#avr | Logs for 2013-06-07

[00:16:37] <Badaboom> Heres the responses ive been getting from my code: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxRX6LXDpWs
[00:34:24] <jadew> very good episode on eevblog: http://www.eevblog.com/2013/06/07/eevblog-479-opamp-input-bias-current/
[00:40:47] <jadew> the first commentor there says he didn't get the right result for the right reasons tho
[00:41:37] <jadew> anyway, night
[03:45:59] <Tom_itx> http://www.electronicproducts.com/Electromechanical_Components/Motors_and_Controllers/Domino_39_s_Pizza_tests_drone_that_can_deliver_your_orders.aspx
[03:47:56] <twnqx> yey
[03:48:04] * twnqx gets a jammer ready
[03:48:07] <twnqx> free pizza!
[03:48:19] <Tom_itx> http://www.electronicproducts.com/Computer_Systems/Standalone_Mobile/Team_able_to_infect_iPhone_and_iPad_with_virus_using_device_charger.aspx
[03:48:25] <Tom_itx> just don't call it in on your iphone
[03:48:48] <twnqx> does freenode have a notice service for people that are not online atm?
[03:49:01] <Tom_itx> not that i know of
[03:49:12] <Tom_itx> some bots will deliver messages but we don't have one here
[04:07:55] <thetruthisoutthe> hahaha
[04:08:10] <thetruthisoutthe> yeah, free pizza falling from sky if i fire up my janners
[04:10:33] <thetruthisoutthe> *mm
[04:10:59] <thetruthisoutthe> twnqx <= memoserv
[04:11:09] <thetruthisoutthe> only for registered nicks
[04:27:20] <twnqx> thanks thetruthisoutthe
[04:27:22] <twnqx> trying :3
[05:42:50] <thetruthisoutthe> twnqx <= ask in #freenode
[05:44:14] <megal0maniac> /msg memoserv help
[05:45:11] <megal0maniac> Or /msg memoserv send twnqx Hello you
[05:45:16] <thetruthisoutthe> ;>
[05:45:33] <thetruthisoutthe> if you notice notices then it's ok
[06:55:47] <Badaboom> morning
[06:56:09] <thetruthisoutthe> yo Badaboom
[06:56:14] <thetruthisoutthe> what are you up to ?
[06:56:16] <Badaboom> yo
[06:56:32] <Badaboom> just finishig code
[06:56:52] <thetruthisoutthe> fusion power controller?
[06:57:07] <Badaboom> cold fusion mate:)
[06:57:16] <thetruthisoutthe> yeah
[06:57:44] <Badaboom> cant seem to get this damn sound to stop bleeding over
[06:58:31] <Badaboom> brb,, i need to set up the charging unit
[07:00:42] <Badaboom> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5px5wT6T7Y
[07:01:23] <Badaboom> Dont laugh,, thats a hand drawn circuit and etched using lemon
[07:02:51] <twnqx> wee
[07:02:59] <twnqx> -MemoServ- Badaboom has read your memo, which was sent at Jun 07 08:58:42 2013
[07:03:00] <twnqx> :D
[07:03:14] <Badaboom> I got it,, very cool:)
[07:03:20] <Badaboom> 31 euros
[07:03:24] <twnqx> yeah, not an amoled, but still
[07:03:25] <thetruthisoutthe> hah twnqx so it works
[07:03:35] <twnqx> yes
[07:03:41] <Badaboom> Thats neat
[07:05:30] <twnqx> btw, it might be that those display you have require lvds driving
[07:05:31] <thetruthisoutthe> Badaboom <= it is not hard to make it go wrong
[07:05:32] <twnqx> LVDS*
[07:05:40] <thetruthisoutthe> just leak some memory
[07:05:48] <thetruthisoutthe> miss a range checking
[07:06:07] <twnqx> and the cold fusion turns hot
[07:06:08] <twnqx> ?
[07:06:09] <Badaboom> i know,, im gonna try again this morning
[07:06:22] <Badaboom> twnqx: lol
[07:06:31] <thetruthisoutthe> haha
[07:06:46] <thetruthisoutthe> unregulated fusion does not sound cool
[07:07:02] <twnqx> oh, it produces beautiful mushroom clouds
[07:08:09] <Badaboom> the strange thing is it doesnt do it every time
[07:09:07] <twnqx> sometimes it does not produce as much energy?
[07:09:10] <twnqx> try more tritium
[07:10:03] <Badaboom> super heavy element
[07:10:51] <Badaboom> neutron-deficient isotope of element 113 was synthesized
[07:13:38] <Badaboom> The analysis of the potential energy surface of colliding nuclei shows that a cloud of paired nucleons or massive clusters may be transferred from the projectile to the target.
[07:15:01] <twnqx> btw
[07:15:02] <Badaboom> ok, i better stop before i red flag homeland security
[07:15:23] <twnqx> i expect that your mobile phone tfts do not have full fledged controller on them
[07:15:34] <Badaboom> no they don't
[07:15:41] <Badaboom> its on the main board
[07:15:45] <Badaboom> :(
[07:15:53] <twnqx> so what did you want to use to drive them?
[07:16:10] <Badaboom> well, some do and some dont
[07:16:47] <Badaboom> Ive been looking at various chips however there just as expensive as buying a disp module
[07:16:56] <Badaboom> so...
[07:17:31] <Badaboom> One thing that has my attention is the new samsung flexoled marketed under YUME
[07:17:57] <Badaboom> Why not get ahead of the curve if anything:)
[07:21:26] <thetruthisoutthe> cold fusion does not require radioactivity
[07:21:42] <thetruthisoutthe> and it starts at room temperature
[07:22:20] <thetruthisoutthe> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_fusion
[07:23:21] <Badaboom> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OI2BU6XuW6w
[07:26:28] <Badaboom> oops, got the name wrong, its spelled Yome
[07:27:05] <Badaboom> sigh, youm
[07:27:13] <Badaboom> I just woke up
[07:32:35] <Badaboom> thetruthisoutthe: yeah i know, i was jk with that:)
[07:33:41] <thetruthisoutthe> so, hypercube arrangement will help in cold fucion right?
[07:34:37] <Badaboom> Cold fusion is a hypothetical
[07:35:23] <thetruthisoutthe> and hypercube?:)
[07:35:57] <thetruthisoutthe> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypercube
[07:39:36] <thetruthisoutthe> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:8-cell.gif
[07:40:17] <Badaboom> when is the last time you saw the movie contact?
