#avr | Logs for 2013-05-05

[04:18:33] <antto> http://i.qkme.me/3u8vqw.jpg
[05:00:59] <megal0maniac> The Dockstar lives! :D
[05:00:59] <megal0maniac> You learn a lot more when the instructions are outdated and poorly written
[05:29:40] <R0b0t1> GuShh_: theBear: I have a saying you two might like, "I am ignorant, be humbled."
[05:29:46] <R0b0t1> Yes, that is the most zen shit you're gonna get out of me at the moment.
[05:30:01] <R0b0t1> And also why you should come back to ##electronics.
[07:16:22] <GuShh_> amee2k: no logging here, but I'm going to assume that highlight came from you
[07:16:44] <amee2k> i don't think so
[07:16:59] <amee2k> if it was, then it wasn't intentional
[07:17:10] <amee2k> i could grep my logs if you give me a timeframe
[07:17:49] <amee2k> last time i was active here at all is like a week ago i think
[07:19:05] <GuShh_> amee2k: I think it's been longer since I haven't been active
[07:19:11] <GuShh_> so mine's longer than yours!
[07:19:26] * amee2k looks at his tail :3
[07:19:29] <amee2k> i doubt it
[07:19:33] * GuShh_ chews on it
[07:19:45] * amee2k smacks GuShh_
[07:19:54] <amee2k> gtfo off my feather duster
[07:19:58] * GuShh_ chews on MrTrick
[07:20:23] <GuShh_> more like a fart dispenser
[07:23:51] <amee2k> FART POWERED VUVUZELAS
[07:24:03] <GuShh_> there's a business idea right there
[07:24:13] <amee2k> https://d.facdn.net/art/snapai/1277084407.snapai_vuvuzela_fps.jpg
[07:24:18] <amee2k> we beat you to it :>
[07:24:26] <GuShh_> the hell
[07:24:56] <GuShh_> it's all fun and games until one of them shits himself through the vuvuzela.
[07:25:08] <GuShh_> and then it rains down.
[07:25:22] <amee2k> i think you might want to buy a new one after that anyway :>
[07:25:38] <GuShh_> but before that, sell the old one on eBay
[07:26:45] <Horologium> they sound like farts no matter what end you use to blow through it.
[07:26:54] <Horologium> GuShh_, see PM.
[07:27:03] <amee2k> lol, true too
[07:27:06] <GuShh_> thanks
[07:27:11] <Horologium> welcome.
[07:27:22] <amee2k> i take it that cleared up the mysterious highlight?
[07:27:34] <GuShh_> I think R0b0t1 was high or something
[07:28:09] <R0b0t1> No, no, IN TUNE WITH THE UNIVERSE.
[07:28:16] <GuShh_> high off your mind then
[07:28:34] <R0b0t1> Meh.
[07:28:37] <R0b0t1> You're no fun.
[07:28:48] <GuShh_> so what if I don't do drugs?
[07:29:02] <R0b0t1> Who said I was on drugs?
[07:29:04] <Horologium> better living through chemistry!
[07:29:09] <GuShh_> you always are!
[07:29:16] <R0b0t1> pshaw
[07:29:18] <GuShh_> we live through chemistry anyway
[07:29:25] * Horologium does drugs.... insulin, glyburide, metformin, and warfarin...
[07:29:49] <GuShh_> I only know one of them
[07:29:59] <Horologium> first three are for diabetes.
[07:30:05] <R0b0t1> warfarin is rat poison!
[07:30:09] <Horologium> yup.
[07:30:12] <Horologium> anticoagulant
[07:30:26] <GuShh_> heart issues?
[07:30:28] <R0b0t1> Its method of action is interesting, if disturbing.
[07:30:30] <Horologium> blood clots.
[07:31:09] * GuShh_ wonders if it's due to obesity or just plain lazyness
[07:31:20] <Horologium> a little over a year ago I was down for a month with clots in my legs and lungs...to the point that if I had let it go another week I could easily have died.
[07:31:26] <R0b0t1> GuShh_, you should think about what I said, do you understand it? :)
[07:31:40] <GuShh_> R0b0t1: I'm not coming back to that channel
[07:31:44] <Horologium> due to diabetes and extremely long drives in the truck for work.
[07:31:49] <GuShh_> unless I get full OPs and a cup of coffee
[07:32:00] <Horologium> clots started in my legs then small ones traveled to my lungs.
