#avr | Logs for 2013-03-12

[01:06:38] <krphop> if i have a number of variables that are related in pairs, is it more efficient to create variables for each or half as many arrays each with two elements?
[01:11:50] <Xark> krphop: If the array index is always a constant then it will generate effectively the same code as two variables. However, I don't think it makes anything more efficient.
[01:12:10] <krphop> what do you mean by the array index?
[01:12:24] <Xark> krphop: array_name[array_index]
[01:12:41] <krphop> ah ok
[01:12:43] <Xark> krphop: So, if you always use (e.g.) [0] and [1] then it is the same as two globals.
[01:13:13] <krphop> it isnt critical that my code is absolutely fastest, i just wanted to make sure using small arrays isnt really bad
[01:13:18] <krphop> but sounds like its not
[01:13:23] <theBear> interesting... /me tries to imagine what happens when you use variables for the index
[01:13:47] <Xark> krphop: In the asm code, it is essentially the difference between LD Rx,symbolA ; LD Rx,symbolB vs LD Rx,symbolA ; LD Rx,symbolA+1 (for arrays with constant index)
[01:14:23] <krphop> but using a var for the index would make a larger difference?
[01:14:29] <Xark> theBear: Then it becomes something like base + index (and index may need to be scaled if element size != 1 char).
[01:14:47] <theBear> hmm...
[01:15:27] <Xark> theBear: So, often a load base address, load index, [scale index with shift/multiply], add base + index, load from combined address
[01:15:41] <theBear> mm, that makes sense
[01:16:09] <krphop> excellent, thanks for the info
[01:16:50] <Xark> krphop: NP.
[01:36:35] <w|zzy> https://www.eyou.com.au/ <-- Just ordered a scope from here.. So far they have provided exceptional service. I ordered it 1hr ago and it is already in the mail. They answered their phone quickly and were able to provide answers.. I should get the scope by friday, ill let you know how it goes from there.
[01:52:47] <Essobi> damn
[01:52:51] <Essobi> that's service
[01:52:56] <Essobi> heh
[01:53:05] <Essobi> what scope did you order?
[01:56:24] <w|zzy> https://www.eyou.com.au/product/1210/
[01:56:45] <w|zzy> hobbiest.. It had the largest online user base and generally the best stats.
[01:56:51] <w|zzy> for a scope in its price range
[01:57:03] <w|zzy> I know i could have hacked the 50mhz to 100mhz.. But meh
[01:57:26] <w|zzy> Most of the others in the same range had bugger all memory. Which was the largest deciding factor.
[02:09:14] <RikusW> Atmel AVR211: Wafer Level Chip Scale Packages
[02:09:31] <RikusW> now stop complaining about bga being small...
[02:15:49] <creep> csp are cool
[02:16:12] <creep> *when the have some strain relief
[02:16:43] <creep> otherwise, pjcc, or tqfp
[07:32:22] <kdehl> Are there any zlib compatible libraries out there for avr?
[07:32:31] <kdehl> I search, but I can't seem to find an answer to it...
[07:33:09] <creep> i don't think that would perform well
[07:33:24] <kdehl> That's okay, I just want it to work.
[07:33:56] <kdehl> You need quite a lot of memory, I guess. But otherwise it should be doable...
[07:34:08] <creep> install inux on it, then compile zlib from source
[07:34:43] <kdehl> You mean I should port it myself? Heh.
[07:35:00] <kdehl> I don't think I have adequate skills for that.
[07:35:09] <creep> port ? what ?
[07:35:15] <Steffanx> It's probably not even portable to AVR :P
[07:35:17] <creep> C is portable
[07:35:41] <theBear> zlib can't be that complex
[07:35:50] <theBear> you NEED zlib ? or would something similar do ?
[07:35:57] <creep> and they used to run linux on some atmel chips i don'tknow which ones now
[07:36:09] <kdehl> No, actually, what I need is the inflate and deflate algorithms.
[07:36:32] <kdehl> It's for a network protocol, that sends its data compressed.
[07:36:48] <kdehl> (And it doesn't have to be that fast.)
[07:38:26] <kdehl> Nah, maybe I should just beef up the protocol, and in the header indicate whether the data is compressed.
[07:40:48] <creep> hi theBear what is up ?
[07:41:24] <creep> kdehl<< sending compressed data is only meaningful if the processing power is much more than data transfer speeds.
[07:41:34] <theBear> nommuch, trying to get drunk
[07:41:50] <theBear> linux should run on 32bit 'avr's, but that's different
[07:42:09] <theBear> creep makes a good point
[07:42:20] <Steffanx> Not drunk yet theBear ??!
[07:43:30] <kdehl> Indeed. I mostly wanted to avoid changing the network protocol, since it's used in several other different clients.
[07:43:44] <kdehl> But maybe it's worth it this time, actually.
[07:44:32] <theBear> Steffanx, i had a bottle of wine in an hour, lots of painkillers, it just isn't working !@
[07:44:51] <kdehl> I made a paint program with network support earlier, and I'm thinking of porting it to the AVR.
[07:44:58] <Steffanx> Hmm, life is hard uh theBear ?
[07:44:58] <kdehl> Just as a challenge.
[07:45:13] <kdehl> theBear: You're trying to kill yourself?
[07:45:17] <theBear> don't get paid till tomorrow, accidentally got 10c short, but visitor gave me a dollar... gotta get to a govt doctor by 9am on the bus, and there nowhere around here to take out money and get change before that time of morning
[07:45:28] <Steffanx> You dont really talk about the 8bits AVR do you kdehl ?!
[07:45:30] <kdehl> Ouch.
[07:45:34] <kdehl> What's up?
[07:45:38] <theBear> kdehl, LOL! if i wanted to do that i'd need more than a couple packets of prescription painkillers and a bottle of wine
[07:45:49] <kdehl> Steffanx: I do. :)
[07:45:57] <kdehl> theBear: True that.
[07:46:25] <OndraSter_> <theBear> linux should run on 32bit 'avr's, but that's different
[07:46:26] <OndraSter_> it does
[07:46:32] <Steffanx> No
[07:46:33] <OndraSter_> and it also runs on those ARM7TDMI Atmel chips
[07:46:42] <Steffanx> That was just some weird emulator OndraSter_
[07:46:48] <OndraSter_> huh?