[07:40:43] <Badaboom> http://www.metacafe.com/watch/624539/discover_the_4d_the_impossible_hypercube/
[07:40:48] <thetruthisoutthe> hmm i don't remember that
[07:41:31] <Badaboom> when she aligns the pages of data using that method
[07:41:46] <Badaboom> Jodi Foster
[07:46:42] <Badaboom> thetruthisoutthe: when i was younger i read a book on this subject.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaluza%E2%80%93Klein_theory
[07:47:44] <thetruthisoutthe> http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_xdN0QQwsP1A/TERMqe0ix1I/AAAAAAAAJls/3_zNHCWLrw0/s1600/vlcsnap-393214.png
[07:47:47] <thetruthisoutthe> ^^
[07:48:17] <Badaboom> yes, it's called the primer
[07:48:28] <Badaboom> alignment key
[07:48:47] <Badaboom> well in the movie at lease
[07:49:19] <Badaboom> youll have to watch the movie
[07:49:26] <thetruthisoutthe> Jodie Foster - cracking alien code
[07:49:29] <thetruthisoutthe> hahaha
[07:49:33] <Badaboom> lmao
[07:49:38] <Badaboom> nakes on the plane
[07:49:42] <Badaboom> err snakes
[07:50:29] <Badaboom> math- The only universal Language:)
[07:52:44] <Badaboom> http://www.princeton.edu/~achaney/tmve/wiki100k/docs/Kaluza%E2%80%93Klein_theory.html
[07:53:48] <theBear> that's terrifying ! i mean to begin with, you're on a plane, PLUS then there's SNAKES !
[07:53:59] <Badaboom> lol
[07:54:03] <Badaboom> there he is
[07:54:43] <theBear> hidelyho
[07:56:05] <thetruthisoutthe> hm i think if i were the pilot, i wouldn't bring snakes with me
[07:56:21] <thetruthisoutthe> snakes would interfere with controlling the plane
[07:57:07] <theBear> hmmm, so if the neighbors screen doesn't come back on and he needs to borrow one, should i fix his and charge a negligible amount (i don't only know the symptoms, i know the friggin series, 2, maybe 3 caps tops) or should i let him get a shiny new one like his instincts obviously say and put it next to it's twin-cousin that i did one of my many this-series/brand repairs on maybe 8 years ago before daily and
[07:57:07] <theBear> fairly constant use until the present day ?
[07:57:58] <thetruthisoutthe> http://www.justsaypictures.com/images/snakes-on-a-plane-20k2.jpg
[07:58:14] <theBear> thetruthisoutthe, i think that kind of thing is taken care of by the flight attendants or the service manager, the pilot is too busy half-assing the 761 point safety and mechanical checks that he used to have a team of 17 engineers to do for him :)
[07:58:34] <theBear> lol, cocaine
[08:01:43] <Badaboom> twnqx: theres way to many display drivers out there to adapt to that ive researched
[08:02:33] <Badaboom> I wonder if taking it right off the board would be a good idea
[08:04:39] <thetruthisoutthe> Badaboom <= want some more crap movie? :) http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/mega_shark_vs_giant_octopus/
[08:05:43] <Badaboom> lmao,, thats terrible
[08:10:43] <theBear> hmmm, what would be a reasonable price if he wants the crappy old white-framed monitor i fixed last kerb-pickup ? good neighbor, gives me the odd drink and tells me the word on the street, maybe pfft, 20 bucks ? 50 bucks ? he doesn't drink like i do, but he's still a broke pensioner too
[08:12:00] <thetruthisoutthe> they sell 21" crt monitors for ~$20
[08:12:27] <thetruthisoutthe> nobody wants 'em
[08:17:51] <thetruthisoutthe> http://www.mattfind.com/12345673215-3-2-3_img/movie/t/h/v/epic_movie_2007_1024x768_641910.jpg :)
[08:20:02] <theBear> this is lcd, but stupid white colour :")
[08:20:30] <theBear> i wasn't gonna limp around on a stick picking up crts from the surrounding blocks to drag home and frankenstein back into saleable ones :)
[08:20:41] <theBear> hard enough to sell lcds, most hock shops won't take 'em anymore
[08:20:46] <theBear> or for something silly like 10 bucks
[08:20:52] <theBear> anyway, gotta drop off a monitor, i be back
[08:28:15] <Badaboom> twnqx: I just opened this one,, controller is on the lcd http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2qdo852&s=5
[08:28:28] <twnqx> gah
[08:28:29] <twnqx> tinypic
[08:28:38] <twnqx> i can't open anything on that
[08:29:06] <twnqx> let me grab a maiden firefox from another user
[08:29:28] <Badaboom> k,, and i can extract the digitizer too
[08:29:47] <twnqx> looks more like you extracted the complete phobe :P
[08:29:49] <twnqx> phone*
[08:29:55] <Badaboom> well,, yeah,,lol
[08:30:08] <Badaboom> you should see the rest of the desk:)
[08:30:14] <tzanger> a maiden firefox, heh
[08:30:18] <twnqx> well yes
[08:30:40] <twnqx> there are websites that i can't reenable to useful between adblock, better privacy, noscript, etc
[08:31:13] <Badaboom> AMS310FN04
[08:33:21] <Badaboom> lmao,, now i find out it was worth $50 on ebay
[08:33:32] <twnqx> why?
[08:33:46] <twnqx> because nada information?
[08:35:04] <Badaboom> naa,just what they flashed up on the screen
[08:36:48] <twnqx> pr0n?
[08:37:36] <Badaboom> I can't find anything on this one either
[08:38:56] <Badaboom> I gotta make Breakfast,, bbiab
[08:45:30] <Badaboom> lol,, i convinced her to make it instead:)
[09:06:40] <scipy53> I need to run FreeRTOS on an avr mcu ... any suggestions for which one to choose?
[09:07:31] <theBear> any valid reasons why you need an os at all, letalone a realtime one ?
[09:11:26] <scipy53> Yes, running an embedded system with lots of things which need to happen pretty much "synchronously" ... it's for an attitude control system
[09:12:05] <scipy53> As I understand it, a RTOS will take care of scheduling all these tasks so that they run, more or less, in parallel
[09:12:15] <scipy53> But correct me if I am wrong
[09:14:14] <theBear> in theory it will, in practice it's often more trouble than it's worth, especially when you are 'only' dealing with a micro, where you can control the ENTIRE program/loop/timing/everything relatively easily and make nearly hard, or truly hard realtime stuff inherant to a simple program
[09:15:16] <theBear> for example if you program an avr to do something every 8 and then 22 cycles later, no interrupts or only VERY short ones in your code, it'll do EXACTLY that forever so long as it got power.... but to do that with even a micro-aimed "rtos" there is a lot more involved
[09:15:38] <theBear> what kinda proc/avr/micro you looking at anyway ? if you say rpi or something, then the answer would be radically different
[09:15:39] <twnqx> scipy53: i hope you do not intend to do that on avr 8bit
[09:16:09] <theBear> also if you say you don't care about sub-nanosecond repeatable almost 'guaranteed' timing , you probably don't need realtime, just low latency
[09:16:21] <theBear> twnqx, oh, i assumed he meant for a model
[09:20:16] <scipy53> Ok, all of this makes sense of course.
[09:20:42] <scipy53> twnqx, What's wrong with 8 bit?
[09:21:04] <twnqx> low clockread and high switch times
[09:21:07] <twnqx> clockrate*
[09:21:43] <scipy53> twnqx, 16 MHz should be ok for this, switch times may be of concern (do you mean latency b/w switching tasks?)
