#avr | Logs for 2013-02-28

[01:36:09] <Valen> so, my super squeezy design is too small for 805's
[01:36:22] <Valen> practically speaking how hard is it to use 402s?
[01:36:44] <Valen> with mask for solder paste, do routed boards still work?
[01:38:24] <ferdna> i feel happy
[02:00:43] <inflex> Valen: can't go to 0603?
[02:01:16] <Valen> its not really that much smaller
[02:01:47] <Valen> theres plenty of room in 402
[02:02:02] <Valen> though I plan on milling the first board which adds another kink to the works
[02:02:29] <inflex> I find 0603 is a pretty good jump from 0805
[02:02:50] <inflex> 0402 is quite painful to deal with - and I use 0603 all the time
[02:04:04] <Valen> rules that out then I guess
[02:04:14] <Valen> worst case I'll turn the mill into a pick n place ;->
[02:05:10] <inflex> urrruugh, yeah, good luck with that
[02:05:22] <inflex> probably get 200 parts/hr
[02:05:30] <Valen> that'd be plenty lol
[02:05:36] <inflex> it's painful to watch
[02:05:41] <Valen> though the new mill should pull 3-5G
[02:05:56] <Valen> meh, turn it on, walk away
[02:06:08] <inflex> Hrmm... for $3k~5k you can get a Manncorp P&P
[02:06:20] <Valen> more $ than its worth i think
[02:06:44] <Valen> cheap though I'll grant you
[02:06:49] <inflex> I suppose it depends on what you do with it.
[02:07:01] * inflex was seriusly considering getting a P&P machine, second hand, about $5k
[02:07:01] <Valen> if this board takes off sure
[02:07:21] <inflex> but I think it might simply be easier to get someone in overseas to do it
[02:07:51] <Malinuss> Valen, what are you making?
[02:08:02] <Valen> led torch with usb charger and battery cutout
[02:08:06] <Valen> keyring sized
[02:08:15] <Valen> total board area is 10x15mm
[02:08:17] <inflex> sexbot3000
[02:08:22] <Valen> pshaw
[02:08:36] <Valen> make those with assloads of irf1405's in 220 packs
[02:08:37] <Malinuss> oh okay, sounds like fun
[02:08:39] <inflex> ah, what charger chip are you going to use? I just did a circuit for the same idea about a week ago
[02:08:49] <Valen> (get it, assloads get it!)
[02:08:52] <inflex> Valen: though mine was for a battery-backedup night-light/emergency-light
[02:09:00] <Malinuss> Valen, so no uC :O?
[02:09:02] <Valen> mcp73831
[02:09:08] <inflex> yeah, same one I'm using
[02:09:16] * inflex loves using them, easy to use, fairly robust
[02:09:16] <Valen> I was debating, they are pretty big physically
[02:09:23] <Valen> I managed to cook one
[02:09:23] <inflex> SOT23-5?
[02:09:32] <Valen> but then i wired it up wrong ;->
[02:09:34] <Valen> yeah
[02:09:40] <Valen> I have had a 10Ah cell hanging off it
[02:09:49] <Valen> I think i epoxied a heatsink onto it ;->
[02:10:16] <inflex> hahah, okay, that's a bit brutal, for that I'd use something else *laugh*
[02:10:26] <inflex> mine are only 200~500mAh cells :)
[02:10:27] <Valen> well really it shouldn't matter
[02:10:40] <Valen> 500ma is going to be enough time for it it hit saturation in terms of temp
[02:11:01] <inflex> I really never tried them at 500mA rates
[02:11:19] <Valen> at 10Ah of cells, you damn well run it at 500ma lol
[02:11:20] <inflex> I set mine to 300mA maximum
[02:11:45] <Valen> I couldn't find anything off the shelf to do it switchmode with more amps
[02:13:04] <Valen> what I'd really like is an off the shelf widget that would charge and balance 2 cells from usb
[02:15:04] <inflex> aye well, good luck with that, I never found much other than the Atmel controller that handles up to 4 cells
[02:15:19] <Valen> hrm?