[07:46:51] <Steffanx> oh, nrvm
[07:46:52] <Steffanx> 32bit
[07:46:53] <OndraSter_> there is avr32 source in linux kernel
[07:46:54] <OndraSter_> ;+)
[07:46:58] <Steffanx> That is not the topic in here
[07:47:08] <Malinuss> theBear, some guy even made a 8-bit linux.. think it's called uLinux or something like that :)
[07:47:09] <theBear> i'm a cripple, indefinately this time, if govt doctor agreees with all other medical evidence, i get a disabled car sticker and JUST enough to live on pension after tomorrow.. currently i get the same as someone who just quit their job, who i personally have always felt should get NOTHING, and the salvation army accountant agrees meanas i 'lose' $20/week if i never eat at all, ie. is not enough to live on when you can't possibly work
[07:47:22] <OndraSter_> Malinuss, one person did ARM emulator for AVR
[07:47:34] <OndraSter_> and there is 32bit linux that runs on devices without MMU called ucLinux
[07:47:44] <theBear> OndraSter_, he mentioned avrs running linux in relation to zlib, i dunno if the atmel 32bits are called avr. but i'm sure that arm's aren't
[07:47:45] <creep> some bored guys made AVR on XILINX chips
[07:47:49] <Malinuss> OndraSter_, oh cool
[07:47:57] <theBear> Malinuss, uclinux, pretty sure it won't run on any avr tho
[07:48:02] <creep> with extra instructions
[07:48:51] <theBear> i've run uclibc/mini linux kernels on a lot of 32bit machines, nice and tight.... used to have a 'full' working desktop, graphical browser, irc, mail, newsgroups on a 8mb/486dx-66mhz with a 200mb hd
[07:49:16] <Steffanx> The good old times :P
[07:49:30] <theBear> there's a genius in another channel i haven't visited for a week that does whole x86 AND multiple 'fake' cards on fpgas
[07:49:37] <Malinuss> theBear, any 32bit machines you made yourself?
[07:49:39] <theBear> good old times ? that was only a few years ago :)
[07:49:58] <theBear> Malinuss, erm, not from scratch, tho i'm tempted to play with this new arm-lpc 40pin dip one day soon
[07:50:25] <theBear> until about '06 that 486 i mentioned was my laptop for holidaying/travelling
[07:50:41] <OndraSter_> I have got 286 lappy :)
[07:50:45] <creep> do you just usually place a 10k resistor from reset to vcc in all of your circuits ?
[07:50:52] <OndraSter_> creep, 4k7 and yes
[07:50:56] <creep> and sometimes add a pushbutton to gnd too?
[07:51:01] <OndraSter_> yes
[07:51:15] <creep> i have read that it can sometimes hang at reset
[07:51:16] <creep> ;/
[07:51:22] <OndraSter_> huh?
[07:51:27] <creep> atmega48 type
[07:51:43] <creep> http://www.atmel.com/Images/2545s.pdf
[07:52:13] <creep> Part may hang in reset Some parts may get stuck in a reset state when a reset signal is applied when the internal reset state-machine is in a specific state. ...
[07:52:41] <OndraSter_> I have never had that
[07:52:45] <theBear> mmk, 10k is often too big to work on reset, and on ir demod receiver modules
[07:52:49] <OndraSter_> on mega32, mega168 or any xmega
[07:52:58] <OndraSter_> well I use 4k7
[07:53:01] <OndraSter_> because PDI programming
[07:53:07] <OndraSter_> I like higher rise times
[07:53:17] <theBear> 4k7 is acceptable, USUALLY 1k is ok
[07:53:22] <creep> i think 1k should be fine too
[07:53:39] <creep> that would be 5mA at 5V
[07:54:03] <theBear> so long as you don't have a nonbuffered programmer that might have say, 1k in series with the reset-drive
[07:56:34] <RikusW> OndraSter_: the AP7000 AVR32s did have MMU and native Java support, and could run Linux
[07:56:41] <OndraSter_> I know :)
[07:56:49] <OndraSter_> native Java... sounds like ARM
[07:56:51] * RikusW hands theBear a bottle of brandy :-P
[07:57:16] <theBear> oh man ! don't play with me like that !
[07:57:23] <OndraSter_> why brandy?
[07:57:25] <theBear> if i had more than 4 dollars, i'd have more liquor
[07:57:39] <theBear> well, that was before i went to the store
[07:58:40] <RikusW> OndraSter_: want some Cane or Tequila instead ?
[07:59:10] <theBear> oh god ! why do you toy with me so ?
[07:59:23] <OndraSter_> I have got some whiskey here
[07:59:32] <OndraSter_> half the bottle
[07:59:40] <OndraSter_> already drank the other half with friends :D
[07:59:46] <OndraSter_> well, I did most of the work, they did not want... much
[07:59:56] <RikusW> OndraSter_: go down a bottle of Stroh Rum :-D
[08:00:01] <OndraSter_> wanna become friends, theBear ? :D
[08:00:06] <OndraSter_> I don't like rum, RikusW :(
[08:00:17] <theBear> i dunno, wanna bring me some liquor OndraSter_ ? :D
[08:00:21] <RikusW> Stroh Rum is like 80%...
[08:00:25] <OndraSter_> ohh lol
[08:00:31] <OndraSter_> I have got here some IPA with 99.8%...
[08:00:35] <theBear> that'll do
[08:00:44] <theBear> bring it here inside the hour, and we can be friends
[08:00:49] <OndraSter_> :D
[08:00:56] <RikusW> unfortunately the postage will cost more than the liquor
[08:01:04] <OndraSter_> yeah, posting me would cost a lot
[08:01:11] <OndraSter_> imagine 1.7m high package!
[08:01:20] <OndraSter_> that has got 85kg + packaging weight!
[08:01:44] <theBear> holy crap ! how much ipa you got ?
[08:02:03] <OndraSter_> well I would come with it
[08:02:21] <theBear> pfft, i suppose that makes sense, if we gonna be friends and all, i at least gotta be able to recognise you
[08:02:28] <RikusW> IPA won't be too healty..
[08:02:29] <theBear> why you so short ?
[08:02:38] <OndraSter_> no idea
[08:02:38] <theBear> healthier than meths and boot polish
[08:02:49] <theBear> oh wait, or is it ?
[08:02:51] * RikusW is 1.86m
[08:03:12] <OndraSter_> http://sphotos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/482033_152330744931259_1034353834_n.jpg -- no idea what I was scooping for
[08:03:18] <theBear> i'm err, 5'11 and err, i used to be taller than that, but judging from recent xrays and scans, i'm probably a bit shorter than that now :(
[08:03:36] <OndraSter_> metric system > imperial
[08:03:45] <Steffanx> Ha beardman !
[08:03:45] <OndraSter_> 150+11*2,5
[08:03:48] <theBear> awesome ! are you the blonde one ?
[08:03:54] <OndraSter_> theBear, you wish
[08:03:58] <theBear> cos i could never love another blonde
[08:04:11] <Steffanx> He is theBeard, theBear :)
[08:04:28] <theBear> tbh, if i was in that room, i'd pick the brunette, not the err "asian" as they might say there
[08:04:40] <theBear> pfft ! that's a chinstrap, not a bear !
