#avr | Logs for 2013-02-23

[02:31:24] <Grievar> so if I have code that's identical between a whole bunch of microcontrollers except for a single byte which differs between them
[02:31:42] <Grievar> what's the best way to make it so that that single byte is not part of the .hex file but is instead changed after the .hex file is uploaded?
[02:32:03] <Grievar> it could be stored in flash or EEPROM whichever makes more sense
[02:32:14] <Grievar> EEPROM survives fewer write cycles right?
[02:33:55] <Grievar> also: I noticed that my interrupt routines spend a lot of cycles pushing registers before it uses them. Is there any way I can get avr-gcc to be smart enough that it just reserves certain registers for the interrupts?
[02:34:13] <Grievar> I want my interrupts faster
[02:39:03] <rue_bed> write them in asm
[02:39:16] <rue_bed> gcc prolly uses all the registers it saves
[05:02:45] <RikusW> http://erratasec.blogspot.com/2013/02/multi-core-scaling-its-not-multi.html
[05:03:53] <Steffanx> ha mr stumble upon !
[05:06:02] <RikusW> the stumbling block is back :-P
[05:10:50] <OndraSter_> somebody stumbles
[05:10:52] <OndraSter_> I get up!
[05:19:47] <Grievar> Is there any harm in reading from TWDR when the status doesn't warrant it?
[05:22:03] <OndraSter_> yes
[05:22:10] <OndraSter_> it can be in the middle of the rx
[05:22:15] <OndraSter_> and you can read wrong data
[05:24:09] <Grievar> OndraSter_: more specifically, is there any harm in reading TWDR when TWINT is set, if the status is not one of the "data received" statuses?
[05:24:27] <OndraSter_> huh?
[05:24:55] <OndraSter_> reading any register does not block hardware to write it
[05:25:01] <OndraSter_> if that is what you mean
[05:25:17] <Grievar> OndraSter_: I'm trying to minimize the time that the clock is stretched, so I'm making my interrupt handler read from TWSR and TWDR as the very first thing it does and then clear TWINT immediately. My question is, does reading TWDR have any side effects? Like does reading from it do something even if I don't use that value?
[05:25:38] <OndraSter_> no
[05:25:43] <Grievar> ok
[08:08:31] <rti> Hey guys. Do you know a reason why my atmega1284p does strange things as soon as I allocate an array with 512 bytes on the stack? There should be enough RAM available. Is there some limitation I am not thinking of? It is a C program compiled with avr-gcc 4.6.2.
[09:01:58] <Grievar> rti: where does the stack start?
[09:02:17] <Tom_itx> it shows in the data sheet i believe
[09:06:55] <rti> &__stack == 0x40ff and &_end == 0x1f03 and the address of my 512byte array is 0x4047
[09:07:36] <rti> (atmega1284p has 16kb RAM)
[09:09:18] <rti> addresses > 0x4000 are quite interesting then, btw :)
[10:18:17] -asimov.freenode.net:#avr- [freenode-info] channel flooding and no channel staff around to help? Please check with freenode support: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp
[10:47:18] <solexious> Could anyone give me a recomendation for a replacement IC? I had been working a design around the tiny25, but I forgot that using the reset pin as io would mean I need a high voltage programmer to reprogram it. What would you recommend me to use that is the same as the tiny25 but with an extra 1 (or more) io?
[11:15:48] <OndraSter_> only tiny2313 is somewhere in between
[11:15:57] <OndraSter_> or 1638 or 1634 or whatever was the number
[11:21:15] <Tom_itx> huh?
[11:26:39] <solexious> OndraSter_: okie dokie, annoyingly I was thinking of using the tiny2313 in the first place :)
[11:27:49] <OndraSter_> Tom_itx, ?
[11:27:56] <OndraSter_> it is 16xx, I can't remember the number right now
[11:28:07] <OndraSter_> but it had 38 or 48 in it
[11:28:13] <OndraSter_> it was 16kB device
[11:28:26] <OndraSter_> pretty much mix of tiny2313 and mega168 I think
[11:28:30] <basiclaser> firefox os simulator just detected that my laptop battery was low ^ ^ now that is html5 at work :D
[11:28:45] <solexious> http://www.atmel.com/devices/ATtiny1634.aspx ?
[11:28:54] <OndraSter_> yees
[11:29:27] <solexious> oooh, thats nice
[11:31:51] <rue_house> basiclaser, on windows?
[11:32:05] <basiclaser> osx
[11:32:18] <rue_house> ah
[11:34:29] <basiclaser> great web apis :)
[11:35:05] <tjtr33> recommended toolchain for avr assembly? I will be using arduino uno on ubuntu 10.04. thx!
[11:37:57] <OndraSter_> avr gcc
[11:38:03] <OndraSter_> what else?
[11:39:35] <rue_house> tjtr33, gavrasm
[11:39:49] <OndraSter_> oh
[11:39:52] <OndraSter_> avs asm
[11:40:00] <OndraSter_> ignore me :)
[11:40:04] <rue_house> its not compatible with studio completely, but I likeed it better
[11:40:27] <tjtr33> ? do you mean the pkgs named 'gcc-avr' and 'avra' ?