[07:32:11] <GuShh_> are they mostly gone now?
[07:32:16] <R0b0t1> Well, the channel does need more ops, I am tired of yelling fruitlessly at diots
[07:32:18] <Horologium> GuShh_, bah...would take more than coffee to make me go back there.
[07:32:32] <Horologium> they are mostly gone, yes, but not totally...
[07:32:36] <GuShh_> also what are the symptoms?
[07:32:47] <Horologium> went off the warfarin for a month about 6 months ago...and they came back.
[07:33:00] <Horologium> real bad pain in the legs.
[07:33:00] <GuShh_> I'd die if I had to take blood thinners
[07:33:15] <Horologium> that was the first sign.
[07:33:16] * GuShh_ injures himself almost all the time with his hobbies
[07:33:22] <Horologium> then I started coughing up blood.
[07:33:30] <Horologium> I cut myself all the time..
[07:33:31] <GuShh_> What would scary me the most is the thought of one going through the brain
[07:33:47] <Horologium> that is a possibility if they formed somewhere else.
[07:34:18] <GuShh_> s/scary/scare
[07:34:31] <GuShh_> just woke up, need to head to the home improvement store to check out the wood lathes...
[07:34:32] <Horologium> they usually form in the veins of the extremities and the blood flows back to the lungs...through the heart but not through the small vessels around the heart.
[07:34:51] <Horologium> once in the lungs they are pretty much stuck there.
[07:35:30] <Horologium> only way for them to get to the brain would be for them to form in the artery between the heart and the brain which is very very very unlikely.
[07:35:31] <GuShh_> would a big hug help dissolve 'em?
[07:36:00] <GuShh_> neither theBear nor me are going to pay for the broken ribs though
[07:36:16] <GuShh_> mhhh ribs... bbq... hungry.
[07:36:28] <Horologium> no, just help force them out of the blood stream through the wall of the lung so you can cough them up,,along with lots of blood.
[07:36:42] <Horologium> thinking of doing ribs here today.
[07:37:05] <Horologium> morning abcminiuser
[07:37:10] <GuShh_> I'm in the process of "fixing" my bbq grill so... not much I can cook there
[07:37:20] <GuShh_> is abcminiuser _abc_ but shrunk down to size?
[07:37:24] <Horologium> bah...firepit with a grill over it!
[07:37:34] <abcminiuser> Heyo all
[07:37:35] <GuShh_> actually that is the best way
[07:37:42] <GuShh_> as far as Argentina is concerned :p
[07:37:45] <abcminiuser> GuShh_, "right sized"
[07:37:54] <Horologium> although, our firepit is full of water at the moment and all the firewood is wet.
[07:37:58] <Horologium> rained real hard yesterday.
[07:38:01] <GuShh_> power consumption wise or space wise?
[07:38:32] <amee2k> abcminiuser is _abc_'s microfur alt O.O
[07:38:50] <Horologium> must go make breakfast.
[07:39:04] <GuShh_> my breakfast was made yesterday at night... namely pizza and coffee.
[07:39:20] * GuShh_ idly goes through a downward spiral
[07:39:54] <GuShh_> amee2k: you've got the right idea buying premade dough... I put a little too much sugar in mine and the yeast didn't consume it all :(
[07:40:13] <GuShh_> But that's because measuring spoons and cups are not for men.
[07:41:35] <GuShh_> Horologium: this style grill http://hoobingfamilyadventures.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/DSC00705-1024x768.jpg mine is not as neat, as it was made by the previous owner of the house and he did a terrible job (not that I'm good at masonry but I sure am more tidy.
[07:42:28] <GuShh_> problems are the top end is missing, so water gets in when it rains. it developed cracks due to the rebar rusting and pushing through and it's overall untidy and falling apart unless I fix it (either that or I start from scratch)
[07:59:31] <abcminiuser> Hrm, someone Reddit'd me for my printer bootloader
[07:59:42] <abcminiuser> Went to check the logs today, and BAM, 1GB traffic in a day
[08:00:04] <Tom_itx> hot topic
[08:00:21] <abcminiuser> Ja, I should have HackADay'd it, but thought it wasn't interesting enough
[08:00:27] <abcminiuser> Ah well, win some, lose some
[08:00:55] <abcminiuser> Damn, no one's downloaded my new AS extensions
[08:00:58] <abcminiuser> Nuts to y'all
[08:01:12] <Tom_itx> takes time for word to spread
[08:01:19] <jigoe> Anyone know any tutorials on how to use v-usb to act as a serial device so that I can use minicom/screen to send/receive data to an av chip?