[09:21:55] <twnqx> saving & restoring 32(iirc) registers will be around 200 clocks
[09:22:07] <twnqx> if the figure of 3 clocks per memory access is right
[09:23:12] <scipy53> theBear, I don't know which to choose. I have an RPi with me, it won't run FreeRTOS, but I think ChibiRtos has been ported
[09:23:16] <theBear> saving/restoring to where ? long long ago i did some maths for a test project i was doing, ended up with 256 cycles between loops on i dunno, a soft uart or something i HAD to do on time, and that worked out to be comfortably enough to do all the other stuff inbetween
[09:23:53] <twnqx> sram, obviously
[09:23:55] <theBear> scipy53, mmm, i'd pick platform more by requirements than knowing a rtos for it, all these micros and tiny computers have at least 1 sensible rtos available
[09:24:33] <scipy53> theBear, Right, ok.
[09:24:39] <theBear> heck, once you get up to linux-able level like a pi, you can run 'real' realtime linux, which techincally isn't a hard rtos (if such a thing is possible in this day and age) but is more than close enough for most purposes
[09:25:11] <theBear> and then you get all the advantages of wide kernel dev support/bug testing, regular up2date softwares, etc etc
[09:25:36] <theBear> not that i recommend doing something silly like auto-updating rt-kernels on an embedded device
[09:25:46] <scipy53> theBear, Hey, that sounds interesting. What do you mean 'real' realtime linux?
[09:26:07] <scipy53> theBear, Ya, if something works, last thing I'd do is let an update mess it up.
[09:26:17] <theBear> i mean there is the linux-realtime kernel branch which these days is only a few 'big' merges away from becoming normal/mainline kernel included
[09:27:08] <theBear> and along with those you get the ability to run/make up any old standard linux userspace you want, from a simple init-that-is-your-realtime-app up to a full working system with runlevels and networking/debugging/whatever you could desire
[09:27:46] <scipy53> theBear, That would be really awesome for sure.
[10:56:21] * megal0maniac is building http://www.harbaum.org/till/i2c_tiny_usb/index.shtml
[10:57:01] <beaky> hello
[10:57:14] <beaky> an attiny has only like 4 pins. how can that be useful?
[10:59:35] <theBear> erm, 8 pins, say like the ones on my bench unopened right now, you wanted to make a little temp-sensing fan controller for something like a pc, maybe with some kinda data/control input/output link that somethign like a computer could use to see current temp/speeds and perhaps influence speeds or auto-ramping values
[10:59:58] <theBear> 8 pins even with gnd and power taken out can do 6 'things', maybe 3 fans and 3 sensors
[11:01:21] <beaky> ah
[11:01:35] <beaky> so it's plenty :D
[11:03:05] <megal0maniac> Or it can be used for USB to I2C bridge, and control 50 things
[11:03:55] <beaky> how does one do USB on a microcontroller?
[11:03:57] <megal0maniac> Like what I'm busy building http://www.harbaum.org/till/i2c_tiny_usb/index.shtml
[11:05:45] <beaky> I love avr
[11:05:55] <beaky> it is so easy to write useful avr programs
[11:06:38] <megal0maniac> And so many other people have already done it for us :)
[11:09:51] <braincracker> hey
[11:09:55] <theBear> sa lot of more recent and powerful micros have at least half-a-usb-subsystem/stack builtin, just needing maybe a couple inductor/caps and a socket to work with little or no soft overhead, but even tiny little avrs can happily (JUST, processing speed vs usb speed issues) fake (do software-based) usb stuff, like pretend to be a hid device for example, 8 pins could probably just do a analog joystick if you squ
[11:09:55] <theBear> eezed things and were sneaky, something like tiny2313 is maybe 20 pin or so, you could make the mother of all joysticks with it for a buck or two
[11:10:59] <braincracker> tiny with hardware usb?
[11:11:09] <braincracker> or low speed ?
[11:11:13] <megal0maniac> No such thing exists
[11:11:18] <megal0maniac> Low speed software
[11:11:25] <braincracker> 1.5Mbps ?
[11:11:36] <beaky> why are microcontrollers useful?
[11:11:56] <megal0maniac> beaky: Are you conducting an interview?
[11:12:11] <beaky> ah no
[11:12:13] <megal0maniac> braincracker: Not sure. Most implementations are usually HID or similar
[11:12:26] <braincracker> sure...
[11:12:29] <theBear> why are they not useful ? we been over several applications in detail in just the last 5 mins
[11:12:43] <theBear> and you can program them, they can do ANYTHING ! if you can dream it, you can do it !
[11:12:47] <beaky> ah
[11:13:01] <braincracker> beaky<= mcu is computer.
[11:13:03] <beaky> so they are useful because they are so versatile?
[11:13:18] <beaky> and that they combine a whole computer system into a single system on chip?
[11:13:23] <megal0maniac> Well yeah. They're programmable so they can be whatever you want them to be
[11:13:30] <beaky> (btw what is the difference between a uC and a SoC, or are they just marketing terms?)
[11:13:46] <theBear> you obviously didn't ever try to drive a cool fig8 display or small lcd before micros were so convenient and accessible and all-in-one, lets just say it took more than a couple of chips to do in any way approaching useful
[11:14:55] <megal0maniac> BCD to 7 segment takes an inverter, 4 AND gates and 2 OR gates. I now know :P
[11:16:58] <theBear> yephehe, reminds me of my cool little 'needed something in a hurry' 3 not-matching digit 7seg 'avr debuggey veroboard-scrap' thing from a few years back... would have to reverse engineer the pins to remember how to use it now, but from memory a jumper or two let you go from 8bit to 2*4 bit or addressed or pulsed 3 digit*4 bit mode, forget why i couldn't use serial, probly old single uart chip and didn't wan
[11:16:59] <theBear> na add soft uart JUST for a quick debug, but hey, it worked, and was a fun little reminder of more complicated times :)
[11:18:39] <mrsun> hmm how can i use ordenary avr code in the arduino ide ?
[11:18:46] <mrsun> got some code i need to use :/
[11:20:25] <megal0maniac> Should work just fine. It's the other way around where there are problems
[11:21:20] <mrsun> ye got some code errors due to copied code
[11:21:51] <megal0maniac> Well that's pretty vague
[11:22:48] <theBear> mrsun, erm, if yer doing things the 'arduino way' most of it should just drop in, but a few minor syntaxey and similar changes to make it c++ compliant in some places, i haven't touched c++ this century, and i don't like arduino, so that's about all i can say
[11:23:14] <mrsun> got some code that is not arduino to read a quadrature encoder
[11:23:21] <mrsun> and need it to work in the arduino sketch
[11:23:34] <mrsun> and everything gets fucked up cause its coded in C for one so they use "new" etc for variable names etc :P
[11:25:11] <theBear> yeah, tho once you done it once, it should be a no-brainer when you do it again tomorrow or next week
[11:25:38] <theBear> i find similar/related languages are like that, once you have recent-recollection/working knowledge of the differences, you don't even have to think to apply them
[11:28:33] <braincracker> beaky <= computer rulez.
