#avr | Logs for 2013-02-14

[03:28:49] <OndraTabby> 'sup
[03:36:05] <Tom_itx> the moon
[06:51:56] <creep> h
[06:52:10] <creep> who flies aircraft here?
[07:22:59] <Malinuss> creep, you mean RC?
[07:23:06] <creep> any
[07:23:33] <Malinuss> creep, yeah guess I do then
[07:23:35] <creep> need help in controls
[07:23:50] <Malinuss> controls?
[11:29:25] <rogerr> Does anyone know why an attiny would act oddly at ~5v and not at >4v ?
[11:30:01] <creep> it requires DC voltage
[11:30:57] <rogerr> sorry, when I say ~ I mean about 5v
[11:31:20] <creep> 5v is >4v so this sounds stupid
[11:31:35] <rogerr> when I say >4v
[11:31:39] <rogerr> I mean <4v
[11:31:42] <rogerr> derp
[11:31:45] <creep> gtfo
[11:32:25] <rogerr> cheers
[11:35:20] <rogerr> I'm not joking, at about 5v a simple blinking program acts oddly/irregularly but at less than 4v it works as expected
[11:37:46] <creep> i started blinking leds using 2 transistors, 2 capacitors, and 4 resistors
[11:38:03] <rogerr> were the capacitors for decoupling?
[11:38:21] <creep> astable multivibrator
[11:41:24] <Malinuss> was he for real?
[11:54:54] <creep> http://img.blog.163.com/photo/T0KASJv-PyUooN-ZLg_1dw==/5408823152472570545.jpg
[11:55:08] <creep> cmos gate astable
[11:56:49] <creep> simplest form http://www.premiumorange.com/daniel.robert9/Digit/images/Oscillateur_a_trigger_de_Schmitt.gif
[11:59:18] <creep> Malinuss<< he was probably lost, not sure how he got next to a microcontroller
[12:39:01] <Horologium> Happy anniversary of the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre!!!
[12:47:54] <tandoori> hello all
[12:50:26] <tandoori> I just wanted to let you know that the code worked (more or less)
[13:20:09] <OndraPC> well this is sad
[13:20:17] <OndraPC> the board even with replaced caps still does not start
[13:20:29] <OndraPC> there is one left, but that one does not look that bad plus it is the furthest one
[13:20:59] <OndraPC> 680uF/4V changed with 220uF/6.3V. I don't have any 680uF here. But it worked with two of them before for year and a half
[13:21:03] <OndraPC> I am not loading it with quadcore
[13:21:05] <OndraPC> but singlecore :P
[13:21:14] <OndraPC> plus one coil near RAM is totally black
[13:21:18] <OndraPC> which I don't think it was
[13:21:24] <OndraPC> another one right next to it is still greenish
[13:21:56] <RikusW> and the mosfets ?
[13:22:40] <OndraPC> no idea
[13:22:45] <OndraPC> probably died with it
[13:22:48] <OndraPC> I know I am not changing those
[13:22:51] <OndraPC> 7 of those...
[13:22:52] <OndraPC> SMD
[13:22:56] <OndraPC> caps were at least through hole
[13:22:59] <OndraPC> so I SMD mounted them from the bottom
[13:23:02] <RikusW> try measuring them using a diode tester
[13:23:04] <OndraPC> and ripped the old ones :P
[13:23:10] <OndraPC> hmm?
[13:23:15] <OndraPC> how?
[13:23:20] <OndraPC> you mean the "backward" diode?
[13:23:25] <RikusW> pinout is usually GDS
[13:23:27] <RikusW> yes
[13:23:29] <OndraPC> oh
[13:23:31] <OndraPC> in a sec
[13:23:33] <OndraPC> gotta afk
[13:23:47] <RikusW> +->S - -> D
[13:25:21] <RikusW> OndraPC: I can remove the caps easily enough, do{ heat one pin, pull a little, heat the other pin pull a little }while(cap is still stuck) ;)
[13:25:40] <RikusW> reverse to insert the new one
[13:26:06] <RikusW> use at least 350C
[13:26:20] <RikusW> or even 400C on RoHS
[13:26:32] <RikusW> or apply some lead solder
[13:26:43] <RikusW> that lowers melting point somewhat
[13:28:05] <RikusW> or rip and pull out the pins...