[08:04:44] <OndraSter_> which brunette? There are two!
[08:04:44] <theBear> err, beard too !
[08:04:59] <theBear> the 'white' one, oh, the female white one
[08:05:04] <OndraSter_> both are
[08:05:06] <OndraSter_> it is just dark photo :D
[08:05:14] <OndraSter_> the one on the right has now gone redhead-ish <3
[08:05:25] <theBear> wtf ! she's got euro or islander in her, anyway, the one on the right
[08:05:32] <OndraSter_> the one on the left has an unibrow... lol
[08:05:34] <theBear> ‎i got no problem with red, or eve ginger
[08:05:38] <theBear> even
[08:05:40] <OndraSter_> haha
[08:05:43] <OndraSter_> neither do I
[08:05:49] <theBear> well euro, unibrow, islander, they all in the same bucket
[08:06:09] <theBear> and by bucket, i mean people i don't find attractive
[08:06:16] <theBear> maybe some islanders, butnot that kind
[08:06:40] <theBear> i always had a thing for women that look like they could pick me up and throw me, but like i say, different kind of islander
[08:07:00] <OndraSter_> eh
[08:07:07] <OndraSter_> I have always had a thing for redheads
[08:07:18] <OndraSter_> and/or slightly tattooed chicks
[08:09:12] <OndraSter_> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gJ1Mz7kGVf0 :D
[08:09:19] <theBear> i just like girls that look nice to me, unfortunately noone else anywhere ever seems to agree with me on what nice is, so ya know, i like girls you can't define :)
[08:09:48] <theBear> pfft, nikola tesla eh
[08:10:00] <theBear> hmm, no pictures today
[08:10:10] <OndraSter_> I like DC but I also like Nikola Tesla :D
[08:10:30] <theBear> sounds a lot like ummm, you know, the roof is on fire...
[08:11:16] <OndraSter_> when somebody says "the roof is on fire" I have to think of future prophecies version (dnb)
[08:11:55] <theBear> heh, fixed the video, i like it
[08:12:13] <theBear> at least you know who i mean, i wanna say pet shop boys or beastie brothers, but that aint right
[08:13:05] <OndraSter_> there is also version by bloodhound gang
[08:13:26] <theBear> that was actually one of their shittiest songs... yeah bloodhound gang !@ they're geniuses if you listened to a few of their albums
[08:13:38] <OndraSter_> I did not
[08:14:08] <OndraSter_> I listen to vocal trance usually, but I sometimes tune to dnb
[08:14:38] <theBear> good god man ! vocal anything-electronic sucks the sweat off a dead mans balls, dnb is ok, but it's not hardcore or joke-hiphop !
[08:15:17] <OndraSter_> heh
[13:07:09] <DrLuke> Hi, I have this weird problem where my ATMega 1284p seems to sink current on a pin once the power goes to off, even though the pin is set as an input (DDRC = 0x00, PORTC = 0x00).
[13:07:16] <DrLuke> why is that and can I prevent it somehow?
[13:07:54] <DrLuke> it would already help if it was constantly pulling up
[13:13:54] <RikusW> which pin ?
[13:14:32] <DrLuke> PC3
[13:16:28] <RikusW> and you do have JTAG disabled ?
[13:17:19] <DrLuke> jep
[13:17:27] <DrLuke> rikusw: first thing I did
[13:18:21] <RikusW> did you try an external pullup ?
[13:19:14] <DrLuke> RikusW: http://i.imgur.com/JBTd93X.png
[13:19:17] <DrLuke> this is my circuit
[13:19:37] <DrLuke> the output to the right goes to the enable pin of a DC-DC converter. If that line goes low, the power is cut off to the avr
[13:20:21] <DrLuke> I tried decreasing R13 to 10k, but that made it drain the voltage even faster :S
[13:20:48] <DrLuke> the circuit works perfectly fine on a board without the AVR being populated by the way
[13:22:37] <RikusW> so you have part of the circuit remaining on ?
[13:23:39] <DrLuke> only the NAND flipflop I just sent you, and the dc-dc converter
[13:23:41] <RikusW> maybe add a diode to PC3 ?
[13:23:50] <DrLuke> they are directly connected to the batteries
[13:23:56] <DrLuke> the rest is connected to the dc-dc
[13:27:55] <DrLuke> maybe I should try to add a resistor between PC3 and the input
[13:29:53] <RikusW> diode ?
[13:31:20] <DrLuke> well, I use the pin to measure if the button is pressed
[13:31:40] <DrLuke> a diode would be too much of a voltage drop
[13:31:51] <RikusW> the builtin protection diode will draw current
[13:32:00] <DrLuke> oh
[13:32:54] <DrLuke> wouldn't a resistor fix that perfectly then? It's all really just a question of timing
[13:33:05] <RikusW> might work
[13:33:20] <RikusW> or adding a transistor buffer
[13:33:34] <DrLuke> well the thing is this already is a pcb
[13:33:45] <RikusW> ah
[13:33:52] <RikusW> try a resistor then
[13:34:18] * RikusW try to test the design before designing a pcb...
[13:34:38] <DrLuke> well I tested it, and this problem didn't come up
[13:36:09] <DrLuke> this is pretty embarrasing aswell, because my boss won't be pretty happy that this isn't the final revision yet :P
[13:37:15] <RikusW> find a quick fix(tm) ;)
[13:40:05] <DrLuke> I'm just a bit baffled that the protection diode will draw enough current to outpower a 10k resistor
[13:40:24] <RikusW> if AVR Vcc = 0V it will..
[13:41:07] <DrLuke> oh damn
[13:41:09] <DrLuke> that makes sense
[13:41:16] <DrLuke> so it's almost a short to ground
[13:41:41] <DrLuke> save for the voltage drop
[13:45:31] <RikusW> so you use it as an input pin only ?
[13:46:27] <RikusW> DrLuke: a open collector transistor might solve your problem
[13:46:42] <DrLuke> RikusW: yes
[13:47:03] <RikusW> so NPN + resistor
[13:47:13] <RikusW> + new pcb later....
[13:47:22] <DrLuke> but I also have a second pin connected to the other input pin, but I use that to drive it low
[13:47:31] <RikusW> I guess you could find a place to solder it onto ?
[13:47:39] <DrLuke> trying to solder on the resistor first
[13:48:15] <RikusW> resistor alone might work depending on value
[13:48:37] <DrLuke> 100k vs the 10k pullup
[13:53:19] <RikusW> http://www.liquidpcb.org
[13:54:01] <DrLuke> hehe
[13:54:01] <DrLuke> fancy
[13:58:03] <OndraSter_> RikusW, right click for gestures...