[08:01:23] <abcminiuser> Tom_itx: http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=132327
[08:01:59] <Tom_itx> haha
[08:02:08] <Tom_itx> i wonder how that happened
[08:02:34] <abcminiuser> jigoe, that's not technically possible with V-USB
[08:02:42] <abcminiuser> Unless you want to go really off-standard
[08:02:48] <abcminiuser> REALLY off-standard
[08:03:12] <rue_shop2> hahaha good one
[08:03:22] <jigoe> abcminiuser, Umm. What is the best way to communicate then with an avr? Just simple sending bytes and replying?
[08:03:26] <jigoe> It has to be USB.
[08:03:40] <abcminiuser> jigoe, I hear good things about LUFA
[08:03:52] <abcminiuser> You can also try the official Atmel stack, with an XMEGA, SAM or UC3
[08:03:52] <jigoe> Ok
[08:05:11] <jigoe> abcminiuser, It's an assignment, we are given an atmega644p and we are supposed to use it to do some encryption over different protocols.
[08:05:23] <jigoe> I will have a look at LUFA
[08:05:43] <abcminiuser> Won't work on the 644p I'm afraid
[08:05:59] <abcminiuser> With that chip you either a) need an external FTDI USB to Serial (easy)
[08:06:13] <abcminiuser> Or V-USB acting as a HID device, and then make custom PC software (hard_
[08:06:59] <Tom_itx> abcminiuser, how sinister will you be in your 40's?
[08:07:14] <abcminiuser> Hey, I think this is damned funny
[08:07:25] <abcminiuser> Next version has it a bit more obvious that it's not a virus however
[08:08:39] <Tom_itx> there was a guy that wrote a lib that came with source when you bought it. all the vars used ___ ____ __ ______ as vars
[08:09:26] <Horologium> jigoe, vusb cdc doesn't play nice with linux.
[08:09:42] <Horologium> jigoe, you have to break the linux kernel cdc module to make it work.
[08:09:43] <jigoe> Horologium, Yeah, and that's what I am supposed to be connecting it to lol.
[08:10:42] <Horologium> vusb only supports low speed usb which, according to the usb specifications, does not support cdc.
[08:10:57] <Horologium> so, linux, by default, does not support cdc on low speed usb or vusb
[08:11:02] <jigoe> Ouch.
[08:11:10] <Horologium> there is a way to fix it...am looking.
[08:12:35] <abcminiuser> Please don't break kernel drivers for this, use a different class or FTDI :(
[08:13:51] <Horologium> hmm...looks like kernel 2.6.31 and newer supports low speed usb cdc.
[08:13:57] <Horologium> http://www.recursion.jp/avrcdc/driver.html#linux
[08:14:56] <Horologium> last time I played with vusb and cdc it wasn't supported and required hacking a kernel module to fix.
[08:15:02] <jigoe> OK
[08:16:01] <Horologium> http://www.recursion.jp/avrcdc/ this guy did the early vusb cdc work.
[08:16:16] <jigoe> So I might try AVR-CDC then.
[08:16:38] <Horologium> that is vusb.
[08:16:45] <jigoe> Ahh k
[08:17:17] <Horologium> it is one of the vusb official projects actually.
[08:17:29] <Horologium> I really recommend using an avr with usb hardware.
[08:18:04] <jigoe> Yes, that's the easy way but I don't think that is what the lecturer wants though.
[08:18:14] <jigoe> We already have an ftdi chip that we can use.
[08:24:29] <dunz0r> I'd go for an FTDI chip. Has worked great for me.
[08:25:49] <jigoe> Yeah, but that's cheating, won't get me any marks.
[08:26:08] <jigoe> They don't like us to do things easily.
[08:30:14] <dunz0r> Ah.
[08:30:42] <dunz0r> I've seen quite a few things with V-usb that works with linux though, sure it's still a problem?
[08:31:03] <jigoe> I don't know, I haven't tried it yet.
[08:31:14] <jigoe> I have used v-usb, it's a bit of a pita though.
