try out a pi
[18:01:20] <n0p513d> Don't like raspberry's
[18:02:27] <n0p513d> This is getting silly, sorry, didn't mean to hijack chan
[18:02:57] <braincracker> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi
[18:03:14] * n0p513d is going down for reboot!
[18:04:30] <n0p513d> Reboot cancelled ! Beer left!
[18:06:30] <braincracker> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:RaspberryPiSystem.JPG
[18:08:08] <beaky> when shoudl I use an raspi over an avr?
[18:09:18] <braincracker> when you want 700MHz and install linux
[18:09:38] <braincracker> and play games on it, code, browse the web ...
[18:10:09] <beaky> ah
[18:10:29] <DagoRed> beaky: If you need an operating system that includes the use of USB and a network stack, a pi is perfect.
[18:10:58] <beaky> so the rpi is just a miniature pc?
[18:11:20] <beaky> from that picture it looks like it complements things like avr :D
[18:12:02] <braincracker> in addition, it has integrated VGA, USB, and up to 512MB ram
[18:12:28] <braincracker> and 700MHz ... ARM
[18:12:33] <DagoRed> For I/O, it has UART, I2C, SPI, and some other GPIO
[18:12:43] <Badaboom> Aha,, all i had to do is 0 out the timer and viola
[18:14:02] <braincracker> beaky <= even the ATtiny is a miniature computer.
[18:14:50] <braincracker> 6 pin sot-23
[18:15:06] <beaky> ah
[18:17:53] <Tom_itx> 16 bit timer
[18:17:58] <Tom_itx> adc
[18:18:03] <Tom_itx> pwm
[18:18:14] <beaky> the attiny seems nice
[18:18:41] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/temp/tiny/tinyTPI1.jpg
[18:18:52] <Tom_itx> 4 io
[18:19:01] <braincracker> http://www.atmel.com/devices/attiny10.aspx
[18:19:06] <braincracker> 32 byte sram ;>
[18:19:08] <beaky> wow
[18:19:14] <beaky> how can 32 bytes be useful
[18:19:29] <beaky> beyond blinking a led
[18:19:33] <Tom_itx> it's all you need
[18:19:37] <Tom_itx> not flash
[18:19:39] <Tom_itx> ram
[18:19:44] <beaky> ah
[18:19:49] <braincracker> it is 32 8 bit variables ;/ in addition to the registers
[18:19:50] <braincracker> :P
[18:19:54] <Tom_itx> it will play a tune and blink leds all at once
[18:19:59] <beaky> wow that is plenty
[18:20:24] <beaky> and it even has a 16-bit timer and integrated adc and pwm
[18:20:35] <Tom_itx> just said that
[18:21:43] <beaky> my stk500 has these blue sockets for tiny chips
[18:21:48] <beaky> in dip package
[18:22:52] <beaky> btw
[18:25:07] <braincracker> btw sram in mcu is equivalent to L1 cache memory in PC's cpu
[18:25:28] <beaky> ah
[18:25:52] <beaky> so its good
[18:26:00] <sabesto> well, have a look at this then: http://www.wired.com/design/2013/02/freescales-tiny-arm-chip/
[18:26:15] <beaky> wow that is mindblowing
[18:28:13] <braincracker> Both the Fitbit and OmniPod insulin pump use Freescale chips. < though i don't see how an insulin pump requires an ARM
[18:28:21] <braincracker> but ok
[18:28:39] <braincracker> you can flash a led with a 200 pin FPGA
[18:28:51] <beaky> maybe powerful chips are so cheap that even toasters are outfitted with them
[18:29:11] <Tonelock> i know a company that uses arm for motor control because its cheaper than a dsp
[18:29:20] <Tonelock> they can't afford a dsp
[18:29:53] <Tonelock> but they can afford €7 - €8 max for an arm
[18:30:02] <braincracker> arm is superior to dsp no?
[18:30:20] <Tonelock> well, for them its a cheap dsp
[18:31:04] <braincracker> 20 pin bga arm looks interesting
[18:31:17] <Tonelock> arm can be made do the work of a dsp + mcu
[18:31:23] <Tonelock> at mlower cost
[18:31:43] <Tonelock> *lower
[18:33:57] <Tonelock> late her, so 'night
[18:34:12] <Tonelock> *here
[18:48:27] <Gumboot> braincracker: Get a cubieboard.