[13:58:04] <OndraSter_> o nom nom
[13:58:17] <OndraSter_> being an opera user for the past few years made me love mouse gestures
[13:58:41] <RikusW> have a look at the ui tab
[13:58:48] <RikusW> curved tracks !
[13:59:02] <OndraSter_> I know!
[13:59:09] <RikusW> and it move out of your way by itself :)
[13:59:12] <OndraSter_> I don't like curved tracks unless we are talking analog
[13:59:31] <RikusW> seems its in early development
[14:00:14] <RikusW> found that site with alis, not google...
[14:00:22] <RikusW> /msg alis help *pcb*
[14:00:48] <RikusW> and go have a chat with Chanserv..... (channel is empty)
[14:01:35] <DrLuke> RikusW: the resistor did the trick! :D
[14:02:06] <RikusW> the quick fix worked :)
[14:02:29] <DrLuke> yep :P
[14:02:38] <DrLuke> now to test the rest of the board
[14:02:45] <DrLuke> next revision shall be the final one
[14:03:04] <RikusW> at least the current ones will be usable
[14:05:01] <RikusW> At least there is no setup costs when ordering from hackvana :)
[14:05:13] <DrLuke> yep :P
[14:05:17] <theBear> hackvana eh ? they make cigars there ?
[14:05:34] <RikusW> all my boards are cheaper than the total setup costs :)
[14:05:47] <DrLuke> yeah, but you have to consider the long shipping time
[14:05:50] <RikusW> theBear: CapnKernel's new nick and company
[14:05:53] <DrLuke> unless you dish out the 30$ for dhl
[14:06:00] <DrLuke> and even then customs often also wants some money
[14:06:11] <RikusW> DrLuke: seems to SA its $60 :(
[14:06:14] <theBear> new nick eh ? jeez, it takes me years to get used to them, but i DO like a good cigar
[14:06:35] <DrLuke> RikusW: :(
[14:06:45] <DrLuke> well you could of course always wait 6 weeks
[14:06:54] <RikusW> no time for that
[14:06:57] <DrLuke> but my boss would die from impatience
[14:07:09] <RikusW> the guy I'm making the boards for is in a hurry
[14:07:25] <RikusW> so he paid..
[14:07:52] <RikusW> And I put one of my own designs on there for a free ride :)
[14:08:03] <theBear> well played sir
[14:31:23] <DrLuke> RikusW: I did that too, and then customs wanted me to pay an extra 30$
[14:31:31] <DrLuke> because I crossed some magical limit
[14:32:16] <RikusW> I'll have to pay 14% VAT
[14:32:26] <RikusW> and some other stuff too
[14:32:53] <RikusW> someone else ordered from digikey and had to pay 20% in total...
[14:37:27] <OndraSter_> only 20%? :)
[14:37:37] <OndraSter_> I ordered worth of $200 = 4000 CZK approximately
[14:37:42] <OndraSter_> and paid 1200CZK on VAT + some forms
[14:40:09] <RikusW> guess I'll find out soon enough
[14:41:03] <RikusW> lets build a teleporter and evade import duties :-D
[14:41:20] <OndraSter_> ;)
[14:41:22] <OndraSter_> but
[14:41:24] <OndraSter_> in order to build it
[14:41:29] <OndraSter_> you need the parts off digikey :(
[14:41:36] <OndraSter_> chicken & egg problem
[14:41:46] <RikusW> next order will be cheaper..
[14:41:57] <RikusW> or send one to hackvana
[14:42:17] <RikusW> faster and cheaper then DHL :-P
[14:42:49] <OndraSter_> I needed to import it directly because digikey has no czech division :(
[14:42:52] <OndraSter_> with cheap shipping
[14:42:57] <RikusW> or lets gate to a taxfree planet instead :)
[14:43:02] <OndraSter_> haha
[14:43:03] <OndraSter_> so I had to order above $200
[14:43:10] <OndraSter_> to get free shipping
[14:43:13] <OndraSter_> and import it myself :(
[14:43:27] <OndraSter_> next time I will have stuff to avoid paying taxes thoguh (or make the govt return the taxes) :P
[14:43:45] <OndraSter_> I will be a "self-employed person"
[14:48:52] <DrLuke> All I need is a missile
[14:48:59] <DrLuke> a sufficiently big missile
[14:50:04] <RikusW> what for ?... IRS ?
[14:55:46] <DrLuke> RikusW: Orbital delivery
[14:55:51] <DrLuke> fast and customs free
[14:55:57] <OndraSter_> :D
[14:55:59] <DrLuke> although it might be a bit pricey
[14:56:04] <DrLuke> suborbital actually
[14:56:10] <DrLuke> no need to actually go orbital :P
[14:56:20] <RikusW> oh, I though the ICBM was meant for customs :-P
[14:56:28] <DrLuke> haha
[14:56:50] <RikusW> 16kbit eeprom in a 2 pin package anyone ? http://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/DS2505.pdf
[14:57:13] <DrLuke> I see 3 pins though
[14:57:23] <DrLuke> oh wait
[14:57:24] <DrLuke> NC
[14:57:28] <RikusW> well 3 pin, but the third To92 pin is NC...
[14:57:42] <RikusW> DOW bus..
[14:57:53] <DrLuke> magic
[14:58:07] <RikusW> I have some DS2770 's too
[14:58:16] <RikusW> but it seems it might be obsolete
[14:58:31] <RikusW> liion charger
[14:59:10] <OndraSter_> well onewire
[14:59:13] <OndraSter_> with power over data :)
[14:59:21] <OndraSter_> I have got here few onewire stuff
[14:59:31] <OndraSter_> like... five DS18B20 and three EEPROMs
[14:59:31] <RikusW> data over power ?
[14:59:35] <OndraSter_> err
[14:59:37] <OndraSter_> power over data :)
[14:59:52] <DrLuke> It'd actually be rather impressive if they put those into a 1206 package
[14:59:56] <DrLuke> or similar
[14:59:57] <OndraSter_> wow
[14:59:57] <OndraSter_> idd
[15:00:38] <OndraSter_> even 1610 would be impressive
[15:01:00] <DrLuke> yeah
[15:01:19] <DrLuke> as it goes, there probably are eeproms with i2c in the same package
[15:01:25] <DrLuke> and it'd be imho more comfortable to use that
[15:01:45] <OndraSter_> the so8, yes
[15:11:31] <RikusW> ugh, it needs 12V to program...