[11:42:22] <braincracker> tech is cool
[11:43:52] <beaky> ah
[11:44:22] <beaky> How does one develop software for mcus? I find myself reinventing the wheel
[11:44:50] <cmtptr> I just reinvent the wheel because I'm pretty sure I do it better
[11:44:53] <beaky> maybe there are tons of libraries I haven't discovered that do exactly what I want correctly, more efficiently, and more elegantly than what I am doing
[11:44:56] <beaky> haha
[11:45:05] <Tom_itx> work on putting a round peg in a square hole first
[11:45:22] <beaky> like fitting the chip on a breadboard?
[11:45:47] <braincracker> beaky <= exact same way developing on linux, on pc...
[11:45:50] <beaky> yeah it's hard to fix a chip on those sockets :( removing them is harder too
[11:46:05] <braincracker> it only has small sram, small flash, and slow cpu
[11:46:16] <beaky> 8Mhz is quite fast :D
[11:46:22] <beaky> MHz*
[11:46:38] <braincracker> well, 2GHz 64 bit is faster (with pipelined instructions)
[11:46:39] <theBear> my new wheel is painted red with black racing stripes and a number in the middle ! it's way faster than the old wheel
[11:46:51] <theBear> but without pipelined, pfft, about even <grin>
[11:47:10] <cmtptr> 2 is clearly less than 8
[11:47:13] <beaky> I thought avr didn't need pipelining
[11:47:35] <beaky> so it achieves 1 MIPS per MHz
[11:47:44] <braincracker> it does
[11:47:53] <theBear> cmtptr, heh, i can't believe i missed such an obvious flaw in his reasoning
[11:48:00] <cmtptr> :p
[11:48:11] <braincracker> and a pc can do like 8 simple instructions in 1 clock
[11:48:31] <theBear> it'll never rule the world of pro-surfing with a little pipelining now and again, and maybe hanging 5 if they still do that on those tiny things they call boards these days
[11:49:00] <theBear> heck, they so small you probly hanging 10 anytime you stand on them ;)
[11:53:02] <braincracker> theBear <= well, there are wheels made for >260kmh speed
[11:53:29] <beaky> How does avr32 compare to a normal atmegax or a normal avr?
[11:53:38] <theBear> but my ones are RED ! they'll always be faster than non-red ones, specially non red without racing stripes !
[11:53:44] <braincracker> has 32 bit operations ?
[11:53:58] <beaky> ah
[11:54:12] <beaky> 8-bit ought to be enough for everybody
[11:54:28] <braincracker> we want 1 bit cpu
[11:55:16] <braincracker> 128 general purpose 1 bit registers
[11:55:25] <theBear> and abolish all languages except b.f.
[11:55:39] <theBear> that'll slowdown those arduino punks in a hurry :)
[11:55:44] <braincracker> :)
[11:56:07] <braincracker> pic is almost there
[11:58:03] <braincracker> emulate the emulator !
[12:12:50] <megal0maniac> Think I might have put 12V somewhere other than the reset pin :/
[12:15:01] <tzanger> yeah that might not be recommended
[12:15:12] <megal0maniac> Aw. Device signature 0xFFFFFF
[12:15:13] <megal0maniac> :(
[12:26:14] <megal0maniac> Oh yay. Not dead :)
[12:26:22] <tzanger> wow really
[12:27:14] <tzanger> the term "horseshoes up your ass" comes to mind
[12:28:25] <megal0maniac> ?
[12:32:50] <cmtptr> horseshoes are a sign of good luck
[12:32:56] <cmtptr> he's saying you're very lucky
[12:33:08] <megal0maniac> Oh.. I see :)
[12:33:33] <tzanger> cmtptr: thanks for the translation, I was away from the computer
[12:33:54] <cmtptr> np buddy
[12:34:30] <megal0maniac> Heh. I get horseshoes, but "up your ass" threw me off :P
[12:35:32] <cmtptr> I guess he's saying that specifically it's your colon that's very lucky
[12:37:36] <megal0maniac> hub 1-1:1.0: Cannot enable port 4. Maybe the USB cable is bad?
[12:37:36] <megal0maniac> hub 1-1:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 4
[12:37:49] <megal0maniac> Meh. Back to the drawing board
[12:38:32] <megal0maniac> RikusW: Nearly killed an attiny with HV on pin 2 :/
[12:38:36] <megal0maniac> Supper time!
[12:38:38] <tzanger> you're lucky you didn't lose your shit lol
[12:38:48] <RikusW> megal0maniac_afk: using the HV board ?
[12:39:06] <megal0maniac> Yeah. Is code for attiny45 compatible with attiny85?
[12:39:43] <megal0maniac> Because a newer version of gcc is throwing errors for 5 year old code, so I just dumped the .hex file instead and it's for a t45
[12:39:44] <RikusW> should be
[12:40:02] <megal0maniac> Okay. I'll check my board when I get back
[12:40:11] <megal0maniac> And I'll carry on watching Dexter :P
[12:41:16] <RikusW> ah Dexter :)
[12:42:18] <RikusW> I'm waiting for S8...
[13:00:06] <megal0maniac> Just started S2 :P
[13:02:58] <RikusW> then you're far far behind ;)
[13:04:30] <megal0maniac> I know.. I've had it for ages, just haven't watched it :)
[13:05:30] <jadew> s2 of what?
[13:06:03] <RikusW> Dester
[13:06:05] <RikusW> Dexter
[13:06:10] <jadew> ah
[13:06:25] <jadew> what does this button do?
[13:06:35] <RikusW> which one ?
[13:06:48] <jadew> just trolling, that's from dexter's laboratory :P
[13:07:15] <RikusW> whats does this knife do ? :-P
[13:07:22] <jadew> hehe
[13:07:49] <jadew> http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-4YYvaZTfXgc/T98K0tJ-55I/AAAAAAAAARo/4iKHhOOdkyQ/s1600/DexterAndDeedee.png
[13:13:07] <tzanger> damn, my idea of using a p-channel fet to disconnect the tiny13a VCC from my board V+ when the dragon is powering it doesn't work
[13:13:29] <megal0maniac> Damn. My doesn't work.
[13:13:32] <megal0maniac> :)
[13:13:43] <tzanger> the body diode might be killing the idea though
[13:13:45] <tzanger> gotta think
[13:13:52] <megal0maniac> Building this http://www.harbaum.org/till/i2c_tiny_usb/schematic.gif
[13:13:58] <RikusW> tzanger: don't power it from the dragon...