[02:15:46] <inflex> ja, Atmel have an AVR that is focused on managing up to a 4S pack
[02:15:51] <inflex> trying to find it now
[02:16:18] <Valen> oh theres lots of ones that tell you SOC and voltages of individual cells
[02:19:00] <Malinuss> Valen, I have a question. I'm making a waterproof enclosure, in which there is a 3-pin 3.7V 1230mAh li-ion battery... I have a charger for it, that just connects to AC, but all your talk made me think, if it would be possible to just connect it to usb/AC, and get rid of the need of dissambling the case. Any ideas :)?
[02:19:39] <nusse> i have an attiny 2313 and set the fuses to lfuse:0xce hfuse:0x9b efuse:0xff, trying to run from a 16mhz quarz, should this work?
[02:20:08] <Valen> 3 pin battery?
[02:20:50] <Valen> but if all you were looking to do was charge a single cell from USB (and you don't care about the time) then there are plenty of usb chargers
[02:20:51] <Malinuss> Valen, yeah, you know, it's one of the fancy batteries that are used in digital cameras, where the 3rd pin is a thermistor, or some digital data for the charger
[02:21:03] <Valen> for waterproofing I'd suggest looking into wireless charging
[02:21:19] <Valen> energiser have charge mats and phones etc are starting to come with it now
[02:21:54] <Valen> otherwise use the usb charge, stick a diode (schotty) onto it and just leave the terminals exposed
[02:23:36] <Malinuss> Valen, well the case already has a connector like this: http://i00.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/534198888/c8_2pin_ac_power_connector_socket.jpg , because I'm reusing a other, broken charger for the case... But I guess that could be modded to a usb connector with gnd and the 5v so it shouldn't be a problem. I'm still not sure how I know if my battery is 1 cell or not :)
[02:23:53] <nusse> okay got it, i programmed for ceramic osc, fuck
[02:25:17] <Malinuss> nusse, yeah better double-check the fuses with the datasheet. Remember you propably want the slowest startup and the 8mhz< setup
[02:27:08] <Valen> multimeter will tell you if its 1 or 2 cell
[02:27:54] <Malinuss> Valen, how ? the reading just says 4.1V (even though it's rated 3.7V heh)
[02:28:06] <Valen> thats a fully charged single cell
[02:28:24] <Valen> or a totally screwed 2 cell
[02:28:58] <Malinuss> what would it says if it was 2 celled?
[02:29:56] <Malinuss> Valen, also it's not screwed, because I have 2 of those batteries, and both read about the same
[02:30:51] <nusse> Malinuss: already broke it
[02:31:26] <nusse> wondering wether i can use the test-signal on my scope to get a clock
[02:31:27] <Malinuss> nusse, if you have a programmer with a clock source (MKII etc.), it shouldn't be a problem
[02:32:43] <Valen> 8.2v charged
[02:35:15] <nusse> Malinuss: mysmartusb light
[02:36:54] <Malinuss> Valen, okay thanks.. I think I will try and integrate something like this into my case: http://circuitsdiy.com/projects/usb-li-ion-charger
[02:38:51] <Valen> dont run usb on that mains pluf
[02:38:53] <Valen> plug
[02:39:04] <Valen> somebody sometime will plug mains into it
[02:39:07] <Valen> then there will be fire
[02:39:25] <Valen> thats a whole lot of hassle btw Malinuss
[02:39:40] <Valen> just use the charger IC i mentioned
[02:40:12] <Valen> or the different by one model that gives you a charged light (the one i use gives you charging, not finished)
[02:40:47] <Malinuss> Valen, and it can be directly connected ot mains?
[02:41:01] <Valen> no its a usb lipo charger
[02:41:06] <Valen> just like the one you posted
[02:41:22] <Valen> if you have room, perhaps hack up a $2 mains > usb adaptor? ;->
[02:41:50] <Malinuss> Valen, the one I posted was a li-ion :)
[02:42:02] <Malinuss> which is what I need
[02:42:04] <Valen> eh lion lipoly
[02:42:11] <Valen> they will exist
[02:45:14] <Malinuss> Valen, but I'm guessing that there are no IC's that would allow for a direct connection to them ;D?
[02:45:22] <Valen> not to mains
[02:45:39] <Malinuss> Valen, so I would need some kind of AC-DC circuit?