[15:16:53] <kdehl> When I try to compile my project I get: architecture of input file `display.o' is incompatible with avr output
[15:17:27] <kdehl> http://pastebin.com/6sjt7kgK
[15:17:29] <kdehl> Any ideas?
[15:17:45] <RikusW> rebuild all
[15:17:59] <kdehl> Did that.
[15:18:20] <kdehl> It's the linking, is it trying to link with my native libraries?
[15:18:47] <RikusW> maybe
[15:20:04] <kdehl> Ah.
[15:20:06] <kdehl> Found it.
[15:20:22] <kdehl> I forgot to add the CC flags to the linker stage.
[15:22:31] <kdehl> Yay! I works.
[15:22:45] <kdehl> God damn, Makefiles are messy.
[15:27:51] <kdehl> Is it dangerous to try to talk about PIC in here?
[15:28:43] <theBear> lol, probly not, but most of us even if we have used pics haven't done it for years, or maybe this century/millenium
[15:29:19] <kdehl> Heh.
[15:29:22] <kdehl> I see.
[15:29:54] <kdehl> Well, I just saw somewhere that there are PICs running at what, 80 MHz... that should be fast enough to run a NES emulator in, shouldn't it?
[15:29:55] <RikusW> pic is _the_ opposition :-P
[15:30:09] <RikusW> 32bit or 8bit ?
[15:30:16] <kdehl> No idea.
[15:30:21] <RikusW> 8bit PIC use 4 clocks per instruction
[15:30:27] <kdehl> Well the NES is 8 bit. Hah.
[15:30:32] <kdehl> Oh.
[15:30:33] <RikusW> so 20MHz AVR == 80MHz PIC
[15:30:42] <kdehl> Well, if so, the difference is nil.
[15:30:58] <kdehl> Clever marketing, perhaps.
[15:31:13] <RikusW> 32bit PIC might be another story, never read a datasheet of one
[15:31:20] <RikusW> so I can't really say
[15:31:55] <theBear> and a nes emulator is, well any emulator involving hw AND cpu emulation, is kinda taxing
[15:31:56] <kdehl> Hm. But there are 32-bit AVRs as well, right?
[15:32:08] <kdehl> Yeah, I know. I've written a few. :)
[15:32:21] <kdehl> Last on in (don't laugh!) Java!
[15:32:41] <theBear> you familiar with nes emulation ? from memory it's mostly graphics and audio that takes the real emulating
[15:32:54] <RikusW> there is AVR32, its more like ARM than AVR8
[15:33:14] <kdehl> Yeah, graphics, especially. I've never done any audio.
[15:33:19] <kdehl> RikusW: Ah.
[15:33:37] <kdehl> But the PPU is awful to emulate, since it's not linear graphics.
[15:33:40] <RikusW> it runs at max 66MHz
[15:33:55] <kdehl> Hm, okay.
[15:34:07] <kdehl> But it is a microcontroller, not just a CPU?
[15:34:36] <RikusW> yes
[15:34:51] <kdehl> Hm. Interesting.
[15:35:14] <RikusW> https://sites.google.com/site/megau2s/home/datasheets
[15:35:26] <kdehl> "The multiply–accumulate unit is capable of performing a 32-bit * 16-bit + 48-bit"
[15:35:27] <DrLuke> atmels also has ARMs
[15:35:29] <kdehl> Seems nice.
[15:35:40] <RikusW> kdehl: those links should work...
[15:35:44] <kdehl> AVR8 doesn't even have a multiply instruction, does it?
[15:35:48] <kdehl> RikusW: Looking.
[15:35:54] <RikusW> it does
[15:35:59] <RikusW> but not all of them
[15:36:31] <kdehl> Ah, okay.
[15:36:39] <kdehl> The 6502 in the NES does not!
[15:37:06] <RikusW> mega128 is more powerful than 6502 :-P
[15:37:10] <RikusW> or 8088
[15:38:01] <theBear> couple hundred mhz of arm can do an ok version of nes emulation at low res
[15:38:29] <theBear> yeah, but 6502 + emulated graphics AND emulated sound takeas a lotta headroom
[15:38:54] <theBear> but for raw native stuff, most avrs beat most older cpus :)
[15:39:27] <kdehl> NES is always low resolution. :)
[15:40:04] <theBear> not as low as my pre 2003 pdas
[15:40:19] <theBear> specially in half-res :)
[15:40:36] <kdehl> Heh.
[15:41:46] <kdehl> There doesn't seem to be any AVR32s in DIP. I think I'll pass.
[15:41:58] <theBear> there's an arm lpcsomething in dip :)
[15:42:35] <RikusW> kdehl: all is in 0.5mm tqfp or qfn etc
[15:42:50] <RikusW> or bga
[15:42:53] <kdehl> RikusW: Yeah, I saw that.
[15:42:56] * kdehl shivers
[15:43:08] <kdehl> http://www.adafruit.com/blog/2012/03/13/32-bit-meet-dip-arm-cortex-m0-in-dip-packages/
[15:43:10] <[1]MrMobius> theBear, which pda is that?
[15:43:13] <RikusW> I'll attempt the tqfp
[15:43:25] <kdehl> Nah, who needs 32 bits!
[15:43:29] <[1]MrMobius> i need a 3 inch b&w LCD. i think ill steal one from an old PDA
[15:43:56] <theBear> [1]MrMobius, got a bunch, several hps, xda1 (wallaby) and 2(himalaya) (first 2 phones htc ever made, years before they put their own name on them)
[15:44:22] <[1]MrMobius> thats cool. are you collecting them or you just still have them?
[15:44:31] <theBear> these are all colour, most of them whatchacallit-flective screens
[15:45:01] <theBear> i wouldn't say collecting, very few are in 'full working order' but good for random arm development stuff, and lcd and uclinux experiments
[15:45:13] <kdehl> About that, do you guys have a nice graphical color display to recommend? Preferably a cheap one.
[15:45:15] <theBear> one of them was still my phone until 2 years ago
[15:45:28] <[1]MrMobius> hehe, nice
[15:45:43] <kdehl> Now that I have keyboard input and text output, I should move on to mouse input and graphical output methinks.
[15:45:52] <theBear> kdehl, mostly it seems old cellphone lcds are cheapest/easiest these days, even if you buy them as a sparepart or from ebay
[15:46:11] <theBear> depending on what you doing you can do basic vga with an avr
[15:46:25] <kdehl> theBear: I've seen those, but they are extremely small. I was thinking about 3-4 inches...
[15:46:34] <kdehl> theBear: Hah, I thought that would be the next step!
[15:46:54] <kdehl> But then with an ISA VGA card.