[13:28:29] <RikusW> Ondra the ripper :-P
[13:44:44] <OndraPC> RikusW: not on any boards I had. even if I added a bit of solder to the pin, it still wouldn't melt the pin's solder enough
[13:45:03] <OndraPC> plus even if you barely touch the caps, they were ripping from the pins already :P
[13:45:08] <OndraPC> so I simply ripped them off
[13:45:12] <OndraPC> and put the new ones from the bottom
[13:45:14] <RikusW> I unsoldered quite a few
[13:45:20] <OndraPC> (since they are tall/thin instead of small/fat)
[13:45:25] <OndraPC> some go, some don't
[13:45:27] <OndraPC> these did not
[13:45:32] <OndraPC> usually the blowed ones do not go
[13:45:46] <OndraPC> I grabbed one with pliers and it BLOWED THE ACID INTO MY FACE
[13:45:51] <OndraPC> well, just the smell
[13:45:55] <OndraPC> it was dried up
[13:46:43] <RikusW> ugh
[13:47:01] * RikusW got the AAT3681 liion charger working today :)
[13:47:17] <RikusW> charging the third battery so far
[13:47:46] <RikusW> at 50mA
[13:48:06] <RikusW> I'll probably connect a 6V 50mA solar panel to it
[13:48:14] <OndraPC> I should have gone to the bar - "I am sad, my friend died two days ago. He was only four years old.." "you poor person!" "yeah.. when he was two he already had a transplant"
[13:48:32] <RikusW> :-P
[13:48:47] <RikusW> replace with a PII :-P
[13:48:52] <OndraPC> haha
[13:48:56] <OndraPC> I have got here replacement
[13:48:59] <OndraPC> but windows won't boot on it
[13:49:05] <OndraPC> and I am not able to find usable driver and inject it
[13:49:10] <RikusW> use win95 ;)
[13:49:26] <RikusW> or better Linux :)
[13:49:37] <OndraPC> lool
[13:49:38] <OndraPC> lol
[13:49:39] <OndraPC> no
[13:50:04] <RikusW> guessed not...
[13:50:23] * RikusW actually got the original w95 cd
[13:50:37] <RikusW> no idea what to do with it....
[13:50:47] <OndraPC> I have got two sets of Win3.11 on 10 3.5" floppies
[13:50:55] <OndraPC> just as DOS 5.0 on two 5.25" floppies :)
[13:51:03] <OndraPC> I had W95 upgrade.. or was it 98 upgrade?
[13:51:16] <RikusW> I got DOS 6.22 as disk images somewhere
[13:51:23] <OndraPC> :)
[13:51:36] <OndraPC> I have got DOS 6.0 or something similar as a source code
[13:51:47] <RikusW> where did you get that ?
[13:52:30] <RikusW> to get the AAT3681 working I had to solder it first.... 0.5mm pitch IC
[13:52:36] <RikusW> without a PCB
[13:53:12] <OndraPC> I got it off thepiratebay
[13:53:14] <RikusW> did it similarly to the GTL IC
[13:53:20] <OndraPC> there are also pieces of NT4 and Win2k I think
[13:53:23] <OndraPC> with mostly networking stack
[13:53:33] <RikusW> wonder where that came from....
[13:53:36] <OndraPC> :)
[13:53:45] <RikusW> leaked by an angry ex M$ employee ?
[13:55:07] <Tom_itx> hey peeps
[13:55:37] <OndraPC> 'sup Tom
[14:00:07] <Tom_itx> not alot
[14:00:50] <OndraPC> fat pudding
[14:01:02] <OndraPC> I don't think I would ever come up with such nickname LOL
[14:01:40] <RikusW> FireFox is iritating, popups as many as 30 Download Error messageboxes :S so I fixed it
[14:01:41] <RikusW> w = FindWindow(0,"Download Error");
[14:01:41] <RikusW> SendMessage(w,WM_CLOSE,0,0);
[14:01:47] <RikusW> in a loop
[14:01:59] <OndraPC> lol
[14:01:59] <RikusW> works like a charm :)
[14:02:14] <RikusW> you can actually close other app windows...
[14:02:35] <RikusW> HIGHLY irritating to click ok on 40 boxes :S
[14:02:48] <RikusW> probably due to noscript and imglikeopera
[14:03:02] <RikusW> happens when saving a page...
[14:03:25] <OndraPC> so have you heard? Opera will be switching to webkit :(
[14:03:28] <OndraPC> another sad story
[14:03:37] <RikusW> whats webkit ?