[02:51:10] <Malinuss> Valen, also thanks for the help :)
[02:51:31] <Valen> ummm i think you should perhaps steer clear of mains
[02:52:21] <nusse> oh no the programmer isp connection wasnt there, fuck
[02:55:33] <vsync_> if id use your lipo charger
[02:55:41] <vsync_> id use it in a bunker
[02:56:00] <Malinuss> vsync_, xD
[02:56:11] <vsync_> anyway with 500 mA usb provides, iirc, your charger will be a slow ass one
[02:56:28] <vsync_> unless you only charge small packs
[02:57:01] <Malinuss> vsync_, only if you consider 1230mAh, 3.7V small
[02:57:17] <vsync_> well kinda.
[02:57:28] <vsync_> and ur charger will be slow even for that
[02:57:36] <vsync_> cant even do .5C
[02:58:03] <vsync_> i charge my 1-5 Ah packs with 1-1.5C
[02:58:35] <vsync_> so gl charging that pack for like 2.5hrs
[02:59:11] <Malinuss> vsync_, slow as how slow? 48 hours-slow, or 4 hours-slow? My calculation says 3hours should do the 1230mAh
[02:59:17] <Malinuss> even with a 20% loss
[02:59:48] <vsync_> yes thats fking slow
[03:00:17] <Malinuss> vsync_, it's fine for this setup, since it would only need recharging once a year (hopefully less)
[03:43:26] <Malinuss> Valen, I'm looking at the mcp73831, what was the name of the IC that also showed the finsihed status?
[03:47:02] <Valen> probably the same one
[03:47:07] <Valen> it says in the datasheet
[03:47:16] <Valen> its like a 32 or something not a 31
[04:06:27] <Malinuss> Valen, ah yeah, thanks again heh
[04:07:29] <Malinuss> Valen, how do you know if it
[04:07:46] <Malinuss> it's finished if you don't have that indicator btw.?
[04:17:01] <Valen> the light turns off
[05:30:24] * inflex returns from squash
[07:47:10] <hasd> hi, I have a atmega168pa and avr dragon to program it. I made the SPI connection as it is suggested on http://www.atmel.no/webdoc/avrdragon/avrdragon.SCKT3200A2.html but when I open atmel studio 6 and select Tools > Device programming > Tool: AVR Dragon, Device: ATmega168PA, Interface ISP > apply. then I click on "Read" button for device signature, but i get a warning that says "read device ID does not match the selected device".. am I doing
[07:52:35] <OndraSter> how are you powering the atmega?
[07:54:28] <hasd> OndraSter: atmega's pin 7 (VCC) is connected to the VCC header of AVR dragon. Is it sufficient for powering or do I need to apply an external power to the mcu?
[07:55:47] <OndraSter> no, that is fine
[07:55:56] <OndraSter> same for GND I presume?
[07:56:16] <OndraSter> how long cable are you using?
[07:57:02] <hasd> no, atmega's GND (pin 8) is connected to the ISP's GND (pin 6)
[07:57:04] <hasd> http://www.atmel.no/webdoc/avrdragon/avrdragon.SCKT3200A2.html
[07:57:14] <hasd> cable lenghts are different, could it be the problem?
[07:57:24] <hasd> they are maybe 40 cm
[07:57:29] <OndraSter> 40cm is fairly a lot
[07:57:45] <hasd> good to hear, I will try with shorter cables
[07:57:47] <hasd> 20 cm?
[07:57:54] <hasd> would 20 cm be fine
[07:57:57] <hasd> or still long?
[07:58:39] <OndraSter> that is fine
[07:58:59] <hasd> I will try with shorter cables, thank you
[07:59:41] <hasd> is it important if all cables have the same lenght?
[07:59:52] <hasd> or would it be fine to have some differences like 3-4 cm?
[08:00:25] <OndraSter> they should be all the same
[08:00:27] <OndraSter> should.
[08:00:44] <hasd> thank you
[09:21:09] <nusse> i have a char *foo = "hello"; which is not getting initialized as it seems. foo[2] works (by optimizations i guess), volatile int i = 2; foo[i] gives garbage, any hints?
[09:29:15] <yunta> nusse: do you use any weird linker-script?
[09:30:47] <Malinuss> O FUCK NEW DATASHEETS ON ATMEL!!!!
[09:30:53] <Malinuss> WOW DEM COLORS!
[09:30:56] <Malinuss> BLUEEE
[09:34:29] <yunta> hehe, I was also in shock when switching to xmega
[09:34:47] <yunta> not only blue stuff, but also you need 2 specs instead of one
[09:37:32] <Malinuss> yunta, what do you mean 2 specs?