[11:40:43] <tjtr33> just going by the pkg names in ubuntu repos
[11:40:45] <rue_house> tjtr33, no, he didn't hear you wanted assembler, his answer was for C
[11:40:52] <rue_house> tjtr33, gavrasm
[11:40:59] <rue_house> its not compatible with studio completely, but I likeed it better
[11:41:00] <tjtr33> hey thx anyways
[11:41:10] <rue_house> hello....
[11:41:31] <rue_house> tjtr33, gavrasm for assembler on avrs
[11:42:27] <tjtr33> thx, what about a loader for the gavrasm's output
[11:42:38] <rue_house> avrdude
[11:42:38] <OndraSter_> avrdude
[11:42:55] <tjtr33> thx, will begin there!
[11:43:07] <rue_house> I dont think you understand
[11:43:51] <tjtr33> ? get gavarm to build files and avrdude to upload
[11:44:34] <tjtr33> i havent read about them yet of course, you just told me bout 'em
[11:45:01] <rue_house> have you ever done assembler?
[11:45:26] <tjtr33> hc11 8051 8048 pic
[11:45:35] <rue_house> oo 8048
[11:45:37] <rue_house> on linux?
[11:46:03] <tjtr33> me old! on many old computer and pic and 8051 on linux
[11:46:24] <rue_house> what hardware do you use for flashing 8048?
[11:46:34] <tjtr33> emp21
[11:46:57] <rue_house> hmm that looks like about $100
[11:47:29] <tjtr33> if you can find, and add in the 'personality' modules
[11:48:24] <rue_house> wow, digikey wants over $700 for it
[11:48:27] <tjtr33> wait, what didnt i understand about gavrasm & avrdude
[11:48:49] <rue_house> neither are an ide, sounded like thats what you expected
[11:48:49] <tjtr33> plz
[11:49:32] <tjtr33> oh, no, thats ok, a text editor and an assembler and an upload tool and a cable description are fine
[11:50:57] <tjtr33> i think i can try with what you suggested and come back here when i eff it up :)
[11:51:19] <tjtr33> bye for now
[16:55:21] * ferdna is batman.
[16:57:01] * Horologium is,,,,ummm,,,me...
[17:06:05] <OndraSter> batmaaaaaaan
[17:27:54] <creep> supermaaaan
[17:28:38] <creep> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1F1OpRxY-k
[17:28:51] <creep> nyc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcDN409ZBv4
[22:04:28] <Tom_itx> RifRaf how you weathering the storm?
[22:05:26] <RifRaf> sun is out, am back in the grid
[22:05:37] <Tom_itx> did you loose power??
[22:05:39] <RifRaf> still 10000 others flooding in and no power though
[22:05:44] <RifRaf> yep 3 days
[22:05:48] <Tom_itx> no gen?
[22:05:59] <RifRaf> and had generator but no internet
[22:06:03] <Tom_itx> i was out for 8-10 once but used the gen
[22:06:12] <Tom_itx> ice storm a few years back
[22:06:15] <RifRaf> i weathered it fine, even powered the neighbours house
[22:06:41] <Tom_itx> got about 15 or so inches of snow here
[22:06:44] <RifRaf> was one of the bigger ones though
[22:06:49] <Tom_itx> with another 15 due next week
[22:07:01] <RifRaf> 230km ghour winds up the coast, about 100 here, trees down everywhere
[22:09:05] <RifRaf> looks like triffid must still be cut off eh
[22:10:16] <Tom_itx> #smoothieware 10 hours 31 min ago saying
[22:10:30] <Tom_itx> Triffid_Hunter was last seen in
[22:11:04] <RifRaf> k good
[22:11:29] <RifRaf> how nice is the sun when its just been torrential for days
[22:12:00] <Tom_itx> i was out 2 days of work due to the snow storm
[22:12:01] <RifRaf> ok back online, where was i up to then
[22:13:55] <RifRaf> well me computer at work is still on, so no blackout there
[22:14:07] <RifRaf> can keep working on the new gripper
[22:14:50] <RifRaf> so anything new Tom_itx?
[22:15:28] <Tom_itx> nothing to talk about really
[22:17:09] <RifRaf> saw some nice road washaways this morn, likw 2 meter deep by 8 meters routed by the water
[22:17:26] <RifRaf> was just going to check out the river but there was no road :)
[22:17:32] <Tom_itx> heh
[22:17:43] <RifRaf> but walked and got some pics anyway
[22:17:46] <Tom_itx> how long will it take em to get repaird?
[22:18:28] <RifRaf> there is so much damage will take a few days, but so many crews out fixing power and stuff, is impressive
[22:18:55] <RifRaf> they are using all terrain vehicles and helicopters even, making new tracks and stuff
[23:46:52] * Casper throw a paperball at ferdna