[15:47:03] <theBear> kdehl, maybe look for an old pda/fone then, if you can do ffc connectors most of the ones in my box of stuff i just been talking about is easily drivable
[15:47:40] <theBear> hmm, 8bit or hacked card might work good, when i've looked at doing 16bit isa on avrs i always run out of pins
[15:48:15] <[1]MrMobius> you have to be careful with LCDs. i have several nice looking ones that have no datasheet
[15:48:23] <kdehl> theBear: Ah, good point.
[15:48:32] <kdehl> I should check for an 8-bit VGA card on ebay...
[15:48:47] <kdehl> [1]MrMobius: Yeah, I think I'll buy new ones just to be sure.
[15:49:07] <theBear> heh, good luck... it's been a LONG time, but tseng et3000 should be 8bit, err, damn, surely i can remebmer more than that
[15:49:26] <theBear> new ones guarantee nothing, look 'em up before you buy
[15:49:56] <kdehl> Yeah. Will do.
[15:49:56] <theBear> i think there were some early s3's
[15:50:13] <theBear> weren't many thinking about it, most 8bits were ega or cga :)
[15:50:37] <[1]MrMobius> theBear, any recommendation for a 3-4 inch monochrome screen? old pdas are cheap but who knows if anyone can run it with an mcu
[15:51:06] <kdehl> theBear: I had a Hercules screen in the early 90s.
[15:51:17] <kdehl> Man, the nostalgia.
[15:51:26] <theBear> erm, not really, tho err, ka0118 ? based ones are pretty easy to drive and not uncommon, also lookup clone p/n's, like those generic text ones they are OFTEN copied
[15:51:48] <kdehl> Heh. The cheapest 8-bit VGA card I can find on ebay is 80 bucks. I think I'll pass on that one...
[15:51:51] <theBear> heh, friends dad had a herc, i was VERY impressed by the semi-dual-screen and mode (command) switching :)
[15:52:29] <kdehl> I seem to remember that you could (sometimes?) run 16-bit cards on 8-bit slots... wasn't that true?
[15:52:33] <theBear> might be worth looking up vram and ramdac chips, make your own VERY simple 'video card'
[15:52:42] <kdehl> Or maybe it was VESA cards that could be run as ISA.
[15:52:49] <theBear> kdehl, dunno, works the other way round
[15:52:57] <kdehl> Heh. That I do know. :)
[15:53:03] <theBear> and pretty sure i never seen a vesa localbus card that runs in a raw isa slot
[15:53:26] <theBear> heh, nice to talk to someone else that was actually there to remember this stuff :)
[15:53:43] <kdehl> I'm quite certain I've done that once, only connecting half the card to a bus and it still worked. I'm not sure whether it was graphics card, though.
[15:53:51] <kdehl> theBear: Haha. Yeah. I'm getting old!
[15:53:58] <kdehl> Turned 33 last week.
[15:54:02] <kdehl> Or two weeks ago.
[15:54:08] <theBear> heh, yer only a year ahead of me, almost exactly
[15:54:09] <kdehl> Or something. I lost count already.
[15:54:16] <kdehl> Hehe.
[15:54:22] <theBear> i'm about 2 and a half weeks
[15:54:59] <kdehl> Ago?
[15:55:12] <theBear> yup
[15:55:44] * RikusW is 31.5
[15:55:49] <theBear> and 'with any luck' i get officially declared a cripple later thismorning :(
[15:56:01] <theBear> lol, not long till 3/4 eh rikus <grin>
[15:56:02] <kdehl> Man, we're all old in here!
[15:56:29] <theBear> just remember, you aint old till you can't drink 3 jugs of beer in a single sitting
[15:56:51] <kdehl> Ugh. I can't even drink beer at all.
[15:56:55] <theBear> and while i may have a walking stick, i can do that in about 10 minutes without even trying :)
[15:57:06] <theBear> ugh ! you are old <grin>
[15:57:08] * RikusW wonders where scuzzy went...
[15:57:31] <theBear> i dunno, some of it fell off my spare chair earlier tonight, bit of the enclosure cracked off :(
[15:57:57] <RikusW> seems he got a new job and no time to spare...
[15:58:00] <theBear> and the scanner is in the other room with a BIG fat cable (cp50 <> scsi2 ext metal clip) and a 2940 or so card :)
[15:58:04] <theBear> oh, you mean the actual dude
[15:58:09] <theBear> i thought we were still reminiscing :)
[15:58:15] * kdehl goes ebay hunting
[15:58:37] <kdehl> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Diamond-Speedster-PRO-VL-ISA-16-bit-VGA-or-Vesa-Card-IBM-tested-working-/261180787848?pt=US_Vintage_Computing_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3ccf968c88
[15:58:38] <RikusW> scsi is history...
[15:58:51] <theBear> oooh diamond speedster, that was a fancy one
[15:58:53] <kdehl> See that one! It has a 8-bit ISA + VESA slot
[15:59:00] <theBear> yeah, i might get a new scanner one day, but this one works good
[15:59:05] <kdehl> The description is wrong.
[15:59:17] <theBear> heh, it is :)
[15:59:30] <kdehl> Maybe that could work...
[15:59:42] <kdehl> In 8-bit mode only.
[15:59:50] <theBear> i suppose with vl you didn't need 16, isa would mainly have been for power, the vl woulda done all the actual graphics stuff
[16:00:42] <kdehl> Yeah, maybe.
[16:00:51] <theBear> ALL vl cards had some isa connector, pretty sure they don't connect much to it tho.. but you can always lookup the chip (hmmm, i THINK you can find datasheets for older graphics chips) and see if you can drive it in 8 or 16bit bus mode, then just connect to the pins/buffers/whatever
[16:00:54] <kdehl> I guess digging into the VESA bus is a no-no, huh?
[16:01:07] <theBear> not a nono, but it's fast and wide, at least by avr standards
[16:01:15] <kdehl> Heh.
[16:01:20] <theBear> then again, so is full speed isa, even 8bit
[16:01:25] <kdehl> Not as much nono as PCI, perhaps?
[16:01:30] <kdehl> Hehe, really?
[16:01:33] <theBear> fortunately most cards were 'dumb' enough to be happy at low speeds
[16:01:43] <theBear> isa is 8.something mhz from memory
[16:01:50] <kdehl> I guess I could use a separate controller for the video, only.
[16:01:55] <kdehl> Ouch.
[16:02:20] <theBear> of course, i'm PRETTY sure 2mhz xt's and even sub 8mhz 286s didn't run it that fast
[16:02:46] <theBear> tho i'm sure my multi-hundred-mhz p2 board does run it that fast
[16:03:04] <theBear> usually 486 and later isa boards had an adjustable divider/setting for the isa
[16:03:18] <kdehl> Ah.