[09:38:34] <yunta> for xmega, there is one general spec, with all subcomponents/registers/etc explained
[09:38:40] <yunta> and one specific - per-device
[09:38:58] <yunta> like, separate for A3U and A4U
[09:39:57] <Malinuss> yunta, oh god. I don't even want to know how the 32bit ones are!
[09:46:26] <yunta> Malinuss: I'm quite surprised it's actually not that bad a split. I end up using one of them only most of the time. Dev-specific in schema/pcb-design phase, and general one mostly in sw-development phase.
[09:49:42] <hasd> I have atmega168pa and AVR dragon. I connect them according to the figure 12 on http://www.atmel.no/webdoc/avrdragon/avrdragon.SCKT3200A2.html but I get "Unable to enter programming mode. The read device ID does not match the selected device or any other supported devices. Please verify device selection, interface settings, target power and connections to the target device." on atmelstudio 6. I select Tools > Device programming > Tool: AVR
[09:49:56] <hasd> device atmega168pa; Interface ISP
[09:50:45] <hasd> do I need to apply power on AVC pin as well (pin 20)?
[09:51:22] <hasd> any idea what could be wrong with it? I place another atmega168pa, I get the same error that it cannot verify the IC
[09:53:13] <nusse> yunta: no
[09:53:57] <nusse> avr-gcc -Os -mmcu=attiny2313 -Wall
[10:01:37] <hasd> how do I need to set fuses for atmega168pa?
[10:03:31] <hasd> what do I need to set for BOOTSZ, BODLEVEL and SUT_CKSEL?
[10:26:36] <creep> h
[10:50:16] <creep> quick brain exercise anybody? :)
[10:50:40] <creep> how would you convert 1.8V logic to 5V ? let it be fast
[10:51:03] <prpplague> creep: with a level shifter
[10:51:52] <prpplague> creep: what are you converting? uart? i2c? GPIO?
[10:52:01] <creep> fw ns latency would do
[10:52:04] <creep> (anything)
[10:53:04] <prpplague> creep: well it will depend on whether it needs to be bi-directional or unidirectional
[10:53:12] <prpplague> creep: that will impact latency
[10:53:22] <creep> no it does not need bidirectional
[10:54:59] <creep> problem: you have 1.8V out pin, and want to switch something at 5V, (or more)
[10:55:02] <prpplague> then most generic level shifters with dual voltage rails will handle it
[10:55:22] <creep> define level shifters
[10:55:42] <creep> i'd be interested in what method you suggest
[10:58:42] <prpplague> http://ics.nxp.com/products/levelshifters/all/
[10:59:09] <prpplague> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic_level
[11:02:00] <creep> nice
[11:02:22] <creep> can we assume some of them can do 1.8V to 5V ?
[11:02:39] <creep> what if you want to convert to 12V level?
[11:25:59] <creep> ahaha http://ics.nxp.com/packaging/diamond/
[12:05:54] <MarcusOhman> Hello! i just picked up my AVR programming from last year where i used AtmelStudio 5.0, now i downloaded 6.0, copied my files but it failed to build with errors:
[12:06:18] <MarcusOhman> "attempt to use poisoned SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE2"
[12:06:46] <MarcusOhman> same with SIG_PIN_CHANGE1
[12:06:53] <MarcusOhman> as i recall i didnt have this error a year ago
[12:07:00] <MarcusOhman> not sure what it means
[12:09:11] <OndraSter> SIG_ stuff is deprecated
[12:09:14] <OndraSter> has been for some time now
[12:09:18] <OndraSter> change it to ISR() stuff
[12:09:31] <MarcusOhman> oh okay
[12:11:24] <MarcusOhman> ISR(SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE2) { myFun() } is how i used it
[12:12:04] <OndraSter> ISR(OUTPUT_COMPARE_vect)
[12:17:36] <MarcusOhman> ISR(TIMER2_COMP_vect) seemed to be the same
[12:18:02] <OndraSter> that is what I ment, yes
[12:18:16] <MarcusOhman> okay thanks for help
[12:28:43] <OndraSter> wow abcminiuser, Microsoft is using a lot of atmel chips in Surface Pro :)
[12:28:52] <OndraSter> be it some avr32 cored chip, then some touchscreen controllers
[12:28:53] <OndraSter> and what not
[12:29:01] <OndraSter> http://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/Microsoft+Surface+Pro+Teardown/12842/1
[12:29:10] <abcminiuser> OndraSter, my lips are sealed :P
[12:29:37] <OndraSter> :D
[12:29:43] <OndraSter> do you know more?
