#avr | Logs for 2013-03-21

[02:47:59] <buhman> my code: http://sprunge.us/JLBG; I believe I should be in "free running mode", which as I understanding does continuous conversions after the first time ADSC is set.
[02:48:29] <buhman> my code seems to confirm this, because ADSC is never un-set (PD7 never illuminates)
[02:51:52] <buhman> hah, erm ADATE
[02:52:00] * buhman slaps himself
[05:11:43] <RikusW> http://opencores.org/projects -> AVR HP, Hyper Pipelined AVR Core :-D
[09:18:44] <R0b0t1> Hey, uh, Ubuntu 12.01 LTS, trying to get a dev environment up
[09:18:59] <R0b0t1> I installed all the packaged but I get
[09:19:04] <R0b0t1> "/usr/lib/gcc/avr/4.5.3/../../../avr/include/avr/pgmspace.h:951:36: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘uint_farptr_t’" x a lot
[09:24:35] <theBear> what exactly did you install ? and i assume /usr/lib/avr/blah exists ?
[09:27:07] <R0b0t1> Yes, otherwise would get an error. I found a fix which seems likely but I don't know the full path
[09:27:08] <R0b0t1> Um
[09:27:16] <R0b0t1> I installed gcc-avr, etc
[09:27:35] <theBear> etc ? what exactly did you install
[09:28:06] <R0b0t1> build-essential texinfo flex byacc bison gcc libc6-dev binutils gcc-avr avr-libc gdb-avr avrdude
[09:28:11] <R0b0t1> package names, should give you enough of a clue
[09:28:22] <R0b0t1> also binutils-avr
[09:28:32] <R0b0t1> However, https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/avr-gcc-list/2002-04/msg00143.html
[09:28:40] <R0b0t1> Still can't find the fucking include directory
[09:30:21] <theBear> that's an 11y.old post, it's VERY unlikely the problem still exists... what versions of binutils-avr gcc-arv avrlibc did you install ?
[09:31:13] <theBear> and if you can't find something sudo updatedb && locate something
[09:31:34] <R0b0t1> Yeah I found it, the file is fine.
[09:32:17] <theBear> and are you sure avr-gcc is being used and not regular gcc ?
[09:32:21] <R0b0t1> However the only file located was in /usr/lib/avr/include/avr/pgmspace.h
[09:32:24] <R0b0t1> not the one it is telling me
[09:32:39] <R0b0t1> Yeah, the help message printed by avr-gcc --help says "avr-gcc"
[09:32:43] <theBear> err, that IS the one it is telling you
[09:32:56] <R0b0t1> /usr/lib/gcc/avr/4.5.3/../../../avr/include/avr/pgmspace.h:951:36
[09:32:57] <theBear> yeah, but are you sure you are building with avr-gcc ?
[09:33:10] <R0b0t1> I am
[09:33:43] <theBear> yeah, /usr/lib/gcc/avr/4.5.3/../../../avr/include/avr/pgmspace.h == /usr/lib/avr/include/avr/pgmspace.h
[09:33:49] <R0b0t1> Ah
[09:33:57] <theBear> you know what .. means right ?
[09:34:09] <R0b0t1> .
[09:34:17] <theBear> no
[09:34:18] <R0b0t1> I thought it was a <snip>
[09:34:22] <R0b0t1> not a ..
[09:34:40] <theBear> and you know . != .. then ?
[09:34:48] <R0b0t1> Yes
[09:34:52] <theBear> good
[09:35:40] <R0b0t1> extern int memcmp_PF(const void *, uint_farptr_t, size_t) __ATTR_PURE__;
[09:35:48] <R0b0t1> that's the line it is listing as having the error.
[09:36:33] <theBear> what versions of the files i asked about 5 minutes ago ? and you sure your test program actually compiles ?
[09:37:16] <R0b0t1> Yeah. If it didn't compile, error would not be in the headers.
[09:37:37] <R0b0t1> Also... I've kinda got no way to check. You should trust me, I'm not completly stupid.
[09:37:52] <theBear> i trust you, i don't trust packaging systems
[09:37:52] <R0b0t1> Not sure how to find the version
[09:38:05] <theBear> and apparently you don't understand them, which is all the more reason to question
[09:38:22] <theBear> ubuntu, so err, you use apt ?