[16:03:38] <kdehl> I had a 286 that I threw away only a few years ago. I sure regret that now.
[16:04:11] <theBear> if you can find a tech recycle place they usually got mountains of that stuff and are happy to give a couple away
[16:04:12] <kdehl> Hm. Anyway, seems I'll have to go 16-bit, after all. I won't pay $70 for an 8-bit VGA card...
[16:04:22] <kdehl> Yeah, that's true.
[16:04:39] <theBear> just remember, you don't have to use the bus, only drive the controller, power the ramdac and ram
[16:05:26] <theBear> heh, and probly look for one with minimal ram, 1 or 2mb of old 80ns chips will use a 'lot' of power :)
[16:05:45] <kdehl> Isn't it easier to go through the bus? I thought there might be a simple standard one could follow, so that I could use any VGA card I find.
[16:05:49] <kdehl> Heh.
[16:06:13] <kdehl> I mean, all computers from that era supported ISA VGA cards, so there must be a standard for it.
[16:07:04] <theBear> i suppose there is raw bios style pre vesa vga, whatever that was called, just vgabios standard or something, but it's easy to reverse engineer cards of that age, and it may just workout easier to only use some of the bus, or skip a layer of glue
[16:07:31] <kdehl> Okay.
[16:07:37] <kdehl> I'll keep that in mind, for sure.
[16:07:44] <theBear> erg, gotta get up in 3 hours, i'm gonna try to sleep again, stupid chronic pain and painkillers that make you sleep for days at a time
[16:08:18] <RikusW> kdehl: you won't be able to use the onboard vga bios, unless you emulate x86 on avr ;)
[16:08:20] <theBear> good lucks, and let the channel know how you go, might inspire me to finally do the same... i don't think i got an isa handy, but i got a VERY old s3 pci i'm quietly confident about hacking
[16:08:36] <theBear> ahh, rikus makes a good point
[16:08:37] <RikusW> or go directly to the registers on the board and skip the bios
[16:08:43] <theBear> gnight :)
[16:08:48] <RikusW> gn
[16:09:26] <kdehl> theBear: What happened to you, man?
[16:09:38] <kdehl> RikusW: Aha, so that's the problem...
[16:10:19] <RikusW> kdehl: the vga bios is a bit of glue to make all cards "standard"
[16:10:51] <kdehl> http://tinyvga.com/avr-isa-vga
[16:10:53] <RikusW> guess you can have a look at older Linux kernel source to se how to drive it directly
[16:10:59] <kdehl> I see.
[16:11:09] <kdehl> Yeah, or Minix.
[16:11:10] <kdehl> Heh.
[16:11:22] <RikusW> newer kernels probably kicked most ISA stuff by now
[16:11:48] <kdehl> I was very upset when I saw that they dropped 386 support!
[16:12:52] <RikusW> 23:00 here...
[16:13:07] <mudd1206> Though it's more of a make question than an avr question, would it be possible for me to ask a question about the avr make template here?
[16:25:15] <kdehl> http://www.ebay.com/itm/ISA-VGA-Video-Card-S-Video-CVBS-Connectors-Tested-8-bit-ISA-/290878508901?pt=PCC_Video_TV_Cards&hash=item43b9b5cf65
[16:25:18] <kdehl> Oh hell yeah!
[16:25:51] <kdehl> What do you guys think?
[16:33:52] <kdehl> Rious: You don't think there's a point in getting that?
[16:34:03] <kdehl> If I should use the chip on the card directly anyway.
[16:36:57] <kdehl> That's crazy though, S-video, composite and VGA, all on a 8-bit ISA card...
[16:59:47] <mudd1206> quick question on avarice debugging - if avarace supports a device (in my case, attiny84), is the picopower variant also supported (attiny84A) - or is it considered a different device?
[17:08:52] <Malinuss> mudd1206, propably the same device, they do have seperate datasheets iirc because of the power registers
[17:09:02] <OndraSter_> well check their ID
[17:10:43] <mudd1206> How would I go about that? I haven't ordered the parts yet - I'm trying to get in idea before I order (because I don't really need the power savings if it means debug isn't supported)
[17:14:19] <OndraSter_> in the datasheet
[17:14:34] <OndraSter_> you can not debug on the picopower usually
[17:14:38] <OndraSter_> or at least enter the picopower while debugging
[17:14:43] <OndraSter_> since you need debugwire enabled
[17:14:47] <OndraSter_> and debugwire + sleep = no no
[17:16:50] <mudd1206> for clarification - you say "enter picopower" - I thought picopower meant lower idle power. If I never sleep the micro, is there then no benefit?
[17:16:58] <OndraSter_> no idea
[17:17:00] <OndraSter_> check datasheet :D
[17:17:02] <OndraSter_> electrical section
[17:23:27] <mudd1206> I can't find any significant difference in power consumption when idle, at least not at the frequency I'm running on - so I guess the non-pico power version is a better solution.
[17:24:06] <mudd1206> Thanks Malinuss and OndraSter_ - guess I'm ordering the attiny84
[17:27:39] <tzanger> placing a mouser order.. anyone need anything? :-)
[17:31:29] <Malinuss> tzanger, where do you live?
[17:32:23] <tzanger> Malinuss: I'm mostly joking, I don't think I'm local to any of you
[17:32:34] <tzanger> I'm in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
[17:33:34] <Malinuss> you never know ;)
[17:33:58] <Malinuss> But yeah if I lived in Canada I would assume the same, haha!
[17:34:24] <tzanger> hahaha
[18:49:56] <theBear> there's a couple canadanianas around, not sure about ontario
[19:21:46] <nn7> so what causes reset loops on these things? I now have two projects that will sometimes get into a reboot loop.
[19:22:22] <nn7> The loop stays a constant period while the device is on
[19:22:42] <nn7> power cycling it may bring it into another loop (of different duration) or may not result in any loop at all
[19:23:03] <Horologium> poorly written software?
[19:23:48] <DrLuke> yep, that can cause resets
[19:24:43] <Horologium> also poorly designed hardware, specially in the oscillator section.
[19:24:58] <nn7> using the internal oscillator on the microcontroller
[19:34:58] <krphop> nn7: BOD enabled?
[19:35:04] <krphop> or watchdog?
[19:36:00] <nn7> both disabled
[19:37:19] <krphop> got a pullup on reset?
[19:38:24] <nn7> yes
[19:39:10] <Tom_itx> watchdog timer
[19:39:15] <Tom_itx> disable it
[19:41:26] <nn7> the wdton fuse is not set, my code never touches the WDTCSR register
[19:41:40] <nn7> I have deleted most of my code, it's still resetting
[19:42:01] <nn7> (although the other pin activity has stopped because that code is gone)
[19:46:14] <nn7> ok, I had a short reset period previously (17.5 ms), now I have a long period (about 85ms)
[19:46:36] <nn7> however, one of my pins that goes high right after power-on goes tri-state at 17.5ms now
[19:46:50] <Tom_itx> got another chip to try?