[12:29:59] <OndraSter> than what is in the teardown analysis :P
[12:30:15] <creep> btw, what computer stuff contains AVR flash microcontrollers?
[12:30:24] <OndraSter> AVR flash micros?
[12:30:27] <creep> yeah
[12:30:31] <OndraSter> what does that mean?
[12:30:35] <creep> so i know what not to throw out
[12:30:53] <creep> you know, the reprogrammable type atmel chips
[12:30:54] <OndraSter> well HTC HD2 has got atmega88 or something similar
[12:31:05] <OndraSter> then many stuff has got avr32 stuff
[12:31:08] <abcminiuser> creep, more than you think
[12:31:11] <OndraSter> yep
[12:31:19] <OndraSter> and touchscreen stuff is a LOT of times atmel
[12:31:23] <abcminiuser> Jupp
[12:32:11] <OndraSter> the more "professional" you go, the more atmel stuff you usually see :)
[12:33:51] <OndraSter> anyway, time to go to the pub, beer ftw!
[12:35:37] <creep> i never seen any ;/
[12:36:00] <creep> but i have 2 atmega8 from 2 bldc controllers from RC area
[12:36:23] <creep> i always see atmel chips as flash chips only in stuff
[12:44:19] <abcminiuser> creep, you know we could laser etch a picture of a duck on the ICs if you bought enough at once?
[12:45:00] <creep> abcminiuser<< yes, definitely
[12:45:28] <creep> abcminiuser<< i'd write BC182 on the mosfets, and NE555 on the 200 pin FPGA
[12:45:37] <abcminiuser> Bwahahahaha
[12:45:47] <abcminiuser> Cyberdyne Systems
[12:46:13] <abcminiuser> "THIS SIDE UP"
[12:46:18] <creep> ^^
[12:46:53] <creep> "This is where the magic happens"
[12:49:22] <creep> "FRAGILE"
[12:49:44] <creep> "50Gs max."
[13:06:20] <creep> abcminiuser<< you work in factory producing atmels?
[13:12:36] <Malinuss> creep, haha
[17:08:12] <turutk> hello
[17:08:29] <turutk> i have a problem with my atmega32.
[17:09:14] <turutk> there is a volatile uint16_t variable which should increment every time the interrupt kicks in
[17:09:22] <turutk> but no matter what i do i cannot get it to increment
[17:14:09] <[w_w]> interrupt is not firing?
[17:15:18] <turutk> interrupt is working fine
[17:15:20] <[w_w]> you could try to clean your sources and recompile. sometimes faulty build systems get mixed up and don't produce the code you wanted.
[17:15:38] <[w_w]> how do you know your interrupt is working?
[17:16:57] <tzanger> that was my question
[17:17:09] <tzanger> if the volatile int isn't incrementing it would indicate the interrupt isn't firing
[17:17:33] <tzanger> also a pastebin of the startup code and interrupt handler would go a long way to helping us help him
[17:18:19] <turutk> i am trying to make a led matrix with 74hc595 s
[17:19:00] <turutk> in interrupt i have row[asd], asd should increment to fetch new data
[17:19:00] <[w_w]> shift regs I presume?
[17:19:13] <turutk> [w_w]: yes
[17:19:35] <turutk> if i put a number instead of the variable, it works
[17:19:50] <turutk> if i put in cli(); nothing works as expected
[17:20:08] <turutk> and i can make a led blink using the interrupt
[17:20:17] <[w_w]> cli is not needed in a normal interrupt context.
[17:20:33] <[w_w]> interrupts are 'normaly' not interruptable.
[17:21:56] <turutk> i used different different shift registers, today i switched to 74hc595s, modified the code now it doesn't increment
[17:24:40] <[w_w]> in general. roll back your code to the last known working version. or reduce your code to the simplest working state, and slowly re-add your modifications checking along the way.
[17:25:17] <[w_w]> also don't change hardware & software at the same time.