[14:04:09] <OndraPC> web rendering engine
[14:04:10] <OndraPC> firefox, chrome, ... all use it
[14:04:18] <OndraPC> Opera had their own Presto engine
[14:06:11] <RikusW> OndraPC: full source http://pastebin.com/hx60A4UN
[14:07:16] <RikusW> I considered hacking FF itself, but this proved to be much easier than finding the right piece of code to hack
[14:12:32] <creep> OndraPC<< bad capacitors increase ripple current and voltage that kills cpu
[14:17:48] <OndraPC> I am pretty sure it would rather kill the FETs rather the CPU
[14:17:56] <creep> then you are wrong
[14:18:16] <creep> the fets will glow red-hot and be happy
[14:19:02] <creep> unless you short out the capacitors
[14:20:53] <RikusW> nice ds -> industrial.panasonic.com/www-data/pdf2/ACA4000/ACA4000CE240.pdf for 18650 liion
[14:21:33] <creep> they say those burn pretty well
[14:21:40] <creep> even underwater
[15:55:39] <TheAceOfHearts> http://i.imgur.com/cuaRRab.jpg I'm very excited :D
[15:56:05] <TheAceOfHearts> ATmega324A, which I'm gonna use for testing. And ATmega324PA for our project
[15:57:18] <Malinuss> TheAceOfHearts, what you making?
[15:57:48] <TheAceOfHearts> Laser Tag System which has bluetooth and connects to your phone for stat tracking and game modes.
[15:59:26] <TheAceOfHearts> it's a microprocessor interfacing project, what do you think?
[15:59:38] <TheAceOfHearts> it's 4 people
[16:03:18] <megal0maniac> Sounds very cool
[16:08:04] <Malinuss> TheAceOfHearts, how will it work? just like normal laser tag, just connected to your phone?
[16:08:05] <TheAceOfHearts> I hope we can actually pull it off haha :P
[16:08:58] <TheAceOfHearts> Well, it's gonna be with infrared. So the gun will have an IR LED which will send an ID, and the player vest (which is wired to the gun) will have some sensors in the front and some in the back
[16:11:54] <TheAceOfHearts> it has some extra stuff too: GPS (even though the phones have GPS… so it's pretty stupid, IMO), a Battery Monitor/Charger, Speaker
[16:15:03] <TheAceOfHearts> btw, does anyone know if it's possible to get a cheap AVR JTAG? we plan on using a serial connection with a computer to debug :\
[16:15:11] <TheAceOfHearts> since the JTAGs I've seen are pretty expensive
[16:15:21] <Tom_itx> dragon is $50
[16:15:24] <Tom_itx> does jtag
[16:15:25] <OndraPC> yep
[16:15:32] <OndraPC> jtagice3 is $99
[16:20:44] <TheAceOfHearts> well, I saw that I can order Atmel stuff 50% off from Digikey, but when I was looking at shipping prices they looked insanely high… like, $50 for 1lb
[16:23:50] <OndraPC> europe?
[16:23:56] <TheAceOfHearts> Puerto Rico
[16:36:15] <Aleks> digikey asks for $160 for packages to Macedonia :)
[16:36:20] <TheAceOfHearts> whoa
[16:41:08] <TheAceOfHearts> so.. how do I use the AVR Dragon? I'm considering it
[18:24:16] <Malinuss> what is the difference between: "Any edge of INTn generates asynchronously an interrupt request." "Any logical change on INT6 generates an interrupt request".. other then the obvious difference between which pin/s we are talking about?
[18:26:37] <ali1234> how should i organise my code tree when using lufa?
[20:23:15] <rue_bed> where is our lufa exterpt anyhow?
[20:25:36] <Horologium> I prefer natural sponges.
[20:26:08] <buhman> is it possible to, for some arbitrary intel hex, determine if it's actually AVR?
[20:26:26] <Horologium> not particularly.
[20:26:48] <buhman> :(
[20:26:50] <Horologium> unless you extracted it and looked at things like memory locations,,,like to determine if you have stuff in the interrupt vectors..
[20:27:01] <Horologium> it would take some work...
[20:27:04] <buhman> bleh
[20:27:15] <buhman> surely someone's made a hack that already does this
[20:27:38] <Horologium> knowing what the interrupt vector location is, and how large it is, if the program had any interrupts defined then it would be in there.
[20:27:49] <Horologium> possibly..never looked for one myself.
[20:36:22] <ali1234> buhman: you can try to disassemble it with avr-objdump i guess
[20:39:34] <ali1234> avr-objdump -b ihex -m avr -D file.hex
[20:41:59] <ali1234> fundamentally though, the question "is this random binary a valid AVR program" is a restatement of the halting problem :)
[21:47:24] <buhman> well, more like "random intel hex-formatted file"
[21:47:39] <buhman> surely that narrows it down :P
[21:48:46] <buhman> ali1234: so if I get a bunch of instructions printed out; does that conclusively indicate that it is AVR?
[21:49:00] <ali1234> nope, not at all
[21:49:15] <ali1234> you have to look at those instructions and make a call on if they make sense
[21:49:17] <buhman> though there are some "ddf6:07 00 .word0x0007; ????" and "de02:e2 93 stefanct -Z, r30; undefined"
[21:49:34] <ali1234> that looks pretty weird but you have to look at it in context
[21:50:37] <ali1234> i would expect something a bit like this at the start: http://pastebin.com/rFAn8qD1
[21:50:37] <ali1234> those are interrupt vectors i guess
[21:50:54] <ali1234> the rjmp followed by nop. and most are empty (all jump to same place)
[21:51:07] <buhman> so if there's anything but rjmp at the beginning, it's probably not avr?