[19:47:04] <nn7> ..... yes
[19:49:40] <nn7> after a power cycle it no longer does the reboot loop
[19:49:49] <nn7> I've done 20 power cycles now, no reboot
[19:50:25] <Tom_itx> maybe the chip was borked
[19:51:10] <nn7> this code was working GREAT on a atmega324p. I ported the code over to a tiny2313, removed a bunch of text strings that were taking up too much ram, and have spent >7 hours chasing down weird stuff
[19:51:34] <nn7> uart_puts() often puts out corrupted strings, but uart_putc doesn't
[19:52:01] <nn7> and puts is just while(*str)
[19:52:02] <nn7> uart_putc(*str++);
[20:07:48] <nn7> Tom_itx, What would you charge for a code review?
[20:08:23] <Tom_itx> in a bit i can look
[20:08:35] <Tom_itx> i'm not the best c coder
[20:23:24] <Tom_itx> post it and someone will critique it i'm sure
[20:25:23] <nn7> I'm combing through / cleaning it up now
[20:38:26] <jadew> nn7, how do you know it puts out corrupted strings?
[20:38:54] <jadew> also, puts is nothing than putc so you can't say puts puts out something and putc doesn't
[20:39:28] <nn7> at this point I'm not sure I can explain it
[20:39:51] <jadew> I understand what you mean, but the data is not complete
[20:40:22] <jadew> first of all, we need to know HOW you know that it's not working properly
[20:40:27] <jadew> what's your setup?
[20:40:31] <jadew> how are you testing
[20:40:44] <jadew> second of all, you didn't post the contents of putc()
[20:40:50] <nn7> oh, I have a usb<->serial device and I'm watching the strings with a terminal program
[20:41:31] <nn7> I had code with a bunch of uart_puts("!\r\n"); maybe a dozen of those, followed by a line to send data out of the SPI, followed by a while(1);
[20:42:12] <nn7> running that code would give me a bunch of weird characters, identical characters, the same number of characters as there were uart_puts lines
[20:42:40] <nn7> if I commented out the SPI send line, the uart_puts would put out the correct thing (an exclaimation point followed by newlines)
[20:42:50] <nn7> I could switch back and forth numerous times
[20:43:00] <nn7> I've changed chips and so far everything is working
[20:43:35] <jadew> now the second thing, the code inside putc
[20:44:39] <nn7> while(!(UCSRA & (1 << UDRE))); // Wait until transmit buffer is empty
[20:44:39] <nn7> UDR = c; // Send character
[20:45:49] <jadew> ok, now here's the deal
[20:46:08] <jadew> you said that spi output thing was AFTER your serial code
[20:46:16] <jadew> yet all the data got jumbled up
[20:46:21] <nn7> yes
[20:46:31] <jadew> but when removed it was all fine
[20:46:36] <nn7> yes
[20:47:15] <jadew> thing is, the SPI code will get ran the soonest during when the last character is getting sent
[20:47:24] <jadew> all the other ones should be on the other side, just fine
[20:47:31] <nn7> agreed
[20:47:49] <jadew> so it can't be that call alone
[20:47:50] <nn7> while debugging I tried adding another while(!(UCSRA & (1 << UDRE))); AFTER the UDR=c
[20:48:09] <nn7> I fully understand that it makes no sense
[20:48:13] <nn7> I tried adding capacitors
[20:48:24] <nn7> I tried going with a crystal in case the baud rates weren't lining up
[20:48:41] <jadew> speaking of which
[20:48:44] <Tom_itx> using the same usart?
[20:48:47] <jadew> what crystal?
[20:49:02] <nn7> no, I was bit-banging the SPI, using hardware UART
[20:49:20] <jadew> and what are you using when it's bugging out? also what baudrate are you using?
[20:49:24] <nn7> I couldn't really understand the hardware SPI on this tiny2313, seemed too complex
[20:49:51] <nn7> Right now I'm at 125k baud, but I've tried everything from 38.4k to 500k
[20:49:57] <nn7> the crystal I added was 16 mhz
[20:50:15] <jadew> ok, now that's most likely an issue
[20:50:33] <jadew> your usb to serial thingie is probably using a 12Mhz clock
[20:50:40] <nn7> what complicated things was when uart_puts("!\r\n") didn't work, uart_putc('!'); uart_putc('\r'); uart_putc('\n'); worked fine
[20:51:01] <jadew> I don't know if 125khz is fine on 16Mhz
[20:51:06] <jadew> but I know it's ok on 12
[20:51:47] <Tom_itx> http://www.wormfood.net/avrbaudcalc.php
[20:52:26] <jadew> yeah, but 125 is not there, it could be fine tho
[20:53:10] <Tom_itx> you can make one at the top
[20:54:47] <Tom_itx> 16Mhz 125khz 0.0% error
[20:55:06] <Tom_itx> if i did it right
[20:55:18] <nn7> the serial port is the polulu AVR programmer. I think the crystal is stamped "z0w" but I have no idea what that means
[20:55:40] <nn7> I chose 125k because it came out right mathematically
[20:56:40] <nn7> I guess I could probe this crystal with a scope, but I have a feeling that will make it quite unhappy
[21:02:27] <nn7> If I put my micro to sleep, and set the oscillator to start up with 0ms delay, I should still be able to do synchronous communication immediately, right?
[21:02:40] <nn7> the clock might be unstable but that's only a concern with async?
[21:22:10] <creep> hey
[22:14:32] <nn7> thanks everyone for your help!
[22:14:34] <nn7> hi creep
[22:28:08] <creep> what is the other cable type on the xilinx programmer ?
[22:28:30] <tzanger> "other cable type" ?
[22:28:35] <tzanger> they're usually ribbon cables
[22:28:46] <creep> VCC CLK CCLK D/P DIN PROG
[22:28:56] <creep> i mean this
[22:35:09] <creep> could not locate this image on net now, so uploaded it again "xilinx Serial jt-05000 jtag cable" http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=t8alup&s=6
[22:35:18] <creep> i saw this used for avr too
[22:36:12] <creep> i like it
[22:36:23] <creep> it can convert logic levels
[22:40:54] <creep> though i could replace 2 of those gates with 2 transistors, and only use one 125
[23:11:24] <creep> oh yea
[23:11:45] <creep> theBear<< combined IR&temperature measurement seems to pass
[23:12:21] <creep> the matte black copper IR collector surface makes the PT100 sensor much hotter