[17:26:56] <turutk> new hardware works completely differently so i needed to modify the code
[17:39:06] <tzanger> [w_w]: getting into the habit of tossing your code into even a local git repo and committing even trivial changes is something people don't often learn until it's too late
[17:39:26] <tzanger> and yes, first rule of engineering: change one thing at a time!
[17:41:45] <[w_w]> tzanger, :) git diff finds you those nasty bugs you wrote for yourself.
[17:47:05] <tzanger> trust me i know
[17:47:20] <tzanger> I've learned this particular lesson a few times, which is embarassing
[17:48:11] <turutk> i solved my problem
[17:48:14] <turutk> i have no idea how
[17:48:26] <tzanger> I would hesitate to call it solved then :-)
[17:48:30] <tzanger> what did you do to fix it?
[17:49:32] <turutk> i made a lot of chances
[17:49:45] <turutk> but my guess is that the change in latch refresh function did it
[17:50:08] <tzanger> good luck in your evolutionary approach to software development. :-)
[17:51:44] <turutk> got frustrated trying everything one by one
[17:52:08] <turutk> if it didn't work, i would have problem reverting back
[18:16:59] <[w_w]> turutk, thats what a version control system is for.
[18:25:54] <amee2woof> hrm
[18:26:05] <amee2woof> hmm what are the current cheapo arduino clones these days?
[18:26:39] <Malinuss> amee2woof, a isp programmer and a atmega chip... less then 10$, and only 1,5$ for the next
[18:26:45] <Malinuss> ;D
[18:26:56] <amee2woof> lol
[18:27:19] <amee2woof> i'm looking some cheap dev board to use for a project that i want USB for
[18:27:28] <Horologium> if you have a parallel port, 4 wires, a couple of batteries, and an AVR.
[18:27:45] <Horologium> with a few more wires you can do it without the battery.
[18:28:01] <Malinuss> amee2woof, the isp programmer uses the usb?
[18:28:08] <amee2woof> i have some mega88s around and an AVRISP... thats how i'm prototyping it right now
[18:28:32] <amee2woof> but this is getting interesting enough to make a permanent setup, hence looking for a cheapo dev board to use
[18:28:35] <Horologium> as for arduino, no clue...I avoid the ardweeny world like the plague...
[18:29:08] <amee2woof> doesn't have to be arduino compatible but should work with an avr-gcc / avrdude based toolchain
[18:29:09] <Malinuss> amee2woof, you can try and look up the teensy, but I still don't understand what it is you want. What do you want usb for?
[18:29:35] <amee2woof> its a PTZ camera mount project and it takes position information from a host computer
[18:30:47] <amee2woof> using a RS232 to TTL adapter for the breadboarded version
[18:31:10] <amee2woof> but if i want a dev board anyway i can just as well use one that has USB on it... unless there is a really dirt cheap one without USB
[18:31:26] <Horologium> get one of the little usb boards from Tom_itx
[18:31:53] <Malinuss> ^
[18:32:17] <amee2woof> got a linky?
[18:32:48] <Horologium> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/commerce/commerce_index.php
[18:32:57] <Horologium> $16.00
[18:33:21] <Horologium> ATMega32U2 on a nice teeny little board.
[18:33:35] <Horologium> easy enough to put header pins on it and stick it in a solderless breadboard or in a socket.
[18:33:44] <amee2woof> i like the price tag on that one
[18:33:46] <Horologium> has a usb bootloader onboard.
[18:33:54] <Horologium> I have one and is nice little toy.
[18:34:00] <Horologium> I also got one of his programmers
[18:34:05] <Horologium> works great too.
[18:34:45] <amee2woof> is that 5V IO?
[18:34:45] <tzanger> avr-libc is the shit
[18:34:46] <tzanger> I love it
[18:35:02] <tzanger> fastest spin-up I've ever done, and I've been at this for 15+ years
[18:35:15] <amee2woof> and what weird connector is that for the USB input? o.O
[18:35:16] <Horologium> amee2woof, not sure if the i/o is 5V compatible..let me look up the chip.
[18:35:24] <OndraSter> it is
[18:35:28] <OndraSter> do you require 5V IO?
[18:35:32] <Horologium> it's a mini-usb...or whatever it's called.