[13:14:14] <RikusW> the dragon does have level translators
[13:14:29] <RikusW> and does support self powered targets
[13:14:34] <tzanger> RikusW: no for hvsp I need the dragon to be able to quickly switch the t13's power on and off
[13:14:39] <RikusW> ah
[13:14:45] <RikusW> ofc
[13:14:51] <tzanger> with my board's bus capacitance it fails which is why the bus has to be disconnected for it to work
[13:14:52] <megal0maniac> With the chip disconnected, I'm getting 5V between SCL and GND and 3v between SDA and GND
[13:22:52] <tzanger> yay
[13:22:58] <tzanger> the old trick of swapping S and D on a fet worked
[13:23:06] <tzanger> a BSS84 saves the day once again
[13:36:45] <megal0maniac> Why would that fix something?
[13:38:40] <tzanger> megal0maniac: because there is a body diode in most mosfets
[13:38:58] <tzanger> going from the drain to source (anode at drain)
[13:39:04] <tzanger> so even if the FET is off the diode is conducting
[13:50:22] <ambro718> could someone help be figure out why my assembly for division? Here's the code, http://ideone.com/hJga7f . This C code is almost exactly the same algorithm which works, http://ideone.com/OjJbOI .
[13:50:22] <ambro718> * why it's not working right
[13:57:44] <megal0maniac> tzanger: Interesting. Didn't know that :)
[13:58:29] <poincare1011> Hi guys. I'm working on building a data feed sharing service. Basically, you can send data to a server, and it will plot your data for you and update it live - you can share a link to the data or mark it private. You can also search and download it. Free. Would any of you like beta access?
[13:58:53] <poincare1011> An example use case would be something like an AVR collecting temperature data in a lab and then you can view it remotely, updating live.
[13:59:11] <megal0maniac> Whoo! Enumeration :)
[13:59:26] <megal0maniac> D+ was shorted with SCL
[13:59:31] <megal0maniac> Or SDA
[14:00:33] <poincare1011> any opinions on the idea?
[14:00:40] <DagoRed> poincare1011: I would be very interested.
[14:01:30] <megal0maniac> Me too, depending on how it works :)
[14:02:01] <poincare1011> DagoRed: Awesome
[14:02:04] <poincare1011> megal0maniac: got it
[14:02:14] <DagoRed> I work with a science center that does a lot of work shops with public schools in my area. I've been meaning to get around to a project like that but haven't. Reason being, in education to have a thermometer that can work with a computer costs $300 USD. I would love to provide a low cost solution that teaches programming.
[14:02:17] <poincare1011> Are you guys usually on here? If not, pm me an email address or something so I can get a hold of you.
[14:02:42] <poincare1011> DagoRed: That's exactly the sort of stuff I was thinking about.
[14:05:12] <DagoRed> poincare1011: I'm usually around here but send me an email when you get a chance. I would love to know if your work is going to be posted on github or something.
[14:05:35] <RikusW> how did they do this ?! -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7iwL37U2zM
[14:05:40] <megal0maniac> poincare1011: I'm typically here. Do you have a website?
[14:08:06] <megal0maniac> Teleduino comes to mind
[14:08:52] <poincare1011> DagoRed: Alrighty, awesome!
[14:09:05] <poincare1011> megal0maniac: not one that's deployed yet, but, will have one soon.
[14:09:35] <tzanger> teledildonics
[14:10:17] <megal0maniac> tzanger: You would say that :P Brb. Router misbehaving
[14:12:00] <ambro718> ah, never mind, I should have used breq instead of brcs after a 'dec'....
[14:16:43] <megal0maniac> zlog
[14:38:42] <megal0maniac> The hell?
[14:40:11] <megal0maniac> Oh lol. This eeprom has 3 "don't care" bits in the address. So it lives in 8 places :/
[14:42:58] <megal0maniac> Why the hell would that be the case?
[14:44:10] <megal0maniac> I don't need to access eeprom on 8 different addresses. That's just taking up the address space
[14:47:34] <scipy53> newb question, but why exactly is ram so important in a rtos?
[14:47:46] <megal0maniac> abcminiuser_: How was the partay? Were there as many gambling grannies as you thought?
[14:48:14] <abcminiuser_> Low key, we went to a fancy resteraunt for dinner
[14:48:20] <megal0maniac> s/you thought/you'd hoped
[14:48:51] <abcminiuser_> The MAKE IT RAIN machine went down well
[14:48:58] <abcminiuser_> We used it for a quiz game
[14:49:45] <megal0maniac> Ah, cool. No pics? :P
[14:51:27] <abcminiuser_> Nope :P
[15:02:23] <megal0maniac> Too bad
[15:04:20] <abcminiuser_> Well, you say that now, but...
[15:05:11] <megal0maniac> But?.. I don't see how it could be bad :)
[15:10:44] <megal0maniac> What does a MAKE IT RAIN machine do? Or do I not know something that I should?
[15:14:12] <abcminiuser_> Big-ass button
[15:14:34] <abcminiuser_> Press it and a big-ass speaker make a vegas-style YOU'RE A WINNER sound effect
[15:15:30] <megal0maniac> Sounds like a party pleaser alright
[15:19:08] <cmtptr> now make a make-it-not-rain machine
[15:19:29] <cmtptr> someone has to stand by it and hold the button down to shut it up
[15:19:59] <abcminiuser_> Bahaha
[15:42:59] <RikusW> megal0maniac: what it you want to connect 8 different eeproms to the same bus ?
[15:48:30] <Badaboom> fml
[15:49:15] <megal0maniac> RikusW: Then they'd all respond to read-write commands, would they not?
[15:49:32] <Badaboom> Shouldnt you be able to clear a bit with PORTB &= ~(1<<PB2)?
[15:51:22] <Badaboom> Let me rephrase that, clear and leave others unchanged
[15:54:09] <Tom_itx> megal0maniac, one per bit?
[15:55:25] <megal0maniac> Tom_itx: It responds to any address between A0 and AF. I don't see how that would be useful. If there are two devices on the same bus, then I assume that they'd all respond
[15:55:46] <Tom_itx> spi?
[15:55:51] <megal0maniac> I2C
[15:55:53] <Tom_itx> oh
[15:56:30] <megal0maniac> It is only a 128bit eeprom though. Maybe they didn't have space for a full 8bit address :P
[16:04:04] <cmtptr> Badaboom, assuming PB2 is a bit index and not already a mask
[16:04:33] <Badaboom> cmtptr: yeah i was just looking at that
[16:04:53] <Badaboom> apparently i need to reset all my bits on that port
[16:05:33] <Badaboom> I have spi a switch and pwm on it,,lol
[16:06:55] <Badaboom> Oh and its also my ISP
[16:22:51] <Badaboom> I dont think its gonna work however, I have to much going on already on that port
[16:46:00] <megal0maniac> Goodnight all!
[19:26:06] <ambro718> is there a way to turn 00000001 into 10000000 in a single instruction (without ldi etc)?
[19:26:51] <ambro718> now I have lsr+ror
[19:38:52] <homeflix> ambro718: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2602823/in-c-c-whats-the-simplest-way-to-reverse-the-order-of-bits-in-a-byte << this perhaps?