[18:49:30] <Gumboot> Just a few dollars more, three times the performance, and compatibility with all the ARMv7 distros.
[18:49:40] <DagoRed> I have a cubie board, pi, and sabre lite. Fantastic boards but a basic atmel does the trick for most projects.
[18:50:03] <DagoRed> I would say if you want I/O, get a Beagle Board Black.
[18:51:20] <Gumboot> Well, whatever you get, get an ARMv7, anyway.
[18:51:27] <Gumboot> I mean, if it's going to be ARM-based.
[18:53:42] <DagoRed> Pretty much.
[18:55:08] <DagoRed> The v5's are decent. The v6's are just a pain to get up and running. I don't know if a lot of vendors went cheap with the v6 or if the instruction sets are just hard because a lot of v6's don't take advantage of DMA or a dedicated ethernet connection.
[19:02:43] <n0p513d> Just surfaced from a good album on some good old analog audio gear (tube power amp). Nice being here though. Take care PPL. Nite.
[19:08:12] <Tom_itx> what's a good linux dvd player?
[19:15:51] <DagoRed> Tom_itx: vlc is a favorite of mine.
[19:16:10] <DagoRed> usually available on all distro's
[19:16:17] <DagoRed> Tom_itx: Also, XMBC
[19:17:41] <Tom_itx> what about commercial dvds
[19:17:49] <Tom_itx> ie encrypted/scrambled
[19:18:07] <Tom_itx> what about xine?
[19:24:48] <Casper> DagoRed: and on window it come bundled with spywares
[19:24:59] <Casper> Tom_itx: I use mplayer for dvd
[19:25:19] <Casper> with the decryption part...
[19:29:39] <OndraSter_> I have not used DVD in ages
[19:30:45] <Casper> same
[19:41:25] <DagoRed> Casper: VLC and XBMC are available through repositories on linux.... spyware free
[19:41:44] <Horologium> also as source so you can compile it yourself.
[19:41:46] <Casper> on linux maybe, not on windblows
[19:41:55] <Casper> unless you compile yourslef
[19:41:57] <Horologium> vlc is available for win, lin, and mac
[19:42:19] <Horologium> I just installed it on a new windows 8 machine yesterday in fact.
[19:43:01] <Horologium> it was one hell of a lot better than the dvd player that came bundled.
[19:49:31] <Tom_itx> Horologium, what plugins do i need to play dvds
[19:49:42] <Horologium> I didn't need any.
[19:49:51] <Horologium> just installed it and stuck a dvd in the machine..it played fine.
[19:50:13] <Tom_itx> i'm on ubuntu 10.04
[19:50:28] <Horologium> I'm sorry.
[19:50:34] <Tom_itx> it has vlc but didn't 'just play' the dvd
[19:50:36] <Tom_itx> i
[19:50:36] <Horologium> but, you make nifty toys so I won't hold it against you.
[19:50:46] <Tom_itx> i'm using it for linuxcnc so i need that ver
[19:50:55] <Tom_itx> for my nifty toys
[19:51:15] <Tom_itx> or i'd get the latest n greatest
[19:51:19] <Horologium> have you installed dvdcss?
[19:51:33] <Horologium> I was disparaging ubuntu in general..
[19:51:42] <Tom_itx> no
[19:51:49] <Tom_itx> it's not in the package manager
[19:51:50] <Horologium> might need that to play a dvd on linux.
[19:51:53] <Horologium> nope..it's not..
[19:52:00] <Horologium> not a "legal" package.
[19:52:02] <Tom_itx> i heard about it
[19:52:11] <Tom_itx> but didn't know where or what to get
[19:52:15] <Horologium> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs
[19:52:42] <Horologium> first hit for google search of ubuntu dvdcss
[19:52:44] <Horologium> enjoy.