[18:35:43] <Horologium> bigger than cellphone, smaller than usb-B
[18:35:44] <amee2woof> yes. the servos i'm using won't run on 3.3V
[18:35:59] <OndraSter> I hope you are not going to drive them directly
[18:36:01] <Horologium> ok,,the outputs won't be 5V...but it looks like it will accept 5V inputs.
[18:36:23] <OndraSter> huh, I thought that all mega are 5V usually
[18:36:25] <OndraSter> even the USB ones
[18:36:36] <amee2woof> Horologium: ah, good. cables for that are all over the place. i had a major facedesk moment when i noticed the raspberry boards use the obscure mobile phone connector for power
[18:36:38] <OndraSter> they have just builtin 3v3 regulator for the USB
[18:36:46] <OndraSter> obscure...
[18:36:50] <OndraSter> microUSB ftw
[18:36:57] <OndraSter> my boards use microUSB because it is common now
[18:37:13] <amee2woof> because the phone cables are like the next best thing to wallet rape. and i shit myself every time i touch it so i don't break the connector
[18:37:28] <OndraSter> I broke miniUSB few times
[18:37:32] <OndraSter> never microUSB actually
[18:37:39] <Horologium> microUSB is the larger of the two, yes?
[18:37:47] <amee2woof> the mini is the larger one
[18:37:57] <amee2woof> micro is the obscure phone connector one
[18:38:08] <amee2woof> and yes, people tend to use the two names interchangably :3
[18:38:12] <Horologium> yeah...
[18:38:15] <Horologium> just looked it up.
[18:38:34] <amee2woof> mini usb cables are pretty much all over the place because so many card readers, hubs and what not use them
[18:39:10] <amee2woof> noone used micro usb except for some smartphones... but who cares for a 20$ cable if you buy a 800$ phone
[18:39:28] <Horologium> my phone uses micro...
[18:39:42] <OndraSter> every noniPhone uses micro
[18:39:44] <OndraSter> new one
[18:39:47] <Horologium> samsung galaxy Y
[18:40:07] <OndraSter> only iphone is the odd one right now
[18:40:12] <amee2woof> besides that the micro one is like 10% smaller at best... kinda useless to have to incompatible connectors for the same form factor imo
[18:40:48] <dunz0r> The micro one has small hooks that stops it from coming loose. I quite like them
[18:40:56] <OndraSter> yep
[18:41:06] <OndraSter> amee2woof, it is thinner
[18:41:15] <OndraSter> and much more robust
[18:41:17] <Horologium> maybe this weekend I'll try loading avrdude on my tablet and see if I can use my usb avr programmer from android tablet.
[18:41:19] <amee2woof> mmh so who had that USB mega32U board again?
[18:41:27] <Horologium> Tom_itx does.
[18:41:27] <OndraSter> Tom_itx
[18:41:32] <OndraSter> I have got xmega boards
[18:41:47] <OndraSter> Horologium, ask megal0maniac if he appears here
[18:41:51] <OndraSter> he tried that
[18:41:56] <amee2woof> no, i meant has, as in used it before. to see if it is 5V output or all 3.3
[18:41:57] <OndraSter> only it was an android phone
[18:42:18] <Horologium> amee2woof, it is 3.3V outputs...but 5V compliant inputs.
[18:43:24] <Horologium> I think you can run it at 5V though.
[18:44:03] <amee2woof> "think" doesn't really help :3
[18:44:19] <amee2woof> just checked the servo control pins... they don't float to 5V on their own
[18:44:41] <Horologium> the chip will run at 5V
[18:44:48] <Horologium> not sure how the board is setup though.
[18:45:11] <amee2woof> mmh k... then i'll have to wait for Tom_itx to come on and ask
[18:45:12] <Horologium> I haven't driven anything but buttons with it so far so haven't actually used it for output.
[18:45:15] <Horologium> yeah.
[18:45:22] <Horologium> he are ye olde expert as he maked it.
[18:46:31] <amee2woof> lol, arduino uno for 3EUR from hong kong
[18:46:38] <amee2woof> wonder if these actually arrive XD
[18:47:11] <Horologium> probably.
[18:47:27] <OndraSter> not
[18:47:34] <amee2woof> this year? :>
[18:47:41] <OndraSter> at all
[18:47:42] <Horologium> well, now you are pushing it.
[18:47:48] <amee2woof> >_>
[18:47:52] <amee2woof> i know, i have high standards