[19:40:41] <ambro718> maybe but I don't see a single instruction
[19:40:57] <homeflix> ah, plus you are coding in asm as it reads :P
[19:41:06] <homeflix> overread that
[19:41:34] <ambro718> this is really a rolling mask, "bit rotation" would be a more appropriate view
[19:58:05] <Gumboot> ambro718: http://ideone.com/OjJbOI
[19:58:28] <Gumboot> That's not the answer to your question. It's a divider.
[19:58:44] <Gumboot> I found that quantising the table index produced very bad results. But lerping it worked out great!
[19:59:03] <Gumboot> Unfortunately the pre-conditioning loop is much too complex to be efficient. I'm sure that can be fixed, though.
[19:59:17] <Gumboot> ambro718: Wait... cut-and-paste error.
[19:59:51] <Gumboot> https://gist.github.com/sh1boot/5732738
[20:01:36] <Gumboot> ambro718: on 0x80->0x01; if you can keep the value in a spare register, then just x ^= 0x81;
[20:05:25] <ambro718> Gumboot: thanks. I'm currently writing a 32/32 divider with the "slow" restoring division algorithm and what I have is already significantly faster than what gcc produces, lol
[20:06:18] <ambro718> * yes, using a free register is what I just did (but just mov)
[20:07:09] <Gumboot> What's wrong with ldi, by the way?
[20:07:20] <ambro718> it only works with r16 and above
[20:07:39] <ambro718> so compiler quickly runs out of registers if you limit yourself to those
[20:07:39] <Gumboot> You need some kind of automatic-register-renaming assembler to make it work.
[20:07:59] <ambro718> I have that, the feature is called output operands :P
[20:08:08] <ambro718> (doing inline asm)
[20:08:24] <Gumboot> Inline assembly to protect yourself from constant propagation.
[20:08:38] <Gumboot> GCC needs to have a serious think about its position.
[20:08:55] <ambro718> huh?
[20:09:19] <ambro718> inline asm works nicely for me
[20:09:26] <Gumboot> Well, you could write in C, const uint8_t spare_reg = 0x01; but GCC would turn it into something it couldn't do.
[20:09:56] <Gumboot> It would go "that's a constant, I'll optimise it!" and make broken code.
[20:10:08] <ambro718> no, I just declare a dummy output operand, it can't be a constant
[20:10:20] <Gumboot> The classic in ARM is x = 0x123456; if (cond) x ^= 0x01;
[20:10:37] <ambro718> if I need to give it an initial value, I can use it as an input operand at the same time (the "[name]"(value) syntax)
[20:10:39] <Gumboot> 0x01 is a legal immediate, but GCC turns it into if (cond) x = 0x123457, and makes much more complicated code.
[20:11:40] <ambro718> yes, avr-gcc is stupid, I find hand written asm that is pretty much the same as C code with gotos runs faster
[20:11:58] <Gumboot> GCC refactors you gotos into loops internally.
[20:12:21] <Gumboot> You might as well use a loop in C. GCC literally cannot tell the difference.
[20:12:30] <ambro718> so what is this division code of yours doing?
[20:13:16] <Gumboot> For divisors that are too large to fit in the table, it shifts them right until they do fit, and makes a corresponding note to do the same thing to the result.
[20:13:41] <Gumboot> (approximately: x / y -> (x >> k) / (y >> k) )
[20:14:19] <Gumboot> And then, because the right-shift discards some bits of what is then used as a table index, it takes those bits and uses them to do a linear interpolation between adjacent table entries.
[20:14:54] <Gumboot> Without the lerp the error gets kind of big kind of quickly; but the section of the table that needs interpolation is actually quite linear.
[20:15:34] <Gumboot> Oh, sorry. The shift adjustment is x / y -> (x / (y >> k)) >> k;
[20:15:58] <Gumboot> Which is the same thing in real numbers, but more accurate in integers.
[20:16:05] <ambro718> ok thanks, I'll analyze it more throroughly when I'm done with this division asm
[20:16:29] <Gumboot> It won't be efficient as it stands. Too many 64-bit multiplies.
[20:16:33] <Gumboot> But they should simplify out.
[20:20:04] <Gumboot> And the part of the loop which reconstructs k is awful.
[20:20:55] <Gumboot> really it's just j_original & ~(-1 << shift);
[20:21:10] <ambro718> anyway here's my division, I don't think I can optimize it any further http://ideone.com/pCZ1j9
[20:21:32] <Gumboot> It _should_ be the algorithm that GCC is using. How bad is GCC's one?
[20:21:49] <Gumboot> I guess they mess about with function calls and sign checking and all sorts.
[20:22:10] <ambro718> I don't know, but worse. Definitely not a sign problem because I did unsigned division.
[20:22:18] <ambro718> I'll measure it, wait a min
[20:29:00] <ambro718> 15sec vs 10sec but it does look like I still have a bug...
[20:29:32] <Gumboot> A bug that will add 6 seconds of run time?
[20:30:04] <ambro718> no, incorrect results
[20:30:46] <ambro718> won't probably just something stupid
[20:34:16] <Gumboot> I guess GCC won't want to be quite so generous with code size... but I don't think loops should slow it down that much.
[20:34:35] <ambro718> won't probably just something stupid
[20:34:40] <ambro718> iirc my code was smaller lol
[20:35:00] <ambro718> and I'm compiling with -O4 anyway
[20:35:57] <rue_house> isn't -O4 "does nothing, its implemented for people who think that -O3 isn't good enough for them"
[20:36:10] <Gumboot> How can you do a valid compare of ABCD[p] when you've only shifted one byte of it?
[20:36:21] <Gumboot> I don't know this %A[] syntax.
[20:36:46] <ambro718> Gumboot: %A[operand] is least significant byte, is the next one etc
[20:36:48] <Gumboot> -O4 might add LTO.
[20:36:56] <Gumboot> Maybe that's Clang?
[20:36:59] <rue_house> why, on an 8 bit microprocessor, would you shift a 32 bit number 8 bits?
[20:38:04] <ambro718> Gumboot: at start of iteration i, [q] is less than 2^i
[20:38:15] <ambro718> so shifting those high bytes is sometimes unnecessary
[20:38:30] <ambro718> oh, I mean [p]
[20:38:45] <ambro718> q is where result is written, highest bit to lowest
[20:39:16] <ambro718> except %A[q] which is hackishly used to store 0x80 until that's no longer needed
[20:40:43] <ambro718> ah it was only my last optimization which added the bug. should find it quickly...
[20:43:16] <Gumboot> What's the speedy idiom for (uint32_t)x << 4 ?
[20:43:58] <Gumboot> Obviously 8 is trivial, but I wondered if maybe there was a nybble swap or something to accelerate 4.
[20:46:22] <ambro718> there is, 'swap'
[20:46:48] <R0b0t1> GuShH, you made arduino shield for dave?
[20:47:02] <Gumboot> I can't figure out how to use it to good effect.
[20:48:27] <Gumboot> I should sleep.
[20:53:33] <GuShH> R0b0t1: ?