[08:31:27] <Horologium> what chip are you using?
[08:31:31] <dunz0r> I haven't used V-USB either, just read some examples.
[08:31:42] <dunz0r> It's on my todolist
[08:31:46] <jigoe> 644p
[08:32:07] <twnqx> <jigoe> We already have an ftdi chip that we can use. <jigoe> Yeah, but that's cheating, won't get me any marks.
[08:32:09] <twnqx> >_>
[08:32:14] <Horologium> the biggest problem with vusb cdc is that the usb standard doesn't support bulk transfers at low speed,,and vusb is low speed only.
[08:32:15] <twnqx> come on, make up your mind
[08:32:59] <Horologium> ok...look at the avrcdc link there for the atmega88 code...and mod that code and circuit to the 644...shouldn't be too difficult.
[08:33:21] <twnqx> if you get to use an included ftdi, what's the problem
[08:33:28] <Horologium> err..mega48
[08:33:35] <jigoe> It's not just for this exercise, it's for the whole year.
[08:33:47] <jigoe> It's for doing jtag/uart and other general stuff.
[08:33:52] <jigoe> We didn't get given it for this task.
[08:34:40] <jigoe> It's a c232-hm.
[08:34:50] <Horologium> if you can use a smaller avr for the usb interface then the attiny45 works great..doesn't even need a crystal.
[08:38:02] <Horologium> the onboard pll is used to sync the avr clock to the usb clock somehow.
[08:56:57] <UweBonnes> Tom_itx: Thanks for the logs on http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~tom-itx/irc/logs. Would it be possible to list the logs e.g. on om-itx.dyndns.org:81/~tom-itx/irc/logs/%23%23stm32/ in reverse order, that is newest on top?
[09:36:06] <R0b0t1> GuShh_, you should come back to ##electronics. Just don't make it your main lurking channel.
[09:36:19] <R0b0t1> GuShh_: There topics which come up I would like to hear you input on.
[09:36:30] <R0b0t1> There are.
[09:36:36] <R0b0t1> which.
[09:36:41] <R0b0t1> your
[09:40:55] <R0b0t1> theBear: ^
[09:46:06] <twnqx> what's wrong with lurking :X
[09:56:03] <vsync_> ##electronics
[09:56:06] <vsync_> seriously?
[09:57:10] <vsync_> people there shouldn't even be allowed to touch a soldering iron, safety reasons, they might end up killing themselves with it
[09:57:41] <vsync_> nothing but couch engineers over there
[10:19:25] <Tom_itx> vsync_, let them solder away
[10:19:39] <Tom_itx> they suck up too much oxygen as it is
[10:20:04] <vsync_> a valid point
[10:45:44] <twnqx> vsync_: let darwin sort it out
[10:47:06] <vsync_> twnqx: but that's the problem!
[10:47:18] <eatyourguitar> there are 486 people in ##electronics
[10:47:22] <twnqx> that's not the problem but the solution
[10:47:30] <eatyourguitar> do you really think there are no engineers in the room?
[10:47:30] <twnqx> a problem
[10:47:45] <twnqx> is that my new switch possibly just destroyed an onboard network chip
[10:47:58] <twnqx> at least i can't send or receive any more
[10:50:45] <vsync_> twnqx: no, because darwin is too slow, also his powers seem to be diminishing with this whole rise of the medicine :(
[10:51:23] <vsync_> eatyourguitar: it's freenode. Chances are... not. Raspberry pi -nerds at the very best
[10:51:56] <eatyourguitar> where do the engineers go?
[10:52:06] <vsync_> they are not here
[10:52:14] <eatyourguitar> or are they not on freenode at all?
[10:52:24] <vsync_> yeah
[10:52:32] <twnqx> speaking of pis
[10:52:42] <twnqx> anyone witrh a recommendation of a pi-sized board with PoE?
