#avr | Logs for 2013-02-15

[01:31:11] <creep> hahaha this guy got bored "My Neodymium Magnet Powered Catapult" http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LYq2hHleLeM#!
[01:37:31] <r00t^home> creep: it's missing the part where it's armed...
[14:17:28] <RikusW> The new gerber spec: http://www.ucamco.com/en-us/downloads.aspx
[14:17:42] <RikusW> anyone here got experience with that ?
[14:18:55] <RikusW> naquada bomb... RUN !!!
[14:22:10] <OndraSter_> you can get a cookie for referencing SG :)
[14:24:52] <RikusW> :)
[14:25:13] <Steffanx> I bet RikusW is an active cookie blocker
[14:25:38] * RikusW don't care about web cookies
[14:26:46] <Steffanx> but you do care about useless bandwidth
[14:28:16] <RikusW> yep
[14:28:20] <RikusW> cookies are small
[14:28:58] <Steffanx> So is your bandwidth
[14:30:34] <RikusW> thats until I get on ADSL again sometime ;)
[15:12:57] <RikusW> seems like it might not be that hard to create gerber files :)
[15:13:33] <OndraSter_> yeah... "how hard can it be" "hold my beer"
[15:13:36] <OndraSter_> I always say that, too
[15:15:18] <RikusW> the whole RS274X spec is only 123 pages
[15:15:46] <OndraSter_> well USB spec is not very long either :)
[15:16:02] <OndraSter_> (counting one USB spec + HID/CDC)
[18:55:32] <jadew> here's something cool http://pixlr.com/editor/
[18:55:43] <Tom_itx> yours?
[18:55:47] <jadew> nope
[18:56:01] <jadew> just found out about it myself
[18:57:21] <jadew> seems to handle zooming in and out properly too
[18:58:26] <wakko> yay i wrote my first buffered uart class using interrupts :)
[18:59:34] <Tom_itx> class?
[18:59:42] <Tom_itx> you usin c++ ?
[18:59:56] <wakko> yes, far away from asm, i am using c++ :)
[19:00:16] <wakko> for educational purpose
[19:00:21] <Tom_itx> what advantage if any does c++ have over c on a µC?
[19:00:47] <wakko> modularity, templates, code reusability
[19:00:55] <jadew> bzzzzzzzzz
[19:01:01] <wakko> :)
[19:01:04] <jadew> you don't really need that :P
[19:01:08] <wakko> i know
[19:01:10] <Tom_itx> i reuse most of my code
[19:01:13] <wakko> it's for educational purpose
[19:01:20] <jadew> and you have code reusability with c too :)
[19:01:26] <ali1234> you can :)
[19:01:43] <ali1234> you have to be disciplined though
[19:01:50] <wakko> C misses templated code :(
[19:02:03] <ali1234> C++ enforces it weakly... java enforces it strongly
[19:02:05] <jadew> however, is nicer to have a class when you have the same resource twice or more
[19:02:13] <jadew> like two UARTs
[19:02:23] <jadew> or two LCDs, or whatever
[19:02:24] <wakko> template <unsigned int ID> class UART : public Stream
[19:02:33] <wakko> oop style
[19:02:59] <jadew> meh, if you're gonna do it that way, then you could do it with macros
[19:03:16] <jadew> and you could avoid using the this pointer
[19:03:33] <wakko> i dont use allocation and most of the functions are inline
[19:03:41] <jadew> since even if the class is customized for that specific uart, it will still be an object
[19:03:48] <wakko> true
[19:04:30] <wakko> but i like to think that maybe one day i can exchange my UART for a file descriptor just by changing one line
[19:04:45] <jadew> I do prefer to compile stuff with g++ instead of gcc, because it has a bit more flexibility in some regards and I'm used to that kind of coding
[19:06:02] <wakko> i agree
[19:06:32] <jadew> for example I hate using 1 instead of true
[19:06:38] <wakko> :)
[19:06:45] <wakko> you could add a define
[19:06:53] <jadew> I know it's the same thing, but it makes so much sense to use true when you're doing boolean logic
[19:06:59] <jadew> yeah... but still
[19:07:12] <wakko> the big plus of g++ is meta programming to me
[19:07:57] <jadew> yeah, I'm not into that for uC's, because when you're instantiating a template with different parameters, you'll generate NEW code
[19:08:08] <jadew> it will need the same functions twice, for the same stuff
[19:08:22] <wakko> it's a trade off
[19:08:25] <jadew> and space is not normally a luxury you have
[19:08:58] <wakko> but i agree
[19:09:31] <wakko> meta programming is a luxury to me :)
[19:09:59] <wakko> so i use it sparesly
[19:10:49] <wakko> anyway we'll see, it's just the begining
[19:10:53] <wakko> i have to go
[19:11:00] <jadew> see ya
[19:11:05] <wakko> see ya
[19:11:07] <jadew> I'm gonna go play some d3 :D
[19:11:20] <jadew> they fixed it
[19:11:22] <wakko> d3 ?
[19:11:27] <jadew> diablo 3
[19:11:30] <wakko> :)
[19:11:31] <wakko> ok
[19:33:34] <Grievre> What are the differences in power characteristics between the atmega328 and 328p?
[23:33:22] <Xark> Grievre: Hmm, checkout datasheets for exact difference, but http://rajeshkovvuri.wordpress.com/2011/11/01/atmega328p-and-atmega328-what-is-the-difference/ claims "an extra mA or two" for non-P chips.
[23:34:26] <Xark> Grievre: Hmm, no BOD disable on P part is interesting...
[23:35:30] <Casper> you sure it don't have a disable?
[23:40:48] <Xark> Casper: Well, that is according to a post on AVRFreaks (and also on another thread). I have not compared datasheets.
[23:42:02] <Casper> checking datasheet
[23:42:04] <Casper> once it will be downloaded
[23:43:32] <Xark> Casper: Here is the post -> http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=112972 I think I was backwards though, " For one, the BOD disable is not available on the non-P part. "
[23:44:18] <Casper> the datasheet say that there is 3 bits in the fuses for the BOD
[23:44:23] <Casper> setting all to 1 disable it
[23:44:35] <Xark> Casper: On 328P or 328?
[23:44:42] <Casper> 328p
[23:45:15] <Xark> Casper: Yeah, as I mentioned I believe I read the post wrong and it is 328 that has no BOD disable (if post correct).
[23:48:03] <Xark> Casper: OK, no "software" disable (may still have fuses).
[23:48:16] <Casper> can'T find the 328 datasheet
[23:57:34] <Xark> Casper: OK, in case you really care, apparently only chips that define BODSE implement sleep_bod_disable() in avr-libc. However, there is no separate iom328.h file (just iom328p.h), so still inconclusive for 328 (but certainly not all AVRs do define it).
[23:58:15] <Casper> BOD is normally a fuse setting... and might not want to set it in code...
[23:58:35] <Xark> Casper: Right, this is an additional software enable/disable.
[23:58:45] <Xark> (i.e., at run-time)
[23:58:51] <Casper> and the police radio is kinda... depressing
[23:59:16] <Casper> you listen to them, and they always appears to be down... and relunctant to go anywhere...
[23:59:31] <Casper> you listen to the firefighter radio, and they are joyfull!