[20:56:36] <R0b0t1> GuShH, 'twas gossip in ##electronics, wanted to know if it made it to a review and what he said about it
[20:56:39] <R0b0t1> someone was doing a dave impersonation
[20:56:42] <R0b0t1> eevblog
[20:57:01] * GuShH shrugs
[20:57:23] <GuShH> You don't want to know what I do with gossip.
[20:57:30] <R0b0t1> :|
[20:57:35] <R0b0t1> I expected lulz, and got none.
[20:57:42] * R0b0t1 shakes the GuShH to see if lulz come out
[20:57:50] * GuShH farts
[20:57:58] <R0b0t1> HAaaaa
[20:57:59] <R0b0t1> http://gushh.net/tmp/arduinoshield.png
[20:58:07] <R0b0t1> it came out
[20:58:19] <GuShH> I've posted that years ago
[20:58:28] <GuShH> it's not a real shield
[20:58:35] <R0b0t1> Oh
[20:58:39] <R0b0t1> I would've gone for a more subtle troll
[20:58:52] <R0b0t1> get him to show it
[20:58:54] <GuShH> I even have a manifesto
[20:58:59] <R0b0t1> oh lawd
[20:59:25] <R0b0t1> better link
[20:59:59] <GuShH> more of a list of why it's wrong http://gushh.net/tmp/arduino.txt
[21:00:13] <GuShH> R0b0t1: now while you fap to that I'll go listen to some music.
[21:00:38] <homeflix> <R0b0t1> someone was doing a dave impersonation
[21:00:38] <homeflix> <R0b0t1> eevblog
[21:00:40] <homeflix> haha
[21:01:03] <ambro718> ok I fixed my division, http://ideone.com/i5N2cy
[21:01:12] <R0b0t1> Well, as cantankerous as you are, I agree.
[21:01:20] <GuShH> If I were to do a dave impersionation I'd have to lower my IQ to a negative value, then shoot my brains out, then get a sanyo camera and start talking shit in front of it, then upload it on youtube. all with a high pitch (vise grips on balls)
[21:01:31] <R0b0t1> I do tend to suggest buying an arduino board because people can pick it up in person (radioslut)
[21:01:38] <ambro718> I removed a little too much of the instructions, lol. It's still faster than gcc (benchmark showed 9 sec versus 13.5 for gcc)
[21:02:35] <ambro718> and the code is 80 bytes smaller
[21:02:42] <GuShH> how awesome
[21:02:59] <GuShH> nobel price material right there
[21:03:02] <GuShH> prize? whatever.
[21:03:10] <GuShH> I need more of whatever I was drinking.
[21:04:00] <GuShH> R0b0t1: what really worries me is that ##e still exists.
[21:04:35] <GuShH> and also theBear's stance being so... weak.
[21:04:42] <R0b0t1> GuShH, there's less misinformation now
[21:05:04] <R0b0t1> stance? I think he stepped down as op, but generally the channel doesn't have op-level problems
[21:05:07] <GuShH> theBear: that is, when you left, you said it was for good.
[21:05:11] <R0b0t1> 'course he is still a drunk
[21:05:36] <GuShH> does his drinking choice has anything to do with this at all?
[21:05:52] <GuShH> also *bear* in mind he's probably drunk on the floor right now, but still
[21:06:10] <GuShH> has/have
[21:06:14] <GuShH> see, I've been drinking as well.
[21:09:07] <Horologium> I don't have a drinking problem.
[21:09:15] <Horologium> I drink, I get drunk, I fall down, no problem.
[21:09:31] <GuShH> Horologium: heh
[21:09:44] <GuShH> it's only a problem if you can't stand up after a while
[21:09:47] * GuShH blinks
[21:09:49] * GuShH winks
[21:09:57] * GuShH stares
[21:11:20] <Horologium> actually, I haven't been drunk in about 14 years or so.
[21:11:42] <GuShH> well it's been 2 years or so for me, I just have a beer now and then
[21:11:47] <Horologium> at most I have one small drink...and haven't had even that in over a year.
[21:12:08] <GuShH> I don't *need* to drink, which is what matters.
[21:13:00] <Horologium> I could be an alcoholic real easy..I like the taste too much.
[21:13:22] <Horologium> but, being on warfarin in high doses, alcohol is not a good thing.
[21:13:38] <Horologium> I don't feel like bleeding out through an ulcer.
[21:13:43] <GuShH> o-o
[21:13:48] <GuShH> wasn't Dan on a permaban?
[21:14:02] <GuShH> network wide
[21:14:16] <R0b0t1> I got one of those once, it was fun while it lasted.
[21:14:30] <GuShH> How do you get one of those?
[21:14:56] <Horologium> luckily I don't have an ulcer and I want to keep it that way.
[21:15:05] <R0b0t1> I /noticed some big channel. I know another guy who got a month long one by exploiting some router firmware through DCC to drop half of #freenode
[21:15:21] <GuShH> Horologium : they made twitter just for that kind of content
[21:15:35] <Horologium> you could always go into #freenode and say "LILO is dead, long live GRUB" and see how long you last.
[21:15:42] <R0b0t1> I'm kind of wondering how Dan got one because you basically need to be a huge nuisance, banning is left to channels
[21:16:10] <Tom_itx> he behaves in here afik
[21:16:54] <R0b0t1> Anyhow, why care if you're not bothered!
[21:16:57] * R0b0t1 throws a shoe at GuShH
[21:17:05] <GuShH> what a cheesy videoclip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcnYowoWIwI
[21:17:26] <Tom_itx> R0b0t1, not rikus?
[21:17:39] <GuShH> R0b0t1: why do they always fix stuff in India with stones?
[21:17:49] <GuShH> like, fucking trains are fixed with stones.
[21:17:54] <R0b0t1> but the shot of mother showcases her boobs
[21:17:55] <GuShH> STONES
[21:17:56] <R0b0t1> how can you not like
[21:18:37] <R0b0t1> GuShH, indian macgyvering leaves me envious
[21:18:38] <GuShH> boobs are overrated
[21:19:51] <GuShH> R0b0t1: this one is even worse! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IC6_YU737-8
[21:20:43] <GuShH> must have a black guy in the band, of course.
[21:20:59] <GuShH> wouldn't want to be racist, let's appeal to everyone!
[21:20:59] * R0b0t1 offs himself
[21:21:44] * GuShH pouts
[21:22:45] <R0b0t1> not sure what you expected, with fare like that
[21:23:16] <GuShH> I'm in the 90s part of YouTube!
[21:24:13] <R0b0t1> well I guess it's better than the russian part
[21:24:17] <GuShH> for instance this is in high quality, in the 90s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uw4WxWnyhMA
[21:24:34] <Tom_itx> i realse it's the weekend n all but toss an avr in every once in a while mkay?
[21:24:36] <GuShH> russian part... there are some neat songs, too bad I don't understand what they're saying!