[09:38:26] <R0b0t1> /* $Id: pgmspace.h 2169 2010-06-14 06:28:23Z arcanum $ */
[09:39:07] <R0b0t1> yes, apt
[09:39:30] <theBear> so umm, something like apt-info or apt-cache info should tell you, they got help included you know
[09:41:20] <R0b0t1> theBear: http://pastebin.com/rcicVYdM
[09:42:52] <theBear> so that's 1/3
[09:43:27] <R0b0t1> http://pastebin.com/PgfqS7vi
[09:44:33] <R0b0t1> http://pastebin.com/rHsQaH2C
[09:46:37] <theBear> i don't know apt syntax too well, but it looks like gcc-avr and avr-libc versions aren't compatible
[09:47:08] <R0b0t1> Damn.
[09:47:13] <R0b0t1> I guess I'll install from source
[09:47:37] <theBear> you could just force it to install the right versions
[09:48:14] <R0b0t1> It might not have the right versions, but I'll try?
[09:48:25] <R0b0t1> I don't know how to go back/forward versions. Going forward is generally not an option
[09:48:31] <R0b0t1> Unless you use sources
[09:48:56] <theBear> you really should learn to use your packaging system, but if those deps are right as listed by those packages, it shouldn't even have let you install that combination
[09:49:25] <theBear> look at the bootom of the first past
[09:49:25] <theBear> e
[09:49:35] <theBear> avr-libc version deps
[09:51:24] <R0b0t1> Now that's strange.
[09:52:14] <theBear> maybe, i dunno what extra repositories you got or how apt works
[09:52:26] <theBear> tho apparently i know a little more than you ;)
[09:52:31] <theBear> i'm gonna go have a snack now
[09:54:03] <R0b0t1> Nooooo
[09:54:03] <R0b0t1> what
[09:54:10] <R0b0t1> how the fuck did this happen, and
[09:54:12] <R0b0t1> jesus christ
[09:54:13] <R0b0t1> ._.
[09:56:19] <theBear> c'mon, it's a minor fiddle to force a different version, just read a little, maybe something like man apt
[09:58:29] <theBear> actually looks a lot like if you remove avr-libc that gcc-avr should auto-dep in the right avr-libc
[10:11:53] <jadew> lmfao, just had a capacitor explode
[10:11:58] <jadew> that's some brutal shit
[10:12:33] <jadew> I have paper all over me and my ear is ringing
[10:12:40] <jadew> glad I was looking away
[10:12:48] <R0b0t1> theBear, doing so does not automatically install avr-libc
[10:18:10] <asteve> capacitor explode?
[10:18:17] <R0b0t1> asplode
[10:18:20] <asteve> did you connect it in reverse?
[10:18:33] <jadew> I don't think so
[10:18:41] <jadew> it is possible tho, I can't tell now
[10:18:50] <asteve> there should be one lead longer than the other
[10:18:57] <jadew> the aftermath is horrible, paper from inside the cap all over the place
[10:19:23] <asteve> what type of cap?
[10:19:42] <jadew> electrolitic
[10:20:08] <asteve> energy is cool
[10:20:36] <jadew> yeah, I have to wear protective glasses from now on
[10:22:35] <TechIsCool> lol
[10:22:55] <TechIsCool> I placed a dent in the wall last time a launched a cap
[10:27:21] <jadew> mine hit the ceiling too, but I don't think it left a mark
[10:27:31] <theBear> what a stupid package manager ! doesn't install deps that packages say they NEED
[10:27:42] <theBear> rpm did that in the 90s !
[10:28:37] <theBear> i think it smells like burnt popcorn.... also even SLIGHT overvoltage will cause it to pop
[10:32:58] <R0b0t1> theBear: I went through it again and the versions look sane
[10:33:25] <theBear> went through what ?
[10:33:33] <R0b0t1> gcc-avr is 4.5.3-3, avr-libc 1.7 says it needs 4.5.3-1
[10:35:30] <theBear> but what does gcc-avr say it needs ?