[19:52:57] <Tom_itx> if it works i will
[19:54:26] <TechIsCool> Hey everyone can someone explain to me what line 363 does or at least why my compiler is complaining about the B0100 not being defined. https://github.com/gcopeland/RF24/blob/master/RF24.cpp
[19:54:59] <Tom_itx> no, we're gonna make you sweat it out alone
[19:55:08] <TechIsCool> Tom_itx: :)
[19:55:29] <TechIsCool> My guess is it is somehow inline progmem maybe not sure really
[19:55:39] <Tom_itx> 363 is a blank line
[19:55:54] <TechIsCool> write_register(SETUP_RETR,(B0101 << ARD) | (B1111 << ARC));
[19:56:17] <Horologium> looks like it is not defined.
[19:56:57] <Horologium> B1111 is defined but B0101 is not.
[19:57:20] <TechIsCool> Horologium: Anything with a B111 or etc is not defined
[19:57:31] <Horologium> yeah, probably.
[19:57:40] <Horologium> was just digging..looks like neither of them is defined.
[19:57:47] <Horologium> no clue what they are supposed to be.
[19:58:13] <Tom_itx> is B designating binary?
[19:58:18] <Tom_itx> numeric format
[19:58:27] <Horologium> 0b0110110
[19:58:33] <Horologium> should be 0b not B
[19:58:40] <Horologium> at least, for standard C
[19:58:42] <Tom_itx> well that's kinda what i thought
[19:58:46] <Tom_itx> but who knows
[19:58:56] <Horologium> could be an IAR variant.
[19:58:59] <Tom_itx> what's ARD look like?
[19:59:05] <Horologium> but ANSI C says 0b
[19:59:14] <Horologium> no clue what ARD is.
[19:59:17] <Tom_itx> look at the data sheet for ARD
[19:59:22] <Tom_itx> and ARC
[19:59:48] <Tom_itx> low and hi nibble of something?
[19:59:56] <Horologium> but, I'm betting that's the issue....they are constants declared as Bxxxx and should be 0bxxxx
[20:00:12] <Horologium> gotta go do chicky chores.
[20:01:00] <Tom_itx> have a ball
[20:01:21] <TechIsCool> Tom_itx: I think I will change it and see if it works it that type of day
[20:01:34] <Tom_itx> that's all i can see
[20:02:29] <Tom_itx> the only other place that gets written to is a delay
[20:02:43] <Tom_itx> write_register(SETUP_RETR,(delay&0xf)<<ARD | (count&0xf)<<ARC);
[20:03:07] <Tom_itx> and that's in hex
[20:03:45] <TechIsCool> hmm not sure I understand
[20:03:51] <Tom_itx> it's just about gotta be a binary value
[20:03:55] <Tom_itx> so it appears
[20:04:12] <Tom_itx> not sure i do either :)
[20:04:25] <TechIsCool> I know right it would be nice if a comment said what it did
[20:04:42] <Tom_itx> where's the data sheet for the part?
[20:04:50] <Tom_itx> see what bits ARD ARC are
[20:05:02] <Tom_itx> or nibbles whatever
[20:05:14] <TechIsCool> https://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Wireless/Nordic/nRF24L01P_Product_Specification_1_0.pdf
[20:05:43] <TechIsCool> page 34
[20:07:13] <TechIsCool> page 58 has values
[20:08:05] <TechIsCool> Tom_itx: It defines a wait time for retransmit ‘0000’ – Wait 250µS, ‘0001’ – Wait 500µS etc.
[20:09:05] <TechIsCool> so if I understand correctly it is just a binary object being passed to a register
[20:09:39] <Tom_itx> so try changing it to 0b instead of B
[20:10:01] <TechIsCool> I have for now. I it compiles that part but I still have more until I can test
[20:15:23] <Horologium> TechIsCool, I think sparkfun guys use IAR compiler.
[20:15:29] <Horologium> so, that might be a difference.
[20:15:48] <TechIsCool> Horologium: Sparkfun was just the first page to have it on google
[20:15:58] <TechIsCool> the lib was not created by them
[20:16:37] <Horologium> you could always just define them yourself as global constants.
[21:37:11] <timemage> edman007, how was your admux getting cleared?
[23:26:33] <beaky> hello