[21:24:53] <GuShH> paul van avr
[21:24:58] <Tom_itx> ty
[21:25:09] <GuShH> nothing but avrdude
[21:25:21] <GuShH> high fuse version
[21:27:01] * R0b0t1 browses dashcam footage for something sufficiently ridiculous
[21:27:17] <GuShH> heh if only dashcams were a bit more common over here
[21:27:26] <GuShH> are they mandatory in russia due to insurance fraud?
[21:28:26] <Horologium> from the ODB-II port on a car, can you kill the engine with the right command?
[21:28:31] <Horologium> or is it just for monitoring?
[21:28:47] <GuShH> here we go again
[21:29:02] <R0b0t1> yeah basically GuShH
[21:29:10] <R0b0t1> well personal choice but everyone has one
[21:29:29] <GuShH> no discount on insurance if you've got one?
[21:29:46] <R0b0t1> no damages court relies on it as proof
[21:29:58] <R0b0t1> Horologium, interesting question, engine kill functionality exists so it would make sense if it were broken out
[21:30:10] <R0b0t1> onstar and stuff can not start/start/stop your car
[21:30:13] <GuShH> it exists for other reasons
[21:30:20] <GuShH> not for an inspection interface.
[21:30:30] <Horologium> I was thinking, the ultimate unfunny joke...little thing plugs in to ODB-II port...randomly shuts off engine when the car comes to a full stop.
[21:30:35] <GuShH> there are even limp modes as well
[21:30:49] <R0b0t1> Yeah, exists for speed limiting. Why you want to limit speed depends on your local fascist.
[21:30:52] <GuShH> yeah you'd make it to hackaday real easy eh
[21:30:58] <Horologium> yeah!
[21:31:25] <R0b0t1> Riding shotgun I used to switch driver into neutral if it was an automatic
[21:31:27] * GuShH tries real hard not to answer
[21:31:49] <Horologium> or, better yet, include a camera watching out the front,,,and if it sees a stop sign and you DON'T come to a complete stop it kills the engine.
[21:32:17] <R0b0t1> Enforce the law at all costs!
[21:32:21] <GuShH> Horologium: if there's remote access the protocol is there...
[21:32:40] <GuShH> Horologium: you can cause more accidents than prevent them by doing that
[21:32:51] <GuShH> likewise by fucking with someone's transmission
[21:32:53] <Horologium> GuShH, probably.
[21:32:55] <R0b0t1> But actually I did mean to experiment with OBD2 but never got around to it, everything I found involved buying bluetooth dongles or a premade thing
[21:33:17] <R0b0t1> GuShH, but it's hilarious!
[21:33:21] <GuShH> it's not
[21:33:26] <R0b0t1> is to.
[21:33:36] <GuShH> if you did that to me, not that I'd drive an automatic, I'd friggin kick you out the car and leave you to rot
[21:33:38] <Horologium> I think they should put sensors in the road at stop signs....with Severe Tire Damage units for people who don't come to a complete stop.
[21:33:55] <GuShH> bleh
[21:34:07] <GuShH> stop sign whorage isn't something you see in every country
[21:34:12] <GuShH> not every place is like the US.
[21:34:13] <R0b0t1> Horologium, driving needs more common sense, less black and white
[21:35:04] <GuShH> why don't you focus on lowering overall power consumption on vehicles
[21:35:12] <GuShH> instead of cutting off someone's power plant
[21:35:12] <Horologium> R0b0t1, then, no more stop signs...just 4 way yield signs with a law that says larger vehicle has the right of way.
[21:35:28] <GuShH> that's bullshit
[21:35:41] <GuShH> larger vehicle has the right to get shot at by everyone else I say
[21:35:46] <GuShH> they're often driven by dickless retards
[21:35:52] <GuShH> too fat to fit in a regular car
[21:36:16] <Horologium> I was thinking of big trucks vs suburbans, but,
[21:36:19] <GuShH> and don't get me started on SUVs
[21:36:26] * GuShH shakes fist
[21:36:30] <GuShH> trucks have their own lanes here
[21:36:58] <GuShH> and where they don't, it's often the slowest speed lane.
[21:37:07] <Horologium> what gets me is people on bicycles who don't obey the road signs and laws.
[21:37:12] <GuShH> heh
[21:37:21] <GuShH> how about motorcycles?
[21:37:23] <Horologium> stop sign or stop light means fucking STOP!
[21:37:30] <Horologium> don't you mean donorcycles?
[21:37:37] <GuShH> they have a bad reputation...
[21:38:01] <GuShH> well if you ride without a helmet and you do so like an idiot, you sure are an idiot.
[21:38:07] <GuShH> heh
[21:38:08] <Horologium> I've opened my door in traffic when I saw an idiot on motorcycle weaving between lanes while the traffic was stopped.
[21:38:19] <GuShH> and what was the outcome?
[21:38:24] <Horologium> ALMOST got him but he stopped in time.
[21:38:25] <GuShH> a trip to the paint and body shop?
[21:38:46] <Horologium> I was driving a 1978 chevy caprice at the time.
[21:38:47] <GuShH> you must either hate your car or you just drive a piece of junk
[21:38:50] <GuShH> heh
[21:39:02] <Horologium> there was more steel in that door than in most cars made since 2000.
[21:39:25] <GuShH> still the hinges are nothing out of this world.
[21:39:49] <R0b0t1> Horologium: Your suggestion just made every traffic civil engineers cringe
[21:39:49] <Horologium> it was an old cop car.
[21:40:33] <Horologium> R0b0t1, they could put those STD units at stoplights too...pop them up when the light turns red.
[21:41:02] <R0b0t1> Heh
[21:41:28] <Tom_itx> i've considered it on my street
[21:41:33] <GuShH> this is all going to end in Horologium suggesting lethal injections to everyone who doesn't respect a stop sign.
[21:41:39] <Tom_itx> radar detector sensor
[21:42:01] <Horologium> GuShH, naaa...just 4 lashes.
[21:42:20] <Horologium> don't need to get lethal until the 3rd offense.
[21:42:24] <GuShH> flashes? why would you want them to flash you 4 times!?
[21:42:42] <GuShH> avr
[21:43:05] * GuShH gets a channel compliance award
[21:43:17] <Horologium> lashes
[21:43:40] <GuShH> ashes? if you are going to burn them use their energy for good.
[21:44:03] <R0b0t1> Energy green is people!
[21:44:16] <Horologium> soylent
[21:44:18] <GuShH> I know right!
[21:44:52] <GuShH> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB_I1YBAozE
[21:45:00] <GuShH> that's soo SpeedEvil
[21:45:03] <Tom_itx> GuShH, ty... we pride ourselves in here to not be like #electronics
[21:45:57] <GuShH> maybe even rue.
[21:46:52] <Tom_itx> is he still in electronics?
[21:47:21] <Tom_itx> you know icee showed up in a channel a while back...
[21:47:46] <GuShH> hahaha the robot lets the blue smoke out
[22:12:11] <R0b0t1> GuShH: good video
[22:12:17] <R0b0t1> and all this hating on ##electronics