[10:37:47] <R0b0t1> ah right
[10:37:49] <R0b0t1> goddamnit
[10:38:29] <tzanger> morning
[10:39:11] <tzanger> theBear: one of the techs at the company I used to work at hooked up a 600V VFD backwards... the IGBTs didn't take well to that, and neither did the massive cap bank
[10:39:19] <tzanger> the building smelled of popcorn for a few days
[10:40:06] <theBear> oh, you don't mean a vacuum flurescant... yeahk, gotta love dumb techs
[10:40:43] <theBear> i seen a 415/600a 3phase feed with 3 wires swapped plugged into about 20grand of gear... that wasn't pretty, took some fixin
[10:42:13] <theBear> err, 2 wires that is
[10:47:20] <tzanger> theBear: the gear was phase sensitive?
[10:47:37] <theBear> they didn't swap two phases... 5wire
[10:50:00] <tzanger> oh, duh
[10:50:04] <theBear> :)
[10:50:04] <tzanger> yes much wailing and gnashing of teeth
[10:56:27] <R0b0t1> I can't even compile avr-libc because it needs a working version of gcc-avr, which needs avr-libc
[10:57:50] <theBear> why don't you just make it install the right versions ?
[11:03:37] <R0b0t1> theBear, the versions are technically compliant to the package manager
[11:03:50] <R0b0t1> Not sure if it lacks forward compatibility or some other error
[11:03:55] <R0b0t1> I found some guy's paste, had the same one as me
[11:04:57] <theBear> in my very limited experience all package managers will have several versions available if you ask them, and i find it very hard to believe that a fairly recent ubuntu version wouldn't have any combination of packages for a working avr toolcahin
[11:22:05] <R0b0t1> theBear: I can try to find an older .deb, but that's about ti
[11:23:50] <theBear> surely apt lists several available versions ?
[11:26:34] <theBear> apt-cache madison avr-libc should do it
[11:26:55] <theBear> dunno how to tell it which you want tho
[11:27:03] <theBear> but i bet google or man apt can tell you taht too
[11:28:04] <R0b0t1> Not in it
[11:28:13] <R0b0t1> apt has no list functionality for older packages
[11:28:26] <theBear> did you try what i just pasted ?
[11:28:31] <R0b0t1> and the ubuntu repos do not carry older packages within distros
[11:28:34] <R0b0t1> wat
[11:28:44] <theBear> apt-cache madison avr-libc
[11:29:37] <R0b0t1> avr-libc | 1:1.7.1-2 | http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/universe amd64 Packages
[11:29:40] <R0b0t1> which is the version I have
[11:40:13] <theBear> hmmm .... wonder how they can manage that, i mean, if someone does a fresh install chances are there gonna be upgrade path deps that cannot be met with a single version available... just doesn't make sense
[11:40:43] <theBear> ahh well, you got a shitty distro, spose you should file a bug to save thousands of other people having the same problem, then just use one of the many many many freely available repos with this specific stuff built
[12:29:45] <R0b0t1> theBear, I ate lunch, I still hate apt.
[12:33:25] <theBear> lol, i hate it, but i only used it about 5 times and that's over many MANY years... then again, i hate rpm and i used that loads of times for over 10 years :)
[12:33:39] <theBear> but while i love what i use now, i don't advocate it to ANYONE !
[12:33:50] <theBear> and now, i got to bed :) good luck my son
[12:34:55] <xoriath> why do you hate apt?
[13:11:09] <R0b0t1> This is literally absurd
[13:11:12] <R0b0t1> why can I not compile
[13:11:18] <R0b0t1> and why am I the only goddamn person with this error.
[13:13:46] <r00t^home> R0b0t1: just install debian in a chroot? ;)
[13:18:56] <R0b0t1> I removed the include path spec and it worked.
[13:18:57] <R0b0t1> Wut.
[13:19:00] * R0b0t1 shrugs
[13:22:22] <R0b0t1> What was that awkward macro
[13:23:06] <R0b0t1> ah _BV
[13:29:31] <DagoRed> I swear I must be working for one of the few companies that actually uses AVR32's
[14:04:49] <R0b0t1> DagoRed: They're not insanely uncommon
[14:04:54] <R0b0t1> but yeah they're pretty low-key
[14:04:55] <R0b0t1>
[14:05:40] <R0b0t1> Okay so anyone ever had the misfortune of having to desiring to compile an otherwise normal C++ program that needed arduino libraries?