[10:52:50] <eatyourguitar> there are some people in electronics who have engineering jobs
[10:53:00] <eatyourguitar> they post videos and stuff from work
[10:53:13] <twnqx> there are lots of people with programming jobs that shouldn't have those jobs, your point is moot :P
[10:53:29] <eatyourguitar> or maybe getting paid to do engineering is not the same as being an engineer
[10:53:39] <eatyourguitar> and Im not talking about programming either
[10:53:45] <twnqx> different job, same thing
[10:54:01] <twnqx> i'd say in any job you'll have tons of people who shouldn't be doing that job
[10:54:44] <eatyourguitar> I know people with engineering degrees who have jobs answering a phone
[10:54:52] <eatyourguitar> it goes both ways
[10:54:55] <vsync_> eatyourguitar: reminds me sort of this local self-proclaimed "screenplay writer"
[10:55:48] <eatyourguitar> well in life there are plenty of amatuers in every field
[10:55:55] <eatyourguitar> singers, DJ's
[10:56:10] <eatyourguitar> everyone thinks they are pro
[10:56:33] <eatyourguitar> when basically the requirements to be a singer is to open your mouth
[10:56:34] <vsync_> He says he's "semi-professional", and in his words it means "i do professional grade stuff, i'm just not getting paid to do it"
[10:57:02] <vsync_> yes. Darwin ought to sort this one out too
[10:57:03] <eatyourguitar> the requirements to being a DJ now are owning a laptop
[10:57:20] <vsync_> the requirements of being a professional by defitionion is that you get paid
[10:57:20] * eatyourguitar stopped djing when that happened
[10:57:31] <vsync_> lol wtf typo
[10:57:33] <vsync_> definition*
[10:58:05] <vsync_> and not everyone's cut out for it
[11:04:38] <Tom_itx> there are a couple in there
[11:04:44] <Tom_itx> icee used to be
[11:04:48] <Tom_itx> he left
[11:15:29] <UweBonnes> Tom_itx: Did you read my request above about the order of the log entries?
[11:15:48] <Tom_itx> nope
[11:16:10] <UweBonnes> Tom_itx: Thanks for the logs on http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~tom-itx/irc/logs. Would it be possible to list the logs e.g. on om-itx.dyndns.org:81/~tom-itx/irc/logs/%23%23stm32/ in reverse order, that is newest on top?
[11:17:04] <Tom_itx> i'll look at it
[11:17:12] <UweBonnes> Thanks
[11:17:33] <Tom_itx> err
[11:17:43] <Tom_itx> i'll add it to my list of to do things
[12:13:44] <john_f> how can I tell if digital pins are low or high without sinking current through them?
[12:14:02] <john_f> without resistors in series ;)
[12:14:06] <vectory> enable internal pull up
[12:14:54] <vectory> or pull down ... set ddr=0 port=1 a=pin. like that?
[12:17:00] <john_f> well if I have 3v on the pins, the chip gets quite hot.
[12:17:28] <john_f> so does that mean I set them as outputs?
[12:17:37] <RikusW> yes
[12:18:34] <john_f> hmm...ok
[12:20:31] <Tom_itx> chip shouldn't get hot
[12:25:17] <john_f> yeah, I was setting ddr.
[12:34:48] <vectory> Rikus1: listening to a piezo playing atm :D thanks a lot again
[12:35:06] <vectory> RikusW: ^
[12:41:19] <john_f> thanks, my crude logic analyzer now works so I can test my crude spi.
[12:43:45] <twnqx> you use a bus pirate for that :P
[13:58:42] <tzanger> hm, interesting. configure tin13a for 12khz clock, tell avr-libc that F_CPU is 128000UL, my led blinker is 9x longer than expected (using _delay_ms(1000) and stopwatch is saying 9s between LED changes instead of 1)
[13:59:05] <tzanger> there's a CLKDIV8 fuse but that doesn't apply for internal RC (tried flipping it anyway without any change)
[14:58:33] * Xark was pretty sure CLKDIV8 does works with internal oscillator (as default AVRs are typically 8Mhz/8 = 1Mhz from factory)...
[15:02:25] <megal0maniac_afk> It does
[15:11:07] <Horologium> tzanger, the clkdiv8 does work for the internal rc oscillator...how did you configure the tiny13a to use a 12mhz clock?
[15:11:24] <Horologium> I thought the internal only went to 8MHz..
[15:11:40] <Horologium> err...oh, nevermind,,,,you said 12KHz..
[15:11:44] <Horologium> still,,
[15:12:30] <Horologium> 12KHz would be 12000, not 128000...maybe typo.