[21:51:25] <ali1234> not necessarily
[21:52:00] <ali1234> if it's a load of random instructions that don't seem to have any sense to them... it's not AVR
[21:52:36] <ali1234> you can do this: avr-objdump -b binary -m avr -D any-file-you-want
[21:52:45] <buhman> http://sprunge.us/XcSO
[21:52:53] <ali1234> and you'll see "what it might look like if it's not AVR"
[21:53:10] <buhman> ali1234: well, in some cases I just get "File format not recognized"
[21:53:15] <ali1234> yeah see that doesn;t look totally random to me
[21:53:42] <buhman> sweet
[21:53:57] <ali1234> it's not conclusive though
[21:54:05] <ali1234> i mean, do you know what it's meant to do?
[21:54:15] <buhman> yes
[21:54:16] <buhman> it's an analog clock
[21:54:49] <ali1234> ok, but at a lower level? what peripherals does it use?
[21:55:20] <ali1234> you can look for peripheral access by searching for the address
[21:55:24] <buhman> erm, it's got fast ethernet and 802.11g
[21:56:05] <buhman> but otherwise a completely ordinary analog wall clock
[21:56:13] <buhman> that also happens to do NTP
[21:56:17] <ali1234> on an AVR?
[21:56:23] <buhman> :S apparently
[21:57:18] <ali1234> on closer inspection your paste looks a bit nonsense
[21:57:27] <buhman> the part that I suspect runs on an avr is only 32k, so I suspect it's a possibility...
[21:57:37] <ali1234> "only" 32k?
[21:58:02] <buhman> well yeah; quite a few atmegas have much more than that.
[21:58:14] <ali1234> i wouldn't say "quite a few" or "much more"
[21:58:25] <ali1234> 4/8/16 is fairly common
[21:58:29] <buhman> I would say "128k" is "much more"
[21:58:46] <buhman> and I have several of those; maybe that's just me :S
[21:59:04] <ali1234> where did you get this anyway? and why isn't it documented?
[21:59:33] <ali1234> alternatively: what makes you think it's AVR?
[22:00:07] <ali1234> it could be AVR32 or something
[22:00:13] <ali1234> in which case i have no idea
[22:00:46] <buhman> 1) from Primex 2) erm, because they like keeping secrets maybe? 3) nothing really; more like I just hope it is 4) that would be pretty cool actually
[22:01:35] <buhman> why would it need to be so powerful though? I don't think the avr is doing soft-mac or anything.
[22:01:42] <buhman> erm, "alleged avr"
[22:02:15] <buhman> I know there's an atheros chip on there doing the wireless.
[22:02:37] <ali1234> so it's part of a firmware for an unknown board?
[22:02:47] <ali1234> fair enough i guess
[22:03:03] <ali1234> you could convert the ihx to binary and then run strings on it, or even file
[22:03:33] <buhman> wonderful idea
[22:03:43] <ali1234> it might be ez-usb or pic
[22:03:50] <buhman> it has no usb :P
[22:03:56] <ali1234> pic then
[22:04:08] <buhman> surely avr-objcopy can do the magic, yes?
[22:04:08] <ali1234> hell, it could be about anything
[22:04:24] <ali1234> perhaps... there's loads of tools for ihx2bin
[22:06:01] <buhman> file says it's "data"; strings has a bunch of unintelligible garbage
[22:06:17] <buhman> do companies like this tend to obfuscate things magically?
[22:06:26] <ali1234> sure
[22:06:31] <ali1234> not usually in ihx format though
[22:06:49] <ali1234> if no strings, it could be compressed
[22:06:59] <ali1234> but if compressed, i would expect a bin file
[22:07:30] <ali1234> also, it doesn't look like compressed or encrypted if objdump could produce something as... ordered ... as it did - even if it made no sense
[22:07:47] <buhman> and the last ~8k is just "0xff"
[22:08:17] <ali1234> ihx has simple run length encryption built in
[22:08:25] <ali1234> *compression
[22:18:25] <ali1234> if 0xc000 is reset vector it could be freescale
[22:18:45] <ali1234> or a NES lol
[22:19:23] <Casper> or bootloader
[22:27:33] <ali1234> i just noticed something. byte sequence: 01 02 03 04 05 06 .. 0c appears right at the start
[22:28:01] <ali1234> those almost definitely aren't instructions
[22:28:50] <ali1234> i think you are looking at 32 bit instructions too