[14:06:53] <DagoRed> R0b0t1: Not yet.
[14:07:21] <DagoRed> The closest that I've run across is trying to get FreeRTOS to work with C++ on an AVR32. That wasn't easy.
[14:08:45] * DagoRed needs to see how Arduino libraries are written.
[14:09:09] <Tom_itx> with a crayola
[14:09:10] <theBear> hehe, poorly :)
[14:09:19] <Tom_itx> by a 2 yr old
[14:10:42] <R0b0t1> Grrrr
[14:11:03] <R0b0t1> I think all the arduino IDE does is generate function prototypes for you
[14:11:41] <theBear> all it does is annoy me with stupid questions
[14:11:54] <Tom_itx> like me?
[14:12:02] <DagoRed> heh
[14:12:42] <R0b0t1> ffffff
[14:12:42] <DagoRed> I'm just curious if I can write something in AVR studio using either C or C++ and get it to work with an arduino. That way I can control the hardware like I want to and shut the guys up at my hacker space.
[14:13:04] <Tom_itx> why couldn't you>
[14:13:05] <Tom_itx> >
[14:13:06] <R0b0t1> Yeah you can program the ATmega on the boards any way you want
[14:13:06] <Tom_itx> ?
[14:13:11] <theBear> you can code something in simple c with notepad and put it on a arduino
[14:13:12] <Tom_itx> all it is, is a bootloader
[14:13:20] <Tom_itx> that jumps to 0x0000 after it boots
[14:13:26] <theBear> a defective clone of a bootloader :)
[14:13:29] <R0b0t1> My issue is, I kind of need/want to use one library without the other tomfoolery.
[14:13:37] * DagoRed nods
[14:13:56] <theBear> an arduino library ? i haven't yet seen a useful and/or non-redundant one
[14:14:12] <Tom_itx> try that lib rif is playing with
[14:14:17] <Tom_itx> he likes it
[14:14:17] <DagoRed> R0b0t1: I want to do the opposite, I want to take work I have have and make it so people can use the arduino tom foolery so they can use my libraries then.
[14:15:00] <theBear> don't do that to your code, it'll just expose it to a whole generation of monkies and script kiddies that don't deserve it
[14:15:24] <DagoRed> theBear: The only library the arduino has that I want (and haven't found a port through my lack of looking) is for the ethernet shield. I remember dicking around with the ethernet stack on PIC's and vowed never to write that again.
[14:15:25] <theBear> i wonder what kinda env/setup rif is using at the moment
[14:16:04] <theBear> there have been ethernet semi-stacks for avr for years.. i assume that 'shield' has one of those err, en29somethingorother chips on it ?
[14:16:46] <DagoRed> Yes it does, which I believe is a microchip product.
[14:18:09] <theBear> no, it's a generic product
[14:18:17] <theBear> and there are a ton of avr libs/examples for using it
[14:19:08] <theBear> tho surprisingly (to me) it does seem to be made by microchip
[14:19:20] <DagoRed> Thank you theBear, like I mentioned I just haven't looked.
[14:19:25] <DagoRed> Wait it isn't?
[14:19:43] <DagoRed> http://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/Devices.aspx?dDocName=en022889
[14:19:46] <theBear> http://code.google.com/p/enc28j60-avr/ looks good
[14:19:58] <theBear> the whole first page for en28j60 avr on the google machine looks good
[14:20:09] <DagoRed> thank you
[14:20:14] <theBear> :)
[14:20:29] <theBear> anything to keep an intelligent person away from anything arduino :)
[14:20:31] <DagoRed> I will really need to play around with that code when.... well... I'm busy as hell.
[14:20:37] <DagoRed> Lol.
[14:20:51] <DagoRed> Right now I'm getting my ass handed to me by flip.
[14:21:08] <DagoRed> My co-worker that was recently let go killed our boot loader from our on board processor.
[14:21:16] <DagoRed> Err... Com Express module.