[15:35:27] <megal0maniac> I don't think that 12khz is a valid clockspeed for the internal rc, but 128khz is
[15:44:51] <megal0maniac> I find that lately I'm just using Windows to ssh into Linux boxes. I'm not spending much time actually using Windows
[15:45:41] <Casper> :D
[15:46:49] <megal0maniac> 3 of the 4 linux machines currently running are arm based. I think that's why I love it :)
[15:46:58] <megal0maniac> (Hence the headless-ness)
[15:50:57] <megal0maniac> Casper: What distro do you use?
[15:51:08] <Casper> gentoo
[15:51:14] <megal0maniac> Of course :)
[16:50:40] <dpy> Does anyone know if the nRF24L01 modules also work with software SPI?
[16:51:08] <dpy> (at low speed, say 10kbps)
[17:56:16] <Horologium> dpy, they should.
[17:56:44] <Horologium> spi is a clocked serial so it should work down to 1bps in theory.
[17:57:06] <dpy> ok, cool
[17:57:38] <Horologium> https://github.com/kehribar/nrf24L01_plus
[17:57:39] <dpy> MISO and MOSI are also OC1A and OC1B, which I'm using for the 16-bit PWM
[17:58:19] <Horologium> software spi interface generic nordic rf library there.
[17:59:02] <dpy> tnx
[17:59:17] <Horologium> I know nothing about tnx, sorry.
[17:59:37] <dpy> thanks
[17:59:55] <Horologium> oh, welcome
[18:00:29] <dpy> do you know how these modules scale?
[18:00:40] <Horologium> not what you mean.
[18:00:49] <Horologium> they have multiple channels
[18:00:50] <dpy> how many receivers can I have?
[18:01:07] <Horologium> I've broadcast to multiples before.
[18:01:26] <dpy> will 10 receivers work?
[18:01:33] <Horologium> don't see why not.
[18:01:40] <dpy> these modules are so cheap
[18:01:49] <dpy> I see lots of possibilities
[18:03:31] <dpy> bed time
[18:03:38] <dpy> good night and thanks again!
[22:48:42] <ferdna> i couldnt find any irc channel for microsoft excel...
[22:48:47] <ferdna> anyone good at it?
[22:48:54] <ferdna> i need to help gf with homework
[22:53:45] <Valen> heh freenode is perhaps not the best place to be looking for excell
[22:54:00] <Valen> in general its also best to ask the question not to ask to ask
[22:54:55] <Casper> actually, excel is used quite alot on the open source communauty... or openoffice calc or others...
[22:55:00] <Casper> quite usefull for programmers
[22:55:08] <Valen> open office sure
[22:55:13] <Valen> not excel though
[23:01:37] <Casper> same formula
[23:02:15] <Valen> often, macros and the like you start having issues
[23:02:23] <Valen> ferdna: you going to ask your question?
[23:03:51] <ferdna> Valen, no, no advance stuff like macros... she is studing "business administration"
[23:07:33] <vsync_> communauty pplz!
[23:18:00] <ferdna> Valen, in an if... how do you return zero for current cell and for cell A1?
[23:18:12] <Valen> =0
[23:18:13] <Valen> ?
[23:18:32] <ferdna> Valen, IF(D7<=60,0,D7*50000)
[23:18:42] <ferdna> =IF(D7<=60,0,D7*50000)
[23:18:46] <Valen> ok
[23:18:57] <ferdna> you see ,0,?
[23:19:00] <Valen> yes
[23:19:04] <ferdna> well thats the true part
[23:19:07] <Valen> yes
[23:19:11] <Casper> isn'T ;0;.. ?
[23:19:20] <ferdna> no
[23:19:22] <Valen> excel uses ,
[23:19:28] <Casper> I forgot, been a long time
[23:19:38] <ferdna> so how do i tell it to zero A1 tooo?
[23:19:47] <Valen> put something in A1
[23:20:03] <Valen> cells cant act to change the values of other cells
[23:20:08] <Valen> unless you are using macros
[23:20:18] <ferdna> i need to do if D7 is less than 60 return zero here and a1 zero as well
[23:20:39] <Valen> so for a1 =if(d7=0,0,foo)
[23:21:25] <ferdna> oh
[23:22:32] <ferdna> Valen, you my fucking hero!!!
[23:23:24] <Valen> I'll add you to the list
[23:24:48] <ferdna> what list valen?
[23:24:59] <Valen> of people whose hero i am
[23:25:33] <ferdna> oh put me on the #1 spot