[14:21:17] <R0b0t1> theBear: The ks0108 one is pretty good.
[14:21:52] <theBear> ks0108 what ?
[14:22:01] <R0b0t1> Graphics LCD display.
[14:22:12] <theBear> "one is pretty good" ... one what ?
[14:22:14] <R0b0t1> Well, that's the controller chip, there's two of them on a 128x64 screen
[14:22:17] <theBear> and it's a controller
[14:22:21] <theBear> and i know it well
[14:22:22] <R0b0t1> As in, I haven't found a better on
[14:22:33] <theBear> WHAT ONE ARE YOU REFERRING TO !?!?!!?!
[14:22:53] <R0b0t1> https://code.google.com/p/glcd-arduino/downloads/list
[14:22:55] <R0b0t1> for christ's sake
[14:23:25] <theBear> OK ! some arduino library for it is the "one" you keep referring to !
[14:24:03] <theBear> that woulda been a lot simpler if you mentioned you were talking about a library, not a display, a shield, a display controller ic etc etc
[14:24:13] <R0b0t1> .
[14:24:21] <R0b0t1> Well, I didn't know I could've been referring to anything but the library
[14:24:23] <theBear> and it's really a trivial lib to write
[14:24:56] <theBear> well you did, you responded to my followup questions with both graphics lcd display and controller chip
[14:26:11] <R0b0t1> Meh
[14:26:15] <R0b0t1> Well it's just a pain in the ass.
[14:26:17] <theBear> don't people write trivial libs, even complex ones, for themselves anymore ? it's kinda half the fun
[14:26:35] <R0b0t1> I mean I could make this take longer, more money for me
[14:26:51] <theBear> when i am active i tend to write them just so they work the way i like instead of some weird way someone who thinks different to me chose
[14:27:20] <DagoRed> theBear: it's a lost art
[14:27:28] <R0b0t1> Oh quiet you
[14:27:34] <R0b0t1> I'm interested in not wasting time
[14:27:39] <theBear> i sure as hell don't put other peoples libs in stuff people pay me for, that's just irresponsible
[14:27:44] <R0b0t1> but at this point it looks like it will be easier to just rewrite it
[14:27:56] <R0b0t1> theBear, it's internal
[14:28:04] <R0b0t1> ba-da-bum
[14:28:14] <theBear> like, it's in your colon ?
[14:28:25] <DagoRed> colon > :
[14:28:30] <theBear> :)
[14:28:34] <R0b0t1> Of course the failure is on me, however, the LCD failing will not result in lost appendages or death
[14:28:54] <R0b0t1> ... under normal operating conditions
[14:29:05] <theBear> meh, i'm not convinced
[14:31:52] * DagoRed needs to work on uboot
[14:32:20] <theBear> ahh, das uboot
[14:32:57] <DagoRed> Yeah... I'm working with an ALARM dev on getting uboot to load a kernel off of a flash drive.
[14:33:14] <theBear> what is ALARM ? it sounds err, loud
[14:33:23] <DagoRed> Arch Linux ARM
[14:33:43] <DagoRed> e.g. Raspberry Pi, Pogo plugs, etc..
[14:33:44] <theBear> interesting
[14:33:53] <theBear> yeah yeah, i'm familiar with arm devices
[14:34:02] <theBear> got a box of them up on the shelf there
[14:34:06] <DagoRed> I figured, that comment wasn't necessarily for you....
[14:35:01] <DagoRed> If uboot doesn't get the USB key stuff, we can't debug the kernel for this guy: http://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv6/pogoplug-provideov3
[14:35:14] <DagoRed> Which means at the next update, that device is dropped.
[14:37:49] <theBear> mmm, this is why i hate 'normal' distros... of course i never advocate anything, heck, i'm not sure there is an os on the planet i would recommend to a 'normal' person for ANY hardware/arch :)
[14:38:09] <tzanger> lol, I just fucked myself. I blew the reset disable pin on an attiny13 with a low voltage programmer
[14:38:29] <tzanger> I just need a mosfet, resistor and 12V power supply but still, heh
[14:38:39] <DagoRed> it happens,.
[14:38:42] <tzanger> yep
[14:39:14] <DagoRed> time to murder someone at the hacker space... they're promoting talks on depression and hacking.
[14:39:41] <DagoRed> Also... my hacker space http://hackaday.com/2013/03/19/hackerspace-intro-make-lehigh-valley/
[14:39:57] <DagoRed> Rue would love what I've done with the place.
[14:40:36] <DagoRed> His junk bots started our recycling program.
[14:41:01] <DagoRed> err... inspired is the better word.
[14:44:32] <R0b0t1> Depression and hacking?
[14:46:23] <DagoRed> Yeah.... I don't get it.
[14:49:39] <DagoRed> If you're depressed... blow shit up. Works for myth busters and small children.
[14:50:33] <theBear> they're not depressed, they're stupid
[14:50:37] <tzanger> blowing small children up?
[14:50:41] <theBear> hehe
[14:51:07] <DagoRed> I figured someone would take that out of context... myth busters and small children like witnessing explosions.
[14:51:30] <theBear> because both of them are stupid
[14:51:31] <DagoRed> theBear: the one pushing for depression talks at the hacker space is someone who can't get through community college.
[14:51:41] <theBear> difference is children can get smarter over the years :)
[14:51:51] * DagoRed head desks
[14:51:58] <theBear> meh, abuse him a bit and he might kill himself if yer lucky
[14:52:13] <theBear> and remember, you can NEVER feel bad about suicide, it wasn't your fault
[14:52:41] <tzanger> can the ADC be used on the RESET# pin without disabling the reset pin?
[14:52:41] <DagoRed> Counter argument, 4chan
[14:53:02] <tzanger> i.e. if a voltage input on the ADC is below Vil it would reset, but anything above that would be able to be converted?
[14:53:06] <theBear> talking doesn't help depression, specially public talking... i'm an expert in all these areas
[14:53:33] <theBear> yes, that includes not feeling bad about suicide... then again, i'm a sociopath, but consciously i know when i should feel bad :)
[14:53:45] <DagoRed> lol
[14:56:00] <theBear> that's good, laughter is the first step in the recovery process :)
[15:01:09] <DagoRed> boss here
[15:11:04] <R0b0t1> *sigh*
[15:11:09] <R0b0t1> I don't get pretty rounded rectangles.
[15:46:52] <tzanger> hm, the hvisp programming; is the reset voltage 12v/gnd instead of vcc (5v/3v and ground) ?
[15:46:59] <tzanger> or is it 12/vcc/gnd?
[15:48:04] <tzanger> looks like 12v/gnd
[21:23:13] <metalliqaz> hoping there's some experience with atmel studio here
[21:23:45] <metalliqaz> documentation is decent but some things are a mystery for someone just picking it up
[21:24:08] <metalliqaz> it isn't clear to me what the criteria are for a module to show up in the ASF Wizard
[21:24:19] <metalliqaz> anyone know why something would be hidden?
[21:24:29] <Tom_itx> such as?
[21:25:11] <metalliqaz> well, i created a project by loading up a simple gpio example
[21:25:23] <metalliqaz> but when i use asf wizard, it's only got maybe 5 available modules
[21:25:33] <Tom_itx> studio 6?
[21:25:37] <metalliqaz> yep
[21:25:40] <Tom_itx> i'm not very familiar with 6
[21:25:41] <metalliqaz> it's tough
[21:25:42] <Tom_itx> sry
[21:25:51] <metalliqaz> all the examples are for people with the various dev boards
[21:26:00] <metalliqaz> mine is a custom design
[21:26:08] <metalliqaz> basically just the atmega
[21:26:15] <metalliqaz> they don't cover tht very well
[21:26:30] <Tom_itx> dean could help if he were here
[21:26:41] <metalliqaz> i'll stick around
[21:27:43] <metalliqaz> i want to know who's great idea it was to use visual studio as the platform >.<
[21:36:22] <metalliqaz> well, I figured it out
[21:36:27] <grummund> blame dean :p
[21:36:39] <metalliqaz> apparently the ASF hardly has any support for atmega
[21:36:48] <metalliqaz> man this is crap
[21:37:24] <metalliqaz> 90% of it needs xmega or SAM
[22:18:00] <rue_bed> asf?